Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Jan 1914, p. 4

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q 't. .burn '. audIe the business bri' .litiy. While we veicoune NI ne y -te our'village, we are serry. t< loue Tardiff Bro,..,T - - - .tai ai -imes pleuaauý courte t4rad,~ Toronto.' a eblig, sudneveu ate t w o f the PreshYterlan duty, Weyjsh thei very su the 'pulpit lieue sud tJ irbtksluei verever $iiey -a Snnday, Jannary 1. cide :te locate. %anes- oe eY lu- Theiý ëT.Horace Peckever,- .~f~ucb~. - I OntO? -occPled the pulpit ci M& ~SALE. îPreiukyterian chum4h on Suadal "Rud a 'large quantîty of Peckôver Ia ainost. lnteetlu1 levü udellg1iýfuI speaker. His petto usinsc *1Anyrce leavpromptlat encý attracti; Possslng a nnlaoi Wl!*eo r ompt i bg hPeul countenrwce. and i Clsia uppular, and gF 'bumor hebeld, he1 t -vics, ira Waker Iof bis caers,. The. subipet ___________* 'C~k'w~1 il! ake"Whiat,,eust I do to lue Saved. sbom h hl , pto the cuy lk the. Tempeauce Uel"--1hllliplan Jaller vas told lu a jlot, and wlll ru thal f lutreptlng mand vlsid style, S'Iinwlthh btshalceuy huai- jMu. Norma Colwili, who b»u WW.Ceakwell bas beau, dola0, a ccnuciig tbe Temperance1 thaàery business- here fou -; thé e e for the - put thee. yeari yeams, and vil! ne dciibt sol&dOeut6idMr. Mark lilday. ibetrwbeu bel. settIed lu 'kiwi!! has kept a dean1, UP-j( -aises. We wlsb hlm' suc- bouse, sud tbe publie viii deel gret that he ln glving up«buq !--ian wfioba been visitiug Mr. Cei)liM was well aatlfled 0 c fou thfe.paût few ieeks, the patreuiageetbsbshu Il ~'oie. Mus. O'Brien sud UnabIe te get girls te assiat, + er, ;etuuned- with heur, tbehée useheld work, aud conseq M-~rs. Jas.-. Rgutle y -have 'IY Mus. Clvilbad, more vorli - \p 1 ig uToronto. Rcudmnaggo-.--Mfanid --iuch longer.. Je-4--rkta tbank thos. 4A g l È i ss f Jpatrôulzed thelu bote!.« )y - evexilng Liaie, the - MYRTLE STATION. -tome cfMI've was the sceneOcf Did auybd e rzn-nM avery peasa*t -event wben the last? beyetrzaonM Dangl4ero of tue Presbyteriu churcb J. E. Beacock & Sou, bad a and tue ebecir gatbeued together and - penîng sale on Monday last. gave àiss Tulle -Rebscu amuiscelian- 'their advt. on tbis page. eoohsiower lu houer cf ber . p- The C.P.R. had a çar et-al ~PeQacuin g u a lae. Ou rday even b rnt h e on Sunday ut, owin S omethiig, Fot. Cid Feet '. Newthatt4e.coid.winfiy weatbcr bas arrived, 'what abcoutiQos heavy Rubluers & Socis, Feit Boots, Oversboes and Rulubers? XY- are soli! agent for McPherson's lightning hitch hockey boots -and the taicus 41utornobil Skates. - RB. EIOAR The Bargain Shoe Store Brocke St. >Whltby ont1 I rote anada nIju uVmsawu &Land Co. I During the past 'threeweeks we have iisted many propris * inciuding Dwelli-ngs, Vacant Lots and Fams. - pris Te tixose who want te sall, we sa>'; - - 'List your proporties with the agents who are seiling.' To those who want te buy: "ýLook for a proerty troni the agents who are listing." Our sale s managers are at your service, Mn. Seller and Mr. & ROHADOO Messrs.'RICHARDSON R Cte D O SALES MANAGERS -~ -WIUIBV, - - ON~TARIO -M rClarence Rice leftt on Sat- c. uuday. te resume bis studios.at Trin-" j, lty - Coilege, Port Hope. -FIREE l ors will give a concert lu the Mete odiat 'Iýaberuacle ou Mouday eveirý ae month etf Janiuan>', one 25c Electrlc -JaenUary 19, ai 8 o'ciock. Admisr" every 5 gallons ef Royalite Coul Oi, te anùy 25c. Dou't.nils iis. s ame. Royalite Coal -Oi, 20C per galion. -more et the beat !amp burners-evor introduced Mn. -.T. liewe wishes ail tbose who aslsted hr, inibuting - votes ln th.