twe -heurs an<d est exciteinent Pm [n the afternocu ils "0 ya tew poits sund- daion of ihe 'heuse: le' water 'was uscd dur eto the flrhadto'be- p the wellg Usé&. by' There wà s, tbarélere, ibil, Ban. ing - thc fun drBni.which ,'was, foi -. fore the lient 'so, t.possible. ternis. Jscs Oyal Hotel, Mr. Jôies, ýWs - Kingsland, w] ____the G.T.R.ýat LLB ifs house, a] ed te' a 5 for tie tuwn., -,hedecisieii .was éver, net ithlout whlch tireateWed. Io as. interestsug as ti centreversy at aa. to's *Alderrnai 'Bo wvas brougit 'P levels, dWaW t' on the mat-.- erage system ,"d -atý:hOwý- 'ime te-wax, ug et Toroni- The mnatitr nnectien çiîÃti ýe Ceim>te r~.s - Anns Fie suad onis was -opposed by 1Mr. Àuucs, 'oRoN'T whe' stili furthèr, explained hiT's 'pB sitien. ,1He belleved tbis was a meut W R I T. D i - R A N sBezieuuinatter. [t waslIukely te lu- C. X.Mc-CïeiîaE4 Manager. -volve the- town later on in an e - - m BownaavIIlB. oku c.I A. mcckD.D.Lma pezidIture et perhaps $IOO,OO, aud ft 0w,<>.b.wa <J. P., iva. erâ ger)Pckring &M caýlied for 'the iuest detailed _ceusider -_ ____________________ ation.- There 'was ne -hurry, -as Mr. Murray le 'at presetut n u s-.a i katchewai-. Mr. An-raid s"e' nu ki eF li lt 7 bers of the ceuncil -Wheollud. pre6vieus- i Ii IL a ly lield back. on the- questioîn et fas> erage: systein' -w ere now se hot for i t tint~~ ~~ 0hywatdteg.1.aÃŽ ih The duration of the seasen for each kndof fruit iîs eut preperivetgtinino- tp injWd adopted te: perp'etùate delicious fruits threugheut, utà tfien."of the mn whom they -'wè e S lres -and bernies are past, but Peaches, Plums and Pes, propeing to ý'egegage. Uc bclieved' ii nof thegoc .' -if. We have poie bn theýy wo*uld rue-'i yet. iJansfor camà ilg à S, fruit sud we are no f' offering the Tufs - strenuùus ' objection aroused PecesPluma andi Pears-gt.very close prices. the ire et e'thèér Aldermen, sud warm words passed ' te sud f te. ,TheMa-à yor Call an im npcct -the -fruit and leav. your orders fer yc and Mfr.- Hallett -và liantly champfa- cd Mr,'Murray's cause, %with thi takfng mlnoà i parts. PFuially thle list <s of arguments seeined te be exhauz.ed,- - WR. or tmo ,m ad G. Bobb, Whut [1W LIÇENSt1 AUÇTIOQNEER- SAN.D VALUATOR. Au~ kluà o~, slspvomiplly -at.Md t'O Aruguemts ap b. moade f1 " ale athe l<3mite aoir. Tswa r*usabe. anl sd Idepend6s ipaon.. - WWTBYONT. J. lWEBLIL JAMES Carpeute, Builder au4 Contracter.: Plans drawn sud esÇtmates furnisicd. Repairai, Alterations'aud Jobbing. Zâgeut for Brauntford l Ro@lni BX467 WHITdsy, Phono 1 MBrriage Livenses. imier ocf Kang. enus <Corner drffguteri, Wbltly NO Wtueeses esquired. - ýSHAW'Sý BOHO L I ~of oIth gyW wioOes. mua- e te te 'Mvaotlu. Witte e' satalo. W. m. w E son,, th, - Tinit - MONUMENTS ý -MONUmNTS Schoolu 3*qlil, par- you te "ilai o4im*ru«M smd Inspool or youimoll. '.