Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Aug 1913, p. 2

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roc S Toron L Tolonto -17 t bjc re19ô *f % 26 ta26 1-2 tor 16~s -mnd 24>,ta 2h for i4 - Eý gus-Ve., lots of newelal& 24 to 25a ver <osn;. fresh. 20 -ta 21c. and secnde. 16 to *Cbsu6ýe-NW c4.w, 1 34 6Q lm, for lu»re and, 14 1-2 - for t.wns. ,Beant-Hand-piekd, $15 là,*21%0voir - - ', rme $.5 o$3. lu a Iublg ao yEx tee4 ln tins. 12 12to 1lu oer lb. o .-lgwbolesle; comiba. P.2& $e 3.00 .per ?orzena for No. 1, and 82 ta <3.2 for No. L, Poultry-Hsnse, 16 to 17c per lb; -turkeyu., 18 t 20M.- Li,. poultry, &bou _klower t]xathe Aboe.- à325ver barrel. Bacon.-lon le'r 153-4 to 16c Der lb., la case loti. ]rk-&iiort oc-t $28 540 té*295 do., mou, *ý 24. Hams-xeAiium* là -lght, 20 1-2 ta 21c; boa"y, -9 ttMeSOc;roUadS-*î&4 it 17e; br ast bacon. 21 te 22e I b.oks, 24 roo. 14p. tubs. 14 rls vals.. Bslsd May and Straw. Euled lisu-Ne' bay *12.50 to $13M0. No. 1 et $14, on traek. -Toronto,- and No. 9. st Baled etraw--Good tock' *8 te 810. on trackr Toronto.- Oats-.Oàait a estern. No. ý1. 41 ta 41 1>2, do., No.i 3. à9 1-2 to .40ce-- extra No. 1- AoodiI, 41-3 té Ale.,, Bariw Î*.rse's te 6ke; malting, ,6U to 6tc= Buckwheat- lo. . 58té 6e. Plour-Xan. Brng whest aaents, 5irts, *5.60, seconds., *510: itrong bkef' - 90Witr patouts, choies. *5-50; utagtrlier. e05.10-;stralight lrollers. seaOt 240. Roiléd oa:t.s.birkels. *4.45; do., * - aâs, 90 Ibo.,*$L10. Br n. *819. Shorts. *21. I diniu. ï24. Mouille su6ta '131 isy. N.. 2. sroanar lIots. *$1 ta 1: (J]oes - - -lnet *ttrns. 13 to 13 14c: inest osut- erus, 124.4 to 13e: Butter-OCholcbot crsaxp ery. 24 to 2414e; seconds. W31-9 ta 24 3-4ô. Etr*-Fr.sb. -2%e; ueleeted, 27c; No. 1 sok * 23,-No. 2 tock, ï8to 19c. Unltsd StaSes M arket i. Mîinnea lils, Âut. 1L-Wbeat-4eèpt.mber.ý 8756-8; - Dcember. D01-2 tc 905-8c; !yjor- 953.4e; No. 1 Notthera, 8818 ta 89 > Ï o. 2- Northern, 8618 to 8758c; No. 3 yellow' corn. 71 t 73c; 'No. 3 whiteQast». 39 34 te 40 1.4c-]$o. - 2 rro,.56 1.2 tea, 8 1e. 1Iur * and iebrn unchan - .4 Duluth, Ana -+[wb*at-ýNo. 2.. Itrd, 8934ce N. -1 Nortbern. 88'4c No. 2 Worth- erg, 163-4*ta 87c; September, 85-4ebU; December. 90 34a bid- Ma y * 963-40 bld. Linseeti. Il42- 5eptember. 11.42; October, 01,4 1-4 bld;i Wovember.*142 1-2 ssked; De- cember. *1.40 1-4 Winnipeg Orain. Winipeg, Aug. iL-Cash-Wbeat-No. i Notheru. 96 14e; No. 2 Notiieru. 93 34c; No. à Nrtiern. 89 34e; No. 4. *034e;'No. f, 73c; Na. ,68065; feed. 600; No. i reJectoti seods, 8801-20; No. 2 do., 851Ac; Ne. 3 'do.. 81 1-Se - No., 3 tongh, 82 1-2ce; -No. 4 teugh. 73e6,BRo. ô bough651i-2e, No. 6 tougi. 6012c; -fsed, teugih. M, No. 1 rsd Wlntor, 88c-. No. 2 red Wluter 8k5 e' Na3 neti Wiutor, 4e; -No. 4 redi Wluten. 76e. Oats-No. 2 .. 35e; No. 3 <1W., 34e; oxtra No. 1 feedi 341-2e; 11o. 1 foeeti 3e; No. 2 bcd. 311-4c. Birlsy-No. 3, 46c; No. 4. 441-2c eereti - - 42e;feod4Ce. Fiai-No. i1-N.W.O., *1.2612; Ne.W0~., i*12414; No. 3 0W., *1.12 1-; ' Lite Stook MArksets. Montreal,.Âug. 1.