Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Nov 1913, p. 2

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a"d acMant, la lu4la e l. r- 0 ýb*m 1 e of çithe. moitê b,4 m iWan héiatad Ina o aoe z>rahibtiverive ie. Tiie aphitt 1 wlnbura.'g s uathe a. s to .have- ntersd aut6mcbMlng: Ue . oved lthe "M«uaM m p17ed wtb WbaDaih ma *in Duaf iter 45 À$ SgI~uyifthe pra. 10 iaplyth-U-Awk c r of the, lut- ont aut4fof iOdent. Teliai of-,Y lima grcw;e nasuing. but theeauai uêl eODI .DTir.4by the uewàpabuer, b e r fille hand farmatead.eoamo&"ve " * ou4i tn, ant.d -t'Oou ,.ii n -a .Fund "Mue tbt~wy'4oe. h tr-nhydroplae n & "bydroaero. 1 .tbrouxhout the - aît . inamroulmuaa Wpe.the Ibrill through hea narveasci wind ruith and.rmaring ie -. modern Iaaon, the. twetlethcentury lc: el M1e.3p ors hn t ammpjin t h. eiglhteentii century o~thie bear b1ltair 09c *11 e .eateenth. mu c-Otller a&d more -1ik.Ii te. Drodwlaexpetr«isuta. ý lQuartz CoId Mliig. -Sorne .xtrnoordinary rici amania..oLgOld quarts bav, beau.- takea n mb VancouIrt meentiy f rom Tenada Island andl are0&4 10 -0have beeau taken fro rnmar led< Daa flot 1frr m mre rea .ioor iC ng bu a grêe ~extent ovmihadowd 'iantuOther om cinf tod itmntnir, in Britioh 100umba,,neooly bacausa tq aauds of tbe rive«g have uearly alwaya Suave gold bu ne ~,athe proepeotor capu wafder f rsly avthe, cofutry. wth_ hia i>14 and patn -and If be makes a atrika hoeau work , adimulu n heapQiwith very ititoe- tra l " 4in ay e o fl aooet. But quarts mting-i diflerent. Transportiation of Machiner ta deai vwith the quarta han been mo*Iaboricus and expenulve ,nd the, resuif of trauuw~rtîng machiner? lu- ta a diatricot oüly te *md -uat. the old 00-1 ours In1 pocketu vouJd b. rather'dioaaatoue.1 On thé etiier ,bandi eod=e 1ua -rts _ ledgeu W'e apuarntly. n 10 fur tre4ber" v lue au, placer 5.14..' The iir hasbeau atonishad at ,lti. production of the Tranavaal <aid uinea,, blcbare *ntirely quarti. ledséu I qiarts fbrniatton baarinir gold axactly ,t rtiithelie of -the f amous Joii#nnai- buM- reafà.' The- minai lu 1he.a t)lhz i4- tici-t toc '.or a wlong wviliiaown'orne vremârkablyriieh gold -s ut ioato 11f the. am.piaafrom Txd.Iland >are Dot from pocheo but on f urtlior deveiop- ment the qat rvaotalyand of ricin *.. aI pth. :Bria _ôi. Oln-a ou 1h. ar~ cf aoolu-a tiamendoua lad> Onuthe, Âmerleu ai »MlIut he lut >syea %0I54."ý1 ber etaPersnsto ud ual e Ont 40. w-.. lozyea. fld Rrau'x<,iML ice otàhag wn ffii,ad »Mi hnoacft uehir Own faizit. 0f the to. tcàýd53.8 parcent., or Dezt igheâ abu kmet - a CieldaaWttr iaQ n mbwued on]! 3,3M8 1N u erset. Ou -Oanadiau tatiatica show t athei number ef treapasuara kIl- .4 je almoStatz larga .aafl o e4r claep p th«uo. l 1* am r ~-forWhichdata taavaiibleitenulit j iumbored 803M andOf the"e1m WYiy m pwdan o per LUBY"-S HAIR ETOF Yomr Gray Hait can i e atord to its Nturd al Mo., National Ive Stock Hor- t Wutua-aiDafry Show EXIITION PARK, TORONTO) Noveauber 17 to 22 SO,OOO 0In Prizos not explain ii, pow*er, but t 0 à.