;je ûiîemvéqd' by tho 2o. Oawea. REWEL4 ce-. Crowa Agtorey an;d riitorn Opp. Stanidard Bahk.- Sto LSu.. IF.arste Ec pxot - bit an opportunt»y, slave, he was here at the Horse Show, to sing, its praisles to bis fiiends. Asý a resuk one of bis acquaintances -had 'taken a run down- to Whitby, and wanted to buY a' home hiere. He -was- wifling to *Pay a pretty ,goo4 figure fci à sui table place,:- and the letter askk4 for infor- mation as to avaifable properItie.s. The- homeseeker1 andiýjs Wife had decided to Ccimidown- to 'Wbitby agýï,n, to make a more definite, moive. ThWis is -hç kdndAo advertising the Horse Showý will do -for the YOur sister town of '-'Osha*à ahas a Board -of Trade which' iwy on the ,move. Its member arcnually working, on some pýlan to, attract n&wincustrie othe tpiwn, andthe 'résuit i.s. mst enoraging.' A recent inýeetià ng of that bà dy',was, ittended, by two huned people.,.I.s'it,-anyLwonde ifguc ethusiasm is rewarcted b',the securing- ofô bgthings for Oshiawa- - But tha"t-' .town* lias, no. 'Sa Issu. to hc 4as-i WJ-OGA L LuISES I3iiocal Lenses are per pair, $5.o00 ila ground, . 7.5o i. or tu-ma and ýUcTioNBE.PR ..UATOR.- --m" b.mmfor son... ~T. twwMlug,fmuuu f frèlght, vn c teo., wfIli rio. w iu aonmstioa. Çapnieuilder and Coâtractor. Paa andudstimates furnishcd. ,~Pélm ,-Ateratlo nud Jobbing aaee for Prautford, Roolug labi 467 WIittty - Phono .149 -mai-ria e' Lienes. LI.u"O1 Pf M.Ue~e Ironto.i . sept. a - lDlgsud IId" la Stoe i CORI." Steiam Co)al"p rnlt)llng CORI.' quai these. ;, heaters anmd f ua. m, brigli: sud dry. es and grates. searn. Noue any JI kinds of sznith.- Led. ý'and quantity~ corne ou.t of Os»hawa ?I' xnpe hngols Worthy cf imit'tion. The- implic.tion i-s perfectly obviouL s-.,hawa'Ë sBoard_-of Tradc. will net seek niew industries for- Whitby. The business- men of our town must'do- it themslves., With the opening of,ùtwo new ,raiIlx1ôads--through thé lakeshoire townsý I cityý-people are -bound ,-toIook east 'ô Whitby, -Osi-1 aývis sd Bowm'anvihIle, if not farther, for snitabke si ; es' for a ores -anid-for homnes. .Thc - old county tn esecond..te. n-kthe possession of g-ý luite -beauty and ad-vantageous location. ýWe Ã"ught te have a.big share cf thc.good things possible, a:gd jvc ouglit to lie busyright novi getting af ter them. e e e The- worst habit that boys can faîl into is tha.tf l'of loafing around - on the streets at night. It - s -then they cast theiu' lot in slippery places, when at any moment they. are likely to, fali from grace. Al good and- noble lessons taugit -the-m by their motly- ers are there - counteracted and nliid They' learn nothiùg that is.good, '-but everything bad. The boys who -spend their evenings - iW the sacred precîncts of home vwjth good books for their com- panions are thé future hope of the country* they will fli our legisîntive' halls, and sit in judgment upon men and measures, while the boys who mun'the streets will fIl' our penitentiaries, almshouses and Iuna7tic'asykius. Parents -Who. are,- responsible - fôt *tliçse l.roken 1aws 'of .4çcçùcy, will bave ,broken '-heahýs sud bowed-down, headis ini 'the awakenlng I tyashat- willhInevitably, fllow.