Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Sep 1913, p. 5

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AT 20.- to the uest aQtvartage. For this reason we are2 not only able to offer y ou -an - ssortment of wider range _but. qùote you prices urlusila)ly Iow... Here, for instance, art~ Mý-asonic Buttons -as l'O w as, 5oc Odd Fe11ôw's Pins as Ilowas 40c. W e carry embIems of a great' ~many eocieties, .-As ta. quatlîty, - corne in and F jucige that for yourself' We guarapitee ,,liatwe MIL. JE*ELER and O1'TICIAN~ -WHITBY. W. C. -T. The -Eighteenth ComentiOiIo. h outario-_.,ounty women'8 ChrIs!In Temperaiice Union viii ho held in tihe Simcoe treet Methodlst Chutch, osiawa, 'on ThurUdaY#, Sep0.25, cou- vention spak r s. E.A. Sees ot- Tor0iito. The local W.C.Tr.Uü. ex- tends «a cordial welcome, to ail. ,rs. Frapkish-, Cor.-Sec.ý, Mrs.ý E EdmÙnd Starr, County;President. We baye a complote- linèo o! men' s wcoik4u- boots. Cone ad insPect saine. at Peel'e shoestore. _ Mr.- F. B. biosure left lt week On a budeis- triP 4-eEngland. He will tbe absent about a month. Ail pang votes ilu W. M. .Pringlets piawiêý oteEtmust b-o recorded 'each Repairs fore ainiakes o! fUrnac6s atbicntyre'Sà Reýneuiber the Pork and Be5ai Sup- per, Methoëdîrt'Tabernacle, Oct. jet. àdmissiou 25ci. Every new yearly subscriptlon té the Gaztte and Chronicle couats onM Ahoussud votes ln W. M. prlngWi& plan@ conteast. For Fountaiu*,ns authat are reliable go to Bassett's.-. bir. Jas. IjOyle, -of Broughiamn,- as -il,. town -vu Tueeday with a -load of honey',,and found the market splen- didfor bis lias o! géode. M. W. Colline le eelllug footwear at big _reduction lun'prices. See bille for furtiier particulaa., 1~sreOctober lut, for the . ork and beau supper te' be-held ill the Methodiet Tabernacle under, the -aus- pics o! 1the. Ladies' Aid SocietY. 1'ea, -servad from 5 te 8 o'clock. Admnis-m clu-25c. Good programme, iho - Of' ' nd Beau Sup- _$10,00à FOR MANS DEATI-. James Dunkt ,o! Campbelifordi . ta sueing - Le Dominion -Construction, CGmpaliy,',Limited, claimiýg $10,Ù00 for Me -death of Frederiek Dunk on a construction train., It vill hb&-remein- bae4 that Dunk vas killed on the. C. .Rnear Lydýde's Creek about three moniths ag, when ii heook car roed down the embankmnent. -Juat,-receîved, a carload of stovs à#9 ranges. . Do't tai.to'ueo thiei blreyou buy. J. Mclntyre. HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS. On Friday- a! ternoon, Sept. I194 the W hity igii Sc00oolannual ,4thietir. appris viii lbe held at the town, park, beginninget 1.90 o'olock. Those lu charge of the eVents yl ho ; Start- eÈ, Rv G.A. M cLesh ,clerk, A.R. Innis; Judgei, Rev. R.W. Allen, E. E. -Star-, C. A. Goodfellow,. Col., Farewell, S. L. Treed. Thé name o! the. latter -ýwas; tlrough -an errer, omitted from the prmnted jýro&ram. TUEHÉTABERNACL-E. Suuday, September 21. Môrnung service, il o'clocL-.