SfTht n «rusar ~.c. jR: ~tiEtc. enms. yatiioteli, e - ne sud WhI~ LICENED AtTL=ONEER' AND VALUA&OR. te. ,,.Arangiii n eub. made, for eJI'UlehaGazette -offic.~ Bell and IndePen&,t tPDoliea. - CONTR&OTORS- J.IOWIEL m'IUes Carpenteis Builder and Contractai.- ~~asdanaad cstininte*- furnialed. R1..--ëaîns,-AtCnatiOtiSs ad Jobbing. -g .g*nt for Brautf@?d fooltli 3QX 4677_- Wt1iTty Phono 149 iésmueT of Manriage 1,1isses, Corner drug#tre« Whithv FIAW.,SI ,HOOLSý a la ail Bsiness subjý eao . 1oia -as S.ek.kiere or Stss- andt for Civil SerViieW sud Cois. gude thatCltll Business Clletsý with oty1auoh $",S. Stud- me any tlimeforthoesoourl. mi Wrte for esatalof. W. il. bdent, 395 Venoge!lt., TOoro NIIJMEN TS ' a td to pt Il BMOI ,ay y9 6 oeï il -1at oDur wnki t for your..lI.,' miuoled by agente,. il rthen=,consequenly s tou tW- l.Aget'. oziaio à rà haiingfront ni.',1,-1 5o1Ic~ted, - iL~ lii' "v. of, tule ,y it sand 'aiid -graÎ;ei, 9 tbe lakeo tI tbe sziCti îemrent be,4mnSam e 01v( Ij'Moýflding PîaDti bt te Problems of finlerest iod Importance I -nm n nfd . ncle uk Inain by ln~- 8uus rOe 'ne1, tw i w e nWt 181ad 4 ý allwaY to the waterfront and Hey- èýïrj& denshore Park. - I Ou otio)n o? WilSon-I!oore, the t -the Mayor was à PPo1ntedý to represent, j:,p the town at .the- meeting on Thure- the lbday. - Teht agreement- betweèa. hetowii a and engineer T.A. Murray, by whIih the latter was engaged, to pieparé plans. for a systeni. of sewers, was- Jas Presente d and adopted. -"Mr. Mines ýtréuuslY Objected to Mt-the ratlying Of- the, agreenment The SEorigini offer. o! Mr. Murray was te_. i-A prepare Plans for the. sumno 20 eéttr, Murry u to r-ecelve an -aýddltbona ftur- *~prévided thie work, b6 not gone Vk-Ou, wftb withln ffv y'ears. 'To thia "Jôker," as he called iM.Anes R'bject ed. Rie algo called ln qiqestio Wfo Mr..[urra-y.18ability, -and- rea4 -f rom, W, E. ~ rd sGobe an. ar~tiele,-alleg- - .ng that the- North- oronto 9UéWet age Pl î t bailbeen bungled. ?Mr. Ant ~~n;~~ T. ' à te urthier delay, s0 that -Hthe Mayor could mnake Inqulry to Prin - safeguard-thetotdwn frgm imaking 8 -X :1fatal nilutake by engag!ng n.' Mr rat" ~ Loe, fr.Murray's fiasist&nt., Discussèd.. ,n nu vl.. aLQ+-.w coaule YW.' . ..ayies,_ R.A.. ýc aUklng for a ighUt atthé bride à fter whbch li ý- miaubes were rew4 - è .t. Paiden dppte . t - - m-n,-wo_ nTuesday, etej 0hte Thé e, k red aýnotioe, stgned -by, ,Preidet WA. ~eideronwhooG-Sepembr tth.theMayor- Rocken, .Toronto, calllng a, cupid the eh .alr, réad-acarefuLIy pr@-k i'opufar Peietof -thé Plckern metnlahe<tybionOcbr- pared :ýddress ,<h "PurpPseOMf0 'Branch of tbËl Woiens'snstltute, #n 22, o!ü_ representa:tlves o! municipal-ý EÉdication." He belleyed- there should /tertained, at -ber beautiful lý ntr. d'n- htM trool(a lie a dè1btite nationl, purpose'that de-. home on- College Hill, thé nelghbôr- area scheme, velopinent might bu cntIu1uous and - Ing Institutes. Mrs. Ge.Ros a- rAnstouttawhete ,more',,com lete. -.-- le'topanleil by -a, laige delegat4on,,.reorgaplnctmAadan ra Mi sLs t E en ral lessc$n, p ddto the invitation to 'Whithvob# wnymls uetnWib Vins I,,,wasa :rctcl e n traIsîtitt. Theguebts arrived by Mo- oudb-lcdd lahera-b- tion o! ýhow- to aroise lnferes t iuthe, tor 1car, carniages and vans. After a a ul e -its podItin. tbe Lev ed subjedt, --dîéyelop.' correct'.exprsindellght!uI program they were enter. aseo Hi o sitdior.e lbel ideas and 'enter Into the',,feeling'of!'the par,- talned a a. M tayot r omten h ontt léa, dad sag -rnd- ~ -The guests o! honor ont at a. table that it, might be well for Whitby to "Schioil Gardens,"' a paper_read by ini t~ centre o! the charming diningý keep in touch thadiome MissKithina gxdenentiisast a, Mri. Ruddy presiding,' and the as to tht