Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Oct 1913, p. 4

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er pl" Is nrtlu.w for the town. - M people Who1 e proposai te estalý nuild carS fer u andothers, and2h ls that WitbY. N The'.Mayor, Rée wercaj'olted i ametlng on e - whelnthe questIoi propoSed eletric termlnied. The si inIttIe, wlth - p nuinhers,'le atiWi Wediegday, Octob Mr. AWaes 'wu day in attendanc there, but aIu the pres otilng bui -There-was a. -sz business te, engaî thc Ceuncil. A- commnuiiatte D. Cartwilghti - S AClQU' Ralway C an-Wrer approvh the new U CPR. street no4lh. ~Jobà MacCarl-. R. -PlaRktt Joi. Heard These.thipe pcc tie report of thé whlch slISQr c ifurd fA fu Cl wiL FOR- EAHONE CE 1% W-AR md-in' Lre- pff longh ~'t lhe t WIuéer cmimiscaiins 15Ifte u aa- cation, of the GPJL ~répeting tbis and othérêr ooiigo 4mthe lino. A .dlscuson arose la regard le charglng -ràtepayers for connections. wItIlhowridrailnst -but was evoentually 1.ada over, te be dealt -wlth at the next meetng. Tii. Town Pko-perty, ComMittere- cemlmended'these accous: J.- Downey ......... . JO.gad... ... .. ......42.0 .Levi; Siepherd. ..;.. ... ... .70 A by-laiwàws lntrcklucêed pasd cd, appolnting Mr. CF. Stewart A.. 1914 ,ata salry of,825. Two ý ylaws wer put through - aing other by-Iawi te _mais -ne- csssary changes ln connect 'on witli .bthe uncrense laClerli Whitc's salary., nr Anes obtained Isave 'touii the siieleten et. two. by-laws toe pro-I -vide fundi-by 1h. ýissue of debentures fr rtdno to, lie water and >lIgt - -(eyteâý_no soforIhe -laylng of -;.ermnf ii'dewalks. Ti. ie partment reently made *appllcktlon. liaI the Council -purchiq a suitable flic agon Ifor use Of, ho brigade. Catalogues and specifica- tiens have.been obtatnsd. sud -lhc brigade has'made its choie. Tice Fire Chief sud ciairman of Fire and Ligit Cemmitte, Mr. oor, wre therefore authorizsd te Inspect , the wagon ii view, 'and te maie the. pur- ehase on behait etf tie- town. Tic meeting adjourned at -nearly midnlght. CORNER IIARD~ r, are more .atinfied ,iisers of Re- ' "93" Halu, Tont thau- aniy imflar preparation wa mcl. - Start a treatmnt1ôf Rexaul 93" Hair Toniec da..1Ifyou do, ro belheve yo U WMIl tlnkUs for tLe advice.Twosm»ebottleo, 50e and SI. You eau buy Roai '9"DaHEair Ton.- - uisn omnt only it n.jistre:. A. 1.H. A LIN Thé. la a eIStca n u csd ,ow and Cty lù.theUnitcd ematOs, an GrMBrt Thcr eM ind-a lrentEcs Tic Mizpai Baudvielted lie lieuse -!Refuge, Witbyt -îSimday meru- (ng. Thc old- folks,,,enjoed the musie ' vcry muci. ]DL 'LavcrY, lie manager gae hie boys a warm welcomie and invit ed hem ,te corne agalu durlng tie- -Christmas week.-Reformer. DoA s O th é9l-,D o, 'ýT ake 1% timetetedwold provêd-home enxd 'h isi 1 I b enelt oa epl. red for tbree gneration, theý best corrective and -Préventive of' themgmrous 'alnt caused by defective or irregular action Offtheb -organe of digestion and elimination, has, been proved to be Ifh.Lngu hi.