% % 4Ot thé rosulto,, sud beliewvdth -.jo >aMi pero0fl5 poafflesthe'samàegif 114 i.. mit. being sware cf it. mbus~Iea Bab.d hat *19. 1 t B~le4 sraw-41. i te N o wtm. To mrle 'Sto$I Ba onlss Mpt4o dapartînent cf agriculture o t ipUited stabais ~rnr Britalnl& Nelw tord Chieauit31e, Si8r ']4funIascas a been made Lord cblat lpatics cf the British Emplre. Sir Rufu<jsaaacà iana ev. Tiare in a ohance for and i i rlu ie sulduwrr té,e lrnb.bigiunder auyBr '711 ragoWdlui- of th. aceiau f iruor1 ahadca0 etf religion. -Creed or nativity. ,Ifr- luu futs Taa. la es ýleorzd.,.lached the ~ualitLoanslw-euid not b. Lord Chief Maic, f heEngliai Ootrts-todaj Re won ou- marit alaue. It se a bard filil for men of opprse.racas b 'climb over -the aioulderil cf menu'Of raep moueafor tunte. 'Ther. lat -a >reludice l veland sud IL laks a man to boat devu ýits -bar riersansd ise 10 tama. and ernineuce.'Tii. keepar af tue rpeord lifte iblélbaitte bis mian vio vins 'on marit alane. Ha le vorth tue w-ile. * A Forli la War. Xear Âdmral Oaur F. fGoodrici ef ths tTittd SBtatea navy, daclaraa thntthaPa- nama ca-nul .vil b. a perI! lu w-ar. HRe' cenviuced that a great initake w-ai mO ta trot building a è^lavai ditci. even'At sca ccs f tioua"sudMener. ',*s.,lii. locks ara far toc amali and so-onoac f lb. la.nd mon -vii builit I" Rear Admirai Qoodrici naver built -a canal. For - tlis rason hb.le, suppoeed to mev uU labout Il. T a-tue w-y *ltb aome mon. Ta vietue constructive. voik'oet earand point out tLia mistake.. B. ore a ma-n ai. tempta. ts tar dovn- tia wok of another.* b. sionld go out andi got abuilding rom cord' for hnli»tl BOX 0F -ELEVENI DBOWNED. Loat HI. wn LJI., -ButSaved Gir- Companloz.' A deepatcii !ram Sent Poeu-, pin.,,Ont., maya: Sidney Smith, e boy o! L* cieven, Ulqhs iMa 11f. lu d- w-arde Lake near bere ou Thunaday, but reecéued Mina Hogg, a girl w-ho. had broken through the.- i-ca. -MîÏàa Hogg, twe-v'e years eld, had gon6 skatig en tii thin ice o! Edw-anda Lakeand vent Vhr-eugh. Sidney Smiith, her companion, ]&y fia-t on thiice and neached hon, but sa .truggledse that the *l06 gava, way and býoth sanir. Obiens nuefied te the, nescue sud Mine w-ae savod, but the boy néver came up again -and w-a. drown.d. - S1TOLE FE-ON THE RAN4. x &eeountant Seutenceed te Tv. Ye-ars -la -Peniténtlary. A deepatoh from St. John, N.B, sa-y.: William Maclntyro, former aecountasit of theBa-nk oe! ýNova SBo&tia here, pleaded 'gnlty before Judge Forbes lu the. Ckunty Court- -on Thuxbedy te stealiug 8P9,00c the bank's funda, H. w-aise'n- 'lauced to tw-e . yeans ln Doxciisten Peuitentiany a-t hard labor, but -the Judge said -ho- w-euld willungly ne.- cozmend te the Departnut of Jua- tic. that -MscIntyre be reloaèsed on parole.* It ia undenatood a peti4ion wîIi be seutto the Mýiister*ot Jus- tice aieng theee lin..su ad tiavt the bsnk au-thenitiea are. ready te join lun the. paVitlon. Maclutyra w-ai an- reat4ed in'Toronto. AÀBIECCI FOR-TRAMPS. Fifty Men a- lVek Wer DeporteO Prom Ontarie.