Of rý,-ak n-fat, î. rqet&&k h i "'~~ tume~ i~?r1, si uuse a. liavyy urdeîi, and on ti k.up -of <thî--s 4~Q ~h4 k~ oat±-a"bs o-day -on. whîch herepubliç waa io b Oi~ f Ye&tsia ïwOI4t k--a11ed ütà Sùcii-- ing claknsd I announedt te-whole perist nt1y and consistent c ar-»a oBteet dr&es '#ith -kirt hat nation itnee ginsa g ; prwaFd, SFar by year, upan .i &tà uehaLs-sh. 'gibtmd'will be ridicp- rmonerchby-be permî, d. ii -sa. câ4i. principle- fincrease. T ohisAt mu inat in- hen I :%gjà ht'ofc fr, - Tue ~~~~~~~A kÃŽrt -will ho narrow, ra tu oenuot uteagt-o t eýnCOipiSS -à tt tere shall b. of 1sat narr<ow iu offet, andm fhsei&ov n h atsbe- -we pr vat th 1. lo'rs, inpence -hen 1 whlhave thie uplifted drap- ort-&eto lIe gcnn e-m abg 1 ou~ipereent, of thý populattôn. ery.khfront, osr i rvnesby f.Jr-'i ~~th tie aw~o~ 91 povde fr raperies will follow ths outlinies _________bai______ prîvates.of-thebody andukirte, and *hëther '. - w - l ines. There, wil be many fiouneesd w Snrenin -the.military es- sit buît, even -ihtse -will - býe talVhet fGomnysnc s i nsuted 'an e nug foundations. ed &ýJîà ment_ ofGe manysinc 188 ~&vo boe #onby tkingTrains,. when used, wiIl . vr a~tge lencler,-onm.of them vn-saf O~y 3~55in :EuroPeau affaire, like. rui mlitry expert of .the: Leondon Lace'i- used te, trim handbags', w ,i'Jitelle s u. Tiie increMee of ust as isather ine no'w .used to .triiR Yb i4~iPPs5dta . aae on ha.- . dainty haudbag of tan- anode is edgé -d about ÃŽh-e pWt *.à jý eults f -'theb. Baîkan-a nrrô 4rlling of déep èreain va-r kials .war, nace somewhat modi- lencienuen lace, fulled well around te.interflnlkan, war, upan tlýe -corners. The kimono f oriM ill lte retained h M iniulgo Asrt-uuay, ressy effects, luit usually tise' 2~stbeacoV gowth of --the V *llý'ciey 5td; b lRussn:-rmyGer'ùany groanfl icombination witb tise kimonlo eut, th- ~u~lb increased -load., necersstating $the reten-tion 'of a p TiLevs ~ll~ e~lanigth >11vYIarge armiiole., Thiseuot will T sas ~-a .ihlb. - b. mu-ch used sn tranaparentis- - 'i «aiy. dicos sand in evonmng wraps.- Gon- -h Go4iià *thseGerman erally speaking, d.%y dresses 'and 'p&»ie ~ -weirld ansd -a -ïeparV >1»u wilVbv long eîhit h-dens!Ind con- aleoves, wstih Tills or, lace falling 'uls~ d 7QiOâ prid-6 shoûld -ov b.»8he'- . -.t Cosà tïme,,suit snd wrap'lashiotis ti -ae.us1êathêibm wtb -go- oî te comm; se aé1on wiîî b>e'char- -a~îi~i - -acVe>yized nDt -sce-muoli by--npvelty of form as ýby novelty and besuty oc-i TOTU S . materiale ýaisd colorinigîi. The Or- ]U.VALM Tl B eutal-foerM is stillinmaîntainà ed, but c-td iruora euemna ti - Vhs B -aïtern,îi ls l-lesaeiig md, nd-have addixcte Vh -Sbstijfute lot -I>alIght la Ma»y ceonsidlera.biy, and- is- alreà dy on the réýtOf -hs First Nsýpoleou o«a wbh l BoIena.decliueTrom a novelty utaundpotut. te ba-os their enroneous secffula- i *r.errt a Women of, god taste are dems>nd- tions. It .w ers <beet not to inquire le ecisHerbrt-o E.PIvaegphacîmed .auglikberationfrom too uniferm ~ t Ileir- motivez-; in zomecases iusnèd~ebskle fo dsasu hdewllb. e m di iloiceto may be the.cause, in I1#V5 ~viduaity t-han horetofore MrmIi ties~eietmli.