-ic Pa'l b. .1.1.4 by gmtaà wi Jones', rurniture eut,'leus eppertuni. ty was afferdcd thc ueighbors to -as.; sInt Mfr. Klngsland. lu a simillar mn- ner,' and lie sulferéd a ieavy,,les therefore. Frein't1ds point eaitup .te tic Corners life aStretch ef heuses, 'tie roofs oet sei-eral et which caugit lire, but -tie waichersquickly uscd palls e> wf.ater te extfnguith tics. mal blazes sund te furiber wet the wslls sud, roofs againsi auy more danger- Pence. Iu tic .nelghbenhoe4 were alse TRTJSTEE COLLINS TH114KS CONDITIONS Truste. -Collins iad a "Bec 'lu uis Bonnet,"i 0 te speak, ait th meeting o!'h ticBeard, cf Education hcld laut wcck. Tic particular bec hsd ' buzzed te the éffect, Liai net a f ew et the pupi le a ttcndfung Henry',Street- and Dundas -street sebeels hà d toc fartot wslk. '1Mr. Cellins -sald 'ÃŽiht sine ef tic pupils frein tic extreine'cas't et thc tewn were sent te Uhic Henry St. scicel, qassing right by> tic 'Dundas street sehool r -and tiai others living, luW tice etreme wcst. were sent. dewn te tic Dundas Street scheel, whcu tic Henry smmcci school 'Wai Ãmuci" ucarer. >1He contcn<ed'"ti' t'tiere 8be'uld b. clusses 'establtshcd la bhou' scios .- te' asCoùuiodà ie -thepupils, so- tint tbi wîl&'ýnot"-have ïse fnr 'o" walk., à -. Collines mde sa*very. paiic4i ples for thèe> l1çcat it6 The cause eoftthe -are is uuknown, bût of ceirse uhere is the usual numn- ber of theorLea Prbalythe.- real enigin wilI The two bosesasd sdjefnlng bulld- lngsa-wr ,erewned -hy 1the . George >Son- lcy, estate, 'under the admiistrationi Of' the. Toreonto Generaj: Trusts- Cor-, poration.,1Mr. Geo., Sonlcy wasý at eue -tins a butcher -finWhitby. on Sunday upwards e!fcone thous- snd people frein Oshawa vislted the seene te seS juet what the lire bhad doe u it was rumored lu towu that the ontire corners had been destroyed. ST HEY HAVE, 'AND WA1TS S EEID more quickly wherc teachiis iad sv- o ra1 clauses was net truc., e Cinirman Rutlcdgc iepcd it weuld nleyer come te thiý that pupils sat 'ownin echeols ncarcst-tetc, w'lthout regard te uder best inter- este. Mr. Joncs cousfdercd tic motion au mesuh te the'-teaching sLaff. .1Mr. Goodfcllow said Uice situation as presented by Mr. Collins, was grestly 'exaggerated, sund uhat noue et tic, pupils. was sufferiug- muci item hsvlng tee fat to go to scoel. >Frei the age of ten up, cidren were usually -glad .te get, outeide snd liked te run, about-lanic snow 'dunluTng -'tic wlnier. He wae willng te leave tic gradlugof tice choole te the, judg- ment of tic Principal. sn, vote bclng -,takëz only tic mover sund seconder supportcd -tic motion. Ai bf unci et accounts was pre- senit for,. paymeui by tic Finance _,Copnintttcc ti ret six- items bcing f ëp ains. 1D W1iSon, Heury, St.. Schol. ý2..Sû ~ ~Wls% Mcdel Sohool ..1.E a., h-0sou eny gfýt. nary, gradsi thie Dundas -and Henryle Classes ste cprlima ed, 'the Junior Fourni.:, the Dun das street scicol- Os wr Junior Steetor Foe utuluory St 8eWre Thirdi lu boti ilenry cemmitteeBand i n mve(ur or rnîs is r au an amea dment te 'heiereport -on Finance,' 1Mr. Anues '-moved' tiat ibis cliuse- b. sidded: "ThaLt tbcauthorit> of tuhe joint-ceinmitice te deal, Wtt ti appoutmeiit e 'n:ngineer te mnakea survey -And report upon a seweragc sysiemi for the Tewn of WViutbY be, continued, and tiat- it be 4urtier autherized te niiake suci C an engagement -atter haviug lirst 'pre- pared tie ueccssary agreement sud by-laltw based thercon."1 As1 au explanationoet is motion, Mer. Anues said tiat sfuce Uic last- meeting of the commltitec 11e had ob-~ tained Information tint another ge%- tleman nearer home, a f ully qualifled saaltary engineer, would be ayailable te do tice work eof surveying. He un- derstood tiat tis gentleman had re- commendations and