Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Sep 1913, p. 8

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-Eiema 'D THE BEST PR lgist and 0' MEDICAL HAL L;hln,ý *hÃ", h s On v'sItangthe back the letwn, which n êDsoie'< Cii--o--n - a, wi-ian heaihy - 3 1,t 1 It @ rttw W5k bropïi ad h profuion 01e dif- beautul.LSite Must geVout' of 4do itlitId honie.rounded by a superb pouin !d!waik- a mile or two- every- day, and ouJ., Sebèrt, of-New Yozkr-is tirent nôowering. plants, conspiluoIS tke Chamberlalù'a tablets to in. a ee wth bis parents arnong which ar phlox, the tii' Iii- prove her digestion- and regulate- 1,erI- be ~ ~ ~ ~ u 6esnwofud ak u pco~ ses ageten boweîs. For salo b ail, dealrs;-18. lepwsn'weet d al- peas,. besdes pansies, roses, - -- stick between B3roak- and ag very pret ty border disp1ay O!fBEU E E age and Grovcside cemetery, tbë White castra ,daisy. The rear end BS IEWS. turn Same tQI Mr. N. eton, ta banked by a miniature shrubbherY, i.JbzSotl odn eea ' -gli,«g a sggecion o! ,IIualtty and cars with balied hay. pbèr - tho dad aô the Haret cLot zageient.. In fact, the Qute a lot of 'grain is. maklng its o le held . . ite letitodiet taiclful roig o o9 hrpee-waY. tWWhitby ,Harbaor.- On. Sunday and Mondsy,, Octa- niails an d- the. foliage plants and Mr. A. Il. Hardy, of Taunton,, viS- b and l3th Fuiear articu- shrubs js one oi the mnogt' lsint4O ted aI lMr. E. Story's,on lionday. - îer. leatures of this fais lutin demeur-et a Jeffrey Bros. soid a span of horses ýs hoped that te parties who factor Whlch no dôubt han a ood ast week for over 8500.1 nng- the streot--spniier over deal La do wth gaining lor Mr. Spen- Mrt. Wxn. <irant is* -working on the hn street can be persuaded toi cor the second--prize -for gardens seen GTR eoln as-far as the station. -Wiy froin the 9-treet. (Mr . Spencer -ts a Mr. . ln -dMs.. T.C. Osborne and b jlot - be ry~ on the co-aper- aid .Brookin bo.-Ed) lMt. John -Aliman took lu the, Bow- ?.11u. It oertaLànIy would f0- Few, i àay-, medIcineÉs, have metmnii ar eusa ated bj the 'residents. withthe unifori uccese tita bas a- ~ Suodirw Qtavlai died at Brooklin, on Tues- tedided,-ilué ùse o! ,hambeiain's Col-ster-ltey. Il is-> supppsed some ept. 36, Beis aes eitos -oi n inhc endy The IýýbosOot-jng wlth a-22 calibrè rifle late Richard f-oar, aged 94 remarkable- cures -of colie" and - dar- ;ini the flats .wére respo nslble. nd 8 mnoths. Tlie fuerali lll rhoea which JIl bas .effetéd ia almost Tedthngmc9elewrigo front the reiideiýSeo!-her son- every neighborhoodhave given iI a the Willt tarm.it.Il aisntended-- t Wm. Blight, ibt 21j 'con. 5.wd euain *sl yalda-tboroughly underdrain> ail lte farnis to-day (Thuresiay), _et.18, rs4e-13. - -South o! -Base L'ine. Sep~.Messrs, Fred IRôe, -ni. Kemp aud T.C,.Osborne have, PurchasM manuro, spreaders froin W.F, Dieey The , rickfa esare -wa*rking on tour of the -cottages -ai the.Asyluin. Titey ha-vé the, finrstontèy cmlt Are built b totand up -ta ýthetit _wrk, thé carrier chains extend almost 10 theo-Points -of 'the -dlivide orses-as te- ickup staiks when lying -g1most flat. :When the héight of corn varies, the bottom -in the binding: atts.chnuent can. be instantly raised or 1owèreai by a lever- this- feature mesures the bundese being lid -o -they cannot fali spart. - Cail at aur showroom and inspeet this ma- chine.'