Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Jan 1914, p. 1

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and to aid yq;i Zeue anr ' 4h sit, eot mirk and înIi relasd, id the .o-op- 'ade the point that cooopea.lioa .1 eraiv ruit assocIatioof ai £5 a-, buylng supplies -resulted lIn a saving also of the Statea of Califorula aud lie the membhers of* these associa- Waibinetn 1+1 ons.' He mavfm.A ivins tI n t Il Md]C,ALI HA LL A silallar organisation to the one 'zto fair trial. f i5 kl kndled 1lu .à.h of the two Il - i - ~proposed. b*.ere wau lnu estlence lI Mr. Elmer -Lick, Secretary of, the ~~ ~lebima ul ~ b0. Chatsworth, snd iad met Witb mucih wPruit Grawers, fiied othe eosai aide wai"Oldently tend- Il - ~~~succees. ,Sème of tie benéfits 1 .'fodievra experlences lu baud- fowleybto4 liwlhI. were~-Lss ommssIn o saespro ponte ou may c th wekuesesresult tliat aI out 10.80' s.m. a, ;Ii d~~cerived 'froni suci an erganîzationlIlug fruit, gave' many goed ilutu. 1H. e wustred et'ee h.cl J ducer suad consumer clouer togetiier, ilu c-operatlve efforts," oee0ofwhich l':of Mis.udrs 'o m ani au ho __________________________reduclion -Ws 'ceet 0f transportation, was the làck of holding on by.liýte tr Itmto b~ls lair salng Ilucost* o! bookkeopiug and memibers--some would sup>port the o uîeiide1i ir a we Protessional Carda collections, saving, o!. 'ime, gidance Association one year and negleot iee0tis u. ~elr oie and advlcé . l plantiug. To 'make.- a tie sert. He conipaiued liaI iie flames and enioke conimescini t10 le- LiEGAL succees of a co-operalîve crgaaiz- could"neYer 'gel lutereel arous.d aI u rmeeo ti o i ie tieu, menuets siiould iioid togetiier, Wbitby lu tiib co-operatIv* market- ewelcii. beat ofl theroom. -mamrdlaipes. dM0. E.ý FAREWELL, K. C. shoùld nol try' te iold' up the. local lug of fruit. H., would like t ,se1 aln wagmsu alli Baristr,;CointyCrou Atorey ud na-et, but te Improve hheir output Wiitby fruit growers join tie Osh- eude ee acjdet eoeay Couuty Solicitor. and fiud a ready, constant muarket. awa Fruit Growers' Associatiou,and i se ri ous1à danger tiiréatene. I Ofie sut wig our fous; ilty 'Mr. Laidiaw quoted from articles thue atrengthén tliatIinstitution. fA aam wai aI ouceî turned lu, lin lie Globelsfinauclal revlew by T naeavegetab ae dproduce sudIntemaie A. E.CHRITIANProf. Oliver aud Mr. Geo. Bury as association succeseful ssenie central lu 1e eatm a few searbv A. E.ClfRÏlriANte te_ý sccèsset Coopertion nd oran'izatio wouresideutssaY atle reiptnd a'tepttderm aor b a cuc- NetrT-qbIe.~~ t li suces o!co-pertio an oraniahin wuidbe ecesaw teet brigade. The exct location of Ssiltr* Pelioter. NtrPbl.lt organization. H. alsoe rtad a letIer handle the outjput.tclrecudnt h1t edlr Officei Broçjc St., Opp.- Standard Bank. from ,Mr. J.H. Hare,, laIe of Wiitby,- A brie! 'hlatory' of the co-operative inmd, but water was ,ýpoured dowa Money te Loan. approving îiieartily «f the. for mation movembut was given by Mr. S. E. itergse-I iu Brs om etftthe proposed organization. Toîdd, Supit' ot Governeont fanms at thram wici laelaaie- Bn s eenm JAMES RIiTLEDGEo, Barrister, Etc. Mr. .Wm. Smithi, M.P., was pre- WhIbib.'