Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Dec 1913, p. 4

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Thon thire ci m W L eA54dJic, WILe Ooicie. - mni-n- w!io are anMumic <ompla in of being fînever really. well/t'--, Tire. ionly oee wy 4o brlghter, * botter>iresitir for pale, pininggirls 4 wmet. Tirat way j k- tv Orate the. bo4çy with nov bloodr-th-' nirhehIth>ý blood tirat Imparti strengtb, cleanset.tire systeur cf al] isupurities, and restpr-es tire brighl eee saud red lipe cf perfeçt healtir. hoduande cf girl# and woen kncw tlat-Dr. Williams, Pink Pills for 'Paie People- Maie this new, ihr, rd blood, anid se restoe ire an d strength more surcby tian âny qtir, j.mediine knowi. There 'weuld.-net ire an anaemic cý e o grl in tire land if tirose à tff r,f rôm thli, condition weuld gro'D.Xilliamis' Pinir Pile a fair trial ia ewhy sgonian> recm end tliee pilla ko their su!- fer1rngý ite 'a. 4Mrs. R. B. Keith, Steeves, Settlexnrnt, N.B., scys:- -At'tire ageof 13 1 My dâuirter fiadre, be gan - to complairi e!' cn- etant ieadâchee, and did - net hâmt b.rruulgo a Petite, I went ta dectorand-ýot rom. miedicine, but it did notirelp lier, and finally she hac! to discontinue going to scioct Sire seemed k be growing weaker e-ery, day and, wanted to lie down eal ýtfie time, and would continually cmplain-oL beipg tired. Th edoctoT gave lier suother bottie of, Medicine, but v itir no. bettei -reeuts. - Tiiere wae net a bit cf c1ori r. lier face or lips, and I vas afad~e was goinginoaLcn. -A ire 4 dwirewam in to ,sec lier 'id " Ifsirewas mny child 1 would IeeddI would take tire adviCe. In a. couple cf veeke' w. could sBe. adifere&nce, as bel- eyeâ looked brighter, snd tewould try, k est Sirttle., -When she- began ibe pi11 4ihe couic!. np>t dre-se irsl .oe ;ililebylittle ber etrengthcome ~aêk until sir' could go for a walký '811 continued tire u»se o! tire ?llg severai meonthe wiitirthe result !îhst .esie wÙ's agai.n strong &Md aCtve, *Tii. w.. 'ç'.itw"ye&rM ago, n - ghe hma beeçn a. sfrong,-hesltliy girl ever sl4ce. W. have ince used tire pille for <tirer plirposes supd find thema'ce fainily medicine.e' Dr. WýgilIia& Pink FuI8 iare scld byalMedlicine dealers, o'r will beý sent by mü - at 50- cents a box- or sikxez o>r $2.50 by wrÏting1Tire "'.WilIi.ms' Medwine Co. 9-Brook- -4 a lot oi trouble togot cs.ugbt in a ouarb.Weoi for teaw.adre, ingte bc ting dsoe. 1h. pri tive *hadbwe these peopi s ton discovers how tfM4y'b ed the "a<ie T. ~he eplies tk fire daims., a Great interest, I £ne& 1 takeri iin thre way thre lad tprofesuiQn go to w4rkr. 1 aiw&a. ssking ne wb&tà$ i teetive earma&, -wha.t are h s cations, and if She coxnu poor or the middle1 elaid. detective> core-s f rom * 11 je paid accordinggfo . Sire muast b. reéd'r inost anythixrg and go0 AP a motn.nt'sa notice,. B8h. s 1at leaet one language in a i er; own, and have' a ' round education. Her in, bit anything f rom twO1 eight pounds per week, qi Of c'ours frour presita by,.gra4ful;-client,%. *hare 9 te lady 1~tc [tuai thifor- kleptoémar ~expeý,reenough to employ -the orie wh<é as eewn hookis round the inside of on which tô bang tieretski She knocks down sometli stail or. counter k tIre fl over lt, lowers a hook by a reel conceiled iri ber dn the reel and, the article, à it safel.y out o!ô sight on - hidden hookei. Then theré ile rze i is suspected o!, 'szlling Pa thre latest niodest k rival has takeri considerable t cost a lot of money to proc let inodes b 'fore othej ,and thre manager le wel.