liq Canada, the Emupire and the e Wrld ln General Before 'Your The term0ýot Sir John gibbon as Lieutenan%,-Gvernor ma.y be ex- î ended s other jear. T'wve hundrecLTimtakaimià g far_ Moera visited the Provincial Governi- menkt farm at xnteith, Ont. Lckjaw 'f rom 'a lighcrtch On. the leg cau8ed thse Of, a.lte * lamilton girl, Dorothy Hatchr - LyeWl.8 direotery for .1013 eti- Mates thse pulation cof Mcntreal and uburba Pet" about 684,00, o an increase'cf, 610583 over 1912ý Joehn R. Whitëe -a*beolkeýep&_r in the Bank of Motreal, was drown-1 J. d at- Chesterville Lake,- Cahg&ry, when bis canoe apset. Us was un- able te swsm. Premier Brdnys hatsi~ salisfactory, and it le expected that hoe will go ;to- Muelsolsa for .further lrest. -Thé hast 1.reruuc>uos 'Parusa- A cannon, bed. ha. juît been1 fottnd on- thi site of the ohd bittiew ground, Chryà shej9è Fà rm, Morris- * buirg, Ont., and a musket bail ha been picked up-on. another section. Manitôba requires sa,060 m- ' for6 theÈharvest, snd eaoh cf th&o ther western -provinces needw &about the sm,i number. Thé MiniLoba crop J& estiMatd this year at 65,003,212 Great Britain. LIV '4.uVionutA ULinazI~~~85U msethdaof e4luationproduce -ýýà higiier level . of!'IMOiWU*tyt th a n, uny'ý other iu- the world. Th-.alin methodç, on tii. liher--han pr-, duce an amount o! impuWsveness which leads to thse perperat-'z, cf crimes, which are prIevalept in 1tm1ly. Tise Euglish.- methodisdrcl cf posedtte -h. talian- oùë,--,'whlehis l iuoessà ntly dwèiling on thse - imdi- viduality cf thé. child and 0"cultivates lus thse end & lacis and 'sehif-eontrol- and an increase of the . me impul- sivsee which Is -atrait moat akin te, tise savage and the. animal. The Senator saïs1 that' English edgcation whioh does- higted- velop individuality 'ha' produced the most individual. the world. Res asko why thse quaI., ities of fortitude, sslf-control and co-operation , eih.dstinguished. the. ancîent Bomans. have been tamferraed te the Anglo-Saxon race the modern Italian te modern 1'al- ian methods which, place individ- ualiim above Iiicpline- - Thç.exist- énce o ts'BÃi aik -Hazl fAè ica, he says, is the outoopMe' cf bils, îeducation of noni-s"CIPline. ARSON TRUST SCÂ&DÂAL. Carberryltes Sald-t. Re Involveit' Bi iebug's Coisfeuulou. 'A' London rmwgiit7at& eole01id Adsa~sfenWnie a tisat wom.u shouls! not iL tbiide1 Aoodsng t Provinipie Cai-Y thse drivers f-au tooilçs, ' Muimioaer Iâus4bacuic, .A. Mr hali- -The record priceso! $250,000 -C«" c&tCarberry ias oenfesedte liav rpaid reeentiyAoîr-tise hote rse ceset ire te ýGaland'm store lu thati Pil-tioviner f he sco ~ town, three years. ag. Mamahah. Cunp, by J. B. JoeI, th Sôuth AM- .Commêsioner -Liudbaek, states, l- eau ilîionaime sportsman. - plicates A. E. Webb, and seys, that Lord S9tmathooaa blas sent tiie Webb offemes! hlm,$100 te set-flre - Lord Mayr hiâ. promises! contribu- te tise stare. Seveml <ther well-, ion of *50,000 for ac-qiing Cr'ys- known Ca.rberry people rnay be t4al Pà aôeS for tise nation; A bank- voîvedas t.tin eeain note fer a. thousans! poundsý, mit aeestec h.-tiepria -e anonymcusiy, - lia ýalec b le'brougis totetrial.