D itUua r."-seid ~ 'AL STOCK TORONTO iltel>' gijr- id and stemn case. zteiru- sud addremm a", Birthday, ai i10 cents. mat). When 111 meud. yod youx prefor, Ignet rlng, a , r ef "Starr" Co.' 1-1 is ene mot Se,'wu in the mldte o tf e'ib < -irs& te,"'lomple. snome hildren on Oie- timr, -whon ýa joe Yn lekl, vai4QIlten. "Yl griph boy camt>dowu the RBot. t -t-hé rarte tbealt tkflg ftIlng 1sroper -paas.a mleaunm, sLr"nd, balt.iiglue, y0n.vere very c&r.e4ly nureod bi" At the -doorway. <yod- 'ibhy-ýwIth -mark 1odè os >unblo friendè,et youre." - ~a irevs..-and dnanded -W b. inforîn. "Iwae iudeed." 0saidaOlive th devout if a poison be tbepamo ef Mina- Bur- grat4tude. M-eI relided ln t iLtý boe. -"-e." uilton paneed i -moment,bia W , ,-gieit ss~ sald IVTib, a b*silo lerlem es -ied on a -pictume -abcveý 'bi~teed ue t~gamfren h.-bnd C- ilvee-sýhonlder. "Oee f Oite young, ladies, The boy. afte quirin1taniou 1 ors Il rutiler occeutrie, lsn' heP But. tIi aobs uOaually ho t hembats.e s d Itly othée' atoûm. fer hor","-.iateis *littlbeaou-' dodgin bo the lb. Samo, oco fliarîties. A. very boantlfnl girl. o sud ibby vent. p tii.et aeeaan ~uitoftem eS*',tlat pecuiarly - refilu tp 'à 11 ~ ai e e c 4 # ob eeed for o- umnôi .j t ier ' cia w,."- -- mnt, tJýsn, -bth * ~lgaml ber , Clive ooI*rod,. and hie eyes dopp.d, but. oe w vet aag u an nethe Qnltfadld not. apios.mtW notice iftor the. set. WMe n abs bad, tuu'ud tlb. ooner toile i'which Olive éaAdi -' tilo ôeoed -he..teegram and read t .It 0"Mil las geed as mile h, beauiuuL. rau~~» -- . - ock ero< Qttilton',-'- hoiutaid ýa 'me." -- - - -rnent, «*No- 1 Won't'tbu yen mest, yot." - '1 aiù unairolily peeuted 'freonoom' Teei<! nne, adQltnl. i le yen. I will write. I arn quite welI. Paeoively. #I arn avare tilat wheà yen tut. revlngat nt heing able te 7ueo e ave mae uou- miudi-tbat I arn wor-h - - --yen 'are lu love villi ber. 'Oh, mydeam Tibby read Vils telegmam thmounh, ecunt- fellow. 49a-'t loin,, s urp Ul-gve 'me: engthe worde and otlmating the -cea. oredît for Oie ordiuary iintéineficoret tisylamvg t lb o',uebild ovl.- B«ees, the ycnng,.lady gayva tbuet thé telegram into bem pecket, mut-' hemasîf away tus da'y I-veuêt.te mes yen. tering: -Iue±oodtlt e -wr xia mi .."Otcoiir"te-.Jà et viat might baye boon n mlbt -ned beér, sud sho f&Wpait me wit.il e10?eted of tbe likes of hlm and hie elas. an expression onu hem face- wiioh uigili lu .11 write, 'wiU bohep iot hil IAu' If ehoaboesbeen reaL iby a blind man." ý- doe, ho'e. got. me: te ta4klo. Hem min&s'- Clive <fr 1 b->g breatb, nodod, a nd pet cd'.birn"-dh4st.fed a foer«e, mlg-"I sined tau ses that. It'slucky for 'or lot site'@ "ouye neeeit1t one,-Qiltn, h sot a seUà dblo wotn tWproteot.ber." '-paid. II an lu loye-wth ber; and. please That. day Miniaonftre,iail th. - agonies. 