Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Dec 1913, p. 1

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Wi11 promptly cure COUSIS COLOS, BRONCHITISI and et'ore the r" pliatory organs ta a normai and heaithy con litioin. I lu the Beut and Most Reliable. -250 96f Bottis. J, Es. WILLS MEDICtAL HALL Steak St. w Wbltby. The ae~Removed .by the Adjustment of the Spine. P0lttonïe».. :30fico et. a. Oshawa. At Whittby Monday. W.dneaY, day. trmg a.m. ta 11.30 a~m Phofle 344. Oshawa. IJEGALI JW$1. L LFAREWELI., K..C. .2aritei', éounty Crown'Attorney and County Solicitor. CMsouth wing Court Hanse, Whitby. f.>--~ ~ A, . CfRISTIAN. UsrrisMr SoiIctoI. Notary Publie. Htf. Ofcee Brock St,', Opp Standard Bank. Money to Loan. JAMES RIiTLEDBE9, Barrpister, Etc. Moe o Loan-on easy terma. Office =moiately south Royal Hotel, iWhitoy, Ont. '0. VOUNÇ SMITH, LLB; - .> ligsuer of I AC;AE,-LICENSES ! Court 14ouse, Whitby, or residenme DENTAL.I Tic Ontario Counly -CouCil met sIt the Court Houso lasI weeklu 1h. Special Novembei session, whici bas become really'a regular session, anti ho longer specially convenet. The sit- A lngs commencei on. Tueeday aller- floonL anti by holding ýa nigil session on Fritay adjourumnent was matie'an Sâturtiay. e A large volume o! business - was Iransacledti hat. woulti maIre very un- Iuberesling readiug, but some ai lite more Important deails arp given herewith. TUESPAY. Tie resignalion of- R. H. W4lks, Public Sebool Inspector for Souti Ontario, was raid, anti applications for appoinîmenî b lihe position were received (rom M. G. %maryn, Berlin; R. O. Wite,-North, Bay ; Mn. Fergu- son, anti R. A. Hulchisou, P. S*. ,ý for North Ontario. Pendiug lb. ap-ý poinîment Mr. Hutchison <'was tem- porarily performing, 1h. dtles. *A large number og communications were reat. One wâs from 1fr. Geo. iMcLauglli,-Prsident o! Ithe -Chut-ý ren's- A14 Society flu Oshawa, calling attention b ie *recent legislaîion, andi asking for a gîau4 lu wbole. or lu part pyment ai lie morîgage on tie- Children's Sheller. This malter was referedt b again later 1n lthe on Eduutt< wus reati-andi 'actiot. nhe vàaacy ithe 11.Public Sahool Inopeclorate of .SouthOntaÉoia -w ica a y the appoinment of -iR. A. IHutchison. This £ppointment creat- et a vacancy: ln -lte North Riting, andi T.R erguson was namedti * 111il. Mt . Forguson brielly thanket the Council for the confidence show. la hlm. THURSDAY. Mfr. Bullj Presîdent of th. Oshawa Chiltiren's Aid Society, anti-Mr. J. D. Tamris,' -attressedtihle Couneil, wilb reference *0 lie County's as- suming! of he *mortgageon the Shel- ter. The, propettitbat costl6,000 andi $4,000-, bad -been raiseil by pri- val. s ibscri pllon. Thero was now tue upon the- morîIgage, $1000. The épeýàkîrs refer;e1 *0 the amentirent of 1918,y wblch requires th. County bo proEde *à* Shelter. -The deputa- lion- skedtIhat Instead -of provitiing a new Shelter lie -Vounty shouit as- sume 1h. mnorîgage on which noliing would have. la be pald for some years b ornoe. The malter was re- ferredti btle Commilte. on Finance, .wio, lu a lter report,- tleft It for the consideralion of tie Incomiug Council next year. The firsl report of lhe Commiltee on IReasansd BnitIKes was adopled. iEv -Wiavsn DonaldA Brown ws re- *EDNESDAY. sent, sud briefly atidre eti Coun- The Township of Pickering asket cil. tial, tbc bridze over-Duffn'e, Creek FRIDAY. tn lie villaze.0f -Pickering, b. mate a County bridge. The second report of the Roetie Deuly Game Warden Glentenning anti Bridgces Committee was brougil wrote, sekinc Ihal lie Councl mem- up and adoptet. orializb the Goveriment to prohbit' Bv-Lawâ No. 195 of the Township tie kllling cf deer lin lie County. of of Thorai, 477 of Mars, 780 o! Est Ontario for tiree years., Wlby, 'were confrmed. The Council broke up labo several Inenector Hutchigon addrçssedthle committees for some time, lu ortier 1Couneil, thnnking themý for having ta orepare reorIe. -auroIntet hlm, btictheposition for Wien the. Warden. resumed lie South Onlario. chair, Ex%.