Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Oct 1913, p. 7

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5t ceSay fî rliinestoleftt- ,rilliant celer il - scarf .,h )td ekirts are mit and wid.en in iderevrs is fî ch lias bien- gi- Data..- are hoi b. :w ide vîll be wrorx be- above the ,wais* uch Uýp.the ýbIaek ýd go wTa 'f. pqrt the brul- tçd or wool CQAt 1pecolling- style. à kirt"re-si&sh- r.the- ri ht foot, oL 'ofbniliant yin Place-. for afterruont .1 weightsand iun isive _ànd uew.' La axe fashion-- nd jblak striped effectively Coin- tussor, Bilk skit., wash frocke Il 3ssîness byi a fr-h- or outliDng thé mue font~' )p shoulders are 'ungie breadth, c1 form the ýuppér the'o nr c,. - bo have swuug ' e sprate jack-,. %k-1rt.<and th., trasting -colora, fail colore are green, ggplant cen, F tine iinau4ain. yei- -ta for the yeuflt ft woolle maiteri- t, the. ,Xow duve--, nil stripeil -and j,,witl4 oibtstand- ..g muèuh-i vogue mmnbg .may b ricy gr -loope o - -o niig veit ini cut. i lade of -stipe r 't should barmen- of ýthe coat <vorri ieic oat 1.eniths latter clrop mid--~- - hips and kpee the. formér ax-e-- ray, style, 'harely girl therei are , o! se rge, chiffon Rileusle, aüd wool them have quaint te;, opeflifg over'. ffhered net or, clii- -k blue gwn -Ws the . rab, ettl, - e U-nes c f some- - ea into' a, kind of à knotted in front centifletersi -over- t'ho hem, of qolil. ta. ne thiug ao miue-h runny' peePl4.- tI5 he mian whc{ k. -Be"hi-s occupa- - hels equn.l to'anyý tinie-he -will do- 1 seer longer. e. langea4' cud'i utuder- llýati no1w r-e-cer-- îug the' beru lge or couding te he Eu7,- r paîtut in~ n-oî-îially eul ucxna toem- de<g. tabxrenlheit ? of cxlor, ain} ut 190 the t-ruîpem'atrtme ofÇ' Výlllnr- VO l't Poahrui r-m a t t116iai a"b'le tmtl. .rthég -vrîîl-i ile forniation oi ený,în.'er te stop hdn ba bojthe motllo Ifs Msi-orMiesthe - organise uuèd. - Thoy -a» re lie - t- te te 4ahhrge - every duty oe Dt--as'lem-c cloo9d bq ef lin., lzcre. t ci 'y are echeol tlu the. 7i1 ap taEh~t 0adsmn Dhob g inemplie mn j' man- nmte haDdlin o! armas rili bea done ? e ondemi la ho munît very volunhéex ad tolm - y at h laon- eh1mu-'Wdiagraceful viien ho , diL- stakan Ideo& Wyat' ft'he ata.lof 10uareon n hgner ton.; - insu lie &tlàiac-Ozn - tii. u»Me of lie "nd meveéral viteri have salit 'it enlrent might Nov tirongi -q 'rtroz l«e asily tilseernMt -linbe for ha moment. RI àW net on tie, water lordl, buh Il. nearly 100 fee.l ,(6n lie Ah- atle, canel has bee c utl mne Un"uti te viero .the mouluhalu 1»e. andt lere a at lf ock 19 - when e siip enters 1hit4I làl tO thie level o! Vie canal by river water. flot sea. - Oroing Wni by canal sud labo Nl cMIà li teeh ie -lalaet £ovn into raelr:9n lb.Paclfie gIde. The do caAIeet', but are almost 01e» mnet -deacen, descri-betiau fia eel , u utpaîron 9f aniation - k s laestfrakag ie f red..slme. 0;Acieco imeef JidetIvili fluaeodons paceo! a 12-mile-an-heur plana, an thie mouoîony o! baing cabin- 'ed arbbé d eut onlned inlutle present - aibue~ audhé opesea belag meho ~arious parts et the colar system by ra- dium jiover. He figures tuat vlth hweuty- moyen kilogr5meo f radiumu-beard a-pro. Jec eowlghilng a hon couldi b. sent Vo' l mon lu torty-nina boums.- anti viti 400, kilogramia-c vigit migit be madetiel - Utirnatley, enana lie prophecythe -tnha-bitantse ofau Ithe planete vriiimais sïaob -e4hier'a acquaintance antiInter- -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wl pinlrycrgoev ho elti. M. 