- Il W4 custom'any lu co-op-purgfot.Weti lebiad Money te Loan on easy terni.s, oseu, snd- was iret called upon te eratIve sacielies ho distrîbule profitu,arie suaheofo.walid Office inimediately seuti Royal Hotel, speak. Hie referred te lie Goveru- net -according lee i.capital stock I we fouud liat lhe bydrants wereÏi Wiitby, Ont. meut Commission enlihe' iiigh coçt 'ield, but according le lb. ameunt fozn - 'Thii.n Itated build- et living, and said -*'e tiiugiit a.lot business doue wlth lie Associa-~ ~au.t'1w4aî u.sdli ,O UG OiJi M ii, LLI36 practicai farmer shDuld have been -on jtieu. Il was necessry'» liaI suci ai enie i*it o ~ 'ut,..ndwthe Issuer of lhe Commission.. Consumer., ie associatilon should be formed aleug pails -of water. T4. mesad eat MARRIAGE LIC ENSES said, were langely te blanie:for, hli t lgi hes, sud lthe béa ssile bogtté lseo h el burt Houa., Whitby, or reuidence. hîgi prices. If tiey muet have lie manager secured. psil e ieglte las !h el serviceofo!tle -tléphone snd the. 1Mr. E.E. Starr, Mayor Wiilis sud, parcel delive&y, they muet psy for fiL. Huggard each spoke brlefiy, Sp- t DENTAL tiese luuries. If lthe producers canpoîg tt'1fnaia tac-o- V T,11A SI eADAI(S, Deulist, Office, Dundas make hheir lot bétter by conibiuiug, eaaive association. Witi lies. ex- t -lesldeuceNo. 4, tie Touiae. they siould combine. Faimrm0t wene ceptioupg, hewever, lier. did net ap- i;Wily -hoeo l2 getting good prices for, tliokprodc, t emc nîuis utrrPassed 4zy Dyiig Bý -but not more han tiey should- Pet., jfethle proposition. h.~~~~~~~~.tý Cr'O ofR jl tagi i tt>' i i1Éî0t ~afMr. Laldlaw suggested tint auoth- Unik le ou tncieBor - - being overdoneý 'AI.many iiiees pnices o r meeting might b. held, at wiici et Educatien beginsý, ils yean wi ~I JAS.3 8I weie uet ligiier'than lve yeara-go Mr. fiant, efthle Market andi Saipe Februar n d sud ucis-with Jssuany. f0shaWà., L4esed AutiOsLeef. Sc- Mr. Tipper, District Représenative Branci of the Department 'ef Ag9LI- Tint le, tie lire efthle Board begins cessuor tôLe . Fairbanks. V6X terniset lite Agricultural flepanîment, gave culture. Toronto, could be present. and ends witi lies. -meonthe, tieugh 1 pd1 dates a;y, w o sl( ornlG. Robb, an Iulteeting talk on co-cipeation Il was finnlly decided te adjouru lie echool and financial year follows Ulbltby, ~as worked eut In the marketing et Ifor a week and Iinvite Mr. -Hart te1hcaed. _________________________eggs by lie Egg Circles. There were address the meeting.1 On ' Wednesday eveniug tie 1913 'W IK.. AW-- Board held ils lasI meeting. I - aq c-AUTONE Tii. school reporte for December i LCENSDACINE E W O - C L J A G R T P gave the attendance efthle -TPublic AtND ,VÀUATOR.oN WCUCLIAGRTP ~&likina Msal~ ptmpty atend I ___Schools ns feîîows ýl* i. fopty ttnd Henry Stireet-On roll 118, average ranageurul8 b made Cômmiffees Appoinled, yL w Pasdatean 12 JO 1 saléeestat GlG.zetteoMoeie. Dundas Stieet-On roll 106, aver- wennisresenable. B LwsP sd. nane 193. .8ell sud IndepeudOit piOnles. At eleven o'clock on Monday lhe held in Toronto on Thureday, Jan. agferi tee-nrol6,.vrg 11 1Wl'iTBV, %NT. -iïnaugural meeting of Town, Council 22, et representatives et municipalit-, ftrnSretOnrî 6,avrg -. -- - we eiwhen menibers elcci sub-. les bu the Counties York, Ontario andj1 The followiug acceunîs were pre- .0ONTRACTORS scribed te tice ath of office and Victoria, to conter wilh Government sented and recemmendcd for pay- lobok tliei'r sents. Commission regarding tic establish- ment. - , ifl s Tic Oirst business was. hie appoint- ment et good roads. MIr. Laidlaw C. A-. Goodfellow & Son ...... $11.50 Caputr uidt u cnrctr ng ot a select conmittee te -rik suggested and inally ploved liai an W. .1. H. Richardson ...9.43 - Parn drwuil and stima tus rh. the standing comniitcees for lie invitation bc cxicnded le Mlayors and >,~,Sullivan, repaire s ,. 