1 ed, vs sgoin& té ho matmie.ý cf leioclLneoo tdiat. coIea robô ooede. God.'. mil -it laver fer ro d, 'i rcds cel d , &o.'.' @44, - Qu$lton ta ew course, eho aît-been prevsutéd frqrn Sernaas5u ,g e> a t ng - the lung, -but-,buttvhy bad'b.- udt. - wrlt.ten? ,we bO. -Wbi'ý net? 8he le ne eactle, Jusi eue lino',. due litt.le lino. tô te. be'- -t Oie das-cQf -Véee ovelrç tewbihyou w he bont cee to aà ssure béir 4t b g';but thà t. -*111not ms:<tem 'l- Pou. ho .a -b4nt.tchangeA bis mind., -o* t.hat. il e ePrcminout. a DeD]oerati'-wIhO be va. W411 -ag inà P -lu- after yearmo Mina go *n 1cfr îlte Of ýt~et'au'à bd I hà +1- was nover sbe leek back '>u a y lsPepe.Tuat;Iadmqf th.irie .uled ortb v-httollowed ih wllbout a duil- nyo lu pce vcln ain. - - eo e &m ~ooAngà . tauerinir ie MCnee1lua s à idov cf, a Vague, trouble clarisme f bom are dtSso atommuiï -ere.,.te ail fot en!y upe__nr u. Oua viflin. to imarx'v ou. -wdn w go-4itha Pe. * - te bave lost ber capsclty fer.^sclding., sud - ls as smoot -sd uleut as Miu,at$vhorn ngepiy and yésmulng la ber old- Young oyee; sud ou 8thev"ening1 -t1he - hpAday sho salA abmuptly. sud vitheut Can>' leading up le. tle subjeot.: "Wbat diA yen e&sythat trIpteO Margit. veillA cot.. falberf'. mia ha pened toliecont.fethOe e op, oro vë ould 'vo vlinked st her îrlumpblant- y;.- but. yul aery aigu - o!mesînees hoe - ent Into detils v itil Tib»>. al "Well,, lt'ea aiedickionm notten,"senl &ta- laut4 ith lhbair of resignat.ln; *"bot - if, you've set. ydur minA on i 1 'poee - .helo trced te go-; for you'Il veori a_în& vorîit njt.I1 vo do. I know. Au' Il ver. gemn'. ve'A btter ge aIt once." as s - Mina vo't cars te go novw." me- Eliela.. vlth, an affectation et oo. 0 wl-won't. o; xîia?" ýblO, sneMia.;hvt»sanA valu. en- Fo "ravin' for se -atluln' and ,Prfivinkls-ettenlnj o! lhb bra 1gI~oc n-but do yen aagy, t.ca nbd.ntafeve risileagter- -J froa%, Wbh- bas ne huâéiuee butbide a aide- alow-I 1s px~aeY. - Oive lieaut ac ud'aghd Net - ai aIl, my ýdeur Qufit6n. Wlat yen sa>'- lje absoIut.sl*trùe, lut ilm&he. ne difference ' te m.I1 veuld mari-y' tbe-girl I love if 2hor -fathier -vers :'do in Lima' sud ber »i- - ter danecs« iu'thle ballot. Lève lve1 l .dlâtinctleno,*,yen know." "Quite -so. Good old'-ooPY4»ý,ek leee-- ter a er i '.You sl sâï » -ucb the 1 ,rda. ti meminberP" HRe ut. -OIe quqestion lu the nt uulaA-idfe- - ont va>'.- "'?lat'saeo," eplicd Oieasi ndiffer- bis,4*- ently. _ - - ié ".You dou't. know vhe eh. 1.-bave neo m, idea?"-ak-d QtLiltea as - .Indifsnonitly as ao Bro< before.- 1feebly at sigbt of4Jcuve, Re uOdded ï. ie réady ubakin, bead and tried to sile 1with Mae tvIuted lUp.- (To b. e ýnUed.)