-Modlum stock solti at *33-4 ta 6-cents; common, 21-S conte; coe-e M 0ta 6 ; calves. -3 te-i cents; sheep. 41-4 --to 41-2 cents;ernug iambe. 71-2 cents.1 HO e..Oa icens "-tbrento Aug. lZS.-Cattle-Export, *6.50'le - $6.7 . , uAile but-chers, $6.00 ta $6.50; gooti medi $~ 5.25 te *$6.00; common *4.75 -to 8 *00- cannêo. *2.00 ta *3.00; cuttera,42.O aïo. fat oow» $-6 4.0 ta 05.255,comunon '.0 co;-w o, ' ta p70;chis -*.5 a-.60; $omn 3.50 te 4.0.Stocker. -anti feedens-Seere, 700 te80peundu. $3.25 ta *4.15; extra choies hsavy leeders. 900 vountis. s4.75 te $5.2s; m- *lst, 2.80 10$3.25. 5ieep sud e Os-s, $.0 ,$.0 eavy. 4.eta *U50; bueko.-I3.50 to $3.75, sprint lambi, * 6.75'-ta *750. Hogr§-e96s f.o.b.; *1510foi nâ valored .anti -*10.z5 -nffcars. - Hutee-Ois - iope your dog ?Won'e ;go inte the kitchea; ths fias - - . /orbaby's, diziuer is ou the table."» Oair1hope net, -ndeeti. He - 'ln't allove t tehave fiaI." prcfîtïble ýfor the prochicere. HAE ULL G0&COFESSION.- >Iystery of the Mail Bag Robbery Cleared :Up.. A despaUtohfràn 8udbury- mays; Jack O>Bri«u, a' Kingston,,- young "ai, whose'father ha.ithe contract of, carrying the'inil,in that city; and upon whom -suapieion has rest-. cd ~r th Te~bey ! i mail hag in, hie hom e czty on the:_night of Jaeou- au-y 22,2912, , ws. t*ken jte custàdyr on Moiàduy by -Chie! 1of __Pô1iéc ýWaJker. To Inspector Porkinsen of tise Dominion Policé, 'iaho o' e hérs e tùe him Vo igaton for- trial, O'Brien-isasmade" a fun!cos fessieu, acknowledging thsede The mail bag i-n quiàtion waaitolon f rom ths station- platform in Kings- ton on thse date jnmentiond, 'and, was rifled of its o-utents, known te- be s.t least,$215 in cash lun Amer"can billa and numerous choques. Shouli! Be Ordered Before Prie GoesUp. .4 deepatch f rom Montreai mayî : The pride of coal wiIl be-advs.nced #11 round -on, September- lit by fifty- cents a ton if net- mors. Tuis year, in addition -te ths usual wits r in- crease, -dea&era -wil have t» receu. thsmselvs, for au extra ' taàx which' lias. been i-,Oôal o:e sIbe- era otie Sto;tea i- ii American Union*> -,epresentatives ci Meowe. ,ear4uaar ,obertson ad',Messys. -Hart* & Adar-said ,tbst'au iiéreàM' was univ"iub1p, but what the ex- tra coal-tax -in the. Sbates xi«ht be responsible fo>r it w«. dimeiuit to gauge just yet. NEW MINES Act. Alberta's Regulations Winl Mako Work Safer. A despatch from Edmonton, Al- berta, says: Aeoording te t4e new Mines Act, rwhIch went iû-te effoot en August 1, the employmeut of wo- men and girlsa -and boys under 18 years of ago is prohibiteci' in Al- berta mines., For ss.fety's salie the. age on managers and pit bosse* lias been raised to 25 years, and 1ib!t of firemeÉi to 23 yeara. Under. the new order of thinga men wil be paid twice a mon-th instead of' every 30 days as formerly. MIEN WEItE SURPRISED. Disoered Natural Gs on Am.- herat Island. A despatch frein Kingst>n say.