Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Nov 1913, p. 7

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--J. md the wter isoften in- gelng, foiiwardl; and âC .fui thé eighteii lire..rangers waitinçtieomI td ti o~ [i c'_aergý aoiteiht-and cohmbed up-Viio ravineira I leHvnWn a à day, including Sundays; could e. nothung,j.ao 1 oliâ~ed .Makteg Most :)Ut the mme~-*dom a affl,,'.and wa&.d £41SgFor, bronqbItfi t he. mioe.teqsn, no sort- tii. foot of the. mai> in_ atreatet-Isno 1g a in b y ireaI-. droadlU i ight .'uddenly' t 1]2y àla - ci'5OBéen1 many lncip en crest -fx.s eyea. tltpenetràto rtiDgu1iihe<1 a faet that Hal-1.upthé-mali6a. ti. ena] rail for tii. iffienq aof the of sa. ravineo uhat endedzah- uu«rfaoethaï, i nd tii. valu.e of thieco-OPor- rnptly, stood Bu*éei;witiibsh a bathedil $th 't-no drit lnculcated' inithe. Iii' ianging. boa., and lii. -legs, .ntaig ealii-1SBeb~ led in the. ropes.' HNeiras tr.mblÎig brnhU n x _.fo hed tofoo, a d-h ro Bom in lI -- Uj m 111 T-ÂGýAINIT CUR eI d not thei.Ugitest chance -of got- ble, Jtec. ting him up or-down, W origb4 or oz(pm j t ,. eson for colde ie >ati .nd left. Ahovo him on. sie pe mer. pim woqj aoýu 5- the. mth keeps on:; im 117 corades. tic .d-p ratcii ovbr fier litti. one« The unfertunate hors. .iiad fallin, br«tbl;.çp~ seizé t>im a.nd ofton nore tumbl.d down.-tho alape 'aideiipo, -of 1 e realults folloir. -MAn o a ad'and ail, &È rlle aoutai e b - -.~1i Dmof -iBaby'. Own ýT&b1.ta ty it. He iras luoky enougii Wte-rrlt- Éliýi ..Or if ta- oe recovor his footiiold at the. VérylaBet rzigencughA.ciý sudey te abeip mn lùmmet; anotèr incadhç S'soeang thatt ..~... .~ k~. .~would have on dashed ta »ieees. O±rlloe reb6o the n- ue. tii. hi-' 1zen andfue-~ vorkérs. Tii. -- 1*1100 exooptp eut a 1mw i of roservles. In *lng to-ward. 18s a sample, - lard mwhest, Sau- Indla'u Lock, i-,tie In 1910 tii... -'They have thodu4, usini plows. -Th4' ecountry C'pu, atioq.a pýpcrting and& lair way tobot ng before tie. Il ho eariling. is whiite com-i * drwekyfSof pétad)O e~-ad One Old follow vi1Jeelame th". h. hm eoeeded the &ulotted .pma uimr plIY b.euue ho.Isto aua l:e8 day befooee breakhfast an4lm wMl put itâeown to~ a bolliag bot .vIhiory»igh* aid a idp.of bcssLthat-o noer hda bat h i ., s nlt bliat Ui.e mer6i.sifI9«t agd piety, ol t."Â Mus Iebeca La, of ' sejobr i er Iiifdtbrtey recently, tvs-yeê sactier recpe, uad Vlaprbbi S god a& any ?>thr, tou i& y itappeMI to every Sie. Wheln asked the' usuel questieu hur reply, ma, ard work, uny dear, andlbsjy mit IV Whichla averitablo sermon in Uluard'stL3nhust Cures 11p110>sl& fyhe (gulping down sasob)-Oýh, 1i *" Iwaj11eê thu*niuig tbis 'm eoU? lait ovemnsngtogatbe ntlto-morxow nightI Very Itchy. Wbn rue, Dan-. drufl'AII Over. Ilair'Carne Out in Great Bunches. :-Cuticura Soap and- Cuticura OlntMent-Cured Hlead "in Three Week9o 15 H-allam,-rS . Sooto, Ont.