- A despatch f nom Toreunto &&ya: Ouatrie seeme Vo have been a- mec- ca- for tramups turing the paMStur.ni mier, At the offi6e 'o! th iip, rn- tendent -o! Pxovincial Police oni Thunsday ih vas aserta-uedt Viat about- llftyn a- yack -have beeii stoppe-i by the officre at Vhe inter. national benudar7 snd lhanded o-ver to the imgainauhonihiep te be deported, The tot*l -numbat' fol, tii. ~ ~ t e-oraoutteaboui 1,0 vhiçh la 0 sia îll~ e. .. - - 'w&.-u uw yi îta nisay':Niue inglsaeris ~-' n.eda-ut t-érofnn isr AfgluatstnR&b UbtiàJa ii Ks tm erq eoblowu *f rom tiimouties The Goveruor-Getueral. NeW- Portrait o! the. Governon- General, H.R.H. the. Duke e! Cou- naulgit, ae-'sketced a-tthe weddîng e! hie son, Prinoe Arthur-'-e! Cou-' na-uglit. - TRIE CZARIS MOTHER. WiII Shortly Take Up Her Besideue lu England WIth Rfer Siater. A despatch from London ra-ya: Anotiier. retired Empresa vili short-. ]y b. makiug ber home in Engla-nd. Tii. Empreas ga-rie cif Ru9sais - as pra-otieally déeided te pa-as-tiie iiýhole o! han tina. in this country. rSpecial suites fer hei aeceenuoda, tien are being provided at1* Mari- borougli Rouse sud Saudrnigim. Rer Impenjai Righness proposes te dispose of lben ma-gnificeut ca-ile at Gatchina, 30 miles from St. Péteaburg, w-hem. ah. pa-aaed'miuci o! ber lima durng her widowbood. She viii present ber country eIodke near Liva-dia-, in thei.Crimes, lu ber ouiy surviving brother, Prince Wal- dama-n o!, Dnmark. - It fis a- tuhe ea-nest desire o! Queen Alexandra that ber ais-ter hae decided te ýpa-se se- muci oif hem urne lu England. GRAIN PRODUCTION. Uët Ef4tlmated lYhait ield for Canada fer 1918.-- A deepalci frein Ottawa-aya: At tiie end cf -Septbnr1neports *te the.- Cesmud sud ttîtiéi>'Bureau gavei the' al ewet màled -viiest-pro- uio-o!fa-da4c19 --ne207,- 57j0 uihels a n ereeet 1 T12 Ti.yield »er 'are -ai21.15 rye, ,0,0 aqo. roi hewa4~J -i rsj~cteut utor -U1.tez rat! Wtatar- ai-t., Ne I 7-L, - 2. - N .0t, Bar No. io.. 3OW 0Wnet f9. Uited statu a Maiits. ais Uo.1.-Whot--I 3.4 le !&7.7I&4. aot6cNei. 1 -bard. 9.-t icslMrzt. 8S14 to 853-4o: 34C. coï "x3 yefOW. 67 ho ooï cm , 8 5Ocbi;No. 86vas1 >14., Lin»Me-41J4 12: November. Decemban. 81.32 12 bld; Kar. LIve Stoak Markets. I~~~~I a t. edu mld516 3-4e. commun 3 1-2 bZe êhulaabut 4c, eehckers 4 to 5 1-fa. Milch p ove and epringtere. . $35te $75 aei. Calveaa31.2 te 6 1-fa. Sieap. 4 a14c. Limb, %.6 1-2c. - Rose, 9 12e. Toronto, Nov. 11.=C lte--ChoiScex ro, '.l725- 8a 7.$00 heia bùtcâere.,.$.1rto ccv. W-tot $;buthheraV ,bullr, 375 te si*6., Calvaý-O e vs75totelu;,cern- moua, *5ta*.0 Sockrnsd f8der -Steéa. 90 t~,O50oun. $6 10 -6.40: -cedusllr.aloio aopo, ds$6 to 6.25, u-~ o-05 Pen _a$480 10 Ï50; UghlbidUa. 7*&30 te *. j i and laui'i_-Llght -oves. -$450 te *4.0; luiavr e$3 10*33.00;buce, $3 ta *3A8 uliambe., 87.50 *7.60. 