ruemeue b abe, wuetner asave or desa secrt frein the ihorrile pit ln-WJec1s - J was ta»,,tie leussd. Had It Dot beeuii-for tbêçpêsr- Sageilse 'qIstenCe o! tis. pliýW*ltathee brtk- beauty and deatis of thse 'chlld would noPver hait an, bave been reveled..- sand -ai T~his carelesmneuand dIstegard 'fsu e lsumna11e on the. part. of pants 'î s aould suzrely crlminal, and there sbould be COrn e-el smre way by whlch -thse ýaw could Sageie. vis11i, upon-<tbern such puuisùmeat asléluetot' tie ciie warrantes.,,JE' Wl - - thatIs, 861d at do &Il MOTOXi DOAT'RACES. #- -W Iý'for Sà geîne,-à s other- torés- The Uiast e raift tiseake -ports on-canuot« su#PIY YOU. Doa'-t ineglett bots aides of the. lise eau poduce 3Ollt liaranotiser day. Sagilne tg takè part l inýe rnotot boat races ai only 5e a large botte. tise Canadian National. Exhibition. Il -1s an laternationaIl meet, aud wiiej M1H SLLV . tise sport fa dean the'sontests arSe. tGrgrschciOjaawa kee. ep,,2n t Spt., h," are the tue seene, eta véry pretty .wýeddlng, dates, sud four*days - o! 1h.e,*xcelleait s port are assurred. -. n tie rnrnn !ed ueedanyo, ., - - when Misse tae Sliayuug,- -- . et d4#îiter.e! MrsMary Sulvni DEATR,,0F JOHN CAMÈIRON. Whitby, wai ' ted la marniage to Au ldi esteçnt QI ?ortý Wbitby M laI~ . th.o hty * ~Rev. - Fter; Cliie ofllelêtlng9 pase4d away "o4_ We4u9dayAE!454in Tb&.brldeý,w~b was given awsy by tie eso!Jon ameroulý-46ged'Inher ,brother, Mr. F.-J.- Suliivan-of To- ~eas.DeeaedW5 WlIIIWI ~ rente, -was assisted-by Isr' nlece, Miss tis vlClnIty, belug a ý-member e iX-âne Loretta - Ne wsornje, o! - Toronto, as of tIheroldest families ai Port Wit- bierad ls ôr a ted b>'- lnis bsyounger daya ho !atmed e bti bro.Ther, Ã"M AbeIstisd lSith bis f!athiserMon lbbase line, andeo! .Tos ronto. '-r.AbrtSih later waï, eisployee ina ci-egar factery o - rne bere. 'For la coiderable time use was Alter tise wed4iag breakfast at the lan the Stà tes, but, bas speut tise îs»t home of tse br1d 'a mother, Mr, sud' te* ye-ars la bIhs -native fowu, ýwiti Mrs. Smniths rotered, te Toronto te bis brothér, DInel.. HO had been un take tise boat tetise, Thousaud Is- well for smretinie, but was confined lne to his- bed.for only a, couple e! days. Tise ftà eral -was beld on Friday alter- OSHAWA PAIR. noon t6-Sf.Jhh'sý-(<Bay) burylng Th' ecosmet'lant Saturday We avejus Treeiv diiu r s car of Plymouth Bindr Twine, Hy-Fork Ropoà el etc., on which our priccsý* are right. SJe our Corn Cultivtors-we sel! the following: PlaneUr., Ookshutt, John Doeeo, à Batemai.Wll1klnoi,. -We 'handie Plows -of -411 makes for' éîvery purpose-try one of our Ontari o "Fooîi!(t Sulkys, Fs'ost Wood Mo*wers, Sldê-DbllverY - Rakoe, Tiger Mlay kake, DaiMa-lY Lgaders, etc., in itock for Inamediate delivery. Second-14and Bug gies and Liglit Wagons Disney* & Puckrin, Whitby, Ont I Independent and Bell Phones. mail H-eydenslioro -Park lots bave been eagerly'soughltetr. Only two morle à r e for sale., -Miss Gertrude tLoveys, of 'Torônto, is vlsltlng her cous(sMisfS lHsel Collins. Kr~. Stuart Bell bas been Yisitlugý George- MeGillUvray-_at bis cottagt at Heydeushore Park. l!lydenshor'eiEito.,be beauti*led by terraclnig thse bank iu front -eft-the côttageg; It-*wi looIek swell. Miss'Marjorle Howard, wlso.. bas been visftlssg Miss- Muriel Robson, lia returned te ber homïe là Toronto. The boy campers' e t the Parké,. J. qW.B., J.R. sà d- G. K.., aie nod- e. They look. like boys but aot, like mca. No Rames, please.