'n -eei9a eom s -Ii {riet thr1lalmos.i -iiýir< sbMaUé'le ouao the. t ecou- Veeo1mcumwbleh earthh; tivelière -mniit' -siué Ix ýa jo*rjuWy -to'-eprairbea sae lit« a nd- lia- tieytiil tàbpo - lad the. -~~~~~~~ empntr f Veu-slittla toc hlgtlu, for oofrt. Beilties, !adilum la alreedy --se scarce - o e. eXmsderable item _n- tbé 'cot -ô living.' and' vs bavachier uses fer It lien as fuel for 14terplaneta-ry limilte epresses. e- '-" Huge Law Coati. Kerr Thyseeu, an ironfountior. vebo ha San lite lu humble clrcumstanceu, la e et lhe fine or oix nichoal men lu <ermauy, and InluIudustry hie-importance eau chai- langé that o!thie Krupps: Ris son, after Ineurrlng ieany debte. was offereti cen- tala lermu hy lie fther on lie condition liaI lites» -'ere te settie definitely lie suire lu ia halbter' s sate lt-aI shoulti taeoIl hlm ah deati. Tha sou main- laînadti tat tlia oer vas conaitierably suneller than lho Vas entîtieti 10, anti brougilaunit - aanat bis father. Tii. son b«e twlca lest lie case, anti nov hae ap- ipealoti. Already, ho»veir.tie. coie -ef liecanse arnount ho $2.048.750. as estîmsltd unl y aI lie rate ftxed by lie - regulalioa o! Prusen »procedure, Sundry axp>endilures lhave le b. atitiot -ho Ibis amount and ti laleestîmatedti t lie "total cosîs vi iWfha-voarncunteti ho -very nealy - *2,50000. Wieu- tie case- has -been'dlpcaad of fer a third anti lest lime, cooets exé àed-by the court ho lihe extent o! -8460A00 anti couneell e fes amountlngr ho $104000 viii bAnc te be- adtied, making aideouhoÙlay of 82.602.760. - Tii. baels for tbis exortitant -expondîtux-e le thie amunt cf mofInelu- ilapute, vlieh wis ne.ies thon$17.500.000. " But eue Wuna* ak oulti it met ha-vobeen better for lie con te be -me-hiafiati iti a neet egg ci ener 817.000,- 10 rather lhau thé lI-fietietibird te vhici b. lieugil io vas entilleti! 'JAPANESE INTEIPILETER SHOT - '&aIi IVIen E trhg Nome, at San Francises. A despatch frein San . Francisco says : Jameli B. Nakada, Japanese interpreter lu the United States% court here, wae aidt dead by an assassinas he eutered hîs home. - icmurde-rer escaped before a-ny- ýOn aWhum. The police belIieve b. fr11 a victim to eome e!f lie Japan- ese white -lavers wheui i. hac brought te- triai by giving iuformsa- 'ri-onabout theur trafflo. -',U ~iiseproceedec, i vtl. J 4OA8TING COST )[AN'S LMF. Kaocked Dowv. on Sldeý,walk, Sus- talned Fracture'o! Skui.. A .dmspatclx fromWVoèdsto6ék gays: As tic sesuit of a boy',rlesa ~ ChnesRusi c! Michîgan,- vas- tkilled lier. on Thûsoday. --Rs ), lid&ved le.stXa bec o27y!ears, te iel is brother. Sing dowii the blion HunIer 8tet wh ven tiiey lsaod"-a noise behind ýy tiem. LSkiùg back, 'they Oaw a I boy oentiteï>"'viùi0. press wagon. -Tbe-ar t b ave broom for him, but te boy rau juto C harles Rui'slegs, knocking, bie fwetfrein under hlm. H. fel back- ô ward, strlhIdng. bis head on the aide- "waia-n,,ýd fractnr*ngu'bs sknli. ,Heé dièdtire lotra later in thc iospl- TEADE FIGURIES GR0WI1NG. Figure@ for the Vear ýW'il Show lacrease of $200'0060. A despatoli 'f rom Ottawa says:- Ca-ada'e trade figures ann;ouneed Thursa.y show str'uking increaa, thie total for Auguet being- *97,74à, - 581, 'or' *7,719,C7 more liban 'Au- get laat year. For tic fixat five moutho 'o! the Year -u total 'us *45,23,17,an increase cf $37, 564,919 -over the-se-me peril d,,of 1912. 1$ i lexpccted -liaI the total for the year. viii exoeed thait of 1912 by about Ivo huxdffl million. Exporta for August vere $13,_ 176,343, an ,iucreaèe Of, #$572,500. O! tics. exporte -Cana-dian manxu- factures,rcpreseeuted $4,911,478. , URANIUJE DEPOSIT FOUND. "Promiss - o te rre -e;eûOuu A desBpalci f.rein Berlin aya:- A moa0t important depoit -cf uranium ead pltàch-biend,. frOon vhîch radium jsextractcd, lia been-found on tie- -German side of the. Errà-ebrge, a range o!fzMountains bet*eèn Sa-- ony and Bohemi.Tii. deposit 'us aPPa.rentiy- a prolongation o! liaI on tic Boeiuanaide; vhici has lutherIe 'be-encre e!' tue principal sources o! aupply. - - Tic flnd lias created- great mIte-eston accont cof lbhe'enormousdcmand 'in connec- .ion wili lie treatment cf caset o! cce.Germa-n cilles'sd tue have -placedunfilldorders for uranium andl radiuum amounlting te, $625,D00. VINE PRODUCES 5W0 