- hiIî. H.lis sc.a.~ or fr Paris'dressmaker atb~m- ie republiehase-now be-en prp- -dokven yers atthe reaearch labo-ra er will stand for what is hie -con-camefrsx nnh; efrb - trie eTVhs ciy'sgosplant, nd ception of the proper dress for the. lir finally haa.- ýproduced, he, 5&ya, a lashionable wom~a -f 91 1. e isne prospect of recognition -h lib hich bas pa&sed t1h. tevt aud spi usvariety-, however, thero rml.pwea, h1 adrl r 18in l every way equal ta sëuneihine lu an accordance. Tisus, M iewime frmbig-reoe uts rv "d he Vs ikit of< day.,. H. %Àa& de- ýmakeriashow long coats sud others, mcs. Gûr fauts hange upon a haïr; - - igu-ed a.- po.werf nl i ndeeoent sisrt jackets, tise îwo nesmiugly the. lightest negligence rnay fort oit - Tmp with a îPécial maiLle whieh is ;operped forme are broug hl mb tail. 1, who bear thiea aduons re- olâcedf u tpe - .poilH-harmouy Ibrougis tise .c t" l pObilit-y, feel 1V sny boundon In ad m cà a~inet th"at is, ra» jare imj tlie long coats tisere is uear-ly al:- duty t-o- stand aI sîe belm -in t.he :Ledia;tely _beneafl. a reflIéto r This Ways. a -break aItih. waisthiue, h1Ope etf snceeafnlly breiaeting t-he ia>,made of- metai and tii. 1ightisÈa t-rugt'bout by'a girdl., hse ut ,-widwv. .do.uaadturouh se -Ofv the veut, et-o. "But whfle têiose lu office are fce d actl olrd 4ren.trivilug with ail their . mighî b et-c ~4 dtic.tel coor~-aeisns - ect à zatifa&ory eoiut;lou,.spsct--l j!s hd:"yDr.n- aon -Saà dy*s Bargain. tors Ieiem to ,fid a., di«Wu1ty in a baofkl-d: of- f ee -in cé-u artain A Scotchrman h"- centra-cted a s.n,.nn eeoslrer --4dstro nbas- texti-Ie rnlanutac- debt. -WhniËè V t beoamin due' h. l-asce. They forget t-bât I, who have1 -turing, dyeing, -col-pr printÀng* andne n ai wthhsh oeet it. li .e;- ,recemvsd tisahaxrge frein my cou-- & emilar arts. lucla,*.oiprinting t swarried agreat deailbtý < os-t'ne, ant oebyl<kds press&e-a-n be _mn O onl a mgas bMe plan ot raising tise money -t-e pà »siona;tely ou ýwiien 'thi e -tlieink put in, by dA&yhight ilests. meet t-heo hilgation ,prèetèted i- the nation in. lu'Vhs -balance. If 1 4Will ii- a-d !- iy uv~t4n tse elf -wers awâre liaItiste task -wa smn- - -presses eau be -ru-n, .véry hur.et At lait h-e deeded liat.,ho would possible and playeda part of easy thé twenty-four. <- le.s oin f gel a pistai, go oon teh ghway, acquie-scence, soe tt hofuture of z sga.stere1~eaut l hy- hold nup the first raveJierb t-aé%age the reptiblie ni.ght become irrepar- a.tfca lgt. - etiwar'k le. alongk, alc s -moïney T roin hii, i, <itierýs si-itit proa-ch me,. color of -attficial11 teeth oaunot be and -nth ît pay, hie debteý. So buti-ny bwn-oflsciSIlO