- )frs, Gold bas losed ber cpottage- -for the summerý. IWe aïIlemss fier boa- pitallty. ',- W hope she 'Illi- return Mr. -and, Mr. Thomson sud, daugÈ- ter,- Helen, sud: inonda, have -returAed t10 thelirhome lu 'Ti4Ito iftei_ spending a dell'ghtful week at--1leydeu- shore 'Park.- --Charité Rose' three'wee 'vacationf willl soon. bave terminatet We :ste ,sorry, for Chantie ta a valuod visiter here. We advoeate a sldewalk. north O -tie railway, traek, Ifrom thse whsarf te tise Park gate, for the- accommoda- tion-o! excursions neit. year. - Mr. aud Mrs. Millichamp and f aut- ily, ef Toronto, *who are camping bore, are delighted with the pd!kff. Th ey reeommend it as belng an ideal isealtisresort for the summer. For 1Dyspepsia If you« suifer Stoanach Trouble, lm yo try ouiredSnedy, It -won't COUt YOU a cent If t f£MWs To prove ta ou ta nieto anddy ~ai oaabe hetugily re- livd=tisat Rexal ID~yppi Tablets il do it, we will fumnisils the medicine abeolutely. free if it festegve yusatisfaction. The temariable suoceas of Rexall *ypesa Tablets is d'us tte bigla de-grée ofo!.scitifie akii.used i e viMng theit formula as well as to tise unr exereised in their manufacture, wisereby tise weis-lnown p 'ruie ef Biemuth.Subnitrate sd pi avbeee properly combis#ed wth idother agent. Bimnsutl>subnitrate'snd Pepein.- aeontityemployed and rScg- nined by thse entire medical prof un- donen s invaluableja, tise taieataent of indigestion sud dyspepsia.T ir proper omibination makes a remedy mnvaluae -for stomacis relief. -W. are W, teWtaijthit 1thora lu notbuingsoo îdfor stomachis 1eas MM BnlD pplTablets tbatwe urge YOn unnbuy RexeliDyspepsia Tablete in' tbs mmuuhtly only at Our store: A. H, ALLIN. Wbftby t eoMWteb Grut J tà LlalLTw"en haSdUoeSt Bou DEATH 0F, WM. MOGUIREI. luToo to, tise realdeie e! bfis sother, 436 Joues ave., August ai, ':3 thereij4assed awsMy William G«ar- lett, only,- and belovcd son ef Eliza- retis ands se--lae Michael MoGiire, ged- -ulaoteen -.yea. The - malu9; - -~, . , P! 'l 1- - L CORNER -AIRIWAREi HTB anpeventive ofe nmerouà miý cisdby, 4efêetive oe rguwstolothor-. gasOf.,dige n~afqund iii e tlVaý cpey ertaIu. .oud #~~aehoIPe rep'ey JÂP4NESEFIREWORKS. Tbey çpme, on at tbroe o'elock every' atternoon,> at- the Canadian National Exhibitioli, aud they- neyer f ail to start a c&"lg -Qo . neeks -ail over the grouuds. The< yeumgsters, go wld' wlth deligit -as they- ecramble for those tissu. paper, figurus that floak.. Sently doura trom the exploding bals iif above. tise banners 'and towers 01 the Exhibition City. Here is a chance to boost your re- cord In the Pringle Piano, contest. From now until September .15th we wil11 give votes for j-ob printing brougÈt ilito thse - Gazette and Chron- icle office. We will isbue, if cash is paid with order or on idelivery, *10 votes for every cent; not so paid, - 5 votes for. every cent. This laLý an ex- cellent opportunity to Increase' youir count. DEATHS. HYFIELD-At Brookiu, on Tuesday, August 26', 1913, Margareët, Gralhm, roet of the late 4ohui Hytleld, aged 713 yeare.