Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Oct 1913, p. 6

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e earLiqn oance b 'ac t- 1 fl , j M~ Wh5o ils 1I Wh. -1 Pazr aiÈtîa Th Tii. reati landierda continu, to sha *ev«ey ayijtoni etbeing ertrenily -hn 1 jtô*rei7 r orthelr-,'eut*teabecause eorti ailegded brdens or taxation Onder Mat. celirL lo er g'afnion.budet. Amng 0 TearusNd lest 'w e iae thi Eal t Portmnouuie' eat at M eggford luDvop!hfre. eof3.2&W aea_.6, u' ans aold for 4, s00F. tu luiue tht.enot beautîi N'Ir - ' u j 9 husots tEng- lu I e onie et ti 'beât farmona list-, qointy. . f Âiiothet estete uoxd laet week vas Lot- tôn Rall ueoxrDeroéhani;en c L If onew, -ofd'r.uay ia.mn.wbo ceiato e b.thi ent et tithé cromâwe la le 0Ehtinq,_for aun eid age pený 012, ah t atw aiel Go Ioud&and lis I.72 year l& Us ébears iii> acet e wunnrenaiea Beer va? .hëe er're< lbft. tii. Oaaâ41a -BuÏibmeu, aud bho'went tiireggb hétJSB oar yar. a cor respondlent. ÃŽo tt ue his pe ury te tise revo> 1trarirt inbre&-L - the' romeuel woeiU Ibundie whedl. govorumonte eut or! oM -sr K4 veuIdn't b. iWa qclilit, uer &a Libeaier eOenorvaaivoi he would be! ThIs Company invites, you to wlhIt où whloh It wfI pay yen fïKtereat at the'-rate cof POUR PER CENT. a ysar. Comipound- ed QUAelr£RLY. --Theuio Trust Com pmLlmltod- Total, AmIȉeut vr *1.OQoo F'OR-THE HMAUR Rfore.s the color, strcngth, hatjànd sôfbzess to &,av 'He andfisnot Àdyc. M Ï- mIl zoogst . 4à * Ot. la8çnd sjon fKlgGohM ~ fEg ~ lati, iio a. oined tise flag hip, but Celngwod,"on ihiëh lie ill serve, hi. a.pprenticeship' iu ýtise Z Ring'. naà ù ïey. HRé,will bu4come a th lilute nazit at tieýage,of22. le -i.ý ont Catir,?, Neyer Stops In O-no Place-_ to It Spreacis- Rapldty--Often Ruine - ea1Ch dapletely. agant society. The public. Sir jaxes srued, must lieeducsted sud un- 01ud y thie peaee awhù tolloved -' -LoudolI, OLt.mi 199. - 511-? VUND- FAST IN lUE. Ead' Nezt Been 8ee#,or IleardFromý for Six Years. A dosptois frem Seattle maya: Tise eamler Cen:tennial, wiiih left Mocirran, Japair, six y'earis ao for San Frauciaco witis a cargo . f sul- phur, and va"nov.rheard from, is reported faut hi tise iS off Sag- isalinIla, Okhoisk'. Se&, near Sibeia» ý"A -Rusia xpdti beu t'brough ti.- Olnh,ýsk Ses, ,diaoovered the mieaing '«Bael with lif-eboate gene, .'the nazre pertly obliterated aud her, mon work cer- rodeti. There vas ne sigu o! a hu- manu being on the shi-p. NO -ONE- WAS RESCUE». FinnIsh Steamer Gees Down Wlth Ail1 On Board. -A despatch trom IRelaigfors Finland, saya: Forty salir% anid passengers on board the. Finniah steamer Weisbkueten were drowned on Wedneesday -,when -thei -ve,.seel struck a neef near Vasa., iii the. Gult of Botlinia, *a&nd went down. No one wse reseû.d. Lu thic .changeabloe- cimte- iLle thse littie coids that dtM Intô Catarris. passes- rapdiytfromtie throàct or nose' to bsb*uiclaItubez and'then te t4e 1unga4 Ypu enan't mais. ne-v