woulduever --told kt-t uight. lb en. uao êd o u &dwn ltQ ea,«ean. 0c'-ture :.ud he_ .ufdr f i he '-hi hway, d hnlte fret "Mythoug itsare m.nat 7 ts t4sey - <ian,-not tel lis 'feens eveii-rcdxxu&aýIng .l)olpcnts i zegt et Ilïhigseavin -ýBuit alt-hie> ~ods i- the-aid eoft litle a-gun Mi, hil- andsaidï 'Gse nme yosir -go 0fcoinstrw4ôi6nl am îecri- chlu ho aut-i- i gaes à aU -money or.1711 biw yurbrainzýsi&hOw -hal t.ese nituaià aii - - -h tli..-'iead, i.uatuezcl" 'eis.tfaveflêr e à wt-tSan- Oon6 find s îo nemr e wii1 use 8it te ten st bis c0oofTdy , gen- tsebsî~~ -& ud-usIbis n-ueel:-fyom -thre.ada. - Even i-inthé. dayb me theybe7gEn tap arley - i&mde isargan. wîth - -veulrmf,-d nee lc -wlsexe&% with thie Inveuion they ý'"Xy goo4 muai, - aiz"lIlen.nmtOayt~hC~ o ob -;will-be aýble b-bthé çolor of each tOeý ru w-tli-o în~ y~ ag-ndd easo iihl - -thea a~ay im. fiaiodbny- ail-et thse me-usy Ii.v i-W o5 hé i~h lauih oie-T o ~ wll tlydeal l -J e n y c. esintth~t eoxcop-ts0o et£51 Uitiy, idblutrrihigim- r1Ni~hCywil b a4teinke dlà eilésudt lgive you thât if yonu will. jt-itons, ~ioare ()' xl 1« a.uy lime. -Suig*ry e at-ier gýii6mé- èliet-C bol,---~--~. M ggiug4iuftins.- - 1earodsut "'a; itreusa Sying there~~eenm ie bunis -ithennoor." But Mac wasatrasd. .-Ris mottior ~~~3à t ofeane ii a_,SÈnit rayingcon ,the- moor, wliere thereý re greatbg-rothga.ht ode bots iniy QUÈ 1e99, a#d some- m«e ven ,killed, you. - ut h dn!'t:sei ad anytliing-About notego ~ ith afin. 44 unnies- ore sucli nice. thiP, te eat:H Ç adger,..andtei o<rwe f >wn* . the moonflit roaOIo ght of the ità abk ,they .startiede b jn,, and aà t last caFae 10 ,thelaS, îere 'the aoft Ut" ,bunniei -lived., br' longtiine they ýhà Éted-à bout,, t Vhs de1lciou'ppk?ý they' eX- otLed Wssn't tg-. oud ThenMcbga e-eValti ighené an Ihuglit he -would it' a- et mgr'Bn, hz.8~- eld adel,.and!pUe an& 41I , b u li .6 ôe t d n t g é -'&'"Y . i0iho -bogýal 60 4 y;, ýà dwiahed i~ddou wht~ ie oter . ol<3 l2olgrtherig b.yellzs ,Ççam ýcro;3s,'buUtde alii fot -, co - 41fc&on i erriblie ' Th. more Cadgei ried toheC-hilVh-mre, Ma& At itn .fit of, emper,-- Ick est serainblid' homel, >-cryi#p :"you can juot geouI ùof teta se 'way you wet.ftt. -An& poor Mac' waa- loft -te 144 It. ow* hé sobbe-d> sdriedun- à l quite tired out lie st 1 st. fell lutL aieei5. -~Poor pussyl poor pussY 1"cani tintly Ilirougb is dsreams, snd hf iwoke Vo find the moon goU8 and- great-taliman .bending over.him. .That'lýl. teadh yçu not to, huni bunnies," he said, as, he preae9 do .foot on a bit of Vhs cruel thin4 ivat was holding Mac's leg. An( the foot waa free, altho4hlsPoo, ittie pumWs'e e w.