-Linïdà ay Post. he» truth of this edfitôrial in the 'es"cannote lýe"said. Thé recentý e preneof-the- author-1 ~4ties in- dealing - with two yotflofedr h rcommdtted- thef t lu Whitby is fresh évidence' of the liat. There las absolutely ne. educa tional value l I ~etpftret-1ofin thr~i~muç ofdanger. The iCoveimmneà t, by -its enacting théeCurfev La*, lias. l. ,pré .ssed, ts bèlief that st-teet loafing On, theé part M~ boys is r'esponsiblé' for-a considéable pro portion -of crime in 'thé country.' Anidiby the way, this Cuir- frw Law o -nt apper to i e enforced in Whi tby. What -i' he reason Itis certaie t 1 y net -beçause *t 's net violated. if- Y,61 kthink -so, a walk around the streEts any evenMng af ter ;nine "'clock will lead to a speedy disillusion. IThe fact that local residences- have recentlvr beeni O«tbe mmislWby aÈmt, . draiisacked, ora uitsmaEt b nploy thmu, moos.ua*Y. w... anithat -thç çffenders are -evi I 6*511' 115 15115 '~ nems' toone -of ouf townsç pit emt., whiuh ý'oum i bolil ,mik pa4umeba gfcl~- t~ be a stil1 greater surpri A Cml Soliltd.these emnbryo crlni inl-s to toils some' fiùe momning. An, flual*arworth a pbund' cf cure,ý and t ethe necessary precautions, jt 01.. mud Woeks fuel- safer frorii'the rude A*.. Po %1mdard Samk ib, 1I the c'ost.>» owner, Thé entire orchard' aùd g But it rnust'nlo-t bc supp osed, tba thus. It kas;.requîred aincles and pa*tience, but at lat thesebýr It is WelIl 'oirth the trouble for" to visf t The' )fà Vles."' Théy- wi oener in thé art-of Horticulture. As las been ,rreaked b:efore. tion in-Whitby is 'elent. Citï howeverF, are inclinced to listený-ti this mfc, xile nwardly and sele 1ançe. rate. Buit -dos the averagé hfimsti<the4qietoi Wlo sa proqviding this fire protection, w iiu comimon W'ith tliat of MY ;a1L B BRANCIE m~ th e - toWn poles-. >od that '-W a few'wt wfthi the C.PRR.: )ncluued 8to thi  ýpleasantl flavored tea isacceptable te 2uost men ai  eup of suhte wîhapg of cream.. and two Paris lumps- of sugar is what e.,voi y ambitionshousékeepe -offertJo her'gueste.- maté we .epce ntkýsûeofhei- agi auias-: staîîe4- the waterw&rb-ssygtem, tfÃè twnnoftin Icorseto rî~pressutron 'the' SladLiponsGo Medal,]Red Rose it, and tlierefore I amn belping,,jby igtxs to Pluinbing -à nyd avold breaks, when G defray this cost" high pessre4 put on.' But thjisl and Mtue Ribbon. Icouteracte the effôrta"of~ h npI L'et -us se. We sure i4osed the Water- tng -station.' If s. score f-otatps- O'w-(Ur l taare ais -0,excellent in .queity and'attractive in t~ùing flc cst f oeraion~ pidof ourethaf>thrown by -a -frh Iioi l rle w tainng-'Th-'ést'f oeraion-" ý-'aid,ôf oure.. 1âe pressredecrea6ed. It la by ,ÇiCizens who use- the wéter', service, ,thé, revenue vandseîfh- cice auete rs thus "obtained being ffcin.t to rover ail cpen- îsure W apt tD ecn ow o st iV B-R I G E -0 ses.., Hence,_only water useirs-contribute- to ;cost -f preeçnt adequaesrIefo h -maintenance . But il' this cost.of maintenance s-aise niae to the useIBYe TA I included the-c6st of -supply$ing Waei, fôr* hydrants of street hydrants for ýobtaining wat ______________________ and maintaining fire protecio forÃthe whole t hw.e frfe use or bulidersand, éon-- This protection is enjoyed. alike, by -al citizens. But tractors,.. it waa alectated .that > f . tfie town pays nothing to the ý-Water Comission £ound these hydrai a -esourceé6T,, for. this service. Therefoie, ra.tepayers who, .are not SUPPly for water fr'hehn pr u subsribrs o th ..OWf5 waer ervce ae ejOydrant without permîsdIei arcept luE lE i ii iFNI:,I ing a fire protection -which is provided .by citizens case otfire. aùdaome'1n'gone wÃŽl-I be surý- who do use the 'waferworks system. Hardlý a fait priseul witÈh a fine some dav. system, is it, booking at the facts' from a pîîrély personal point of view ?. School' Board