- JOHNq WATSON - PHON4-BELL NÉO. 3, PORT WHRITBYp ONT. eeAL eIL ONOI"" Thic long evenings are bere. What about the grade of ceai ejl Vou wil recuirefr n e sud .~I .. -- - I jood lighti froe frein sioke or edor. -i.ELVISS ÃŽREAS<RnEîrs SALE 0F -LAND y vi rtu ets arant unwrrtb and! cf tho Wà rdsn aud th, R fthe COUUtY Of OntOWlo. dated the i9tb day ofpet b B te levy upon the lande Mentioned ilu tho folîowlng list foi s ldà om88u oh e Ut forth; I hcreby give notice that unies w- moon« pait!, I @hall, iu compliauce mlth the Auasement Act, pn 1u0on ueul landis, cr se lunch thoreootas may be necesa, Cotenlthe Town of Whlîby, on - FRIDAy, DECEMBER 26TIE, t9 at the hour of two e, TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA Lot Cou. Acres Taxes Coots si G a 00 $ 488 $2 50 .15 G 51 10 49 25Si 19 M 100 $15 76 $2 64 TOWNSIHIP 0F REACH Lot Cen. Acres Taxes Costs 139 29 a 50 rt 7 /ee 6 45 2 So 2 -Il 50 6 20 2-50 TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK. Lot Con. Actes Taxes cos 13a 3 1-1[8az - 71 TOWNSHIP 0F MARA Con. Acres TaxesCol 5 100 24 61 :a -9 4 .240 12 'Il 78,85 4 8 2 -54. 2 Il 100 34-25 3.1 1li2 100 -32256 a 12 10 1502 3j 0~ 35' 14 85 29 87 50 2 8L * 23, 1913. workisg eue-hait day, ait! a hait day's py mas deductet! from th* tpy by the gove=umn. They dam Iat Uitey are ctitIedt te tlipy But ili rmai os strke atil Uiy gel it. 1hi eing 1the cas, lthe.work ot the AsyIUM wll >robably be bld up or a ime. Il ias stated.t it- the gov- rment oult!endeavor ite procur thUe services ot il!ly men fiem Toron- b"V 'JB& Maunave ]U aVveuffltue laber anthorities . oftToronto ilU lkely be askeJ te take -a haut! lu prevenîlng it.", 3rooklin sôIminaton et ull a 7ssa- tien of what mas resily a trivial at- tain. Iaqulry elited th1e information 11tat l ly a Ici- men bat!'quit, Ibeir FOR? TAXES i-Vet Oten we meet ai oidt! rend jGbsbecauBe ota misunterstait!ing. - whoe'o, os hteëbage , aýwt Terepôrtse OnWib bu îe Msoe!the Carperetioeh5tt!ly khem 11cmz. -So.ne lock- î,ct- trouble mltà h workmetonoshUicPrie- cm!, 19,39, commsrjlong090 ter, at oseM4uîlat UCwt vnllAB>'îIniar g rc arras tta«te, e for. We aiways teed badly te, sec et! sait! Mr. S.A. Armstrong, Dcp- ecooed-to omil hy public, fient!golng doms lhW la Bppcarance uty Poh aýSecretary. "Ter ar> for the tarse, et the for looks ceunI for s mucli ibese mas soea mlsuutestaitlug, aitnd~ >J3 tays; *ait! me euJoy seeing 1ep-reu.ioiatleer four mes quit 'dcPu1e3imessnihokeiyng Bclng caret! for 11 b.Tmsae employed by la Uic secret otfkecpig youing, sud 111. heur, at! paldti th 1e l"tIina-- w Tota Pator UpatSagelne Is lb. secr t fcaisg for the. e ,Thcy are sol paît! by the day, ToalPs8 o UPat hait. Ssgce ticues daidruif, brings at- a rate oft se much su heur, but by 13 00 38Pst life ait! lesuly lt. coarse, tlj y d 1110 hOur. .There la ne difflculty, ait! 13~ oo Upîfadet baïr, ait! nimeiteur inur- there wm lbe ne turther- trouble, ait! $18 40 Unpat lait ait! attractive. Sageine. ktepa