Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Nov 1913, p. 5

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- . An entertalument under ti picea oi the W0--.O U b. held in the schôo<-room Of!,thC e- thodiot, Tabernacle 01n Pttday-evenUhg,.-Dec. d.Prceso! tht. evenlg vil used for the annilal Christmpn Tre givea .at the Houle- cf Refuge l>y th ladie o! ithe. W. O . T. r~.- Good tai- esit' l .ig secgred,.and.'aE o a liberal 'res'5o-n'à. Wth~hsspace, for' partlculirs nert week. The Wiltby, Evaporating 0-o. whll pay -40c. pqr iiundred for- ýpples suit- table -for evaporatliag. ItqyalhtW ceall-,I"tiho higiest gùade. 20c.- per gallon, a t Mlnye' ard- warei Try.Ili. S9ce Peel'stfor lie boit line cf '-ucool shoes on the markol.- p- The ýengagement 'Io announced o! M$s& E1izabýth Sawdon to'Mn. Wil-' trld ' Cra wtorti t, -both o! Wiltby. the1 i narriage vilI take.place siortiy. ft.znember lie 'At- Home ila le,. Ichôol-ncom of tiie Presbyterianj Churoh 'ou -Wednesciay'evenlngNof. 28th. -AdmissIon .150.- - A meeting ln conneclion vltb.- the. .Xmas -Pair viii b., helsi fi -tii, Tomvia (lerk!&,,office ouWedeisday eveulug, Nov-mbe*28, _i8o"lock. A good attenuaSeis, reued.- -,seveTuenday, -DecSmbWn22,16ôr the Ã"clOp ',S. enterlalument lu tIiý Muslo Halln, Grand Concert by Kadame le Mer gl hOiol Iouio wasilu town on Tiieuday vlitlu'gtbe iA goed roofingoit Molnt#yle bard- mare etonrefo $1.56 per square. Mn. John P'enguson has heen ut lu-jo?,the ,pasMt woek. R.élW nol yet able ',to'be'àtils s- tore; Tii,.WWMtby. TiMr. Brigade- iii holsi tbeir-annal bian suuppe, On N8w Ibslâe bi tWyear'u bal, prom- luse b. bitge andi better -tiiau aven. Andre wÇ ,Dày;,-. 1 p.rograni- - la tRiepuroha bélug prepared.--&-idsou ,15c, j ng oet li - - - ---..ceuse troll Tii. tirnbero, for 'wghli tii. conttact- was sanctic or-on _th&Â,rena-.iau bees *a'itiùg for ;Mr.,Hyde 'l -a coÃœsiderable --timzù% arrived- laut,-ily,,t o ô week, and the structure 18 behn-g ush- ' 0<1 Up vfth au pQ-éshbIe haste, cern- patibler l'tfi siâfÏ., The -addition atï . L tb. soutli end. waa iime,édately atart- Stret, Toi oi-'nd -one oa ow Sel a !finly goPd ,be coisulte Idea: et the -site.' Iii.buildng viii b. tore,. Whll -we oeilplel4.. -Tml , . - '-4-'.' - dted cori> ut*vvery Olt4 1 a wffl re ainmjr i inTtq taing usinei tr D n . IOaela, , nd uIa±et hic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y -i da ttjhvrnèClVrly ! ljaek, lot 4, con. b, Pckeing wng~Wlhp. .nj 'osite, G. T. R. Station, ad Ispent the 1weelc end wlt.hi.l ather Possusso n o r ichrd1. APIy! Lpait'edPa Propared to handie orders here. -- H. obr 1icard o . ,being Pt * 4s datralW.gur~ M. Frg. 'eguofo Toronto, arduo, Port "ffIII lôk D, Lot 1, iacln.0.spe.nt the week end v1thï -isparents- Tb. Pria -lBeoc TQ~ENT. <.1P. çe ÂIct ber..being part ONSTRATION CAR." Dr. liovard Th omps on, . Nw- rc ios t ou nByo ta,-, jexhubiting .roota, -graina, York, 1stdM ~~tr i.bruqe sufrih4Pseîo àmd the other producti _ý1J'Mrs. flolt. Thompson, .this eek. about l5bt4,LNOe.Mbcr., APPlY b.