A4~z.ont = K. Wilson, S5 elind" et.. Toruao. imi te& bouine oumn8Wrt ~bee,. to lat »r.~lbaa Mlies * ~ 'o- ppyNWlo.me à "A "WOmo, Kxmm ANfBfD , a ndrod- -&aUn ouité oureo i wlth lb w W aomsa s47 -%Banol.' Prims 5O.Anther evWSmA fe* lmblus tus mai gre irs. l issl' AtLDlb.us. a»e 8.hem08 drugglta or ,diresi. The Satiol Esuio. turng Co' oro! aai. ldiMatt. FOR 8AI elle; R. Plme "IW GEM Â ÃŽOIiq JIVL8 ne "H]oliodoe" Eittie* tte Eauk With Euby azmi Emesali. -1 nov gem, giron the. name of "heliodor" sud touai lu. German South *Africa, bas taken-Its place among the' jovels, says the. Potaar Mecbanios la4à à ne. _The Gensa Kaier re- cently prekauted. one of the nov stnâ_ ote iKaluerin. The dscor- ery ef the nov stone was made by the. governor and directur of the. Ger- man Colonial Society whilloho vau travelling- ln German South Africa lui the sand near the rallway betweu Swakopmund and i Wldkuk ho tfouai a large crystali,rough andi unpromls- lug la appearnene. Ho ýcarrJed It wltii hlm te orm hyanibd It eut and polisheti lu a diamond, cuttlng factory.* The resuit va" a surprlulng clear, pale aquaénarine' of great brOiance. The. <erman colonW loffie Immedi- ataty teck 'Possession oft týe ground upon whieii the crystal as round, and a groat -- number of the crystals are nov maklng thefr appearance upon * -the German markiet. "Experts agre that the. nev gem ls enttleti to rauk wlth the ruby and"' emeralti. *Temporarlly Handleapped. Mr. Doughleigh: «'I met that Frencoh nobleman, Cocunt de Brie, DkXttt Doughleigli: '<eally 1 Is ho abriliant oonversationalisb"' Mr; Deughloigh: "Woll, no; not mii preisenti. Ho han rnhoumatiaxu in bis ishoulilers."- WeII Met- A Oood And Appetite] 1 A dltnourlshlngdlah fo beafat lunch or sup- per-reay to serve direet fro li.package with cim as usga.' 'otu" are thinbits It u b.rd " «eusr, to p.cuwe~ voitib. ro~g3L o mn o~d bide brshnor oopld-an>' nationpyceé tùe à ts f4womadir. N Sëo mi. cowi b. loi sraythat ~g rvwgt Us io*v»somts, andi the vblte-,Olavyer convict wIuvsxlL coues on1 Inves- tigatios woil4d*4ïe; ad etii. o- former dlilomo at &a giaaoe viethler ho rosiR>1, liked grapo 3ulc, or"pro- some.81etl4strmon!tAnd John t alksho l golng te the club, for baà r thgt*e, vouli lint i bm out, the -ga>' lu vlço et, vblcb, togetbor witk a, thous"and api o tier oomplicatlonsa tbat woIueli- ee",t-Wviii perbape ho. bot Ir-the Halvand slentsa fail o iterpurpome.: MOjR ANDÂ.BY<AM ,FN"ry mothmor ta auxions fïor taie vlf are of ber littieÃ"eêaêvoa1 heaith. 1Trouasùde of mo1ahorý hsI learnet tai e'oet of keeý,ing ýtheir littie , as. -boaltaiy*- taerha&ve Own Tab1kt. ýlu in ome anMi cl' -ià g:ah 0ocaulopal dowJ, te U.ttlèi 01m thst1iqw il ee e1atka o!eorvfcoin keeping th.e ab bealtJiy 4d ha .8adb' ott a box £rom The, Yr. .WihliamV Mei- clié Co., BMokville, Ont. OPEEÂTI.NG ON TUE] HuAIT. Once Thouglaf Ou. of the Impomel- bl. Thinge.- Probabi>' the meut darnng hapter lfi modern surger>' la -that whlèh ,treta et opérationu on tii. heart. "The rimai te the hoant -lu oui>' twoe or lire. -tache. loiug, -but 1* bas -laksa nurery neanî>'- 2000 years. totraverse It,', la on@ vrlter's stikinî rematrI. 