Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Nov 1913, p. 4

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t Indly, and -1xem~ember, flat if Wake use pitie s*p ou w -fpiiig inthe greaàt-work of the H-ospllbI for- Consumptives -iLi koka. Bandmaster $craggs, oft.Cobi l s sung for $80# baclc. salary. Nt Whiftby the. *Baidmster *ould tô live o beboas old as,-MéthusoiE cider. t ean thAttmuch,t the, -ary 11e receives, and, 0v01i t110i would. be. overestimating bis c hy Iliat-$goo. -Tiie prospects for conïmuted , between Whtby 'and Toronto bright. If they, can,*be ;obt Whitby uhould have' lii. benefil Imany Toronto business men'havi s~mio hmohers. It lu on.etf -Toronto and MQtreal, and âbuitla rlding, 8éo Ilong as hhOy Mt ejy privileges nlrçady extended by civil ad' courteobimlr.tîaý tji ra ilways 10 o tWUSÃŽ west of To- thoue .!ho,;1ide, and compli rcitt.hem are almoot. unheard, o!. Uxbnrdge Journal.-"Did you, ever liear of! such- a place sauWhitby 18 gIo W__s aThis? for having -laymen's corder"ne, mis-. W. oZerOne Hundr.d EDoiIrne. i ulonary conferenCes, ami conferences"es e ci Catt iiebt esiit I 1LaCattartb Cure. .In gener4 1 They'take the cake when 1i -« -* P1. CH]32IXT aco It cornes b o confereuceaof uny- de- w. tbe nuderuign.Lhave know F - for the Iast 155yaars, and belleve biq seripion. - honorable lu alt buoineastranacti« -. EdentIy It lsntsuha bad way t1 hi âmo. 37muiybug to idvertise -a. town, however. We ~ ~ > venite tb ,sny -tint mnny p eople starê eueDTUIO* led to an acquýIntance with -the town .HaIllVtatrrhbCurefatakes nttrix wlhwould nthv len dreely pon te boo and, . oterls.cenae r baile. Sold b alrg Hru aire a a i>yE fr uixti The . orgaÏizîon 0f a- 'Cadet CoiÉpsn Whtby ilaa*oa c ned_ DISTn!,BUTION 0F' SEED *alemovement. Tué 1ýoard of Edu- ,AND POTATOES. Cntion has dore a very 'iWlse thung In From the, Dominion - Expez ISnctloning lb project, and oie', Fa s1913-14., whi,ýý "e, Il, neyer'be regret- By, instructions 0f1h, I!onon ted4 The a. e'gos e-30dWVe 1r f giculture a diuiribiW trom 1the training are luvaluabi' , b supor-sorts oe!,grain, anu! the boyis.> A alorMny «undt careIeàs- W !be-made during -111ecoôi youth le trans!urme.4 int9 an ereéttrad pigho<faln neït nppearligjuandt polite cadet, Thi.saniples for general disi wlth a sefse o- !pride fn lis manuer wl ocuubsl iur g0,ia and bearing. , The physical eeiewhite oaté (4 Ibs.), barley aisé Io of great advantago, andi par- unit flelit peau -(8 l bs.>... Thesa entsa'willldoivel to urge tliwboys uet -out. froji Ottawa. A E te become mIembors of 11e 'corpg.- -of ~ - ~ ~. ewll be carfled on from severi -- In another , plmireferonce Iou Èpermnjtl -aina, 'the made to the' Antl-Tuberculeos sCru-, Farm: ýaI 0îttl'a., upplying oi saite, no.,belng carrled oùn, tÈle- Provinces of Ontario spd Quel Provin 7 Tie:sause,1ua- moat apes .willI tese-nt free, by wortiiy;oie, - and shoul[d, r -elv"ethe, ,Applicatsmust give partici -heaifty support o!of ve ne. --It là egd o1h sotn ei no ,l asoaf- helpiîg thoge whô Bn ome account of tholr el aealready Infectod it viith1e dread >c iith such kid'cf ïrain. Whte