&s t'wice it ousu al size. "Run aWay homenow," Vthe mai aid- kindly, but Mie was ouly WbI, to hop on threelegs'. What a scodiig .he goet fr-om ti nother whefr at -lasI lie -reache home 1 lier eyes were ewollen wift crying, for as thoughtahe",d loi her baby. But à lthough she -wa angry mac, didn't-care. She kiqse him ail over, -and gave lum a rie plump mous b cal&t. And Mac lid Cdgor 'aftrwar< he, would neyer disobey MothE ..gain. For -it'a botter ta stay home - ad get fat mice te eat iIha to rtin away and geV yvour ko calight in a trap. He',wes mumibling -ough s týà sud cold coffee and naking -himsi. genrâlly. 1i a6geeable., "Dontgr~vln ver yonr 1oi John,"said - his wi, ýnobody going te take ii away- from you." Iiertiiief tThings. The phono.jrrph talk back. The -piftcher ,--ÃIct-e Of I11 The ditionayy g iee s u m -à ence. - - Thie Magon atièk.sits longue en W. _get- sauce fron- th 'fruit ja * Pjabe D y Z e ' F o r w hI a t» I dI i è t e l - 7ifh e- - - - -a .. - - - . -- L53 ï 1 ,- er w h t , ï -héfor-th n t m à jin g - h Orld -b ut, ,- "th o ugis- d o tea d , -- b I l s , Qeod- hsd- zont -hitt1 -WýiVh * at re- btthr bILan IV- le.":Ne'er bas there sti1." qù1èet *id ho 'go ta Niao h î Y"t beauany trouble in'explininug- and Excuss are a poor zu.bstitute f or did - Phara .-say about -ýJehoVahl )wtiTyiug inaction in tei. aé> of virtue. -Iisdeed, tisey bav eno siiare --e ýw - d id . h e a ns e ss s 4 v , .in jku stice - a n d op ýbr5s s1on . -lu virtu e a f a ll! , T h e : ïua ki i3z g - cf -qushlWha-did b ore~he Fk.Evry aboi>nation ever fought and excuses amust b. owuiiied iju 1 e et- -muor -. oIHow wçrs thse la- - - - -ins e- ereits ad or.edestr-yed iu thé past -y-vlanaaysis as Iane ot>fr - on hrs of -ths areshs-sae nr nd ieoe ca p o fet-the.rightL Not thtose who tel, how ver plau'i - diffCuit I gainet wix x kYhebe xuud iosn ie wi y tbey have' noV- fried, but oonlalu weter udn keebyVs ntrr sd- pectability, tViceswba -Iry, for 2better or for- snraed 1 a el s lt- e'Ri race and wore, and «Taliaà .giadlyas tVbey Lesn V.-'TIs'e Plngufs&- o-ci dld ClixI punis. 'ma )I,!its->age. Lke ol-r fatieri wiu, are tbe'hio'eu orles ot sarti. Zgpt.H ow 1 -d ýp ns o! old w esare aVili m kig xcuses, -IRev. J-olsiilayns- Holmes. Miar'oih for bisediebedieuice 1 - Wha t wasudone te the waâters ofthse- NiieZ With -wlial animaluud -lu-FOBESI FREE FION FIllES. gwui~t ~ us wlatdiesesweeiioh:~'ial; lers Vear For Lokhg, Tuts' That, sud mon tarmeisted 1 WhaV usturl -- 'T - autel Whadi4, ?ha-ýraoh>ctntrïnd. Every year for sevTa eâm h,-alE A M e se l o ' -t, u o n ftim )er d etsiye4by - - - LesnVI.-- Tish asae.- iei rl-h C±~a sea;id ta - -I - ~sntw-u t~ il pInu'iwithave-_é exooeded thise amont culby - Catari. -- NVa.5 viîrted 'Z Tuiswisathle lu à m-. li'yata-a- -i i graeuithave ong.pr-ep-t eforI.irgeiy 1t-o-tt4e ziew açintficoraui -People who suifer fr6m iis Cern- 4 -i igà l resuhaeltI ow l1 id h& ties -ua bfere- laint gsnraliy wa keiu-in-te mi- thirlih' W ui.e-itnniY-zv.o --t--ie r prot-ection ga 1.wa.- do ue . h ie blo d eof tise ,:li o <~~a eg_è longt. . ogAat by- W 11tbe~ d - isb - - tise- -i Y hI~Walipupo dlb'- sy.i. ra.aeoccur-, 4Uoutis. >t lis-caidbY iPos .iatb? -ýwha llgc"e is- secxeton-iyiug ai lite lia-sior-tih. baod 6 ,"Ze h&b o oV r 'liVi.