Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Sep 1913, p. 4

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E QU4 IZING' ASSZIS8MEN1'S. The Town COunciliww.oamm~ 1' Y dupon te appoint an sashasor to es for nexk yer wiil bc- baied. Wh.Ptb- e h e 8 iicit ilgh qor 10w, whetber -fllty per ent. of the value oi! the property or seVentY-five per cent.. .01et îLevalue, ail propeties should be equally -assessed, that s theIr valu- ati6n bhould-be arrived ats cor- rectly as -possible, sud 'thB eU ment mnade at a certain'ànd specifted proporiion of thç value.,- Itii aî very difficuit task for a lo-j cal mai tu wddortàke'tu adJmet an, asssment roll that ln bustlIng 'Wittl A nequalities aid un! airness. -No one is impervious tu, the--persuagionà -or influences of relaiives,,neghbors aid *jjUfi ate quaIiînce. IHo asalmost sure to be .,biàsçd or, influenced, -al- Most unconsciously. That 'Whitby'a gssessment Aso ex- tremcly taulty aid unequal ne ont -wil -.deny. 'lhis'shotAd'be meaded as, seen as possible. Some improvement wus made last year, but torI e tl a great deal to do. There are th-ose who consider that *- a capable and experieaccd valuator ef real e*,ateýirom ouieide should be Becurcd to make ai equalizatlen of thec assecement-a mal Who would have ne f ricndshipb here, aid into whose-work sentiment would. net en- ter, and there is mucli te be eaid la support 01 tisacontention. -Wc have ne desire te _do a local man -out o! a job; but il a real ser- vice tu - thec emmuiîy could De coa- terred by securinig an outsider to do Uic work, the conideratien iiùgnt Wei eutweigi Vidaimi o! a tqwas- xecornmenc saýnd Z'i a t ivili b e ln yoinythir !g every yen ue corneear] atisfy' yen in on. any Of the" Tliu .Sageine gi rl ile te boe M n l J.E. Wlllls drug bt.ere, and on every boutle loi Saeine hait tonlbi t, a â genuine aid eold under a positive guarante. ,to stop. f allg' hair, ernd- icate daidruff and Le grow the meut, lifeleas, coarse, dry haïrit tick, se! t and luxuriant. 1J%éie, s- a cdean- sdecieaàc hait tonlo cemposed et the,ÃŽ Most moderu'hait producing ad lienutifylng -agets; i li»-re. f om greaey substaàce8 s, l e ye- aid le daintlly -rtm .Sageine ilethe, favorite of parikular people, and le seld la Wbýtby _4Y.,at J.E. Willla' d.rug store-l Sg>l(e s only 50e., sq as te liring it -iithuuL reach of ail. [nterl là&at fn #-,y 1 a trie.. tar- inan tu tiw po-sitionl.j (Continued from ýpage 1) ira~îoa t meur4 trbuted. The cikefts aid' the bWeel Ipess atercet Ithe-gir4 lsntiough ee w.a' Ion.#4oama»libie Ir£ie- igiarlield cr013 are grow I by Uhm, oiten Le lcdisadvantagce o * (Continue d Itempage 1> - ,wi4 have Lu stilî lurther iteiure tuhi MroeLh Dy another lot 01o! niglit- I îyPôles. q -- horemeve thir wite mahemli oi 1c12, aid ýnetk tilg se, werc again * - orderea ho remove. ama lmet epring. T.Yiy sked the t.ommisbýslo eetune -ago te .9x a priezfor tic, rentai oi * - olkir. iieevertiche l>esident, -. uggeetlag tint a fait plice- migit be lve cont*i per Coaltat-wllichi being la- *- - terprched migil meai iüvo cents tor cvery wite attadiod te a polo.i lie emusiencrit rcasned Vint il -Lie- rentai were,: llxed ahtee iigi a figure -tihe o.-:wollld not fay 16, and weuld put up-,'their eown peles, but tint îi àa'fait rprice were -nnmed tiey mlight agreO -te 'Ù4. Hence it - Would be adivisalule to make ne -charge Li'te past use, aid fixa pricez 165 cents. pet poe per year for tic tuture,. Iti leuP 18 Lte Home Ce. nôw te take * tuis. effet or- Le put up their ewn * polos. 