. We carry a comùplete stock, of Riding and Walking Plows, including Cockghùtt, Wil- kin*son, Fleury and Frost & Wood Crown Gauge. Harneîss, Ext. Ladders, OQue, Greases, etc. -WhitIby, Ont. nd t elPhones.- T - Clothes wbîch are distinctively*diffenent than the: Car LIN'S MADE-TQ-M EAS.-URE. Ïone of-:tbeir-own that only th biot efficient ihri- -Hohbérliii .1theï do mont-cost nnv.mie-,m Tbe.- residents a n the Base. Lino are anriOus' to have a rural mail deliv-- eny. -1t would hbe a great canven- joeS, sud ehould be givenl, as il han been given la other -comm un-ites. Mn. - Underwood, engineer o! the dilching machine, met with- -a Pain- fui accident on Tuesday. Having struck 9-Mme ntoney grauind, lie raised the Mab up ta examine ht, when the sitae rOPPed off, stniking hlm on the head. Ile was knocked insensible for a time, but bis mate nevived him and staunched-lte wounds, s0 titat he was -scion able ta leave to conut a doctor. An article ltaIitas real merlt, --shauld in tixue beconie popular. Thal sùch le tite case wit Chamberlans' Caugh Remedy bas been .9ttested' by mauy dealers. He&re is one o!ftem. H. W. Hendrlckson, Ohio Fais, lad.,' writes, "Chamberlains Caugii Remi- edY Is te best for cougits, colds and croup, and is my best seller." For sale by ail dealers.-13. AUDLEY. J. Murray has obtained a position In' Wiitby, and is now inu the. cOunty towu. Mn. Quinn, the new C.N.R. agent' -at Grccnburn, han arrived with his fanîily, and is now in charge of the station. >Mrs. F. Wetney bas been vis-iting. at the home o! hen mothen, -Mms Glendenning, Scarboro. . W. J. McDona<d and his staff o! Wtnc and teaIns are busy gnading fer" si1dings and naads In connection with the C. P. R.. This raad je uow near- ly C-oxpleted. 1 .- The imnplicit confidence that many people have- in' Chanmbelaînts Collc,. ChoIera and Diarithoen Remedy li founded on their expenlence iunlte use Of that remedy and, their knowledge, Of he many remankable cure s o! col- Ice, diarnita a nd dysentery Ihat if has effected. -For sale by al dealers. MYRT LE. -Mn. George, Bllght bas inaved ia- toi Mn. Frank Duffis housa Mr8 Station., Mrat. Wn. lKent les under the doo-. tor's care ai the lime of writtlg.Ail hope- for -a spsedy 1tecovery. Miss Lu aMfaia ala.se+ 4ppers at less We have bz nd, setus,- gxgains R. for every -BE - - Successor 2hDors Soutb o! the Standard -Banki,ý. Mr. 4rnd Mrs. Cook, Mr.Canche Mr. O. Downey, lir. P. KçUt, Miss Cook, lMr. »uff. Mr.- C. Althf and- bride' returned ta their home 1~Ci ago ater a p~s a t bw Skels- visit àai-the. parson- age. Mit. FraÏk Harrison -bas severed his conectotias tabonagent at,,Myr- tie Statiôon,, and-is now located -at- the Don itationý, Toronto, alter years offaithful service. Rismxany friends will miss bu.Iýý OSHAWA. H-enderson's book store Ws broken tutuo one nigbt reçently, but te, thieves, whose objective point ýevi-_ dently was .the--safe, became discour- aged whea thiey found a heavy dool bath locked-and barred, barring their way into the front part et the store, and they disappeared without getting any loai. A luncheon and reception was -glv- en by thé Board of Education to the town teachers on Fnîday night,_ Sept. 5. A mostenjoyable âmre was spent. .The C. P. R. hbas comnuenced- the erection of freight sheds in town. Atter having lain in the cellar for several months, the illumined dlock is beeig installed in the post office tower. Many co plaints have been heard about wanton destruction of praperty ini town, notably at Prospect Park. The Town Council is to passa by- lIaw calculated to put a stop -ta tiis vandalisin. MÉr. E. V. Lander wan the fiand- some silver cup and gold medal do- nnted by Robert O. Law, a! Chicago, ta the Oshawa Golf Club. NEW BELL TELEPHONES. 