-s Natural gaa was chsooyered on thie fa.rni Ooupied by flebert Sith. -of Amherst -Isla -nd, on Tue8day. the Men, who were digging for a well, were very mucli surpriaed when they founci gas e"opink.. It is aitm- uated about *fivemiles f rom Steila, on the Bay cf Quinte. T HE~ K1NOW N -ND UNKNO WN Sird Oliver LIodget~ Surprises la Store For the 'Wrld at ýBritish Association ýMeeting, rçm:- Londoix ,. Eug-1 on Pniday merning ed8 mla con sr- S tiie -Bui-fis Aise- liver on Sept, 10. eold the woid -tisa-t beêweeu'thse two iowOI -sadt un-,1, the, .1-us-- and an Duru~ - 3oliu of motor Damien, has, just received -a "q frop É .atherOconrardy - i'npo1 ho <gives. some horrible de- - h f. the. revolution, which_ tookcae-t ýecently in China. lus l1et- hei- Conrardy, ;whJis 1a- ldec a fmanc ýnedicineesays -- dwn ini ,Tevember ths provincial Gev- Why it wrote te. me te beg-me te- ther -- .-É.-il_. ,iThvari - .L si t<D1 tP ?m-' - - . meanaséitï1n .yoïUng'Man Ike whn he prcposq iistere 'volunÏteered- theniselýeir6o Acqui-ecnce care kxr-the women- in a separate Wh - aiay 1k *eM îsiaird, Aslthe Geverament insisted.cause, ils finit - cradled, .ti "The-Gcýýrméù agree*.t pu. trased5and -finally becomes t] "Tii. Govterumgboet agr eve tj Utower of the family. le=aeachý. I. contributed 8$2,500 Wîjýwtli« aChns toadthem, anid in addition I.hi ýan s foot? Becausebrevity- is t] te buy another, amail island'!oi the [So ea- mkea ai m women. _Iort ? - florrow ten- dollars, fro Robissi! by Brigands. "On December 14:aàbout twenty : IelWà3J jy brigands came. I0h11h sele p-the richet countryv in tihe -worü ers -hâd cornet call for, me. I Because, ite capital ie always Dui liglted my.lËm arn ud opned Mylin (do>ubliîng). . d,ýonlo b-e:coe d with gunsi -Wh t -that wa1ks--'-witii 1 mnd- fevýov rs-om head:te ýfoot.-- ii5ad downward? A nailin1<s hoj asked. them 'yhatt ey' Winte'- d u1IWhat -are .the most ungsociab, Msi do*n* V s- es What camnexsaIon thin&a lW tiseo world 7 Milestone -the programme., I expected they becansyou ùvrses' ,two"of the: would surùeîy kili me;, as -Lhey lad togethe.- threateneèd tha i IfUL totheir - o 7- ~- l;nds ,tlisy would i-me - up: 'Thsey'-- OR K ~ l~ teclok ýail thes moneT put:b.y te P&y - Vie ~ MY hn, yspectaclesand'1i1 the rice,4soréé for tise -îéer-à. Monument Erecti .PHsesW ~"Frsî mothshiid -1~s,: pe. - Saved Towu n87. csaly.at ght,-with -tUè '. thougisf. Tamvors,England 1 à~~s tJhat eta$y moment I igîht- ie &ho , thousand yéars already finishe bt idi-dnôt beome àa reality CvCfland rèlled -up; - Fouusded by ou thiei.occasion. Noweizu sPite OIdaughter of Ku.gAlred.as à cheî my years I have sili mpch work tôe upon mxarautiing'Dase's;-i-t bas ýkej do,. wiVh a #ouan -lpes indr uintiniate touch with ithe weywar my cars and wîth very iittl& assiest- courses -of En-g11hJuIistory. ance, but St. Joseph is our protec- Tamwortii, - once'6aSs& stroul tor9 1 hold, owes. its foundation te Ethe - "ery littie sympathy 18 -.sJlowâ]j;ficda, daughter o! King -Alfred t1 te tise ispera'n China. Iu tise near- Gret, and-'.to b Iebraté 'its-1,0001 est îroviace on December'14 thirty- .birthdaýy Earl Ferrera, wlose faxà aine lepers wers ordered to e>.Sisot - iy vere -lords-'of tiie casti e fer BC, dowa and burned; but,-thaub f