rt lthiibortn court- ieasîbno 'eit were; gled inu ber 'eheeks mîttered, but oh.saad ilb. a- selS.posaeaelen nol, lest upon Olive:- Fr. kiftdcf yeus ir., set-.au iot as b.e ad- beau' s girl 'ed MY quesation." ho mie. "Oh, ne,, 1 %m r a natti' -eut, u ram -net ibYuog IuseS, tbop vent. ou. 1 I èn b'hiuk cf- cfois f me te . Sainit; but I m>ai. ar itgngl b icre mrney ithn u ie gv u ara.," wben ý-*-îe, 4 lee tnumc mucb a. youfgavýe me lista li &oo-mtmoh. I vanteS to thank7 ou ad- aIl ycur litudues le ns' but"- *e Ioked st hlm aipeslltyr, vith abolekeéticernmile-"lthere vae net lald Clive, with au snavvering Mut ft vsîn't neseary -10 thanig Ir sont %W s.vorth More -than, that Ma llha yonr .Sabler-. shs'-wepied; >'he'a no relntien."1 Ra. mcl surprl» isetaIthje lformna couetemmed a. h. vaa te the, av- Inonimitencl.s *bich vweo 'aaya, ig thomselve'10 hlm lu-'tb. lives >00? people -withbvbomlie came '1hxo h.g0 trickehý the girl'a, mode91.lopuesuad 'ber e>. clame 10 -hlchah.lbm aS es as fse. frorvulgarity>'-aul as y luonisteut villi ber aurround. ler graceful ligure sud the reflueS of ber face. ibbP?" lie asaleS, i r> sg rovino'eoft wthhay» -mdalecotiu -,"£ho cille meber ut 1 arn net 1 vlmh I was, for ee o timér 11e sauieansd ah. 1, oh vers'- good te me 1 Bo ta jobe d bbc ,he"E&"ll erearu-' baiS Olive likwaS ber ail tha batt4r gr m. "I ar n nrphan. 'Liahs ne under the arcliva> eue nlght eiaoa ababys sd, à hm a.tabou Cas-m ever smlee 1 ado:ed me.do 't micli; s70u hourd hh l ps>'PBut i't- play nomelein the bbc utslaas 'M hiozme haro. Ab, thon ih le L1-vliu se sà là nue, sud itlui let, mleanervomi, linthe etreetmj- egb soouuidu't >ilnk, il.' ýho, la.,a veèr -11fus plaiyer " alS I kue thatvbile I-sli;tenlngr ast nigrht." Xèetesa gloved vitt su andh leanedferwsrd alightly, Ided eagerly. "Are sou fond cf ohabS"'repiîeS, vith a longr 'Oid-«"beautiful, rerùecally vben I cyselfj sund Ihers' la c ne eliaten- Une on . for'eat avvyh4ni he,, v'et propose, be- -j stop, long Cures Colds, Ete, foi' evei'ything, a ûufid a b :whero yeu uecd kigfor it' iwituelid- but'not rprisod b re tioeltai.'liehad loue- incesdi ihait - eif'deuîilinla'- ms-eartp1 Ãahetots nIcit" - ?»- ak Iri 1snugheéd,-sud Clive hhougbt auhte hear-it wm*&'me ott, o;Tibby - Sees iâ net kucw cu »- iotýes-, sud Alvas Mlrixes - vith 'The. Minas-rel Mr' 1'a ýhe.r- the verSe. 1Eut. oe.la ' *1 abe added, as If l . vereto it id thinli ah. - .dlparsginÈ- Tt ýp makees levers. S hé -vworIka St *here Ue ievn&kée -tb.- ar$ici S,~ hbats- sud -biuets, You ý:nç ,qek it b3,s- fiem;eoh.' WC aleat u' praypîthemsý' SI~ 'Ib.:t[-yeuiSSl-inlipeS te 'a ver "1r. ihat's vhy nov , setIl Ir y bette? go.. ýe re weuld Se -eli fr atI-his pnexpected '*Ah, that's b though yn're lm "I'm net natural but yeu'Ill eou» 6omme people vbom than theirloompà z .11 certain-ly ini aSter that brosd-l bye "XianmiMina;, a Yu, a"d -wot dc o - ouwith -thick akin, utiretelc- fe over a- »e, analaid amothine hard, bony rnrface. 