ýJ.E. Par N4orthland, ofOntario 4,frW lsaElaie Ard, o- «thé post ofice Dlsusy,, , Oshawý, or . te W. P. Dis tby'NôveéiâbéG'g- 1913.t>0 staff, lu taking a muc4,>,need4 reÈt, ney, WbitbY. L TO SEE TIUS, GREAT aid vil 1b. off duty fb; a -fe' FAwFReSLE.far 'MISS EditIi "B:own, %ioobhu b0en O SLE LOO., the'past few- monthu, resumeéd-;her li tt@i o .cn5 ~tb.P Carbn ~ wor onMoady lat. Cgpdtw@ 8tory frMw-- house4., barn S CarUlsaîps lkWrkonmod 1s - -7dSOfet,_stable, drivlng.aw jg gPt. W% Tungstpn, Lampa, -4Wc- - ITTDIG. per4h huse..Two wéla'sund ;oi»-,Sjç Tusng tLanips 45c., 1 Lord and -Lady -Iydée:and Lord 0rÈS- »Out~oiryf.~t of or- Somrswhohàv ben-spending thé chard. 'Groôd cayTsoUl.,-Possession P , M. fueas. Evryt n- ., -.keing, Apil Ï6 W.Apl t ini. Bllh, at, lqwst.pricesi suIiifliS1 at thelrfýarm héar Pic ýly'raùreiO r ngil this month' for Ehglalid, -ýWhere- Brookiu,, r han. Hoar, Myrt on,0t. a2CSre' fi, CH!O1ANGES RNH~ they wll spend the. wnter ' * .4 -C.Bdg. -and -blliard roora lias au- Thé East York ?l.owlng., Match was___________________ ;ed ilands. Lait week- MrcnI~hl uSabr;Ff~un yd., cf London', comple4 plowmen cmeoadteo-wr 5,and. on -Monday evet-.. r.ar.l wmtos mdjctatoér5.,T. li week the -transfer' of U-. $hadlloëk, c gicunU, n A. E. -Bell t xr 1ý-ydeprize.1- >iied by the-To ~Cucl n a atweek *a sow !belo 9n e-5 a1 mdyoved Ushlm t;tJohn Walker r, !thue th lins, of aUxrbridge, .g1 lt t 19, Plg and,. on 'theo followbxgdiy a cw be- COIN j .- ono1nte hlm gaveb1rthto. tins- rkOOPt. 1.,isý yonge a -l riiilo'î a ble opti can ~<n'tc, f.Wle wi e'al 4 i~A. * Alln!É dru-g ~retire 801 fom$tie aI.o!these ~byTue dfecember nimals. ;eod cance t get -glaises 4' dsoi~,J ~.Â. !~ichard-1Part tby.-tf. Thuu'~dav.. w~E, 7L~ ~ - mru~ * ar.J. .~Bogough, lemain h -- draws, sts, s9na, recites,'la coiing P .Prrseb!Pse ort CEVEFOR PASTOR. town cf - Wbltby. nIe ýmdea. lte ewiq.,by on unF r -thNoeer 8,spatclsecongregation o! St. -j resleft at, th. Gazette -and Chron- -of i' Ontario Lai'lnirlei.aurpies-, drew's Preibyterian ehurcb, Guelpt, icle office or 'w1tb Wm. Maw ILviiinte- 0f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ui Onai ais olg.1r o-f~~ appreciate the, work 6f thei _ïepop,5lDIO.t0 gog.9 ,a id-htb o,.adpastor, Nwas Cvidenced on .Thunsday, chouisi dxaw a large .cÉowd. Mliii pro- 1ve - ,win ýv.lE.Ara1SJ RgYr gr m lasret btj u nnie andhàsnm f !Rev. Dr. Abraham, o ___ moît pieasîng you, have .ever ýheard._____ Wluty, as ie eciien o!a mrk- Thursday, Nov. 20.