Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Nov 1913, p. 1

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Barr 'eam C'oal.pv miel Coal. thing CoaLlP LI thesè. eaters and furn.--. bright and dry. and grates, 'am. Noie any- kinds of srith.. Whilby [orne Tel- 146- ment dtunng,he or do you' wlsh ork the ypar- cure our AgIztntlu- Aui the busine. ex.clusive terrl- àl1eusd o 'ver'35 ligh grade stock i"Wx ea make. > wAnt an ener-. -. te' an -iiit loronto, out. 1 Lenses arc ies welded into air, $50o and, 7,54 IUflAOTIN G )PTIOIÂN. PM ftpr, lt. sy terma. Royal Hoteh, Court Hou D3N T4L W.-ADAMS, entlst, Offie, -Duii Street, -Reside1 No. 4, the-Terrw '7von St., W=iby.Phone No. 12 S AUOUIONBBIRB JAS. BISHOP. hawa, Llcenaed Auctloueer.. sor to L. Farba-nIs., For: d dates appi>'t-- plf G.-. ltby-.- terme Robl, LU$INSERD AUÇTIONBR AND VALLJATOR. Â11IIdso aes promptlý-attexd- .4d to. Arrangements can lie made "or imlea at ýthe Gaztte office. Terms .iroaîbIo..- B#ell aiîýd Independent phonee -4 WitiITBY, ONT. J. 0WLLJAMES. Carpenter,. Builder and'Co6ntractor. 1lans drawn and esti mates furnished. , _Repairs,'Alterations and Jobbing.J -aleuwt forABrantferd RoollngI lB9x 467 WIIITSY -Phone 1491 £nouer of Marriage Lt.ýenei Corserdrustore'. Whltby ko ituesses required. -H:A Wlý'. MONUJMENTS ý n- Winlpay' >'ou tôa c a ah ur wonks_ t4 Luspeot for - ouracIf. DOn't 1e'n -îed b>' aegents, vo*0do Bot emnple>' them, consequetlyie can Mud de allow the ageni's co'mffisslon, Io por cent.,. wloh you vlcertâin- !>' save by purchasungfrOm 1e. A Cmli soieltede Off[ce-aud Wonks Oppoite standard Bank, Whuby ,Ãœ -k is orgaizedplay.it teu Suuc t UOMIZZe8 J Udging nY:rôet-W k uog~Ie Iy t éremarks o! the trustees the p ,WOte the àe , boýs politeness,'disci-. posai ýwill it be entertalned very ~ ~~e Ins alertnesaan ai 8of sriuîys .~ being ri"s ýsical beneit. The Pitanco!othe sailor..s- 4 Bell and 1Mr. A.R. Innis i hemn Schëol staff, are.b h -o monded these accounts, whloh were li i. reont et instructors, andphave j. . l gancd iny ithe, Hlgh -'S* E. Wboyss.............$loe.25. auprie drilig.W. & L.Commission .450 ay Tright!e "5' Jos. Heard & Sons.......i.5~ 0Wil. -rs o! the Board express.- W.'J.RH, Ricbarson .......... M25 theCouni! tl s in favor of thie project, A 0~. P. R. aui A lei., Wilson ... ............ ..en 10.00o inimous vote decided Jas eawdô.2 150 tbat afZa'tioi. < X< .-, Alihn .. .....4.....e tO.OIn M. -0 J.the.Pn.....p.... ...... .....W9.90 s ýI -he- Pinepas, -OfR.G. Oke................ 2.64 Mr.theW ouic rhôls ere-rad,îli~- At last . meeting £r. .Jones ýgave awn> the avérage attend- e-o motion wtê-xfece a f,, approache8s to ne 2z1 il~.e.4 .*f M12 oft BAker.s pince, comi uary. ,Snlaryla tô-1 MayorWill epor the. ,comnîtt-ee. ý vîcew Inspector W 'aohool .grants. The MUr. Walks on Satirà ýf' -vozread and I * 1 1i. L. #-y C1iOd Unlerth r, wlio.