-. E- .e'va ceivéd. -arre9týd on Tueea-y s,8t (JArbery Unitd Sttes.on a th.&,rge -of ha-ving migaés!ë Unied taiu.fines that cocurres-&et -tis-,e mre Denuocratlc Senators iL Washing- ime. Ha lu being hsld a-Tt -tge -ton charge that ise epublicans 5X5 la prairie -rtri-.Marshal is- wos-king for i pofic. -' -;aise nuder arreatý, -ad ÃŽe coiaed ,NomLiera. Pacifi RailwaY tele- lanLise Brandon Jail, viser. h. laî grapli operatoma -are talding astrike st<ted ohave -bonfesed every- -vote., Th'ey want increaed pay ans! thing. Y improves! conditions. Perousinterestes! un Panama- Pacifie exposition in San Francig00 lu 1915 are perturbes! over tisefiil- urs o! Gr eat Britain, Geriany, Je- -pan 'a.u other countsies te aept the invitation sent tiiem te partici- pate. - - A French wsoiety-is ad-vocatffig the tà aation o! ýal childesus peÃnôm ---The Provincial -Governore. o! Spain have -been ondereestrictly La b1Qrbld gambling luncasines ans! - lubîs'&I wutering places. No ex- ceptiona are t e m ia-de under the TL4OEDY NE&R ST. JOHfN.. bree Young Women, Drowned In Ade; tlch fmom Et. John, NiB., ees. -~0young vomen, vere .6wd n Wedneýd&a-nigt by hecapaiuzisg o!fa- rowboat lu Lake. - 4 few nmilbs brom tuas- mfd w me~ eme saves! after Id tüt'utrned <6Vo struck vhieah Ti A -ds, At th6 I Tilhy -D4vls, le a-nd John IL seni th~e ýn tis uper dl the caL Puys TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Luinberman Passed Through a Rard' TSme. A despatchis fi-cm Blinas River -a y: Lest jor- ixteen daym-in ise«I bush, during whicii time. hie lives! eutirely on herries, ak ma-n vise g>ve hi. maine as Jo>hn Blaewk, van fotsn4& lu a ýdeserteSu ht !'by a young' Frenelmman, who Isappenes! Up' tise desertes! camp-wvile out on a paddling excursion. Blacks, visen' founs!, vas ia a terrible condition.ý Ris only clothiag consistes! of a pair o! ol<i overalîs, hels! tegetier' by piemofo wire. Hi. bcdy wae a ima-s of ores8, tise result cf acratcis- e. sustaines! w.hile groping througl tise 'ýundenbmumis, ans!ý mosquito stings. His et were badly lacer- sted, ans! ho vas in a terrible enua. ciated. conudition. Ha van hurriad te tii. hospital'hem., ans! iL j e thouglitle vil-I recover.. 295W0 HEAD OP CÂTTLE. Latgst Dalwty - Fa, im e"the West-;; ens ihIflsrep ou tpack. -%Y, ia N i.SS N,3 99.1-2c. Bay po64ts. , Ontario wbeat-lio. 2 'iwhteW and ed wheat, $LOO,- ont-uide. -aud,-neir wlieat st Me, outeid,. Oat-No. 2 Ontà iarooau'5to 360. ont- aide. and at 371% ,ta 38ci. ontrac4, Toý rento. -Western Canada esta. 3ne tfor Ne. é21 and at 37e for No. 3, Bay port..- -Peas,-Th. market As Dunelynominal. garly-Prmie osnl corn-Neo2 iner$eaa oman. '12 1-2c, Toc rote, ands atS68: t 68 1-Se, c.iL,,Midiand. .BIye-Prtcesnmnl Buekwheal-Purely -nominal. - -Zrn--Iajsftobtirn' 9 ae Toronto frýe1gbtefi- Shorts. 0, Trno Country Produse, Rutter-boice air21 Iota23o; Inferlor, 1te 1e; ore»aery. 26 te 261-2o for relis, and 24 te 266 for - c0ids. EÉuW-0- lots -_of newdald., 24 te 26c. Vrdes; freeli, 90 te Sic, anti eccodi, Cheese-Neéw-cheese, 133.4 te 14o for large.ý andi 141-Se for twina.» Beansý-H&nd.picked. *2.25 te $2 M 'Der buehlxel.