4 THIRD- DIFFERENCE. An4other pojuL o! dîfference betwe the othet members o! UiecCommisi *- aid the Major le ovet tic contre fo-ru supply mg water te Lie C. P. -Tuie terme e!1 Vie contract have lit - * greed Le by boti parties, but oi tie sigung eofthLe greementLthee w - a hltcii. The- Mayor, supperted,- -te TÏwn Solicitor, c1aimed tint t CoÃ"rporation' o! Whiby sieuld -jolat --witi Lie- Water aid Ligit Coimm sionere, be parties te Lie contrai -aid thtithLe contract should be sig cd by Lie LMayor s welî as by t] Ciàlrman -. o!f tic Commission, a - siteulti haveS te corpomate seal afi ed. thlerete.- Tw6 o! Lie three ,Commlssione - * oil' tinat tie Commission have poi r etnid rîgitto ekathiacontrac w4tho#~.,tie Jining ilaoethLe corpc ýatlon,! ust __as they have- made cc - tracte an Lie past. if» i2 i il a a a A a a a a a~-"~.~ 8~~8888 M a o I ut mihlliens., bizm Our ints are:'Pî vell know l ndii4dq fromi us and; yen tie boys.* Barly in the eprlng tic districtte- pre*miative visita the- chools, -layw bie proposition -belote Vie Leachers, aid- explains i1h ,tehad pupils-. When tiey decide ho go ahead with Vhe werk they are forthwïth orgaalzed as a bnci ef tic Scileol Faire Associa- tion invmng thoîr own ollIlcere, Preee- dent, Vice-Preeldeat, Secretary, etc., Lhe nominations- bemng made aid the clochions put thronghinl a regulat way. A delegate le eleched to he central body over ail thieechoole lnaa partictilar townhip, aid tics. dele- gates--ýone trom'oaci o e!tc shoole -tacet and elect a President, Vice- President, a Sccrel.ary, and a Trons- urer, thie othere acting as diroctora. DR. JOHN -WAUGH. Prom Vie Rentrew "Mercury."1 Dr. John Waugi., whe bas recently been appelated by tic Ontario Gev- cramtent chic! inspecter e! Public aid Separate Scileols for Vie Prov- lace,- l e oiethLe feremeet educa- tionalias fth !Le Dominion, noted for hie scielamsiip aid ability and his extensive expericace ini chool work, havingbceen for maiy yeate a public echool inspecter la tiec Cunty o! On- tarie, aid, Inter and more recently Inspector o! ContiatIon Classes for Vie Province. as Dr. Waugh cornes of goed old Scot- by tieil aacestry, and was bora at Lang- the holm, Dum!riesshlre, in Scotiand, in ly 1861. Se carne to Canada whea a i young man, and was educated at the et, Barrie Cçdiegiate Institute and the ;n St. Catherines Colleglate, Ottawa ho Normal Sehool, aid Toronto UnLiver- aid sity, being the. Mulock sciiolar la ix classicsanad the firot hoâor i a ÃŽ Latin and Greek in 1888. Fie took hie es degree* ef bachelor ef pedagogy la ýw- 18" ,aid that of doctor of pedagugy et, in l &8ý. _ne was Classical Mas- Or- jter ilu'the Orillfa -Hlgh School Dn ain18-98, and'filled the positions of - headmaster at the Orillila High i Si1-14Aiii JIHTg ded b> âniple inde tw ilgÉyou r-til f n every g SEWWD ROUND. '1!los, Tasker beat L.W. Dudley. P. Mathison lient T. XIng, by de- W.Brana beat J. P. Paxton. W. M. Eliebeat Dr. Baacom. A. A. Aikinson lieat P. Mat iison. TIRD ROUND' Y. Brya beat Iý Mathlsont. W. M. Eut, ien t Thos.-,Tnsker. A.. Ai"Atklnson, -bye. W. M. ENta beat A.A.,Atkinon. FINAL. W.- M. EBeaie et F. ,Bryaî. PROSPECTS FOR ANOTHER IN- DUbTRY.- Laàt- week a. represeatative from,'a lag stove, foudry waei town looklg for a, suitable ïWe~and f av- orable'ind ucements te locaLe here. ISe wue shown ovor the town- by item- bers -o! tli.Council,,aid eeemed to be favorabiy, Impress-e. -He, expr essed7 great satImaôIn wlth tho tranepor- tation f acllities b! tiithowias tey7 wÃŽ11L W wiiren the 1new .zailwiasare, complèted. -The CouncàlI beld a speo.. il meéetng 'on _- Monday'-evenlng ol Luis , wee, ecldlng pon-.,an -effert Le leie ade ti tWzidustry. On ueeday Mayor WiliIs forwarded a'report of. the declelon