ceriaiu[y ne déla7 -lna-the-poges Thte Oitl ahd o as Totl Pt o Unatmeuai a imnuyoting loolng, asti cf. compleUnthé UicWnoirasyluni, mhlcb "1Buy i-hon, Uic mcaterys Tota Paer npa viy shenit! asyonc Alloirthttiselves b8 . o te cbest and flusalnlu enly another may etfsayint atl79It_0aPPOe ld a e Iing mes bey -the ireld." w blc Uhi ion la bot." oauigel Sageino ait! à guarantea t tnt satisfactory resulta. ne ý~~.is LAKESIIORE PMESS ASSOCIA- - Wam- water overcat-. 895 Pstst t JE lhanad 1 I ton't - -TIN h eîSm-cty Tailori 8 0 std a ta l -oalet oeur A mcetig ereg Lakeshome Proaiccabiciserl sommns uioucy le refunde!. Be suri le go t. ,Assccisticn ias'-boidt!u Oshawa o Top coats and-uisters T o t a l P t o r U n p J . E . W i n l s t o a g i eoa ll e u l a Cco bo a tia w l b V 1 S ~ yw oh l y c a f 3 0 9 3 P af sto res ca nnaI upply y e n, a. O tb e k ue r ,ë es - ai ui, tc11t! a-1 1 1 0 M ty ,c gleceyoum hait suether day. Sageise vork -01ttUic Ahsattos. Four - w Vter s Total Pst Or Uupat la euly 50c. -a large-bottue. -members mere- admlttedto te i t - Tiis lathetùrnc -hon th 748Pat MYTLE0- ,fcers .electet! mowre as telloirs : -nemOvcrcoats. 4 90 Pates de], .A. G e tii lle ,' W h*by A n id you ve n ver h ard et bei, 83 07 Pst -OunJrit!ay evcing iaWt about sixty Ihascite and- Chruilcle; Secrétaty, S. Somnircy. 7 64 pa t rieuatlit. Joha. Brigit. gie Farner, Port Perry- Star,; Treuurer, The pricc-savittgs mili atone M 37 36 Pat aI tuhe BimisHansP t. do hôor -te Jih) Murkar, coring NewsmatJ(S e tedarzin colt! meather. '5 37 Pat the popular ýD6iuinonLiveo _Stock 11815-etfIjiierést Were ilusset, asnd '~ 176e Pst comnoasalui -h a lang MyMe t-wlîasdecidedte'orot -NA RCE U p '747 Pst t. labo. np bIis -eiocin -Ottam4 lt at Cobourg, on 14evew.ber 28, si MA RIE -ulm MCIAYThelnc~mcî va~ rvnjte - ,whlch iliri- pa-pote oare o t. o:ThLI cou Iyme.urm. attendaice o! .my, dQt tiere woud Cmii EstuIxù5ý1n by lit. Colpua, Ior 0SethtRya o havé eu UPi-adseof 0 hundret! lat 0!011w; t*Bung, ,'l yL..WHlTpv C.Mrs . f«har1o n Brt In- Cobalt, irbere lrm-n asteuà arlook Ià é'în, for somer ie bisO -i of-oo o-'ë i a daigwth bis paontgran -Jh Grills.- i7l S7 Mr.Grilse, bas, beom qta l f6 4 to tïà .ý?a mvren 8 y~" ' the past tue weks. &L_-n1a_ tv«*OI _ýMt1 éy *aiK W $*~ItUI frien4s'-wish lier a ipeedy recov ý -7. _ _ .. -r _ -t. Jas. andd Mrs. mitçwl ,ori*- T ( f5 A00 edmuh wt. - Pleasut, viaits<ifrlouds 1uB' kluLjjÉ û. r* 01 lleofNv *o ____ The maW fil unp vj - Mr. Bittti, bo bas beMeu&MoW-" aà âi Ot ly11frthe, put tw ir e la i: - %jle -Ocar *Er i.' u h ýh 4 b U Pcd ':t « b" fd yma'NM r8ii _"d W WU-I Irs 1)k, 0t-Toronto. spent. u MissMooreoa Glebâà «OthnWing -mmioo,. ; Tý8 A. "Ob wià s. uq siegive a -Mr. cilareace !srlou as pur- é oole ,barywe 9shwtt a*ate» piçedl I -- v e f o t h e s t Ié ,v tug> u.ia s l u i it . N l o $S icd& b j.. h a a d 1 r. - B g W s t p X É i e rt ý è " &r oerre d . tirts~ î ~ u I1fl g 1 oBd4I*D TC h W y i' h bial aPPle, jp ckera - m ake *Mr.Glmert b~bç C&r 011-Whou yoi bavo ' a iit old-, 1odeydmlewaa.Tk eamboelahia tblgs kboiýeetlugaruu rbtr ucilhas ovedtrom tisbuit medliie btalé*ble ý as t 'labto u Cret .that snd 1the 111fr fant. la; udisOçcupYIu 'tue né-rth and cure I it, ih as1*1*10 d.lay as p6s ;oaaces WEIidisajpear. lotsaeWsAieaua, talav- 01Ml" aid Mra.b1u - sible. Heire la Wa druggste 0 onos: [bT ail deofaIers.