11ev ne- cent this voit lu lu maie plan from the tact tliat a bock pubhtsfied b>' Stopisan ragot la 180,centaieta citapter on Suigery et 'thse Hert-7-the yends, beiugontenuptuously tneioaed ln- qustatloa .mîrks, says the. Worl&s -Work. The. mlentit ,as veli as the Isyman,- looked upen- the, houri vîit an- almont superstitionus ave. An>' la- !uryncesnl> mplled ieath; an>'t ,=te :a% .vthuuhan injur>' couuti oui>' basten theenou. Yet min>' shrevd observeron thtecourueeofthle ages bail noteai tut ail heant vouais diti net rosula lastataneous ieath. It vas net until tea on fitteen yeans agn that surgeons hegan te set upcn tii Rnovletige. Iu exceptionai cases deatb titi aot resuit lmmedlatoly trem a heant vouint; there vero intervala of a fev minutes, a fov days on a fev weeku. Why net utilise tids la. tervailu an attempti te mev up tRie vounti? Medilcal ilstory nov reports man>' succossful opérations et thîs kinti. Au eepeclally aotevorthy eue, performeti upon an Âakbamia negro boy lu 1902, Illustratee,'the resources of modem hearti surger>'. This boy hai been tRie vIctiluaoe a stab vounti. TRie kuifo -hati penetratedth le apex ef lte heaIt - anti passodIti te olet venltnici., making a vouati neani>' hait au Inchi 1oP9. Wiealtse boy vas -piaceti on the operatlng table, in a itlte negro csil, lie Signa, cf tieath bad airoati>'appoaroti. Hlm foot vore' colt, bis face aboveti signaetof-tise Ulmost-dIstrous. The surgeons mfade -a ilitis vlatiov4lko opealng lusti above the iseant. Titrougi thlthle> coud reatil>' née lie Injured ergan, lie bleeti spurtiag trom the vouai ot oacit pulsation. 'OOe surge on -puit luitaiî haut, pulieth le heart upv.and andi helC Ilt vbile'another seved'--- the 'wouut vith catigut'.'Tiseeperatie-, perfqnaied -ithout an anestheti- lasteti 65 minutes;- on tRie- slxteenth day the bey vas slttlng up; lu 'a short tîme his henni vas as gooti -as nov. et he toa~t Iver "d bbwl& 8o14 a Si. boes, ve fos 41-00,» AU drugglsts -sand storekqepers- or- The Cata"-4« e-~,~#ao .Yat THE "O" j-pIN aiEsH I¶AMseS. Peope Ho R Di'oIt, Whioh la a 2,y -I i ( 'I *Joisnuy'a mothen hic! inatituted à fine ot 10 cent& fer even>' spot made on the 'tabëeloh. One. dayJohný- a>'Wvas obsor-ved nubbiug bus finor- fon alonig lime over tiseiis a "Joh, vat re yendinù suid bis'mother ab lest. -- "atbiuag. 1 va. just tn>'lng- te- r âb Wv pt aeoe' Lrep ~li.Irub.Ofor à V la a Preu o flj j~tÉt i theoll4oub lu Eu- our bes± lutch lanilie, n,.Nev muid- pousossing as, uriimé -.anO tia ba&s tit bore thif, surhame, inîe. it ie4W ie t*ilfth"c entur, T hat ï,J munoy à a lIW - di stiu<ttoýn, Lroeland's fUfoi t~1If sae Cannet oblilonato, I 161187éhba vanioe ha&srfies ,êhie' suna m-es_ ,date freIn the> à nth ceiituryj iut- PwUh thatou eceptigs -Irishb-sue!ame&-o ,are,-iaedhli-Puoe 'Under ompulionopfthse peail lavas, ian>' peepi luLnms adopted FnglWi-na u t these- pepI be4onged nwà ily ei, th. lov. onï classes, anâ -b.enampa lie>'* aptëd $nt,- opno, . Cok, Buitcher6, ah owed'their ciations ad -tise maninag o!t eir.Is ù- na~re. Sui namu à lays bore the. -iea, a"nd lu 1reld à ' a wl bustor>' you vili fie n*héto lin us ancient noliilitý iaml' eriga isime associatod -'wîth any'tirade or occupation, non any oach na *me vill the O preftxèd. Howard or Hogvand, th. most aristocratie' name in Britil, would bave been borne ciii' bWhereditary avina- herds, I the oWIniai venrd. The .beliet prevailesilu-parts of Ireiand and Europe- that oui>' ive families 'rigbiy r thse - O-he O'Nfeiils, iihmonarchu of Irelaud andi kings of