7jmt vith -75c-par head de. ductaRl for ail tii bueklimbe. -lRos- $865 f.o.b. te -rvers; $910 tg 89.0.ed and watared, 09-25 eoff cars. FAKERS PROSEOUTE». Flaedl $5 Each fer Selllng "eGuaran. teed,' Goods ln Winipeg. -A deapa-toh froin Winnipeg saye: Thnough the; Dominion Goverumeut inspeos ,1àjewéIera w-erp flned $5 ou Wedueedýiy for eelling «"gunran- teçd ' goodeand, bague jc-velry. -A eainpaigu hae b6en 'started te drive eut ail fa-ket', a-ud Vies. are thie finît proseoutiens. WOTIKS ALL DAY And Studiens t Night on Grape- Nuts Food. Some of The venld'a great meu have w-rked duriË-i the dAy and îtudi ed eveniugs to fit tieruseives for greater thinga. But il recluire8 à good constitution genenaJIy te do1 A man w-s able to keep it -up with eusm aflur enh hd leamn-ed t-h., austainiu :g _pover o! GrapeNt, aàltbeugh h. had !aied i LUe-th before ha chAunged bis lcd supply. 'He saya: "iThree yesar. ago I ha-d a iev-ei!e atta-ck ef!- stoma-oh trouble whidi left me una-ble te esat auytig but bread aud w-sien. 'The nerýVouh etrOin a-t my offie. fro-m 6 A. M;, teo P. M. sund 'i- preper foods4 cauaed iuy buelth-'te, fail ia-pidly. ,CereýIal -d se-calied "Feeds" w.erf,,tried without bÏne- fit, uut'i 1 aw - Grap-e:uts - men- ftieued l i'n"thepaper,. 'In ho-pelcas deepenallIonW I -tricd ibis ced -'a-ai. - at onegie serîi»I rez ýr Ion-re- roooerd 191 51896 thia m 223t OrLondon Letter Thlek nt War mEL.,' W luR awmore oheerful, ardtng tua "l o-« g. 4 exavsir bis r gev ,inruita txï nue kte Mud lb.' Bnfu"e rd article. by,-Chrisut- w«erm vn-bva -bèeau uer-'f~ aisee ie LuPl dàrlùtLbug the P1r bsaet yea. nîa l.av bnireanàrUfZ.-bt.- tfepviteua.ntyh---sud tua rulha# ben-ca1w-asne loy rthan ar.l eu -voes agwre e nianou c bS - the tuiavlnj el tue ludeenealu hrl- eas un tw we.14 ldlsa.n.u arecro»*lm tu emakniI hon barir paudThee Piw the canitomesa. nog t u futica cud g l andanI;ttrm 1e owou siaea mbeafun es oveir than e. l bx'ugtd a mankaaitue ulvi grosJae oe tjr ne -vsir eean ii. hUait een&4 t. Ai etthem eau heidaé onas ".long aliey pleashe mi w-ti um Aaen ere a ct1- wok 4l. re noe asiu etolo va'luou -tsipart. ofthe aonie bu frtifiareo. f happ ae oasaiho foa Possilbe coie.Btio ay eoughr1put bavamoe fortea o turaeelrd &ré s. ther laouatliing e lt or \te -tu mer~ ~o evrea.a ofla'l hco. a bes inr.es vntath lams jrai t bulda.J A. a aler spet f natui ve casn e eff1le bhouscorBudt evuits, vf -iieAn luele dayatoritRed arttiaatr etm h forllfal crte prtace Roy-atl poaitil In ee Btat touutn re9pu tae exceede- th ivaleue pdite 4um~be ocone poftiie coul r oiu recoerds. au tou ozu.sd Ll lur lisse iI ue ntmonar nd -late thp iaI n dlspiade onthe ocastpeionsc ttue obanue. Bt ary 311111. The irelly oia; tua bulk cat f M cIr si&bvet 4 NsymJMIe. hnum e ofvîmeulpuL c int il lr a eenltuaotct heautpul lu 2viii. lain 190, eeed ed.vatlue value ami tagti unum be oucons rdd. ai00 l prevfea urecd e o ayya. h e Iea-riyl162,500.0madernterial coinssw-ee atrektunere. din tii er. nd of Clial numbar eededtii. hWgiemaprevnum 'bere cfaurinay revbr near 34,00.00. Ttota cluageaeedatheiaI f11 r aut lu olvr han iW bees bauoeedaed, vis. uamuerof upard f 77.0,000 place h i va liure e cord97.1. guaaaivhe r nraddetin tdtor utpau.tithe Roya Mimparll cWOW inae or Ia- mpsaibpnc ao ndertakeW0 coi@ forColonial rdars - molnial creentre