-tii 0 hibetbve - re- -1 have solsu Chlier. JAsI irèk. turnd tom Norwood, >wvmth~e le medy for fitteen -y.ar,".says En Mr. COUMBU. - rekh,à ut Sua oday l red -hae lcesvil$n O!th ir su lia.Lollar, et Saratogo, lad., "aud con- I,*r. lit. FW ansd -bis bridearlebe. King, atthie Tuoe4e lMeffuse. aderit th.est out the ,marketC "Foi ai the à Manse aier a rrive«h 'reM. bbrgeMmW.Ba4 Miears. J. Allerna, Jack Toditsale hy ail dealers.-17. jtri. tod, Se;lia. #eH1 . Rges,.ai s u d J . N esb ftt l l t t b s w eek l i . W , W r a . e y s cc s . r , E x er e h os . 'ut , T ort e, theiroannu.lRogerbs-, Cam- tor aouit 96rhun in trienorth.. BOWMANVILLÉ. l alei Frlday iu spftse 0th1e sdKullr Boýwmnà vle, Oct.- 8.- Richard a yd .m.B ghirok Mi aa rôp-of Torot., V>o icf u aoaly kuowu l-,Mýialyp~el sdlr Iar-ii~z m lnrchs ll vit-te is 111 villi ber las s 'i e. stb1e ho4uM e, îrouglaout -Durham couuîy as a very @ion and a ded ,penHTargyigcanerletth11stmac heaet or1e put tireveekuiiwalthuy retlred far=nr, IIvItg Wlth I mlitheir 0moter-, . Ila.W.F.Jae, a0ra'r 10 unprovlug. 'fi ils e f and adoluted daughter ene [.1f. Walter:Moor1lu iaig W Fl's BytJTtntabd çMiss Thrug anererhuoiereport of1 ile eut oet-Bowmmnele on the es-- iCorpete -at,ýi 11 skhbpoig ..Hyra ,B anîisaen - ti v a a nth d ls h rc i l a v e t , o e ~ . b o u g lt fro m 1t h e laie ., M a tch lu th e e a r -fu tu re , u o s , T a k g v u w t i . R l g i i Fetv -adconcert tue veeks &900, John $Slmpsoe, was fouad ' by ls ais t. gvgWle r .Bih n th0a1so Rev. lMr. T"u u ia agltrls h li6g dead bealdeigr-t.asd lis. George Ward eter-etrrlaisbo. Tink -weeouatted.à , th1ecou 1We b.d juui flhislucdmllldug ta1ned S a aUDI*>i"of, theitOshawra J. W. 'Copeland, of Daytou, 0111eý,tu Uc stble. . i-wusev<etwo1 Inond to, a dai ce at, ffldayz4Agliî. . purchsd a bottleetof.iazberlaljisyas tae levss iea lu11 50Thel 5te itoju a saIL tCii1 C ougli Remedy for his bey who bada p6fiîtloes M d as age erus suporterchurcý1b hr.ad r 1ea sies e IemJ-P ~ 1 cold,aid' belorete.bottle iras ailoft owmaâuville liethô&"ls mcli. 1eLadie' Aid Isat> - ekvssdcdt .etrt " used tte-bGY's cstd was goe. la tIrai was.very <c ir iisu- 1005.POCOUie nsa eary$ed not botter tflsu t. psy a, dv6 dollar tden death ha c"O_ isorrov for -- aia. S.o sadscvrye.s- d r's ih. o al y al el is- vite, who,14 lu i c.\IÙ ate halti. PICKERING. celèbrajled- aceâtit, h p n h ers.-17. '~~BlllioHnoek rIlkouMt. Kept (Gordeslt Wt out ycao! h f is lite perfectngbs - hockey reterce, viii l ail probýabllty iicaday laut for Toroirto, where 11e gi!eat hairt onlo. MYRTLE STATION. again coach i the Boumaville Inter- bu s ecueda position vth th1e Oen. lagivtng hae recipe tote- Cana- 0 maedlaWsO.H.