Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Nov 1913, p. 8

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?Mfr.'ýJaso. cotv-,ve lo aw fl Grand Truuk Railway, vstted, at 1i&s ,ýh», paô* o ue hom~e bers on Sundsy. W. H. B-lvlsg' bas* had aun Iîdepend- Mess .-ely, oeud " ent -Tephené nmsllOd Ibis week. ( Lidgslpaose~sl~ Hie has both the B-elIV and IndepWmd- pg5*Mett mak88 est, and orders recelvedby phonie hâle whiiireceive .prompt attention. '--spéil- tî ffl st tth mi. le 'lbe Union meeting of bbc Brookla .w _and ClhbsW .M oll*,ma7 ho ctowned wltIhSuooof.", which vas tb havebleau ield hl Theraday, was potponed, snd Wlll-L. meet on Thursday, November, 20, aI tlite -Presbyîerlan ohurcli. -A 1917 s.Blaok, of. Toronto, vluiIod tram Toronto. vil1 be- the speaker. ,fticîi loé,ieue as- weex. Mi. oui M.Sw4la, forrnerly lu - Services . ere very, spasely attend-f Louis bai> ber., lia s bocaed on-Sueda y, ou accouaI of lthe veryý i -trausferred le a- towiiasr Reginas, vo elLI, nj sud fr.Munrs a laer clerk houe, MM . Dke return6te e ler homeluà) bas beau transferred 1<> Suudc4l.nd. Toronto on Salurdcay, aler sp-endllzg p Botb ouugmen e.very populîr; a mntutitlh frienda hors, and ma de s grealt many1 trleads here. Mof- l té eal g ln rolmdndil They will be gresbly m saad, bellijla, this vclaitby Ibis fait. Mr. ed. Bo-', Broolinn sd'Wbithy,. especlly a- asti ban moved tb 1he Debolse houses, mong thc youug-,peepl e- wi4ol wasrecentî vacated by 1Mr. c Thé- recaption' to Rev. Mr. 'sag Long.- i Gog Blh l o l and Mrs. ,Haig, seannoýnced, ltoodi bWhtby. place ou Tbursday evening lutI. The I weather beiug perfect,, i a lar ge repre- -setation ot. cougregation and :frîends Nob assembled la In; hohurci ta psy' lieïr No udM m respects t theiebride and ,groom.. Mr.Hedc s - Mrs. Ketcei, rece-ivedths gueula. A F rM delightful liour -was speut s0cislly, af ter whicb Mr. Lawreuce, vie made 1 hsabyu a splendid ciairman,- asked lie at- expesfenS If you 1 tention of- the -galieriug tb a -short e use Chambre programmegivan by lihe.choir, Miss1 'i~ Olver, Mrs. Wlke r, ahd, Miss Jean hesy re movd Jisycraft. îTic.monolo~gue gvn 1 - kg ite casen- Miss Ojver, eutitled -"The, T live mot -by smetherlng tices"=p- Seamtress," vas Weillgivea; sund- -toms-we an'@ sures.t curs for caused uuci merriment. -Thé solos w5fhiIm etCsuiialm.U gîve . y Ms. alkè . nd 318 î Try thera. 35e. s otle. 1ie b u. akr u is mgetsuand Dealers, o by alL Haycraft were much appreciabeil. An Chmb MedbidasCo. f -intermiasion was macle, and 1Mr., 'Walks was #Éés ta make s speecio IusRtead of doug nsalie reada bauci- £ iug testimonial b Mt. Haig froieh-m cougregatilin, lu whici as cxpressedl the higi eateem sud-ho eild by ________ lhq-peqple for their pastor. A pr- s entation of, a pair of persisu lamb OH. gaunîlets- lo 1Mr. Haig trôm tifs con- A -w@ll-knowa native of Whtby grsetton, as made. by 1r James .ToWnshp,la 'tic ,permon efthle laIe *rit ^ ad, u ,s-cul-lass vase, OUed Mrs.