>O-noutrlS. TWisufforer- stnoud get- a msm age.id.Phiarse b 'i n -end- dI-~~ i u b É-wjll.,ordeêr-thleým for - > ber. ~~~yoù if hlh. s t ethem n-tqk xo s g t-be , le l v-> "O rganz Dito l 1 -î 'o 1We u e t &blt I iu s w i eghaoel - e Wh r -'-id the uïre Iis at io ay , sea C so e DoM'f warm wstçer,ten su! -lise- w &Y'a l 4*usi;tiewek 'c ti Tu iiu g did Ph.rob 'wbavo heîîaa' trï. "ndecM8 e - ÉkceeouI of thi"t. Tis mul i t.y wee isre Z owwer -bt y 'hve doue. W'Yh lb.fleet ot-bedone mctr4ing noeunad- Idà situ ifet.dwhen thuy aw a.- >ssat thb i~>uo'iefieitpfevrdwii i l re clear s thé Eg~rtiau'u comg afe e Zrneso i os,-w Irail way al lie hémucous.emIf tise - Ca.-e CO i1 lian tromu attaibng them during land tIo permit s-V o ;wh1-ment -ualb crried r-on kr a tise niislt tHow- did ho make s way lookeut bhoues builit un Iheelevtod month. -Wisen tiser. lu the -leset " f escape for lhe Isa-elitesZ W hat portions ot land and a sries o-f tel- ulgu et, ils ret-urniisg use tbe tab- s isappened -wheu Vie Ei"tinns at- opions services keepins the, fire letsgin a templed te foliow hem 'Z rauger* in biouchwith Ibeir heatu I ls-habeneficil Va suff up/ Losson VIII.-Tse BrevA . f rom s d i h sci t-hor, le wos'k f the.noarl a soua nt and, - tï iloeven.- W here l-lite wilderneiu i5~ r-o protectin'e t-iis ysar bas, be-eu- wa rl. -Anoth r curelu is tat- f gt lt? Wha-t did the peope awh;ben g shnyempÉfiedd expediled.,aà lg cubei cigarettes,an d' t-bey rencbed tierel Wltdid Qed The vu Ati o-sru Z -rtý,bi iggtis uikedWt bt n r tissu-promise Moues? Wbat did lookoutê a.d lelepbone- s le tllgo- ;trisetis- will e-omne in îteuta- itbey, fiud upon lie gronnd Inuthlise u;on and ccupies thb. lIm0et rwlth lte affected parts. moruing 1 Whal instructions did ra-ngers whien tbey are net oa sosd-. Fram chronloc ctarris deainss n-e gv for galberingAtie, ma-na 1 -ftro figbtin --r. aiea aiSe, isen hhrelaa-ttind e LesonIX.Iursl -t oun ~- The great value, ci tise teephane a b azing or stgi tinl.he a~ nale.-For what dld the people pro- syete s ualied by lie Goverumneul ad - occa-onaily-,;a- dirrinemen 1% pare when-tisoy reaciied -Moulut Si- waa imastanced -in each of tie tîree pdsî iehern al.ii ýd na-il'ZWhen bad Qed-Aold- -Meseforeet fres- whici ala-rted t-bis year. oa! a-r dsbestise"Most cern- hf -tint ie sblouid - meel -him:ltere 'Z-At lthe Valdez Island f Ire lbrp. di-ul- wihbig o~iid sc st fwilh -ht ags i iepresence tnct fire wsrdens were ou tise eene hai;addafse.2À -rl % f --lad deuceud uspon tise.,mounta-in'Z wihin an heur ofthLe outbr-ea,.k, erno ctd- witl -'ýronp' 2çt,h ,d WisaVdld God from.tbe. c1oudcall i avin;- bissusuu-moued bY e s hey wildo, moe rs- 1tastisu- ce upen . Moues te d o 1 Agaiit , wbat phon . At tise Bute Il eto- fine t "e g<ou, for th e,'disaee