-- m yMduelt.W fyolaCnt re this-matchiess f amly meiine, you do net knew wbzt mea o ae better digestion, suder ,le brighter eyes- clearer -comnpleioný, wliceh corne alt. Beecham' P Ills haveklea the mt finaitëru i --Ms. Try them now-send Imno. Always of the The ,Tried, Trusted Re'medy Pvpn uy 5v Thmeahm t oosLnuhr~Eln Sod v.ywee iiCaaa ud13SAmenas.. J oe25 ces lit. ,,I - - - - - - - - - ~ILLI-.NI2RY - s fi -h O~ur stàadard ile higlier ,tian ever.beforýe iinal tand newness. -Theïe la , .great demnafld for MisseB, and Young -Women's Rat'in 1- of t Voets-a1id P!ush.ý Toronto pricos f or theseS7.50 to $10., Ou*r prices-for be8t, Pluait 37.40, velvts $1,6-0 and _35.00. We give yenu a better grade e f g oo4a; t4iling, eqùial te aîythixtg i'-Canada. Seob-te, hala we tarit outk'atd save_ doIIàrs.ý. Ton wiUl find our njitnuv dnarnxeI~up-to-date un v'ything..oni~ quarantine laws. 13y the intervention otfIÉe - AnerbaùConsul, bowever' hhey were ltberàted. Anether incidetiti bihie f was at the building of tieIlirsI bridge.,over 4is Niagara RIver,, wbere lie drove the lirst- team ahd wagon 'across it, when, tiere t'as -oniy one s4ngle layer or ýlaný upoù it placed there fur the tise o! the vorlimen emhployed on r.Button came 1<>Canada lu 1850 settling lnthle'amall village of Ep-' soin, situated lu the wh ite. pieds trlctA#iuthe ,norti part of, Ontaflo counbty. Later lhe came, le Uxbridge wiere ie successfully centlnusd ilsh lumbering, grain sia geeaistr bu siness, retlrlnieu tý years uo i was o ne o! tie p rinolpal ]promýoer lu establising tic Uxbridge Agrcul- tural Workt- aid- tije ùxbridge piano and organ !actory. -Mère lis a woman whe speais f rom persional knowiedgc sud long-exper- fonce, vii., Mrs. P.H. Brogan,, e!Wil-- son, -Pa., - wio enys?, 'I know ' from expedrenoe liaI Chamberlain's Cougli fRemedy la fat superior: te suy other. For croup there la noing tint ex- j els lit." Fer sale by ail dealers.-17 Notice IN THE~ COUNTY COURT 0P THE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. -In lie matter ofthl aiway Act and -ia-tic matter of tie taki-ng by lie Toron-to Enstern Rail-way Cern- pgny of oeran laids, bemng part of flot 13 in the second conccssiolthnet i Township o! East Whitby, iiow in lie town of Osiaw&an ad County of Ont- tarie. - - Taks notice tiat application wiil hé made on. behaif o! the Toroît o àst orntRl-a Compaxty before..thé. CeunI>' Judge o! lte Coimty of! On- taric, at bis ciambers, "u in teIowu o! Whi'ty, on tic 251h day-o! No- vember, 1913, aI lhe heur o! tsi O' dlock inthle f',oronoei, or-so sooxi .hereatter as lie, application çmn ie isard, fora -wa rrant for- lmmed4ut possession o!- ic laiàds -re(c,.rred hto ,Ià.- bbc notice of expïopriatIon 'hereto-au- neied. - Aid tais -notice tiat-upOu suci application -wil ho reard thë notice o!f expropriatton ,hereunto an- - thed le àaldavit o!:-4eàsesCalheiu "Roticry, a- clopy of-*whici las herete anexed,' -sud' suci et4ter matentai - as 'tb- -appliceant xnîa-y b_1e advièed. Daied 'at.Toronto -bsqeventi 'day - YOUNG & McEVOY, S6licitnors for 7Tic Toronto EasterniRaiiway CombpnY. IN THE. COUNTY --COURT 0F. THE: CoUNTY 0FP ONTAR2IO. In lte matter oft tic flallway AdI aid inth t.mattee^of! -h.taiutgb>' tic Toronto- Eastern RaUlway <opn o! cerlalu 1laids, bQing part 'of -lot 18,, -I '-i ~fARE,- 'URýING O0 Phone2-5 'j Lud -tae s notil>e- that thie saxdGoem- Lyis reâày 'and *illmg te"pay.l for ~c aia n o n damlage caused by the exercise .of ile powers thereoas. À! ? 