stck aa mallarnAi=. -er ain lutaur evclatreas t u. 19 Ticoal coplouae cfte Ryalmuntet 10 ver 1.00,000 plas f acinefor vaie c uva-d tôn $1Nom.500.000le.ua te faigureonrelor -te uchf 0u Addtlu - eone.ute t f laBor MII 68000ecea cf tIr-nluriaitpeno la440a00censfo Cloia Gvei mesnt ere stmuck ir 1Bxrmrthe»m th lu addItf ion to iese cinagi ewo old m beinc i are sud fanthinga. Wambln'a Iorma For a&Ïni. Sulgae a -estus -ncetrl hoec dt l ýWaaiinthn épae ti &icm>eIluri Il laheaNrr ncessary-tepintIetitute- ~iln n himuaif ebyePried iýuîhr. t Inatt cf h. taillr 10ro-it ie uoi hem -bsng btia real-raatro.Dsantieu'. a aràea-Ruber For <treet Paoune- h chFmita sud Prolrae C hiiceRubiar I tai ie teriu P1olytbut, Inelctu. Hoilear tu e.b Profill. Wyoheaml3 Daslan. F.db.S. recn.'tor. le pImeu of rialloruber. g'pro.Dné el aidtiie thrt-iciarulber coupeinib.are ted 117 erniuet cby elaoruta -*res01in« v=014 ta aidret clvig luu. u i cu us Ilhiaouinon erv. it iR lie repec etturulibe, beilgpredd- sr, ie?tooiyut le liai! 25 cets apond, -balle'.an otcf. ayî lia -bud more remfet e- r1 ftee -uia oinin iae oncawitfutr No fture,' Rhôutdl i oîr -ifernt ac Ihlraec plhala-dcerin lieuisg. fntfretel-ai q I a E le, vn ,va.pOUCu ofl? f anane1sd nIckel oopp.r andJ I ol»n.With l ie optilu? 'erlu ,-very 'i rtn l!f- mined iiinadnshow- nî~b J ou4e pduction2inJ 1912.ý &>OIMOn 0lji .ln 'w lection.of .revenue on P.w ba&i& iStefd of by ûiced- miaiter of, lac. t', the w-be stric 1t - 1 j»,a fees, and reduction, of lié tata tii ='&»t gtî ae-ftenra1.oone an-town,arêe, ap ATrlýffibu!.t. ýAndr@Wa Lang.,--7 b. ieooomemned by the. ,'À handbom1e graDité.oeltlfi croi ha. on wlerpr baau erêeted a M, rv-Lngagrave i 0wtaûýWo"rpr *th«. Ra6taru OCe=te, ,ySt. Audraw'o., ,Thepresentued t6te iQueiiee Inecton onthoýbasa of tb.a erces leý& tr *fo a, d'cutieLauic, b.SU titre. 31 184, 41.4 July 1Me 19M1. Théie oulf tbhe rigiteoa..uara ta the. handÀ. cf God. thera. GetBiaa siaUi-no 'tormaut bitiamh h.j." Lon4on, NOv. 1The1913.ù Canaâai fnancieras1W MeetlyWooden futsWithI Pire lin eitindinlvrc )IIIdle! loo. - wyciih f or t*6Dmuai Eng. h CUoonepeople -fer oe- menit officeé turié.~s -de taieir boneie iiwodeu huts cfo.rcen hn.a amù Tited'States. ,incraï,ed in nuinh- or wee,4kh an- Thé. «itre National Guaï Qtber *zut w b ml e fi,-or ràa-aterdiaaUa . tohig I.t a laut w~. aded .n ale.e wni~ a im .li ààôdanthier, as needs required. 'T4ii. his Central Rail -Sometimes Vhey followed a, straight u« e e oldést mortgage t Une, other urnes -they -ere buil-t «n samdl out f rein the, cenra, buit 414 vBiaious Two more U.S. cruiet *angles. 'The.roofs of theae -huta been ordered juto e eu were. thstded. hlatthe centre wae one on .ah..owsI. ceta pfiifor the fumesaaid - rete eeae.