'Throu-gh 'thie 2.ma Rolcw amall arteries Ioadinsto -t ne*t- dght, Tibby," she im i, WOrk ~of capiilaries which end- ini torted -Mbby,.î Ad - veina. .1h.e kin is full of -tihefoUli- Wotever he vanta, we oiesor mots, of hairsansd of glande, me~.-he~ansd. 00 1.vhich secret. copions -supplie. of 4ed;and ahe Iooked fro groeim adperspiration.. These hair- apaIugly. . - oot .eand glands,'iuoed 1o, plrifni m eadzyviait ausa£ rib sad Cive --utaupply of blood, aud any»hing that, ol'cb av bardSI&te nà sto out < thus, upply te nds r bI s1hd not coae tO impoverzah t4ehi. ,ou r-alter. h ws*r>' . Thtight band o! a bat contricts momewh&l t DigoXd TiI>. ail the artérioé, buttea. mucliIh a '70uTe comr; ne.t UP" thé r extent, As t.4 re »more'depl- 4u reetfufly. '""F' eeated sud have .atrong,,mtculsrý ae eh'toIdlyou you'd 'walis, while' the veine areé close to- 0vmr much o;l5edto Ê IF want 'no awell0hmthe surfae saud haveýnoz muscle i'il w ellin ithe>. wow, _& their. tht Wafls. Th.o sec'n o r+ln;r'Pae g'e ot ne- the,,l:ow cfdblood through thé ven 'ro, ayd-workt ug peopec'Oeà "e n hecpl Il por; but were ý cass ont sana.inthtapl Ir p ril4moï ci ries, to back.up1j, al it were-. -MAn Fo e ina o e rthet-éof the head i. juasýt h.tpartý ciýben Weê.UV' lu' a cf the 'bc' which the "bl6odfind daue'stl. 'db~r it 1Ãto resît, as it has to table '*ith a Ilpaà boint &ihrdsr nywvhoeée. Thua there la -congesîtion of ven- ~ '~ ~ ~ us blood iu thesaWlp. 1Th.hami- tybdmauniesof you sô keepe tho h.ad hot, another bad "Il manuersat thiscondition. 1h. aqalp, again, -is that Tibby-"Uimy're toc ex- part o! the,. b45dy whîchýà ia met -ex- weregrin t Lvcur poed to dirt.êAwomnan's air'çet r,«,aneheee dity .léý bt ith me tlick, thatit. ,,woderlug wbether iprotecta the. scalp froim the'dirt. A hlm swacept th, cQm- man'eaboirt ha.r7ou the. contrary, adviae you gvo and gét catches alli the ditt, but doe- not »~1o iu prov.ntFht froein reacin the selp.' à -p r oIefflm-t wih ë,-*gr a1sd - h spi.>elina n out mt f<oji an ide&l citure-i'edulm for the mer hé r t growth m~~balnothn e rom la more welkimw is-, light,- weil ventîised, eoft-brim- ut tatarn'lonirer Med -lisansd ecrupulous cloamli- hn said Clive. -"tGo& fl, 'ýit1niYt7c;okhie-bud, sud holà d tin-lbehr warm litho'- 'eue fok a seond or, Ivo.,'but Tlbysorntle affect Inrac1 c t =stenl =au nuddedabuî>toi ever :h.r ahouldea' z-smshe vete h ou board -for th. eheee-nt çMUY with s amile- suds no- X1 se if 1o -saeuro ,ber that - h. vas soet'vouded, byTlbbe'a.cavalier. tr.atmett. , ive 'len Onbits. v,, Ay owu lthe "tri h. -Mtýet l 111e --huuhbaek' '- wu. -mÉî- enlerin, tb. bouma, wlth -lil-vîIllu-inulis caver- under bis arm. - - *K.ieetarted sud IpeeS up at Clive, sud greetmd hlm vltli nervoua Ibruela. - I hsavs mat been te luquiro aftor your daughteri" îMd Clive. "I a=rn lad te fid that abe ilanet ot ebs4ly hurt as 1 teared,.' - . r;1 a1er ln eaIThankulye; liuzy I er u.do sId