1.00 Re pairs, Alteratiena and Jebbing. year. Reeves and ether inieresied persons I'niteil Typewriter Ce .... 50 flgontfor Banîfod RoainS The vote wae by balloil, and tlie ef Scarbore, iPickering, Wiitby Trp., -e..lari& onivr. 10 Ago n tor Brtford Bat lioi ,.follomng were uamed-Messrs. Bate- East Whitby, Oshawa and l)ar.ng- '.Ted, wreaii ........ .... 8.50 Bo 6 HILY Pot : n Colwill, Harper, Moore and ton, le meet in conference in Whit- F ,.oerpie...6 Hallett. by- on Frîday pft tue week, -January D. Wilson, repaire........ 1.20 M.firriag. Liucenses JThe cûmillcee reiired, »and upen 16, so thal some definite and united G fell<w-Mc('lellan moved-'lhat A. H. relurning repo -e thle followinrg proposaI mugit be presented aI lie tcScI(oreinArcluepo lainer f Marrg. LA ~nueu enimîteesoursel te eghricuulTorote.rTh comt;smeetigt ehl nTrno h posed hy lie Whiilv Branci .ofti Coner dniflstore. Whilhy inance--Harper,, Laidlaw, Hallel motion was seconded by Mr., IlUct Depariment et Agriculture, and apr No witnesses reujuired. Streete-Moore, Colwill, Laidlaw. and carnied. prvdc yleAdiovCmîi ____Properly-Colw-1ll, T-illeIt, iVar- On motion the regular meetings et tee of lhe' Board, b. endoised by ~ 1r~ ~ "'oreCouncil were fixed for lie firsl î.nd tis lBoard and transmitted te 111e ON JM NT Fre and Lgil-Hllettý,11oe fourli Mendays tif enci month. inisier cf Agriculture for hie ap- Harper. The treeuse ofthle Music Hall was proval. ('nrried. of 11 Dezis and Iatei'lalIeKot In Stock Relief-Warren, Moore, Colwill. granied le lie Women's Institute for Mvd b ootlo-c'eln itviipyyo eaîaIet Apiain -Lnda Hrp, a meeting on Wednesdny, Janunry 14, liaI Miss Pirie, a member efthle works and Inapect fan youtseILt Warren. " and le lie Old Girls" Association, Public Scioileachîng staff, inving Dou5tbbl mluled by agents, wvo do Tue iret named 'on eacÉ commitlee t«r an entértaihment on' Fcbruary 19 nequesîed a prolenged leave ef ai, sot enipley liem;-eonnequeritly w. can le be lie ciairman. The Mayor sud 20. secoigtlîesle er- and do allow tho .geut'u eommlurInn Reeve te b. ex-officie membete ef ah 4l20 sne wn t lns, h tce 10 pOr ceaI., vilch Yen vill cnaî-commiittees. ly ave by purchasîag (ramunu. By-lawe were pyt tiroughiîw;oi A Cail Sollited.10: - I AppointIng A. H. Allianmen ef Orintthje Llbrany Board. APP .tng«.H. James me nuet et lie Higi Sehool Board fer tire. an ni.î,', d Wonka years. F1'4AIL Juni-,:d.Bank, Wiltby, Ont Appolntlug C.A. Goedtellow men- tn< t -oir~ber'. oethle Board et Healti, Dr. C. - t.'d. aîîdithie.FMGilîvty K.H., -Mud thé~ yl stw't t ,1Chie! -Constable, Siultaynpetr il y ratçI.of Laldlaw called the attentien <~<~" i I IMUL of5tlie Council le a meeting eb M t-, e- OffMun§moinssenuih, t bu muet muusta thusu- suds of yeung pu pli.who th*. Onrt st.p -tawaM*d s gosd ularpesIwtissl. dmsuCon- trali Sutiuse 4G01140. 86« Volige Stroat, Ts.'nto. -- . W.m. Shaw, Sixty Years Wedded. Th Ti. ollowing clipplng, laken item a western paper, netenred le a couple wie iived lu WiIby years age: Tiursday, Deceflibet 25, for lie sixtipth lime, Mrn.d 'Mrs. Jain ] Wadge, ai Park RIver, sal dowu ho Ch&lolmas5dinnen aW huabaud 'and lie, surrounded by iait,,family. P.