Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Aug 1913, p. 6

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h-, nali.»hl.,v. odal*m h4Quton. "aùdýô na ~eujWrth -of property; kWled bé kid of ..m P_ s~I~ wtie oe t-a, t forflitfL 1, 700 Faerai soldter n opno- leuIerî@is g e 0,Lr- adiM'Idroe Wrfm rp4LIQBoui.opn0.i- 4Mat 5ki B t<~o, wat a ctr Y'to aaekl' ' , at, and rides.todyatehadf ~ <>8Y OAgt~USkMn b s ie ot dovu at Whitehaelhurcil, awei-rmdfl"ey-nioIxthedoc Lord dý p e "d-ive le&dthe war Aerous the 1îôý.à intô plu-c . uethwol4 »veno < &Dly1, one-c 01uet ht rne r~ f9,200 cvalrY., Inia country which > çnim~, êe ~i toogfr.At fOrsýit Lt vs deseenthOrdere on the> nte tate, yet - Ofougt, ho hel. signe of aqualor and zkonaou i ha bu tiredo, . t 'v~~70Uice.rapidly ehowed tbemeliii; bl liiiuels skýnaothmÏa h-u aie aUthi. 1walY to Paradiae srdns, waoa ny highqaaa ic ti adl f lm atièneedfreoiiedwtartongILa eriel of -narrow1ý -h u ~t W~Ihe~*OtcUre . ~UOsc etX t rougli -which lie and Qufiton ,n téHna ewo<ped down on, tues f #ou aae a taeler o to eak. -net' te'O >f5 t VSS p~ký4 MÏ Ù »C>eil<t tdse'but t to i Otieme.opposite; f4r Ris strongho d,,the fortified townï wace ti ariq lii 5 more aqualid, morelilltbr, ami wer, cf Villa .Ayal,ànis ù h n dlj1a .ws heiqoi teotuer oi,, lironelwith iip' Maic, ia 'w etey as il' iobis W«e, u- j"M'ypeopi le ,oquali andi betweeîi the,,twolarge States cf, 1cQn'aoiiijreec iren..> siretutheaes'At- Morelog a-ad -Guorfero. eio,' te àtl's o 9be ndIl e rn drer thère, was a flaeiug g_11al " td re aul,,, nS be a '0Put aee Or a rhab iler but D tn e u cm direp uable been thé --cene of 0nIo b l e w thl ILW,7 êr nlire.k 14 bqieob.,.0»Soiwle ugbaea0 rbops -,fro M the rav.4d'chnm anuexpars olô o netey,ý i" boheu11VISttnw wvileatre t ahhieas viti18,19M OZPe~~~Ã"u <if ley, forebo4. i eseip oe~~vernien.ts cfi orire i.z "Ko b as <!o- aesti"aie ut e- 1h7reacheti their'Fraticeoo ec>ndela Brras*, tut. masieioaa, tiia JAý paradeslora grdes. sema Bo *gas ils o&fs O lor I&t. à lt udmr xmid aial o an, evI.tuayete.Uned-tas _Whiat silo shda h o-ee have himi>'of th eri.a hoot anti wrfiy "puai wh h ave to i incutZapexi, naira o Ae oe i-o flha t n ire0hum loforsinhall broadrO.,1~'tcnwPe streete wOT¶ princes *ud- gentle.nen.' jhul.OnAjuril 4, 1 '"Whàtt -r9là, ecar c lethi b edvre ulg S14dnt913xo e tne1Tctren iin, upat-Sio the iarssu bol usttY o4oied tbàa' h'lebdreb, *fîb for ýhiniceif a.ndM- a hie 1moi, 'com- lsq i o Clive, WilO was Jha%'ccelou li «keasp han ~d dirt-laden faces. vèe O fhiw rom.Oldsivr e. hovg rsa4la aig aanhile doors cf<. ,he 1 b c. man4 'o al he Rurale4<edeïà a ihal ld suet c els,@eu aalcl oussinnuathgeo te a v eet; Mouiited Pol!Ce, comparing 'w it.h 'Wp t ofiai lhati een . e a f ervc l til heY were ludifferent te, Or euly haking the N(>rth-West -Mounted Police) worai c Builgl vntilr, auged lhba languit intereat in, a Ogili- viici: vs' - 'satsfatio.poing on beiveen tvo mou eai he-enti cf fer .hlnlcelf,, eud ithe governorship *"Look ike that, <lo IF" ho e aid. d"Phat!or -he court; but preaeèntly a couple- cf o. , JeSat !fMoae o i ie ail right! l'm stoir.; On a ulflexpeti'. mon staggered an« roleoust