PUMPKINS Covers Eighth of Are-Ose Weighs 100 Pounds. A despatei f rom Couva-y, 8.0., laya: If P eter, Peter, Puiinpkin Ester had mun acrosa an enormous pumpkin vine groving on lie pro- perly cf Dr. R. G. Sica-n on Little River, thîs couftmi-, h-e could have kepit 500 ives, The vine, ici is o! voiuntgiry grovth-, is helieved te b. h liirgesî in lhe wvend. Il cov- crs more liai an cigilli of au acre, aud has produced about 500 pump- kiris, 1he largee cf vhilciweighs nearly 100 pounda. If it is feasibl. te rerneve iltich vine will be exhibi- ted a-t the Sta-te Faim a-t Columbia. LIONS CAUSIE TERROR. Have, Already KilIe4 200-CatIle andi A desp&tci f rom Bei-lin gays: Ternor neignes hnong lie populatijon cf Styria-, Austnia, arising f rom tie depredations cf a hioues5 a&nd her cuba. and a number cf iyenas which recently escaped'f roin a m ena-genie, accordiug tb desipattcbes rea-ebing henre frorm GratVi. The wild beasta' have seized a-nd devoured 200 cal- île and 400 shecp. The inhabitants& viii net aHclw Itheir chidren te goe- te -cioc0l.-- -.£ RBUILER BARRED AI COLLEGEïr ,~Girls Do Not -Take Kindly to Dry Bread, and Make - Wry Faces. -r- A despalci f rom Pougikeepsie, --N. Y., oays : After a.year's shudy o! tic bcalth situalibu a-t Va-sean Col- le-gb, the aqthonilles a-thlic colege ,have decidei ltaI cotten mattresse andl butter- are net conducive t6 lgcM- health, aud as i resuit butter, is nov. barred frein lhe dinner: table, a-nd lie girklsili ici-after Jlecp- on tic haïr mattIieètes ne- rquiiedi-1y Lite new i-nie or*ouri up' on a. mg. ýThe girls attcndiug lie- college are gratty asteni shed aef' tie ne-v rule, and a ,sterr e! pro-- lest has arisen fn<up tijn. Wr, faces were oxpresâed at lie break-.' fast sud luuclign over- tie proccsm o! laking dry kbread, amâ thee-af4ý muuch- tahIk ethi shudont£ màking aformai a roe i glntlhe raIe. Durlng tic 'sBujumer vacation -the authorltles M thVtee olege h lid, every cotten mattras to 1h, cam- pus and- burned hem. - from De&th. - At Gcneva reiéntly a prçtesuunal acrobat Who performa n9'a I'trap>ee attached te .a bailoon fl» into tii. Laie of- Zurich, a distance of1,0 feet. He swam uniurt-tt'le shore., 3ust miaioiî eatlvby -a fe'yar'da' for hàd h. xiot iiprung fDox mî àîs sezt Wien withiiïn o feet cf the. 14e lie woüld 'have be'en dashcd te p ecees 0 ,n tie rocks, says Londo-n Tit-Bits. 'Seteral instances of people falI- ing from =inoredible 1egi~adsur-, vivig toteilt le can be quo-, ed. At Bnigitôn quit. *recently six waaep1ayn i t pSAofe! anavalcifi- cer-elio i. attacked by brigande 'un a cîeaorpplay, and vieovas supo eil toe uIip*ove i.cMiin relty, hoevee, to stand on a Plasxk whieh iadbeen placd below he iedge-to imalt. thei.uion cern- pIet-miè~dhi&-footing,,a.ndàt1e go feet beiew intoe the ses,-eecapiug with a aprained 'wrist..1 An even more iniraculeus escape after la 411 -over a cduR waa that Of a aeven-year-old child Who liad, been gatheriug fio-wers on the Cuiver 011f, near Sa.ndown, Ilie of Wight, who alipped and feU1 200 feet. She- vas oniyiightiy 'njured, a bottie which'sie car ried being 'breken. -Often the mercot accidnt pr.- vents death. A Cardiffla&ir-er core time a«-gfol] from a. scéfoldung abcixt 50, Mst -h'ugii;but0as heleil hi, f cet caukh-tin the aafidnand h le 'h-Ünug he à nward întil. ras3- cued. SimilaàrIy a ç-vom*n who- feu! onut of a v-indow ,backard at -l -hemn iateiy was, sàavd.fiomninstant death by lier cothing having canght in tue 'wincld-catch. John Hazeilton, the sou, cf'- the Rcv. John Hazelton, of St. Neot'e H1untingdonshire, viien cycling b.- twecai Huntingdon -and. St. Neot's atI iglit,wva s uddenly ]ifted oft.,hic bicycale by a passing mobtor àad- vas carried on thie bonnet-for a consi<i.