j-. Par t Wl-O WIV U1pequT MW &&Ç*VÇLN r XmEss. Meanwhile w. hearily côiy gratulate them où the "advanceý theY S have once )gai na. - A tà 01 0f.surveyors are- maltig subdivisionis in the uorthernL part of 2toyalite coal ou1, thle-Iilgheat grade 200. Per. .gallon at Mlatyre's bard. *are. P11117It. Hockey meeting on rlday, Novea- l&,i.be Couneil Chatuber, -at 8 Sées Pol'.for 'th b bot Une 09 ec00 hOol uOon the Market. The Whftby Fire u&lp# vii bol -their anutai bail and suPPOr on N.ew tbis date.- as Ibiy ,s baU ~Proi lsm toe bbiggOZ andlbplte4r Ibau We bave thie boul lUne of stovp ad 'angeS en tbe market, uand Our--ËicOS art the loyesI. (eo. IL Ries. If you wou'M llke 10 ond e4 your IriemIu dtilstmas cardst jM a the-Gazette mand ç.hromlloffice *ben-. in l #hýby-band seeéOur samples. The CouregatiouiOI 01 -$bl SR. roOlditiOIls, a good-may people, Led &t no« being'bIe tO- getlfor .e of -A VW IWARE W to extend 0u sale fort1 di Tecs.Wi us- Adverts. 'PÉD. Rt the hour f two aCl * TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA tLot Con. Acres '-Taxes Costs xii G '00 $4 88 $2 50 1I5 G -31 10 49 2 51 Ag M- îoo- $i -y6 $2 64, -TOWNSHW 0F REAC-- t;Lotý Con. -Acres Tares C6sts , being pa t ' 12 13 3 9 i 3 a 59 >ok D, Lotil, ïme Albért, 'beiug part 17 54ô/1100 -6 45 50 E3 2 11. 50 6 2 o0 250 -TOWNISHip OF BR0CIÉ. r Lom Co. Âcres. Taxes CoSts 12 3 il 18 22- 2- 71 ' - T0WNSHIP'0F MARA rt Lot Cen. Acres Taxes CostxL 4 5 100 e- 240 2 5 3'- CO.1 26 825 7 2 100- Sept. 23e> 1913- 78 ý85- 5 14, 34 25 -11 16'- x. soaë J4 ;: 4 2Î -250 3 1 - là ~ 1!79[ 3-95 -Pa 8-70 Pa Total Pat or Unpa t 20 93 Fat Total Pat or Unpat 27 44r Pat 490 Pà t ý8,3 07 Pat .7 64 P'at $6 Pati '-county Treisre. T. i r J~FF~ -~ - -mý n ýO%. à u LI mu.AL 9% à UPA l Pari