Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Nov 1913, p. 2

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Dot reached a ot u Ireed âwot giving a £ir tial'. \Aioflg the cures we give t.foll-1 10,wing. Mrs. RoberteStningér, 1~ LiMkeardr, ont., sa.ys: "have long1 f oit that wé .Bhould =r1 1ousu 'Jet y',u kuow what.Dr. Williams, -Pink Pillé have dons for our grand-1 lieon, Who w.sa.tacked with epi- lepsy. The tràuble seeed to corne on folwing an- attack of whoopi.ng cOugh. -'His parents see1emea dto',no- tice that his eyes Seemed lu bulge ',ont, and that he, woul1d ho unon- sciousi for a few seconds,. and Éculd go; &.bout hie play- as- -usual. The. cliild was ,i&0 years oid"at thus- Umne.' The. trouble seemed tci be growiug 'more severe and 'th.e t- tacks te 0orne oftener, _and aa the. local doutors were not $4ping him they èent himi to tlhs Childrený's Rospital1 in Toroùnto. Rie remained there for à short lmewhv h 'doctoro aaid his trouble -was>e pi- lepsy, and they could do nothing for himý. Time went ou -and the &ttaoks,grew i-Orme, and in the faeu of 1908 my daughter wr6te ienh- The litti8 fellow was getting eo ba<l that they wanted to send hlm ba.cl lu ýthe hospital. I1' aoked her lu seud_ hlm te me for a tjme, anàd as one cf hfis cyshad beSomec rooked I took lm to an oculil,--who ,saïcf 'this trouble could b. ciired, but it liad nothing tu do> with bringing 'on - hi8"other trouble. As-I kuewthat Dr. Williams' 1Xnk *Plle were a riplendid mèdiceine I decided te g91Iv Lhem, to him, in the hope that they -might benefit him. W. were very caeula t* dièt, snd as lu keep_ ing the child f rom excitement, . In- * bout a month we noticed tal lbh * trouble was lesseniiig, and &t thia 4ime the litti. fellow returned lhome Mud his fflther kept up the. trea4,-. meut. luns. few menthe lho seezed fully cured, but during the. holidays the. trouble came back in a riil4er form, and 1he Pink Pilla were aga.n rssorted t<>, sud'again the,--trouble t diaappeared, and aithough more -" than- a yeaer'bas passed lier. hms 1uotsince been any sign of il,. We feel su decply indet4 fr ha D tr. Williaima' Pink Pil have doue f4ýr him th"t we hope this plain statement- of our experience wil benefxt soin. other suffèrer." * You au get Dr. Willim.' Pink Pilla f romi any dealer in inediine or bi =&il' ab 50 cents a& box or B=x oxtfor O$250 from The-Dr. WIl- - hams' Medicne. Co., BroýckvMol, Ont. - AGeti Hnt. Net &Illth. Wormns thst turn are sas gentl. sud as ta-olful in their tÃœrliug as the une that a Germ-n, * paper reoently descrîbed. A quiet, Patient litti. m'an- had been, push-ed &bout snd trodden on by the 'other pasisengera on a crowd-! cd strcet-car. For a long tune lie suffered iu silence. Then, i n a -neek voioe, h. addreused an awk- ward yeuth standing next te hlm.