mi1guo Jrmm WC nd OW t toget war'n. , t iIt -1 _#id , reen P -eppers.-&iect to -b. heay frmte tGae rout- a Slice - Tihe tip-i cf't4h. wiflgs and the- nock *a f 6h, rem iV-,a'o! a .e1~ ithast,&Ik of cal- seed a~d Paoilpeçipers ffeeel-y oranýonion -wih -,-i4it4e rice, ~ - Minutes, Jill wlth equa en c, s'f 'pinch ortLwocfpiayaidate- ~1~*~y <lbO-If>ed oookndor = 1oOpflo!cream added aftei theyý Wv'al1ns oltned bread crumbse coed, make aC'upful c o <.1- Ãeasôned -'wltb ovu jules sai 4;l Ous-so2p. e Pepper. Put a layer cf butiered Tii. mout successful way to scfteW Crumba on top of 'l adbkeiia hazdened. à it brushîà toi dip it - ~ ~ ~ ~ Sýe 1 ceat o~. p0 ht, in vinegar, Héat the vinegartoti Wateoe.a ~awIoku. -Was boflng oin, allo, the. brusiies tqb the cross care1uIIy aime ohoprà Çt stand it for a -e.w minutes, tien ~[xwith .maonnaiséeand eip rond w.movs ind wash tliocughly. with between tiâi. eos eo!'wint. br.ad, oap and -vater. ul".ed as deir.d. T, lpni rsa rn ~n OP4Ua'e oeb.un a 4.Po ach Wi 4a J... of new rap r ew 3é-Tmên serveOon bed.of nie.erlpi umg*.Muh o! thegreaewi 'On btw~s~ t,»~~oengosI7u uaind labor Y-rit sou.Bi gol. n o1a r i n hikitchen dre, e.a4h raisins, ru..0,4 nier. ohbaeaudb.roctdlh '~o. inn ~ «Isd >uicqo Cj eU, hci myb.e7imade one orage, on. lamou us n*twl e à i fo bav p>ngpaper. spýoSn -tosi L ou Wmu r ansd lDr branla suexelent ciene sugar ta Late. ïoalb ~for dainty voVe werg andWoo ane errioëeu, houé s ervele o uios, Rail> tii. oied pots1> * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý 1tk 1uoi udti. es L D* oughly, ~tutè Bk. ~ tu- ~ prvlnt bp w dpwebad Loi7eand ,ýýf wi em l* t"o"«afor tt& sâd bout;-afoot sudenogi rea ~ ci.ep.!!~ l teh"b.» ew pgumrplaoe." .til MAY b.adde4 filychpd Trm q"oIroaa ube 01 âf m t6 .ght Of. tata, if pe L sd ap~iyvthauotcti r &er4. lce t 1o Sud sud sog. lng ar.fnlly Viti oieiw AU b. tjýmixture, boeW i -i -at .109 Rlte and brovu n bof 6eu. IL Yen'Put brus pall1' Into boil- ~.r~re~aê oses lng wà term 'iha.god bMto!as- hWp iJery - uL endr mg acda aùdlt hmbà il for per- whte *.2IPof colery ini two- - haa eryu~uu ldten ai- piee..¶lth& uarpkuifs eut moStolean. *ilos three4ourthb Incbd46P sud -Fine ilaces %£:ould nevaer be starch- ,iýded-s-ye" be stiffj waier sA4alloU% i t roman umtil ti.h2gbeg .i u de viLrfo,îi i they are dry. lifrhga;~$Salit oiould never reniain -in any- Ll4ng r'ibber, îor instance, hot we- su» u flues. ter bottlea Or SYringes Rinse tiem Àltoug ioatfunisies~hat orout thoroughly or the ~berwi Lebodyïr Sudî thteiore. i neces -______ ary in i ec oUrtmÈ4z an~d oold Se- sont, a relief from a mea.t diet is DRUY9NK Oy STBÀWBtERnuFS. wlcomed by eve"î one.and affiords - - 6 varietYto a diet that givoisbesne- 1Dranken a l a. Be Developed leCombination diuiiezfit i very AatPo lo~ liu, friýnasin xitheir doubleoand Tho". who cannotreaethLe tmp triple