of 0 c f eue cf ý- Mrlsfrhsb tien. Evet hear oth Paradas 4rdsw'* -'-the beer-ahopa. Tiley werdoinging ai -he ther, EufenilO'Zspa.ta, cacly Ja'se 'No" ald Quilton 1lu hi' ImPaIsaite top ef thei, voie., bOth malY drunk ,and. gret a bndit if milanowol aye.LhPere 'hrel"' e prs e udlenlî One Of item "cheeketi" the. cuer., l -' h "Yes, h ers svida aCpie;o o U an instant tiley vol'. both engageti lay 'cown hie arms. Net oulydiele ai îiè Grdes," aid -Olie, dau tearins escil otiler's aiansd clavigait refù!W1- ' e ffer, but lie srietd esPecl*aly '9"4 op" on SahurdaY nigilta. eachdt'her'. bosomas. The ibafera ee a», a It'sa -a seet'. la he aluina, te b.e eaet;ami formned &-ring, bot a kesnly inhèrimte; and threw* into prison in, Cuerna- a ud 1 vaut te sees i. l'es 1telhai 1 doo-t ring, but- a îimp anti languiS one -ihéiit. .v<ati no'c LeGvrmn kuov haL Is sI.aa ais i m ' 144- q. he fai vas too conmon lina ;adhs auIOoo, eir ahro Quainted wItil Paradise Gardons." Grd atpcus ecleen oan 0u Quiltoia ie. ."I ueeo., 1 ili aayF h:l abut 11,37u' iltersli. Anti the one h nrhrn1 liilad1wh a for Y OU,- that- rots, d*e tue hhing horogi.foughliet iger.; blootiLd'e.hafr vsjie h i lyUnre - ptz't tk a-hby.'tc uieiby ilandinia. (lite booXeti on for a - é t e rta. Goverûmant. withYQU? .., T vile vithi viii face saS a raeked &oui, "No,"replecrClve. Itlsping tQ PaseQuIlton as.ipasalveyaaerr. - - muster lu tusýkit; besidée, tii oie' Oievs1rakn hog il igc hlaveP lenhY ho do vithout playîng escort 1upecýaioro vWhou s policema buihe to professional eillanthrc>pzste." ' aSJde sd nau ia thru hirn. -Thik lil ýôm wi you noarrt- hY'ahoulti he? 'tecil fghtu "Tik 'lcon ilh youif y-on dou't vers as troquentinlu Padiseas lzià a mind. l'vu sa ight -off-Saturday. yen --At Homes- in, Mayfair. knew. sud I'u, inclineti foranIlittie beann." Tii.tva voen vent Off; ailfl ahrilling olive hoitated n moument. "hItmay be threateatni overed th îentlrbl;- - taiyngt- a bono for us." h. saiti sig. the Policeman <tilapehisd the langaid crowd, "ilCaeo rknhaeorwr,,.aany. ndl ludoing mco odnfrotèti Olive ami - 'sesofbroenhiedaorvere? iBd ulilton. Es mes'Paradite Gardena anti Quilton nonchainntly. -"Weîi l 'y. noei aui ls doia and -ho savthat clive and Ilad- niY head broken-not q uit. brokes, > rlonv hanlgers. Yenu udei'sand-nd l'là piniug for 4]nw I " -a ing," lw aai;hhýen he, looketi seasîln. " aiOlive ke 1:c K-'hti- ben ou duty lin, "Alr id ai Çive. "But yeuld bot1' Palae-klrandiy Cliveae aille" tl& eus respeoct a*ey, "il elefr 'oasne, 'od'Iif 1 triO<V' sai'f Quilion, bu.1 ci slst. "um place til, Mir," ho saiS; "acearce. gltanlugd own a.i borts habccoand.iea. lY Ïihe place for a gentleman. Mlghh cet htied oaiscrkcrv rusers. and rohontroube auly momeut. There ain't n h.bly aud ill'fluhing boots.wo1'ee lace London; botter be going, Clv Yed hidi up aud dowa."Ceno.si*< ar'aebarred.ai Paradis. Gardons," ho . t' aalI rigili. conatabie," said Olive. obi -c. we've corne to eoewviatve eau for our- "Cliveý me ýa minute," eaid Quilton; and selves." 