- 'Youu.g man," lhe said. UIhope yEonwlll Dlot think me rudeý, but may BIc J. i. rit.' fore, anyd,' Seeng a gntea standing lu the hall, hè e nt up to him sud aalked hlm if liho would kcindly direct hlm 'te lbe cleak room. The gentleman net ounly obliged, but seeîngrtitat lie was a new mcen- ber, volunlteeneit afterwards - lu, shýow hlm arMund t1eh. builg. ý' They speut quite a -pleasant hour logether, and in lte course et wixhich Sit J. X. Barrie. wait introduced te ail the literary curiosities which tiie Athepuaeum ~possesses, Wlieu thei round cet1he rooms was cumpl'td Sir "Peter Pan" Barrie,, a-e'Ife la sometimes called, warnily thanked hi& new fouud triend for him cour-_ "ý'Don't mention it, de't mention it, " said thé gentleman. I havé been a mesuber lier. for. hhirty yeara, and you are thb, finIt member of the. club wlue la, ever speken le Surprlsed the Bishop.- A bil>ep "as eue day addrems à 1Bunday Scoel, wheua ho uaid, -lu amontimlpressu-ve way. <«And now, cbildreu, let me te11 you averyad fao-t. InAfrica there are 10,000,00 square miles 01 terri- -tory witliout a suegle Suùday Selcol wbre litho boys sud girls osi" aps their Sundays. Now, what mhi we ail tiryand nmye up guri mel ne d do l"e s#evoeY , Aind teCI&as nec, pliid, in ecslatic union: "Go te Afriosi"' KEEP BABY HBALTHY. Iask you aie V' To keep the. baby'_-healthy has Ile, youth stared at him for a little stosuacl shonid b. kept eweet, momenrt, a~nd rgplied, "'¶ighteen." sud bis- bowele werking regularlY. "Eighteen," repeated tb. littho Nine-ten-haofuth-o .maladies which man 9oftly. "Now, neally, Young amolffil 11.eues are csaeci by some man, dout you tiink that yrou are der&ngme out1he etonah or .1<1 enough lu stand ou your oWn, bowelà. Baby's Owu Tablets are ________ lietea" moedilfor' 111e eues. Thoy aweeeu te slu>maohà; regulate Try Murine EYe Kr.medy thi. bels; Ibreak-np colde; ma-ke If yeu hgve Red, Wesk Watery Byes teethhug ea&y; dispel worms and' or Orauulated E11"lds. 1)een't Son"t cure constipation sud indigestion. muSetes e Re4y, l)qii 0ourning them Mn.. S. Shaunon, MuIoBeSlel spi U, Uruey, N,B., ay: 'II have uscd 2k, 'SOC. BE Boa~e y~çiBaby'a Owu Tallets fer rny two Au -~u..e. o m . . a*c. 11111e untessud think lbey are just biurin.e Iyoe edy Co., Chicage what chidren ueed. I 'woul.d net be witheut hem."l Sold by a1l Tii.- hîir of 1h. head growsi*faster me.di-ine dealers or by mail et 25c. iu sumxnei than in wî»ter. a box f nom Tuhe Dr. William.' Mimards ' -Medicine Ce., Brockvlle, Ont. agrLe ijuat Curas Carnut in Cu,. - made te jOnuer. udBm ASINt lh Bos-Jimmy, this le th e thirdFRm bnfE bULN Mnerng yeu've been -late; can yen give-ýme,,au excuse 1 J'-mertainly; what liind etfNOTES 0F I'NTEREST FR05M HEUl 9,e I!-9,o ant f - BÂIRS AND -BIEAES. et thei. twela easabWoute ff What ls Getug ou lu tfieiHiglelands .lty 'o edblb - Uneandi sU Lowlands et AnisE vaste matter frein the. food whicb coliecti e rg-iW rîd-o t ea* ~ cla e e day,lkt c"d'easnd Tiie death las occnrred a-t Cnstle ghl etdycaaà-amnle eusnem4Salta getin udslkadaheSat,'ouglas of Mr. James Craig, iu bis su.other harmh minerai pul9*tives 941h year. Irhtâ 'the.dellcate hnrng(ethd. Ti oa ubro iiosl -bowils. 