Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Nov 1913, p. 6

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- I b0ik iàean f iôeone wtKro~è~~f b smeo..et ah. had pitcbed - paluh~ln : iton Lord Cheeterleirh waa a more acol. p. / .~rgaa~Imtk- ent. Re pltied the poor woznan, and won. dered vbother ie could doasnztii4. r tr'igàrd#OFy o lier. On botl càl6'a.flé ratrk thoir e e be.n alloué. had abe no on. to 'gr'II crck âtir look alter ber?_. f ~usse aais"Iamn orry ion are 1 Lni robe. b. hestd. "11%,tJ eanythizit'I;'cas do t ' ~hlp you?"- Il 'wantunoh, ge. rojlied .ornfully. "Zcn twnd alose. l1ei ca'40' wbat 1 bayé,o Sto do, iocne--Whî en ti me eoome. I do not invite aselitance from etranges; tand * I do flot aooept. ft when tIle offered. Yon are a f riend of, taie treat Lord Cheter.* 1eIuh'î? Tell him-z'but fno; I yl teil bhdm V' lèletswben the hour etrikeeP, hàrSOAieli Violets- hUeu trndawa.. then emàeitlalZ.-za ndto follow. Zt vint eould le 4o wftb, a voman poogeeed tiy an hallu. 'Violet GIycernt Soap from Ilu dealer today cination? now why eyeryofele i nsîingoZ 0 in us OHAPTER Xlm catreha. làaWmhed the sweetest, Most apWeIingr*01.Mina, WallIll'for sa smdye alerbd; las aiways ivanted ilis odor ln coâp, but hereto(bore - nlfyi;sdtb ~trdcurdha i ria Cugh 1.1l'W u ot answer for the oonseueco je e-verywhcrct ln tis sap ve IieWee uh t-* ~nI t to i Icicountry aïe eOQflau e wLSs troflgenoghl Cà, %op~JotiePensive gnd effective nicans to in- trVlH.'adif ie adbos P st ineover*orkins herceif, t at ohé, had sons- lanuo irbt.It Jmkarts to the entire bodymu *hn n inmd ei ht£ hneW Acsi rom the aran h aawonder. vas ab&Dtut.y neresry. c tave been Imore devotel thaýn TIbby vwe 0ME gram and Cli,,'s returned letter, and, in- M& f'Iuioredlhise -xistence. That XMine I ehou¶d b. faecl.natid iii Ibis icod-lookîn g 1pe ~~ i '~o"ell" Wa. 10 Tibby tritur.i enougli; butl 0 I E T II1 seemed equoklly, natursel to ber that inl - ina.if rixe-sa.w and heasU nothing more j e bi .wou3d recover lrom bler ,infatua.; tli. forget b,'im, and beconie tii. sme o 0 CAO P Mhiaeet f ld. C.I~JOS.Asi 'ourdwstnr<Ifri. IhaA. aconn eMina wae strone, enough @lie T csahiiioeaP a ke. A"r ugtidre:: .h é went to.-th.e caside; but the>î did noý go lelapfra»M i$h jZMte Manate or Southend; for at the rail.-1,f - IShéfrqhpSwiraU,,sbeio.wayfi-lce lUch a mdeared cf a new oax l'e, ci&eifor 25c-ý iet a quarter'. Worth 'theigplc vib e eôedto3uldon iruçimfrm cait . tasticIuingNrn.oundaad to po8smm eaut adventage of -being muob i ____________________________________ cheaper. go they.. vent dowu to I*a.on- Bande, ad 1the nov plaée ai ealed. IL eg -_________ as nov, Indeed, -zrnlnfully -ne-w; but thé e J eands ver. ther, right .ndugh, and *1he rows olf boscos, wbich the landlord-pro- 9P, -~~~ pn~ietrith 11e astictance of a epecula.t-o ng tgfder, b.dput un.ooed .tralsht' rv Th> e as Zaleo a daae, vit1à O h d and a Kuroaal-vic 11 s a r h a o ~ btantean4gnosôt