o t the'-Counci. IL lefer- ven tly hoped thak ttsflrm wi lmakéo a choâinlatavor, ofWhitliy. Cobiourg' le also makig a bil or its locationï." in tint town. For I-lor flealth If Retau9693t'*-Oàdr Tontedo mot bnmpïove tI hetb eft yo s anad hafr. we wIl p for whtyou use dmarng thetra PWe could net se strongly eÃŽdors Boxan6 93" HfairToieaidntinu e teoeMRi iL te iMme peopalotinue d not do0aelwe daim. Sou if,5 nt prove .ntrel atisfaetory our eui- -tomers would- boecfaith =-la u, we would loac their patronage, andi aur business would suifer. If i'our hair in fuling eut or yen suifer aay scaP trouble, we believe '-=U93" Hair Tonic willdo more te eradicate the dandruff, give hcnlth te the scalp, stixnulate new hair growth and prevent premature bald- usas than any other human agency. weWt Yu te make us prove ts.We aenYoute rlslc no mony whatever. Buy a'bottie of Rexa "93" Hair Toie, nse iL aecording te directions for thirty days; then if Y uare net entireiy eatisfied, corne anud tell us and we Will Promptly Iiand back Lhe monory ou paid us f or it. We won't ask you te sign, sny- thing, nor evcn te bring Lhe bettie back. We won't obligate you in sny waY. We will take your mere word. Could anything be more fui? Coul wédo nytingmore to proye- aid aur honesty of Iurpose in recom- mcending iLte you? ReXeiI" 93 "Hair Tonieis as plens- aut te use as sprin water aud haa but a feint, pieaaing odor. 15 cornes in two ies ef bettlca, 60e and 81.00. Yen oea buy Rexeil"93"1 Hair Tonir< in tis commniity oniy at mir store: A. H. ALLIN. WhI$w nlb >"Jt.r. Onta.da Thera le.à RezaliStore in nearly r 40" aid eity in the United States, 27aC n Great Bditain. Thore la a differeak Rai Remody for nurtyavary ordlnu lihmanini! &y R'ms fore r A smarGaatin Am whi* Dt M g Sorend . ]important Auction SaJ]et et f arm stock and implemeato. Thoe unders iledhas reooived instructions from Mri. David Joncs, Lot 3, Con. 8, Pickcringte osel by public àuc- tien on Wednesday, October 8, the tollowlng valtialle articles, viz: "After' this oien 'l'ano0 7 eontestant to another" ] Don't We want yÃ"u to hiave- them, s, 'w. M. PRtNGLE ,w-CORNER HARDWARE, iow, _i set diamondhlarrows, i cuiLl'- va lr' land roller«, 1 No. 7 Wilkin- son plew, 1 twla plough, i. ecuffler, i Wagon, i hay'rack, I soet trucks, i bDuggy, i cutter, .1 rond carL, I1 set elelgfis, i Lurnip'palper, 1 cut ieg box, 1 buggy- poke, i Chathiam taný- nng i, i."'1furnace kettl&, 1i-cross-ý eutsaw, 1, scoop shovel, 2 set team bizness, I set single haraess, 2 set Wh top collera, 2 nock yekes, -2-Sset whuttietreea, 4 acres turnipe, i acre !odder con, forke, hoes, aid otier ar- iles te numerous te mention., Sale at i o'clock sharp. Termse3gs, turnipe, cota aid il sum" et $10 aid juader, cash ; ever tint amount Lweve mentis credit wlll be givea ho parties turaising np- proved joint notes. 5 pet cent. pet annum off for cash. WM. MAW, anctioneer. TEACHERS' CONVENIOff. Tie leurteenti annual metling e! tie South Ontario Teaciers' Inatt- tute le te be ibId la Oshawa iligh Scileol en Thureday aid Friday ei next week, Oct. 2nd and Smd. A bplendid -program ia beca prepareti for tie tWO days. On Tinredny "An Eveaing Witi Dickens" wili be givea bY E.S. Willlamson, o! Teronto. Mr. W.A. Ilendersen and Mr. W. L. El- vidge, both o! WhlLby, are President and Secretary re4pectively. Tic echelars will doubtîes be looklag ferward te a couple et iolidaye at Vils ime, RÂLLWAY BEAT FARMER., T. b. MotÉerselli, anWiitby 17own- shlp farmer, asked Mr. Justice Kelly at Osgoode 4lI, Torontoe met week. to restrain Lite Toronto Eaetern Railway from blockag is accees te hie farm along a strip et