ilngoany more tisanyou eau- niaie - nov flgers Or tees, but, yen caà ciire datarnis. Thê - urest 'cure ', blïts et breath. Ing Iu thseiseallng baisante essences et s medicatod vapor se fui o icscur- ative properties thet every trace of CatarriL. vanisihes before ItL "The. soething pin'er., !Ior of da- tarnio ni the m,;osti peverful medi- cine I ever ue,~rtsMg lmn J. Cisi-itIne, ef Saskatoon. lvery breath - draw, a through the- Iuhaler. moud a ratfis feilsg,,through 'tithe tir passages .of tiï-se aensd,-throst. Catarnhozoue cured smeo!f. flg#ttul eadaches over thse eÃŽen, relleved me etý a- stunffy feeilugutn tise noue, sud an lrrlt#ble iiacklng cougis tirt had been the banse o my lite for a year. My «enera1' health la greatly- lmproved, My 0-ppettte -sud, digestion are cousl4. ersbiy iiettcr tissu before., -Catarris- bzoe-bisu been tise meaus of giMng me suds healtis as 1 slways desfred, but -neyer possesse4." Even theugh catarrh han s finm holdon yen, snd affecte yeur thrat noue-or eas, you ean thoroughly cure ut- *ith Catatrniozone. 'LuAge slse, gne.ranteed, conta $1.00; smeller sizre ,60e.; saxupie sire, 25e., Ail stpreheep. ors sud drugglsts, or Tise Catarriso- zoe Co., Buffulo, N.Y., sud Kingston, The -Aberta Goverument i-ili spend.,two million dollars in tele- p;hono -extetisiduwork.-next year,i sys- Premer SiîýBftou. OU EiOTARGRWN FPigurescâ IFQir Septcmber .s*h '(w an, Increase pf Abot lIeven fllion Dollars Hwt efàPieao luths A -deapatci firein Ottawa Baya: A' ieeprac grclualpo. Mon, *mlf onthse atriking fe.ture in tise atatret fdcshwabgireee- tie trsd o Onaa orti. en 44Mu82,000 fer Septembr, 913 I I(>'jj() HIGE Of cf eptember, tissuèti b6Y lio. . D.,cmprd wih8557,00fr le- A@I led, Miter of Custôîolu, la thse wit e5575. 1912Sep Piano i dcreee fimprtg artd , iç.1i- 1 Tier.arebig in-.1 in-cres"esin -experts ail alhge- thei. ce:e!exporta. -Dutiabie goode Es vaue>f 837-,9971,Q"- ud .fre. te"uer last. wem 6,,00, and 4fqf l - FOR *4 ~ gootis tetii. êmouj~ of 816342000 tise previ-onSeemr 57,0. - -wtIg eeimpcrtéd'.durging SeMpteznber E usp g o tmmetresbîý,7,ià.l rpt.~ys -' - - lut. The imuportafrtie«rs-ascrsbisg504oo for i -548,000 dutiable sgouda; su-*1,.0 ýforSèemr19. Sultablo for Mlle, M"UIfaetri 307t,000 of fre. gooda.. Expo2.io PlnaPrl*n Nuu t. liat Ssptember noe83-,4,00of Ctaia rd '5 oers _ Wood S»liît,,uUys12%. x 4g8 U.domestie géoudsansd 84,Q.71,o ofe!more pS'sPerous conditioapte fOi! ~ rs a~ ~ -f»reigu 'gOud, as againsti $25,814,- total Canadian tradct for-84tobe 1 oi pi 2,5 1f, 12 z48 u. 00 domestic and 83,153,000fereigu last 'nas close- upon ïeue hundreci -forlo 2 lIlSiish.ft. - f9rThé tetal tex- Millions, tise actual igures heing- 1 Wood - Slt loy, 12%.'X 28 n -.,S1 tpsr, î ix ot 1.op9 1 -Wood Bpift PU1e 26 x In.Septeïnbser-- Both, last were,-aIl Of 06,w00 fof'Septembers7 19M " For- Édý9 719in.ahct«goodu, $188,405,000, asud the firet ei- ots-e iessent mâl1l-«b2~ier, sizes asud Sbaft- fbrih-od,-'22B20--a'9alya n 0h ngôt vatons lengtbesund sizestot be agaThat $162,421,000 'cf domestic suýd last, total Canadian - tr5a w-- Toronto.vey j--ow1eigts, 22,42ooo 0fisaly-d. ndi itmo 3h .01 -t v7-o<uree. . *59200tccrin for-the ix i #551,978,O0 dn Sox2, - * -n~oths na~$~pem4r i, I265 00 for h.Wti 5~ >, ilaon, Pubiehno., T1o2.onto.