fou» a&-more appetlzing and ta.lio -of' toc many Strawbrl. uo0urieing £are. >Tiese a1i<w the. ahoxid net be surpriaed if--t xé~a lzOUaewif9 to ring tie changez on attacke.d ih "fruit drunkenns, on@ dish amdto um left.oweuin an for it is an 6rtraS diniary fat thn.t ettratv q. the exoeoeive eating of traWb)errit > arel'rt to Europe fcoin- oit"resuls in many of the segum-I à re~f r iiation. Franvd ,Italy, tioxis connecteci with aicohel a&t-t oeimazy gir. ooxntless recipos tacking thôester. These am, Latare 6econonuicaJ and un unual. tmcn iete idits ied~ e They gzre go-cd tor set, tOO, a verY blumrd w4it and occainally do- i4nPortatit taet t& be conaidered. bl vison "ayo London Ane'wera. l alY> there' is a wealth o! For mitrwbee+iea contais fUr-I Cheep, ncuribhing diâhes wiichlmore acid tban jJ ie bevery hquaekeeper gives whenlmeat 04ofIher*â l'a sot -reuired. -One of thesilavor- utdifU-uo a Lezrnti and inajuice st&vC48 uiklo iLe. diohe» o! Lt'éietalian 25 macas - ~nrossse, eeevialy l b, roui and eggs combined rin mimer- the nosu o! stemnds.-1Ilyoin e -us élever ways. '0poSm. Eo iÃ>and urbetn .caréiaiboiled maiil -C Tiê mn- tik ' 'iud ueyee hardened in thie tOifCin e wing to'Lie exeec &ven until -the uppermost layer re- oxalie aaid which lurks li ti(fruit. et iibies ÉpW<es cf 1ban iïlsd o! But thia i. enly ose o!f - - has t Sour p'te,* lazie<l viti silved ,n'which symptoras of drunkeunos. bard ];oiled eçP &)Xd cheeft, W!ih an be <Ieveloped, &part, frona ex- tomatoeu deliclouily bleéd in butter, coueso!fs.oohol. It ik r. oeiJceY wti poaciesi oggs prinkled vith te beconJ& e* t porarily itoxo t gtrited ohéese, 'with fish or with by -ces 'mto htheo Lb çhetnuts ln Juan>'. digèerent weys; sorrow, Jo ' ormuue le*i t Pa A l.i& Provnzal@'-A fa- The 0XPlanafl i tha-dà e 'i YOri s Potato diai-to, b..served as eniotion dernuges llo nrve ce»d,. *at el 2etet-s »wna "pa- à llt O iqe h eah atab.s o tO!uni- 1- ~ â~aîrelump o! butter acios a lkn.g sudW t-- . a 0 , b. 40. 'avl la ilTýiKl1 al",TnAIil êMUUVmn aibLORaLa i seof hle ata. - that protonS to -be iii. fronts oi.the peI- 7Ho re witlia tà & as-or voce pIe. ted viees le .tp <coov tahk? Z Ptoppéd.- -- vonu d te full of taik. I it lae 'das, 4eeie.f bWhsre ans'weP" lie seked. as if ho nor vorde, vs llwn-trodden, Ivenu; ssI e.wuklugfrom a ~drcam. - vant. - Z. tIme-s paUi for moids: o'lr-.m i: gi4-en.tly. Wseare nearly foi wîllted too-leng.- va, are tireS ç91 wai~.t ioe'-I-îaf i ti.the;nte. 11tla rond an This J e ail vr-eIb~eJrdle s ui-l: the ssii tumnang. ,W-cn't yencorne- is and l eà d -to*ards Lts p-iatftrm-"bui vhat.j dluil'a s0 tiseue OU 1$? Ze oppreooons do so eiit hlClljpand i hotated:ho - sonit w5& misS. ss 'icug. Zsy aay». 