'lwen t UP-thois room. and returued pro. «"Thon you'd btter take me vitil yen, mentirywiul a dingy com foîter round is air," said tihe policeman, gaey ¶~l neckin luplace. cf the ofenairely wite col. net a fit place fr gtleme h Itlao 1er. No. u' dnCilive; "va vaut te -go "Let's get on n 'bus ' said Clive. "Have sli. We saîl ho ail right." ' V yoiiever roalizedti tit, takini,- into cou.- "Well,'. sai the policeman reluctautly..4 * idoiation -tile Wear cl *hoe leather anti I l al h.aiithe corner thore if yen tii. cîbova Of your ceat, its cheaper ho cal ho me. But 1 hope you'll b. carefui, ride >than wvalkin Luondon? Thia uaed gentlemen, for v. policemen get the bias. ho b. the poor man's carnagel," ho resnrn- if anytiling goos vrouir' edb, a hyca-bdt Retp fhl e trazapeti off se roluotantly saeihs hallin niu;'ut fila nov that of the icil spoken, sud Clive and Quilitn pursne4 thni ofno mnribv eu sev a baop eir investigation. Tiley entoreti eue of.P hiletop cfan mniusland I sPotiati one tue doorvaya-all the doors vere open, Of tl-c 'irectore of the Bankl cf Englantia fhl cuat f it eru o u tue cohier day."'-a fteocpnsofti eru Wii. "Nice 'te bc aequainied with bank i -ciîr. v, lueîlotýn-and ilpocketi aithe room eciont4" rnurrnred- Qulton. On Vthe grcenS foor,' A- ilalf'claS girln 'O.Imot hlm ati m ahr'. xopeited the door te theas. snd Clive suif1 In ate',. e.QulIhon booke In u upon snoevii plaineil Clitel "thoughil ilat on eartuhlio l-sea nrecl e uony' laies Vvuit ongthete I don'tknow." ha aduled ci E sentvi. - - t ée 1 candi Iy. "No chrecior cf even the, Most1-1-.M crcdniu% a'Itrusfulcfbanko volnîti n' T1ere 7ere nina persona lu -the rcom,' glae-r wa iii the liaiborougila." inaundfesua ee,-t ail âges, from thél The n are have been boe grandiatlier cf eilbty toe il hS e six, t down.," edQuilton. 'Thie iBrokeý tq ay nothingr of I4ij-ee babies lylue on aà,, mcrt'nttnuage, the peasunt treads closely 1)100c f saackinig lu uie corner, Tiw ey er: On ibe'e useOf the Peel-, the maison tra-' rnatchhoiz.makeai, -aud,- h., vers vrk. gi velo hi the twuPenny Tuble vit-i-hile mil. ing agninst hune. Borne of: theas vere O ?Ionai rc, thcebluluepi rides ou the Imite. ilenuins lioehsil he ti pleces cof -o board Of the omnibus vith a briolayr- 'Wood, somewe oiashing the labels. chera Ca unS i 11r.Clveliarvey-1 beg iespardon, ver e fixing theinu ote ieshapoti boxes. - O the flOu. Clive Harvey, son cf theo Enîlot Work as thernighth'anti ap hhey Sud, yul - lia.fberough. Ni esancestorS came ièver s feverisil, vollasi engéroesa, tliay could Wl-il William tle Normen--ilooeies ni oly oau'n- a fev pence aPiece inthu db ancehîo ia u.pewl thle humilie -te n btohurs. They raised thalir hcnvy. anS#ed'William Henry Qglton." cyes aud oshnl-ed_ ni Clivaeand uilt0n; "Dn" b a uaQuilton," adjureS thon 1.11 te o ka;in as If hhey grutig. xi Clie.'Bt euraigt.xIt le n demo. .5 the moment thoir prosence had stolen. r4 c-rtioagol anSbrrfÇsterî are beg level. Clive aikod a fev questions, snd they lduever wdirection. Soxpe of vilin oughi vase anii*oreti grudginulv. viti a suil.T te iéave cqme d4wn long ago; for thay are duoS tsrocity. ns if tbehe o demandeS.- se0 Iigil anS aeo tlitck that 'mou cbald i 't w ere lac mach lest, -ses saoh otebr cyirer ý%em.or tireugil the=.; "Bwnni ow an a r on'ee ey 4vi e the cl as us sd ou . chias d oé s wu u ch o- w e easud nl à d s a ri s, -nt leov ho-v the,-4ther cnaslives. lD van il n ee.