of tbejvIsftcrs i S h a -d W I -Lea-on-San- o pronounce& vwitjLii. n- The, platc. was falrly Nfüil, ,nd jea vho promenaded'the. inrade'and the fi fantile pier vitb a keen enJoîment audle Or, AComln Venganceride. derived much satlrtactloui fromtie Or A.oinzV - lclat at aIhe vas *actu.aliy taki4-it- a oU.ii day by th1e ses. But Mina,,did)xt ap -a312 te recover very qulckly. &à*& Tibby dis- - -played-in-Mina',-abeence--aome anxlety' 'jP about lber. le- ~ ."w.e han't be able ,to go br.ck to Lon-b CEAPER IIL-Conipuçd). "Probebi ," aaoeent.d Olive.- Il.astiqne don for eouxe lime." mohé said. "811e do't b s~~l roeetly ie <I jn.~reted iweli. Wb 'eho'bad be vt Lad3i Edi,If Elleb& aliook hie bead gravel."o" 11, ' 1 otbd nci forgotten Mina.,th "Iwa t dco wOVbv utrb4 eor*ta.,- concen- of hie loge vae for thé moment blul ted by eaid about _ber having omething on lber vi; t~ue points ubCand's nopte c liibeautifulglirl; but riglit. Si. seeme to me e betrttin? P th nk pf ntis lit th e dde; ie ou e referonce te Elisaavolte ite old about aomietbligt; thougrh vint ce oould tel JU iiew roted vltb cheevm, a&nd nawing at is beert. Minsa. fa"e rose Tibby va. len e amm nt. ie h -4 *O~~Y ~Edti ceased te Itesmt hlm. a i é knev '-1.11 llyoui.fatber. If ion' CoIEL opoe h. 4rt 'o*l, &mo tilntbatho vas' enger t<et &*&y,. -1bunot t. lot Ont ihat I've, douese. ItVe that g lyIu progev suently uisr.11lmoinpin . M 1r. Clive," - grew uloude'ir quite-ore paer '. bullmenimeh fit ou Ellebastart.d-, and locked nI ber lucre. 1 >meie ný ýDowthat yen have coume hack.v .eesald. duloncli sud eomewbat indignantly. te ( Jtteer. Thé delgiss.- 5as115 0k ue biig bat. "Yen .sil vaut te "Wbat do yo en at" b.demauded. te 'Seéioake ,o ei ,tetalk -to fatlxer nov batgreat thlnge are ~1~~l' a.I~etaln ieao Clvebd insbd ti st ow. a o Oce. VaUt to mquedofbdy adyo amet h lrs dy ecame tote 1eRente.CL cf s4ýniratIOu sud trumph I aal feel a.if qIebasoe; besldee,,Ho vas filr «truck %vith )Mina; sud cie- A', tbeàm.1Mr. Devereux 'rose to repli-tfs l b'eh1 fe a' Iabhànoesare lu the vefll t'e enly' to ho expected -that @ho qui 'aain v * as fiat u an~u iog . gs,<csd As if I ver. satlug bould lie teok vwith him. Oh it weren'tba Leaercf the1 l sîîgy strove to u11 moratocp.ne aie-f ancyo y pati Ihave proof---but neyer h aIuiif Qivec ~luc. 1eauceedd ul iakiuig. 0f course, yon 'e-lU b. lu it. mid tint. YOu talto my ord, liere vwu@0WC partlaiy, and tie sucosi remslned vithii ac. vi odsda ntscn omeLug ativeen 'emx; tbat'd'*iiY I waean4 cive. . émuel 11 O. Idr ay t'-s seve 7 ophalp- vith 'ii sud d-ldn't, vauit ne o Ho got: up limmedateli ,.&fter M1r, De- "Oh.ton<larye înet" saD lve. "Ieia'ivannëioi, or auythiug ef tbc-'kiud.Forto ( vireux'. 'speech, sud loft jhe iHouge.. enré temaymn t rlefor, -sud! ý hl- P -The* ouidu'î lie any igeod lu ft'bal knèw, jit ix. ad, se of-oid, tmode hie most Of hem. if not alibave itrongor, ý 1 s, _,'*nd It ien't to 11e cnpposd moIrk, b ut 1the knovbledge bre*ught,îim n ao daims than 1 have' u a '. ~-_' ilm a bb m eait LratlUtatton. -H.Retreled lt. 