ls -bëyotd Àid M oses, warn , the PÇPPIO ,as hO district waydens ,nd- Ilseir helpera t-be trum hbead, iÃŽte 4e, 4 c-,i* ' le went up tis suçuntain te mnýee-God 1,we-re ou Vie.,Scenewilluin haif an sud lié Enuia-ciiii -'tube.Theý ~r LeonX-Tie To CoýêMo_- ur, whileaItIshe se-cet fure, lu the ý1,ouche recommandaedfor nasal - at- mentI-ia ssQdgv o Snzil oly lhre erews, lia-I baihwMl is o oeficial for'tise in fiés wiile lie .peopis wnited a-V tise afthlie distrit fi, aren ie dausu s le lro t a n t fott-0ofMount -8miai?1 W itis w at r t*adiaut e ded Gr s th h'et aar n reminder id' God préface bise'Test JorgadG a Essteru Raa-lway nase'are a-il ciosely c onnected. lb OemandseiteWhV a tse itcrew end -thse re1w of lis Newport-la ver impotant-ha-t tsebod ference belvene g-b iss trbidder Lumber Company, were on tiese eoulj awayu b. kepI w -rarm 1 ls té irt u scod emaisd eeSwitiniuan hour. Tise fire, voolisu clothiÈ;- and the feet-kept mons?:Wh shuldw Pdev-owhich atarte:1 - aI-,isaf-paËtonsdry; for lie - ehfa-re of tise liront> o'look lu tisehy ahoulern èo n, e'as en- - sd enru -ependea et deal- upen Qod's name-.1 Eow old le the ino'drly exinguthed yf at. tCndition a ic eetIf tise stilutioi- f theSa# .n;g ,&h d.b , u g ýta t e on iiô of, e e- ~, Leno-xX.-h6- TriGoman-BaEch prévin e.-bcpoic ears ache with theeold'when-out lu' t s meitsUýWith -vW*hà t d<tles, d-ô*had ibeau oblige b a av hoea'1vnlSlb potct4 Vis.has eixcoiinsdmeus - de l'Zl for exfra lebor -efight.. f;ins t Ir sat r 'ioa pîI-oc. of c5 Ho eud w o ra u aets' mgf.Tie "fightiitg force"lnwîinhserbu asocs - wiG-oeî d,>*romise , hhsp, who fua rs t goled tts e Iemuet cottoý lt-e waru : a r1unuis; aor ;i-eiz- parents-? - wshudfine êk>ne- exeee4d$20,000, -wà -lIè-estr. we ,regard.'hu man s lit.? 1 à îou th-le.d&ame exceeded 4$7 5û,w0O. «Tuiaà we ,refi:ain f- ro r Wo!igUg - uryar t-e figiting focç fusud lasUs-li ine.- n- neîison ve -t t i i*t as w-ll tissu dra'wii ani for les t h&w*$20._ - Eat wio esaome foÃ" aimd drink as in, word 'and 1dêe QiTiaV4udf W-ci note t é 5gm : urewaer, aiagý uet. Lb. O fômlue praiée ofé ý ra h m is en Çoi, n . iét.jeraters heapevs" uald U . Tak- outdoor- Jeeres asd- sud ,bbc rosI UO- lise Book Ct-ýf th 1G~y. -'b penroo . bave neathe good air. --'-- -' i- - Clovenant? - Ibaeed up our ef-tseledsly ee bdra we-opel 1% Leesi XIIl-Tse Goden O a d lunavery emerg.noy bavs pIs-ced a-I i seasaîs.- . - Op4o~é &aiWla4 ~s teâ,eos-~lr c osaee te; r n e l'in<Ie ü- cf P»0. i 'y- ~ ~ 4 ,tsk.houb pogdMntI tero- Iies _bereende 7o- ' 'isd mo& o»Sm'âi eý e cprn Il i a : d<r", evei Whffl hebr owe limite 1-o- - " è liea - - clu t-bey Omce~oyOb, -ieihlf, Miltaire uny vaâinneit, wek, aud Yen' eau ras., Up!1 -Thse st-ry le ld-eaT a, yimmg-l,ýw- yer irisa as ta-reldwil oes.A friend,entrmeing tise7-of ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIOI ny or Canada. 1 LRO-. Up' ci. i mot- of all