Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Nov 1913, p. 5

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watch or pieceof -ranin watchMcn Think! A watch movement whieh woldcost$6.O cotyou $8.00 i', the regulr ay wudnwcs~ is- movemenüt'ina reliable - gold filled clise, the. watch comýplote would Çost,-Yoù oà~y . $1100, that is, $5.00 for the )rks.ýàù Be$r ~n hop eaàrly for these speciial ,ýwatcliesfor- aithou;gl wehalve aot «f hem n_ 1oo~o We avet '0'O 100 ,Besue an ak o see our psîortment ,of silvergold -and- gold:filed..bracele ace.You -aget veyhi no1ýeltieS for au -Xmas gift fro Sup*Po'se'you case aud $6.00 Lg suitable in je BASI JIEWLER AND GRA DUATE' Opposite the New Post [T OI~IT.' -f. w w ~ - W . C.T. . Mr, Thiou. OuninigbaMwboba been ln Moâtiual, fbr some time wlth Fr READ TRIS.#heCaainfNortpiern Railw#ay, was ' orieietai yeas the- ladies of the homei over, Sunday. -CT..haegvenlO a -Çirlbtmage A rgata hefôw Se' trou at tiiu House 'of Refuge, To raîse A r.iat stefoeru. S e' lunds td5 this ups e r od perfumeos.. Algerlan Rose, Violet $ Ing an etertainrnent ln tfie echool- Royal, Egyptian Lotus, Indien Iris,, zroom Pl ti.Metiiodiut 'Tabernacle on 'etc* J.' E. Willfs, drugglst andi op- Frldey- eventng, December 5, at 8ît cien. o'clck. indesa f fMuss L. Pinse, of tbe Public Soliool fniendu, a.'good-program -bas b tff & n11a hrhoee-rplc purei. eyo Wlllsbasklnty.on-i l belng--taken at tii. achool by Mise suntuti to preside. ýAs, we cen«lonly -MitcieelI.- dê us orkby the bearty yoipr ation -of. our'townepeople,, we asic for Rmme ii iuo Bnit ar a umpérue.r -the Methodiat scbool-rorn on Sat-. Llght. refreshments willI -b. served. urday afternoon at 8 .o'clock. 'Admnfosulôn 250. ;pull program print-1 e d ln nent week'uiissue. Let'us belp You salve thé Cirqt- ________________________mas, glft rôblèm. We haive stmples *of some beautiful cârds et the. Ga- -Igzette offie. Tbey in se a s',plendid Local Babppeinrgs Rernembur Madame lejMar, Dec. 4, The Beptist Sundav school enter- taisaient will be- held on; Tuesday. Madame le Mai, Muai it, Ul1, Dec'. 4. Teceniber, 80. A silendId. prograrn -4 - - isl being arran«eti for, and will be toyelîte coal cil, the iiigiiest' gr-deýý qultte up to' tho usuel standard. 200..pur gallon' et Moîntyre'.bard-'r-pnt h -~---~W.e ry I.Burton, baving oed e -4- eleanfne 'and tvrestsinz buiness of J. 3R. Robt. Noble's neW bouse i, ~ aron Dundas S$t.,. solicits - neariug, completion. H Ee eipects toi the patronage ýof the public o! ,Whut- mirôe fntott'next week. b. Soa Pool'.e r .tii. boot luin *.-< ueb/nel è sbion tub. rnarket. Stop that counh witb Willis' Coin-; pounti' Svrniof Wiite PInse and Tar.4 'tiie nellable coutgh medicine.. 25c. pur botttue; t J.E. Wit-h', drugglit, eand optIcisa The- Towan Hall han ben "'gaeed for Wednesday evenint. Dývnmberi fon a,_cnncert o! sp)ecial nienit. Moare partîculans ni uk Carne and have' afténnaon tea et, thbe Missionn Band bazear ln f-bu Mrth- ntitut schoël-room ou Satundav. Orly lot,. . A %ond ronMe, t iMcintreU nana-: -. ware stori for $1.50-pur square. f-. atuoLi."a "throuRbte F4iof.Lie l * t-be titi, 0f1f-be uhi fq b. Presenf-ed Dee. 4. Madame le Mar, Musie Hall l -h.nvl al i1 iena vnn * W hae ume~a ocii alus l Teerber 28, by f-he Melwtioduaf S9. 'a. ni aen' 'swfkmame esa rn fles ani itr. DO sot forget -the.untertatumeut ta wino~ eânet ool. cC>be giron by M.'ý Beugougb h h Mn.F. ,I Joes ashedf-h1!onf- all on ffldavý oentng'oet this 1..e- -1ré. Suu.yusettWl!' or fi bis tône andi Mn. ve:nsf-ne's diug store. appearané of: heubiduig.