îs'a spe'- ii w regulatîôins, therefore, it is now, mm eiai work I necessar>' to.,obtain--75 pet cent. o ire h. a t'r.the total,'marks, in ordir te uaif $20per year forýa scholarahip. Each scholar.shlp fsisnow -of the" valueqf 'on. eur-s ment èorm=iÏtee Jtuîtiôoî at the -Whitby HTigh Scool,' iteno!Minas inetead-of for the full,-courseas lorz .to take Miss ,iii lY.-. ienclng ln Jan-- Jos.ý Mitchell addressed the Board oe $900. briefly, aýsking -that the third clasa ed on lichait oL ba given 'to -Henry,-Street School, to ka'e - tâ thr l e zwn g i wuyor towtheod te oIkteas ointerhe acholxt arsfor- t te ote commttea imet School.' Mr. Coulis strongly sirp- av Nnvsrnisr LV nnrted the rAnut.Theoeirthek trui. tube" as to the- *olitan'- aréa.' A the comifittee was on Wednesday o!. coîi ~ haod'fi=4 - - oreadjourÉment, ec !ti t e gtti. ork set d.ow1ng' to-members expressed the rett4ey Iack' ef-Stone. 8 ofe te'ht.departure-t.oCOuneîjb>r Council offered suggeâttCons -as to the -JaÉ. Stephenson, 'fromü Whltby. .,Mr- test. mothods of road-making, and Splihensoni,- who is, goikig into -busi-è also~~ s to he atone mlght lie .u- nsPu oot, rpî ,l ielly. o 'tained. -Mr. Wright -therefore. asgured .ad. enjoyed,.bis termi o!office at the tbem that the work wôuld'lie proceed- Coàeiil, Board,, ami hoped to lie'allé 'cd writh as moon as- possible. 80 viSit Witby frequently in -the lu- Mr. A. W. BeaUl addressed the ture. The ake biastr ~ ~ Planking you for the spaco afforded ar Yours -very truly,' of ~ - W. E. N. SINCLAIR;- sud threshed the zatter' out at tes ee ificlined to view the mat- To the spirit whlch mdkes for the -Deaths Decrease. - Iength. - Mr. Walks lnsiated that toj ter' wlth lesa enthualasm than ,Mr. Brotherhood of MaD the Dominion meet requirements a' new' hcâting sys- Collins, and the -discussion was not - Marine' Association' ias -decided ta Anti-Tuberculosis Cruaade Shows Re.' 'tem and a btter' veniloting systeni unnocessarlly prolonged. The Sehool appeal, in opening a Public auhscrip.. -markable Reduits. would hava,.olie installed, *wtheth- Management *Co mmittee is to meet tien list for the -families._o! brave 1*Iteresting tacts regàr<iîg the r.- er minor - mprovsmcntoL' The- oom-- u hortly toe'consider reasona, waya sailors lost in the *recent hurricane sults o! a deoade'a warfare against mittee undertook ta' guarantee.,that and means. which swept tbe. great lakes.' the ravages *of consumpt- -ni cn. Subsnn1iaî ontibutons arca- tained in a circulai wblch bas, ust read- ofore bythe -mIembers 0of-the.been issued by thé NationalSaJt- Association, and subscriptions from îum Associationin- order that Clergy-. '% Ç1 JT y I C.KE C U B RaIl sources' will be welcomed. Tho men.taking part-lu Tuberculosis Sun- W H T n»']F O KE -C L S E00May'or o! Toronto wil act as 'H0n- day