'Pal acO '"l deu'ýthbnk se""@sixdeclared, 'ansd one-,a. ust4k, father. lteep your 'air IS1 ~erdsnd ook, aboihm aimilemuly arn sure l8ter sioeun't. But Ium'el nOýon u.-an' ,onîve orefotiea atter 1the mauner otfA&juan vîxo hb& ÎÎýintrude ou lie c'uscta sanctoruni etpoli-."î ey~k 'VuYen bve 'or te me, If wvoAd thibng to do. novieke te -go. Lord Chester- tics. YOnlU U v )WI v<sh yO e vol ' I e5aia, rm odn-a' omete 1.1gb caine.ont, sud 1&14-a baud upen bifs Sit' rua1 ber beautifui eyse te bie, sud'-d'yer uuderstandt--mhe'il acon ferget ail * hondA.~ fais" ah mioe over lier fa<'t. C'ive abl,.4'fm, ah' xe 'er old self iagain." Ute býMDe*dId. nxy' dear fellov.. splendidt" i -ad oha mmnt i n entA "ady lessonsl" gaeped- Eliha. 8W( - 1eoxlaimed. "'Thnt speech tif youra rsquf < J3 15w5i clown lte etairs hoe met i"iYen uniet ve 'em up." eafd Tibby ed them -oxpletely. If they p à -rtue1-9guP. Nb. e eood aide to lot ekru1iy "Ail C emoney lu lhe 'world int, 'ýj1 I e.sud sxlaamed Lun0rieutssi woIldrit b. or6ihvwileil Mina vae un- fAol at: ail.'tboy viU do mo, by ol #fo)r iii. fret t-m.%mi happir, I-" -8h. choked batik a furiouas v -Majorit. W- ear -P . m, ier i'pa -dr vaan'*I b~ d alammed -donin ber iea.cup. a vithme; 'y.1139 - -~14~vlt, aair i e)riR?',êd lai mottey-bacS shey -gave yOLiu ~~ <egt fiteO - 'Sonthlnp .ise. -eil hum ,up; anyhov. ve a oGroeivenox, Squae. C ' uie -b'tle pheaant. ean'tkSeu iL"- lelIgux/teksdpliie; sdelaftdon " mannerlofÛdàd ansd veut o." on.ln't4*avetbonrht iltiof 'f i.t ili the,1brospecte et tiair parti;su li, s eabe I l h 1e sav 'that thé Mr. Clivé,", mnrmured RUmba sOrrowfuPi'. tje - . .lotnM-*vith hie nev indifference suan arigo was valing. Lhe door. Lord "l aiaiaeg odsdkn- nst~ee ag'aiu Croeplng over hlm; 'for *hseldhber l 'd, comiug out "Bolbe:, vas." adrnitied Tibfby; "but so's a1 bwta i. e-att madIl pech , th1e r f 'the library, drew hlm 1'.uo tii.roorn. Most riqu vien they're lu love. Oh. I juic setaglu. he Ponvcio me- tThey îalked-politfoa. et'of urs.--for near- do' bl**ne 'im. It's only natural. Look lie ve eetiu lu ti. onvctin tr a]y haîf au heur; sud ai ho gnd clivé e . vhat a 1beautiful gel our Mina le: au' (aiE tlere wan ltitwrhaiigfr e îuohlg wrti lvig fr ecpted an Invitation- to diueov*t an earl ut.e a flady in b1er vaye aud mantier af cnî i - 'F4ib a l be rocn. supos." ate Hie vas goi-ng oui of tie bouse iyien poiin'. iHe cduldu't hldl'faliing ini loveS Lord Cbemtrl#tgb aas hle $oe b~.adSaa ree " he i.xle.8 I meant to etop Jt An' 1 t qmpydavng-oo. Wll o up 'tothe dr'ive, camie dtiwn the ataîrs. Cl'.,I pt'rfoewtud p i a nid -of ber uni t81. v iiib.gadte s el on. z" hèi u iecaNesu soo e.mptmi lae,"Eled. n pwt 1- _ byvet t. garet Ld fEi li tsoivotlklnt ad die"Waha. endne iby" iiin "Noi r ou 1,mu.t' 1.llme ail yonr elven. p »sedb4 hé tact: tisai ho miioniiu *li i et e 1e ee.Whtdoin t'lfur," .adLady IDdiIi. '11 vas goinug 1'Onorogsetisevornan aWsf,- glaiug at Lad y once, - lu; atithat 'wis -ave missed 'iou; but titut lidti as aise hmd glared at Lord -Chester. I B lcoted aI nc 1buttdbacS tà î' 1vouid'mals.ion vain. 