-Wardbn R. R. Mowbray,,l Th. report cf tbe Committe. 'on wio wae preent, was Invibedt bintînc was received sud adoinbet. snleak briefly. Tic Saîurtay sessioni was adjourn- The Omest report of lie Commitîe et esrly lu, lb. afleann TO HAVE HIS FAICE -MADE Y'oudg Wbilby Man Io be the Subjeci despatch, wiici ap- - -iper last week, . ý- our read- 'Ire ac- of &a Wonderful on tic man's face just where tIl' nose oughtt le h. The side flaps wiII be-shapedii ,,il ý DECEMBER 4, 1918S-: ýST REET LIGI-TS , TIES, ýBOWLING Tbese Wi.rc lb. CbIcf Topicà of Di' 'HIEF'S DU-: cus.slo, £1 tbe Town -g rCOUNTY-COUNCIL IN S~p hatCugil~ icSPECIAL SESSION@ 8 Co- ItLUB COPOlES SYRUP 0F Publi ol ospectors for Soutb and Norib 0Qotarlo WHITE PIu AND TAR poYtd ThRIOR COlT 0F LIVING io" age. Ncariy every necessity ha. gon. up la psy bills11 are conslderlng. here wIIl b. tiew icton1 bus ic i prié dusi ty, In and:rns Flfl Uitrez and your 1 execly one cent. Ain aId fambbouetic yot orne cent for two hours and forty e -W. ýwil b. plcaed to gir. yu Planning the lîiting of your home. u1D0n îamp w su u.pi. wuswm as estimiate and. i d o - - - GUO. W. P. 2vriayo ppt. EsT~mw TH~I 1878 TORONTO. WHI.TBY BR&ANCH- mjzq.4- C. A. me CI. Ambdger.J- ~u m ~ Dwoo&Ii <C. A. Mca. aA. amsel N.w a-, .'t' a ba i ..z; ~5uMI4l,5~p'7Jfl5 Maaso).Pleedîs sd ontU'i. ~ liy ~ SYthoba. R A, VeSfy 1urU*tiaD situation; waa oUellsary. palime, i:m willing, 10 broqght 10 té , Qrather, havlng bandlu ny reutination at once"1 already béen bro4t 10- ilghî, waa 1Mr. Bealoman coulti finti no griountis geaf urîberPulblilqty:and isucussion for objec ion to the way in which the at -th COUncil meeting, on Monday Chief -performped iei.duties. Ho night liThe Board *wu about 1t'ô adi- hought t would b. impossible - la- Jouri when Mayor mie auketi- for satlsfy 'everybody anyway. Tho lb. opinion. o 01 h. ouncil aus 10 the streets séemed to be.welI looketi al- malter of,1h. new-.sire.t igbts. He ter. Thel itter- was droppoti by the ýexpiwne4 that the bracketa were Introduction of other business. betng. put u*p-at's heigbt of fourteen.1fr.. C!ý F. Stewart sent lu bhis feet. Thls ,wul"toè 61gb, andi h. hat i lgati n as ýAssensmeulComMis- Iastrucele 'the Supiimntendent to holdosionier. ~t was accepted, and a by- up the *ork unlil -1he 'Coutcil coulti law was 1passeti appoiningr.Oo decide wbai was the proper fieight. Robb ta 1th. vacanicy. The- Wgter and, Llght Commission ,A. E. eU.apitifralies diti not apoee witîh 1h. Mayor's 'vierxun a -boý'ling alley, wilh lwo alleys andti ortiereti-the work *0 proceet. ln conneýton. J. C. Hyde applieti l'This je nol righl, genlleren," for a lie ne for. oee alley. Mr. Wil- sait Mr. Willis. "The Council payssnspeîncneto wîb bi for the lighting of the sîreels, and maler, supo n. cng lb.gn tthio shoulti have t» - privilege of saying, the Il 1 e. 1 (r. Baleman was niot where and.. lhen they shouMd be light- Bo sure' bal two bowling alleys were cd. arninfrmet by1h. ownneedeti o wanled In town, andi mav- Aoliclor that; we hbave.cowi-plete con- edti hat the .mattef 'be ieferred 10 trol ln this niatter, and Iherefore we the Conimittee on Applications, làt bave a igbt b insiatuone wbat we be repor eti on aI nertmeeting. The wanl.. I have asked for expert apin- 1question eîicâteti xnucb côntroversy let, anti have been ativifedti laI th. pro andi cou, but Mr. .Batemàn9s -mo- lights are et present loo high. We lion wu lal are. shoult I nsist liaI they be placed i n Mr. fiulycanet.'Maaero a position liaI will b. best for lie M.RteGnrlMngr0 apIearance of, lhe streets. Oninion 1he 'fori n*0: Eastern Ry., applieti for fromOsiwa ntiBowanvlle lu a xtision of lhe lime for 'com- t.hat we should ,brIng them down." pieting ie building of tb. railway Mr.. Willis instanceti the lilti,,,<f Ibrougi b on H.saeita Toronto, wheie lb. bix cluster lIlhîs. o e1 t liD m ie ruutheing ,by hutin are about ten feel; above the eide-- fnxuue r i a! u n walk. He wante thelb Council *0 de- -fores... delaye bave arisen, and it ride what shoulti b. doue. 'bu8 beomi found advioahle *0 nostiione tbougl-tb ligis we e lIayi#gig frails. MRe asked tblaI Mr. Moor outéte ihswre a six mpnths' extension be given. -bo ton high. Messrs. Baleman and 1Tal- June 2lit, 1914., The reqizest was lotI were of the opinion Ihit tlhev gatd were ,alrigbt. Tboy were wilîng b graT rets Cmitercme denini unon lb. iudemènt of the Fu- TIeSres-omlercmen- ne-rnledenl 1f. Clwil sut ~ edthIese aceounîs for paymenî: leihtenshouti be. îawed. d ho John MacCarl .............838.00 lightsshoul be loered.Robt Plaukel ............. 24.00 Mr. Annes was undecideti. Hoe 0 ~ad& os 130 Ibcuthl aulhority wu wit thle mMasll........ Council, 'however, Fi. bat no kacw- MWme Marubail............... 50 ledjre of wiat should b. the. proner Ms atg......00 beigil, but sucresledt laI lb. lighls W. & L. Commission . 8.10 on Dundas sîreet b. Put un aI 121 W. & L. Commission . 188.33- foot.- A coninarison couldti Ien be- John Gimblet . ..... ...... 1.00 maft ad1h cueloneetedmoe J.H. Downeiv .......... .... 18 23 lnlelllandlt.ho ut isetl t morm Chaîrman HalletI saidt liaIIlte lnteltgnil. H putbisIntefo l te Intention of lhe Cnmmtte. bO of a motion. chartee - tee of- £500 for each con- Mr. , Wilson tbourht the lights neclion cf a privaI. train with th1e shouit stay whore tiey are. H e ex- town draine. This 'w411 mean liaI rresedetbi opinion that lhe rivalrv 55 rateravere will be aRlcod t make liat bas existed for so long shoulti thie contrihî,ti on to tie coffors cof be eut out, tien Il would boe esier tb the lown. -The stoi'nine un of. lown contuct the affaire of! the lown. drains le contriuhutedt b bv private Much more was said by lie mcm- draine. andtheiecnet of .npzniza un bers o! the Council, ail bearing on and rlpaninp' shnuld 'hé porllv borne the same question.. Mr. Aunes' nie- -hv thomp wio loin the.r drains Int tien was -carried. rthe Town Clerk' houe c f the ton. was tiereforo asked te rocuest ie Ab-a for the issue of. deben- (~omiisionte lacetheIluits on ures for $37.00n, for extensions to -fAt-r and lieht svstems. receir- WHITSY ~NT7~RI~ I I~roo h -1eThy La't. lu th.. a, but even techer. the<Jd e atten- rproveti ties ofa4e 01, IEL A Dair F'rmî anti the tat.Or9 Ir~ 't "I I - i j 'f .1 22 - Tic duzation cf tic sesmn for esch. kind of fr uit lus-short1 Canning metioti adopted ta perpetuate deliciaus fruits tirougiout thc year. The ries sud berrnes are past, but Peacies, Plums andi Years cOW demanti the tion af tic gooti house-wifei We have provided abundance ai tic lu- jars for- canning tic fruit, andi we are no N offernSlg ho iccut Vail l'esches, Plumusud Pears at very cl'ose prices. Cal sud inspecct tie. fruit andi leave your-crders for your entire wants, -For Pickling Aima, we supply Ghenkins, White Pickiing Onious, Peppers, Spicesà highest grades ai Vinegar. Wc sell tic beut Butter anti best Eggs lu town\ý at close-prices. W'. B.P RI NGLE, & 0< hmobebs it &M bl qiehdis ad» .d .by eh. a de. à he à 6ii -Àa OVERO ( l'

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