qulficatiens et tic liret degrce. -He asked tic Ceun- cil te delay thc appointaient etn tal witi tis other ma.. Furtier- more, Mr. Aunes said, he iad writ- ten several men et nutierity fer ticir eagineer untîl tiey migit meet aud opinion upon the werk sud standing ef Mr. Murray, and lie isd net ypt had time te reccive replies. Mr. Bateman ebjected. He said Uic Couucil-should appoint -' anuwhom they kuew, and some ef wiosc work they have accu. He. tavorcd nauring Mr. Murray -as tic engineer te de tic surveying. Mr. Halletsnd 1Mr. Colwill alse strenuousl y poe i utrd- [iay. epodan fute de amoeiomeus -' t Ui Kfance -lepert.. A serot7-discussionu fo llowed as te -tie terms upon which 1Mr. Murray fa., te .be eugaged. -The printed çontraci torm, submtitted by hln was not en- Virely satifsactory, sud thc. Town., Soiciter sud the Mayor will there- fore -drew up a tcntat've agrceement, whici iste cover certain peints-rais- cd at thc meeting. Clerk White read a conmmunication asking foi repaire tte sidewak%,On Uic nerti side et GilbertL street ;' Xlso eue frein thc County Cildrcn's tid Association, asking fer a grant. et on in 'the evenfiig cýoj.Farewell miade a pIes te the Council in behali efthis w6rtiy cause. A deputation et firemen was prc- sent, asking thc Counefilté purchase- a 1100k sud ladder wagon. Tiche d.l in use ai present aie fuadequate for some purposes. A wagon is îUecded tiat will carry hose au well au Clethes, rubb>r boots aud Seral men. It weuld grcatly tacilitate tic specd< et tic brigade in reachfng tic scène et a fire, and vc.ry et ten a fcw nîlu-1 utes ture is a meet imâportant mat., ter- Tic Ceuncil cxpresed -themusel - ves as beuig willing sud auxicus te asslst the- firemen ln the perfQrmance -of tie'r dulfcs. Tic Pire aud Ligit Cemmittcc is te act witi n, commit tee etfifrcuxen té procure catalogues, sud te recemmcnd te the Counciflie purchm se sme specifie wagon. lust at Presenit opinion is net settled' as ite what weuld be tic most suitable style te ebtain. (Cent4nucd on page 4) - WHITBY, FLOWER SHOW WAS.A ,GREAT ,SUCCE5 Increased I»terest Was MA»ifesteëd. The~ Whtby Flower ýShow .beld ln 'lià h gardenit sever an objeci cf -ad- the. -Council' Chamber on ThurSday mîratien, wou nthe, fir st'-silver medal1 last was au evidence eof.-thelncreased reenedbyTeTrotofric- interest lu. cur town. ifa floriculture. ttu so it.There was lu' thé col- .We7 veaogratulate .1 -th Prýeudent, Mr. 1etin a cilice deiphinlui. E,.Edniund .Staâir, sq., upon teU i. U .w léo asà - a agod -SUÉ)1 em i. e b siowiugtc beaùtltuPerenials,> snd- Th pi'taledisla WS mdewon'tie' bronze mdl eeaise was ý. ]wwers,ë#a aèowing'o! ic favorite Philoxsd e'*i[U'some favorite 1flyhcs y-~ ~ .u. lBromana evh41J4. ml the, b est' wr and but Wm. B. ýPRINGLE,8 0 WH ITSY - 0TAI - EVERYTHIRS IN 'FINE GROUSES FRUI TS :AND VEGETABLES . Au T-2AWE WHITBY, ONT. r Phones: Bel],, No. ,,47; Jndependintý No. 47 STATJONARY z we- endeavr. no¶to ô-be,l and th, cati be demonstirated'by an- stock of b,.- sup- -Higi S.1 St ARCHIVES 0F' C W. A~S Blini, B"u Byron8, i V zund fur- t and dry. rates. Nonie anyi rei uring the r6u mish 'i year voterri. P.n mnalî, an ee vloinity. 10, Ont. mine trônage fourl.- HAVE SC'HOLARS TOO FAR TO WALK To Wbitby scbools asoýw GradedP GMS ~Is h! 11* s ~root un odes aise il