'Dr. Mors'.ina V Roo T hettlnme f iiost pin$j-etird!yvegetabe -rezulate te Royal Scottieli Museumu ince the boiraiseffectveiy wthout weah. ts opeiiing la 18,366,565. .aig.,iloseege'gnpi.Use There is a proposalinl Greenocli Dr. orsos" k that the town ehould take oven the tramwa~y umderlaklug. a à -PIlla *Mr. John Grown, et Berwick, lia FOR- SALE' Sultabi. for-Milii, Manufacturing --Plants, Printing Hocises. Etc. SW .ood Splti ulleys. 12%f x 48 lu. forS815/16 fIL sllaft,, *for i'! ff. .11Wood_ p1lt runeir 10% x 3sa.n ~~ofii~I~KI o anSd sizea te ha at Tory 1ev fluore«._ J ust O0nIupae4 u ixLY-hve yeta sas a salmon net fisher luntdie Tweed. A fiue ewordflsli va4 reoeetly slnanded ou the sa-nde o et l. e va-y aM Anan. Il- me&ured7Y, feel lonig. The water. eupply at.Hamilton Ml- go retrcted ha-t iPrfloit Smeop ha. r.ouMuended taie.avoidance uf sny vse Ândrew CGray, au old selr kuown as the. "father" ut 'tha Sôte' Grey, bas met leinuGlaqcv a 1he .' ci si.- $,Pm@ imvscu.d.l hlgterpsrsof - Ki>snaqolm, the. ,other ghhruhalgeseci of hea.br tlking flu DMumae 6 tee eelt of about $750 'wae csued by a tarin fixe M and Biordier, I.eitester, rame, sUd- rein lawnbeaI Ayr, Olb.' vrage prices -obtained -er. the highiet iu the -hi slory of 1h.'Sslesi. David Clark Kerýr, olan.,t Montietli, -basbeep e4rgd il huusebreaking. Over $250 wu>r* 41ut prépcrty hu sbeen reoover6d from hie btouse. For freeing a ferret m'a fl.umbaî- ton tramýw&y car, lu 1 he great an- toni riveter hs.s been'fied $1.60è .01 tg BoutoBoo ai8lers To Knoivr, ýw t. <cure" Coo, 1sw temiper, Colda, Swelllngsm t. Baves Thousauda ah er 0f Pmeotlcal Interest to Horuomen. It l0a arntte Of vitalI mportance ta every farmen, hors"c-wnsd stock-, raiser te knaw, exaez wbat1'- t.a1de w eu oe ef -hiea- aui -ltaken sud-.' denly àidi. Teletter ef Mr. Frank G. Fuller- ton, whIch w,' prtiit below, givea ln- fonehatiou e«,- Inestimable value,, suad tella of hlm exeieuce lui curlug slling stock durlug the. past« thlrty.elght' "Scveral yeana age .SAVEDwhonumy horse took SAVED colla î used te give $1oo them Cayenne Po>i B rr In -hot nUk. but NEIVILNEdd I hall), sud be.. cas 'had ne meaus st hand 1 lest several" valuable snimal@. sora ne n told me et the suoceas Mr. Wesdliug, et Brookvlile, Ont,. had 'lu hie radlng stables with -,'Norviline,' 'no 1 laid tu a supply. It waau'Wt very leng befere Nerviline smmd lthe lite et a valuablo stalleS etf mine, which wasWorth at lesat $1,009r00. '11me horse wus taken wÇfth colle, snd would havedied hait It net been for Nervllinue. I ha-ve uneit iXeryMlIe for roduelng wellingé, fer tmklng out distemper lups, aud o@a& Iug a bait coMte, andi alwayâ foun it I worked vall, 1 recommeud evSry man who ewnt herses or gattle te koep Nerviltue un haud," Large aim. bettiee, SUa. i mal-l mse, 25c.; ail dealers, or The Catarrhezone Company., ieluaten, Ont., and Bufa.lo, HOBTELS FOR WOXEN ON'LY. London Helplng te Boive Problem etf Houslng the lhsderpald. WhMam reknewn ln London an llwumeu'e hostels" re said lu be growiug more nuzucrou# in the Eng- llsh metropelis sud ar-e helping lu, sema extent iii soving lb. preblinu of - louing th. uuderpaid vom-gm worlrcr. Thç rent et s oubiclo lu-saliostel, accordiaug tluTiie London Timea, averale about niuety centsaa week, villihrent muest lwàys lie -paid iu advaxeoe, A retereuce is required with ea4oi intcudiug ceident, from soaume e- spousibi. person, sud .