- eràiie;distanoe ,befei- heing gentI.y d -o tdoni ticroàasthe car puil.d 1P.,Hiie cycle vas smashed te, atome. At 6Oo'clock eue morning the ovner of Batherton Miii, at Nant- wich, heard crics whieh seemed te P rcoeed f rom beneath the. miii floor. He pulled up the boards, and there. clinging te a branch o! a tre. vhich lied como clown the river w'th the. flood and had Sot vedged 1-n tic alluice, vas a Nantwich farmer, Mr. Regiuaid Dutto>n, wlie, retnmning home the.previcus niglit, iad falien -romn a stilc i-nIe tth.ater.- The_ preseno. of tie brsnchi 'n tho deop miii -pool sa-ved hie Hif., DIDN'T I<NOW That Tes sud Coffee Cause Trouble, Se commen i5 tic use -o! tea- or ceffe. a-s a beverage many do net knov that they are the cause o! many obscure ajlla whicli are often attribubed te other things. Tic casiet vay te find ouI for oneself io te, quit thé tesanad cocfe. for a vbiie, a-t least, and note me-, suites. A lady found out 'un this wa, and aise ileamned cf a -neé- be-ve-rage that us vholesome a-e veli as pica- saut te drink. Sie vnites: "I a-m 40 yeare old amm-i a-il ny Iif., np to a year and a hilf a-g, I iad been a coffce dninker. "Dyspepsia, Severe icada-ehes and 'heart weakness mua,-c me feel sometimea as thougb I was au-t ho d'le. After drinking a cup or Ivo o! iotcI ffee, my hennI would go like a cSk viticul a penduluni. At cther limes il would almost stop and I vas se nervous I did not like te be alone.'" Tea s j mt as harm- fui,_ because It eontains enifeene, the lune drug tound lu effee. «"If I look & valk for exercise,, as soon a-s I vas eut of sigit e! tie heuse -d feel, as if I vas sinkin-g and Ibis wouid f igliten me temibiy. My limbe vouid ntlerly refuse te support me, a-nd lie pily o! -il al vaa I did net knov lihaI ccffee vas causing the trouble. -"Reading in the papers lia-t ma-ny.persons werc relieve-d o! auci alimente by leaviu-g- off coiffce and 'nuking Poatum, -I gel xny usband te -bring home a pndknge. We muid. 't accordin& te directions and I likeil tie ftrst cup. Its rlcb senappy flavor vas delicicus. I have been' using- Posta-m about cigiteu menths, and to my gre&-l joy - digestion ia. goed, my nervee and 'heart are all rigit, inluaet, I am a vel.1v-orna-n-once mo>re, lbanks te Postuin." - Naine given by Cana-dian Pouturu Ce.,- Windsor;.,,Ont. - Write- for copy cf thie.-lttie bocok; " Thé Road te Wellvlllc." -Postum, comea 'un Ivo forma: Bregular Postuan - muaI be vel boiled, - Jusant- Pontm ls a soluble pow- <le-nI A tea-poonful dissolves' qulek- Iy in -a 6np o!bot-waVer a-nd, '11h cream mad ugar, m»kes a delicious beioage lsstutiy. Grocerasoue boti kinda, "Tliee>s re ;1n" lèz Plomn aieliglit -for theifb ,-seidurn'- affla tii.e esii iàl1tgrcat fôreý,ts, and the lxcather-elad dels whici Pureund tie Royal resideuoe on e vcry aide. - - 'Queen Victoria once describeil _»l'amra 'un -hci r diâry as "a para-,- ans,"sd 'ito, 'varicd"attracçtious te àe grianhiÏon, Kin" George- 1V. flefl4re l"ie ascedilte h.hrone le used to make periodical eIx3!ae- siens te BI-môra and indulge isq proclivitieî as- a. sportsman; - -The, "simple 11ife" la tue, mie wlien lis -, Majesty goes for - ii northemrnholidy. R. mâkes il, as muci as, possible, a peniod of"rest, *ith plcnty cf reereation. The King. 'us au eariy risej- wicn hinusin, the Highienda, 'and almeat aus'ion as tie morninS sun lia&s diserscd tic mises from the towering bille, bbe Ryal ie e eesig below "skilin" zme avoitepibrcih. Mies the Open-Air Lite. Every day- atIamôral a certain routine 'us follQwed, fer tie King mÎaie's a Point o! being 'un the open- aàiras muci as possible,,- and iav- 'ung al l ii--- picasure and sport hé can gel eut o! bis well-carned beli- day.