is no leu and nu ti ý,f purveyors-I mey, to exer- h de&, bùt gen- '-b] nor beauty ii .tô Variety sud' r' their -ciwnP Le Thuxnderer &ti-n le ï.reas - ikewiee. M >11 itrzkes uni you jump ýe twice , Ili t- çany Ur am are bebter 11offl F.w cf-us, for in Shûkespeare qiltuh -ti lu cpi.e ..r*le , -advent- la ý-w "oforge t )ras we ls.arn, s't irow like a, l'-e e, beër- lyte' the gea-ý onary-a new appear, in the- about 450,000 .eccguized Às ae 4n dvancs D~Johinson. Dr. Johnson, -atoeJ'o i iaic 's, - > 'a ng ~ u8ed -fiod' aintiuest4a-fm- m yprtt ~ cmiaiosi hte tii.I more resent suggestion "Te'~Kl~jideùtlfies -the 'manna wlth e t Teshrnightgown As th e n,-gryu-y nlw u e±c>r; lu inundsrwesr.-Sometîies *whkgrowa lu ingreat 'ehundà nba on is"has a siasulor curved hêm,-liker k ad touesý-c- î desert. the. gowu of' the preeent. In fact, When -lully 'matur ed,-, tus,'ý leavsei it in little more than' a chemise. c"rl-upthspla t boses f xthe' "Wth blà ckI 'gowns> the --ihree- r4 à ' bow- aboutb h quatér 1ength jacket cfwhitéts i*cbiggtee utmtl' i sik r oie e or.'-'Ise re~nhaeff ntlrvi, es sd -she--te&e directoire .style1 yul cutawa*ypae çtinIel&îae fa, fronts gsud sw~allewte tjackets ' t nmn ,tkoh n f .oae very -muair whiîte snouse'eixné,soi naaveït of embroidered linen cnrbt d alnt# touchi to the-,bbouseë.- 'Âiisppy mixture le fabhiondd wiith, the skirt and front bodice'iu'check- ed violet and -white material, -wlitb coilar, tis and eash cf violet nib- bon* Long plaited violet redingote, wlh -buttons to match. Wlth ibis le wonn a white hat with a tali violet- ostricl feather. [I hie eidition, overlgoked a ORAýCEFUL COMpErn -ny words that nigbibhave ,xsluded in, the monumuent cf Thée Egyptiane Ans lu a ibrs,' so thMtit lumisleading Themeselves là , Ceuni ,unme that- the 4g484l.tonue The cordial word betwe' adM edsoinethinc hike -'400,00and -man, the. mixture cf s ence e deti. - So wonder-' assurance and deference.'w âd impreesive a thing La geçhol- the pooreà t and mosat unie' the mn ~ nc~pn.oach thle riel and -the P lat temni r owthe dignl'ty .On .Oth i ýng on, tle,:great - Oxford dc- 'p.r'iî eqaliy s d ry will be able to give us,,when lowehip,, throughout' the i6nplete their laIeosara ueh vfI>g.esyitedy:ILr. S. accurate ia6tq9fl:"' te - 'hew enta OIîulBou Engliali wqý,ds there wersez ~ s~te !~gp. Johnson wrots, - îoî gaeéu habit- c Grains oflidGohl!dî' man never- rime sen .8o onietiab'] t . ngte a, hà hnowg not whither leisgmi xeiténcy * ,.-..Qiver Crom'wèl. - t' ~esiiyf be-lree-moiuc1e and cheerluily à uný;ý-jI -austain a c eç4 at,,-lcurs, -cf me&tg and in ýoùiwteeyéTleh, eap éndexerci'ose is ~ene of the D im.éut upon the otiier, - .,-,cçs-pts -of long 1latng.- èâcete the coommxand oL ti - - ' "1S&asm Aleiknum',. à lth à honorable, and may be ',A'eikum Salaa." niosti - blisdly when men re- "With you be p.a.o., Ilems 1 sbeing what in- mcy-cf G"' ,nds'1 ,!ey _are- seaids cf ih, snd '"May'yourday 'bebles, es ownr. rrer. '"!ay yur day be Mbess iMiddle clasa ie a large snd îerdsy" tnt elase of the population, I Mae your prceperity i i' olten over-lookcd, which creased. d- >bear a great. many- -of- the Abd se e n, There in'e Ms ortbe State-,in alinoat-un- Lu île Arabie languag. w)1 rcportion, imd wbich doese ot itel! to a nhythîm p et sm da.ys massive sither the sym.