- Saskatehewan 's-firt Mlntstev lIffd a. Thrillng Experlone. HÉiiier. and higiier soared the bi- -plane4, 11ke somo gigautie, bird. T-ho ýwoman, ith'the lever ilu her hanml, &pmiied'IqÉ,pply. 8h. ku.w 1-bey ýFée . new -over 'tour thouoaud- teet-. up, in the. air. The rather heavy set, elderiy, man passenger who, had craved thrflla iu au airahip sat tightly, as- ho - 1ud b een tela, -but wih.firmaly-ompressed llis. Ho inwamdly hoi>M that this eutward appearanoe iudicateid a rosi 'enjoy- - meut ec i. esensation et flyiug. -Nover fer -a-moment did is eyos swerve trem the sliglut, girligh Afg- ure etftthe woman be-fore hlm. How Clevemly sho mauaged thç great, -flappingz machine!l One taise meve- et tii. lever *d- - The man'e- reilectiens ceased abrup'tly. He becamoeuddonly, ol- eessed with the. ides that something ont et 4h.e rdiuary had occurrod. H. leanod fojrward b-reathiesaly, ~I'e young womarat the Ievêt' held wouderl v Pr~nder Soott. Po " 13 04eut o - were Sog jlke a, mée,.g-'roupd Htldm trad thët4 leu daystleirthSoemtê2ht im-, b b. an lucnlined ,plýane.ýupon which'h had gru4t.di&clctyr lu walking-. 1ro hea-r Mi"s-Ladw ýtell cf'airshlps and -their ,gountle .ways eue' ný .would thWinkt a any old ceuld guid eue. Nothing iffieuIt, netbing ils have noer ko n sr.- h - an Ras Steady Nervoés. Mies Law kuows howý ud lu ber lexlcon'et aviîation there la ne such word as fçar. .- 8h. I. a wrtby lis- ter- of her.daredevil br<*ber,1 Fred- erick Redman, Law,'- who fieès and di Ves and jumpislnd olimba aud rows juet as bis lithe, tearlessus- ter airee to te. - ¶ik!" she exciain;od-auud et course--sho smled. "Why, really thoro la very ïlitt!,.Just-enough te make flying faaecina&ing. Neth-- lxlgà I.nt.eresins y'ià kuen-, that lias pot émsorn Iitte miel encted with it. Nevertiielesi I neyer cen- aider that I tako risae hen I make aý fliglit. hévery caimneas with Which thé - machin e- >glid<es away frà m,"ortJu giveia -a enf iot .urlty. The higiier I eear thq .greater Ira- dem aud lhberty It1i. hevista wýhWI S à pènS' - -eut befeon ee-h e 'vaït, .£e wenderful', -se all-abserbing that the particular 'bit-o! w-orl-d eue - ,b" eg ~étbelow 9seèuivory snail aud Yfft Dishes.ë )flxed Nu t ~Croqu'ettes.-6-helli -sud' chop ' wî4inutu, peO9ns, - or hýickory, Buts, or -_a: mixture" ,eo ail t.hree;- jiitwith tilem-> n\equal, -quantity of- fine hread -crumbs; and mix. witli aû white sauce.. Wbeii bu4d, ihap - ute eCroquettezs ad l t theim become ced and stiff befoi%, 'frYing them. These are' goýd if karnished with-thin Bsuces of crisp baSon.- large 'ehesotnuts enough te oyru ýtwo' ouefuls, bell them;, and rmv -anddïE rÙ b i.