- cntly liioy celebrated lthe aixlioIh e! 4sa ' ro hem martlage., ,Nr. td Mts., Wadge areploneer nul. dents o! lb.e Park River district, comiug ber. l19-1880. Up te a few yrs' WaU, m i ii: ildjoît lvMd PROPSEDCO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY maA public meeting to connider the formation of a Society1 for Co-operative nrketing of farm and garden products, wshi tti ouHlWib on SatudY afternoon lait. The meeting waa addresned by Wm. Smith M.?P., R.M. Tipper District Repreientatjve of the. Degpt. of Agriculture, ElmerLlck andS.E. Todd, Supt. of Government Farinewhule soverai others spoke to the m'ibject. The meeting wasa a<journed to, next Saturday, January I 7th, -at 3: o'Mlock, at the Town lie il, Wbitby, wh.n Mr. F.C. Hart, of the Market and B5bjOU Branch of the. Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, will speakr The Society, asroposed, would aetas selling àgent±orall kindiof farm produce, including eetablesansd Fruit, for the perion with aamaîl plot se Ior those tarming in a large way,- whetber in the Town or in the Township,. It in l4lieved tualthe Society no atî ato number would increase thie. net returas, by redueing expeunes o0 Îe1«~anýAhipping, and ac relieve the producer of- mîih he now dose in ýconneston with marketing hie produots. The. time so savedl to the producer . ouId'.be ualized by bhim in furtiier pro. duotion, and tiiereby increaged net returnu. itotl alto auugemt to tii. producers thome ar*We mont in demaud, or tipeil varlettleolred, aud the beat method of packlng or eould seekî new marlts,'for'lb... produce. ot nwreadlyditp.d f Thtittendance lu &eulred of &Hi ntereufâd. Womm a:ê,linvited tb at- tend iifz*$ed. Satturda i, Jaliuary 17Mh,\ at 3 '-clock awUver V, eiasti iparx vas., aoxing-, iulshed, and l1t was a cold and 11at- tering group of f1re-fighters that re-, turned. bt thehall. The achool building presented aw Most dosolate. appearance wheu vis- ited siiortly afiter noon th' ai day. EVery rFoom was a nîafs 1if e. Deskits, sçivl boqks, floors, walle, benciies, aIl were covered.-with- tik. ,coating of Ice. "The .ceilin-gs. wore* aaaked ýwlth -water, walls li. grimmed with smolce and w consider- able portion of tiie loor and ceiling vas burued. It le Impossible to estf-. mate juat how great tiie daMage je, b ID n e will b. fully, covered by. insuance. I will doubtiese. require a couple of monthe ta cornpletely re- pair; and renovate the echool. In the meautime the pupils muet hoe accom- modated elsewiiere. Great excitemrntn prevailed -about town wiien it became known that the. lre vas aItithe Model Sohool, aud many anxious parents hastened- tô, lhe scen. of thé. lire. Thictr relief- vas gre at-wiien It'*was learued liat 'the pupils were ail out safely. A ._meeting oftheii, Sciool Board, was iield lest nlgiit at whici tiiesit-I Vit4ou waslcussed. .The._report 'of ïbis Meeffik .b pundl*low.' 'S TO CH AIRMAN oard of tdutaio>. tary -of thi Board be linstructed to advertlse fora duly q'ualified teacher to fl liiher' pIàè. C~iisf: ,. '- Mr. McClelIan reported that Mr. Henderson, Principal of the Dufferin St. School, had received a message that hie father was dangerously iii, and that hie roomn had been closed so as to allow Mr. H enderseon to go to the bedside of hie father.- The Board decided that the room should be closeil for the remainder of the week. Mr. Hewis was appointed Chair- man of the Property Committee tili new Board assumed office. Members of the P1roperty Commit- tee reported as to damage done to the Dundas School by the lire of Tuesday, and stated that arrange-.