- Marlia- Ooavy S Inn, ile wit iAmerican beauty roues,, le Mcm. of Mr. -HoWtrl .Shipinsu, died aI heu j Haig, by Miss kilean Moore. home liare la lier lSrd-yesr,. *Mr. Haig, thougi takea by surprise, Wouk liaf alrcady begun on theienl- made a gracious reply, thanking lhe stillation o! -lie -uew Ivo mauIl frfiands for liair extrêea kluduaoss 10pipe orgau la1 n heKing St. Melho- * Mus. Haig- açkd 'hlmoelt, sud luusled--dist churoh. biat the bond o! u*nion liaI exfsbed Mr'. Thea. Morris, Osiawa's Town balvasa pastor and people w-ould cou- Clark,,vas operaled oh n a a hospilal tinue le grow.- A very daiuty lunch la Hamîllon'for. a growîh'inlathej brougil the eveningrs ejoyment bo a stomaci, lutI Suuday m-r&"g Hi *close. Foll7oilng is lihe addrsss readl: ,sco, wlio le a docbor, tives in (!dms- DmrPasbor ,1: by* sud Mc. Mrr4 vewnt -b -ilamit- W. the ixialbars and aditerents of ton le beo near hlm. ehls congregallon are brougfil liere. j Thuuaday evenlng etfalutweek, aI _.o-lgit tb ettend le you and Ms., an eulertalinnaî givea byh.lde Haig our ulacerasî 'congratulations a! tue Pnoabyteriàa Churclih av' Q ou the occasion ot your marriage. iYulpe, pastor, was premetd liha ~Sinée -colng. amoug us you bave ,bandseme pulpit gown -suad a pulpil wo ite respect sud esleem vilci Bible ..was presefited tote echurch' *miould exisîlu a a'cougragation 'ta- jTiare la a marked duflreuce l iettè yard. IbemImnIalar. We rejolo la is henuipher e!ofbcidrea on tie sfteets go od feellag that existeafamong lthe. slace the Cuutev Act vas entouced 1a iembrsoL Ibis couagregallon 'to- Oshawa. -Tié police have warned up- yards ecciothar, sud 1sîso Iowards vards of Ive or .tires doze cild- -yourgelf,,We brusli that tii.bond o!frasdbisthl otac elc union msy be slranglheued as the-, Sheltar if foulid la the oreets- stlsu days go by. - ine o'c1ock again. Tic age limitlal We realize liaI thea work o! a pas- sixbeen. tor is ual always an easy oua,'sud .. ....... aur prayer wilI be liaI you may be ALMONDS. eudowed with wlsdorn sud power -Mr. W.- Dlagmanla home for a train ou higi sud liaI la tallhfuliiess veak. you may ba enabled le déclare unlo Mus'. Kemp, sr., lias beau -on the us the viole counsel of Qed, sud at mlck 1151 liis yack. tasI receive lie "Well Doue"etr-fite- Mr. D. Bathlias- movedileo our 'Masteu. nelgiborlieod agaln. As -a sînal oken of our esleern, [Miss Mabet Msckey speal Suaday -Ads0aremmbrnceo!lie&occa-, vIi lir1 moier ers TU1E BARGAIN SHOE STORE We h ave Ou baud -a compicte liue of ail tie lateut styles in Feu su'nd -Winter Boots t Bargain Prîces». Weare slliug ail kinds Of Rubbers and Rubber- Boots at. very A CALL SOILICITED. - Successor toF.