--primes, 115te *3,; la a jo1bng- Heoà -Eztracf.d. in tins. 12142 to 130e oer b. for No. 1. -*Zôiesse e9o*ý .*22 t'POO r domen r N.1'0 d2t Pow.ltry-Hea , 5te île por-lb.; turkeys, 18 ta 20c. Live, poultryr. about '2e lowem uban the. above.- ]Pototoos-Now potatoes, *3.25 Der barirel. Provisions. - 13acéi ong, ur lear. 15 34 te16a, ver lb.. lu case lots. ,Park-Short eut, $28.60 to 829.- do, 8es 24... Hamso-Medium te 1hebt. 20 'toe216- beavy- 18 ta 19c; reis, 16 1-2 te 17c; breaititet bacon. Sic; backs. 24 id 24a. r"l!e- -market la unebanceti. Tierces, l tubs.414 13c;-pulls.,.14 34c. - saisi Hay and Straw. ~;G0.No. at$14, on track, Toronto, sud- *12JîN b -N w 50.l e $ 250 t ',[eTt5str.w-*to *5 50, on tmach To- *- Montesal Marksts. ýJ~tria1, Au,.- - t--canadia ,n Wee?- erm1 No. ,2.40-b;do.. No 3 39 te 391-Se; extra 'No, i feed 40o Barley-rXanitoba foo&tSi ta 5k; ;1iltlng. 62 te 64e. RBak whoaà t-No. 2. 58 .te 60c- Flonr-Maaltoba Sprint wbeat, ,vtenite. SIrate.*,:d., seon ,1., ; trou; bakera',' *4.90;, Win- tem.- patente,, cboloe4e. *660;traI1ght maoliens, *10; do.. loaa~1.0. clt nt-Bar. rsls' *4.6Sk- bsg e( 90 îbsé *2Z,15. MIlîfeeti- mu.ýilil, *26to *$M r-o.2.par iton, "or lots; *1lm50'te *13.50. Oheese-Fineet Jwesterlüsle- 13114 -ta 13 34se: do..' eaèteînu. 1.2 3-4 1 tae..Butter-Choloest treamary, 234- ta 4e seconds, Z 1-4 te 231-4c. Eggs -F-reeh, 29; elgcted 27; No. 1 stock. 23c; Nk;. 2._-de.1 te - 19e. Potatoee-Per bair. :cat.r lots. 60ta 60.. Winnipeg, ÂAg' 5.-ah-ha-o Nortiieru.'o < d.,96r,30; No. 3. do., 89;No. 4. 80 l4c e 'No 72e.- No. 67. b; feedi 60e; Ne. 1 rjm-,sâd'.Si;Nd.--S, 5.c 86p No 3s o. 8%,No. 4. do., 7c;-o 53e. ~ 0 Og o.2-..-41-fNo. ,3, do.. 31-k4; extra . Ià , e,3,1 .cNoi 2 b.d. 30 3-4e.c Eieee. 43c; feed, 43c. Fla.-N. iN;-., 1.7;No2 W. $1.28 1-2; No.3do,*.. - United Statu. Markats. Minneapoise, Aux. 5.-Wlieat-JuIy, 84 74oc; Sete_*r,16- te 867-eï December, 89.5-8Io 893-4e- , Cicesng -cah-No.- i hartS. ffl3ft,0 No. 1 Nertherui, 8734 te &74o; No. 2 Nentheru. 86&-8 te 867-e.ý No. -3 yellow- or,64e No.- 3 -white- ente,. 38 34 te. 39.1.N.2 rye, 55 te 57c. Flur and! Dnlath, -Au;.- s4-Jlly *1-MDnom-, Norembeï, *i-s aiketS; DemU. No. 1Totei.8:4 No:'- 2 'Northiée 90 14e. K'Y, 94 7e. Tenante, erg, *6 te. *6 Lise Sfuà I rkkdt A despatch frorn Wianipe Os-y: cn, e2r 'a 3te1s, ov.5t tire we1r hripee . o b- V~** k.1175e 80 iùgwhppé uto~hae Hadsg~' ~ons,7o $a00,plas4g~34,to4835 ita-t - îhag, iei-'havt4.r25; puno ly s ubumb o! tisis city. 'When iset *5;rokZI copeeystockes! tiie fa-m vlli « qdlýemw muin 2,500 heas! of- cattie within ru to3.; tgivisg milk, tise total yeamiy output P es,46à te o!f milk ails!cîeaïlm sionîs! b. 2,000- ilt'. b! ea 00pIon&L IL h it idià iMed it,â t t y ct#th abiout $oo rh~-aa cf'm~,etc a ye%É whlch, vith th. ë iotjuo!this -famnf TIM-AêJ~SSM would be elim»nated. Mg-- lias>'PeuiteR.uiqlry couVietw Harpe MigNis¶"ERIAL ORDER. FrRela, pilsbls is laprttin f lesO A dMEsrpaiiý Jromi. Wknip eg says -rhbts'h Plùosder. ofiqý W. P. oMoier, is -nQw in~îiMnüipég;iiavg -A despatel f rom Ottaw. s aya: S0uyiÃ"Xuntain.on- The. Depar*,men ofcustoms hae, is- Tnesday an inspection -o!:'pie it. iïiý u4<tirù, o-h&v.