Nomination. Someone niay say, "Wcll, what's the ..4ffer.Cnce J- MCLELLAN EETD in the end ? if the town shoutd pay the Water F IN E ELECTED. there would .be a surplus of juit that much more> ing ia Lthe Musile Hall on Tuesday -and at the end of thé year this $1,500 'would go e!jening,, for the purpose o! nomina-'F U I S A back-to. the -town. There would^ be no nxanifest caney iÃŽ. the south ward, was not al- change -or benefit' to users of, the water serv-ice ili togethertinl vain, as on the pein'u this'F" This is true, but as a matter of fact the 01à io TonClr Wie.st a - V LBU I LES work nt qute tat wa. 0soitr grandeur for the period o! system would not W r u ut htwy one hou~ except forîà !e -minutes" The waterworks system of the towU is flut run time, uring'ý whlch onuenine was to make money, as an ordinary 'business concern is. submitte~ to hlm. - At -the close, of the requfed hour, 1(f. Whlté dèciared The aim of the system should be> merely ..o o as.MOeln lcefy clm' a-balance between the debit and credit sides Of itS tien te repreeent thém SouÃŽh Ward on books, as in municipal finance. If -thç towns rev- the Board of Education o! the town.. enue exceedsisdibrerentte tax rate je te: ditced; pluflarly,' if 'the income ýof the water system Police Court. "e!T . AL B ve-to exceed its ý outlay, the charge for«. service -W IB IONT-* col erduced. Thùs userts of tôwxi water would .lhzx -ele ad- Ernest Keani the HT Y bencfit to the extent -of the reduction in the rate of toby h tl htlie!o charge for -service. For examûple, Iîf--the -tovin we-re isMLre w e ao an. Phones: ei o.4;JndedetNo. before-Magwetrate Harper for sentence to p'ay $1,500 per annum to 'Wgtei Commission for on MondÃY-. Kyle, the younger was this fire, protection, supposing there were six hund- gi'ven two years at-iMimlcoô Industrial- ted~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~2 ra1aes sl o1 pya vrg f6.0School, where'lie .bas aiaready served___________________________ r- ream ah î1 py n, vrg f .0over a year. Kiýan, whese borne le lu.W for -lire protection. The coffers cf the commission tPickering, wafi let -ge- on .supended would be swelled býi'this-amount yearly, an s entence, with a bond, o! ,$100. This the system is now more 'than' self-sustaining- the Mbe ha ii-eIw a stight and TA I1 N - But, if there were only 200 -water users, ecdh An Englishrnu naxned Jennings and' would get teavnaeoa aeaerdcinhis Nife---ere, deporéted à rdim towii on we endeavor not te be, and that wv e an succeed Wdnesdaym6r'_ng. They have been of675 l iswae 11. aisinrasd 950.Iednt a usekes -lUe for several can be demnonstrated by an np.tdon -of aur water bill reduced $7.50. This coMbWnation would bc thadteow uorisd--tckf welcoue surely to .any -map. -Ever" ratepa erîmontI andetow thrite d-stc cided to cl getrd fhen thenbe côitrbutné js à *l.- liae-zc) Eobie rt Graham as fined $2 anid 1 l hnlecnrbtn -i at hr o iecolssfor aü ".aulting nightwa-tclun -protection -on bis propertyand-, the "water -u5s IJonPatrs» on Satùrday niglt, wý ou1d lie pYÃngoPlYfor.w.hat they. ge;f-- As nît is., or rather ealySuda uonlg.H private business -conêerù-woul demïand s - _____ i h eetthing nPprPn44idà s, fair rerjxueratîon ,fo:r ,_sevice-rendered -the tovin. BOWLING. 1' . -Bôokà an1d Magazines, Rubbers-agd eve rthng WýhyshoUld net- the WaterCommi~ssion -ih vlntmnl'pn n......s..<....tourna-.1__.1--- - --.dl. L&LA.t. wek, wa ugh -VWtby else tflat -pgo mau ,or staýtionery"', intown. wt à iess and Regu- de, Suits. 90,90-