- phrase 'expanSion.-Mn. " 'r ' eattention cor ibeoprs .Kely, who knows- the. c Ili edeaerve8.--Lerd l~~way'peoçlseot Egyýpt&ôoip à k Bu rle igi. - is travels as auatit * - tus'!Old-World eecutef1yý naotiy-e,"h. asays, "v oiea .y -husband à a just getting over your wo* sroper t Ml cf sieku'e.. and I vaut toi"<Tha&nks tc> AU&ab' I mmn à shirt," à aid-3fn..- Binku. "'Ccd inoneapeyoir pi ig, main,", rephîed thîle clenlc. Our Lord and 4theP#ï~ ld yon like saïne4thing Ln.%a stif f te'g6odme."' ), 1 i,o" >IdMns. hinks. "Tii. The. ooi ng setops iV, ribup he must avoid aiVthing 'Moon,, but the bli14ug',gui i-bo- neVer. ITIO L. Caeby -tesy. suen master cnchlouded vitii whicl -tered apý ,learned; les, whioh- R. Leed- 'Hfe telle of' speech. he' soutnwestern AB"'iall oinùg groundl 4iid baked'-i er.Tii. fnat,'et h>rmonfize -with thé. description Iw,ý Nuxxùbérî'so fa'r au the size and gen-, erai appearance cf the maînne 'is concerrie4> -but the narrative'lere' clearly implies a supernatural pro-. vision',-on accunt cf' "the.largel quautitv which'-was needed. GOT 1 KING A2ND 3-QUEENS." 8fr Rarry Prenulergast Rad-' Strange Experience lu Imia.» Tlhe deatî cf that celebrated d warnlîor General Sir Harry Pren- dergsti, V.O., recalle the f act that kt is té hiit hat Britaini owes the jossessioc f a country larger-thaný France, for it wau he *ho with only 10,00 0 men, acieved the conquet cf Bunma, and '.the-dethrouement cf G!f 'tbat iniquitou6 monaréh Sir Hany hnis-Iflastold, =ny stor- zes.r a ý asar cf sven.ty or eighty members of the -royal fqaMily- in onme day ils General iiad declarý- ted 'tu bè beyon 4ýbi "" "RutAhîbis,sAid I'Sir Harry,'fwas ditions cf h16e posiLî>n, Id proba- . y Y f 6q;- ou is predecessrs ou, -Iià ve -bèhaved exactly lu îesm way. Tii.masSacre. *as stinictly' a measure .cf ipoiiiirecauiion," Thée ,urrende'- cf Theebawal Mandalay wae graphically',describ- .eýI byr.Sir Barry,,and 'ls final epi- sode sy -wrth recountunË.- Sir nfary orieebaw and hie tfam- ily 'if'ullck-carte tote e' 'waddy, delivetred -them -over te tith. ,Offie co à a 8tbamer, n bà ie reit'forý "onè' - King, thzree' -Queèns n. uaPrizmo 'yi4ister -and tbey"ve &tru. HiieIa.nd hlud initheir? -' ~ f3liGE T ,T1LM Mlanufactuà re of Bogue Pre-Histèrf e in the 0f owcuntyabu ly1 town withiln 72,iié ~ ~oi Eng., there'is 'arriedo& enrlkow -itJ bout Tii 'the., menufacture of bogeà prehi-i torlo impleme 1 n ries The a."knappers," or flint clippere, 'W-0 k'n ucb the i i'"anner,~ The' kngpper of Ely, ' y Hr-«ý *ayto hand i7n Ahè extýens-ve etrata of fntyig, amidthe ehalk 'beýeath the s à à o. ' hf t4-are' eunk direct to the filoorstotue, ýand from these -burrows.*aré macde into the chalk. This znining i &Udo'ne in.the Most primitive, fusion, Me the men, for the niot part, work singly, without f ea.r cf 'yndicaes: or corners. Each -hà e bis_ 'own' 'daim, hie oWn. workehoÊ. 'Quite often,. though,' he employâ heki n .t*ing bs, warea ready for markiet. The daim ie aout exns1uth and three feet wride. 'Gexeraily he dige down 'about 35 feeét, and thence in a horizontal or Sîlaning unÉe, as besb. suita his purpose. '"Ris pick ie 4shaped like a figure eevehn, and he goçs down tho ehaft by toho1ee5 as-' cending by the same mneans..» Ris workehop, l ike,- hiemining, 'le also in -hie garden, thé, ýouly' '&tiuge. cf whicb a re a-block--otoatk4reetrunxk, rather -emalier 'than -.a ,butchers- block. _a- ,e l.