-'s' 50c withoiu- handle, 70c each hnl opee contst, ndepnden andBellphonos now lu shep. lys. i --______ okli Onîa 0io a~e harpei uP-todate ernery Stene, vo ai voei, overy day, iA 'a satieaotg te. do r. ___________________e__service___________are-_ rf outptit cribers tetelephon foruervice atcal é-a being lstd. The fllwng l 8 ,ilt cd for those hie loves. dot mmd CMMSSIONEI RETiS RECOV-1-trcn dIin ete.c~ over eating . I l vw s com pl tely de- John an i s , n c ln..T.E Gchange - [os otheroydetr -G .R R ___de-ca,'_____nhs Commissioner David Becs, bead of N.R. Thomas, F. J. DUFF, MR,. A. B. DONOVAf', 1-Mry.. Seceofartpo , tom ath.the 8alvatleft -Ârmy i Cna, uFin, electitlan.. SpecilRep. Queen a. trws; 1 eoy 186-Burno' Areùa. UyVl Trotigr,. 0iT o- v site l ber p 8ent ,,:M . and M rs. . rtle, a mTst'ento, M gr. e E . B e c o k , o u W d n a d y t . .B E A U T E O U S UA I R . - - - ~ d u o t m r e o s r c v r 3 5 - G ' . M o w a t , -i r ý r r . W e a r t o r r y t o a v e t o a n n o u n c o f i n b t e ei n w s l a g ~ J o fei [ 1 0 4 r 2 2 - P . D l c l e , B a s e n e W ., N I I L 'the deaeekso Mr.,.Ilin 104r 3-.Goodwn, BaseUn Med eahc r lcbard Blight lle gienbis many personal friands, thewet wuva blghly e«tcemed by his, maay mmes swl steamrr f X bcam- d arenul 'b ora n d he wi mè es swill as the admirera cf he104 r 41 -M ennedy; Base LiniéBJO A W.f~ thbegaaatcuh represents, have 104 r 12- '.Glepe FC OrBfclLne r hrare giratly mised. 'ne as, ways vl- atched his. progresow th sa ran trn) euuc ng te gove, a helpng bad to allyce n]40uo Poe nru 3[any - hurchep r_ e scîid lenses led it IlTe-s aa o audy-jthe gaa1vatioù Army Ilu cferlug se-SIU.Price per pair,S~.Co. o-the 10 pad wu. obaurdan, Gury lie at prayer fer isi:reccvery. They Whiie 'Ontario was tiiis, wek get- Seilgon v-ot ,0 udyatron il! nov ha glad te learu t.iat the tlug the coideat sPeil'oet Weather >Scia gind 75 mos~' emesr onTueday~f~iion.'.ommuuoucuer 10ile te leave hi* 28yeara, Yhltby waa not exempt E UEL s b rocm and acting upon the adviee f frein Its shre. n T e a~orîg F i u Hee" -bis 1pyvian l! take ,furth e li itzeusawcke, the TORONTO j~ eregret te ±ïepcrt 'that 'eue. cf tetietasanitarluni, bwzr, .>e Mr.Ou mot,ýhghl -;M Messages cf aympathy -have reached 'e wzeo Indeed suoiothriom-' cu e t hghy ete ed ctz n, c ms'lr 1e ni a il I r c ltcred 80 degrees ana more.w L i n r pîyre-1hdecor' cae fr sme ime ~freu> ait Parts cf Canada, luciudlng On, the way'te theïr, wcrkmnyp- -tedftr. W. care o ome ia e b ass fbeen under i .terer roe.mn e New L unryus- mine s. wigh Jun à speedy ,rêcvery. 0i'ca se t Ple r eu teseer c r fe e .N,640, to , *ih : e .