'W. tlYOÙn Iêlei Meew tliaiho ougit to apolo. Itel Tibby aud Mina oet'bd1egood fortune 'wei'e neyer oafng b#ok. W-hors lave ion -ize aud 9o evay; but hoe feit atrangeîy tint lied bofallen ilûx. and ualt motr-iu - t - - ~reluctanitet'Odo 80.1 lookt -le»18plaee l in_ t t,-u wfe Clive teld ber of torne cf1h. p" laçea loe"No$ vo do net lt4ow oaci 0111r." 1eproeuce *as pepl wloc pd bis -1 a4 rlàited; ber eos. vhfi b. vaso»Pea e@&d; "sud yoi vb h#Ye met befoe." aetpmmtyalm'îd - ~dvolldog upon hlm ae If, jiswe-ea b- 'Ido net remnember." @o sie cigstfly. , Afler aj ilimermIna <i'ern.ecg l n hie nartie ley n'sd 'Yen bave tb. advs't.age of me."- ' 10g o dowu te the ur4àaian sd hbeer ti ab$ sh put lu a "or&d vicb rtoealet "Let me recaîl th'o occasIon, madarn," bnnd-tbat is, Elléba-playîtg; sud oe --- Interesita in .'ipiol prlul.a aid Clive. I met >yen enseicl aiedar-tii. Chevalier saltîEi8t hm:- .ld hlm op t-,furtbor detail.Pre- Yard eue n1ghe vieil >Lord Ciicae PIerZgiý Dtn Teeynd0gteMs ii î 'an J ~.d r leioLool»4t ater e, su diguer, !adn Ilyr, 'tetr a puse,é mii n ,e vercarnige vie paaslng." » ~-amongai the audience? I': tionght se *-SMdea' prgtogo-,that -'qurcfDli 1111Mnu. Ih; ,but eiteeltber, boad. She'. set-savie,'anti Iv. ýà1t -aher le -Ipu nov. 'dem wiom W. et' nupilsý Wiie "Idonetltovyn.0 bave no riglîtnei;wiyiedutsotelhr 'î vh ept ont cf tovu -thiioygave hlm th~e te stop um.. Thiylol fre eoutry; t. iv.hatilo i~rranei h uW» osyen rriluged - fr te ýkoqp hlm go. -le- a public etreet.,- I. eaulbock at vixor îi -bIler rilon'o r 'a i f h 7-ý ;, olhr-?r "idu- u e li'eaupemo" - lsb o oet hormds c 1. ei îl r. K ut ag-. "iut. noo" eseenolClive, ai-uinle th ue ft, an daitonilcttg vy' rn I ~' >1h~-%, à letor frômi bf-m 'befome; "but theres ae eh mani varso b rn~n nomlJiso i.C. t Uýb * 40pufasvsd etrugiemxm8bettw udIOfu dt m iaIyn~valler'. -cicr. Rer P"V a.. anhdsu ideradort-r(ni .ýfu0r - ' n; adI fmýdt e htYD a:llbt tolIn 'ber eyee. cf -itte' s»udut fna (àlxi-IUPE>% e a sons te t sr@-ismoscfm"klîg1 ii nanti lîifloss,- And -oie began.t,tromble, ny-e. t..y sbo4 i on k 1 hSi 0 lut dpitid.]Dofor, ioxigh the beai-t imay sc ulo t>xce asy goor. Yoe , l l i."- g io'iC llvý'sZf sà<mev C x bergio S-be dr. E< th or ove, tbwart.d no More e h 0." IUdI 14t1o eîgrtisCiM.Cllvelubiad lovnk e & e toi- i apralice. butd huo-bII, .too atlhe tbtidsean -day, vas tiàg s ssa, n 11e omn »eseusimeî. O hé '(tIl er atebe e:csfpt M411. ý8sed. suceoatew htr--t, abq sa t' l1a1. - 'b e " i vl it L * n au e- ngîapltlMssp.e-sMs g itm, fat" i go u 'p- iFoulchÙir Versons thOh. ese rA if ~~~~~o P'r n or" ¶./.. /...,.b hgbfliusm~beooafn Ug lott.'Z4' ' rl.&t, Wbelt p5.' sITO ai.