-- - - Eveng!service, 7-o'ciock., The paster- being abisenit taklig- Ep- vortli League Aiivrsary'services on hie former-chargze, the Rev. D. E. ,Jobustoni, B.D., viii conduot thiê serviceW ber. ýmorning and evening, Refuge la tii.a! ternoon. S-. S. aud Aduit Classes 3 p.m. ýada -, -4-d n t h oueo HUGE APPLE DEAL. J. P. Barrett, ropresentative' of the1 Hall &. Lowell Fruit. Co., of Fort- land, Maine, ilas guestat the~ -Royal Hotel. H. bas . closed a contract with Ellis & Dudley for a $l5,0O applo deal. Also a contract with C. L. Vickery,-o! Port Perry, for a $2,- 500 deal. H. is etillinl a positiono consliler other deals and contracts along this line. He vili have ftom 7,000 to 10,000- barrels of ail grades and varieties ol appies to offer, eith- or on the home markets or for export trade. A-11 communications vil-I -receive prompt attention, sud ail deals and contracta effeee«on1 a cash bas-is.- J. -P. BARRETT, - Royal H-otel, Whitby, Ont.1 HIS FA-ME SPHEADING. The fame e! Wm. biaw as su au tieneer la becoming. uomevhiaî vide knovn.-lIn addition* te a big list, sales.- vithia tuîs county aireai bookèd:for iis -fail, Mi. maw ib beeni engaged- by Mrt. Robt. FlIOMli o! ;Daxtnoor, ' Victoria County,- conducfi a big -hale on Octeber 3.'-1 et toDrimoor,- the asuetioieor w bavet4~go te Torônto by G..R froma there 1ta ke the 0C-N R. - te t nearegi al'way's'tation te hi elle ý«r» aw aU Mr' Fle i ave-liff iieard- good tiugs o! htb ý,q auctioneer. It is sfe te pm4lt-tl the veudor will receive ujghty'.'go, servie te rm bit auctioneer. - GRAIN WANTED. Tô the Farmers, of Souti Ontateti - have -instructions t6 -, buy fil thousalidtbuciels of .,arley- ti ihousand- buabels'of- oat', 'sud- 1 iiiousand biishels, - o! vbeats ab 1 bighest- market prIcet antI wiIli'p tii. higiiesi nmarkt Value for the antI-aU kinda of grain, delied. Watf 1o 'selevator, Port-Wbtby--A vas hie 9rst; offence ; he has a une wi!e and chili, and- vas out of vork;- which probably increased thie templa- tion te provide somethlng-for theuii by theeasy means of-the(t luInvlev of these-facfs, the biagistrate reserv- ed sentens.c ao Walzon, and bound him- over te appear later.- As b. bad' already, been ia gaol foi a weeK, fMs Puniiment vas severe enough. *TENDERS FOR IlRAWINoe Tendes vil ëevd .te Sut- urday, Ocber, 4, 1918, for drawtng gravel, 300 te 40e yards, fro6m Har- lock's pit, to be -placed.oýýn ,Dundas St east betweea W, B.;Prîngjîels corner and the-College Croesing., Teudeeerà- te state .prlce per yard,' thieloeto y tender not neces- sarily aëcceted.ý W. J. HÂLLETTY, * Cliairn of Streets.1 ADVISORY COMMITTEE.MEETS. The Areutra-Advisory Commit- tee ~ ~ o o!,eBor !Educatiol 'met' at the.offiéeof e! i.Dîstrict ROpresen.. tative on bionday ni-it Thér. ha;d, not been- a meeting held suace lait FebruarY, owing te tthe fact thnt ubo cOmmittee vaslucomplete lu màem- bership), becAuse of!ths resignation o! -truatees o! the. Board o! Education. There vers preset at ibis meeting - himnRutledge sud- biessrs. Farewell,- GleUdennlng, Molntyre, -A n1UMber o! accounts tilat bad been standing since Iast'February vWere Passed sund ord.red te be paid. Several others vere paeted on Ie the Qlovernunenty as the Committee be- -Iieved they sliould be paid by the. De- partuient o! Agriculture. -The mneeting aPproved o!f-tii plans made by Mr. TiPPer for Rural Scbool Pairs at Brooklin, Broughame, Bea- verton sud Sunderland. AN APPEAL FOR MAIL BOXES. 1Mfayor Willis reoeutly sent a re- quest to Mr. Wm. Smlth, M.p., for a nuruber of!