- One' day- there may be a grouie "stoot" cin. the. Royal colates. or on sao f the ueigiboning cloors, andl the z'est -dWy thora. may - b. a deer drive. in Bl~h~ odt or a. dccer-stai'g -êeition around Lecinagar, viose "steep, frovu- ing éý oriee" have been i mmrtaliz- ed by Byron. Anotier- day tie -King m-ay prefer te -go fishiig on lihe "Silvery De.," one e! the best salmon fishing rivera in Scetland; or, again, lie day may b. speul iu walking within tie extensive E- yal demesne,- or lu climbiug, some of lie sureunding his v hieliicre and thons are crowned viti caimus erected by Qucen Victoria te oom- memorate smie event cf domcstic or national importance. '.- Days ai-e set apart, toc, for brout fishing'on- Loch -Muiçk, 'aud for piI-- nice and lunches with- tic Royal iouseliold and guees t aoee or other cf-tlie numerope picturesque- "shies>' - or bungalows -vieci stand 'un moine of the lonely glens 'vithin a fev miles o! the caiîle. Visite Ris Nelgîbore. Wheu lie Court is Balmnoral,,his CMaety, as a landed proprieter, pays bis respects te hie neigibors by visitiug them, aud-ticy in turu are gueuts aI lie-castie. Il is oe o! lieecuatome ef the Ring vien on Deeside occasionally te, vieil hie sister, lie Pnines Royal, ab Nev Mar- Lo.dge, anad, if the Bracinar Highlandl Galhening siould happe-n te b. held vi. hie Majesty i-s in tie North, b. maies il a i-uic toeb. preseut. Sunday is obeerved in truc Scot- lish fasien, sud tic King aud is -fnmily are invariably in the Royal pcw of Crati Parieli Churci, vhere service is conducted .W tle resident demealic chaplain, or_ by oue cf tic ordinary chapla-ine, vie are distiuguiehed ministers o! lb. <Jiurcb of Scotland. But even iu th. privacy o!fluis Highland rimidéee tle King le net free frn the canes and reaponsi-- bilitiecf -Stale affaire, sud -a Min- ister-in-Atlcudaucc is alvays .aI- taeied te tihe Court. Ticre have' been occcasions vhen avents of ,grcat political aud'Europ.au li- portance have bappcincd'-at Bai- moral, sud te mccl vili auy cxl- gency.special postai and Iciegrapli facilities are arrauged vien the King ia in rosidence. r Ris Witc. Giles-"My vif.e au drive uaiie 1ke lightniug." Miles-"Yon doru't ica-n it," Giles-"Sure I do. Ligitning you knov, seldein etrikes, tvice in- the samne place." Tesa! Kate'm husband, sober, neecr vais An uukiud word to tos hem ; 'Tia ouly vihen he'e 'in hie cups ThM hli is apt te saucer. "My ich uncle 1-s dead," "Did h. leavo ycu anyjtbingl" - 'Tes, helefI me penuilese." lm pMer-, SUgi.n Dew nrunswuus otlt eysu Sra . OUle e ha- '.market le "lncu eihsu json l -md erato. , No. -1ba lO quota et$153 $14. on hrack.Too to- -No. 2 aI 813.50. anti mixed t$I L. âÏleti straw-*8 to $SM5, on_ tmack, To ronte. -Cured meat@ are quoteti stoIlows - Bacon long clear, 16 1-20 P"r 1h. lu casf lots. our-8c t M 2; do.,"as.$24 Ulamu.-Mudlm telilgil 2114 le -22e hoavy, 20 12le 81Mroils 17é.- break!ee bacon 21 te 2ne; tacks, 24 'to 25c. Lard-:T ierces, 14e; -lubo, 14 1-4c; plais 2. yeliow. 84 toe85c. Oate--canoAlazi Wmst ermn, No. Z, 41 to 411.2c; 'do., Me.-3 39 1-ta; extrg, No. 1 feeti,' 40 te 40 1-2e. .Barlq- Mau. 'tee;d- 50 to 51c;..malting. 64 hoeo Buci-gieat, No. 24 65to' 60o. ,llour- e! an. Sp whal paenutsb roti, *560; soondoe llo; strong bk C-s, -490; Winler -Patente, ché 8,* t 5.25; sright zolIers, 14.65'-to'$485: tshralghlt "nlerao bag~OiO 2.Q<te-$2.25. Roileticatir, barais *4i-S -d., ags 'i0Ibo. 02.10 1< k Mourlie28 ~ HayNo. z, -teucair 'lots,.-13 >0-1*$U. C heeo weste rü@. U1-14- te 1-34;fines ene-a 13, - te "13 3-8e.0 ulr-Goc creaesr, 2 4to 2701 seonds. -26' tc 'l -4 sh. 34C 3esmelet, 29 te o o'Î too,'27 1e 8e; No. 2 stock, 21o le 2e Pet&aloe, per bar,ý car lots, 60 t0e,65e. Dresetihoge, abatto Ir-killeti. 13 3-4 -t_ -14e. -Po»yk-Hevy eOanada - short mess,. bbels. 36 ho 45'p 29~ . Lard-Oornpud. tieres, 2W5 ime, 114e 101-Se;-,Woodi pails, O0 Ibo. net, 10 à-4 to lie;- pure, tiercsï. 85 les,«-14 -&4c; pure, voot*iIOe' 20 bbs., net, qiJoteti Stateie-ote. 3[luasapoi " S- . 3iClt-We eteb5.3-e oem5r 2.4 7-May .- e8 -ii10. 1e sh viÉekl-No.t1 harl,. 8 Noî1_I.61 Noriï, *43-" ta85 5-8e; 81-. d . 134 -te 1-8 PoaNo 3 Duluth, Sept. 3.