on Novme30 ayleose- c rary Trensurer, and Mr. H.HL Gild! ed-o! the latest statistica. The moest' o '(Art J z D o0 3-I ersleeve, Manager o! the western striking reaultaoti.aays-! _ unes of the. Richelieu and Ontario vital records for the. Province of Ou- - ~Navigation 'Co', wh<>s. offices ae ttario isthat, cmae iheee the Yonge Street dock ln Toronto,yeragidestotolgo - A -Tcaê WiII -be I'Iêced in tbe- lotermediait O. FI.A. has been appointed Génra Treasurer crosse in the population during that Hocky i 1 Mtb;',teciveýit ifrat.sur to viit n ohertows. h b senit teelther et these gentlemen 990 in -the annual number'o! deathe. oWtack thWionft.z eidItsflrture tte v"isit luo sthe o. l h. before December lsf, and ýail' retun n Ï11 there were 3243 victimeo lelutesactonfo tissebo wo Wlty olarbo,"asti@ 1( fimade b>' tiat. time, lnorder.ý-tia h, osmpbMmh i.et saitof )à Fnridayt eveulng lust -a * ell at- -wae known,< 4wlll ne lônger li a band- amiisrain ! hcfedma lc nsutyar nthe ota wa a .tinls ýended-,meeting-,o! enthuglaste was icap 'te vidtiÙg tea.ms, andt ifhde.ropte Ilsuisrpton l hemoe teal k-able, too, la vl ie iu the Counïcîl Chailier. là -'the- ow wbe-playlu',g gms'wy!o cnwegd 'h ainre hnreaselu tpoula e- bience o litàyarsPréienMr., home.-btg -dgy Las aseai uits * h wes-!teCaainap te !ubncnrs hr h vr 1.. W.! Jackson wae- aske4 t keg-iioâ,h e ,i ta e place the -WhlÃŽby Aren wIlg 1eth a hi pporîttyte "xrssaurodîg cru ereythie - bp hai. A Se rryTreurer o oipol eromidIOtOL er -deep sYmPatby ýwit te ie- . sread. o! tue dieease.In ita hlstory. ho organization of-!i'i- W aso e hohockey'. Ireaved reltie ad ti'tohiec' oflenyeswrkheNac. reentd sor rpot'hlch show- 'Th.e eutlve oommittee met a u otIuinwIhte'ae alam'soia eaurhqn ia un ttatteclub willl beglu thiy varle, the close of h-i.ti, i hgtthef 11b eerous dnitarirnn .0 ains a %inbes with a élean"-flancW d svrllatr-'o- motance e i aermieam lyek tad1trti. g],e7er0optitnt hak ategrrst.o fw dorig.t e hetherte a La erti ulyaguetcbysm ! who ere inlu aieed dlhpe,- tf its friends. meeting- o! the Club,. which lu t.e 'ay ' -lesaeÉtages. -O!1thesée over 4,090, have' The fiast 1uies w st déie hl onFrdj ev o - hs w kSnakd oat veeror not thie club would b. Whon uatistaotory prgiimliiaiy itbaid ail donations sentlMPrOlmdwlIl lie "~rganized for thia year. T4it, orpgeus-ae completed, au Int5r- wedgd n frare ourse,- was,.. almost, -a 'supenluos i .tearn wll lic ntered in -the r reare.tue Metpot Ae Sc m. neestion. It'waq carnled lmmediatel 0 O.eraH. A. -,t. r a imOU'. vot. d esltUgLHENDERSON, Yesterday the'ialmeig 6 h Offices werePrea!dat Do inio n arnesso. 1Mni-teappointe'! teo onider the -tue ro-appeintment o! the Pies!- o0oo0o0(oo00-_O o0 o o ont,ýNV e eOPi .A ent and: Manager.' Those choses toeo_______in__________ ýTorouto. meiacommites wa cosen rmrpoottve ! h lice~~~ weea ob :O THE LAKES DISASTER -0 - -vanousm recpàZtes 'intèresto0 the YPresidentW. .W. Eeron. FUD - . A-DA - " a .