ýé,recei4Iy-,' .u4veilecl Lamoni tà 7God, I vas et" hand. -andi theymnt beariag -figures of tVhsLa vers spared. I feel sometimes uhatl0of Meïcia û-s'-abd Âtlilstan' - I must take . alittie reat before1 & I ,Wlsex- ' àsi-n-w o' wjaà the,- ro cicèe' my sysa for ggcod, _but how* can dènce o! theMë[rcian--kings, -pillas I -ahen there is se ýmuch te be dons anti rapins- anti d.edwgof ruitilé alti few te do it V",-,Ibarbarity followed in- thiser trali Got up anil Resîc!. -<'Gooti moruiug, Uncise- Csariesa: .your * bed vas ratier .isard antipus-, - t wO, I as 'ai! rig6 t hauï,yon, -- geV up nov-ai thon ýduri-ug tise ni.gisi anti reste4~'s bit,-"-yau- knô." <1 "This 4dog-o! minet is some dog, jet me tell-yen. Hô has*a wonider- ira-c - hm a-w.y ' Ack th Ve dog Noah toqk - into tise'k" "Sa-y, i>erbysnîre, woci-o teration c mebAiS jin mau Riglt WèllF-she. saeg-aed e The ,historie boeugh a~s :6t'been- s;poilekl by7 Vths mdemns irÎt. IV u~e ai s a TO lti , W en d country btown of 000ihai~tandi vit4r Vieux quainit cuat&ns liv. antidis-7 isard. - (II dou't inteud Vo b. marriedti Vl! 1 aixOVer 2,"saiti fixte youug'ladY « anti theia -le- atdeti, "-anti r ton>t intenti eitiser, to be <>ver, 23 Vi am marrieti." o u 4 ! i' i'" ' - a. o ch e ï t ir peudeti seuwbSié. - Albert 'ward -Fer *hwlo Jaw four- mouhe mgo, hanged hMm- -self i-n abanspeu-Roney oWed- Inveéigtin .8bei 'edcai Sabas Kong' reserve, 1'Kojioa , int» thse -murder cf Wagenda.h,, an In- dian aaid telamebeen 1nukMered by- . laf-bred ile hacking- ai a. tenti. Great, Britain.:, -col. Z S. Co)dy, iii.Angl-Amer-. icau avi-ator, 'was idllet-i ii Eglani' onThsay - Sir Wm. ser,,-ngxtmpr .4fèesser tte medicin section of Vise medi- cal cngres. o-tiloidon. United States. Tise widow of Grahain Taylor, o! Dallas, Texas, who. vas kiliedetit Tampico, Mexico, will demauti $25,- 000 Irom the Mexican Govern-inut. General. Peace Was ooucluded by the dei.- gaVes from thsemakan States s.t Bu-cisareat.. A widespreati politicai revolntion bas developed -ont o! Vhs .métai workera' -strike lu àMilany Italy. .The Mexican - situation i-s faet be- oonsing very serions, anti Wilson'a frieuds p'rediot failure for ex-Gev- cruor Linti.- Over 950 fa-eries iu Bitrceloua are ailecteti -by tise generai slzike, and soue have meunted -machine- Tef amous reb'l ChineW e regi-i ment, kuowu' aste- faet- -)1es," were meveti do-vui- a ;à perate figiita;m4ng Vhs rébe-s tuhem- Dr. SUu -Yat ,Sen, 'formerly pro- viaionai president- ô! tis'e Uhineàaoý -Repu 'blic, a - leader cf-tise sutis-. en revolution, - haàflet tffeceiutry on boa-rd a Japa-ùse steamer. Great Nevelty'r WUI ý6Seen at To. lu - 1510?yeare ne -ansagcna.c ilthty7en- ______ tered wvilS hlm lun say battisb:,cf- viète--________ ~hsoateaSaSine ise ofiegslalou NIAARAFRIT' DISTRICT. w _- ýbIh h-'Wseoaaeeted vas ,thaàt a -Qoninse Li . o -nuYO&MrêIt lmba ee undreds of. Aeres WIU Be Xe-ý 10 t2ý,ràthiwo)%zî, -MO'tîê qulred for New Canai. - a4uS.ut. xr* ,Oonmiee it s~gr cualy -faned that It 'vasa uoice dsgcii !roM St. 