&fod ute' . oo d x le'atu -adience. '26 ~~~ ~ ~ -î Ror bw Cealiîboer uu$ itnvrtrbj7..et-c-, 1elo eti wn upo 'ba2à:u eg'n sU-ucl1ef-tfon. stuýeert-lS e fie -2 -t. 4:~.~'«e - (Th b. ocînuiid - '- - 1%ea!1ci èers little:&Sd water. h viii saxve thi MIL- I iasyrup or g'avy fromnbciiling o'ýà.. -7 - rub'. t'he mirrors with a' dalmp cloth, -- bread jar for a. fe>v days before us-V If .taJble silver is placed in hotý soap- edidtel 1af ine nepon, fused anilit IlOUfl Ido Cupýui cf boilinsgwtr.AdWo be saved. w.rWo cuprlle '-0f au, il one andeneg-hli Rubber bands, are inexpçnsive- CtipuI !.-oae.,oe ,f.d are. of great use in prnpaning Seleeeel Relpes rasns, one cupful6 f cu-a*te, ônelunches te >fasten the vaxeti paper - I N E N ouplul cf oe, ptg>n- -around sandwiches, ca;kee, Jruit,-, L S T IR I S fuI 'each cl allspice,, oloves;- çisuia, :, Syrup Pie.-ow gswell boa- andý,nutmeg, six otipfuls. o-_fliir, - ______ ,iabe,& esamore dwll- breati tins, and bake skwly4for tire lThe Ne1e .-Atto,'ney.Genera1 .of s ~ o*) ne -tablespoon hu-. Tsrcipt maire. twd ra rti,>> S.,~ 4'~ ,b butter and ýyiclîi cf*sait. -Beat lo&# s. ti.s. sul tàgether â - a he between tîwo W-ar Pudding.-Drain, the syrup K.. ',Ccuneit ti.sariic e can c pear antiresenVe eeotf thle. unt-«lucrative. junior "~ ust. eala<s....A'dodos, t, -for Ithe pudding sauce. oo. practices at tii. Ban when on-ly 36.' Ambe -'(-:f dsset cib~i cfbeiingwatr- ventwothe chie! Law officer of thée Britiéh~_ ad.b-pîaciug oee cup maple sy-Iabbeepoonfmls of corn-st;arch that Cenn mubrof rébie . --- - ap, thre. ýeups -hot water, ati be-las been pmoisnevi]-ait.emtoicare atteBrthinaeih.lf houot.Hem- lid cup àf .minute tapioca 1, up.' co]ti. water. oki--ii t~ta !S 'êh lsbeorSmn lcs h oei otc er part of-douible boilerainti cook- ±rainiparet ddtotablespoon-M, p--a.bsesr em~ ~d- withhl b ha esoai,-i ig lover hti ater until clear. tos fuiths o!nbi *l sy a trb o, fn erve colti vit> cream, - ither plain whultes, cigr anti folti in teabosthn ti n,.éy h ouinDiW ~ e.ynatry of e. subjot3b0 in ,aadDe > ,g rd in'haee gi-.mol<if'Cluce-gational inis- o f1ajge hecÏrîzdon ,P ç .e e nManchater, 7b o ,viCs t. y. ý 'e: fofllcwing is a goti anti inox- centke, and cover. vit>tce,- m -tas et yeaha oilaege ordantid e pator h nsvesaai reungwhcl e as ng portion o! the nt teny eaw gowa eeeiueatis peaker, and- lie baJ ensiv sald dussinard.h iSeatyit theboard a-t the unm*vdrsity. lie provedcuue of 1h, tbest debMers oi ' prepare a nl a ic.Vo - always on theole. To mairet-hosau.ce, ait a tinàe o<f a, bmilliaint litai adti.Lbralsd i i.Hoa 1 ave ýcn handi. ,Antiiergooipoint t ~oe, yn'up .draineti fi-_thi e - f xrdLiberas-ei',tihte'x> -nd A-di on cof a-à A ~/ i itkeeps 'weIl: On. well beaten peiràoneteaacofuiî of emo-Lawrence, Hammrnt nd ud , At rgtoa mnitrh e-yiý 9, four -tabîestpoons sugar, one ilice 1 one teaspoonful cf the syru pne-?Ge#eral -has gonlc further bibéti Luiberal vi'eve n tbic- tblespoon fleur, one-haif a tea-frtiprsrvt inger, anti one-I tha'à them