-stnisý 17W0interviews- vitis couettw; -I U, U~à 4lin1.. l8oe, Worth, whio 'Was jiuredto d68th-i er bd, hl six years his:wife had-.,been adçliot- ed' to tih"abit of -d rinking zuethy- f lie a~rlt, 5which -oa.used lier limbe "te becme rigid: as.- tisougis -. ,p*ralyzei. ,H16e 4 sac that bis' ý wife sniked1 eiga&rettý in.,b.d and umed thýaý, k-.rom bhe:ig ette-ignited -the ;be4-clcthig,ad because cf lier alltytecae sii. was burned,»to.-de"It,' W ei Beees, utUs -Csniasl a. < tioi -ExhibltIoxé- Il -Moviug pictuÃme- lu flrewaroe- are i~ie, ais sureiy thi nwsthing n y l-ant i m tcio..A-nd, the ù'nest ting inu ,oldor&I e' aà I i Ues à airevýd at the, cLaâaian ti,. ee'ent Na<tSi - lExibitioýn. Arnong the, Who ilo nuS W*t bHco a r e o n . tn 1 * 1 f$s e a . h e i i in m i.- là o g u e ' w l chie, iU~*hea r u nirrg and cuiSteto guese; griroî4~Iom thie * ut ' co u Iuicw-ý th auto& ne~éi itIm u" W6Ist.oceio o it crashes. nt6 au- autÉOobile, sud, flying*machines. Add to -tise the, or Tioato'a- ch»,nginü llûmnaioà hecoo eVeà t II-th balooa; thdexplodin 1g 1bOMbs, the. tO 13 er soarlng rockoet, tise massivelgolden 'Iemel16 l fountains a-fs! difpemsiag radiating If the . Hrr batteries,, a.nd you- have a firewwcrka whichthp 0 -bill more?-ýajed ans! mors wonder- eitises, fo.r o> lul thu~yiig vrbfr r-tienbas te ho ýýt4rn -'iyhin -ý ýveIefoe pe-hefare 15 eau g( siente<l atis Ca-nadian National. tise vote vl bc MILInANT INCENDIARIST. st MplIa - Undoubtedli Senteiseeeito Nis e nothe 'Bard ol!o e b oppeing the --Labor. neterisîlo veiier -A dspateh f rom Liverpool say:Tise chlef rit Mrs. EditiilRigby, tise wel-kncwn riamMackenzie Sufrgeteo! rstn was sen- StreeS Raiwlvy su1aet P-e ,more reara ta tences!-on - Wednesday te uas1 anyleMahlup months' liard la-bor on tise-charge bI apice té p ëf settiag fLi4 e te country resI. chOe. In 1921 1 deuce o! 81w William -H. Lever at iau ed tot Rivingtosi, Iancashire, on July 8, tea1hrâtithï ans! causing. -damage eetim&td at 1921of a bit a; $1000i0.Thse prisousr, who le b. iii ho obllz1e wif e of.ï a- physicia, anitdhm~ guilt,- and aiso cenfssed Le being - rin'a Dprovil tise p erpotntor of tii. bomb eut- tact that the 01 rage at 'te. Liveipool Cotton' Ex. trio Li;thS com change en JuhyCoempay;tise ______________Pravinleal. Hyd - Before Silo- ai FMST1 woÉÊN, JUIY. iii -ne doubt- FIRS WOIEN' JUR. and peihapt; Loua eonrpqeom Convièted a'.W»man inla aCourt in -- okenfrei1 ti &Q .... assitie A oeathfîen St. Louis isays: Tise- fstwmn jury tob"be em- iýttfof B Paellediin .Ihhinos laincetise recent, 4fct eu isniat tt ù-uesday cenvictes a *om an 'in &.Jultice Court lu' Esat St. Lois Mn.- BanheThcùm., e ha'e #eighibôor, 'isfra 1à jury vý*wo-- rie!, d dùr-were -un4der tise ig1, age. ho tial u!'wdhrehe urs, minutes tiq agêe--upoe.r a verdct. corne mn--ilbre y onl otlse -sa o lnre o ée ho came- te-terme w- eh ey submit te otheir- principale., et torm of thie.- areement ,WU eIt. ait- lliam où hie M9111abe- suter vw xwhat 3 dsai iii ha agood, thiag suid t'if Teonte at LnCY buytug,up te.local. obdb Uniner utler 0- Biseýts-leCoïnari*lon Rive- 1It yul lisîn. theo recptioni voteti ou by tho l-a*epaysrs ro miteaffect. 