-tae uatron wites for thise refenence before te would-be reaident takesi up lien abode aI the hostel. Al lie cubicîca are imall, but very cleau, sud ' painted white. Bach cubicie coitua.is & bed, chair, waniuhand eta-nd with two di'awena aud, arug aI Viie bedsids- A framed and ceored scriptural text ba-uga over each lied, sud lier. are houksaiat lhe W foot iebed on which Vo hang clothes. Resideuts st lte hostels are suppoeed lu ma-ke ,thein own lieds sud keep hheir eu-bu- cies tidy. There le a large air'y room- pro- vided as a general sittiu'g-noom fer lhe resideuts. Minards Liniment Cures Coidi, As. Varying Luck. ail-s. Exe-Witat sort ot hi-ck de yenu bave with cooka -- Mrs. Wye--Oh," varying. Sorne ve keep as long -as a week an4 soinc as long as, a meal.- by drugglu a liberal fn book- mm ohILcxn pie O ef-abi lk 2p ardi te oten> ua Mttrenh Ooi irte -th An U 1~I emryea, gon t e ublin by tran she lb. Lod4n Timego etepae, nt ank t-oassaa tahe e with a *Mle, and mad0 oonduotr ad an u» sud tio- ngr 4, Toa nt au.auant, msld, gnyiý fly t b~einou t.ol'aU, sn goo m.reed frikth aule "and boy simle, ost# o 4 y our te.U bt Y LIQiJID mSU-hLIJRI S'LQU SULPHUR bayfir tealf reFdo fr ekin ru blea. Pi e Cent. per bo4rUle. Pearise t Trath. The "wy t2- gain a dreputs- lieu 15 lu nde&,'or. lu wbhat you- deir. lu qweao- -13>crteâ, olIllzd socity,ulnot f rotm opul- sdon, but from ethical habit.-Lord TIrue manhoed «mes fra mself- contrel-fjrmeubjw9OP et .the. lover te wrsluMgher cendi- r2.wa e2% IdlavU1 n by --Win thomt ild theïrvnl t er, Good nature snd common s»n» are requ1ired froin &U.; but on. prend diethuetlôn J& enough for, auy one bndividua.1 to plieesor taem- pire -azlt T'h. mani who whil sucoeod muât seek, &Mndho.-muet see--hs muet atrike and, abovbe al thngu aho muet lielleve. Nature do« nut71Z for doubters.-J. 8. Bisekie. Knowledge muet b. aooepted f rom whatever source the. truth corne and no Ohurohla i entltled te set a Lar lu, the progrese of selenti-. flo inquiry.-Bishop Weldou. A druigiat eau ebtain mu Imitation et KMVABD'SLI-XEuIT frein a Torouto hou., at a verT 10w price, &" -have Lt Iabeled ia evu produot. This gr.auy imitation la the. poorest eue wehave yet mcmx. orthe. Maur t&t«Vr Tom, Dick sud liarry ham ti 4te lutne. ducs. Aai for IXDED5and you wiU Ces t, . ~NEWS FR01 SONSFI COASI quarri6o !rom vilicli la obtsav- ,-Port 'coble S tones foril,, -rets fromPrtg. ' * To fluable persans t-o take-Ihlreatli ing exercisssstan-isiysd, on a ~ ~ ~~-s prgest eae he, -pur'>oSe - Acrding te a, German, scienList wmnautalk moro than men i with .keas 'fatigue b6c&uuo their tbhoas ar u allrsd they tax theur lg sud vocal COrda leos. rtiier -ga. or -electricity May be us'" 'iu az.ew 'ater sterier for pbeplaces, wý4hh raeà the' wa- 1er ile bo'Liling' i l>'ut dëivers il tberought 00 cd .AEngliali arry officer seems tq have perfcvted -a practical veapoùn whioh diseharges by, ceutrifugal force at higit Speed Missiles ïagainatý s rap4dy rervolving wheel. Water in pumped by hand over ll3' diabes in a new household disli wEdhing.machin4e, ant cll au lie us- cd 0 hot as, to steri1 ze Jhem sud' 1-cave them su warm 'that lhey 'diy quilukly ,without ;wipîng.' -Tests having shown Ihat reon'- ùaissance work cannot bo effective- ly doue at greater hýeiglits han, 2,600 leet, the French i my lias de- çided .lhat ils war 'aeroplanies muist ,e armored againat rifle bullots. -The Britishi admiralty- le conlem.