- N. Burns .8ROCK ST. NORTH,? WHITBY,. ONTARIO. Thlong eeig aehere. ýWhat'about the grade of coal'oil .rou wlU rcquire for imps aud lauterma. Bett er ýget Uicb est and have agoodlitb,iree,,rom.smoke.or odor. ?ountain l and EnemaS 0OF THE FIWFEST >ý,DTHE BESI DuIaggIsî mand 'MEDICAL -B BokSt." veil- the great mmuiiiiuadei Pople n-us vôntl net otiervise be appsaled te lo*e 'acouIriffloreuoetmali amountls. Elndorsed -a ,the campialga ilu 11dm yeer by lic <Educatilon Departmealt, " it lu hoped Ibal ticeal nut isjoultyl e! ibu citizeus may hb eied .te 'tius conlribute a mis. NXOMINATIONSFOR>O. H. ýA, EX-ý ECUTIVP I-HAVE ËCLOSED. $éizMneions for office in lie On- tarlo, Hockey -Asoallea nhave closed Mud -M. ChartsFaqhso, t Slriattoird:', b -beu letsd. Presldaat ns,. ý.- Ludea,,lias, advanced le FluaI Vice- Prealdencsdo i ma p oaipe promotion Mu. Jas. T. Sutierlanud, ,o! Kingulon, bas " euý advsucçd lo E liecutWve lethis office: e ond Vice-Presidegl. - Mr.- , Puancls Nelson, vie uspuesenla lilW OUA.' ud thieAÀ.Ai. , of. Board- et Governors, , h. bemur- elected, as basu almo lb. Secueîsry," Mr. W. A Uclît, otTaonbýio. Mu.gh DyglJ. Tùrerec,- sputI Presidenl ofthle O. IH. A., suad ferý year a valued imember of lie mub-, commitea, o! vhlci Mr. John Roms 1Roberlsea, 'lie enly lite memir ,et jthe Assocation, lea siiu, la( Itar. -Tdis uât 181wliat Sageino more for you than any .other Comýaiiy. 1M eans ti6 thosé Who Buffer with fIa- The question is: how are we able to do -Iug gap,, dandruif, ýcoarse, dry or so? Ever successul Compan y must, common- looklug hair. Sageine - u have experience,. strengté4- and econoni- new lUfe tbiaded unattractive hair., ICai manageMent. Sageine leeds the haïr root with' thé The Mutuel 'Litfe lu the oldest Coin- niecessary food for promotlng - ý'- pany on the Anierican continent. -Tbree bealthy growlih. Sàgelne la' the é re ars snMd fuI e to lcts daintMut tànili you couid wiuhi for. It of lmne - lid1 bas proved- to -be the moje ls niot a dye and à .not stlcy r uceaful inaymets to policyhoider., greasy. A large .hake r top .bottle over one billion dollars costs only 50o. and M. .E. Willis T givýe8 s; iupeonei -guarautee tb -re cTh tronest In the vorld-assetu laidliehone Ifyou re ol etîr- $ oooooo and income of over $8 0,- ly, alafed.. Be sure tb go-'to', . E.oosooa ya.TI Cmay Wms'4rg tpeas oegsores o nd dcontrolled -.by the poli c-àt W,0H»ý ýdru týoe, Ohet âtoeghoid<rs who reap al thé 'cuefits.ý The emnoli supply yOU. policyhiolderu viii receive over $6oooo,- S Ooo thîs year. GETTIWG WINTERBoaGs. The moue -economicàl management, The- Reuili>of' Introduclngý Bred-lo- which heua won'for the Coînpaly the Iay Blood labo aFarin Flock. reputation of bei1ng The, importance, of me'lwtin ggood bred-to-leay stock 'a'safoumdatilu for, Thea WnpII'mo amam*a. 'a faimneflock o ahnad of proper ~ fVUVUUI.V managemlnt, cannol bce 1e 8rnl ivdR aa emPhaulzpd. Proof ëf tIa ua n uuaj. bbe'esu~. otaled a ~ ve~Over $17,000,00Ã"ois beitng pazd iu divid- meât Deýjonstallo#P lulIîý nouseends .Cils year. T1 , uestion nov là located4c Ilte tarino!1'.,S.