ill. vie-va te v hlch', as on .otf 'six Or-j poen mustard, a pinoli of.jpaprika qual-erof ea cupful 0f 9re mpl.e ad tford Men,'h. gave, expressiin feitlier reti popper, on-af e- the mture ovor the fire, ehl a- u'an when Ha's ae:hascall'dgin 1899 er ýF4ay ieanti il' dh poo elt,* al a upcivin'grtit is 1t ad heaten .yolks, o! tc becme tii ehad o! hia'profeýssion lioids them k.rouniy anti- afedfaatl3r sd oue taluono but-ter. Put to- g.We ]> suecneI-nuny .a succeesful junliii io as Ho-la not Vie.sort 39't lawyer wlic -a double boièr anti cook until -1h. pon -epve iUfrou tho -fire Itaren longer to reaci an inoome in clioilés hlis pioltical views výit an -thicicons. ~~anti cool Lt. Garni-h itli whipped- îhnee figures; miny, ajutige- toek oye t rfsin1-a~aTeet' Cerman - ffotk;raw.-Tare one-h-a]! cen longer before he becae a K.- -'- Flamil Steak wltli Drcesslng.- There lias neyer been a, mer maàin ' '-ai o gctiaiz vlibgecu h-reSelect a.flic. thick. fla.nk anti have In the vii9k history o! the. Engiilih . law (do notc;hop) one-hlf o! gooti the ' utceilrr remove ail sin ant InBr sajno lvsnV og-SEFRE U L te ononla-tie nten-- stbe-spot, it on botu sides. A.ir fer a béfore lie 'vas oliosein outby tle -- concf ar' ht u ii, tev ptsinilpiece cf' suet. Ingredients rnh-ounQan af Xtt t ceir afew inuts- (on'tfor Liessing: Two cupluis o! soacetid- Smo.800 nown>, thon atit a ca.bbage, cover banddcru>bs cee mai ouontue- ît 'lhot water, anti lot boil thirty taubleepeon of îuttir, one egg, on.,; ýTi. myste i-y-of 1naleéged:.,forged kînutss, thon addt one-thirti teaecùp quarter teaspoon o! sali, a littiel ,'/ wviii-sà being invfEtiga 1edby- the' Inegar, two tablespoon sugar, rex-powirdsgsvrisaig #'- judicial authorities at Albi, ii î -- nr, a nti -aitb ate onek nt peppei-. Pour water on Vth. stal, tîiofrno. Me. aty utirtin tii n.teasp'on breati. When sefb pros d'y in )DeviDie, iio ten yasstînei- hit. fleur tictkeuing, lot bell few hoth liantis, then reject any harti r-t at $8,9;- înutes. -You cani use more vine- ondmkp1-i.-Batt, g wi ir ne N be i1 r or sugar Vo yur tasto. Rcd at t n io ~ saoig "' cagt ih~rigamsi< liag crihomae aie vy. mince the eùi6n,ý put in !rying.pao ,<r by wich sue vas fixored toi the e Uocoa Cake.-ý-ODe-4hali Clip btt- with 'the butter, lot- il coi a littie -- ycusiou of! henrerlative.s. - r, one cup sugar, riveoge, l one b ut net brown, adthe l>breati, lui-n' '< ~ iSevoml ttmtaVoîpse i i aspolon vanilla,, tLree-quarriers a feýwlimes, thon taie re nm sîou-I,- . -<~ have faileti. Boni. tue sgo -Mmrej Lp sweet nxilk, oeeandti îiee- u: he lakwel wthsait anti ' Devillew vieri etiin.. the -A,ub* arters cups flour, twe teaspoonipeppei-, place tiiessng ou, Ilion roîll ~ ' - ' Court fer $20 due te butehrl Lkng. -povie-, foui- tablespe-ons1t;lgh ,Ve'irl viecret- '-produceti ilcouintbooks whiclî la ýca. Creani butter, stir Lu sugar, guet ýup finely, place in pan anti îay- been irept by hem -àte . încle, asid id addt unbeaten