15 lM expeeteti ae reacleti*about' the.iaut of perhapa isome tSmo Octo.- ivo tisearrangée-menttise pprovaL. (I bu Opsuaifon. ihane viUll e' viorous o:- eo' proposai. The. Toronto yr shovot i te celer. anti la whole busines, ith char- Itlcism- tram a Toronto view th prie quotad by air wu- eis'excessivie. The. Tonante yfranchise - lise buts ýeirht rua, anti thoagh-the coin- g aurpaus preSftet4stIsa mati .000 a -year 4*2.000.000 Slaa sm feor au eight-year Iran- visn tii. franchise cames te ty vili goS for nathîn; visaS pajy uometising for nov, saine time 15hthaa m, e e- - tiser. in thi e mlbilitr Su Sgumoent, over .visat.thse city d ta psy for tho plaut anti the ralwaes- aveu atter tes :iauated.- - îuclal pOWntOet nov thee ait- ipicatèid byreason et the Streot Nailvay snd -Vh« Bise- npany both liavo long term* tise Blectiicai Dé'velopmmedt ' chiot competîter-,a! tise me E'leôtrie Cemmlea5. - aStoris #lalljýsettlod there &,big Drablem. but Mayr tise beginulig of- iis terni aermiuet t make hie ragimoe inge ,vayEnlas l .s ;tars bea ýCi0à asden sroute te Ana-' fiammation andcà tarrh. v FoodV thesu remain, toc long, in thee lnjursd 'stomacis, -ýwhere iL fermnents andl g ives riejogreat quantities.'cf gas. -The catarnis, after,,doming aedi go.;- iug- a le*.. imes, becoines eh.ronîc., Tite gansd -the mass- cf stagnïant food saes ts tmçs n oc almost incurable.ý At, Èirt4epe-emake littie cf ýan ata f indigestion but by ithe'à ge of 135 or 40 -thé .gr-ea1 M ajority -have -perrnanenthy damaged,,.ithQxnqçmah, ud it eains a sýurce, ôf trouble for thi.iremainder of their i., cauhs- ing 4owaineso,,giddilness, nýoises ilu the iears,- leeplesnesand'adoe more unplsasau, mypto LiveiL Il-treated. Thesu fiiex. is. the- liver.,Whio"does net suifer .from -morne affçctiou c- f the liver? Be asncsbddy aerday, i dho aloo byn wînýf1ass,,-.of whisky or. its eq.ýiîva- len nwneor beer.) UEtaksti aleohl ntat t1liépropeër time, -hch..&:durugormdi tely af- tr a a. bataptial' ineal. Or a woman mayv squeeze.lier figue out of al Tise .resuit ftlis.-and other. forms latt retmet 1- acongested- or gtyor hardened liver, and- per- halps gail-stonés and coiec.- This- -daMage: aIse -is genemaly perman- eT.e Tii.kdeys, .likewise, aeê abominably1 treated. Nearly every ýwell-W-do- person eats se m uch méat, that,- working at full Prie ssure xight ans! day, the -kidasys cuo i wy-gt rid of tise waste.;. A great- nubrof people do' even more harm-by drinkinlgtoc mucis heer -or -And prc'bably no ne - ever- con- aidera that thèse, organsaiae.fre- quently damaged by chilîs. It4 is- therefore no wonder that- la middle 1f. se. many iuffer from Bigit's diseane, dropsy, aud otiier affections cf tise kidneys. Ti.heart, probabiy> mo re tÙal any- other organ, is jiaxed 'beyon its power -o! endurance. -Young, men undertake great muscular feats, ýeven men-, getting,,ou in age -climýb mouiatains, 'cycle long -distancet, and in - other wayg-put. a --etraiu rup- ou tise. heart that dilates, it and' mks Lincompetent te. the eu&o! In, the. same*- manuer 'diabètes îs aise sometimeeo cused. .But ýthes chie!factor in is a. seden- takry hIile, wth :pr,6onged intellect- ýuAi Work. ý Diabeteehaslbesn CaLd tbhe ."iaw-yems" diseà "2'.