Ellaba. "It vas s cruel blov. Xlus'e net like-morne _girls; abe'esedllc>te4like and timid; not Selloate lu the maÉ"cf heaitb. I1 do't mean; she-hamn't h b.d8s daya Illness ince abe vas boru-I mesu,"ý ho correcteS himmeif bastili'. "aince. haeÀa Clive nodd<d. "Sh. aboeen tellit me oe od yen have bec te ber," lie osid The dvarf roMaened. "Net- tuehra Ibaui ahe deserves. ir.",be aiSd. "Mina'. the beut sud lovingest girl t.bal ever breatliod. Neot more than aohe démes-vms. No:-,ah. Éin't-my chuS. rmore'@ the vit>': but rrn as fond of ber a. if ple và s; sud I'm grateful frornm r n atfor tbe kinduess Yeu ishoved ne flan't niglit, air. It lan't evory gentleman Ibat vould bave stepipeS te -mix blmaelf up lu a atreet rov sud stand up for peor common people iii. us. lnte w a> Yeu 515; sud I'm aur.- lt'a ver>' kiud of 'Vomi b cal te safater- ber." "Thokh's a mlelaken ides of yours, I a. sure,. you, mid Clive. "Every gentWe man."li aid a light' atreas -on the s ftgen Ie ase; but wbetber- ,a- su' tler master laiont o! vo wemustgo 'oun'as' 'va are. wm. day te gRive ber. - s ho*. t-. ah smre concert or otlier. e woÃ4à be ' a u5esaos,' becaUà a LIone airwam mot tee large îug"z ývoice,, ahe'd malte ber hilk- ah.- vould," saiS Clive- !a>' voulus-e teo fer au> ad-- Ho'v Bankk Netem- re ade., - Bauno tes are xnsd,-ef-tfie-fiineet mateliiis.'1 hcs. vbo Saà ycthem, ty retiuiru,"'. i i.epression t&hà l! fie'trùb he ýpape- o!the Bank o! Eugland' noteéi net mado' o! raga, but of cuttings c!iue'v linon or of the fineât Scotch catiras, te* which la -addsed a little cotten. Ex- cept by' burglary 'it la aà bseolutely impoSsble te obtalu a crà p o!fie beautifuliy 'vaer-marked .paper produced st the. mil-I at ' Laver- stro ', very, pi"ce f fis ppr ha1 rogistered beferé it h e rmoved frein thé fraiýe, an accourt le kept by a locked dial, and* overy dam- aged note, is accounteci for' before beiiîg mode up again huto pnIP. Tii. paper is oonve'ysd f rom the mili in Hamppshiresote Bank -o! Eu-g- land in reanis cf 500 shoots, eacb sheet being thi. aise o! two notes. Pointeu Pseragrapho. Me Mow'iocan b. bcught imagine that the>' ca't b. caught. Tbero's Imoer eu, s'graftiug donç .under fb. nine o ofer-m -Mïùy a fluent.taîker 'voul&d maki. abigger.hult by. keepiug îti,. Th le dioèrving. poor are usually -fieô'who 6n'tdeserv o C;i, o'ilatioun h o n nthe dictionar>', but it las an inferior var- iety. The man 'vho tried te kick hiei vs>' te popularity learmied be-tAer- fter a.whule. - 1 A mian Muay value bis reputatIon se highl>' that it is impossible te fiud a buyer. -lTe Edinburgb Town Ceunùcil have approved 'cf aseaheme for the trostanont pf tuber-culoais in the ciyé v liait; Il 'i - He tooli i-t "01 S H rika -and onion salt. - Put back in Ãkins and brown. « -Beef a1 la Modoý-Buy s piece .o!. steak, froin, thé ihoulder. Hà vel"., cut ratier , tIiin., -Cut -ute - fobïr stripaý. Dampen 'à ýas'ideo cfeaUt in milk, roll in., broadcrUmbs, add ae litti. -onioei roil' uetrip sud fagteon with-skewerý,Bake 'fýromî twenty;te. Cooà ut-Soup--ýThreo cups veal stock, two tà bieipo,6us cornstarch, cielery, sai't, -nutmeg -une ecup cream Sait, paprika, ou-ii upgaeI cocobut. 