«llse-Wieat-No. 1 bard, 86c; No. 1 'Nonfihemu, 85e; Ne. 2, do.. 83 ho 83 1-Sq; Septembor 83 7-8k; Deceun- ber, 85o >ay 89 7 -e. Llnsed-OCasu, *14;May. *1.4; Septemuber. $1.41 1-e ne-, mlnal, ectober. $1.41 1-2 aseei; Noveumber. *1.42; Docomber. 81.39 1-2 bld. Live Stock Markeuts. Montreal, Se pt 30.-'-here vas a cod damanti from buteliers for cathie. ant i a lie supply o! lie beal grades 'ras nons to large, a brick tratie 'as don. at firmz prcas.The were no reaily chokce steera on i m mj. but !airly <ced aeek solti raadily ah ;25 ho *..andtihlis lower grades !rem liaitievu - .ta $4 per cwl- The demiantifor choicecove 'ras gooti ah $5.95 te *5.80. goo t e 4.78 to $6, anti cen- mou stock- at 83.W0 ho- *4.50, wihh cenneru T5oi- hole cf tli ariol-toim ma vos Ar=n under a gooti timanti anti au active Inade 'ras don. iambs sola i ah 86 to 86 75 andi uieep .et 84.26 per ovt.;- ealnes et from $5 te $16 each. sa. te aise anti qualliy. A voaker feeling developeti lu lie imarket for liogs, cuti pric..s eorot a- furthhr doduie of!10Oho.20o per owt. Thq demanit !rornlocal packens vaà aood. cnd sales o! selectod lots -gens matie ah 85.81 ho $10 per ewL., «eigieti off cars. Toronto, Sept. - 30.-Giolce1 buteliers' steera solti aI$660 tb S5.80ý <ced, *6.25 ho $6.50; rnedium, 86.90 ho '*.20; coinmlon. *5.60 ho $5.80, luferlor te common, $5 thoJ15.5 aida. oe os, 85.25 to $565- good cw, $4.75 ho *5; - mediun Mcowa,$*4.50; cern- mnon cows. 430 te'*3-75; cannera anti cut- hors, $2.50 te $3.25; good bulle, $5 ho $5.60; cearmes balla, $375 ho $4.75. Sleera. 900. o 1100 Ibo., *5.25 ho $6; stock- ara. 700 to 1100 Ibmo- *4.50 te $5.25; ligit, eaten stockera. $3.76 te *4.50. Chieaveal calves solti at $9 ho $10; gc ce,48 te *9; smedium. 7 te $8; common, ho$6.50; rougi oasheru caines. 83.75 te Bheop, oee, 100 ho 130 1lis.. $4.50 to $5, âes, 14Oteo160 Ibs., ah 4 ho 84.25; enle anti- rama. 82-50 to 83.50; Iambe, $6.25 te $6.75. Hege-Slecte ted anti 'ates-ad solti ah P4.50 te $9.60. anti *9.15 -hoe $ 26 ed andi watere4 BROKE GRADi H-IUL eC0RD. C.P.R. Landed 900 Cari; at Fort WlIiant lau One Day. A despalci frein Fort William says: Tic Candian P'acic Railway broke t-hi e saon's grain hauling record aI tie hcad o! lie lakes, 900 cars, or about 1,000,1100 bushels, cf. grain ia-ving'-arrivcd. -Thc total arnount received over. al bhre roada during thia ' riod vas 1,429 Carm. FLEW ACOSS BAITIC.j Swedlsh Aviator Made 312-mill.e Trip in Two lon"s. A despat-ch from. Berlin says: Thulin, a Swedish aviator, crossed the Bal-tic, from Landskroua to Stralsund, a distance o! 312 miles, in two heours, in an -aneropialie. L.IM ITED QUARTERLY DIVIDE, ND cf !wo a Oa-h»ll P«r ~ J~ibm Cnu el uter, je-wi I U Pr e aum on lhe Pald-up Capitsl Stoqk o! Weefa-,e 0! bn m ntii idyo of I ?eth oàsfI 1, r j. I. e'nin wl wear .Âtuer uniiorm 'or or- ini loemsdr os, .10,ant a 6dlnary (Court d"aes with ;ol'deis. The et4krtllng OrlenIgipatternait beefl moeue la, therefore. likely to 'be-a biln hsn 54 on. epeci y if the -we*jpiier le ai au London, Beppiombor 18,19. favoraible. Obig to the campod cco- inodatlon of the. Chaspel Royal the. ladies c! the general company present will Dot wear trains. AÀMAIER 0F MANNIES. Prine Ms Mary -at Buoklnéham Palace The roome ' whieh are. being -matie ready It li Bythe Rides of Propriety that - t -Buckingham Palace for 4h. use o! Prince«Os-Ma"y difer from -tÈcs. she has Charooter b Establighed."' previously occupiet-in-lusln lu- more lai- I tÀmat Contact witb the Qneen'u p.riona Te kteDowager ,Einprese of apart-mezrta. Rer Royal iighuem- wil hnîUeoaa wode eety- in future use iese roorne inctpendently-,Cia eoaa h idrcnl and will be attendetib brgverues 'in the Forb idden City only -a year andi ber dressing-maid, wowl have no atrte~dcto ft~Mnh I cther preccupationh in the Royal Rougea.