- TheGeea Aire *a J-&auy built -in a hôiiow in India, a oatexaîplating à ie centre of the-room, tien te. imvrove lier ban] B.de wep.etraw-,oee-s hLk temý iii lua. . oca.onolIy the Thirty-five Fi1iic~se, VI n0W-aà hina frata1in lutlxê part -lun'& aid e how- at til o 8, , ship. - . - xposition, are I esttut9 -Hâuseî m tby monxcInkighils kdesiug in û stretset A wore muà 1 more -jroteniious. Theoy -theNe -1~d ii ne 1b - baik., ik -the -Roman eofIRomie viiireaikn, due -tý ýtrium,.with a. :Ifty--roof thaîtched feat. in thée pa.rUmentary with alete or Wo64d ehingls. -The. e! ivo cîMiist uppo:te fl ies h ard cla.y. In the.middle municipsl party. w-as a; .gzç ë fineedry WoocL. The. Maurice SpangenIu.ei'g f& 06thun n-,~oi mkffe i re e.o!ftii. stamer. Groser, cedthroug an -opeuing u i ha.h been proznoted te s- troof direetW' boe he i. eaath. in reognition e!f fhia heroif Around ti Aewere ioug bench- Volturno afir- es ouýwhch, hearthmzen à&id viai- Tho nov Chines.eRépubli ters- mt wben net fmghting ý or 'Iat have- beon iaued, 'thé. vil i wo-k a.ud - "kedsud -drani t.hen iatôabeiuig in thre.e 6 hours thrQugh. The ta.bles w-are deaigna,-,repreeeu!tine -oc long boards o utrestlee, At night, agriculture and iearnmg. slike the. lem prosperoue feue, tthe C. UAny icdCheLr ToMnSeÙteixeed te Be îanged TrdSsc sR at Vaoonve. - . When You're Duli,.Tired, SA deepatch -fr-oi, Vanon>vr, B. *Dy a sd Nlght 1Someti r(J., a&ys: It tocsk the jury in the. Wreug la the. Stoma Strial of Herman F. Clark." and- fF'rank Davis but- 25 minulue- on A Prominent Publiahlnq i Thursday aftèrncon te flud both the Qukkeçst Cure la ýd guilty o! -tii. murder -o! Police Con- Hamlltan'. PIt. st- able James AreÈib.ald on a brush- - covered lot on- P-cavll Sfreet on Headaches neyer corne inWho use Dr.- Hamilto'a IE eMay 98, W-heu- ho surpriîed them inthis- act la vouchdfrb the a-et of packiug their burglsrz' aut Manager of! tice Poultri o e after héving -oeingted 'a Magazine, ,ot sprluglleld,c ' burgiair. Theëy vnIiib-e hnged at Il~ Callander, w-ho writes:,i New Westiineter ýJa.n, 15. medlcliie Îhan Dr. Ha-mltc >We use.themn regularly and -fl O STI O ÎH marvelous cures that reai '~ 10W 8 TIS FRRGRI tilng else. They cleanse, ayatemns, a- a' -tue SFleur laseUing For $1 a Pound at nnie i eo, help thé- e Suaia, ..and, make you lel' stro ng, A despatch f rom 'Vauoouvery B- aF or adiesfndigesondn c-, iy:Flour la aeîling for a d1on ee sriptiamon à,D:n la 17 t Lt, le -'Ia apoüinzu-thenev geldfilelds- a-t Sus-hina., sud na-itare a-aortii 1w-ccent. ca-ch, aéccrding to ata-te- ment'e a-de on Wedîee3dayý by uew- arrivais from -tie creeks. Four hun- dred' mennare novw-oerking lu the Oun RIS Way.- ý'el, My lutIle ma-n," sawu th kind. oid gen tleman,. 'sud how oid arc you" IFive, a-usvered- tiéc id. "And via-t are .yen goingVo b. il, ",Six,"'w-as thbe quiet reply. The ýKingetoza NurWe' Aumua. Association bave aisled the 'pni ferý 'nureug r m lie eàd figure $18 tlurvae k to 4»1 .per -yackfon or-di- nao-i auoe $25 -per we*k for "-y 1proi rd of In-ý rikere i ýiroad -I in watera/ý" le Ghfent- and w«aý imwern. o -tii.- de- ,edectioefl td by th-el' raT ofi c'cd:no Il? enti le Itop Mnu de.q lg lr. 