Ulster; taie O'Dou- noUs, prinSof~o Trycoonneil; thse. O'Cènnons,'- king$ of CO onnaught; the. O'Bnions, kinga ci Tho6mond;P and the O'Ylahertys, princes ef Ian Connaught. LIQUID SULPHUR uel! caeonlg te dIrections le eus of the mout, potent retoratives thsai ana ha laken Ino b t-ise Ttef. Iti cicaues-,theS Riiood tira4koe h poe~bibe for the or- "ans te de'tber von PrrnlY. EjCZE-5Âesd ereptiens ef thse skin noRld at once te t'eatznenf. Hundrede are more than-wiHilug to teatifi' to thie boe- fctal reuuIts et- ning LIQUII)SULPHUR. REUMÂAJI&M i siy theienesuit o! Impure boisd dclogged7blooti veses. LIQUID SULPRUZ removes tise cause of the im2uunit sud oteausas thse blooti chanuei. For este by all dýugisi. Prices50 cout. par botule. 1-The Limit. "As a nule I'm a peaceful and' easy-goiiig man." "'That's your reputation." 11 bale. lu beiug pleasaut and "Yeu, tisat-is imite." "And 1 try te keep my temper. I donI't believe in psfanity."? "1I'm glad te heal it." "But I vaut to say Vo you Vsati I'ua net respoxisiblo for visai I sa>' vison my vile wvi me Up at one o'clock in tise merniug'ta go dovi ' sud let in tise servant girl vise iaf -forgoiten ber k.>.", Minards Liniment fr aeverywhre& Thse Tèxzas Sort. "Gracloual1 Tisat ýkïrt lu se tight tisaI I eau plainly- %eovisaiyen have ilu your poekt."" "But I bave ne- fockt." "Thon vha.t is thati lumyplr' "Oh)1, tliat's nmaquitop bite." D. &O. o~p: flepi~B for frgs immole cf Umch Grin t Goel. h, rei. ho tswallov thé. vii!. endus y chfr" bimui laer tii. -olouemr t. Lyas. rgn it Tioe l eone tbigýuor&t'QI bu te bo done-wel-dbetieid. âideis-,tiey. wsntIt mnmaleround V, h.ai edgus-,in JohnDura.-d Ho whd a fsls t prset "t> ~~~25d ~ he tte-i>v~ih at, hiVe for îgott.a ,the wiam- . W ,E.ecbwr. -laU 79-or 80 years.a man mu>' have it L& is vatI cn eo47 n4hat Ulce for, .11. ngcbirn p t the,- »&eotz, benaue,-thmufle a -rule haye no pjbeqbut the"q1reetos te.pl>'in-gir Ediard eÙni-, Vulages Ifln't ini. 4," tie<ourse <of tier là d. PaJkaca - ahevhio~iii cmp.~ i snt for thé; tooê1l-b, . Mier, -vho, came vitis chlair -outlido 14, lent, viith lb?.vil-' pn~ idagainhVt»e ýublicity, but the villgesdidn'%t md. lh.e biootilicame eut. JPdge - What le the charge againet tlue pnisoner 7 OQ en-Yer houer,he's a public uuio.ance. He's been gemi' around- iu th' mididle oclte night, waldng up night waVhmen aid thi rita-. niay avay. A DIVORCE GRANTED. After many yeas-m f- patient suufernn* Yeu can b. divoroed from otes -ýb ptylif Putnaim'a Corn Exactr. iliei acts n24 benre vitINou rni lRefuse a substituto bscauves- Pufnsm'a" Je -he rometly that laesuté anti paaew. 25o at a&U dealers. Happinees. No one ever yet- founcI bapplineus b ' ruaning after 1t. 1V may look oui>' a littie va. abe.sd-4n the nev hose you are building, inu-thse Iigis- er'posîlsion you are oeelng, iunVthe wea.ith viicis you are hopiug 1»o e- cure-but'il la in qeeof o!hem. Wîien yeu reais thse -1lace viser. yciz- aeemed toaueo it, Jie &a yul-o' - -he-wisp it ill hib. dancing a httie beycndt you, jn ut of reacis. Thse ofl>' a>' te belha.ppy je te atry- lng. Forget visetaier you are happy or not in tnying to add a little te t-h. uappince of tisos&bout you, sud sotue day you vill Afnd- that 11f.- bhs grova very- eweet. 