-- them atble4Êon- :jujceýalittie'saIt, suà d ýa dash- ofpa-, prik*.Mkoý;miv in a--double,* bolirtumu euùt oui plaIte, ýand:' *wheu > co>e1o.enougli to ha-iudleï inake fite, crçquettes.,and. proceed, se,: i ChstnutlýCiquettes ()-Bi quartoLo himauis, --emove ýthe- ishplls and skixa, sud -put -the' ute th-rough a colader- ,or ejalo proe. ,Werkte a a ote ih enqi'onp, ue, two tableulp ~c-ie crumba,--the yolk cien egg, a da8h- utppiand sîtit - tâtèt. Mïki 1e w-ale iîxture hpt. in &adouble, boir;wheu ceTd fe iu -ro- que >t tes, let s3tandtwo hOuïs inthé' refîlýeratei'and f ry iu deep f-at. - Wlnut iý cièqîetteâ,-Cr ack and eu'fourg togivçyoua fUiou C t 'meaýè.; pt- thebËe thtoegh ybur meat, chopper. Mix with th6m a 'hall-, tespoonful of sait,. the saueý ameunt of lemunu juice, and two tea.ý speenfuls of tbvheeparaley. ?Plie a -tea-sponful çof.butter- jti nte eoI -fleur, ceok toglethïer until they bub- ble, and peur ou t'hem -o'ee cuptul! ef hot milk. Stir-thî. mixtureofe nuts and seaening-Inýto tlhie, aud a beaten oegooek t7wo minutes longer, tilke frezn.th fr.and set solde te cool. When perfectly cold torm inte croquettes ýwfth the 4nde, roi! in crumnb-i, thon iuegg- then in cruunbs again1 sund iesae for et lesat an beur before fr;ying te ai delicate browu ;n deep biing fat. -NutpS tewed <In Giravy.-Boil ah&d peel your chestuu-te, the large -ar- iety; haýve ready a tu-11l pint cf 'ael seasened gIYavy or stock whiclr* you have ýthiekë;ed te _tire ,censitteiy ot a&-gravy. Dropj(yeur chestuùos inktoý this, set it et the. aide et - the' steve -au.4 simmer ïf-or flteen_'miu-ý -Ae. nver 1leting 1the gy-We. ,h&rd'. Serve h-et. Theze' are- es-~ ýpeciaI ygeod ifceked>in thbegrv. lof çoeùtryand are doUdoius -t serve with roait ehicken, -turkey, r, duck. -- '-_ cup et hot- a water, one t ree Olls, c Greennddew ehades shouid pro- vide darkuess for bal;y's deytirne flapi.I 'I Embreideriesanad c-ued <garý- meute sbauld b. ïirened ou the. wrong .ide.- - rubbedeon with a piece.ci flainel. On. of the very .-bést health guards l4 the'.drlng of a-great desil 01 water.- - fcm at'petVed Iqeo.'r la apu~n quilokly witlh a fine sprinkler, th. sweapng- qroces will -raise lessi dt bits" of Boapwhngbee up and b U&dmaeà a -0pl e ndid -shsmpôe jelI-i.; l- D hi't,-fôrgebtbtht e ven throug rkr'wn:Uuds,*hais 't treng sun- Iigh I!Ãœud thiway; .Noticà where: the. ray f alis, anid. loy a slueet c,ýf uwpper, on- the . pot..- Whýnew te ré is'runnip'g. iew' apd a quii - eeis, wanted, ofpen thé oîen deer, fillin'g it wvith cee!, friésh air, - u ls tJhe eeadeer. lt 'wiali hat xuch nmereqiky Wheu velJvet lespo tted"or st *in- ed, Lt sometimes ihl tt d ,ssepiece,.uinpirits et turpeune udru-b it ever the suae, -using Th .br e4 ,veal, drà -eit- wit .iquir, tlIi" 1n dip it iiMWegg- and bieéad' crnbeand lerowu in lïot fat. To cover with inilk -aund-,ook u -a very, slow ovin until. tender. '--Thi. rýp id , ertieu of tue ink in smm r.enssxiotai iuk. Wo¶Is oaà b.. provented 1bye- linýing the cever withiicco e absorbent'cotton -aud aurtIugtà e.