- rte" jajno teMnh 1. holL - The, suite la -sèlf-contaiùed,. antid yný wsnt8 -oi-u rs wU'ermitf -cithe, servd»ng" 'o! breakast. at' # o o-oeu-r5 an uueh Inprlvaoy in, cage ci neeti, Plctresque-a figure aà hler won- whiie It also aiowe éof peronal hoispital- derful d'ntth-DwgrT; a -iy bolusoffereti by the Princees b hal- cdanth oae s a-dcsen friands for tea or other-wise. lHe;rHsi.N'evir-theleE;,, ohé wa& not de- 9 oyial Hlghnees la having acménecabinet. fi<iÉ ete -n-<b1tyo hÇ,m intr<>tuced into ber boudoir, to permit or ihr naiiy r~am the. accumulation -of, possessions* in wbicn Indeed, she .owed lier selection as 4 he in interesteti. e incintie a large the biec neprr t a if-nuinber of piçhure poalcards, photographe ýîeo a meo o s [é by Royal operators, curlouos m, aati ,*isappreciatio -of!lher a<ciiom- ôther umail obJecté -o!fOrientai and eav- plieluixens, taict, -ad"-çxust,- sge orIgin. andthelb large number cf books!&i eqist 4 andi knick-knua e b theii.Princes bas nmanners rather than to kinship r - recelveti by <it anti otherwie rmhr relatives and fielnde all over the e r her peroa atbraeiM" The. Afflictions ef the Court of Spainor lthog hit posse5s4y1i8 er A lady -well acqua2in'tei witi -the COourhtho i pseedexresve- o! Spain, brings th. very sadnewe that fl ý ad distinction, wus not beau- it le deearati th t the ascon&i daughter o!etifii ihra tbe QXUnoÏyipain wM'l ho, like beroeo- etr. E-ording. to -Occdeu-. *ond son. both deai and dtuneb. It ù fearetitio eCnenad9a that the littie girl la totally deafj,'wblhh Tsauj Ha7i, wlen se. itiou#ht it time r muat entail timbnea ue oie cýan cureti. Tih. Quesu je almoit beahlbroken. for the late Einperor Kwaoe-,Bu--l 1 h. goes witi ber chiidreu 1toilbhe cou-n- marr k ot 00% vents -et the religions in or near eLardld ~ C~ otem w i- ho aak for p rayerao! intercession on their dred ndidates'frl mn h behal!. and particularly of bat. nb-Doljulgld f trom am p ie, hall o! th. littile Princes. 01b-nbeyon laiscteepr, Anothr Blan Quarrel. and as aL prdinina.ry, caused their' Sinleter ramors are rhc'n London cri horosceopes to be cast -by the, court the subject o! the Serbo-Montenegrin astrologers.- The- reisuit lessened frontier* negotialona. l wil b. ee. bereti that when the imfortunate wa e the number te about a dozen, and tween tie Alliee broke out Montanegrnthece eh. invited to reside for a in 0heneig borbootilterby' releas9ntim t cort, that she rright atudy toSrinfre o he ca*agutheir chracters, and habits. -At the 1 inst Bulgaria. By way of compensa- tn, Montenégro was abthlaI time pro- end o the visit, es ent-home ail mLet a «'rectification" o! her fronlier out xPtcewth eveycut of the. territories conquere. by Servia dur- exe< fe eycutsy and luig the gar againot Turkey. -Aoording-, Many Presents. Yehonala remained. ly Montenegro, ather the. conclusion o!thie as the bride eletl-.ý h r i n treaty o!Bucareet, receivetiIpkanu ,5.poe' n DJkVol Ç~,biqwever, onle neginle deedal ndi ie o . - young clmnln lo rsxd, the. aac e~City emperorand -srvdawaêI ci- thi ervan race. which King ieholas Pr5Vdawy er hiaseli madie the. sublect o! a ehriking nâtural asweet-ness and - siniphicîty pm as fer baclt as tbirty years ago.wil L-thhutna ie. ba au eseti profount Iindignation at w &ie; secomphied iht Belgrade. -Pliblie opinion in, Servialea nd c tergd *prsiei Monteerindemand.Moreover, avery quette.-. Tsii Rsi oftèn pciifted ler iunplemsant impresion ias bean crentedti eut tithimembers cf the. court a In Belgradie by the refusal o! King Nici-a olas ho beslow the usual'modal for çal- md1 o dproint n we lantry on General Putnik, the. Servian chUdrenM or young girls -inade Itheir Oonsmander-ln-Chl.!. The reason for tils offensive refusai on the part o! e frienti- presentation bowls tôo shyl, e ulk- ly and allieti monarchi 15 5ot- known. (en- iiy o0r a Éwkwardly-,t4he old empres oral Putnik, boweyer. je the. moat popular figure in Bervia. and nigbtly 50. *The would> turn with- a sirmile- andlaak bkdpa3htina la about ho .1,. ekedti 10vote, Yehonala. to- ,bow and. 