- Wheind hi lazt d -M 7~1 iiagi. hi ti.'UDer classes, as Yer hbiiilwe oleepp-.e that chlhld Ili? Yus; thyààcalléd, and righ 1Y, for ihey'are Inctiua, iiinhs"-hsre îesekrldct onu 1W Kreswvar,ct hsiar-he h ihlajrkc tiehe speauoribldifmeZaaa i501 mise,>' .-wh the, ne man,'et he ab.fel. da, it n ei _ rey.-hîr anti.7ot- Ao lay cd 'Destructi<»'e!about 87,000,00 voitî O! public buildings in towuu oSiur f controlI &ftire States-- Morelos aud. Gurrero-! rom. Iladere - Governznnt'. ý":J nap inÉ ci Mev ty-tw o girle Oft - fa'intowas cap. turd roa -Wee_-éderal troopie Noue cf tI... gâirls lam 'beon socs sine helng captured. Canadians' Cênaceie >Iuro Tenl- der T Ia.- Yankees'. Mors penitents tortured by île "oui smufsll -vefee" eurrendered: conscience money te tIe Dominion Governisat 'durnlag the past year than -ýduing ay'- reioa vlv mentw, f i lu* tlehre ifaz ecord. Th Ii. o whkhfun,? - if-lf Vhe Most unique sud. ramarkable cf any fund for ssuy purpose ia the ooSun-try, 'e île only officiai- index Lo SCrupiea1 but 'io Tre ury or Fi- hnue officiai attempta toeoxpiain the 'greaf increase fa r uton o! mouey -teeived Ia-ntlie (overa- tuent* by fraud Lor'errer, Of the varions lepartzpentis te benefit by. île-apparent Praye of righteousness thé Depa.rtmeat of Public Worke comas off décidedy test, It sice received $6,739. B-e- iîug VIe gres"temt' expondiug deps-rt- mient, the preponderance f ia fa- U vor la-eke a.significance vhiel iti ithervise mighV'esees. - Emnpieyoïes ei 'Ie Raiiwaye'a-ad Danals veres istrouble4 of uilglts Ekd returzied'c0uiy 81.40.. The Marine sud 'Fieheries were 'ocompeneed te - île extent_ o! Coniaci suce money gensraiiy, -saches.te Govàrument fi plain n-nurked * envelopes. There la lothing te indicaIf- tIe naine o! tuh' cunitent. Trhe nï6ney le, added te ;be I'casuial revenue" aide c! the levernment's ladger. The- arnou nt o! the 1"conscience îeney"7)paid baek te tle Goveru-, iaeut -dùring the past year ia ra- îarkalle, 'vhlnit il e£nemberod hat a similar conicience fund lu fio United StatýWreeived in 1912 nly $2,'814, -aý,twithsVandfag' te )reat inequality lu Vhs population f the tvo countrios. The Ameri- au fund vaR estahufslied more Vlan ýne -hundred yesrs &go, sud an Ivrage o! $4,00al Ils beau received ýy it, sali year cf uce. "Conscience mèsay" las beau eceived ly the, Qanadian Govern- îaat ever sine>,Oeuf edera.tioiu. lie ycar's vave -of rigîteÀousuess -as île-greatest ever. HOW TO READ THE 31OON. The First IHale Ie Not to Believe Wilat it Seems to Say. Few people cas tell at a glance nieLles tIe nucon Iis vaxiug or- aniug. - Hera le a.vhimsical rule ôremeinhar by#. IV la very simaple othosa vite knov Latin and is net ifficuit for those vIe do net.- The ýrt tlilng la te notice whetlier tIe ioun-is lik e a, Dorsa 0-that le îethér -tle Imli semi-cireular curve. - on the rigli "t4e Ie leL. -If - the monu sho 8 4 at - ŽutU-ralyï ausor dffltz>--"It waaee," iut- heýýronà lray E aienu~-gveunase a9 7,000 oôo inait~ te o *150 60 brbeùt Vhs âi Moirùso, eor ieaat -t vns ia irme o furep tm >a1is aer ieat thoreughly-ancI bread'; soaik,,tlie c~ inis awater, ilhaf uu 00f14,to w' ook0 ôlEt gred'gildàle. - aâd -squeeze -'tieéi'dry, Dujt -the- .eolèbfo la'g-Ik f Irow 'frsa.