efforts to promotet tus *as listened t attputively by -a1. District President, Mra. Brown, hav- area. Mr. Annes sail he. was having' Thteduatve efec<ofganen plts -iug tht seat of bonor.WhtbY's local a map of the tôwn pnepnred, showing so. great tit ;it isa wondcr sehool...president, camne -next, with Lady tht location. o! the several railways. gareur-hae nt:long, ago become.'Somers, Mrs. Cronk, Mrs. McClelIanro thiý map n plate'could be made part ad.parcel o! school gons Vice-President and, othe'I< ocal offic for advertislüg purposes. Mr.. - Eversoli, chairman o! the- OslW ers. The long tables surrounding this Tht Mayor stated thnt'Mn. Weathen- à w' -Board'o! Education, -gave a Id- table were preaideil ovèr by Mrs. bee, a iJ.P.R. engineer,-had been hèee ly'address >"o! welcome. ( Dr.) Field, Prs. MilIerý and othen r dmd ersnain st Th .purposes senvedl by thet each- qocal membens. Over a hundred. were tandcîoîng o!de retasteets acro 1ing Q-f grammar-, by' Dr. -Parks, relire- seated, and as representatives o! a thelu igt of way.- Mr. Weatherbee, ýs çle !th natment, -was* well moeetfrtt1avneet-o hinted at substantial monetnry re- 'dlvndand highly appreclated - by home interests, andl especially, care- mnrto.-h atrwl otk thtteahêr, wi»ceud nt fil oNU considenniion of school conditions, en Up more !ully at a Inter date. ~profit- by Tht ideas andl hintu <ivèn. -healtb and greater contentment witla Tht Postal Department -et Canada eAfte-the - rerfthe -doune. delhat rural 111e, improvenient lu home sur- have sent for a map o! the town, ln egae, he metin lajorne-thtroundings lu countryr, village. and thsewh s -delrd gt tk 4 town, such a gà therlng bespeaka the vantage o! a trip t tht Inkel, a. progness the Institute work ii mak- Y (' T l r" courtesy extended by the Oshawa ing. A vote of appreciation was e IC e T L> IC RaIlWay Co. - tnered by Mesdamer, Brown andIN A % The lecture &9ýn Evenlng ' WithRoa .fikn, by ,,Mn.- E.S. Will iamson, RS.I N was, aliterary tget. Tht, instrumen- tal and vocal selections were spien-. Pee ttosi I<D lgtsPeetîo ddy rendered adhighly appre- romwm -Frida*_beanlôn"openedat 9 a.m., the President inu the, chairý. - . Tht Ontario -County Women's Mn Wlk na4 tleram. nmth nStudylat atnoon .tht -staff Chlnstian Temperance uniohed its 1Mayor o-b- Oshawa, .regntting his iWat thé Hospital for theT Xn anegab.eighitenth> annual convention -at Osh-; ablIly e b pesn~t -ddess tht: ertd'in f r*ut o? tht Admiitration awa, on Thursday 'Septenibe 25 - - Bulding, a a-ver y llesanÎt event Mrs.SarCunty Preid ,p~- Mn 1. Flenheller rend -an. excelentpa- - occiirredf. M.Prueclerk of works, ed. A' delegaion- froi"Whimtýby was - who bas zeceîtly talen tnte himself, present.. -After a busy mornlng lan per on- _ bi tdwh "Splling." a-wi a s~- preseut blt and- comnu-ttew es ,o t of~s"for'thtta- Mis Hrve'etak -u chol 'arssome cabinet.- dl silver, by the t affN huig year were dectd as follow and the -comments of-Mn. Waflks,; c suad with îa beautilul -c1ock- b3r the1 President-ri. E. Edmund Stan veyed rnanyq hints of value to 'those. guardg. A mostenjoyable tinfe was Whitby. who tkep athege'ýanjtýetents. setM.lalymade tht presen- VicePres.-Miss S& Madden, Prnce Difficulties ILu teaching grazuliar, by tatlos~o ehlfy srsig AIberI. Dr. Panks, was as b hi appreciated, theligh regard -i whlçh Mr. -F'rencth Cor. Sec.-Mrs. 