't et m talk- snt tell li? lb-ai hb 'haI promiseS Ilibby 'ai lIt.,keep. mein Qu9eti' Ba u:psetynt-te-o- ;,ten geuineeue ë6ëcaei t. ssy -efilDot laugb, peet e c-to- laai. -- -I de,,round. hlm,ý but every oneemod 'a. "Im aonry." lie said; "lbut li bave, te at-, tentiy ' isteveng te tus speaker .on 7tbe tatn4 Às ,onWittà à o meeting at the Iilamê edà piaifenn, cepecially inteut anS absono e have ,fl ft. I n-ls <ergot iti Ifa eemed the girl ebolà ait- aimi)xýt >tbe' aisi lurny, hock. Iwilgo viti yen ausa vaU uer 11cm. and, luiinngilsvo ; sa f e t.l14e hoe 'waaton in -a guttural wniapen-"pe W"lers le se' secS, ah satd, anS DixW v «n iya blv'iublow, ny front-vl b. 11h. bnigltnega'lad gene omut cf ber voem h nS iliviii axake'zemn mugi thé and face,, and hêrer yes ers ýdowvecait: - dte ie cf sir imutbs. You emom,.»ut7h. wa»edbeoïde lier te the corner, , head Joinao?"endthaïs stoppeS anSi- bcokéet abler as < OU Jolinon nodded, but loohed vaeant4y up haie ald lier hand. Thé questiôn tuaL ros&a bei et the Mtaiface anS emali., furtive " te agils Ibuts'wos, "Whnetaaiut e ye gl le adeof;we hal mwheh«ýhocan "Gebdýi i, ho-sai- ands ili.muet, îs~e~ . s wi& u Ia.sr aa t wilcul etpt u do! somethine more tien urw." etyStca e Wi.à trzjfusseof, lietons. _ mec-" eldiii oel. ookagfer ehb rieleS h er sy«, ail ooked ai VI" aréS hlm Wl1* an i stfninese. sen'zt va 'ave sgade ousr proea'a. "13,4aJt'aa k n nce w v Urb lo n t ke sravi xsih .dS o 1,a eb e oe ltb ckloi oS5ut.' éà r.h ' -'I 'bi'ell a-*âdfWotsfl<a' c*er-t» berbo a *e beIt,. qacthoe:<oelo on aa-emfor "x Ub; laS .d andry'tlà tdh art ýh re woeno thd. -ii slx tuno o! w o î u ihanact athubtt - raisteat rousIt .l.Pau romo-o MOa -na- ops spuiiu;sa. li ptnEaSciighat. onluslea -Wm, ie uld he epot w b math* S.n vteozt ba-er-rrt! HrblvSboeWr tl hraS gan ld te hktntiibaScor. Iera -<itthnagvls, oi trnSJrg ut a -P lia itwomiS . bite tevai unmi i t momen te ooroend ud(leo egitu us *all vilinieofer là ida., p« eerims mngtte Loa i om kt the miltis. aSbdela- o krf mT a Sratir1gy. er a Siiis5oiwet 115ud pa.eil M '-ontbsseWStwttrugihe ercA'-d the Pois ale oudanl:a WC 'hm an"i bos medand oe abea'zetantalayur wodmyif adtiEt ' ti t ils eyee vairere sfrem tii.errentan aS temake orndthentlyrg,. ; . >, Oagll»itrnîy.i lt]y iii I he f-ehi de bledas tey ameler ny, ut o di so te do rvinsi yo ur ii eng;but ifetla seshr; anSul esberateemod t utlethwards Ir nééy moreo m obenoposaasnt lve( ticé dore, ibut ties s etil a mel yae bysm.. n. Kom, i h he ol id vau asthe Wal stmtsbere tisi"lieù% vho ,oneiivste ibismenvmlany tteline o 55/WtO lier.Hosintie. sClivekly tâedhe perauth os.ger eui lie-' n 401o: cnuthe lm. Excseme!andvs tinn- o! en iradu!" enanley d aei ui a-s "W he e aidà eteeme wiith a ins1e e. -hePle pinudely ,ir hent hlm kedeal ho-amone lusi"If en lute s yut Ilaye worelunnednif, nie tnShonbi flS? 1o*1r- ail caugte - Ms de uoyuii;an atu r as ofenthe. n Ho was erainte nhie. -¶ersalie ely ysed u:oorc.. te hsoivsd d en loke o undmaSs