-Two - upasns crust into -'Mnou squares;~ and f r.y -r'esblkcot milk, two-thiDds of -a cil! dark theni te a. golden bs-cava la lot buLt- ply witb aitbit -dl clth.'- r bro vu !Eýji ar, tw o lev el "teasp eons 'ter or oiL o t é * r a - i u b o n o s v v s b l e e t f t s i oa, pineli -e!sa"it, thsecupgra-'- àdd & sals! onion5 ccjoic sofiit u icefcnanig -1 lhain four. -Bake one Jicur. hbùtter 'ànd colied- flneý, one-haif tcpthf-cnanu io CreamIn f put into a pau.-cf vater 111 >8 Cottage Ohees.- Whea curd has of a- peck-M fspînadi, pieked cv-or, ï rb-ur-lklytke ve sêarté. ro' vby ù ïo~iugvale0ad'ehpya;ateaÉpoon- duriag an sei. aStorm. u -turu the ourd iut0 a coarse-ccf-toa- \ul o*,-wlale-vheat Meal,- a pindli cf i fig ad lt dafala a col paéec~t,-'nd the fried crues. -Io bind P. ahc èd de t er lor-twenty-fusur i, gruntil free the mixture, a d t o gg;f m ie blie the upýer rust-is -Put Ohl,W'i l e . A - W , s i n a e t i n , è a î p t , Ù s t î m i î * 1 1 k é e p t fr eo m u n n i n g o v e s. f creani to taste, and shape fte s-;al31 -biesd-orWtlbe . OPa'ker-crui'is , -Picerf g oak n cedar oil baill. Process may Le lasteaed by fineuflur, sud fry e g ld nbro v-n Sand laid lu raw ereo f an-rd xary --- - h e a t i n g t b c k , s o u r o r c l i b b e r e d o n b t i e n a f i t - r i g - a . c h e s t , l p t o u e u v j s r a f a mlkfiet ,but the.cheese j, The'iatis.are paticulary g<o,esérv- th1Ve virtuet cof he Most- cosl4 t u g i e r . - d w h b a k e d . I i s m . OheseCska"Nice to eat with Baked lggpM tut-Jt te frcmây in ragteo mitoed friqit or-reerves. Qu2e and -pS iihiBze g pl a, fr rocker r r a i rem o ed by ru h- o ash a1f cups c ottag e clee e, eue-. i e o t p î a v n u s lu j , t m b nIv t a n l'o - ' s d ift ed - - i third ' çu p ugar, t À-btallespoo s 'I a pla e P t lii. tMela v e o d aies. - creaa,- grated sind and $uice cf e na eiliiigvWateri aboutfitî ' jn- Whiea -the -nickelý-oaflng -dis Ibl em o n , ,tlIr e gg ,' e e-h laif u a O ,u n tiL th a t c i. l e r a i y Co en s d ul, i pe 1V off w th a Bos>ft jui f pas em o n, three .eggo,on - S o p d fom : h 0a O i ii 19th1 moi4 e ned iitl am m ona à, sud 'hif cup cur nts and Citron, -'eue- iiest fi ne ,an-d add t o e g l ! t en po uash2* ith :- n t e s i a furth cup. sherry wie, onus tisbe- (raw) iniern t or on0p ut of <bol4 5e & ali ,button-to -thp cofere pooaielted, butter. Preses tieae ed sud hoppeà),chest uts:os- o- f a diahtowel., This iii re en tîrug li cla der or otato r' i le . p o f o op e nuoie ls, o en- the fe eit f gtin a ife t-ca Add isu ge, o e m m elted m u ter, o nmk n f nest prferred), ser Qpe a, dielior p a e 5juics sud rindof, lemon, eggs beat-on'bifp1fute!boile4 nie, o. opreven uVr~ihsor cuîpm -sun ligît, the vine -ud f ritiin't a. alepoful' 'f chopped. - oeery, 1. rakngven pouriag- boiled ýte amal bite. -(BotI vine, and fruit onejarge onion aelarge tomatoe, 'ustard"ina t ce, pac4>edal -May 4e osnitted.