land thit lias been wliout. a known owner for torti yeare. lieTeéer ç waunot given. The *compfas nebult over laid north o! Motiersill's place. IEY.ecutors<' Sale 0f Farmi Ini Pickering Township Tie undereigned ina reoeive la- atructions trom tie executors of ýhe, willi o! Richard Collins, deeased, ILe offr fr sle iypublie auction a i Ryal Iotel, Whitby, on Satur- day, Octolier 11,113ntichero L~1POrto tL Nýo. i linte thlrd, ra"ge0 tLie Broken Front concssion -o! tii.TeOýWnsilp o! Pý,icketlagco n-ý talln Oj crsmore orle"s,and, kaLown,âastLie RIchard Collns tarin.- On' Lie'premises are nalbrick dwoll.- ing& bouse and- good trame dwellhIg, used as tenants, housè;, !razûnrn; wlth trame 00w stable attaehed aa ito. ôo ilb~ âmefan -shednibo FINALLY-REACIIES ASYLUM. John F. MeKenna, 0!1106 -spériri OLl avenue,, Torontois n ow saein u the Whitby, Asylum, but the events' lead- ngup to ies being piacea- there -have been excitUng. He -was -dinsane' lasi -Jun,,!,and it was- declded to sçnd hmt. ýWhitby. -Whuiewaitingat Lthe Union Station for the Whftby, train he - el udéd bis guard and etcaped. Sorne ime later he 'Surprlsed bis' family by couhlng home. He appearcd recovered., but shortly ai Lerýwards raiied a distu±ba4ce azd was linallv remanded to the Asylumn. OPERA HOJSE' TWO Nlghts OnIy -COMMENCING- TUESDAY,- SEPTEIMBER 80 IPerrys Peorlese lyr With Dan-Malloy and HazeI Corinne, and a Company of Metropolitan Artists, Presenting 'The Traveling Salesmian'- -AND- 'ARoyal Prisonor.' Each production presented complete, inl every detail. EVERYTHING NEWI AND UP-TO-DATE. ELEGANT SCENERY. BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES. WONDERFUL ELECTRICAL -EFFECTS. Refined Vaudeville Speci.aIties be- tween the acte. 1NO WAITS. ALL FUN. Prie 25,35 and -50c, 'Reserved sents nowon sale àt A., H. Allin's Drug store. Tis Company play icre oniy te fiM an open date. Don'î MissIt M-H ILL 8NOEINO i OENERAL DUCK8IMITHINO TERMS MODERATE., Opposite QuakrCucIuio Road ý =7"",h NO' -h.bo, WH ITBYI Wats on 'Wau 19 now e.pen and'ready to aecept, for "etolge, a - .IJOHN WATltqb1 i 'j: PHIONE-BELL NO. 3:; - PORT M 4- ~IF YOU T,"YANT A 60OD UNDERSTA4DBINt WEAR -SHOES FROM~ PEEL'_S SHOE STO-RE A Pieasure to Show Goods-.1 JOHN Bruik S t uh, Whitbi icited. To rnaké good pickles yot< must have .good, Spices and goo-d pure, Vinegar. - Heýe is where we can giv yuthveybt 0~ieSics;~s Vinegar at 40 , '1c"t- gallon'..~ '. . ocad6cp Frlolay ami-,Safuray Spfcials - Table- Glassés, 43t p-déz Buy,-eàiy before it.iS7 pickeçl ip - Piompt deliveiy., j~~ ~~~ 8 plniiô,5mnths o4~ CI let u; -vice is ,NJ JEWELE tu-FFPICE VERY a We ýciaiity c 7many -arge -to-the.besi, For this flot only ai an assort range--. bu prices unu Masonicý-B as 50c; Pins as Ioôm earry' embli nimany soci quality',c XIguarant JE-WELffl -Satlsfact< .4ALL WEB An acter naug * -is- on triai for in I-is cousin, a gi S iavlfg been one ing thie aecused i tdj f o!-whm Ur o!f Uay-:.4t]i. -igtdikiad Mrs. ltlin sîdine, anad thaVý- r. ome Deviin -met hier face. She-rai eral other drirnks. at mnidnight, she reach her roiný Juy Devlin, Mm.]1 *hoe were drinkmn "tilere wàs n qw -mnCensîdinet -nd hnnd it. te il hum, 'There- is,ý Thcený my cousin shot 'hlm. Ai h; All-ýaie vote Piano ebateet ut tednesday. - Dion'V ferget. ing, Oct. 13, la I11 your eye attelntion, do- n theta exapximed WîIlis, dcrugees Ow1ug te a, w U' of her ftem tie casteD ai heure- late:l people, returni Week-end zvisite greatly iacunve Sec "A Roy Opera Hanse j Perry's Peerl -eol bte eHIVES 0F ONT D. SIMPSON&Co. VE -,YOU .BOUE. DURFALL, HAl X - 1

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