~ ii. ofè -ss -i.soliiora becaises-of uhei' 'ombnèto-cf- hrà in work -andsi~etof -!the m~uscles. AnYr. -oèe:wh1o-leads -a sedt, lMay -be u'teting1up'ýýthis disease for- hie -Cause of Meut.. 0f-aent we &tt~I 4.. ...4à , 'SIR Riom includ ng irc fri t0hul -sa»e eve r macs. -uoi The actual ime froiz tii. breakwster aL Qu day& siÃa.ndsixteen hoâu Thf firit 8w46rdfis,- bhas apkperd in Nova te '~A' boatnan et thé. big.-feRow butc hine. "This' i.tiie foe annuà I vzslà ation of t] expected the new 1n important addition te ieton and Gr&nd t L wisicis operat -a in Nç Sj . S. Brown 1eft-E 48 years &go. Last-% baek home !rom- .. >à visW te is brôthe turne lie had'-ieen o. Dr. George« absephinluLend - years, va-a reli land. on - rt 'Voyage -cver, -a Monia,ý- which .0 SA young ïi Mnray,'w-ho > water. Road, ]n feundlan!, -Rte] rake, the teeth; hlm foot. Blboè -emal Hossnita. Sdat, ermen irove a" bing -gn n te -thej a. vorst os sOrtes! -Wo [nimi*nlty F A despate Pierre Houa , ý,Ite sit. --Three hi casadditional -. Ufthê state will bori '000,Ã"O, the renxainde -eid b~y land £tbek là u ~ii.Up to date thq pehded *625,OWj0Àà o peration. What lias -d-Pd _-oughIy speaking, ît -W 0O00 agricultural -peasant proprietêrs. 'hoiders stili left, c 'agreed to purchaset ~ad-the, othez two-tl ~yet been deaIt wi.h -made oser, ail -ae -There lu piosperity tIere Was-misery. ý_senk where -there outragee.nank:flc o -better- hoÃusing, bett ter.dressing, ina ther. Scýent wrxter. Moreo of pro6perty lias imad * mre-radicals varieu tmo'future progrema, wili take eof itme Land puirchase ha cess in'Ireland. It Voi'utionaryP> in-a be1 It bas solved maà ny 7-g: The -bitter- denunciat s-ome are ail but f0 ÃŽhat the- Etxgih l up for treatrnent, iti týfat the Irieli precede -j&duly . nîgieetedii sehemes that are, to -Boid remedies are a est andmpýst econon 1nn xnay bêl at bottou 2tFATffFRO31ê [ Thse Skin of the Shaj -A good many-kindîs g0-t. frin sea creat which are vr curidu fui.. The skin--of siar faI buruished gray oi The surface resembles le-ather, inasmucli as tiny Urickles-set ail ci -are -quite invisible tOt b ut, there- are so many e;o flaèly set thà t voi- --the roughness ýf !the E rub your hand -over tii direction opposit-e to i thq prîckles Point. This prôperty of ski ders if espiecîil vaFi manufacturer ci. - sha the shin is Ait once toi to work, Wt can. be us, _purposee 'where deco: -are désired. Ifr spi.te cff its lump, sturgeon furnîshes a attractive -leather. -J -Lund that when the bc renioved, 'thse patterai the skiù;, mat as the Pa gator- scales reénain leather. a cieuistaac greatly to the value cf liumble cod-, says a per. Eelskin iis useful foi~ poses, ansong thertihe ci leather bind-in g for b 'briding into w*hips. - Thegarfish, - ihf» sletiiit resembles Used ia makinbg picture jewel-caeskets. The. skiy *as used--by certain oùf 'tiibes te make a mort o~ 5-i se tough and hard, t ing t-o smeý accounts, a mnade cf la will turn qpear. -Queer nues are made fes of lie wairus and 'he E-skinocq make the they'slit andEtîteli toget lsooded ceitsthat- are ~rubber as water-pro'(