> Linesamal lins onea-hliif gre'n- aeet peOIer I1(al Or cioth an a dausp cicth. w it l V iee r ue Lt, fil vit I t1h ie m xbtu re coý p pd ) , a i t tto t u d a d if h o t v in e gas u e i s e d c a n d , b ak . a b o u t fi fte e n min ute s o U È a l s p o i ! <l v i , a d - o Id - v î e , m a-k i n g m à a c , i -o ger f - ucessary. -Wlen doule tr g s( eih so ) i tee wl ral.i po eVsfho,"a aprinlé vith povdesed sugar and ingredients thiorouglily, sepiaee- in give the-' sac& etter - olor. '- eers îul t~n~ -us ~gplant iskia. oDr sheilaand Wle eamee1 uruil ure eau.e - Frosted Peacliu.-Select mone>ha-ke eue heur ifa a3s0ov dven, pre- cleaaéd liy disàOIving oiestable- peaches that are, net.toc .rieand ferabiy-ius a.die ah nvhi-kh Vhs vege-epQoonful 'f bakinlmg-sodi ne ns ft- dip themeuene ts turne in water tiblecaa ho alsa eerved, as remet-', o! warmÉ waters atrîe-a Sofit hàt las jut boiled, - so that - the Ing it from Lhe baking dish isl iikely cloth, and ah-Ve frniure 1 ý > skin .ay e easily rémoved, Theýn te spoil its aîppearnce. A quatity cf quiki __' put ito- Cook the peacix1es in a syrup uni a damp cpboard fr-,at!w day--Wýijl they are sofi tte fiagers. Strain,'- -Housèbold ilintis. -abîorb îledam-pnss, -' thei n sd plunge thein into the Jie boiing 'water fou' tea, staine. W~h h 'e-lot-water bag starte to - whitee cof eggs beaten te suow, soll lUe sait sud lemon 5nice on ink leali do udt th'row- it ava, but héat.- themin i powdered. sugar, and leave aalas. - - ean wbite Sand- sud puft it-intiith- thein for a few minutes in a geatie Mud " stIne Sboidleinkd abag. The sanid f ote hi li ovn alisromacarcons and kerosene..ter. It retalus -LIe heat lIongè,4. angeliques, sud ou removing the Rùb grus stcame with mo7lasses -The hast yval' te Cook a, egg 15"9 peaclies froin ths ovea rol themin fansd vasli, tedo iL oae's sel! at, the nre as this hel. - Tn'peatine or benzine will re- tille;« Take a quart of 'bbilg , -- -Old-fashioued Almoud Rings.- movýe paillt st-ains. br and car-efuIlIy drop tlïe:eg i - - Rell eue-hli!Pound cf puiff ps-te - Bcor-eh stains, remove by expos- At the sud o!f lve or sixnîinuýteg t vey tlIf, sd c ot ith biscuit- ing toe is n e. vi l e beautifuly o k d cutter. - From es-oh rudcS a tains sheuld ho soaked ian A deliciousi' hot-* watîe'r eandwi'h smaler one from the centre so LIha6 arra milk ad s=I. is made cf£ ie.w het red; the ring wil ha about -au inch tvide. To femot'e acid etains use azsùio- niais, butteréded vt]:u'ealted- but:- SBeat the *ihites cf six sggs to a na or chloroforin, ter,sud spread -with ehôp'ed'oliVes' stiff froth; add one-hiall pouuid cf Perspiration stafus viii be re- sud valnts. Raisins ,alsumkej- p lverized sugarý, and tir villi t hs moved oiy1 by boiing. good filling. _ -S diali in boiling water until VIe mer- ..ruit stains should ,be. soa'k-ed in Swiss eggs are.a good 1uncheop ingue le thick. - SBicseuoe-hall milk or use oxalie acid. dieli fox' summr BÉerape Pound cf blanehed almeonds very Cho)colat-e stains, soak in kero- disli, cover tlie bottoi ii ue tIin. 54fir tliem late VIe meringue, sans sud wael inf coid vater. of cheese, break tle. eggs oves the Cool, Thon ifih a -, ilver kuife Biood aValans shlid' ble soaked çee an su pj.inkIP -mith bread-- place " s mixture on t e -rings."lan frel, fa cld. vater. -- cruni. ak--until doe.