e ortiy.seihe telng en eunt, e va lte 1oravewt or blavtnthe cmsîr wls beh aSinaet t on was sleallng tovnadebt If no u aeibeS andirougli, anS viii ir à orm el laany mo ear ao e tieanry mxnl ar. h T & thli s ey ut edtuetre w s t di S net lng lu avte caber ROBn <ék' on spere, andil he li ed tureSibed corner elslmîng- asIugnilysee "Wi, Mes ina lis dS ym leppn oîlme seudrtel. e, Kneathei, tunrpe- teq aose she allstnigthora t ninsWto te Wraiw! Leave lm nyte me. pro - Loevw ber. Ho @era. I viii aiso hyîssthe pet vo aretinet ie ardiSflt eiya-i"Boees;al"seaoiceof ra -Zfor Yem te readn; eanS If vsare, 'h.d pla1er ae. llnlglg u erzt voaiiii ru. Boide! a - hebeat lim a"er"ober.-nsie in, eal"IfKôshil ecco.untrltiwnou pyiO. ene von !n iely, a ril a tr a weer, mn- ie. HeloI -Wmibaîl zoo! jondlytuai ahebsoud hdly spaandd mnt u li tro mbi ils mn Ivter ,beu bs id sh.e isw S amcIir.idrnjs oi, nS h. ite oS t ,r aI vea byouchênes." eh. Laior.a I vas âüdwÇunipqity, tby ue le Woman na be Min ragteali smcfthesI-est, but i thIS gh and~ix y "Buth a m bave1awhen fieebard bgel runhe crersea unra way mty iedInt roved dn.heost cer peseSteretcem.leke aou 4ia bvl ,q ied, tenewls.AnIt- low ae hber anxogu; if o is i l nle S Mr ha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 ammibo r ekn ~l"Oiel and wer bimneicBute Cflivems, cf i lehy Ma -bo Moinboî a, itiug fer bhaein course so in elhiXan, vsbig he palov i. "O tnh a werk'ng aitic udaeoi, v rebenof iesrzawoievethi o me. r. ou ans idnet venking t 01e;e bad, ie o on rmit impulsnto tead v as teifEllearoe, lie clalo lier "Mis" Mia t nlebut a hordiSe l t linn' Mn Olesoaan se emobordvtb e secret 00y tisa80hol cothk so vehlm, cout id st hsp aS cald lier Ms.ifna via howeaIt eme mui. Bblad nega e lieotagspr ier lu @a a the htolo thBall. e iatodb ti foeu inamcisteà duIt i beh. e, e! sic seal4g t. "es; 1i 51 gbalf Sisrauîtô.by te,. thne beardicinu- loel claes@h-ole ongdh frlcourage, oand men nShe onea fecthe smen anS n wh e i o inoslhe fr-cme t oter.scndreut.waodvera'ploinglutit.u 1551 h luyen."cer." aboi, for alnnrom seî.g aRnte teanrol h s o nevtiai o vs ntxir. S eS -1 ElÇuiZsy ha so ameeunas?" i adalieifona rwhlei teendue h t ree kt.abut Wle la hi jn'r10île6;s' "'rlisr's - ist vushavenesba t-round the ce h!he ucli e. tte euan tô alis;tehîcfntd;pob.uthgardews-afmnl Ltsh'. pupia 1ev. tcreusen1gratitudbetan. 1re. teolir beiamny -witliabout" eýa 11 o - r ond.are lok gy e- C ali e~e a wa n isst But, WWOUJft 5 o ff& -broe offv velbu "Tonthaefo e se.cferi. ssneti lste-Iand, l wi lie Aà nl- -Ytuqareut yqn't vnte t0 lu mbalt fesi,@or iet hoewad luon are-ne s worin tc, ar, ie rfrtiuui a'_otl ýla a f. ~q qeipred anS flodées:--:'pbutljol-ei rethiitit tW t li remem ee Lh a Seret pÃ" ta- howletsiss 1 -et ar i - ul t X'l « ia e4 d Ërena wheu ha li&ed cm e i4. SYe le radof heourag@ Pr ,~~~I.