-Jr a go d fthey desre herew th te covey their were ippd, and. ne e 858 cCurjd We w h te a it ih p oie e wa Rev. ]éd&rh Laugfcrdof Whieayls, ulcere appreclatîcu and gratitude.:.where a Young lad.Y bad oee&f ler Whitby and surrounding country with wash -cui t uptc udy aL ettoe.Ti adware stores. thre act that we'haeoeeupafrt ~ Tb YatorBey E.. Tlk, reah- ~DEAHS.were besieed with people who skd ai iunryonBok St., a ir quen- in anniversary services at Cherry.- TSoake luludy nBokS.*Wiýby,; 'od, for help lu tha%4ng out trozen waterHwsBes'edto. J r . M W m . rignall, f Dryden , ls, Clean snd f ee fr m da dru if and B I H - M ri , en S t r a , p p s ne J du try had't e close . W C are -,prépare d te do e, Jauuary 10, 1914, Richard Bligh,> dowu on Tuesday, owing te the ina Ia du wrk miy d s vho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fc hltlgfiushee cual~aïr Tisti adac e- is tbyer.i lityteg t hewoukroom prepeuly apeclal attention.- Ail wrk guar The gannual convention cf Pickeriug hi.Tsl utwa Sage!"e McGREGOR... At Toronto General ibeated. The Gazette and Chrouicle Pareelscie oad'dIvrc TeobpSS.Ascaln *111 behanat ha b utrvt th Hospital, on. Thnrsday,- January 8, office teit the ýceIt, too, and the re----- We undeutand curyuu e..cumen Icokiug haîr. Sageine sonH GrgrInbsuiwafetndlyofokad Iued uODuhrteouWees.>ng clp aurPOO-am, r 14, John . MGeol i utwstoti ea fwr adCharles War Whitý - I l irô .àtedn t new- lite te fadd, unattracive ai. u yer. the late appearance ot the paperr Mr. pi pnd' cs atteudiug t -. _ied _ae___ feds_ th har rot ithethia week.i. «@ Mu. frens dIn. .O. L n Savt, lst.edSau fooeda thr har uoet wl theThe weather abated someýwhat lun The Road té Sélf SIr buuyfrinda n Amons on Sudayliaiuecssar fed fr prmotnga Technical classes are te be inaug- the eveuing, and by Wednesday niorn- 01!b îaofri& f yngpo bO uyugpoi eotavu uhatygot.Sgn uteurated In Orillia Cellegiate Inati- 1tng t was. net more than 15 degreeà ar moeycrovYde t1i»Ifo joyabparty ataMuhC dalutieat tontc yen ccuid wlsh fr.tute. The courues wil Include -nme- blwzrMany people reported dotiu i ute tae a courge ppoaLdgttsonFrdy ~o.ng- It lu net a dye and Is net sticky or chanical drawing, English, andtrozen waterpipes again. Làter ou nowl Dg te Mr. aud Mns. C. L. -Mackey enter- J greasy. A large shaker-tep -bottie wuiting for boys, and, miiiinery and Iu the norning there was a faiLl et tained about thirty et their redIctaoY 50e. and Mr. J. E. WilIis dressmaking for girls.uoanbyonthteprue 1-. oeeeig!s . fiuasegaatee tere- 1Mr. Wm. Petty, o! Greenbank.pasg..haîd nisen te several de--e bv .~C~---.. und the zoney if Yen are nt ~e wysddnya teagcr6ezn. h eie a eoeuTone Mu. Wm. Richardson bas retnrnOtrl aifeBsuetgot daasdenytthae» C er o Tei e ,us' evoee 'oo' te, Dryden after sPending a few weeks______ as a cnune cd w i h h s s s e , M s . H rJ.E . W illiu' ýdrug store, as thei,- ight a e o eseudl d iso àu r d a. stores cno uppyyu PI ih aesrosy ds gan- poIinOngo le M r J o h n P r ost v is ted , o u b urg n e8up y y n 0 v R A IS' zed b u sin ess. . rp aratio n . ýn , t ii S, RUN DOWN BY TRAIN. caPERIENOS The annual cenventien ef the Pick- Or.Ygeac OSHAWA, THE GOOD. A netnt usran hs ering