-coten with water- -Wtetra ws ' a re bes9.t -oioa nodà wà b -&' cutisunen ýdi.pped lu suipiluir and- r--bbed "ou the-hat. Tus qebii -be allo-wed te dery1 and 'hen it la, ,ru.bbedý off, -the -siraw. -will hzave ré- gained its whiteuess.- Flat ions ^cau ho kept iu very geed oulde7if"on -wa'h day they are- put iute the tubs for * few minutes before eniptying the water.. Scirb, rthem --with boapiseand pelish them wlth a eeft, -dry ckth.- -n lace 1»vWoT rtlreeyoeare, mark a stocic liueu tempe- tefis entiro leuti~ -iti yur naine in inde1ibe in.Thoreafter, when( a new gar- mient is toe.ot arktd, suup .eue- nrarking off the ta.pe and sew, it on. - - elgho. ht '<What ,kind 'et a heusewit. Jà -rto tho effeckthat hozi husband nehs own. seek9." f-Sim Waff le cièrtaini y Ériuis, an o- stoe."otot 'fSéts oùt cushioned orates for.tii. acouie eof gqnbea.rers, the. huntet - wswatching- t sl spot - oee dayý, when an olephamutéiùade hié appear- a ce,ansd advanoed majestica1iy- through the mud. - The- huarter had- thewind- et tii. hea.ýt-,se-thà t he1-__ teuld f1o~hlirff wthbùt being, ocenutod.-Oloser sudî-doser ho crept.. unitil heWs within eight paces:ý of- the _grýat besat. Hit .gun-bearer.-s .-" I iss.carryiu),> -sys he, light ,'dÃ"ublè-ýbarrield- gun, -but - I ,now roehed bacÈsk- te ,exehange it for myforeu. rifle. I dlduent> imagine that the additioeiaL weight -of- ti.he :aveyweapoiL would have, . effecWtt-tfleuedM. ,The ti'ea- cheu'oue surface eiiddenly. gave-w,4 and,Ãlu, au instant I, waa-,wà iat-dep lmu.The moise I mind1 alarmëd tii. okhst, 45ud he came trumtpet-. ing tewae<1 me. "I tionlt tw&aal Up with- O I n-as immeivabWle lu my b.d e ilimo; aud- instead' eft-the. ean, brewun- -bar r& ot tewih 1 -couldi usua1ly - trust_ in-au emergency, -IP rblsed 'te m-myaheulder -a nsee'ef mud à -thateuca.ed my rifle Mea flan-nel bag. I f ully eRpeotlldte mie. fio e ould-mot see:myje' ts, sund i had te gues at di a&n,?it= tii.- elephaut ouly hall a -dozeni yards f romn me: "CI puleèd the -eippeu'y.trigger.Tie rifle- did not even-p bang ý1flre4. and the.-'z'eguW-fftoi±" tethe deoe bed of mud', eto'n.eead.It:ie rifle lied missed, fire, I miùst bave- been.' killed; - escape -,weuld baLve been impossible. - -Jt,-w«. with great-- "4iuty that I goý -iut 1etfMy md dy bed throughtb ou'etki - et myMoif and my 'gu.bearero."f - "HRon do y-eu' tell- bad eggs2". q,,cueviod the. ?eùng, hiase-wife. "I never teld -any," reaplied- thefresh gmocery clerk - - <buù if 4 had any- thiug- te tellaJ- bad- egg I'd break 4e gently,.-"- - - Âuteist--I haven't pada -,n un- -fer. ~repairs 'en'my m ____:zî- tho2 ten montha lVye had if. pi-4- go the man irlie did ts:ré?taim à - I emier Walter î in her- haiids. a tii. face oft Lame OtKfliei~ Ce. M Yeaon~Iaffoid brai