'GIN PiLIS FOR WOIEN Rend whBt Mrs. marris Say& About Thom. Mru. T. Harris et Tyneslde, Ont., kuov&alal -about GIN PILLB. "I arn nov taldng my third box of GIN PILLSP," she vtltes. ""Tho pain acroes nI? 'back aud ldineys liau almoat en- titroly igene.- I vas a groat 'sufferer trom Uiiheumatlstu but-it has -ail left me-. It strougi> ativIne ail voien, .vho Suffer tronta, Pain Ip, The Bock anti Weak Kdneys, te try GINFEL? 50c- a box, 6 fon $2.50. Sampbe fie. If yod vnlte Natlonal Drus ant Choux-. Ical Ce. oet-Canada,- Llfiteti, Teroato. Wbsen- a vo-man aceidontiiy fore- castea aboyer an h<,ur iu advance ase thinks tise Governrnt ought Vo give her a job iu thse veather bureau. M;fauRd's Lini'ment, Curées Dadrut. --- Thse Trouble. "'WhaV'u Vhfietrouble 1"- "The ,docte?0 ssclagd m m~idione. I-oudutVak - it un- is tie nrie gave me & akisa sais' - - - hTh* old meici.-I'teck eva,' tS& i .utia'ea. NOW the ' Ã"oC Hiw than word, toCr BoiseI~t er Rk bxpeMMtcai HaWou ýl-oemR- Say*-e Ie-vIIne slaFine, Unment. «Attorflfty yeâa' expile'nco a in- Thug opoas ýtheo ver>' sirnoat lUri J. L lovanston wio lilves noar Weing- ton.m bai am'en>'vuluablo heorse that took dtompëy mont: *%, and vaà afralti _ 1 jhh&1 oa-lt.- if rd_* umps Ov*l oeL 18noutrno'i- a mai ho bati, 'i'I terrible eo1hjlt--I 1-t4bed"ilf&ei remeitei, -but -Ir 619abli ôtrelievi ,>' herse *ii pi nisDnntiltý *ýsaie to use NevUne. Isla botl of qrvIino nti d-ueot ot1, ad rÙbbed' the. mixture-on the. throataid é hest- threo tlpxee a- day, anti yeu y"tmlisoar. cel>' boleve the.,vay that borme picked -tp. No Urvlline cured him.- 1 'aIse hâve tteei--NeiyOn1e for ce-,~ la llqrà ,esà Id èev. O-and esplty ne- cemulei df éie vy mkn'hat le rais-' "For surals, srlu wligiie distempex, cougbw andi' oi5, nô"ýf1- ment -vim prove UO -egcalo)US. lna 'tire stables 'NervlUnae-les 5 geai for mnan or- beai, for -laternal on extor. na, use .wherever thon -.19 pain, Nervhfl4;viii cure It. teffise sub- trial mia., 25b; at ifdaes rti Oa t rtIrmie Ce.o uf;N., andi Kingston, Ont rrave grree bDga l b TfE<rSiuébelow hiLvbeen t chate or nrlatest modela iwoi Motor Theyare, in good rpffl Anîd ar-ed oo outhe. road. Thé Are, a4 king rejuat'wh-'ai- we ilowed1 thlem-i m8UgLL" 1 egle1 "div," itl -pDaue.KI -pea %à â.Bhtini pedo briei>.Plyoupe "EU8SEL~' MI "e."A beautiful ive-passeager. :iÈ0 med ce!b*eki m4ms wheel. A fuliy equlp- Pal Tbarng \Car vill theKNi ht melor. - fio car .wm e arry mur regain, guarantee. Prie., $1,500 Thé Cars arelusplendid sbapë,, and Winl beax 0xAýfi aêioii and- comporison with-'any others, on he markeh. 100 Long Distance Klug George msiLolyi-George. Àlthoùgh 'DavitiIloyd;Geergo, tlie stateégman, bas acbeed nucit ýfameo anti succe" sines ho bitt Cynccletth, tise littie tova ln Walea %-viero ,ho, fiati praothlseti w, ho vouiti hardi>' lay claim- te ay sucis tntuýa nter-, eer as a cempatiot attiibutedto ithm.* - 0-hortl,' aioner doath etofKlug -' d.- vand, - au»ng uglalm.travelling luin Wales got, t tai~k vititan. elderi>' Welahmà ii. - Thie tiravellér bapneti te be tie fLlnt ttell.tho old timaeto- thle kings death. -- 4'."d wiio aigRit -ho kIag UOWvT" -asiedthet .Wehshmafl.