we -Came &long *as the Goeti in t8 uthS4 ."A ropo la&d the -aide, anxd " and,;theOldIflJ ýdon board. 1 our. eyés I neve Four De1 -been &mwrry a .vere terriblyi conld 't4e1Iat a WailÈ'. tyour mei umw ii. uau ipeax at once- problem.I. _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ruî IA FRIGItTFUL F ; Canées, wtd*.Dread»- .aioww-41 besten. The MoneY be bad mOtber provided -hlm *iucone; but netoti rictous Urne at Oxf< very à imnple, and hi down -in a-coujile (i - treet in Chelsea. aný - -,u wenzI iui and found. the 1 mate.. tretched fiôor, with ýenipî ili about hiïu*à , -Then V-csme ui fiAgure it ailout. 'à ny more,ê dio, bor of 'dharks - - r' *bIt of the- 1 DutCh t"ae' rao .recame. acres. the bod-. < 'ixepa4ve, vidhty part 'f re ~~hsd qcornétotheir 1- n~ 4itheir mast er. Sof-we sturnbled cêÎý f the Dutch-I.rade, bohind -thit ,the, 'body -M hi. rewiiél. The i.cema were turn- qx1de -dowù, and * there w"s lpg ieft>-tfat 'wasworth carry- aw&y.' It haci certainly b4au a le ximaBré, and frein the iÈ*uce, ci the bCdý'-nies tii, whole ilý> bu.sluefs hadn't taken place ý, faâù à day or t.wobefore. Great Secott,' V eaid the* old mnn e,. 'omthn#certainly hap d i týhêe parts, and. we'd bet- ret bà çlç tethe Amur -or sonie- "il b'eýhappéning te -us.'1 Vol], those englues ofléurs 'were Elud fix, but t4ue old man .oaled e chie! engineer and told hlm ýt th8old thr shingachine in in order ri ltsar, as that > eighl4rhEo was net st al 8 - l4liiig» Amà , anyhow,- we'd beenin a bad fix if we wer. ked, for beyond threeor four veri,,we were - su unarmed he chie!. and hisL enu1ne-woom ters Spread XIlIOiier 01-th ntlMass of Jfrd Cut .f a Flicid to Cut HalirAway s GrowingTik irlu ind',a l twrrble tè4 With fiiwbiWbà itrs", whicl, wou.1d bra usil ii The~ i- e ie uni w 4 4vulg mssu0 of-sores, aUl ivier J hca<l and, the pMlles' wuld ,time ]Fz~rngv' heat u 50bad, byr IIow ise POPùlitiOof C*»iada b Educated. O1 the grown up male population of Canada, one PrersOn ln ten c4îzj neitherread-nor wtite, the 'exact n umber, o!fiiiterat..s being 207 Çut çf- 2,'197,63- o 'r , re2 yea.rs or eIder: ,Se say the is .t Icenous returns, and give the Brlt- ish-borz cit'izens the Mighest stanid" ing for education. 0 f th é8-409,000 maie immigrants brons the British Isies 8.1l can read and -writeaave' .13,000, which is 3.16 per cent.1 Of immigrants from foreign land; one in six is unAble to .ead, or write. 0!f the- 1,441,933 Canadian-boru votera there are five in every hundred whoà do flot boast those accomplleli- mentis. The census taker also looked for srne education in the entire popu- lation from five years o! age np. Eleven in a hundred did ntcon up to the mark. The Province o! Ontario made by far the best show- ing, for here the percentage o! illit- eracy il$ enly 6.52. Litte Preince Edward Island came second - with 7.62 per cent. Themost uneducated prevince was New Brunswick, with- 14 in every hundred :Who -cannot -read or write, tlidùgh in the neighi- boring province of ,Nova&Secotia its proportion j6 just, 10>per hundred. In Quebec the-re are 21 7,316 people without rudimentary éducation, -whioh lu 1,9 per cent. of the pop- ulation ,o! -five years .ind e«Ver. Th «ra place te go if ýyou cau read sud writeand wish te be con- Bplcu ous. lu *the .lcrthwest Terrîi- tories. .,There _y»w- would, have an dvantage ýover _'_0 peepý nevry iuundrecl cf thp. population; Most o! them, however, would.-be -Indianfi and L1f-bieeds. Thîcuglieut the Domnini-on the.pro. portion titoraes has faÃllen froni 1tcg 10 per huindred since,,the pre- vious cen susin 1801. :8»katehe-wan hasshow tihe retest' -improve. nent-from 25,per Gent. to,13. Every ether,-,provi-nce shows some amb-er- à tio, in-, the educational condition-; ý1 taihbats uOntari,foýr1 instance, despiite the large increase in population thiere are:240,feer iliterates -than 'there W.ere ten- Fears ago. n.nthe' thre;yprairie provinceg hs there been'-aù in- n'âs- i.