- mente would bc made, for the opening of two roome on Monday next- the other room to flnd accommodation in the Henry Street building. On motion of Mr. McClellan, Chair- man James Rutledge was asked to vacate the chair, and Mr. Phtlp ta take hfs place. Mr. MeClellan then moved, second-* Md by Mr. .Jones, that the thanke of this.Board be extended to Mr. Èut- ledre for the courteey, kindnesu and- ahility shown by hlm as Chairman of the Board during the year. This was heartily carxied, and *ae r esponded to by Mr. Rutledge. Wliitby Jatermediates- Win an~d Lose, Wiitby 4, Bowmanville 1. Anouher viclory was added te the record efthle Whitby Intermediate Hockey Team n o Wednesday evening lasI wien lie' local teain invaded Bowmanville and beat lie leani o! liai town on thiri own ice by a score ef. 4 le 1. 'The excellent wga- tien made il possible ton a veny lange numben of WhiIby rooters te make the 'tbrip, audlii. support gîven lhe visitons was almeat as lange as that given lihe Bowma1iville teani. The 10e was sait an&i slicky, wic made fait play et accjirate eheoting almoat Impassible. Thus ýageod deal o! seclmmaglng waq.lie nesu1t, and tie -tempen e-oflie-heplayere v as- nel sweetened by the. hanti wenk, ab Wae evident frani lie . numben o! pen - alties banded 'out by netete. Quiumr,- a! Oshawa. ,Aller 15 minutes play Lavery scored for Whiiby,. folwed lu hait a mintute by suolien, score by RIce. Thie ended the. tallyîng for lhe fint alfi. .u In thesecond - peniod two morer wene added ý oho I i htby score. .Bow4mnanvile #ept wor Eg iatd, sud sortîy ,belorete'h.con- clusion'O! Play sncceéded lunm a- score. ,-Owing le lhe iuavotable condition lie stars, on tie -teama dld s ala. wlit lhiit nouai bnlliancy, but the Qu arterly Divideud NotIc, No. 9' Né tice ie hereby given that a Dlvidend at the-rate of'IIIRTeIi Per Cent. Per Annum upon the Capital Stock of Ibis Zanký'has th..- day been declaned for the. quar ,ter ,ending 81st Jsnuary, 1914, 'and~ lhi the same will b. payable aI the 'Head Office in this city and ai ilis Branches 'on s aud afler Monday, the 2ud Day of Eebruary, '1914, to shIarÉeholders afrecord ôf 23rd4 anu àry, 1914.- The Anuai General Meeting of Shareholderswilbe helM aI lie ead Office of the Bauk in T oroiibo on Wedneaday,t.,le iti of Pçbruary next, aI 12 o'clock nôoix.,. By order of lie Board. Toronto, 16th December,- 1913. GOO. P, 8CH-OLPIEI.D,ý.- - General Manager. 157 -w ? Crystal uranu'iat%,. $4.5O por Cash 100 Is. m-ust accompany- ail Iorders.' 7A. T. LAWLER, WHITBY9 ONT. -Phonies; Bell, No. 47; ]ndep"ndeent. No. 47' SEASOQNABIE BAR GAINS:! We mention a few lines of our genuine bargailns; Redpath's best xxx gr. augar, Finest pastry flour, - New British Columbia salmon, per tin, 1 Horshoe salmon, new, just arrived, -per tin C urrants, new, clean, Valencia raisins, - Valencia raisins, finest quality, Dates, linest new, - iïaddie, finest quality, per lb., 22 Ibo. f or $.001 75c bag for 60,,,, i Ocý n, i 8c 3 Ibs. for 25a- 4 Jbs. for 25c 3-ibâ. for 25c 3 iba. -for 25t Fresh Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal, Tenderloins, Spare Ribe and Sausage. Best quality. Close prices. Wu B' PRI-N GLE.,& Q01a WRIERSDECARETHEM RIGHIT IPAPER, PEN AND INK BOUGHT AT' W. J.HuRI OROCK 6T. A~PUI'sI~ct fN~ (~MTADI1N lurs. it and Otca t - 1 N - "t. PhoI n IRAK 1 ý 1 1 -

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