- platiug the construction' et a line floating .elf-oontained faotory, cap- able ez earryiug eut almeat auy kind-of repaire to'-'war esseis that eau be done without dry-dockIng. DEA&TH-R EPORTE!>. Nothbng-tthed hI iou»"besrt but Put- nas' Cern xtuacters d'eut if c ame, rot,. aoe and braéck. AU oen»s OUr.4 JImt au quickty wben Patas ta tryI. aS ail daem. e son. $hinig about a oold wiâel sience bhmneYerattempted "Will Y~ue lu " t?" pIS... ait.. 5 4 CANaDIAN 1 KWGuT D[STNGU5HS1f1WCEO CompAriuOx N7r - TaERAr A PASTE I TEEM rF DA4LLErY u - DJ~RFECTIÃ" J- The new -model- has-. p-1emetsà making it the best h-eater' ever madeý New fiat font with- patent-locking flame-spredet 1 ELECTRIG DYNAMO- insureS clear, odorless heat all the timi ýot PERRATOR and carrer mn one-makes rewicking FOR SALE dlean.' Finished with Mlue eamlor '_ 30 Kw~~ 10 oc, ~druins. Stock at ail chief pit. 075 R. P. M. Frbs ulaueRylt i At y e, sos.Fgure t'el THE. IMPERIAL OIL COMýPANY0 8q FPNK IWILSON' 4 ttawa uebse a_________ 'a 5 oi e. WicIlk easy ank&-- pointe below 19-1 bilbty for, Ontari rate,-,appa.rently cit ie s and tawn sý record of 22,929 able te reperVt while Vhe'rura the prýovince,;wi riageeDlsad 3,- È iderably bete to-tal number of was &0,870, witil The wovine-' N'grose - unthe rïd rate, and now' he m,ý,uoet of the -lead wonld> Durin :--32,150 'deaths, a thousand, or .2 The- sadlde'ning ltaI deaing obirths, shoewsà bnniÈig ther thousa.nd birthiý province- contni The rcods' ee Stomach AlIV Ilad Coi Bmiell of Cooi Bilionüs Tm -- Mr. Clenoi --.n.nusuaI Now ;èmore the r -2k But -the ProPel #' make na<juiick ~-n' dep1end ou Dr. 4" reach the trou] businiess. ýwonl< have you feell U next morniig. " - My iood se ¾My stomaic.h.' Clemmons, of bad -a stomale 'way te per! or .seemed 'mor- * ; grew tbln, stomach becai peded apparex ~t heart, for offe great stunts. a mucous mg my head nchei whod had been V dition, advisei : ltes UISr The resuit- il marvelous. -A moved the c stoxoacli. exel action, t1e k exeeL4ve 4 * withIn me. live 1'ne a 1h «Be - advISei prns-they ai 25c. per boe drugglstasuâld from "The -cg N.Y. and KIi ÂFRLID -TO miss Evely]n Winnipeg, -a brni'ed hert toute for W - ~ age té MI aSI been a£ Y bell, wh-im ;v w<uld maie Uify his reti Manyhoppy Moliers, are using. Bab',sà i thé nursery not. meBrely because theY themselves < infnts bu alo ecauseexm peecei asshow» tha±ýtno other Sapwi"l help the sk£in' "0 mucli-make it ~white 80, smooth-be 80plaant to ueadcotasltte -' Iaby'j Own SoqÊ and besi/oryow. i: besi for Baby posibe~ ab~aOwu uýé sgoo<i ALDE-RiTSOAÉS LTD. f. IGi -areti ci ARCHIVES 0F ONTAÀRIn : m

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