1" tedaIToronto -bis 801h day of September, 1913. YOUNG & McEVOYP SoliciWra for The- Toronto -Euate an allwayConiay SCHE DULE 1"A'$ TORONTO EXÀSTEIN RAILWAY-. Dèscrîption':0Ào! ldreuired for rlght oci wly t&h tg, part lot 19, con.- 2, -Towiîhip of EnsI Wlttby, Counyof stro A, atr*p -,d land used as a road and belng descrbed as !lowsr: Commcncizit ut the north-eas,,tériy angle of thé property-of--W. lWht' fpt, lot 13) thence. westerly alog thie norther boundaiies cf the proper-J tiee o! W. White, -T.B. Màthersili su Johnson, tour hundredand ýthirty (430) leed more et less te the.- cast- erly bounda.ry of the property of!-J. H. Manuel ç thence-nor'therly aiong said casterly bouudary !orty-four (4 leet 'more or', ls tç the sotltherly- boiàidary of' the' property of L. R. Luke - thenoe easterly along -sald- southerlt boundary tour hundred and .thirty (430)) feet, more orr ess, teo the wietterly %lititof >the side -roai be- between lots 12 and 13 r, tbenesouth-. eiy. along, said westerly lUnxit !ortyý- four (44) »~et, more or Ies, btic place o! beginning. Sald trip et land as, describedcon' tcfnIng by admeasurernent fortY-tUniee hun4reths (0.4D) acres, more or leua, and being shown coloredý pinli onflan attàched bereto. Toronto,. Sýptember à3, 1913. YY.CLARKE# :fOnt.. Land Survcyor. not give 5f Ȏ ëe sai ini now op of graiin -q Suits macle in a-hrr-ý To Special Order we peI'c- halize in -the îaàiloring-of -fine rBetter' thati retail ýcuitom tailorîji g in every way--better because we' haie ,he rats wiholesale organizàtion inthe world Efficient experts, and s'Ys- tematized work-wýeefinish a su it 10- rder-in'a week. -Eug lish -worsteds'--Scotch tweed-Serges and Cheviots -30cloîl patterns to choose from3o tyleig'to select-, And oîlifit and _weat are; warranted, or-,we ;turn, your money. -»0 YOIJ REALIZE- that fafl is hei, also out complete line ôf BOOiTs, SHOES, iRuBIÉERSI, ETC. A Pleasuveto Show Goods.. JOHNF Brook St. . hWhhye Onit, 'EEL- ?hoae 151 lie nicest- lot -of Bulbs tâ offer you resnbeprces. Don't -put off t, dé it-no wî.While you, tan,,gelthe ,3ingle ànd double, ail .5_c each, 5oc doz. r- ý25C doz. ible 30C dw. icedr- 15c doz. Militese Sacr;ed Lily Potatoes, Finan -Y h.~ W - - ioceach e,-CicosDigby nice dailY. idT- ZiioÛsE IS onte*1 atteniton_- flyreel You -see sight witli yourself if unequal si î N OPPO5iTS. - AN( The; serpe 2iinjuty f 'goize lh wici prov4 jury- Thi fa.ils £rom cntubcd- i «le Who 1.s recived Xm ium or lu a not respond mensures US persons 1fre, Some of -the reognize, processes of paired wheri leverage. *6. Cousi AUl p"a * pialno -coni Wedniesdaj -Thé ]Pà IVe haveý ranges on are the lh piano cÃ"1È -Mr, nd~ daugitel -ing.-; Seé Pé <school s 'The cultural Agriculb, ber, 7, an, -For a of first Sett's. why- session recei' Thomp~ 'te r D. $MPON & D - i

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