- "AÀbMu - very lUiysngave ues * tendetic e ratdi whlch f'adoI% moSw.e. ISiW7Ubad towsrmy hawhet ber la the -boumas*wor m'eu. irbau- eyer 1 brtiihd my bairIt sent - 3ireme ontIn great buaches u.ntll 1 as nealy bald eSd ;7' fôre, YZ Mcd ~vi1tMLn& eUe. UiQ4 bqz 4bey*aeono goed. MW nne ths like 1hls1 bhm hardly snyhafé rbet ne a s s 1 - appeSmdto e the .P4vrAmumet donticlurs $cap sud OkttamnLt LucPve, l.atrmightwq sont fdea ample, Alter iu wshs Pi th the Oidtcur& BoSp X ao1e4 gome sOugtaua OlumSen .d , .qaou4 t(.4 .ea treio. After fiuIslngîhe mië,le rwM t, 0»4got hàcake 0bfO0ut1cne$MDova4 b~ox of Cutcur*Oiuicm± x~akro wc O1i oqteeiu, red, muelilisdoa dry, ti u aln a, n~oçs ±s - A4 48 Oa1met deo ne nufet, .01sea Wti&to. ForI oSjDefecwt 12. ,t,k, wn4 .l. î rd topatter Dr4 Egyptiana DivMded Day. aind udg h hylte tweIve -hoi ,a celceus adopted -by tho .» loi-o Gr4eeka robabty f raunthe.,Ila4ylo isn.Thda ' @aid tefbave bies. .&v&dýo LZumftogi 293B.O., mien L. Paparne Oura6r eted a iiundàinluthie tempue o uluu ixrvened ia 168 B.C., tim-wasoàllt ed a4 iême by Pubjlic- ire..' I Englsaitheti1. reaauýresnment 'of lime wam, ii arly dayo. unortain; cSe exeint a ia x - oudlïes, thre. ine b uronng an. heur aM - eix wa.x candi..-buruiing t.wenty- f-our boiirs-*àScbed to AIfred, m86.1 muny e -9. -beSpumta-U A. dwsnfotant.: LIQUID 5uLVIM - ise s perfect antl-ssptAs, sud fsi msd Ç.reesn e and busssnseanai o-emug ZEMA KDU3U2I8M~a1dkindtO Mub. SULPRU14 IW.- Psy, Otret, Tonte. alits Who *aere exploring the. littho- yenture in " ly, ilds cf rata- At- raniini w. out-' scuo8 aja- te- a t eaci hoi"%r.Arriv Jat Iii. -edgs uf the. cauoÈ, wce iwthe. îtyor *111;î1n k aLkfg 460 feet be. loir, How - irr, re t gl-doem 1 .om 0 ecog W ie ee a ps ""ae everywher. VhsIbarvNcà f lmAY aimogt 'verticallyt7 JuiUt b~elow 'Our feet7 iwyr Mems8 51 off lataagl fizyfe grs- iraIcare blowthatt We could po't see, tint Pigeis assured iii that,;z., -ce>uld,*ee W&,'yery g1od lplace," ani fi tarted to 91-ide do"wn, -ilA *ut W f or - a-wileee, - thâuit 'aonet e"9Y fo wako lAis 104,-nri'1ei;4 wl at & line W,,y wi )0 >'4âfÜnd t'or tuemsnTiut àfter-- w to'w mnutçg Iw. foIMuj!,uS@opp M-th li.top of*ý» har4, pearly yef'tloý -saidetone* Wall, Td turil ba<ek wA#- tbo ,a.vana-M tfiro.msd r- ia gtroama 4uui»e fhQo -ppriq s niwm cenera 1.. iuae ti. eont pajÎlous. - j W. liad lar4 w-or}k11-i ij 1.r> &4 owa Si.ep L'y so e* il 1 &teOd irn'dr hfim; the others eut the. ropes a# i >",W, ii bg gag te me.,êAsfar as I oeuld ueo,' iruw as z-omuolI njured-00, Just,,b.low hlm te the 1db tuer. Xas~ ail &Rridgeif mw ouMdo hlm e 'eyacrosa b ahal an leid;dm r f rom ,ib. 1 Ono hisw enmciad 4linglïg t- othe' projetioon the . rock, Pagelif dug doms, teps -in the . . u&âdtone, with sita ie, ihlo RxÎekel -loch- sphiinx. Thon Pagels' orept'dame, and- tiggedst the halter. fI iiardly- hnoe wàat happeed; there mas smre séwambling, half iu the air, ballfon-th?. rock; for a moment Ruokel lu.y fundêring amd kickin&L mii hù .'boUl acres. the>: ridgo; thon-,he mas -dragged into-the n-' vine and *gaved. -Rübber muet baive gone ta the. construction, of a, good' doal aoi his body, for the folleving morning h. wisnet evon lamne. DUriven To IL. *"Mon't blême- me, Judge, your lionor, for appearin' before you i tbis cditin. - My wife dro-vo me te drink.". eheid