- tÈacto4 when liéseesthe elsewhere. Lédy detecti been very successf trinl this kind o! -fraud. Irernember -the case oý clerirait a luilinery house, to -take private notes o quoted in letters k oprq customers, arid thon grve.t] ticula!,s to a mari in a si cf -busineo&, wio-*ou-Id write te the people, etati lower thati- -hus> 4ote4 girl's employer.! Tact and Diplomae] dof mil. -inger jj wuad nho;n b-oratîîation of thre railvay tunnel dIur- '40. te an f th ine tunnel hâa, been stated ly su"*nedv-,ery srfus ijutis in L < and thre firatcrbss-cuats-will b. imade a týyingacdnt noerÀ lm -whenýtirese hav.e bee-n drivenabout the ethihe iimr sêe ,00 ..hirut thre end o! De-' ket in Mpna«hh « Ir.no*w been ScemÏber ýd-tins year tis part cf tire opene,64sud ia in every way a suc- fi«s of Our 1#or* ill have beeui eompletedi The eesx People ar iIlÇfor oring t;l. iretne aoe An,' old woeran,aged, 75 years, ie lay wde-the *tsôi rai!-million. Before namti d Mary Banni«an, ýf q(,1lirt wr qualiI atie Woici5ôcmplote, it will cost 8Streý% Corybrenu-n, *a fàt&Uy ifrqum the,-tire O.Y.R. in tare neighbcrirood Of bùrnW.d threugirtire ups6tting of, a Tq. wad $110e-00,000- Tis means thre prerc- paraffin C>il amp. 1 classe.,ing Of tiré eart ci a great mouùtiain ag qat irer abil- range and4*i'Aon a parityity-oftmoertire te~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~b dai ti e ieApmnyyaag hr.> r.beeîn inietlled for tie tô-oal-'O D feathexe ld brny eastir-ago .IIIIof tire Queen's County tywir e a ( ea t hë, edtire wo rld bitf--vilp iruat speak les.). TIWerection o! model vi1- i cail ifle. 3"ijit lages at tire two.portais of the týü. A eliark, mea.4rà four fetetn Wood, ail- nel at a coit -of $So; ooo is an inter-inches, 'am beau c'ïlit on thre Tur-, coure May esting 1éàtuýe cf this r.Tire bot 'Bank in treVbrber ' of Queenâ- irounds, k 'floors o! tire liuses at oér re * towu. #a oni rite spart, to ire -igit feet from the gro*i5'&40nàs ùj'b Coneliha% ap- Xie irwitb bridges to conneet tire bouses,' 2' !Oi f or, mroof *20,0î to eu- ýwer ie.wth th--. work Tire undertaking i nd#54-~4ir.e.ren on - js full of pîct#resque'possibilitiea.j o , 4, 'pBS *w be. Tie. mon wilI be poiséd ini mid air, Duightd 2oy 4 panes detective' es0 o tsay. T1he imniemorial silencq of l.tained gla*ii~n - -re ino the, habi- o! tire everlaîting bils 'will be1 brok- of thre .W*rr'enP. elut Pr«eby4erian ie wbo is en by a great utilitarian organiza- -ohirrcW were ou y brokea. ptrategeïx n which, althloughi it ay-oi. A senistional occurrence le r,- aring o!faI affirm irattire $iDynrpisà gode ported f rom - the Delvin district- li er ek-irt have takea, up tireir abode -initire where, tire lioufeo a'w ie i~atce.Roekies, lias its eye on tire dollar,.fInto, one window being sirsttered. ýng frour a For tirree years eut off frou ""t0re Po&t -office officiaIs in Déblin late- o>t1 stnds world, working by shifts day and ly refused k aocept parcelw con- , nemne o! niglit, tire mountain will ire piere- taining urwspapers o! the Gaelrc es<, wînds ed bit by bit until, after 1,005 days League tiret were addressed in and liage and1 nigirts, daylight.. will creep Irish. :ne o! tire thrreugli tireblaclenes cof thre long An' Irishr battle axe o! tl e tone passage and tire tunnel wil be com- ýtant who letd.Thie lethre biggest sirigle age period bas been discoveéred by 9tterme of .ptr ie ...ia udrae.Francis Killedy wirile digging in. firiuis. It It shows tiat in realizing tiorough y. fii fei tKlll5 ee t dmm anid efficiericy the company stops at no r1MMri, .. wr 4 ourle th--se outlay e! eitirer