'Blond -coornatarch with _a sinali1 amount of oeld water* Add grainis'cf nutmeg, and ône-third teaapoou cf éeeery sait.' -Qeooik m-itil' t4io'miiirture- 'tikens. -Àdd ereaiti andi cocoaut, Relie a' ad serve with ilôts 'ô! whipi, cleam. - tablespoon flour, 'a-uitrts spoon mustard, one '-tabiesp6oný brow sugar, o n. ta1ýl.poonb'ttr Cream togethor théie ingr e wut 'sud à dd 'very iowiy ouè-hiaif cup o vinegar, theu- put over fre'-and' stir- until thidk. Urne ýcreèam -to týhin to proper oonaitency. -u .gg-canb used with *,one '-hif tà blesïpou fleur.' Sait and papik'aï ate uo-eedo& -- Veal Outl.tm-Wip'é. or remevo tho biou.,*ekin and' h 'iM-em br.nes. Cut ito- ie lotirwngjK' Cers tii.bo~e ad tughvpoes fma ,Witb cold water'an cook a a boà temperature. The sok'st'b used in '-the sauceW. S' iial pies myb. puit -to'gethe ' - by -uéing woodeu toothpickà . for -skewers. Season the "veal witb sait sud pep- Ie. Iel i'fine 'breà dorumiba, dip Moiit twvo 'tabiospoon , e!of dripping- or - butjter iu a French pan, and brow te.'.'cutiots inu'thé' bot fat,. ,Wheu -bro-wuediput the cutiets inth a5 doubfle -bùilerý. Serve -vith' sauce - - SaUce for Cutets-4Two table-i speens dri-Pp4ng,' cne-fou'rtb cup* 'fleur, oee-pint stock, or water and stock, eune -teaspoon or- more cf Worcestershire sauce, Y,, tablespoon sait, one- eigth teaspoon pepper, two tabiespooni;, choppe4 parsley. Pr.- pare as. a browu sauce, pour ovez the cutiots and oooý,,at a low temp- ertr utltender, ehwlltke at ieast ou. heur.' wita Petato 'Puff-Four cups bot mash- ed potatees, four tabiespoons miik,. eue teaspop %ait,, two eggs, twe tablespous htter, oue-fourth tes- spoon pepper. -Cook, drain, dry aud masW p obatoes:- Thon add seas- cning, znilk sud'butter. Separate 'eggs sud add well1-beteu'y"olks sud beat 'veli. Then a4d 'whltes cf-eggs which have been beaten stiff. Turu into a ýbutte*red dish'sud bake in a quick oven uutil.browu. 1 Oatmesi ' *aarong-Onc table- âpken bÙt6êr o ne-haif cup_ sugar, one cggwell -bosteon u-fourtb--tea- sPOOnsait, oeeasd cueý-haîf cupa rôIled.-ôatiî, eue-bal! ftesspbou bsk- in-ge. pà wder.: O,-ombiniq'mixture. »0.- 'ne" ad 'ote.-Drop -from spoon on, -te :,greamed pans. Bà ke in hot ove]% _ until ,br«wn. Roxbvry Oshkes-"One-quarter cup i»itter, twe eggs4, eue-half cup sou r milk, onee't.éà ipoo in umou, oue-. bal! culp r isins, one-haif cup sugar, one-hal! c~i~s ne-haifcp fiour, one téaspoé,n soda, eue-hall cup Euglisb walnut meats »' Crçfam buttert; add sugar a nud' beaten yçlJks of eggs. >Mix sud "sift: iukrediet and ad t frat mxture altèruately' with'n molasses sud' 'so&ý'milk. .