ciiHoir did"eh. do go out and 2.eek-for a:,jobViý ilI gotýý se blained nervous and Upseet thaV I didn't have no cantrol avez y ÀSADTKE. -Il c1tanbpn s7 rgr oom i s t.p> ped 0n. W2y. no 1ut U" 1PàIumm'dCora Ob.., lMa. kt s derr. SctenSis' muaI- regret the tacbtbtat th-ey oan't talk -above &Y huasper. Mlnarcr LnmntOreDhtnpr 111 aeosluI-ely -don't know riat tô giv y- i ook for' aweddin pre- iThe: drnp1y egheriÈ oe ' . Vmsntcu spu tieni 1V iZLI 1>toc,0 5e' réees for.ap-injury li- the- heart of e ikwed vruiu lr m zuuno,, in m ylt, ife M. TourXlýý s i Noerely. , i mark a Mmau m tvainrrozone,,mzucu la em-, yààozoiÏ I u1~~ e~otand' Reaturnhe r Buflo .Y ai Ebigaâten, anda Coa'e, Qu oepur s ,O0and H.Ù Hë. T.urer ts.ex ua 4,0,0 MAS' thénot. Saue i0Uoo~-.ear, h.'oena Ooie, ira.tentieat d moon'sie oe..tioebhr'le i wiimi fa -Mid le tatd o * èOccason for Wry 'They aywe a edwi ln ot1inks, i vnry #prong aot hho ee omitted. Wéln' .Wozy; U'y'd have asnple dine t rsoienu~ Uainama &,stiii uùres a'.moi In Cowa. i donet know hI.oir we'll faoeour <'What, bi a aýeiied'" "W. were tahig icare ci-tlieir' cat and ' their parrot. Yeter4ay Indlau Root Fille a ut the right- medicine fortthe chijdren. Then theÏ i intipàfed é-when their kidnêys are 'eut of orde -when . -ever-jegce la somne favorite food- gives-the ixd' ~t i M '-Dr. Mbrns's I na Rôt Ilsw PUr.lyvegabIê,jré ùtbneln-.hér i =PPMa'Re~Iliaii h uuew,-They,1 K.eptii.Chitlasn Wall, -~ ~ * 'i er ýton the Ottier, aod t Ir" ". peesd tiiaV . m-bit rin ng a aop.ldthi'ohthVieotury suetli.y mr.4merübed byHr- 20 r300yearea, and 4fiere ir-r evon, santhliwb&Ve oubit ôUvo]d oop huad tfie The< canaslof lii. clsemges n i' leit four -daysi oesr Turner, ,-was tie cof the tiden on Vie eert&h'erotatlon. The. MOOn rfilad tiro Vide-cuine Wskl.i. ecanare pb 'Ulid awy th e 1ti rom hm- te-r.: <'JOiepi" I ï- tic mrcliant Vo -s.brilbycâuug M'anwith the ,esb l'eaecç*. "the , bookkeser if, you mrile .Nàtioônal .Diig -and Chen alCà. -of Caxtada,-.Llmlted, Torontx III," ohe said, "a trace ance,8 try bï&kto irmir'nd' shiËts - c mail. ("I. startt trace my an c.ýstry baé,k çnc" ho replied.,. "bu my- ~vie umade -Mne .top, iben7 1 "go te the, siirt:sleeves and overalls.' Try MUrin_çEyè eRi>d, lI 'yoiu hihaveRed.1 WEýLk, W Î _' 1jye -Soothïé4 Eye,'P B Dni' a MUrInié:BEýR iedy, Liqii 254~C lue ysftmdy C..,Chicago Don't Be Sadl. tTPOn i.sdi !the ses. Iî uset brood. regroful.y; Yrom i- tlxo far,.icrely -space s Witidrams tho w{sdfùl. eft;glcm. Bo out of liféê tiie, spendor îeîa, But; ovenii.ad the plÏmets bum.- And up 1>11 enakaotiier 4aày - Shslýchaae-the bitter dar* s.way--j W.baV -thc-ugiiour eyea ith tesars be met! The. sumrise never laled us yet. the &71 ound S-ou ihase etreet.."' put 011 'our chld' :iskir tc System s-t unrc 1 the ch*d eati -Don cre fats-and minerai col ter -'srîili as mauiy'61 ap ouxmnents contai The. binai of de'Im M1~Y yeIt r'.- 5< Our lilitana hope &ad oy once, - $ad tseul4, tae. ofort, for, for- ge Thad- ~n~i~ -eyerfaied7n7y,!7 TATIO N, UDF. *~,~~1~~~ - -f. -i TN'- 'r: , -ýè5 oit

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