eggs, anti beit ail in thé rost, cover anti ceor in showed that the' bill -liati been païdJ- ;ether until cmeamy. Sifri cocos, i3steady heat; it muet be wehildoue The tigee inatigatin ase - ad kking powder, aud fleur teogçtlem, but not dnieti eut. - frJi nSImoiçK.C.i.Attorney.' red-eti ltmttssdaa tei-natiug aii milk untâïl- batter iii ine acceunt booýe'. an&d stif! -enougli te tdrop from s . gcu h d RtGnra fGetBias ub&equienti they were. compare -J cId vanilla. Bah. in Ion! in nue- ' vhl ins iuithe viii by wivic Mei.De- ,rately hot oven fr hirty min- Beàng are the most nutritions e! large railvay companies, anti lit a.s vile became lior nuci's. heiress. i 1 e.Tkfo rostng twsquares"I gea1s frey:saiti that ho tookr 'silk'iýsimn- I is aliegeti that a sti-iking sire, 'i ret ciioeulate, meirieti, stirred1 Whuting anti ammouisarai- beet - ply becaus ha 'écoulti pot stand the larity w-ns noticeti between the sigý o eue andtin!ue-hlI cups eeufcc- for cleauing nickel. s tmain -o! the vorr lhrown at hiru. nature of tlîQ will amti*Vie handwri > noms' -eùgar. Atit drops of hot PoIte v ater i. gooti M 'nemove - But more probabiy lie teck 'silk' Lug in vhich the aitemations andi ati-« -1er tuntu right c-ensistency. mu stinsfrom il d4th. - tse early beca'nsé is hearh hasn1al- if-ions md beeu madie -iu thebutch Crnbcrry and Apple Mound,- A few choppeti dates adtied teO ways been.in' pýoitics. Frein his uln- er'e account book. A warraiue'f-o;- ek lequal parts of cran-berries andti appîct sauce makea a véry laal.y disi. dergnaduat.. dayahle ms, beeu an Mme.- De'illc's si-rest folloved, LtM ted apples iogetuiex' iu.a vory lit,- Newspapens vil give- ashiilhiant'suit-tte is party. As a canudidate is deuiiared that wheon,,se. av Vital wuaf-er, f-hou press thani througli a finish ta window glass as chamois. - le han been semethiug more. -Wal.- ami-est vas inevîtable, M,*,-meDievle sieve, anti mensure. At thevi.ln the pantry the ri-lber bandti iomstcwev s aimeat the. largest andi swaliowed a quf.ultity e!f laudàniný- ice cf a lemon toe aci twctloup- w-iîr lolti tiglitthe covera o!i cereale Vise moit- costly seat te ,figlit- in the but net enouigli Vo caus. mor-e dthau s, ntiiLv ee ntieu-ml janti cookie boxes. coun-try. Sir Johin fougîl Lt tinice a temnpei'amy ilnons. pf-uls of - sugar for eaeh lemen. 1 Wien parng potatoos, do net'i n tane year anti carried ti l aci The judicial auiîienitics are fnousm ir over theArei' for a te-v minutes, iwaste a dlean pan;.- a newspa:perIl-ie. Andi ncw lie i-s lcaving a seat investîiqatn-g lie deatia<Of teiU~n I. :11 f-h e u a n s t iss olv d t o n 1 vil h elti all t ue p a rin g a.. - w h ic l i sii o w n 'g if s, a i p e nso n a .iity [c ie a n t i eus ife, w lio d ie ti au d de n .l ruer sîoviy -fer fia'.minutes. #i I sbotter te dean meat hby wip- have matie Saff tO champio>n teh ti ewwe~o aliol~?' re rei li ~iresudcoo. eat iuig il off vitih a vol cil-th han te cause o! Freo Trade in otiWa 1902. Tii. cause ei th rind Wva viie . o ! V th e gge a dreevre un o-rLandc ceotlioelr.eetin i n srbtit ulioa poto- tiiseofort r disreus.pretti 'r if looseiy spd simply hr - bes ,,(,e see fhouera iron, by.