- j-iont1iis -of- the icoyrre1o9dU s'x *L Ru-UrWuine-INwbia ki- gam *i. nation for thse convonteoe Oc touriste-b b.eeà4dptud. Eusry road tu the cospntry *1 .-iee a nazie sdasnbr -ouai roadg,aistïmint rôo.und eo on. TIse direction pcs&vi taàte th. oe . c hxgiiwy sud iiumber of -tiiereaýd. Tii toisrist sterting n ,,Jouriey viii need cuiy a @trGp ci- fiÃ"türes. a'd.hu viii bd able te flnd ii, way anyviiere. capltalizeaAn luea. Thomait A. i ,ry tha-iAfteMôi-ýofir. lut eamj' %.ddreeuty. -laï.'ving-ap estate v ,OW0,00 T'sgse -,Who, are d'iao 'beàs.- by ai uhOuldLoonsid.r,ýtbu cas -'f Thoem"-' 8perrèýC7sud tÏke'iz .Rt..e caphll.lfied an. Tiée vend iika places, er honer "à ddis- tincion for nies Who es tifk io dn lAit tihsl.r niuzdpo %Af s.enilet cuisis et' a r.tfakn ù iva e Wuidir ection te -their thouglit. ThenieS perry,-eavred thse cuatoni of neienerciint eivé.7tseir cuatomesro 'wa tePeoli st "làÉlppe and'tie oei "ein0 conelveà d miayuetuIng teVis. pacMc maklngIt a muanet lie draw trade. Tiié trdiira p van the resulit% sud, fer- tune Omil un im. Pmrogr ts but -the reanit et'tbse appi. cetien et new- idesaetop cld w&auoetde4 thuiga nuenii .hmbutcapita. it lea abank siun.thtlcrasaseï-seula Io drm nupolL, In thue land-of ot piÏrtunity ne znia la peer Wiie1bat> anu ùc1eude4d mnci d u th nryte work te tranelate lii plano Lt. la e tunetcaJly thart b. new batttiimsib hun Mary na.'arecord apeof ueaon àrtile tl 16p<ailet aoise e- tiwvat ,this npe ignifes" viho ta inute. con- ade atintise huge, nieset 1rh. ývegsbi. The. vaesi v as bult at Jarr-w aud lu fittsd viti Pareona turbinas.- Rer contract spee wa 28kueta. S Ie i rned i th egt 3iL mois«Un. ungemthoe h ave .4. -luaipesamnoe ase- lia 4thi ne m ai thellbat1e'iorul.tr i<eWZ.aoland. oniy she- la 105 'bei longer aud-hb.an ine t more- b.... -Nor lnlkated ltesepowerile 76,M0, . ein pared te tth. New Zaand" 46,813utevlbth Qisee sary yull have te p-lay soeeenL-*lle C1. ier , batis crulsoer oft IP,000 Le ate -ihe Queun Xarsel ?.é ,, T nTonhu.-25.00 -aor n.ë'd Yuisoiôoepower' than the QwesisMarf, and altiiengisb er' conirset opeud le-on y 920bisets. lb vill b. ItLerest- iug te 'matois her' trial.. Benides tiens twe superb-vaiob, . Oreat -Brilsain vilt meen b. ,uUnir jte the irt lino thse bat. tisailpa Queuta EltebetisWatipite sud Tallant ëehii t 127500r tenu -dispein.nt. 'Au a àquadron tics. battoeil n udbat- Lie cruisers venu dbe d1.tiucty daner. ou«. .]&hir- epeed aboîse would insake theni leaust' bit uloeor. Y&-3ee r b4ng go' t4M 'lm'e robl la-that-UiL wonid b.ertem1 lfci.L avod -,he=. Amortiseh. bequeîsaruade hîy the lat Jaes tem, ise president e! ýtie DoilpolCepu wsê Mn.