êd-' whit.s of' eggé', beaten diry, choppý risand-,nuts; Bake-' li. e pâns', cover 'withmohfrsi. This shnould fmiakee teut tt $tin >lztil iti lades awsy. -Lay an- :ýther to*ei crrer t~wet placesud iron 'until y, Parrents hOuld. Watch' Their 0h11- dren and Guard-Against ItL c0rrect ...d eradicate,. fl 'esyly -youih.,,,. Ciuidren sbculd nover be. le! t to-idgrO'ont of" snch-ai-, imagine bbat.sasociation,*Uthother beys or girls wmiii correct am hufinmu- ity' cf speeeco! 'fils kind;. Oldrlen 'v-ho sammr, f !t té themnelves, gro'v imt'it ht r tà ian co-<f t.. Ail cases 'o! -de!eotivespeec h ne-ý quire -apeoLa>l *sMd very careful treat- mont. fre i ti.- auds o! sonie ex- tyvo srnade à s ti4y of theae pqclzmr d~cutes lumay cases suvetutteriugà he i.resuit o 1corn de-. f cis.frMation whiéhbmay- be. put, rigbt b>' meiai -or surgidal- tre- ment,; In, ether, .iutaanes.nmie snoýb weakening disease-asM 4roop- lng-ec>ugh bas ieft a'legacy'o! inWuy te fie breathing muscles. To net this nigliý t uir4Kbcourse cf spî1e- cià lidoxigned get>ti'zstic exorcises ha requitëd. An»Other cause e!'iu meut o! ,the ý'rospiratory iogn4 and;tiie énly-cee' fer thii is foi' tii. hie-bcd 'b-rebting'habiti ' 4nd-teliéî ta.ugbt ho'v te a-cjire good eues. World's' Goli Production. Durig'; thoe initial yeara cof the bat fave centuries the' annusi p-- duçtaou o! gold wa.s as foliows: 1500 ..........'*,000, 000 16QQ0................6,000,000 170Q)..................7,000,000 10..................12,000,000 1900 ...............-254,00,000 And lu 1912 it was $466,512,7001 Love, is the 'bread ofcf h!. te a vo- man; te a mau it is morely cake.' p awl wiuO rýiMC S-00eya"' ved. -Aud some niea4ur e of theq it ha thus tt 'te-,werld, thrcugh British succesa eat ses'a "due-.te .thé méedium of, Lloyds., is 8418 te the Patrieýtic zeal of'underwrTtems keep inu,.touch with- tà e novements in-iu.suring eupplies 'that- '«ere. -of every ahip., Andd'l a iùimber c-f brought te Euglaiid. Oth.re, î it~ 'great v<Au-esi-.kept at, LI 0dla 's wculd have- been iinpomible to da.ily. entexed ibe postiou oc everybring commodities jute th8 eauuntry. British. sbip-or the. dat. and place -_ ReferencjE i>a -beon mad. e t1 siwhcli t 'vs ist spken. sys.tèm -of -maritime intelligen . Lloy's ~the booksa lu- which the movemnen coneuiuce o!of aIl flB-,ish veesis. are posted d For thi eser-,otvg iec.o Ld Eikal n-rýie:', merchants- meeýting 'at th_é offee veinttre--Ca ng how-1 -bouse, Licdesouor, ii.m tiehiC-pta ' ',s egistr boùe,~ o~dfouded n 196 . uip'whicb bas aptly'-been derscribed ping paper,' which h.o'hiiaelf th biogra-hcldiieayfti- eclite& W-ouý-, however, h wÉc 'hle. oi.the certified commande: tenipted' to criticie1in prizt the - - o! the, British mercsant4leruiue4 titude of tho-E Hou-sof Lords 'vith Inthe rgster arseutered uh&dats regard te ailks theépapr 'as Imn- -snd plaee o! the werthy_'skiýpp.r' inedaielWy suppresd, aud lt -w"s-birth,- the o oodo hepops netaie'vd e . rpulihèdunilses,, the hps\ho as eOmIrAundod 30 yesrs ITter. - "ansd'tesipj éh.beino At tii. saine time, .hoeeer, Lloyd tunae, *-ht iei oas Ioet. .