&t ettt~ ~psupî AUl pianovotes lu W.M.- FriIns, andi farnllrreceints te itia' -.druc *edeud~', 'ation. 'J.E. Vlllîs, druggist. andi Mr., anti Mn. Ryie -anti famlv bave -madame lu Mer, Muie'11,Du.. 4. movuti,, Vto Mr. fleverll's bouse, on Eueolitist.,.>fomnienîr osanst ani Just _a Word'to Mothers 4about Childrèns' Phôtý se The ieceeuity of qick ez- *posures in makiýig photo-. graphie plates; of ýmr'l child - ren makes il esseniial to have' * te etrong light oëf the day; Kindly do âot leave it to9, 1à4e in the day, no matter héw- bright the day ie. It la flot too- early 'now for, Shrlstmas Photos. Wilson's Studio. Rer.- Geo;' YuIe, ýo! Osbawa, la St. Andr.w'u Churh, Whltby, on sunday ueig next,, Novernbek Bof-b, et 7 p. Ail Sc6ebrna, wbether rner- bers io!tf-be St. Ândrew's Society, or' netir Or PeOOMy',rsquësiedte, meut a1j Higblaîd 0114,. roorn, et 6.80,p,.'.ý anti rarob te 'the churcb. Mn.-- Tippur, district ruprusntati-e of -the Agrliûlturaa DeâArtnut, ni- [t«ed the -Pee Kuepo'scoarepti on, andi tii Fruit Groveru' - Association recuntly. The bonona fer fruit ' wore carried put tbla -yean. Lest yuar 'lhuy Wint sat.' flosaver, 'Onterlo County ciruind off two fint pri z The. Ladies' "Aé f the-. Beptiat rusb Io on to order your pnlnted Christi as carde. Cali at the. Ga- zette ad Cironicle office NOW, suad leave your'order whule there lu time. A dully May musa dusappointrnent Rer. George Yule, of Ouiawa, will prèscb tiiq annual sermon tho St. An- drew'a Society on Sunday evening, No vember 80, Wn $t. Andruw's cburch,- Whtby. , Al Scotchmeu, wbeth 1er members o! -tii Society or not, are cordtelly- lnvtted to, muet ln the. noome of- St. Andnew'u Society, over A.M. Rosa' store, at 8.80 p.rn., to go Ilias body to the churcli. Ail wel- A. H. Medlind, of Ninga, Man-, ln renewing bis subocription te tthe Ga- zette sud Chronicle, eays, "We would not 11k. ýto be without your paper." If you're 'wondenlng -wiiat yen cen gir. yourý away-frorn-bome fnieude, a Cbnistrnai subsenpti on for one year to, fbis paper would be a splendid solution to the probluin. Plan of bail for tiie Mad am le Mar -concert on Decernier 4 'at-Willls' drug store. Ho for Chicago Stock Show. Round t-rip tickets. Good- going Nov. 80 te De.2 Good.:to- return tilI Dc.,8. Se . or write Stebeunson (oppoite Standard* Bia&kl WhI tby, for tiiosu roduceed faestickets.- Stepbeéiuon eau , ice ,fiolmor- to any.station,- andi eau maîku e -,iehresurvations abeei; Alucl eheap. tickets: for ' Xnm.a at HTome." .Y-,FTry , aud'sesu Stephienson,' ýWbltbybefere travulnc. Reu eir cboles of aIl .and', Océan ,Steern- ,eii* liîe. .Rtes~ ec., guaranteed Mrn. J. W. Eungb ts -ZenernLlY acknowledged to he âeue of! Panadals mont giftod AnMi versatile, nulertan. uns. lebas made a neme for tilm. 'Self îtilot0uly Ilis owa country. but ln thbe Unîted> -Statue, au lae siowl y the. ,number Id tirnes thet h.es uap-' veaned ÏrÏth greet aeeutabltr hW fors ea enitical (Ibatauqua audience. »eizan old WNtby boy, eveyrou, abould' Make an effort t her hMm on, I'ndav eveng. Seouji es@ere seat et 8. p.m. select programme o! "1Ye Aulti Scotfb Sangs, "ý and fine selèe- tiens by Pipe Major Sutherlsnd. i"And when a nlcht 11k. this comes roun' 1l4en Scotciimen ha. their.4e, Tho~ thistie aye cornes uppermost, VUil gang my frimes to s"- MI Scotciimen and thei-rifriends're 1wé1ýome. Corne ane, c a'.. Tick- ets 50c. H. M. Rose,, Preldt. T. Matfison-, Secretsry. COMING 1 .LuOpt._D.,. :159 YCinge Strlect, Toronto's alte optician, cýJi b. ýonsu1ted at A. H. Allin's <d" stel'e, Whtby; Tuesdixy. Decembdéri Ti la a good chance to get glasses fittet correctly at rigbt priceu.