~ ~~~~4 -Mr rae&ta l ddi- 'jis- eI ' rose, -big ranoien of traùsoad ~f fneê attiéë, averapgiu 1,606 îha. ea.i; te hicýag-o a.ir- ket. - Mo rea .rj -otTrade will,-re., lune sRupport to-the preOpcsijuo n fer, a, woxid'e feu. tiser. in,191, aeo- ing quit. Sbeyond' thse çunda cf feaàibility. he p&rtméntof Educaàtion.ha delrdthat OttiaW's éparate Sciieci %&rdby ne»euoroèneît of '.Rul, 17,'y' ha. !orfrited it sciioci grants for tse ye ar..._ Ho e ergeLawg1 6 _-X~ c î Municipal Affa=iradecmredlu o. 'vition~a iethihetc tamnplemaiketfr rIn inWinni, I>g would .remlt,,4n grem at lo B oyal Conilslon lias- been ap- tii, railwà a aatheïr retiotÏet Captain -Harold, Chrigtlà ia laber- ing loaned by the -fdmfraty Wtesu- iuPerint;end thi e Morgangatiôs o tii. Chinesenvy 'The .GIOindxjStandard"misulEse that- the -wiole trouble over Mou-i çan -polioy- between- Great-,Britain and the U. S. i8 'du.t-o nivalry ove r titinrol Of' the cil- fieldsie, -Huserta ha.Ving *révei'ed,:thé Madero pol AParty 0cf 20 frmin ent nnn g officiai- -ng&ged l emwork iu the- $en banyd uine inu WaIe«,- whýereý over 400) lives were lont, weze overome 'by gas, and. rekeued juët in t4rne. some cf the. Party 'weOe United States. Twenty.thi'ýecivie officiaist Et S.Louis, I11., wve tuidicteti on gra ft chàrgés. Jmines Lynch, president o! thse ln- ternational' Typograàphici Ui -on, ha. been appointed laber commnis- sioner for N. Y. State.. Attorneya for ise four "egunaneu"t under sentence cf 4je&ti for -theý murder et Roseuthal, the New York gssnbler, requested ,thse Court cf Appeals te postpone tii.*iiea;ning of-, their appeal until aiter Novemniier M7 Tise arreat of William Levy, -ah Cleveland, is believed te show up tise operatioù of a large gang of jewellery smuigglers, sud 'sae=ixure*s te thie value cf,$30,0(10 were nade u nius ehopa. Toronto la ai-- lïeèd-stheé source e!f aupply. American troops are having seri- oua- skirmiaiies I-tise Philippines. (lontititioaiitô lkMeico. cs-p- tured a bIg' town, -execùting ts Federai commander aud tise Mao. A ncted surgen, Juat Luca-L Cisampionniere, of Paris, dropped whil. reading before tise Coruiittee, ý e __ , Âadetn>ciofSciencesa apaper p tethie London Teleëaps ssu the tiChine". Cabinetlisdecdd te epenngo tiationa with tise ivepo3wer group: for a se 1an of s$tOQý,wOý:0o, bo ueet'É,i4ut'iasel- .p#rpoea. Frias~l alasGrain,> Chasmo Du ?Ot.Oct 81-ruiànlo whia ~~OO ~econt, mauof ew wilmi W-lie le wb a 10 ~ 2 29g foremrir r-ele, and fet 26 là 11018ar "40 à . o -' P4~.90-4ee, k4 oL naw-laid. 35 te o, zs4e'é 40seae1 .-- 43 -tu z3c4 aud -aiege. S5 't 3-4 t5 e * eli tle 1'Obu aod;ts tgil- RO Mua o * o r 6001 aaouLn ew Dur, me t ei te.. -43 bacisout Lur-'rerco.lAcs tuba. _14 4ci paili. meNai Heand siSraw. EsLId by-fe. be lebeing bouglit b~ daleu asetL0,4ho Bik $14. te 814.50 ou truois Toreute; o. 9. -M&60 v snimed atue*7 t la tre* E Sas ao -T.0 e ,outo.s o Winnp Olue Gan iqwun,eCt uem-bal-oi 75oieè ti.47044: o.