Â. team, tuia -ntr.Jlectrie Ce.,a epelesi:"aiinSg seurt h o ne r, o H a ck, bas Rusel WtIams, oe oletthe beet A uet ieddlag -took place ou Wd- 'la Uich e n t-deilgifu l h idr es 8 secredtheC..R.agecy-atPontY- laeriaon..UiceBovmanvlIlleInter". ni8sdaY» October 22, ut 1the residence l 11evcidth ue s danddeuffb Pool?« -ad la movlng there'Ibis i-eek. mediates lait1minIer, la naow locatcd of-lit. aid lira jantesGodni-eMlng1egrm atattth Miss -EdytheEayie s 9istlngaIshama4, and itll lkely lie foundi their eldeat 'daughter, Min, Ethej, rýoot eofth11e haitý; i-tpsfBn iras United In Tariage 'to lit. HP uitçi gv îgratdstrcsugth te - Kuittôn, f ~parry-%uad- Revr. G._.1 aiUoos A .Allia selle Johnston pertoreiUccr*cy ai1 ael ag u ycn w:attr ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ýa ïxst r;ti? e.fo Orhawa heby rogam lteai Smuy l adre t hair l -ail ~ J i R4~b~ra ilTDunlatonanal 0he te hts. b els ria.I I Z . fi em t lasY:ar Io tl h - c: 4 r te s tt o , d cd ~lh th excptio etnisa hat laEPdRT G fr AtYor'QE Suocesotate f .L uasUlrestein, h(rs. . -J.ero Tuet. Brooilu&Theeildie ditde iili O Mo day sT rto p a pe cn- BRO CIC S T NORT, - - W *I BY O IA YO te longer ,-bolt fe, isis l9ct c- t t ejm a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P it n S u h u sy , su d d a nrp uf ters i 1 e H sa p a ndl f o r e s ___________________ralie Oshawa,. Whtby, iroueghttam ie. an d cpaU tcb mdul a ai ol in - - - l~~untherteat. and mbter tlteTe, tw "Beae Ucgvraelrfu.!l A gAspeakMers velto eard. AfIl erUcPYmgswhc iycaiadli /IIIWI ~ K~ - e ,rithspe. xbeption ofGovrMi"uîou I EtW l.]ty Harborore.- tusvie - et! er Geti A Tl v Erk li tEir- Succfflrto . N. Buns te, reatien.Mrs TW , jmceicooflest haown le ~~~~~ ~ ~ t -nor o en nd ea ylt aoeptnf r sora endlkinMiongr in ttue e raisfh a w r e m oneu td fr in "aY -person oft m.hose, daim -4bey saha iotI tà lcn have .receiveti notice. Dateti aI Toronto Ibir, 251h day o! )ctober, A.D., 1913. MASTEN, STARR & SPEN CE, - Solicitors fer the- Fxecuto,'s -20. ,THEp.c. UI-IT N 1 isthe, OdeIt.N or, The nia mis-hi1amindagregami 4 8ENE&4L Omus GNagg bÇ wrk Vomi min- - RMzuuuMeuT t ErsiMang,WScra'nnlor ndqaniy kîng0, eatrsaad -&y. b TweUJS DRTorno, Ld 7ýWe Iadlu uity sududt *al au * d B. mt.!. fomcTeLrido&ýouwà and Toronto end other principal, Uëdy -rernmemtive work -the y>ear cills ii C~&ds Ais Doble h. Write us MsdeerrAgur chis n anda A - ' ouleteris.W tplor bbut in th. busines. Track and Bolid Traint betireen Psy w ekl, rdoutât, exclusive terri Montresi and Chicago;lsOvro - between Ontario points, New -York flizèr Otiaos Etabush.d over U_ year. 'A-reputaj<>,forh-ghgrs<e stock and Philadeiphia, via Niagara sudfairdià ê î . A aisa s uk Falls. mS rn. "'m r SMOOTH ROAÙD8D Petham mus 7C.,Toronto, Ont. - J C5 QUXPMBINT Y.-FrÃŽee ostale ou requet.