-21. A. Y. P. A. SOCIAL. Où Monday, eveniug the A. Y. P. A. 0 f Ail Saints' 'hurch held a mont sucçessful blrtiiday party. The seiioolroorn of the, churcii *as taxeti to- its utmost capacity-. A splendid proeram was provideti, after whiefi refreehmenfts wene seeved andi games induiged ln. COUNTY COUNCIL. TPh. County Couneil ln meeting it the -pourt fiouse here thfsý,weel.'Thie sesson apened -on Tuësdav "àtfflo?> andi wl*111probably lest tili ';â"dav- A réiuoàt of the procqedines wi il1 be vubljleed In. nuit week'e fssuecf thus 40 ýWajtTunassen LaLmipa. 42e.ý'î 00 ýWatt- Tuin clLampu, 45c. at f~o . 1les rrti n u hardware àti-twuutprcs - Petson1alMention. j M es Scott upent thu e eA en.-à et Mr.j.Stpiuo's -MI u Waing, c f Oshawa, speu t ti weel unti wltii Mise May SleMter, Mi*m -Amy ICea-n ba@retuirneti bonis afterj spelidlng.a week iu Toronto. xii. Cnlin. e bf2Kllanuy Gru&",ý bis utu2edtroa anuit lu Toreunte next week.- bie Vbniatrns BAPTIST CiumdE. 9unday, Noverber 80. Sbrvices as usual. UR C R E .Sunday Scbool and ibl lie et 10 ai.rBblCiss Morning servIce. at Il a.rn. Pive minute sermon fo,1r the -sciiol-. Threre is inothing in Our sore aF8s f the. ucool._ SubJet-1Thu towhicwe gi-e, *copper-colni, Wiich'.turnee ut tobu to wiîchw. ge moe aten-- golden.", tion, tban the buyîng anid sell!' Subject' e! .-sêrion propr-i&T e îing of butter. Divine JPresence Regtored, Evening. service 7 pin.Subjet-' 8os1 Butter 30 A r i1 th ére Jo-tieget. Warts of LIVe.t" Particlar peo- . 'iv"-,hinkffermng-land -roll cl' 14 'urs-dav e'enin.. W . b v e Ç y t î a ~- a n d i a d h e r e n t î w t l l c o r n e - c o e l a v 1 . w, icuow >Key waut it. numbers. At tMe doncelusion èof~ '~ roll cal? omcl ier WIlI follow. * o ô . I a t a d o M a t o e s 1 0 0 , M s . a d l , d i iý e r l i M s i n - C' frélps and lIsude WtiÏ Ine9k. ta the BpuuauyIII- Itu 20 IMptmbens aiOft»e MsSIonOln . d0oked Ham S1108d Al f'nidav aft#enn., Nov. 28. lu thu the rnoqalztf n c h Msir - . 'Rand. Ail the se00niar Of1Ai -t1s sbnni are. urst i t le retPRf .s 1:Your'business friend, 1 1tnf'nts ll lie sei t tathe fmemb)en "f the Band.« n94, - WHITBY , avme i. 10IR. liv BpV. a.. - * f'n. a MiAllen ' s nu Bf-er. TREStRER's - OFLA NOFO TAE y îfeoewarant Undite and Of the Wardeu sud thé seigoftheCor ofbeoutyoOutarlo dfe the ih Miepenbrne~i 'B ievy upon he , lad e uietiou.d lu t e olo iglut fr arr easofa & ter o aud conte as hbriein set forth; Il hereby give-nof i 4 that uuia rc arrer faud tot.r- soon pal, ha, lu comPliance with thflicAssment-Acf, proceed t, - suS by Puîblic to ,ti. aaid hind , or so m acih t hereof a n, may b. euua ry for the taxes, i the CorlBu ei the Tpw i of Wh iby. ou, FRIDAY, DEEMBER 26T«, 1913 ntflih_ houri* of- two o'clock la- the afturnoon, * TOWNSHI 0F RAMA PatLot -cou., Acres Taxes Colts Total Pat or Unpa 1x-ý G zoo $488 $2 50 $7 38 ;15 G' 51 10 49 2 51-13 00- 19-M 10o, $15 76,$2 64- $18 40o TOWNSHIP OF REACH Part . Lo Con. Acre Taxes Cois Total pat Saintfield Plani, ' - -lot i, beiiî Pait 12 13 % 9 29 3I 0 Il 79 Block D, Lot 1, _t Prnce. Albont, belng part 17 - 40/-o1 65 350850.a ' Z 50 6 20 2,50 8 70 -.Pit TOWNSHIP 0F BROCL- part - Lot Cn.Acres q. * t i --y- '1 -j -'j-,- .1L t th J s h wai R.e Ne WHITBY, Bn <1- a- ~/ anz it; 1 ' ONTI a'

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