-Auction sale o! P lan e! reeavedseats, open,,at Wiilis od cy s hoqu f re0. Ts t f a Met. ding timben, niostiy -cedar, -the .drux -store on Satird,0ayNoem e s cu o 50 hsgf aesà 2nd, at 16 a.m. Don't fai to get- aIa ompiete surprise to hlm. It property o! E. W Evatis, lot 13, yor oue any.Iwas- accompaniesi by a 'shiortjbler ' con. 9, Pickering, to be sold ln small expressing the Ileartiesî preitonlt. Sale -at- 2 o'clock. - Wm. Maw, That the -Sohool Board h 10 re- Of bis work ln the church. Mr. - &bra-. auctioneor. ceive theo annual grant agaîn tsi ham went to Guelph fnom Port Hope Satunday, November 22.- Auction nes Ti oe otma -ht h'two.yoars ago..,sale o! lazd, blacksmlth îiep, -bols, new. 5hlsdos no mei jhat~ lsmanyWhltby !niends;ýW1ll be obO., the proporty o! tiieBalsam Insoctr, r.Wals, oncdoi pnasci tohear-,of tIhe kind regard Blacksmith Syndicate, Balsafi, Qu.. thing. Il -siznpiy mas.at, te ln- ci eGel_. Board must next, sunamèr "4'-ethe hnmii .ti uep ongregatlon Sale aI >2 o'cleck. Teimi,-cashn. - improvemets. which'Mn. Walks.'- l-~od~iî ~>' aw uter îisted ' upon,,il along.The Board *-- +-- Wdody.DcmeL-Rgds lias gusrnte*d -tiat-tlahs mli be dons THIE TABERNACLE. pension sale, !hg~ga~cIk dunlng th&0next vacation. --Suiidayi November 28'. bonées, Implêentà.' ý li propan- ServlcsIl ai.m. and 7 pm.: tyof-Joh,,Grahm o. 8 con -Dont leave Il tooý late tçý Vl w' - ,imles rangln lupries i 4o.-nn.! ~lasses aI 8 Our- specimes.. MnÉ. Jas. St.pbi micro they lit deuco, Mr. Stepl binis thne. -Iu that the year le ne elSton wIlil nol ýbi Stepfieuson's pie Ber. J. E. Stars lie ,Juvenile Poila occupledx tbe nuluit n'sud'. r fôa B s -5> ir store I -~ oal Hods -35 Cents end up 20, cents each. lin.d Mi"t8s snd Munoives I - IfIfhIItOf aI 'lomwest prices Rat TORnps 10 cents, aid up MIous. Itrape, 5 cents-eoacb. -'The uswaat in Food Choppers No. 15 Jewel, regular $1.25 for - 8 No. 25 Jewel, regniar $l.5O for $ 1.12 Each chopper. hao five knives and oonstruoted 80 as to b. easily oleaned. fo-iiemoey old blasti wind proo%, r.SlSr - cnt for - 9 A c ut in Bgegular $1.2 ô for 12 1*. l à-or$10 85o for -7c Fort.-,the Trapper Victor game trips' Eaoh Per dozen lot Con. Acres Taxes -C0 q G s TOWNSHIP OP -REACIH Lo on. AcresT'axes Cr 17 ~ ~ _45/oo ~ 2' TOWNSHIP 0F BROCIC. tôt Con. -A C s Taxes -Ç01 - TOWNSIUP 0F MARA Lot- Cton. Acre,- Taxes Cw 4 5 100 24.1a. 19 9 '4 2401 31 z .% 78-8-5-.4~ 26. 8 25 5 14 2 7 2100, 3425- 3 1 812 100 22 56 21 i 12-iO I14~, SePt;- 23,,1913. sTot $i y- - - w y -and. Suday Riflés - 22 Calibre Stevens Scout, regular $3.2 1 for' - - $. Stevens Craok.Shot nela $4.50 for 4àgular Tobin reg. $1.50 for 42 Froît King Weatlier Strip- fo- cI6ôra ud w i ndows. per box'Of 24 f..î. Regular 50 cotais for 43c, A bargainin Tew perfection. Regular -6.50*,for 58 $5.50 for 4 8 Tea- Kettie - Special ail aseog Tryîr and-batries Pnîced low [4y.evehlug, November 27, Thaukofferng meeting of Yu1p, of Osbawa,- will ARCHIVES 0F ONTA .wo "ng viulted i. fou i17 Tewn.hlp o!r- ITBY. '- 0* -y ETC@. - On Thi tii. -Rapt Choice

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