- t-- effy bgiden- tuesC-aada PettInd Cenýin M AKEcertain of vé 6evi complete success m. your conîcrete wôïrk. m~swih ii lghstquaiVy of, Por&inci Cerent k k " %ada Poetn Crent unh i k i. withnY= nroaclorprcial id~ Vt dlubt sDot nemigi ei -o ask forC anaa ient ibags,. ýýbee e--,--i t res M aJýf rto not su $iqoot e1 the mat.r, ho <bl 5 io uh-waoutedaira ho the î'rsî Ooc.rýand - iÇreHoeeboH-- , -*êj ihiu,at thbeOàipl5ens cf flie ahlii t pous dooUr Oaiher -evral kaouhlugs, an'd near Oir.uaa utton h.I.Ptg a cime~'-toi1 enteu*ti s triasea, in whýk' st siev-il 'tonolCah LIk te ù tler lii. pige iu a 1 idiot boy,nurji ng an Ily. ,rtc-îb W.." eno-- l.twice asIii5fyv etir te - vti lsaad s.ahis î hra'i*ith f1lt. iudhleblaS lMen as 14=y' - *dhs. luhhLttut. c .lii.lkeWMbeAusi. nuist. anSÃœdemtsnlaû â0z. ' une amar&l i -i ~81eofa l ~su i i le Ci lergyman. W>e Vas born Aye ~!Pthat lier ite pycil bler for hëf m, the. unormnng e 18À ci Wihind himr thongl Maaiy tinmes. When Am21y-thouglit sre]ëy wOuld relent, bût veu usPlumnier ýA Ueceesduî man,, ý ngin thé midst of 1 jdéa _ to-1,i-8daughe' Mhen hr'aygir 0lda s torln hrok'. 'v hoIcL She nOverkver -hadha.Ppened., She' busy with'littie Evejy hold duties.had aso 'o ant hour. Si a - >~ ee w h a& t - a s g o le. Perliapash WiIL Many eVeng tie onotice Will' 'bis hereah.6ufs But one morningth Ped from lier eyeS. taken f rom lber and atdrift-upon. the wor cmz.Another-a' Mrewo=n.n had tk Whiere Amy lhad ca.red -anid lad doune,he own and ;eervants w"Te em there wa.s nothing. t do.- They toid lher th Ho decicted ýthings, an nicthing cl the law.. -1v She know Dnauglit but ho]; tc otaide. w ways were, tohler a seal tfro days7she rat upc steps chler fvther-a hc denied a.dmittance.ý her husbai' fie in desperatîon, the to ae-1r iend to h.orrow go to aàilether elty.ý hungry and ier clothes - t.redbae.There -wa the inexpe-riexwed ax kindiy-wx>niaigave mnent â i emËtc sevenyer hlid and nc~g~j w heavy Veil tatconce turcs in orcler that Ioved Umiglit lie sp4r fier, liwly life. 7 la» automobile dahe crr. Its ehrill à tenervaus weman.- 1lrt~ n, aythen the 9'i car Passed over - etopped;' ish.wae Ifft * to.nzeauand _hurriedt When th"womman opel they rested UPon & -gi * girl, faahiona.bly go(wne the saine girl who had chauffeur. Stop thé =&,û victim niight be ca.redf the girl. '"eThey ar graiidfather here. gave your str8ngt fr in.We have . money& 4'~iEvery girl., hOculd zaahe lier <>wn way in* th* a,deÂi; bvery womin.- kiiO-Wv what day ~w tupon lier own ,resouirces. teach .von to cars fo'r yc Pvit -our -trust î inorselv Umn nby thé-W, w«.o ken old-man lad enteredc gis wri7akled hand resi da lighter's 3armn. Yuare iîglitmda men luourwonmn,,but nver- fail us- . It -hasa SStand alone."- Da-ugliter and gradfat ?iy placed the c-.d 'an n m inoetconotbecir 'hiin is favorite -drink. se'ected one of the bco Iiked bestà and -reld to h1 - alept. Then both sat pea wateohing over hon; lesti ghoid cbet <i.ul Atd when lfeawoie ARCHIVES 0IF OMTADUne - -J rr,_j#fw-lwý

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