ï - ~wvea are un&morius&-in the Verdctthat.Plar'lbae xthi w{ldi fthem »io etpoPul,a aceseà a cltýy Iwýhici aeks 6nly - toe b. aimus"ed iliiawks r interested, and whiab wiUl Sour out ite affec.tîon& to Vicie who, birdsana îke Polaire, luccçed lu doingit.-London Tà ter. v st ut. iî fact,- under [iu' 'the 'ari» an4 «iun'l',in voen be- ûU oe h o ms long.' JuO et mou uck lt, for. to-day CROISLITELE COLO NY. i. à d ' o ý- o 1,6f r a grootitrap e s. Y ou'r e aue c u ro n s the huindthat. w antl, air_- I d xV; mm t'ebut ap Ilua factory Weete nmasLeWihtLi 6it's thiek snOugh to et w a by naturec chet; but you're different. Yon chuck FehWae.ceirs any. and g0Oout on the spree. D'yer min& Revent investigations lon Lie littie Lunit>' of.-dr min" cid fot nemonetrate but p l- Érom e~w luy iitdHndr 0akw - dl 1that êe. wpuld; anîd soon bfezreak -. son or BEizaetlr;Islanà have led to- vate r- witii @t'elie' Dut on lier beet out-dolor thi *'thé diseovery f <4 ut îcure, it te -i -a -'complet. 'a J Lie habit ha ýa that -able mni h'ýb7 *chance Éses M. vUriousie littl &otxy Of zoorosgie(al "IL bas'!b .. Ii it aItocurei to lier that;-.is total- absta-iners. Tii. isa], 1great busta. glu tb.liInJg in the neighborhQod-tbat. ld eà n g -o ing, home, the, nîht liey *çwhkb: 1*8 n sbab ted, la ituated captimty , w ie ranulmet - h ké&1 ulokly yet abouüt 120 -Miles norýtieast of Pit thoiig- li héj ier,- -èlîîî:a.sIfg 50w, il" vairs Iasland-itself 'aufflcieitly out ca.oionally; i *wr 7ýOMn'ù. wit -did A c cc,1 f the way, büt.faiïousas -tlie homle et.th è~~~~~ nudnJe fle evcfor,;e! the descendante of, Lie, mutineers o!- birda ace ensé listh hant,, and- a iýh]o h cfý. bloccitetoher-, acei , h.»uw' clve ! heBunty, ' .dry places ai ýntgout, cf the houes lin Burîel. ,Tiereýis-ne vater on-i, not evea a ýpower o :va.walklng nçkly wi tha. preeSon a wamBÃŽp, aadý iL1 l' onl>'six rmiles "ù,sit ltar ,sdse hakm aO &dçrway, Iong, -,et ith arbors quite a men-' the greet lIn ,e,,,,,s ey to'attrà ët hie atten .-a'4tçr,. li ta o me ugon :Jier agere-axn frat, a lizard, de- ýnea' aç, Jyj :ýlisndie p- iasseie hr She :2oPt aicj as very abundant, -and-n n ot;serve in, .rhlbnt <311v. lad Ca nêtlâ. main w-,tanfour,, kas ci airdoià i n ornonus, vi rTifnad'wa~ oon ion h Peculiar .to- tie iln.I!éea birds;. morec anile. atn ay0,O . *fruit pigleo, a likeet -o7r.honýy1 Mostpae" -(T o b .ic ontinue S> e ating -pa rak e et, a -litt i. r' it r s r o i i crake. and as-reèd ý*warbleiF. Tii. do not sh .,trai*e6-tiag -abouet theriù,nmates ofpen»e vi 'w 'us cuHos lttbe'naaralavi.ry ! fare, ver? 