-- W" '. ofteu abls to rondâir the. Gev- Ter laastoohor register, s 'ernumeut servýice, sud ho vas the, couffdentialiidex Of British, shi~ fis-st te .cmmunCaA>ethe ne'W& O! o'vn,èrs sud' the 'biet6ry oete*ýr tii. capture c! Porte -Belle- by Ad- &hips, the number o! shares helà miral, Veruonî after thé death o!, -the-,owners, 'the t~rade of thé tsi Admiri Hoier. ' - durhng ti- 'yes-r, the.accidnm Tbere is proserved et- Lloyd's whichf have béaillen thon>, andl 'vhat _Is believed te b'. thé. eldeet o*i'r important information. If a m a rin e in s u r s uc e ' p o i o >' in ', e x a - fi r m l se a h p a f e h i , ' e n ~ tence, d td J auury 20, 16 0. It- tries 6 fo u ire,"'ý rek d a d *a. -issued te Rkih<d My "upon,"isu, -pea nsceso g Wa~d merchadisg s '- isagalw nst-the:nsmof e!their viesel,] 'P90, tuehe ood iiip -Golden -Fiss.,hr î&mrltio.be'drsýn by4t 250 tous_(Gasper Hicks, master),- broker sud underwriter. lreIn "LiekenI't6 venicel, etthe' rate -- of four pounds per cent." There 'a clique 'vhich gather- -Graine o! Gold. cd at Lloyd's coffe. bouse, boevr,-Nine-ten-thaeofthte. mmiseries an* the, niembers of çihich induIged-ivces of mnkind- proceed f rom idie- al 'formao! gambliug, sud 2'b would nues.-Oalyle,ý appear that they ahocked the- staiç, Trust your hbeart,,-espeiay w4emn clients cf Lloyd's, fer--these, ý in the, ith-a. been proved. Neyer deuy il latter par o!the.- oghtoenth cen- a ea îsnn.-Graciau;, tut"' nurtesdIaigte Old -t>'ths are 41,alwys new te un Mûfe -8bouse;;14;jethéi r---busine*sif thf.Y, come wth the7 mal o! lihes-t tOe the Ryael xcb.ùýge îëb'ere thyey ' n7upj->1oi -,the bi.-'B ù ysD ,stabliashedthemaelv' s a soco&y èFe . ido- ohtd1y alw!a.ys gOOdy in '1774 in a building -whïch ttood c>p pomewh i us aeven as-manI 'the sité o! the 'prete'tntutiu> haia 'ou $,ged, for murder -4 Aà an -'ilustration -'cf, the gsxpb:- Mr 3 nnett., lil n hu pcls.,tive insura;nc. ýwhieh Tii. mëoul o! s "-,natio n 1is -far mr vas' carried o'n'-at Lloyd 's 'codfe. ýte be !ouud in tue euntryhîdQ à hn hou-se, it m%.4ht ho meUoned thët ini' fie ark sud thic-kly populatd the Iives o! highwaym'én, whe b.d cte.Er uzu fallon ' iîhin fie'clutchea ci the That ,nation-.c g-re]hiious;aînd> 1gw, or *'vere iikely te de Bo, w'v Chnist'isùity. tigiËouit fiat tripe c frectuently isu ed. Que mnsurance Sée- atjus .cel'1doue bt 5sn is s-fi rcodd the Possi*bilities- mf.u sud nî._.Prf. Mtartin. of tiihexéction cftwo Jaçebzite -Even witii tii.'meanent'We canuoa Scotch peers' iter the 1745 'relbel "g 1 a -lmpe'1 t tei -nw ï lion st sa-premimin>cf 1Ye- pei' cenÉ t.;'faadstuge v>hu ni- te, Iife.6cf 3oliu"Wilke's Sinsured creas e 'o! epa.bby" and affection.-j aât &preii mo! 5 picent, tbaVt is3y.- labe elerb muITmen best -qulity--testea quality-'ftll measure and It. ie ou .evcry bag of - - T- hil fiiêc iitièm foir-testfiiq .cel ment, rmd upon Canada Ceeut- ,uget-it _-Céenut Cmpany LP 1 wa1 er n Ã