'Catiioine enactinent, 1ý*at1t lu the, publie Intera.t ie c Re coltarkby tbhe hur. a",,i roduc a A Âcceng a plu nt maauuezývt bu- tii. ream r eploe th .ar-7 i h iaknee lenwWl guimehti- u ay-tr cf' hii'itentlen.j_ , -. Tradlia rea-stonies., orobablraelat cruvha. e 5h oxorinee o!Ooaosasrequir-ed foexppnato-fr- I ut ycth-iu the-, -ixcOvil VWar. O 1f iscasser înirlkSsru ontagie, viiivt ci i cane, xntireda-of acreso! hoe -vas ldeutifi frit mthe oarly davste lûmifrui-eDý&di'h tter. are aise uuany steries. many - doubt- los aise apocryphai..athéri reetIng oau a- Niaa ditrièt *1 W1è, bs uefortis basts of bruth. - Ib la olaid, forr'examIo. ana i, muùgtree that as fate voulti have àb. sb=rty a to0;n a1 alo' thzbeinçg tis s.m M 1r.. Counmehati been, madie a:Justice cf owuetiÈby - Rebt. Tlsouipn,.pei the Peace. theo w as brougrht bofora'hoi dento!tie ia-gara District Fruit on soins trivial charge a former persenal t ft ý I antigonlet. Tse-sbrose- that thenov Grovers'Âma ato pn- wiici J.. , wlth goa a iism peut 4a yeamo uvtout ueaf oounug. the-.Sttutiy>fOntarigvwiéh eait -- u, -' -ýýý came ta him vilth fie. uanefrt expsruneuV ha.v- bqidu apeuýt.- ,Tue te dimevr l-a 1. . iativower te iliet ng> !~rac.» it !bl the sentence 0f hanglpg. it'fva ý wdhofal - -Laior, Party-,cooliningî ' a mile tcérbMn i puiis, snd at ne (tCrit cai obeervers .<report -that tii. Labos -pIa a i t bs Vlaà 800_- feet -lu- PeiltticaiPartyr, -hieh,-*ltIb metoorleiio- vit aeasý kshe ito giý*mme"atoff ritblaS bolit oletctloraf1906., e Màane - ogr ~tlà, sald- on. the. contrar-, tbiai uts inïfiteoani ovor are IFUSN 0V PË ~E C T0R . aetually or ue vane cuti that, ile there aa, .1111 sme oafrtyi nembero of the Rouée. vie -ebecribe thenmlVes- as isembers of Important Discevery ef minerals the Labor Party, thé turne llu *lthln, mus- e Seribr % able distance viien the Parliamentary ers-rebr LarPart ;1,viUi rgoceflydisaxpear. Tu, If truc, viiib. ehock o dioswho -Adespatoisfrom Po>rt Arthsur' hoveti ýfor btheiaY- wheu Labonites. con- y: Aneomu. dpaiV ! troliuug A majority tu-lb. (lemmons, vould as tiýrnosdpsto acbnally b. nespoasible for th las-iorfnickel i. nêporteti by Mems.LMc- Thors la e ndtoubt Usat se fat thei. -Gougan anti Johnson, prospecters finonce or isglelat.ion of- the Labor Party at Ducli Làke, eigît miles nontis- ha. been'disavvPolntlng. It As doubtful if, since 190. there bas tissuplaceti on'tii. veât-o! Schiiber, lnear here. Mn. 8tt. 7eBooke oas ipleeW of logîslation Job.noon, vi e ldt'an -important s-hicS oould ual. vrobabiy s-euld net. have -- becus put -thone. by ta Goerument un-- position Witisthe niniug Company supporteti altegether by its Labor allies. 