-25. Tai »uai Ticketa noironsisa-e rn d EJOL [08 ORDER NeOW- CRIPPLES' AND, DEFORMEDWl WOI A SPECIALTY. Brock Street, -Whltby's Only Repe rShep- ai sa eT1 th is PHQONE ~Aà à rianc omnPaut are much greator or te pemima aitthan they arc lai ny 'Other 1Cozupauy deug 9boue. lu cauada. 7ii s tted as a ftahch munt 1e accetly dipied. EXAMPLE7imAt age.-oftweaty.thre ,yx bfth 'Te Equity LUtC charges, 143-16to -f or.* ,Omnurd on thc Lwenty.,Payment litfe plavbccy- ing_ defýitely guaranteed. Meumt other :audia omaseschrge exaëu y*ih Ce Mme ameunt aud similar ternis for a,, mcwuty-five Paymaeut Lif, Poicçy. - At! Ire endeof twenty yaste Euyplo fully pai 4n u bsaCshv!ee 88 "de i-hie cusi4l-cash vale for à o lbrplcateaetuiszo j_46Soraton aL "YoUghloghay St.e CoaL ToaAgn or EpesTicketsud Bkwhtb, u. tel T n 0 cold ' is rug mcmv tterttan ake youJ WHITBY JUNOTION, s.f7la.m.î - ..0p.m - .. uu.J ..019 3p.m c 4.52a. Mdt!7.56 p.m., Frcm Tom-ý cuio-rsInu stop ai Whiby Juioii 846mut! 9.55 a.m., -ant 9.30,p-n«. ~7UPTUWNSTA&TION. Ooln Noth.J.5-sa. jGelng 5outh ... j5 a.ni lam.Whitby for,. Oshama ati lO e..ba! 4p. J.. oi..,pr- -MAILS CLOSE. For i-s-30&= .., fOr Port Whitb leé-je P-M. 6.30 -- 530 5.5. Fo Ncuh6.3 reaflytwro en..s~wI lt oeesolid leus Price per par, Specl F. -.LUXE 0 A'fI G ro RDIFF BROS PRAOTIl.AL UNDIERTAKIERSe Weump MaujamyIoo.t p-u - -anbo u ole, te au I. a., Hair Bri JTooth Èi Hot Wat, Ountajj- Eneji Go 0F THE FIN~ AND THEE Drugg-ista MEDICA 1 ED -CHIROP The Canse-cI Dià es Adiuatment Consultation Free'. '2 At Wbitby Monday, from 9gamn. PhOne 344 Office south wing-Ce, A. L cmi Barrister, Solicitor. P - Office, Brock St., 0ç -Money to Lan À Office immediately si -6. VOIJNG Si -. MARRIAGE Court 1Iouse, Whiî Brouù St., Wiitby- Bor t, Lloeused Au, Sd&tésapply tosolt-0 LICENSED AU AND VALIJ - AU-inds'o! saes pi to. 'Arrangements 's sales ait ti Gazette 0 Terma measonalile Bell and Indepeudeai CONTIÂC, JAMICWELL Carpenter, Builder-a Plans drawn and estin Repairi, Alteratiens IL eut for Brantfs 467 -WtITbY u, tliMW-35Yn MONUMJE of ai Dozlns and htrha >eJ1 -in psy you te eau ast inquect -for yoiurualf. à bSn'eMmled by s sd Ma'aow u gu' "Tve by Pr a -Office ant!Wcr IJNDBRTAI 1*5 WH Il j.t~ - i AKRCHIVES 0F ONTARIOI j -Part s 3 aup pait -Part. - - * SalutfiTeid Plu -Lot.z, bcing 1 Block D, Lot Prince Albert being, par s-E Part Pt, Lot 38- 'K - --- M-P and tmustem, ..inter 1the viii o! -ths sit!d Barbama Irving,, tuiir naines eau addesus ud aitpaticulars lu *rllligo'! 111 -Disaid stale.- menLte o tei accouaIs andthie nu-, ture,6 et le security, if -aiy, bheld. by, Aid, laktntic tat, atter thée 801h dây e NovmberA.D.,1913, 111e sait! JmsRussell Lâvett Starrtl aid Elizabeth Eieaior Starr ili proceet te distribute tbe assets et thé: sais deceaset! amoug 1the persu niit thereto,. bavlug regard oniy te lthe huimi et mhich-,Uiey sha then have had notice, ýand Ihal -the, said James- i ÃIEiel. Les-cIIStart aid -Elizabeth. 1 1 South ý the best and hnv,. 4 enter l -12 13 le &a, 1 1 Mq la