~itt1e ztove,,to dry ,h»infpail&aind' .smec tin" * tmgtbe iwpËise'tbat fliut- loks -went ouÉ cf -'usEe about the, close'( the EéV-olntionhà i'yW,ýr-but th,ýe kapgorastiIU find'the stendi-- e1'and micst mpran rnh' of flints for th{ý olIaahined r-ý arm. 'Whereý do.these reHlies of bygone -da go'?, To make t'suêts-,for the, egc'sin Àfrica. $ome-a re slip- As" 'Qéet4tere. lias lieen, no jn8 mafty Who ,Hfave Founli o-ut: thii 'Wmen.4roni tnne ' imnicriaI h"ve heen the greà tentt pie5 'inhi tor. Teirchiymeand réeôure adapthemte veryuneof appre- le2ui~ ndev~.'T* thoSe' who are, acquainteéd .with the. histbry- -cf ý ,t . f,-espionage, -thà st&texién cones as no. surprisp, for nearly ahl the meetý oensatiouà -l -spying cases "of :rÉteét years -haVe boen engiîneered- by. un-. Ficrupulôuà - Wézmeu.'-Foi hn"i comes'to -trickëery theye la noat»tch for elverwoiaepcally, as, otn bïl- case;, se.has.-natuiral'- beaùty ,ailied-to. ber p-eere 'of OnIy'a few years back a-n import-ý ant Germnan..fortres-lad to-be su- tirely rébuilt -owing te -France- ch- taining Oxtensive aà nd I"valuable ln- formnation rçgarding- its armaments >.nt- portion ofJ~xin frontier that t' t à ùdécf?'jAnd ihbi at *as mâaeneoenaryow ipg;»tô:'iseraml- fac, f .a Frenel wcoman Who"e !trmivýet5soaity enabled her t_î,o-u*rm thse secrets fro>n impDrt- ant' Berlin officiaNisn -whose' houie ebhe 7was lmplicitly trusted and- su- tertaiued, ltieently .a cbarmkUg womian who4 pcsed ais a goyernesl w*es ntenCed spyingý -'She -was employed'y.'two Europiean powsrs, 'and -bty %acting as a goveýrneSa te tk-e. chlldrën of na- val. officens in Parixe à id'Berlin she payed the way ,'te aequà AnL'ance with 'thosp hol'ding- résponsible - 'sitions ýWth :emar1ab'lè. adac sIe auineked él'a-'te -and plans and ,"Id- tIssu xii ýthe _', ight -juerteÉB. , in -Ier peto ghaé -ampie mea2s cf ,I-earnuin ' whaï' part ,of thei. house -such dObumeént w~re.strsdandat W-as not Until a b1unch ýof duplicate beys of a 'inm. ber cf A'dniralty 'isae 'ere found ian her,.possession that -Suspicion feli upon hIci -Kvsry one rexsembersthe sensa- I tien 1several 'years ago whienmoat, complet. plans ofth-te .ueri<r OOf the firat Britishi Dreadnoughîj-tz publîshed 'linGerman uewel7apers. AbnVlis tu -an attraà tive-'w1p- wle, Pby-reas<>n c'1 herý_charming- -psrsoflty ;'Ànd . pParent: -wealthi, shlehad 4iengw,n a .ýhearty, w'el- Acoûje Aj"equîrY Waà held, onthe. iffi, an-prD *à - kg~t~ t~ thl _yaÃŽ~po knçew a good ,e, _about the.'l' .!theze- imporant siià n ne' 1i*.hôcýabv fuir- thý litile son &ne7 daughter cf lis hcst. "'4JI der zhttwe were put 1 1% the wcrld for"!"remarked the aà fter a -momont's thought, "then- ~what are thie othere here fr?' Akin tto the above is the fkoiow- ing, remailable .dialogue, which- e<howbs a considerable a mount cf reasoning on. the p-jart -of the young- ster. - "lease,-sir, ought, I to, be punishe& for'-Soething1 q vot We,-then, oughtI, te 'b. pnis;- ed beesuse I have not don. qy, It je u8ually supposed that chli-ý dren are -ingenucue, frank. outspc.- ken. But the modemn child lias a reserve hardly in keeping wjth this .character. A, lîttie fellow lied belped himseif foo twc appies in hie father's -girden, and afterwards told hie sister.'