'Jet'th' see hlm $100,M0 as a glu lin recognition o! biseua eerevices ant inlu onsideration o! bis ' ohw'it chouid be doncù. veh nilarge !amily. consquen~ Nihrepeawud edr d'y resent'et! by tie Servian people, bd xanr~ 'ne hn a -iCh is the le. inclie4 o <iv. way on naughty littie girl of Aive, -in.stad of thç Prierenti question. Tbhe Black-IIsted Rifle. making tlie . ro >Eà elutation, There la really ne neeti for anycue t. pluiuped. down Îlon the. palace b. disturbed over lie announceient liaI, floor and howled, the' 'Great Ânons- the new model army rifle unuter trial bas tes atdptetyfrtere Proveti unsatisfactory, as the rifle bas rs"w#datelyfrhem. neyer been iasued except as an experi- ther, a&'lady cof hi'gh rank' te bring' mental weapon. A great deal of capital *her ack ogobeair Men ire been made out of the reputet imli-ue goabhio.We trury value of Vie-new German rifle andi she f a4led te do so, anid the cul- the "Spitze:' ballet. Iu peace a great uîany ativantages axe claimet fo b. th, prit'a -tantrumas sh-owed. no sigu cf various eneiues of war. Ezperieuce abatemient, T&U fE[i i rderéd.their shows that in actuai use the uiajoraty of hies. ativanta4res are discountet inl an ex- immeeliate departure. The mother traordinary tiegro.. The two ýcil.! de- in tears begged that h4ier majesty fects tiaI condemn Vie experimental rifle are inability ho finti an explosive that 'WOuld nQt bc offended wiih so's-eli wien manufachureti and storeti in bulk a Esinner, and received the qe re- will develop lie ativantagea lu flat tra- ~r jechory that are claimed for tie Wenppy: and te maei the explosion madie by eII 'Do you think a person of intei-_ disciarge. Added ttei. very vital dia- -ativant«gýesa ei facithiat. the modela of gence; côuld b. oifended with. a fitktcmeinim are se rapidly aV.ay I.n pruoaUb htýjVeo,-fc t h b bay1 en y*Ou e ýut of the pàl- ,wilrvuee i-ecal fornenviceaceto bteach you ,a lession, whîch yen - Ibat 1h woulti ha foolisi to rearmwithi --~- o non.auternatic weapon. Il muÏst b. re- muet teachu tfehld. Idin memberedti t by a 'certain 'scioci e! blamé 'ler; I blâme yU,&1-ity. thoagit toc muci'- strefs May .pesêbly he- gt ie ,11 " bave been laid upon ticl advantagee of a n , ue h flUSt suffer as -well as lucreae lu fiat lroJchory. Excelit ou a your.sll. -You anu4t- ëach your desti fiat plain, gcli as a desert, toc Ralt hmaiue ofcûl alraet hef.,rferff with ti. moder- <mild e=aùofCoicùp, t conception. cf everieadfIre support andt isI-terl oP0rit ha reduces tie -margin i aet fdrc support, whilci 's iid ho hnve *oren fne charaýcer la estabi&hdJ'" -of the secrets o!i.1e r- - ,nsceF oi er - thie Bulgarlane in tie recent straggle ln Tbraooe. Smoking SuIIe for Wcmeni You.,' on generally get -around once upon a trne-fot very long ago- -peopl, you can se'e through. un wll vau eLirlr ess rel Fi vr taiormas eArdnfrl cflei.aPlûs r o.ý B-len, bs ajeely Will llkewlgo deelde ho appear as ceaofieldti arehal. '- Thé 'ladies ipresent v ini vear semi-evenig&-tilte wlSh javelse. ile ail li- . lIe tanAin£pivill wgeme.",a-- -N BRIISHFIRM'Sil. CONTRACI Thiry Million Dollar Outit - Van couver's% -A, dcspatch- frein London says and;' Meas ,G." White, tic eminentand-, Britisi, harbor engineen. s, announSo.p-apy Via-t they have secured th. con- ment tract, iuvolviug about -£6,000,000 rateE sterling, for a schine cfiliarbor c'x-- also, týension in Vancouver, vier. tie ways Provincial Gevernuiicnt reently privi Ira: vyer a-'br &LDîmkZE, n-. y,,î sien ~ I * x~y I.'sintendeil te j whî< lirevide tvenly-fve miles o! dpckr lprou Ige. alt Lulu, Ie4td and S.aIsland Jof th ayfor, ,Extension -for industnial 'mainais. Tie ,give lie -G'ý i'- r'- - 1< A ruf'UiUL i l"é%à m» ~a -a B el 1 ý 1 1

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