-letter boxes te b. placed ,in varions couveulent parte .o! the. tevu. On Monday Mr. Wiilis receiv- otI vord !rom Mr. Smithi ubat h. bad forwarded the- request - te tthe Poat- zqastpr-General'Fa DePsr-tment, sud he vwould give fumiher advice viien lie receiveS a reply. The necessity o! having several letter- boxes for the tovn la very evident.* Anyone vie has bad te vaik a distance of any-_ thiuig 'p tesa mile or tvo te pont a -bitter wili be quite ready te, agree vithi ths. The plan tbat vouid probubly'be '!ollorwed vould' be. t0, place Lie boXes at points lu the dit- yeet ards "o! the tevý, sud have a certain number O! collections made- oaci day- tierefrem.' This would be a very welceme improvement laintthe postal- service o! the tovan._ Boy- manvUle bas reoently bad several, ef thesé letter .boxes Inastalled',sud th~e citizens' are findlug them luvaluabl 1e as tira. navets. - - COMIfNG. - 'h .E- Luke,,Opt;. D., 15'3 ' ýod St., Tôronto'i; able. optlcian, rat consulted ai -A. H. Al's dtrugati Whitby, Tuesday, Sept. abth. V miss seelng him if ypur. eyes troti you. Ptona M nio. KIng la-son a visit te, Baker xeturued on Tues- RFALL UUIJU G, Oth'bY nuelren and grou-us. Aduu-lsi1 b Irec.ini Most* cases, and -' the people are Invited to bring. along lunch bas- kets and enjoy, a holiday. . The.-dates are :-Broughiam,(Sho grounds), Wedue6day, Sept. a5ti jrokln (Seooliidy, September Qth;-Beavertoïn;' (Fair grou--ley TuesdaY,- SepteMber ý30th; Sunder- Iaudj, ýFIay,,.Ootober 3rd. DEATH Ã"OP THOMAS ,HUNT.- At,-tii.home o ae ui a coa1Y, Set. aM, 11,ocr the. dath o! bis- uncle, Thos. Hunt, for mayyears a resldent, of.Whltbyï Canada. Deceased ýwas -bora 1lunWales on bay .29, 1827.H aete -Amer- ica vitihie 4 ,mothds -ia 1846. 'For -th. paat11 ear h.basxesdedwitb is nephe, ýJames un. ruy b bas Pasreed -. em darkness- into llglht, he'havWgnkbeen bliud aineS he vas . 9 ypars old. HeI had been in pîoor. heati foithtei Paat- four yeurs, -gradually failing~ un"- t the end came, viien h. peaefully passed away., His faiLl inl Christ neyer failed Hie funeral was held at the home, Sept. Sut, at 2, p.m., Rev.- C. E. Woodley, of the. M.E. churcb, oflil-- iatlng. IntermeDt wae made in the. W. M. cemetery. NOTES OF THE SOUTH ONTARIO FAIR. Whitby Womon's Institute againu von firet prize fer collection o! can- ned fruits. Mr. B. Baker's prizo wlnalng dis- Play o! asters vas fine. Among the. vinners- rinmWhltby ver. : Moody Atkinson, 4tii priz. for span o! agricuitural herses. W. A. Broughton-Two firai prlzes and eue second prize for poinioca. B. Baker-First prize for table bou- quet. - Mrs. Vanvalkenburg- Won eleven tirsyts sud uiirteon seconda, lu ladies', werk, canned fruit, etc. Among the judges vere several Wiitbyftes. Sheep sud Swlue- Fred fllsneY. Cut Flevers-ire., E. E. Siarr, birs. Gee. Ross, Miss E. L. MoDonnell. Mlecellaneous... brs. J. B. Mitchell, birs- D. Wilson. Sciiool CildrnÃŽ-E.G. Hogarth. Tii. Oshava Reformer thlnks that the Fait vas net eo competitive as ht might have been in seveéral clas, or au iargely representative oethiis wealthy agricultural county o! on. tarie a itg ould.be made. Ih ougit flet te SI o - b P o sI b e f r o e e o r , w iv - - Whh way sthe ad lov Guesa iAgMin! Why ls our businesgovn se uplendidly, each week gain- is,1 situâted in Ithe Most -conven- ientand attractive Part Oft tbc--, toei? l t becu you bave - Lmore~ ~ ~ Q iasnohr O ait because of "service asud fait prices" our cusiomers are re- cemng ?, hl-'sYQurGu ess!l Your businegs frieud, ter of the, late John Pollard,- -by, *homr lie had fire childxen, three so --n -J . fArtliur; 1R.A.