'iCopper Cliff, sa-ys tise nickel de- Hot Tbroumh Parliament. po4its tIere are noVteo be cern- Besities. thore are- arlains grave doubtm -cârd ihýt«e Tebog n lu the imîndso f laboras te -vhether Par. pn vi> iss. i-y bogt lmntary endoavor furnîsies the lino simples -w-h-cl asayists da&im bean !Lont vhich t aen -moot easilu secure oth heeTie di thingo t 'ants, nmey bgie aes.otte sttmns Te l lho rr -urs, anti btter -conditions of tIat f ree golti, cepper and zino are abor. lt ls doubted if, An the great V i&ifn er iermd hr cent stnu4gglosln the railwayanti ceai ant iae pleniu eathrfndThe other dusputes, the Pariiamentary Party is quit., a rus cf local prospectera ha. been auy strength whatever te ths for tic plats. labor cause. Soee ay It 'ias been an ectual woaknosa. Tiers bas been a*dla. persion of energu-, at least. Palilaineuts are coneervatlve anti anr e bounti about by 'o aanti pnoecdure anti ALBERTA-ý GETS $4,095. Interests that bhoy furnioh a motieraboîr slow- s-a.v efseeuring çertain hindi et ne. - terni. Thiis lgbut ta say thatrenn miaIAgnicultitAGatfom onn corne frôm, the.peop>le, tia-t it tesulta 17 ýr_- us!GrntFomD lno 1rom the pressure of public opinion. Par- Goverument. IieuisrlY for socieal reform ueS -as are desireti by laboril bas beome a question A despatch f rom, Ottaa aya: If puore'aubstanîfal progresesvilii nt bSe sifectoti -1 -the efforts-f the. Trades Uniocn Tise Geverument'h ,ocuete organizat ona -actlng tiireetiy Ilu lie'Inter- last -l tote i h esté affectidthasu by, attemvts ta control Vse- srceme»nt vs Ve unviîeidy Panllamentm. - provinces in conneetion vush the - Lessom Fer.Sufragistt., agricutural aid,grant. A1bêrta, Fimlair opxe,-4dents of thse Wemene Vise la-st ,to 4e settled i wti, gets tuffrge Mvepi:t rcnîneitaté.95 Tsiem Ibère are mu mehoascf1 tuncmgiO -are :- via ie vte l vhicir -efformueS -ea-sien-Te- saut. tïth 'ufa 1té.'Apant'frpm the. - abetset aim if eualtimies. teAgieuitural -acisools .... *18,000.00 oui, Kreundr for a4s-oeatlig;votes :or vo- Equipm -c ituili siine the nVvts--ui! - tcIolse, 9,00.00 -have ou ýlieliatlon. Wobr- eyii- ulig4 r, uçlxoe... 4,500:00 tic aêleetion of 'Pariaqaate Is 15. ý-mot- -offe&ot* ay ef Aftudreî&gsu t-lgIY ëj~mnjGt#aiqna fa.rMe --8,000.00 T eriee Speciéïi.,-inatïuètion lu Ë# viii >en7'W 4 gt k SfAn lt'di~n..... . 3900 - Whie t o euejraclit--Dmateoane.....,000 Tota- 594-95 44&094~95 proteît 6againat eempreie a negativegnnaiztnsdi. Slatence on -Ii belief -iii thé - u !mti contiuui-ty of xsec b! anti &fter deati eassui1 science. --TIjise, et lea-at, suw tiat he -bàas 'ew eMieuce teo o I ant f reui -tests te tdisélos- foir Vhé evidd-ee t tis hâasb..»-pré& eA in the a nnc--lr im 14.~ Ç~ aptuÜres- -Tue- Sweepsýtake Pi at CeeiiOi. ýoIdthe Veprenule NohAmerlosa à- apleproducçia Prýesi-l b rw t4s V Te £bIp-Ëthe f0 thé Mont à&,,, ~tia1uaare o true patr4ot3s st methefathe T f'rhect&uefit boJr~hld -~ ~ ~ E - tl~*rj Scncandm, - logica eann - dan ot t. i. *int .gainisne - abe w.r~we me, oth-e a-r - derable' -have, b xo-lzsand,"j -ing 1d~ Thpoye,. atise t Cetisemen 'odso té- ive:sr- or cf- ~r~~ofthe * bspTal £ondd Whare ctihvePereu b 'te' donorMo M o da fthe actecinaeloy e i ero er3 ç t -of dlioRnat6hai cf- eUUTEPL7s&LarbyNG IOranythe pe ~,.fle -wontreacheroue' lepe.te siter, la, 4tU. more a .gir "If o4 e~l oI ,beu '<OU4"five .ea-soej -memnori..ipeople 4have i <fi hng.jbtafpoint 4te> .M~aiIiersryp~I.here -v Incwt ia«io ami!, en ler m J%&@«rA rld%

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