& -,Tho boge wbCh la Y. hus1ioiue -Are You otlng Yo rs haroeP. modales ýhirty blrdo, lias beesin la015 of, the annual -cash dividendu ihtise eratlon for tio meaonsà. Barred Ply- are paying. mouti rosilipulleba were7 usdedn a cli___ ces. su lalagcommao abut. Jý DUFF, MR. A. B. DONOYANt3 Novembut 101h,> ýesci eaBon. The Te- s ep.' Qusen & Victoria sti. sulté froe 11dm ,flock for tbe six fali Myrtl.e. Toronto, Mg. A Setof Damty Aluminu m Jeliy Moulds% An opportun ity, like this*, to get a set of stylish individual atuminu m jelly moulds free will 'probably never occur again ini your lifetime. This Free Offer is simply a 4uick way we've adopted tb introduce a j YýOu simpl$v purch'ase tir e.packages of .Shirrifs. Jclly -Powuder. frem 1h. ï,kgrr.He vwiiitien give yau, vithout any extra -charge, -tires of,' Chese'jeily maulds --,r h. wilL give you tic complee etof aix difflerent shapesývith -SIX Packàgeà. Sixpackages mnereîy provide a uic. assartme- nt of flavors- flavors that are fruity, well-proniounced. - Shirriff's jellyisahigh- class, deliciôgs.- -You'Il serve -it often once youS.re comfitenced.- -AMdlndivýid%i elies.-a jIy-f eachcso-aesuh attiotve u~.fasiorâbi taledaicorations hat *ndthiug iess than-the coffiejete set wiil satisfy -yeu. Especïiâ1lfrvill you waaî',- *tii. set, becau1e1 the moulds are in six diffèrent - stylish designls, sud bécause, they 'arc madae ofaluminium, whiclu every wefl- informed womnan knows la Ch. world's * es matrial for cooking tutensiUs. I teamniug vorir,and vill ne plcaseci- rai lani rocive-erders, vici will have prompt j pc sund careful atté-n- ton. Par PHONE 65. I John Gimler DUND.AS ST., -WEST, WHITBY ic dratages guimateed te its policyholders, man for man.. tirougliout its-entiïébusinesis by Thé Equity Lfe Asuuùrance Companyare- mcc.,,gratr - for -tic premiumùs paidien they are, fna any otier Companyý doing,7business lit '0 Canada. This lu state-d mu.a tact vich 'e cannot lie successfuiIy dispute-d. - EXÀÙPLE-At age o!- twentytiree' next birthday Tic -EqMity Lite charge $4,20 for- 4 o.o nuaceo i Tvenly Paym4eint Lite -Plan vithlevery- tbing deflniteiy guarauwed. -Mose otie Canadian Companischarge exactly teF saine amount-and similar ternis -fora Tveuty-fiyçe Payment Life Policy. - - At tic endof tiveuty yearu tie Equity policy la fuily paid for, sud has aCai value-of 64 $898. oo, vhile, the usuat cash value fer 6 the otier-polfcy at the same time lu $720. 1Tii. man wbostudes hls owu Interens wilt paironise-I!e,%UqiyLe Assuranss Company vwbc ho wanite 1,TIs uranta. L. W. OUD)LBY, - H. U1HRLAND. ont. -nT0 Gene! affl M.HILL TEflMS MODER&TE. Oppolte Quater Clinrck, ingaton Roid, 1O9ly Double Trick Rallway- between Toronto and, Montreal, and~ Toronto and othet principal ceities in Canada. -Mmio Double Track and Solid Trains betwebn Montreal and COhicago6;':alo between Ontario points, New York and ,PjuadeIphia, via Niagara: - lET EQWIPW4T PULLAMNsilstPj*s' beti fig "Soeraton CoaL." 'Youglalgheny Sloam ctoMi" 6Blue Grass :-Cannel Goal.", Gorge Oreek Smltblng Coad. No- -NeCeai te equel these. Scranton for ranges,,icaters and turu. ým. Tic besf- iean, brigit sud dry. Canuci for fire place and grates. Ytoughiogheny for- seam.