PlaguerbtIll malter'o0!,taîbei) a they have' gri; oaucatlng, tie general publie te, meth-a promisingc sort for their c où ~ ppp g iiin d i sittomay be.. elected. -oieder.tliaI the nunber ca'éses re- flàcî appliH ton muet b. M portait 1early imay .mtraybs- ntms1esgni . i,- e v& lcourse, not -jal, ', 1 areOniy oesm»eo.rana t-he ~ reiult[lor. poor daetnitain lhome jotatos a b on e u ,f*orkihop-, but alIarge p'ro nii.Apiaios nay ldo of tïgiu'y- yba tracésitdlb ls caune, form- cmot beaccepted. if-, iKingfs Own Serge- Anditl s absolutely the finest Serge Suit for $2o made iii the worid. Oniy one miii- in E..,gland can produce this -quality.of Serge.4t -thé price, and another point U' *on 'the wooi Market wiil put it-ýup to $25.- it gi-ves a mlan pkéasutr to get a Serge- which -lue can .Wholly recom mend like wedothe-se Semi-ready.$20 Suit."f (kht~uOwn erge.-. \I~WJ MIE MuRPY idoor seutheof Royal Hotel. "'~ yVl DSIM PSON&00 FOR AND WINT2Rý valuesiaHats and M ne RASEUNVEST. Med, <Mr.George Pindar bas rellred 1 the flinaim 5ti at I 1the ylt î= -Teditehn ahn .te ' 4 i GRAIN nbe 6 ,ar t h -a 1 aothe leÃœMbFnOayree lfwiug Match by Central uPedial -nvgitation 'le htheJ. J., case anly lb. Tbreshing Ca. He reporshvn a ebec. All~ slni ie V mail. Aslau ghier bouse 'bas beeik.-comÀ- ul iý ýpleteton -t,Willis-fatal,:and klling lamiiI b. couincei shor-ty experien-- (o po- - )dftlons 60O VKA8S separate - J - - t prlîted ' tio 'or - t AN" - MARRIE». CéORNISJt.-SCRIVER-.... n -Wednes- day afternoon, Nov.,12,- 1913, at Ail,- Saints' Church, by -Uev. R. Walbridgo -Allen, Eleanore Tirasier Scriver, bO Prederick George, Cor- -ii of o!Whtby.' BRITTON.-.în Iroolin, on Satutday -November 15j 1918,ý Roit. Britton, ageit'77. -year, 4. motis -nd 17 days.- - - McQUAY-At ber -esaidénce, 105Hôow- ard ý--Street, oote - ~ lI Pool., beboveit mitie of oI o Qualr;isnd> youngest. dàughWir -o! thei laIe Dr. Feete, 'o! Brookffli, oit,- Fuiorïl private. Intermejil as Osli- av-a. WHITBy EARKg"TS 1Aýluiko ÃŽ r ....u..... i .... . ..... Horse litho buta Noâtloeléu hereby given Iliat al pet- sensohavig any - daimis or demanids- agninstt he late Barbara Irvlnp, who died on -or about tie 13t11 - iay. e!f_ ýJÙly. A.D',,191?-,at Whiltby, l inte: Provice e!Ontarlo, are .requirei tat senit by peut prepalit, or to deliver to tii underslgned, solcitors herela for James nuasel Lovett Sbarr and Elizabeh'- Eteanor Starr, exeautors and trustees. under- the vili e! -lie laid Barbara Irvingi their ninos and addresies and full particulars in writing c!, their cdaims and state- ments o!. their accounts and the na- ture o! lhe security, if nny,. ield by them. Aid take notice fuli alt er the 3011 d'y -of November A.D. 1913, the sait, James Russeil Lovet Starr and Elizabeth Eleanor Starr ivili proceed te distribute tie as"elsfe'tle salit deceSed among the persons entIIed lherebo, h:avlng'regard-only te 1the had notice, anA tienthle' uald James f-purchase in., E Pho0ne25 5AALy loc 10 nu. ROY BOOMER,- r. Operator. JONoES, LIST. aid building.Jeta for la - tte Townshlp o! ring. 1DS~I E - -DO ou REALIZE- BOOTS, SHES IBEiETC. A Pieasure to Show Goods. 