-1 rei.oted- usa 74e; No. 1, do. ie1N irad- lYuter. M li- lie. ' âo < 1-c;Ne. 8&,de.. 760' No. - Z. - do.; Si 14 . 31eyl o. . 4, , ". No. 4 ,l-3e reto& 8e falo-,1ST Fia ai hui stol TH1E, BESI EEF FOR 1THE STATE, in t4,1 Eastern Townshlps OnIy in fer 0-r Is to. JE flad ,ati igber Prices ad aedcsncea fer sU tbs bnck iàmuali.l u-965 f.e-b. Ate>drev4*w!89 ted andI Fery, Rone ln the Mfres Bodly Wu Broken., A, despatch's froru bon Mouutain, icgan, is: a Guuard. Johmsdon. niner twenty4.our, yeari. ôld, wo taistly hiled at tie Chap isuMn 1Wednesdaye wlsen' gofoUu ni ndred feet clown 'a ahft. Josn n strýUc4ýn 'bisI.lead &Md ever, .despatois froiMoutrea1 assys; kethi Betsrocf beef75>95 W2Sentsper blâàme I pound. Bisi> - 2 B te 2 ceztls. hdo pound. WliolouaIe -prie- fo i cir. more foL c<iéeS 9 O-i8oét p posssu.-'t o bchi Tic . tse tblevisiis onfrntahave iii'i thie isoupewifo ý,an the remit cfthe éa&-. theyý Uuited Stateaý' naiw taifl, î wiich. tise Ba pe sti.f-transportation c eg~ atti no i.Stato.. , ýý- oef ogt~-caine< ti4h èt 4n.emVeyý Çay, ajlAmerlo. ti. ri. a ong ligiirsil, &equeuce i s8ay thi nteeiea e: themals as - ~ la ieagn e pt wpmal as :stse e aneudsddsnt e9 e 'greatly deteriorated. lr thia,: misa e .L th-! ie hirteoru. 1fla-r every other-àlsar gtemn 'lwnshipg,. and' spalthe catte tiat c id rule tlem 't isthaynlv lieiuferio a ul fndt - to destch TEL.T1E The Susuita'ncô, 01 Or.-,EmpIyffe ýU omthe middic a'mong manual laal îblem of providing ,1umvesat. Each ai ~Pkrbeme, however, - anhas more dif hhalthe laborer,b eue of ôtthe advan the, workin9m The manual lax hampions of th 1>ui ut, afairý against umiemplon ment ialuance. proecbi§ him in sic eta old a pensin po~veXXIme8ft has be lb were, -tû the dd 'r cf tii. mari aa hmoet au atr% acording to Briti -lends itsakto thý increaingths bU <ne ciawe Tii.n Who is fuy. ash Iw lucii the ov r uponlLth6 laibo'ri.ng crease taxes, theisî la a gee<Ideal 0 èharze. Tiei. burdi areaibecoulin àeavier. Btllthe by ovez]oauîing tiIeý T4ere ha. &been i cent 1yearti on the 4. oui present day origines ad'Ca'uses cf1 eugeuics are, to. prýduet o! -tii.tel delving ut ,the ao the .s-ociaFjjproben seems likèI.y' that *ugenics, ae Least t es, might cornete a curefor some c, '~' ment. A Britishi author, jeet-qi herýdity, ai perimenting and-SI that feeble minded Iy and inývariably t parents toi chilcirem goes even furtheri "thexnarriage .of t ed, who are morE othere1 is at the r, soial Prel:>lmS." 4 the- scientist fully tiieory that ene-fou - mals which now f. net criminals, but mne lnihabitingt depths being more E several flsh of a jet a skiali ke velveti with seintillatiflg' eue ili iglit were also 0f iig shated like: a Pa sage. inade ni -should I ë- imùed Tise Way Bay maae, -a sorti oi - Thieyr -ki Whe'e Sfor suits-I -- "Mise "se- itNearly aery Mai ,-ttv-lxas tii k j

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