-,deceased:, ami -T.E., o! the'Base Line, and two -dagier, ie. 'Niorticote, of- To-- ronto, -ud Mis deaie .,a Ho, spent,-the -earlier y'earq_ o!bhis: uiarried iffe la biariposa and Darlin- toni Tg*iàhips, wvhère -the, hardships. attendant on> pioneer 1 f. vere sean- ftilly Met. *'-Hie hOMe was ever -open' t the tkaveling - *preacher o!, that soY. tirne, nd -naylived-'t-bles hls kindly spirit. - Ou lieoo b removedte Pickering tovuahip, wliere for -thirty-four years he coatinued te -lea" stùnos lite, keeplng hie lasual -strength su adn tivît et ut A lîttie; more thn ioaithiago livsited bis- sou, lArthur, suad only a week before tii. THEB-OT POINIRO N Tiso ron kd!ished ilu ail aizes fron, $4.00 t *84-50. IL t -iot point and cool liandis. Cornfgel onTie on two weeks' triaL itou.. Wirlng and Repaira meade on shortest notice. Give us a <ail. J. S. FIN uhone xo, Dundas st. West, Whltby Showroom at w. j. i.uke-S. ROYAL THEAT RE HIOH GLASS MOVINS PICTURES. Open every evening Adults, îoc. -'Children under 12 yrs., 5c. Saîurday night, îoc te ail. B3AIN PERRIN, ROY BIOOMER, Manager. Operator. TEQUINTON -BOOT le -the 8oot for Mou ORDER, NOW For Fail &Wintor iWear CRIPPLES'..ANIZ DEFORMIED WORK, A SFECIALTY. Brock Street,_- Souithi ýWJTBY- Wbitby's Only Repair Sliop- > lie R 9 à% »M la >.e cash, oro~u iont,:likeilg. a t one o'lclock. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. Friday, sept. 19,-Auction sale' of hcusehld .furnlture, -i.property o! Chas. Smilth Brock Street, Whltby. Sale aioeoic.Wm.. Maw, suc- -Weddy, Oct. l8 c àoasle o! REAL, ESTATE - -AN E.JONES,'-LIST. iayc 'a'n0s anadbuildiUng- lotsforFO- ýëIe - -- ff -. ORSALE. Parns: for sale lu the Tovnsblp of 127 acres, belng- part o! lot 10,' and Whltby' and- Picekerl .11, conicession .1, Beach, hall a ffle FRAN E. ONES, - fromn C.P.U. andI one mlle Itemee - WII'BY ng weils.; eue good cisteru ; good E - a dU41 o! s b Wal fru t, 15 acre s- f0 .l-. RE STAE.cbard; ý one 1 row o! Ivergreens bal(,7, R AL, .tiE - vay arounci orchard; bush sudmpl If YOuh'ave # farM-or otber propérty for sale, and beeci tÃŽeéà. Oue good framb lni or. near the -tovas of Whitbi or Oshawa,~ naySn iltef>egratî to yura~magtlsi ,seveu-roomçd, good summer. ft' wth ne. Moderate commission, cbarged on kltefhen, m au atl oe l CUOMPIOtIeOÉ-0 iale.: 1 wi.l u nWhItby raeeareral - hus lly ahweek alLer the-lirat of ApriL Write pi eu.« &-1 nie Adres,-- - pg Apl te Richard Blgh,. o. w. sBTCVU8N,8shehr St.,Toronto. Myrtl.-14. - JACKSON'S -BANCAIE STORE, TFHETHURD E'D AUCI-ON SALE ýSATURtDAY SEPTe.20 Aternoon Sale at*2.30 o'cIock Eveaiag Sale at 780 o'clock 'Also-.a Sale, Eaoh:;Evening Next-,Wgok.at 7.30 o'clock, coËMencing Monday, Sept. 22. EVERYTHINe O. ES 1TH 1E HIGHEST BIDE>R. STO RE OPEN EVERY, DAY I .rom 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.ý Il avei!~ 4 FARM I rear u Joese I t t ALBERT W. I I Wl-lITE -WM.l S$earching,.for-.4 ihave i ARCHIVES 0F -ONTARIO TORONT .- 1 -t-

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