- "Why, George la king nov."t "'Georgel" exà claiÉetithe. olt mon, EPIO in surpirise.'Wievle-sgl ou, te b. nire--anti I, ememnber hi'lm ploL' r as a uitile lavyer la Oiciethi" Npoen n fyeavye Roed, Wgok, Watey ys on Grnlà teti Eyoids'. Doeai't Smart -Soothea Bye pain. Di«tgIits Sit Mutinie Bye Remedy, Liqul, 25e, Sikèc. Mtinle ye Salve -in A étic Tubos, 25c, Soc. Bye Books f. b Mil An me Trieaeedfer MUiliemtt noeeC«os- Muet. 8. Deei~Coi. Ch igo Frlghtened. "Wisy ha. MrgS Joues d -cîded leo give np tise European tnp irse vws coptemplatig "she'bappenedL.toe ear-%omewey aay t-bat iravelbnoadene d eue, andl ie veigiuoue htldred and elgisi> niîtino!r Md.No. l 90. -- m" ý.tnm -&. i-boule f v -woma Alet. me. au-o"'-.'.'.. - u tat ile lot i i' Dalflics'e o th&ýisMi dlbtalia a. t i.-' TiiaÉhItagyen ilai >el - . - r YOtrnuiT, 14 t. ant W. O.- EccuzAN.'I cars OlîYier Typewriter -On,. - P8.-tuls'ausn f.ttonce. aI Ruasian 06Wnt * i 3e l V i~ Phono, Aie. ic kDIER.~ It- vas at an - lIn the preeüce. oft- t] polee on R-ie 'ýflnuî siens te slimpl4e ià tise*m 1Chevaliers co nebora'of ie- Lator. ,the;ce a- ,tonf.-nned -lie dfatiL perer permittp'th'i lievê e-i thite>'- à te preoseni(t tRi c ,pensen. Bo It bap grènatien, vit ha h palgus4 of l'- aad been hon:oroti b>'4h emporor anti askoai -Sv iiulsatd- Niip) yen doue to e sèn IIt vas 1, sire," et Jatta on a, imY pneueuted.you vil lnniyrsa~una utý- mussas, sa -ÉBut 'tis.eiporer, lntorruptiag hlm wa - à uihlagly'imltalng 'lie vivacit>' of:htéli giioge, cried, "Ta! tal tir -11ev yen Cfylato -o ýpPssIoa vion you, éerne-ttoh es e >ndl.points' Tbat's vwhB1reyoù slsoul4 ,have-begun; that's Wovrth mach molb lia your Melon-I maRie yen Che*iUer oft liteEmpire, * wth, a pnso !t Welvo hundreti fnrac. ÀÂne) you cotet"' r - "!BÃœt,- i#e, I prefer ýtire -crbis.", "?You bhave -1101hi, stuc. I make yen n- tot e1i nmsto% ifyo4k. T *at 6sver k' -~~~tau, texl mea, are doing.- She leant font face wth go-v Lodetia ot pzrspn t- LMyiay" h up M ablatodo Im able tondo." queto.eri Reed fobr ai aee ad the wl~ ani he etp word, asknga an leat£mn es le heurn ¶es, tl a te;onare ou Hé laughed. " tering estimate A: snongli f0 may upis for myfr 'Tes; I have a] sald bnighliy aIldo;---forhol clive thaubsti Yonuliow Rgrtei cast, thon oh. te ir m f"81.IL kt hn la -o ale 'said aa1e yo;, Tcareti for Ihrcolor det - -~ ~-~- tereeted- me, ti tiers, se many h and 1 vas ternili 1 -know nov wh3 811e p acuet for lon a7an 1 ThofUe ie 1meauise I have-b teFriand oetiI me, b. !'of are eomelhing else I' ger. thaV vii gt vas noue.Thr m.n forgettiu h wautý to reat 51 NO; yen ha nol fancies. chai]not she teck a nb and put it -t thie inf logetl Clive puton -eyes grew sotau wxtli a srnes ioqstface wt1 vas i n wkward- ritheirof t-em o opcxexe and ~r iWbatli t, Bari 11l-concealed impal Barsa adetoppea aud lisd mihot -a-r miostithreatening, It rgesture of. apolojy turingsud put -out lier em.pty. Pardon, fia x -She had gone,- hi ment; but- her-cen re I sdClive ne "Itaice you-at -Vour kinti offer. ~ 28 Fravai!. __Ui an £Ive me for a l- i cne f0 700 ~ ~ Sho gave him hb fo, ome mfinutes: jet breathlng. up- AClive -en fkýdo ihîe etreet, he,4oo] ~gu egain Lord ian £0o him. Re iived - mnany miariagresa roau frequeta'un andibarter, that tue idea uged. lie reledfâroZ= faste. o! réeseati f somet *t-hIL rrlmunion. Shelviver! be of sncb amtc d eulable.-' as Lord eUt-; but--NO; ITe fry doing- it 91e e t --vaSs triviflg for. :Io oueulie bauve wo p Wbyhbad-' Vhs- lin-bappekZ5 Is t Tau banaws aride; lie vonhd ti When lie eut.ened g ; A lb. LhIY- ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO0 -p J.. îj 4