192-Scott, Jeramie, ,Dundas. St. 110-Wilson, . Harry -D., Dundii-St. 133-Arkland, IMiss K., Byron -St. M"3Thompson, Mks. W.G.,, Centre Street'. 193m-Grecater Canada Improvement _uad Lnnd Co., Ltd., Brock St. 123-r 12-Wilkins.on, W. -H.9 Cor-. 173.-Hoar, ý'R. B., boots and shoes-. il INVISIBLE - - SI-FOCAL LENSES Our Bifocal -Leuses- -realiy two- uesweded iiita one soid lents. - peca1 ground,7.50 f.e E. LUKE, BV ÂOI- ANNUAL «WESTERN EXCURSIONS _ SEPTEMBER 11, 12, 13 Round Trip Ratés from Whitiby to Port Huron, -Mich ....... $ 6.io Detroit, Mich ............ 7.6o Chicago, 111 -... m......... 13-40 Bay City,; Mich........... 8.50 Cleveland, via Buffalo . 765 Cleveland, via Detroit. 10.95 Giand Rapids, Mich...10.35 Saginaw, Mich............ 8.40 Minneapolis or St. Paul Ail Rail................. 29.40 Rail and Steamship. ..33.40 RETU Re LIMiTr-Ail, tickets valid for return té reach 'original starting point flot later thanSeptember 29, 19 1: LONDON -AND RETURN. from Whitby, Ont,.$34a Sept. 9, 1l,ý R1t.r l4-i30 S 7t. 8P-1103. . Tickets nw n ale nI alGrand- TrrunkTicket * Offices, and, especiallY Town 'Agent for ExpreSss, Ticket sud Telegraph <Iffice, opposit Standard Bsk hitbont. - Telou8. solicit.a - --J i share of trade.i &djnetment af the- aunusion rree. kIo Simcoe &t Wbitby Monday. Wtid ,Phone 344, Osbaws -LEGL - NO. F. FAREWELL u-rister, County -Crown- - Caunty sblicutoî fice south wving Court 1loi A.- E. CHRISTA Barsrrer. solicitor. Notary IP ý:e, Brock. St., Oppy..Staà - Money ta Loar H OA R to F. N. Burns - - WHU1 We wish .to aqa the People 01f Whitby and surrounding country .with. the fact that we have opened -up a first. class laundry on Brock St., Whitby, in~ Hewis Bros.' oid store. We arc, prepiared -to -.do- al-kinds af laundry work.. Famiily'orders -given speciai attention., Al wýork guaranteed. -Parcels called for and delivered. Charles War - Whitby, Ont. An Important, question. 1ÂlI1bnins cuogI ar notaUk ARESL .TUDG- ET18 SLUTILY NRCBSSARY. 'Write to-ay for the Catalogue of the,, Toronto, Ont. It WMi help yuu ta decide. Thi'sohool te conductedontheblghestpaneoefie mnw&: We are'proud ot its record. SUdents aditted at any time. Cm .Yonge and Alexander Bts. 4~-ta Lan or umediately soy -G. VOUNG- SM1 r. R. Bell '1 made pavioin for enpJaî Fat] sd Winter montha, steady -remuntnerative wý tern:isWejoffer the jmce -Psy weekiy, free outflt, tory.O - JAS-. BISE dates aply to mnu r LICB NSED ÀAUCTI( AND VALÙAT4 Ail kind af maies promI to. Affaugementir ou E saes <the Gazelle offie Term reafonaýble_- , Bell, and Iudepend . pâ t WlIITBY. lON ÇOgNTgA4O Carpeliteit, -Builder 'and Plans '«a 1and stimâatý Repairs,.Aloeraticus g~aent for BranîfOt B0Xw4Ã"7 WIITt!V Corner dru N o Wjneseeerequired. el xon W. J. -es uot*, New Telephone-,I Direc tory, The, Bell Teleph 1one Compan'y, of Canada isSoOnta _print 'a ncW isue.of - its' Officiai Telephone Directory' for the District o aietral -Ontario, -includiâg ~ ar f olte A nt%"LIUIIàg ' % F!muA )LCAI W. Fe.DISNEY, -. Indcpçadentg axBrw f ont., wl punchai À ce office an Lý ' euu ajcza jrauncat* 4

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