-Htes'iieeso, n -VSPres1dent-W . W.Eerson~FUD CND. ~'OlhJICtoL the deloegata"rm+.nj 0- 'Jcl F .Ans l ebr b hti t- off I-Se c.-Treas.-Rotbt. Devereil. Mazager-David, Mathison. Trainer-Ai. Butler. Advisory Commltftee--A.C. Wright, IF. liathison, F.- Bryn, G.M.,Gobd-, !ellow, Bert. Smith.- elegae tO..A.anuai m1 eeting' -Roi.Deverei. ufb -This year a junior tèam'wil ô-b enteied, owing to. the. mposaibllity o! inaucing two teama. ,The prospects..for.Ac emaçou are extremoly bntght. All. lut yearis players are- again, allle teBlan- lchardoi,' Waon,, RiCe, Mobutyne, Smnith, Jubli. Othen good mes wtflbeC candidates, sud it- la reported' thatC .CharlIe Lavyn>,.whoIo f armlng nean Whltliy, vil ýpla>' hene also. Tn-- T- Warena *111 afford -&amuohI - Imiter -bce surflace for games, bUt laf ery. strèets .'olice ntown ut the fars for - canning the.'fï-uit ah w renos Peaches, Plums'and Pears atv~ery close price Cal! and inspect the fruit anid Jeaveyour A so, e supply Ghedlas, hi DcM xg tigheslt gradest.Ni 'andi We el!thebes~Bttê'an bet ggs -in town at close prices., Wa B.-aPRI NG[.&00 -Three AIurýinum Jtelly Moulds, Inidividual si, ýgivèn away frée, with three packages of Shirriffs' JelIy'Powder. There is nothîng so dainty and easyl- to serve for dessert, as- Shirýriffls JeIIy Powder. You get the true fruit flavors and it is no mùore expensive thgai the ordinary kinds. Price 10 cents or 3 ýér 25 cents wivth 3 Alumi n um ).eJIy Mdulds FREE. WHITB'Y, ONTý your entire waits. I hfè N. 47; ndep Phne;BelN ,No. -47 O In.uotherplaceýinthe.pa.-6OhwOtNv1511 ,-,tteC ICFMetn on oda O --per wlil'biefound an appeal to' O0aa,'nt;1PV 1 è193lAiigMivi. euiumetig eoneMof theR, P N_ A O~~~ tue pulcf»cntiuin The Editor of the Chr PAPE - Oeig 1r ieouIn<'», fh 0 a.fund tht ,e blng'raised for theOtajo muonsi nhci:.a.y A ,~, ~ 0ter fa lisoth ilors'-W o 0 Deai Sir repiseaa±ve o-ths cu- omprising --the- ontI.grajaures e. Town j stituency lun tii.te, ;gilatur ayItiate mler1nliatis-wud' Ã" ed '$100 -teopen the.fuid- for'0 ou à eders to theIlO iit-o! -the T ar 1'rs~pé oot e 0 Whtby.. It 18 hoped thaf -îÉIe 0 .,- Commi1ssion'! Deu4ontratiou CouuIn4ay~~~jgh~o maikeýtttbonds~afi1, I . l W iA 0Tii. lla 01 mark i - hI>'~,.,~ ol e ecured-Jfro jYlolaê peRr S . -~- orçcde-,an W thifou O Y Onti iio- cul ts'fh M-nii a ce'tealië a ilin t'fs wnder ho ht su e w ot -1* ftii O j!lSit&ofthé,vas- se t i d <e" .tie. 2--- ntu repon -theoru~, 89P9Ml~1f !ê t~i~"h! :Tlged t ]a5T TIcipad 0 is - As almo.nltof 'pO f hePovnc, Y1edNwhlOn ~ta ttt.iooeo.l i2Iend& >paty~Iay~r WIII Irrés O,>r-h- vih 4sA j'- l,,-' b - W-ityý,an 5a, 02 ..d. oÙ,.the LoZ ý j -*'x.0- -L- hcrwl eatWibrJm-ý - 1-1 Spices'and the

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