moriey or ene rgy. r eodebMPwof r A boss Alenemned witli it wili bie asse<2 eeîr Lord Mayor of- Belfet f or *nigr de ciated witli an enter?rie viicir wilî four# yeare, bas cons9erted k ire 1n s~n bave historic value anid signifie- -'romnted for tire o"fé for tire cour-t v ance.Stul V%70 &&a ve exposing f a lady wabho used )f prices '-Capeçtive st " 5eé ng pricea d by tr On ano>tirer ocsmion tire lady de- tetsInve rusY buursing a scene at a , -~ eard-party, sud se oponing tire cyce DETIPTdaugliter or yard o! thre client, te tire way in wicir sireî ong disait- ed. Alter t"n, our l-ady:deteýctive - VE SOMU E SECIET980OF May h.e ngagedte pos e a a guet i at a society rloeption, and te iroep 711> PROFESSION., a Sharp eye ý,n sonne iigli-bo'- duipe whoire eknown as a reg- picker-up o! ting8. - Shloild Keepers ë , !Confidenes l Wbieh lady aotually gel away witb ', ý. Itbirg o! 'value, tire wowr, WoýUld M aie thre World G isp e ilcl on -Wlth AâtonIshmtýnt. word to. the miaid Busy I ireud SY 50 Alaysprobably w, - Tire pr ofeq ion of the pr,-ate de-. tcc-tii*e le ona o! tire myst~ inte~r, iug in tihe world. They are' -tbet4res"of tire wavering tire wilee, o! blackmar' atrcngt'ýh lie# n iu <l Î-sý'oÀip wi untledrg ance- WiIQuiok!y cure.. Any Sa-ur Stomaoh "IWhenî I vwas working arourid thre farm laitwlnter, I had an attaok of Iu- tlammation," writes Mn. M. P. Dawkius, of Port Richmnond. "I vas veak for a long time, '%ut weIl enougn to work uttil spring. But eomethInà veut wrong vitir my, bowves, for 1 had te use sate or physio aIl thre tIme. My etomacir kept sour, anrd alwaye 9,fter eating tinere vas pain and fuluessa and all trie symptoms of Intestinal Indi. gestion, Nothing helped me y- ueed Dr, Hamilton'@ Plle. Ir -I hurting, '41cen ther nIlr very Mrm.Agnes Crsig, e! Blin Street, Belfa.st, wiro hira aed irerv'iOfnd ycar, à a. native o!tire Brougir- idiane district sud la stili haie and hearty. A co-operative stre for tire stu- dent. at Dublin'Unh"vre.i ias been. opened at TIrinity College. It Jetire fret one- of ite kind in theIni uted Kirigdom. Olarnrris- Rural Couuncil hmra decided te bave ail nev welle sud otirer work o! a like nsture earried out by direct ia]bor usider thre dire.c- tion of tir. eurveyor..' It àe stated that fully one-third o! tlie- ppulation o! Dublin are now invofved in tire laber dispute, 100,- '()0 mcii, vomen -sud cirdren being o'tual waut; Congesc.d Districte Board1 de' an oiter for tirepur- 'ection o! the. Gibbons tr<)<ke, Taioneye- '~1lynaurriga. qiIaun iu have er q14.1 4slsted by occasional use cfCuticur aOintment. 3folybideaum lghts. N'content with the- improve- njeit in the incandescent electrici pbogtabout by usirig drawn wý* filaments 01 tungsten iristead ocarbd.,electrjcal experts are seking leveà-ore efficient nietallie filament. Ace'o'ria tk the Lonr- don Tilmes,- ducetîl'&méîybdenum "y supply the want. 0okbdenum selems to be the most proimn in4o SlÏ the so-called rare mefals a~ uiýitèirle for use in electrie lampe. Mollybdenum has rarely if ever been mrlted; consequeritly, filaments of the pure or the alloyed metai could b4 used s.t a higher- temperature ,tàn tungsten. That-- would'mean bitter lights, for- the efficiency -of an~ electric lamp largelyclependg on titemperature ýto which the fila- monts can irbe raised. Molytdenum is la white metai almost asý malle-. aile as iron. It can be forged while hot, suîd -worked up into- thin, rods, whioh. in turn cari be clrawn into wire. Experts are riow trying to fnd out whether the wiro can be cIrawn