- None any ter. George Creîek tor-aIllkinds oet umiti- gvork. Fmi iiîianed. W. Icad in quaiity sud quantity. E. . LOW - Wfhby Bell'Tel. . Home Tel. 14. HAVE: YOU MadeP prvu~fr emplomen during the, 'tsuzh aWituntan mouChaor Agent',%-s i 1etody remunerative work the year t rni. -W e offr the bet in the bu'sinena. sy- weeldy, freecou atIi, exclÃœsive terri- torY. Ovér-6W0Acres under enitivation. Establiahe4l over,3U' ye '.A rieutatiou forhigh grade stock and fair -deahung.' A a&leemaa eaumake moneyisellingfor us. We vaut ana ener- getie reliableman for Whiebyandvicinity.- -For toms", ville PeIhani Nursesy COl, Tqroato, Ont.- N.B.-Fre ataou onrequzàLt.-25. à E. STEPHENSON'-ral Toiin Agent -fou -Expres, Ticket Mud one oid Teiegraphi Office,- oppoulte Standard N Pc Bsnk, Wltb)y, oI.telpos~ Tnai Tie Tale. F. E. LUKREI - WHITBY JTJNCTION eOingWcat.... jaa.m. 1oing Esut .. .. 1aa. ..735.m.I ..jales pan ....a.56m-f. ....6z.3p.m iuudy trains leave for ,Tor<mto 4.52 a.in and, 7.56 pam. Fron Tor- ente-trains sop aI Whiily Junotio i 8.15- aad 9i55 s.m., sud 9.80 p in. JP-TOIWN STATION. Goitg Northb... 8-30 9m. i' Going 8outh... .m - STAGES. .I"V« Whiiby for OuiavasaIle -&M4 a d 4 p.ï. JeuO$. su po - Lèses fOr' Brougsm at lé, Xlf Edv4 ds Pràprï4S,. S IL.S CLOSE.ý For Wmt- .6 a. I ForPet tWhltby-- 12-30 P.m. I 6~ -6.appan I 6-30:Pan. 8 40 ;:. wlhw-.ùm RiFOa LENS& BitocelLeuses vo leaus= velded j peu» pair, $5. o ai grund, ý.5c OPTIOJAU IODF BROS. Suotemra tée ody Bro. PRAOTIOAL UNDERTAKERS cbarxes moderatt. 2 E.W.EVANS Pump Manufacturer Sbop &Bd -Kesldenmoe Duadas Strtýt mir 1I~sdo.. wutifW4âdou MEDICI D.W. WIIsoi '-HIROPRAC Th[e Canse of Disesse 13 Adtn.tment of Cl Consultatiph Pree_. 20 SiU Atw Lymonday,-Wsdt -...fromg.m. ta ut POe340.-05ib dNO. E. FAREWg Barrister, County Crow, - - - Couuty Salicr Office souti ving Court]1 A. E. CHRIW Office, Brock,,St, Opp. Mouey Ca-lÀ JAMES RIUTLE0GE, SM -Money ta Loan on e Ofice- iminediately soutl Wity, Or 6. YOUNG SMIT - Issuer of MARRIAGR LEl Court Hbuse, Whitby, -DENTAl W. ADAMS, ýntst Street, Fesidence- Na. 4 -'-Byrou SI.,i th'. pi JAS., BISFE Oshawa, Licensed AÀucti ceasor IQ-L. Fairbanks. -and datai -apply aoself Wbibby. *WM. I LICRNSED AUCTI >ý -AND VALU(T AUI kinds of sales-prot ed le. ,Arrangements for sales aI lie Gazelle Tarins ressonable. Bell sud Indepeudentl1 WHITBY,.ON OONTRÂOT 1. HeWE.L *Carpeuter, Builder sud * Plans dravu sud eestimati Repaira, Alterations -an Agent for Braulfori 1Box 467«: WHIT8V Ma~ige 1 A.là. AI LIU Tanner ftMrriage LL, Corner drug ms la alleusine sosi siad frcivil Servk *jiist< eamlastis ulfth City Branjse star any tinie f r th t.Write-fbr catal ùdent,393-895 Ysnge l il I pay yau la co anuk sd inspecl, for yoai ZDon t be- misled by age, net efn-pl6y them, co)nseque1 aud do nllow lhe ageuli' i1O parcent' viich you 'w ly save'by purchasing1 fret -A CailSoliclCed - Ofie aud Work Opposite Standard<Bank, 'V ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO

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