-sheer tt. 'i'i. essé.am:t 'e-now~n u~ '; ,dicôüfor ordiÉj as.biiy anti hard vork, viti no ad- hhe trou Duke--the tùýasajion 4e.,2 ' bouc a ~our rane.- 't eib If' 25C. a -ixn a yocri n ! '1hoeu frveuttitius lais, mar- y no se- ing *easy ant i ouis It 'iae h--- fnîas sc dsjininr ca liîh ambitions, no-professional envy,'tiuke's uniâo ' re-stionatiph- S ic f ui 7g eînîsidvii aro for Sir JohnSimon lias ne eneinies. elcai energy warh inus ie e opg4iYi qtut cissors.o- - "'AI Fettos, Coliege Sir Join Iarn namofo- the. Mrepul - Nt ngis s got fr sraîîiulearnedt.ËVe Jesson o! 'plain-,living eîamsýàliip te fit.iim 11k. &a,.perfe« - bathir g vif-hveryhtb el a-a, to igitiinatLt ade-cp. - ------ - - IRIS uhiéhI-urpentino; ha. be'en'added, - 'T an oumce f-e a quart. HO E ful sà ornr im.up.a é I.bt i Tc-ilys p.holik o:afe iue Mn owater. Ti iipeventjits tckrg te1 tue cI.oth.- A gnordut plece a e! nwuaper - ýci-Uic d mbnto rdgia aos as a e!- - ficuo entidrain, toe l oquettou,frt ha'nu-nt&!ON£ DDU for el cin lritdien ulen'ole. Dmý îLII pit'iii- 1he. asheg, an-.ý c%-"iPitt ---t- -- tie and i-ngeh'lous, eiI fai1s t'O-accoinm 0r fjoy and hea: th;.,. et ii eeting o 1 Oeiat;-on at B*zrminý Iproes,or advanced a 9 a-nëw e<theo, iWhereaa Ber~gson Te Ms,à mild oreof e 'Oakulated to discon neaS and ciarelessne k ooiacig~ ioks U1,OD ficent Provision of nm a mass c01IMin-or woud therwne dej fng WIJ-bint 01 fcf u fIcw.r pompous Icld gentieu ',CI Oprawling on&a oil 1tis ourduty tolai -' lftraining our mWi bowever, the. misforti b pkn. ince the. ways acted up, to thi out knOwýùg ex:aetl, 've been ond.e ni our owri minor zm ~che érfû iy4s we du otheru?1 Are th'e èy C harging that a 'erta m4IGIaÇO is -present in M.d stimulating Taug there fa atili oun ideri .evolutionry,,pro la not beeficeilti eveî excited by tjhe s1igii Parents ,and dthý's l'ason th~fallto r cationaI Prbsptuses COrne Lorosu a new -jjý thmao3. T 0 8a areé using it irOly Iy t -a &tieIy arrived scit deai-gned -to pronoýe presézv-nesi tbrough metof hythniicalîgy- * a MÜlical aceomeanunw auatg put bis theorie anti now bas its, chie! fixubs oe fDreïdeu. Erc it lkas upreadtioaEnglaj <3 n Lbnn Great things -are,'rem thie p-ue G. the new 'Ite-German lheadquarei the yuge ns.:The p i -tehysica .mesicas IV'" And "they -trans] <4tJie lianba "&dte- f-mmnd, anidliateti extra witi ail hie heart. He b the eanliest tinys tniedt< [~idoas o1 a sunilnr nature' 1hitne s - iiist cx.day h. car upon the . àlee, o! hiest generounsly N 'if-h alayer, cf butter wiri A1 Stunmountôd by. a yvunsg_n of jain. siiior-1 8everiY? 'aureiy you -do Dn IZe. What 'oU are, doing; Yi gnghtî,by nO-W, e ou togethé.r l j repicd Dl't you 8s 5m. suice -i i. f i

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