'ýîýÀ-rèksiirounded. by "avsing to- - teir; in m a te s i r e ir us ,-o n e -- s pe i a i- p o a k u 1 aasocisted viti vater-the rafl ahuin the - -V' tWinevident tlat tleee,-ýlike T è. Lhe rest, must do without çris2king, its adapi, unes. Le'idéw - can ià ke -thir enidurano -utor Le>' have acuïredtler- need 'of aLlen for sea water ,as a bevorage. cousit o! A simille'r'cae is that- of the pecu-met i ansdver>' handïome wiid goopeout-a> I'N cf th. Sandwich -Islands, wieh fre-- is enduzi quepts'4le -bannes lama ftowe, ýwiie tained on thée à i'ne permanent -water sui, - La o, ply,Iut.it-leeds on juiy food, suci lar/ýcond as eo-s w thiste- and-. bernes, o t - Lcau el w&ýget an ves more aquatie type --the ela.n1ý of bird, mairoesed os diu land, bûtL a.telopes Lie Sand"ic r, a D ose Laej'o out d'rin- ater readil>' eough vhen kiept"In,and pvol Europe. "Abilili ý'As'o Lit e existence of, animnïaising i. evn without dnnking, Ii s el no oulaity Li at y lus ' avé the, powNr- of uoii lies cf ai thagataeùlves -x ina- a>,- and from wia. the. pbecnoînncours irrerspect4iveth-iis powe o! --their' det , being,, ygaLabe or el nd -ià animal, or at an>'rata, lnsoins vith Lie cases," maya theLiondon Stilsdaud Lieugi ,i in comnitng upon H ed s C a-vmstanci 44nd ie. "lt'bla auis' well abe 'ineaib4ers .of an aepÉpïio ~e of cceptng o -the, ià tù Lner ~ Wh mn ain vir h~guesa )uld otherw'Ime number thirtéén., rish *ew ie.a dizh unkà own-, in l&nd. The. f amous conco.tion is New England origin. Lrabic figures were invented 'i diae nc>t in Ara-bia. rho Vurning down of- the- thumb the, ol oman games did not~ sig- 'y dea4h. Tihere>,waao no gc M - To Ili"gn4y th-at the, spectatora, sired -thé death of; the vanquîetied cliator, the flot, witith ii.thunib Iden inside i.t, wa.a-turned clown., tarcli, which originated in Mon Elizabeth'.8 ime, waoa t first kk, or blue,- or yeliew, and it con- bied fauit inteor pîni or bMue yeUcw Lo tie linen it ooate6d. )ve6r V,00tone o! of ct ttlie athly over Loridon. ýh. banae. s Vie only - food mWn that ihi never a.ttacked or nied by any inseet what.ver. drink ing lth-.qvrba oh-" r nd tis *tMerorage arranlge- i sý- at-ohiican <à ) ith«'j ssilmi upp1y -for day. Yet 'ac fthirat can b. main«- lyabà iitV'twice a long at, the horse -kept under simnf_ tif ý and as an abitaine 'Compare wiýI. he io raffeil id-and-some' of, the _othez m, wiii ce n subaisf with4 kcing for mýônthaâ at a time, bably indefi-itel1. 1 y to xist. without drnkl! vidently a.physiobogi-eal pelý , ýf certain sBpÇcies of famiý~ animale, and it là s obvicuý at habeeën a. abore that lr is çcaprikiously diatribut- las no necessa»ry 0onnectioq Screature'. environmentlL under theia pressuïreof cirý -~ - A', . et- meet cmvessest t. use.ý th à amlioint cf Li Si S- o rpsio hlaanb. Id 'ia per -ane( 'buil Nor I-ran hous BuitO -~ , the i At ~derj Th b las-q Log!e farn The -burne, Tha& -dent- * bal a of Syd --order of St. -liake, from crease there i -mlarket inontli * ~Cents mi paid' nmi cdoues and the fatalyý Pbp lng bisà îzle ho disdharg Intestin of lis rý What When the hes, to bave, Il liad --fisbermeni 'Pr sesi 6HIVES 0F- ONTARI