4- VHN PEEL outh, WhItLy, Oit. PLoie 151 -t 4 CORNER HAll IDWARE tPet lb. ., 0.5a 0.80 t uâ m oat Starr and Elizabeil dZ.I- iow -laid ....4oA 0..,451 ieaaÃ"r Stàrr w!]! nc>f be lable fo ~pr b...... 0.18 te 0'20 -1 te add- aduefÀ or any part thereof lu toeu pet a ..1r001. ay perçoil -o!woe W hosa es, per barrél.15010 .00 onet (lien have. receivýei notice. S, erbsg.....DO 1.251 Dated at Toronta îhis 25111 4lay, o pet ton- ....0010 15.06é _(cboe,À»,1 MASTENPý,STARR -&SPINC u-id'aheit, -fo.r.hI EitUtÃ".11 - 20, ekins, pet lbé. ...0.1510 0 .182___________ ,-,per c-t. .8.00 _t6 9.00 skn...............5 to 1.10 hie..........2.0b .0 -W I11 w, rend., per lb.,... .0100.06 ___________ N4otie tO Credýitor-s.Ot, Wh'at 1Matter of thé. estal6e>-. Buar1l - Red AIs e Irlg ~of- tu1h.oi">uor ! 1 'TimOthY ~eiter ai ae'rn-ru.-on IflGESTCASH PrICEs. Whitby Ontarlo Store Propertyl,> Wanted Two or three story building with good frontage anýd base- ment. Jic 40 9 Lumnsden Builditig -y-TORONTO N Nothing liké good, brçad., No meal is per-feçt- without it. To get the b.Wtresuits use goo4 flour. 5 ROSE3S-FL)UR [s the kind that wrnl make a niceç, large white, extra favoredlat. Wehave it in 24 lb.,5 lb. qnd ioo lb.' >ags.' Let us send yua bag to try. - h will please ,east fresh every other dlay. iyI we have, a lot 'Of nice' à. _Also Fresh -Lettùce, -f~t Iý zeally a usbetýeeytfnDow _te ter. Yo to see or hoirdi adits beauty asthe grodfi Swhiie ouýr Stoà and colnplete:. hiesitate but'c OUR SrO Watc je -particula W. have 'ove watchea to-i ~varietiee. ~iose of où been unpaceki rangedfloryour W. need bard the adylsabilit -m our ch&1ý -0,10tilaty 'rivi-oe cf0 v whoie atoelyý anyt bing l A the -payment amai! -deposit. Whether ycu tu buy- your presents now * hall.be jmat bave you cal], what tie mark m'Christmai-preat Lies injawel-y nD for the dreasîng 'YR. N. BASS Ail entertaininent-, picesof lie W.C.T.U thie scicol-room cif 'Tâbernacle . on -Frida 5. Poced6ds of Ibis -i used for the -annual I iVen aI ihe- ouse o Ladies of- the W. C. 1 uitis -beingsecured,-. -Local Hapl The Whitbe Evapora 4 pay 40c., per indred f able- for -e'vaporating., %Royalite ceai cil, th( 20c. per gallon atM'3c ware. -Try Lt. See Peel's for th.- schcol shôes on the jin2 The engagement is Miss Elizabeth- Saw4c f rid Crawforth, boti c marriage wll take pla e e b e r . l i e A t - ol-room cf 11 ;---Churth on -Wednesday. - 6h., Admission IMe. -Àmeeting lu Conn= XunauPFlair will- be hel -Çlerk' office 'on Wednu tiovenlbér 26, at 8 oec ,alttndance lu requesteit. TnPlo.Mesdny, Dosa SGrand Concert bj-M December.4. Righ Sehool Inspeci Was fitownp ou Thesda, Higli Sehoo.- A- goit roofing.-at MOI iva. tore for $1.50 per Mr. John Ferguson.-ha 111 for 111e .patt week- yet able le be ýàt bis st( The Whiby Pir erig, Year'j Be, December th - Iis dLe, au 'hie year1 tues lte be blIgger and --ever. -- On Thursday eveD.lug,r- thie anual. Thankoffqrîn ~the-Baptist ciurch W1]! £cheol-room.- Ï1Rev. Geo. Yule, cf ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO for every STOV-ES li

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