- She wae shocked, and inquired,- "Did yen tell Ccd about itl4" "Yes," wa.s the slow reply, and then b. added, "I didn't tell Hüm I lad taken two," The' impetufsity cf> the present day is *refiected iu the foll-wing story. A -little girl, was in great trouble -over the -bas, cf her dol. Suj "denly she 'brightened up, and wae asjied if 'aIe lied found the dcoli.- "No,'!' she -said, "but 1 soon:- shall, for I 'have asked God to he'lp me to look for it!'.Il "Why didn't you ask -Hi= te tell yen where it was at once, and have clone with Âl'" e aid . her littie brother. -Thé absence cf fear o!i -punish-- ment su nýoticeabîe in the modem - chilld. -This may- e, re'gArcemL tW1o -aspects, asud, se far as its, effect Thec Jas on ecorductis g t. he gain le aP- - parent. A few genematïons back no The ýC eue 'Id. have macle the 'immr isj attnibuted te LdyTre ashOrt only h -times,-go. She'had told o! a litle- elenMUE boy who ladeaid ho ýwou.1d'really 'eira liketo ask Gcd t love1hlm we ocd lie wais naughty.- Perhaps',thisex- kneling ample was ioewhat ecp~nihas, ~io~evr, or relr~e îe soryof zinc. another- little'felIo Wbo led ben tria s8 w pýunished forý some fauit, when ýa*k Sud 814 ed by his, fatier, Who. tce sma.n'was& 'wo.begone-:expression,- 'ýWhate-r_ 4keu f< Ws9as egoing to -bappen' "answÇT£d in a"sud;_ Ãf a mourýnful vei6e, "hi lt,,as happen- îoniured - -just to Proie ILt'A "Rnalrine Afam? IthOiit~ necki.ý- Tihe firet, and , often 1ur.a lon time the only' c.£ympes t tuberculocus glandeaie th. swe2';ng, wwch ýMay b.-'8o eligt t that- ouly Careful examinationre vesls i, _)r 90. éxem tata are anLun- sigh1ly 'lump appears. - The constitutional.symptoms May be quit.> marked. The child nay be merely- rather'"'delictie," or i rnay exhibit se ihlgh tempýerature, boa ,of appetite and -,Weight, and chËalky' pailor. This ,is the timne 'to attack the. invading ,enemy vigoýrouùsIy, not only to avoid tohe -abecesses tbat enlarged glande Ofeen-forniif thef -are' ueglected, lbut'aotOpenteineto 'from in-vadfing the-'eutire syeem-. ]urin g this ýtim e muei-4-n bodue- tu arrestthe*-trobla. ljisés. laps fortutiately', adisease of'éSrly.: life, -wheu young people are atml under the'. control of theii eldeis, whose duty le le te inrià t,-'upen cor- rect habits offe. They eîhould fluet ses 'that tle .child- us'nôt son- stautly absorbing fresî gernis froni decaying teetk or diseý,sèd tensils;' for there.can be no cure ýwhile any sgurce -cf infection remaine. Ih is alec necssay to, giverest to the' affected parte, aud'torthie purpýoËe a kund cf stock hasbeeun xide. The constileutional treatnisu't is-,of great importance; thsdhildi's diet ,slould, b. à bundant, witiiph t fml and. cream; le should, be 1in tle - open air by nig ît as weil as by day, ifpsie and.his d'igestion, 'w,dh- la often peor, ,fshoudSe caréfully watched. Mar& cif hese case-s,-:,i sie cof 'ail card, finally require sui.- gca treatmeit. .The 'physiciân, must -decide-wlisn the tube6 for that' hai. dom-Ydutha -Oomnpanion. DOBEAN JUSTIGE.. Iges -I1ae.a, Poor I'dea ut ýAdminlstenlug ItL orean-'judge -,di ss- lus- tiI 'h>open, and - by ètitï4hèt6 - judge eau sxit,- e 'very'oe st staind, ex*ceJii-g the pri-t id hie -frieuds-' Who '--re~ é 'remaln inanhuhl Posýtiou' wtbowed