Tewnship Sunday Schoei As- AlexanderSIa. naie cannot be asceutained, lies hae- A Cennty etliclal wau laut week re- '&'am lite aud death at the Oshawa..n sp nsible for the tate zent that 20 HwepI taIlle T -anwas taen the ueha a" W ednesday et this Week.n HitAanewTh1O,00mannk h tabennerect- FOUR~ priSoneus were lu the County* Gail, maugled sud bruiued ou Sunday1 ýDESIMOS e lA tevlaee tBo,00 itn. benrct snd evey oeueoe thein haied frein night frini the ýx.T.R. Oshawa Jus- C P ro v e Ilbwa.tien, whitheu eho$14 been biought A&B"»'Om&aaustbmand desmgrlionsy -"oo Aslt cf receut arrivais frein Osh- , roin between Wiî' by- and Pickering,- :ý%tMpob bl Y,' r o-im1îs. H YO aw oa flos:Uom=uutOndfnta o HAPatenta Dw ua fles Y the conductor cf tuelgbt Nole. 1.sent ire&. dom igafýu=In =AVEI-Bu Ott Adesen ee noth. Howa tondlyngat the sida twin of ml o. esie nade provision for enipicyment during the I ~~,, ~ Fansd Wiuter menthé-or -do yen wish Gos Wux. Siruw, aran, e ent ther tchav g beu uevr y a uIeriC4rtran.steady 'reununerative work the year Geo Geewcd, aganythuee elthertha oraunar'Wrtrae.t e cr- threugbý Write us and secu re our Ajgentes menth. Itbas beon ascertalned by the Pc- y ion an~ cts era.Tri ertri.W 7iî xlsietri csTebn i 4 p t a t h e e r e d l u s h w a f e B ~ * O 5 d U * p r paJ =b l dbTP a'w ekr, f e t h e b e s t i n i t h e u r e s . S c r a n t o à. Wm. McGé'ru,,trespaes, (S taya. hat bredIn shaafr w-t o y reCu xcuie er-ae foThe piacc. t- el;ôuthAc a t a i iercnl Wzn. Woie 0n t' sfiaV*a where she heard ho lU lt. waeuggn DO. ver 6" Acress~tesisee Youghiogiierly for st,'«m. Non. uner ntvîo.stblse r3 tr.a. A reputatien ýfor hîgh grade stock George Creek for ail kinds et sinitir- and fair dealin. A salesmau nan nake ing work.. Freshmined. goecellaiemnun. We wremz an ener- We iead in quaiity and quantity. F&iingterme wite Peihaur Nnrsery Ce., Toronto, Ont. Eu RL BLOW, Wh iby Bell JIel.9., Hoine Tel. 14. - OR18DA SLivery,- Cartage E.. .W. EVANS Puip anufacture1r. and ueaming. à 912P &cd Kesidence, Duada, Stréci - will Ife l hi çl sotdsoko have recently added te niy well- Thiree, deors West et1 Wbltby lie. wilofe althi çi ssredscc fequipped iivery stable a heavy teani W. are prepared te matai! Weod or DRY OOD, GOCEIES BOTSSHOESo RUBIERS, CHINA WARE adda o i id fcraeadtrou pumps on- short;notice, aise- - teaniing work, and wiii be pleased te tdeaiuo fm- AND HARDWARE receive orders, which will have prompt --at Greatly Reduced Prices for Three Weeks. andectretr-tattention. A* td-tm* pai 1 14)PHONEr à6if.à - geaseMlina enium-I suMth sareà-aril VM. LA WRI htTwentY1 Paymaut Lite Plan wlth Dmr. 4pu Wbr emwa eej guneed. Most ether STAGES8. Canadian Companles charge ocxacly theLsv.WltyorObwai3 -r« C'>Tw rîIe Fayzuent Lif. Poltcy. At palet. ]o mpo (J- (5 ~U1~ the end of twenty yar the Eqnty policy ~5 ~1 lfi fuly pafd for and bs" a C ash ,rlue of~ r m~ MR -h 'e h bth arp li y at hae a u e i e l p .M I S C O U sSud« ub is ow s flte u wu i MYRTLESTATION, ON T - oit.Ls rou A* t - 1- J. ---~1~ -'i -'~. J- - 1 1~ ~,' Il- --i - -i ',., per indeed artette

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