'o ties« P'ins, a"d ,the AssigtI ry Suiccean' - ., Mn. 3J "'No- better Lm'a Pila1 th à,3VhoI6 lie- bieooM saud'ïsom li tûàat thé Beiug coiupozed of naturalvea table nemedica, Dr. Ha-mllton'a PiUs. posses great - _pever, yet tic- . iarmles. Ticy _a-Id a-il >oir-âia con" uccted w1hite - ic tomacb,, lr1 en~ d bovels. -Iu conséqueuce, 'tend la pro- periy. dlgestcd,, tic blooct la pure sud nourlablug, thec bedY la- kept afrouh sud realats diseai-a Ai! dnuggists aa rforekeeperasoU l Dr. BamIlteW' Pilla, 26e. per box, 5 fonr$100, ; or by, manl trom thç Catannhizone C6., But. fa-le, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. FOR TRE SALVATIOIN AR.MY. Handsome Bequeit of Li verpeeRt - Wom-au,_PhiItanthroPI9t. A daa-patoh <nom Laudon asys; Mire Fowl;er, a Liverpool' ilau-, thropiat, who "d'dldrecntly,/ lc!l *47,00 t ti. alatisiArmy. 1y pevent aiy forý-of Kid nçy trout4o - dot th.Kltlneys iniÈeirwqk ofet ,1t.rI Üiei from ii.bod inel ok nl fact a -conditicoo!eeà î11. are moit bysUau gglsta, ah 5S-oe.ar Ton mmar -'It on PlUeade Pomtibly there a Ire. Conversation vaetly odffying, ai baoble th&t -th e tal e84 cýe"at the ti case jvoulu woul t( hUuift toward te, aiip -and in tike ot WOI - ol be uade to * onerouz. eRowever we. d'Onotdloge fax vidual< ta ditherecom counItryt and the. U tion generi.ll. su tWeith imphyno, state o! thé monolo vaudeviI1et show. Haviug ma de-the A -ig th e Viigreat ciaJly when thère, i Iiand that fite j father was an 'exc arnýongý men he wî able nman . Thogl atoûudi of cynioizx -- kiùd/of hea -of1is«friendt. But cut -a puritaUica Smore te hum-,a bell longed by nýature4 -and that they *-erlé r une. A boy -was but tb. ohance w-e: -I lbst soul. Andlte tien were absolut There w-aa danger* w-roug -mejnent nm straiglit totho dcvi -~-.rInaà glomy ;etz ci the Maýn, w7ho ha-, i 4~,nev ives lb ~yatem. Hasays tegreot luis fa-thexn, emsing home te iii: -bitt thai hbe-dreadi Conversation aI -M -ation te et aihh ef Ibis revoit gn -There à nfot a coz table Vhstlé ol of M-g appetit. e h ' - asked fr xugore in - -~ - tain and aw-*u cond look 'liaI WD-od frc it is probabe thkt bus reap a aoubttuiý permission 1?to -gorgt î- gain 1-.n cert'ainCa miserably disastrou à i]lias 1.4 to a belatt great MmhJo. m ferred te hae d&nné i lier judgmen-t. ou is preciste uhs good -q la obviotis that- even s A, ws setu -aj pauensaip denied &0111tii sultà"a Ocam maa-bappen 1te "--Olflli th e ri&l the iema»n w-o feit- t bis bels i5ty, regi-, bi s'-de ath,- I Mena-i-Be s ciinm .ti. len riman o!aur etory and --Wet -Grov - -Au nshunw-ps 1 river w-heu il began te ,- Pst. ual desinlng- to ~-- thnough, ,souglit eheit rail-a-y--bridge a-panpi and ber. ho plieti hi., Wallonie mal], utkrlb of - the- trailns that- tIin-dradte nd fi Presently another lu. - - pearëd on 'the.scexie asked Pal w-hat -h. vIihag"-as tuba la -The etranger Iaughed., r--- je the usâe 'o! fishin J>ridge w-bile Snelilu -~cniues?" "Oh, ssh ra0plied Pst, indigniutl - ~on' knw-the-ae -I Côlimrrder hem. to-gi x---- -"We're going'te pur pola on -bur houa.> 'We' geig toput ai p«ge on ours." ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO 1,ý 1

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