fine enough to have thre ne- cousary. electrical resistarice. Stops a Gough A Ramedy that Nover Fails W.' simply - onderful to think how quickly a bad tirroat or catarrir eau be Oured wlth -Catarrhozorie. Its ricir bal$1amýIe vipor ls carrfed alonig vitir tirebreathIr nto tire inuermost recesseà of tire luugs, brouehial tubes, and chest, making It Impossible for thre germ cf auy dbseaso te live. Thus somenese lu thre cheet la ut once aile- viated-prlegm 'ie lcosened and eject- ed from ' trie tirroat, old-standlng coughs are removed. " 1 41uffered from an Irritable, weak thrQat for thrse yeare. 1 had a severe ",.pain over the eyes, constant r'outh, and noises ln '-.No- Yes-l Thereal, 1caiIed, it , frau4-_ 'shold ire provided, riglit aWAY an riglit up te tire limit 1 Tirat vas exactiy seven- ye&rés, ,seven menthesud seven days ago-_ and- etill tire fraude go on just the, same, enly 'mucli more 50. Insteird e! a lfttle over $2 ' OOG,000 W'orthr o! uraple, sugar -And, syrup, w. nirould-prceeo 8,00,O00wortb9, accer-ding te reliable statistics. But, te do: so - Wwill 1b. necessai.yte flgirt, in parlia&mert,, against strong manu- facturing interesta in Mentreal, To- rente and elsewhre. Thirty-seyIe persens or concerna, r~royer* bY tire'Inlaénd Revenue, Dejtartment"to' have sold ' as ' maple-somie on a', large scaie'-,alterated gooda, and 'imItations tirat apparently hiad -o tiring cf -maple a&bout tireur-but tire name "m, raple" ou tIre package., Sucli- ýoncüeerus sol k -grç>crs heom Coast teeCast. Buyirig cane sugar at- five'eente th6 <polund.aird eIirig it, in qyruzfi forur, at -areund tncept$, on' a factory bafil, o! -eoduld. afford te pay two or'tirre finéi yearly cacir o! around $9.00 ini- "'uding tir ecoitae Sucir casesun- .2er our present Iaws,-are notch Ien ,Mund out. Wiren found e*ut,' ' ' y are lese eften proeecuted urideftire 'l'Aduteration Act" asil stands.' if -proseéuted, they cari psy tic fines arid costs eut o! tireir postage, acc en dets! us hv Lie ttie ve nder uadreshae bwe cnt old luirudre e Ise vonder tht old time r andu fleirI taie for r, irapl ayupsud at all.-ý-Çaftdian Countryrnan. T00 Mu Ch Political rIt. liany gay It caa.'t be preventad. nelther can warts or corn%; but. tlieycan be cured by Putname Comn Extracter;I bures corne ind wantg withornt pain Ii twenty-foiim houri. 'Tua only Putnam'a*, 26e. et al dealerus. Priest (te ýMil;igan,- who 'O standing at doorwav>.-.And is tire Faim, yer riverence-'cepî tire pîg. Hle's taken a bad turri. I wa cnred of terrible lnxnl4go lr MINARD'A LINIMET. M RON I waa cured of a bad case of earischq by KINARDS LINIMENT. MU. . 5.KÂULBACK. I we ured of sensitlve mugi by -MIN- ABD'$ LINIMENT. MRS. S. MASTERS. Fatirer--"You musf tuat my d'augi-- thing feom.;onaî thats aI41 to livee or, 25oISI Try ?% enCurrants 250 'If you or-Gr 14 io Ib., 25 1b. *cd io.laii end amay bu dation. suI 9.r. Ei-erybody kriws that'Methjuse- làrwsthe oldçst mani, but even the Bible ~ ic» taotteo4 est woman. LLIOTTT BUSINESS COLLEGE. TO-' ciel, scbool. MuliuSOtlge;fA . W.DAWSON, NInfty Ceinerni *tooot Toronto, iTF YOU; WANiT TO B"Et, OR *EL Il Fruit, tock. Grain, or Dairy Parus, te Il:W. D)awpn, Brampton, or 90 C'of W.e t.. orioto - t' or HEWBPIAPER FOR SALIE. E WSPAPEe -nD JOBOFIE11' Urvebr@ Proprl"f or Wo dwnegtpgit. '.a unsbltg-ýo vive the n"- ffee the attention nePIFarv, fî for sale at a ~wiie COne 0f tbe-b#st newm.- the province !,l Wihqon P±MAKAT IIii; 1'. 6. 18 fun OPan door N I .4 'I mens Pen BAI.B.

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