'A. J. Stalter, Osh- ~~~~~~~~~~ëd ahladrsthprlosdy *iWby tie men. Mr. Trench ire- awa. g Rév., Mn. Hail gave a short and! plie41I à lapbppy ý-Xner. -en. Rec, >-Secetary-Mgs Lulu Crosby, eloquent address on,-L<Thé .ChildrenÉ , On the, occasion--o! bis'manniage, Zephr o i Scey. M.Mdrew'Hgarria, wbo le atache& 1T#'easre-rs. Nesbitt, Port Perr mMiss Fitcheti read a splen id paper te thà CentraU,,Pn1son _staff, at tt-Ttetrann no evdlnh 1>ouHstr, ubet hch squdAslfl arn wa"adethie.reclp mnlutt >igtne.parlons, 'where avébee thnoghl di~iise bu te t,tti VelY' bandïom mble-cltkgreetings wé*re, extended- tothe me !obade.» la o èëoOn5 ad-frlendl, 'asj gueste. The, officens elected fon 1914 we2rel' reeICtio -a Bsies w rnti itw -r E.C1iPeiei Is > WC< 4~ prena l- ock, Tht ,repotsa'onitht vadlous. al, Vlcure Pefidnt M WL E1' a l. 1 Y5' St> llesc * -ih6wed.tarnet"7effort, uspecten Watrio -sO. Tise ents and- dancèa. " frG'adÜm akýp'etr, MniA. st, CýTc, W2_ The 'Corresptndig, Seentary's- re- hae, i' A. ro, po ~ -i! rt wao -aï interestiug outline of tht on jmîîtee ss .reauWerkbthe Coêli Coetof an adequate system wai about a million dolIarà . Tht Couùn-cL.-ilsad. that wns too high, and, asked Mn. !m4uray to prepane a plan at a lower- ,out. t did so, thc cost being a- bout a quarter o!- a million. The pop- ulation bas increasedý from about 3,000 at that urne to 12,000, hence the plant lu inadequate to meet the requirem nts o! the pre-sent. On moton of Bateman-Hallett, a by-ýlaw will be prepared ratifying tht agneement, Mn. Annes alone voting agalnst the motion. Thret committees rcported as fol- [ows i - STREETS. John MacCail, work-....$48.35 R. Plaskett, work-------.....36.00 Thos. -Fleming, work 10-00 -los. Heard & Sons-------. ..57-6,0 W. J. Luke.-& Son - ....... 0ý Ontario Motor League ....1 . 75,- Dunlop Tire Co ..:--... .>...2.00 -Tht committee reponfed havlng W& ceived six tenders for drawing gravel and recommended -the acccptance o! the lowest tender, - that o! Leslie Moore, at fifty cents per yd. Also tÉnt thet ffllifig in for the sidewalk' on l3rock street to tie C. (Continued on page 4) )NVENTION,ý JUAL SESSION. ilover-ibe C.owuf,ty mebrMrs. Powell, o! Whitby'; Mrs TruIo!Osawa, -sud MXiss- N . Harper, of Whitby. - -The, Hon. President presented MI's. Tril ,with - ,certificate of lifetem- beshp Me.-Keddie, in her convincing, pceaegman, hc4d a,'discussion on "Tht 'Youth o! our Coijtry.", Mr. V.Stenu, 'Provincial l>res-, charge a!_tht Qùestion drawer. Tht busims*o!f he *day yvas inter- spersed by musicat ýnumnbers.* The. tee srved *In the- church par- lons 'ta nothern social functton, we greetijgs- ert givea by >'or- Maor Fwk;Rev. M.Moe 1v Mn. Yule, Rev-.. Sayles- n!n. Bole. --- To mlnny thte evenlng - meeting, brought nasrt o!' helpful suggestions sud great pleinsune rhe.l addieusoff Notceis heby gveathat a dviend at the rate ofICI PErU CENT. PER ANNUM UJYOU the capital stock of.th! been deciared f-or the quarter endlasg 31st of October, 191q thie sanie wil b. payable Lt thé Head Office 'i this ci Branches où and after78atuiday, the lirst day of Neveu to shareholdOt of record of 28r4 of October, 1913. By order'of the. Board., General Manageýr. 155 The duration of jhe season for each kind of fruit is.short. Canng las the< method adopted Io perpeluate delicious fruits.tbrougliout the year. - The cher. <jes and berrnes are -past,~ but Peaches, Plumsa md Fieamu,)ow 4emaiid the atten.- tien of the good house-wifc. WC -have ~Provided abundanc - eto the improved' Jars for; canning the fruit and w& are no v o«fering the' cboicest varieties of Peaches, Plunis and Pears at ery cose prices. Call, and inspect the fruit an l bav e your ordens for your entire wafltà . w upy., Gherkins,, White Pickling Onibns, Pepperse Spices'and tiii iWéj-,tsjî »bûU5uer and bet E E in- town, at cloueprces. FINEGROERIES FRUITS -AND. VÈGETABLE. ~rn Au Ta, LAWR -WH ITBY9 ONT. Phones: Bell-,> No. 47;- 1ndependenit, No. 47 WRITERSDELARETH EN RIO PAPER, P N r CK-6T.- 8-* r ARCHIVES-0F ONTAR.1O" ng tht wigh year went's terni., ,ot 35 stock make ener- inity. -Ont,# ,m tunu f or irOýOutOîI6th seeemb«, lois. 1 f