- Funeral* private 'oï,F'-- day atternoon to Salem-eetery.ýI Mrs. Méorne and daugister, Heen, vssited with thse Misses Elliott Lhis week. Notice to Cireditors. igtemSeofgswing uq.fumwes 1- mfi4 t . emuloemb' amt te Am. eu I. um I 1 s' bà l ln tee -ue of the dfctleasëry. Mtmewsde@ vies 1 wmt tthediivilae xw e hW dhwtioe4 r, eu- *snwee umneS ad bdeslie wmouftai. V», la tumnfrg Ov., the. 105"et ie Uusrlded'et tioe. nov the meutmdeuUs Ulmeime a iuùneorethle gmsort. Si fArems uioviaigexeiedg. t f ai ii" te .bwt et-the eevelum quite mufdat for jeu lithe awkam - dicaufles 'in ff,.Mà mSet. lbavte tiafi, vhlilau o uezst o the Bud U fmuutvoéfly Tofiutu, <.eune., 1155e ta bu Imm o Outfie PIngUeiLsuu n e. G. & C, fMRRIAX COMPANYff, XWANTED. GOO LOALAGENT-At.-once' to1epçsntthe qld a. oal -Fon~ifl-Nurerte. - pletdîdlist- ,of frWuit'aud .ornamental à tock for Fal delivery, 1913, sud Spring delivery, z914. 1 Start *at once and secure,. exclusive terrtfory. ,Wýe, suppi , l hadâ6om .e lues outfi7and pa^y bigisf coftimisn&a. Write for f ull paruicularsi Ia tise malter of the'estalte-o! Cath- -7 ïene ýMaria Collins, late o! tise ïTowa ýo! Whltby, ilu tise Count. t>' ! TANF WELI .-. NtIej eb'gvn pursuau t 10 TQI«>NTO, S.i55 iap. 2#,et tise statutea o OutrI~, LlcogeV ' tisau i rd __________ brought i ùto' the Gazette- Cash it oder or on dglivi - paid, 5 V( 6000UND, -WEAR- PEEL'S, We Wonld- tation, if yen We carry; aà tces tin us rnging ilipn Special dise tion articles, large vaniety. Lying downi dressed and tr Ceder*all, a - - eiht years of -this morning ---iwlth a razor în by Andrewz Nic * street. Thse mn.uis -1 *- Suffering frôin ineck waskhalf tein ansd indP, ated anid the bi - hiS CIO, ig and' great itreamn Last nightts over-drinking an -thse people oi th 1t0 go to ýthe ho- -A week: agoTU the police court' since then has which brouglitc luin from which Port Artisur Dai [Local. Ail pianGotý -- piano contest-uý Wednesday.- Irock k, MTON GIGDATES Tooet itgtosGïand Trwia*l Wbile at school, bis1 won thre oe -o!fbw Pupih. 'A diligent- boy" wae Wien eleven' years -0 tise, Entrauce Exanîl Buy early- cIcsed frorn Aul Bargain lots Collins' Sboe s des yoia must have good Ln give you the very best, at 40Ç, 'oc ansd- 6oc per picked up. suera - de- Cern. 1: tise suimuer- Mc bridge.;lHe left sume .iefidTutieS ont.- Tise scisool ch cultivating flow son, are remfud pected teo exhibi al Show, Septel Mrs. Abrains needlework o.r r --perienced nurise, nicated with ai -or at tise Whitl Great, %uant - now being sold 1,00" votes in oontest go-- ' subscription t Thse scsools neit week, oif- Tle smalbMy taehis last s - verythirg i price&.Ge.- your :e th( exan ren'1 JEUi 'OPPOSITEws Poir oipua WA1 - I not Èive gour lad WHU the'. 1