-hetoalofthos ,Who èal- 'urse, lu d4ue to the Ãlarge influx efoueign-born miats "éW 11, little-boy,'Y xclaimed the io&-'céà oId'ladi, ren't'you aé- la mé -t;- A-Ik riin fi . ,i..Pýcr v ni à e~êi an 'euoorui :aimot f -malhngçring, -bnt. ,have not .yetdiar- cover.d *I1y'etr: -any: pera ons consider that >a week of leisure, with an'income cf ten shilliup, la s jýuitiiaà âbll- day.. When the officiai doctoi as-- $Crta- tbiat tboy, are no't III they bo gin'te -âenoitncè the act ais a fraid- and m4ae political capital of it. Cosen'tîe newspapers are Only eo ilig to print coniplints frorn, the ineurêd .that the insùrance lact Fourteen rmillion people are;-ntw paytngtheir weekly contributions, ,", ckistamps," the go6vernment,'s edly ,ManY of them flnd fault with the adininistration of the à ct, and pro!bbl oreaznendmente will be * nad been four or five months in. . it charged,.With murder. -The, trial re-' sulted in acquittai; The-eplye wants tote fkë .baék the man, butý wauts teknO-w wh epy the lu- suÃanée contributions fo7r the tm o! deteution in il The act says Dothne on that point. For the time opposition te the lu- s.uraunce!"echeme, or rather criticiani d! it, lu thé principal political -cap- itale! the couservative party. Hom'e rule and Welsli diiestabiahment hâve taken back seats astargets f'or attack. Beut while-conheryatives- declare that oompulsryi ernc- luafiue their leaders. do' not go so far, as ta urge repeal. It is unl- J popular with many, but whetlier it Sis net popular with -the great ma- -jority ai the lnsured is still an open queition. - IUueh Fauter. A'Yankee was boasting to aný Irialunan ho met on board a Clyde steamer, about the fastuesa e! Amer- ican trains._ "Why, Mike," lie said, lierun'our trains Bc faut iu Amer- i Ca that the, telegrapu pales look likea continu'ous fence." "Do they uow 1" said'Mike. "Well, air ,I was wan " day on a train in reland, aud as -we paused first a field d! turnips, then wan o! carroti, then wan *of cabbage, and then a larpe pond o! water, we wcre gain' that fast that I tliought it was brotli!" Ris Method. "Fricu'd-"iNow e confidentialîy, ho w "do you figure what te cýharge for. a prescription ?" TýuËiý( el our system lu Perfectly fair te- everybody. Aiter the clerk.maýkesup the Prescription liegoesto tée back cfîtii, sto re -and shakesuUp a lot o! cargdaȈ ah 1at. The cards are, marked.w"l a ' rangfuglrom LUS centsteadlr. ana a hla iad wlichever crdh. draws settles the. prices of the pre scriptin", . Mina-d'e Linimenta,, 014e Etc. *Lawyer÷ * n, kjIné, are-I s oneO but, .:.f5rThm ssuto all meii-except, wà iùrant and lhefpetyolficersj, in iserved out in the for p of e gY- hree parts of water nen of .rum: 'It is ca.ll 'ed by t*zmama as the mnix- ture was irt issued by Adlmirai Nernon in 1740- for'he, Irom thefact that hê, vore breechez made- of: a îtuff'called graýgam, was known te Mis men by the nkkname of! "Oldl %vig -Puréltse -Extras. Thée sailori, naddition, to liistat- ed ration, 1 ingïanted .a "mesiui'ai-ý lowanice of! 4a. a day by h Goveru- ment; a jnd -ith thi *a ho ie ca purchase extraÃŽIfroun the ýstores On bortAir l theordinaryartic'lUs, such as -brea4$'eaveea-ls tëe ooffee, c ,ocoa, condensed miîlk- ever ythin g, lu n elac t , exceëpt rum- can o xught lu this wy u di tfioua1 delicacies 11k. tinned amt à üd rabbit '.l - ' for udns dried beans and pea, kles, au,- etc., etc., eanub.-procured iW re- quired - Ailthese à rtiofes ire cf the very. lrst quality ýà ad as ifhey are bougit, byý -the -contraot department of ,the AÇdmlrialty in enormouùs quantities, ther.e,,ls n doubt'tha t Jac 'k gets the '4nest value for býis m#on'ey. A maïn, mére6ver, isnen't forced to take'up luis fufl allowance of pro- visions. HoRMU st, draw oee third of his aùmount o6f uhe&t and vegetablea but for tbe rexùainder, if ie; likès, he -aub paid their -equivaleut value ln hard cash. Once a uth each sailor. eau buyf one pound cftobacco free of duty. nti sueà "lu les! for'a éhillinga Pou#nd, sud cut up-ready for con- éumption atla,2d. and as mwfly oôrcèrs amo41ke. nething but the lat- t'r' a iet, tspeasswell for its. quait. Al hi ~tbaco oresfrôm sealtdbaecilnttinsin South A!fica, and,,c'old'not be bouh Th- By tise Ton. The- o in-amounts o! fprovi- senà rried- on board a, mian-e'- wsr with juet u nder -800 taon -may -be, interesting: Fres o 1$4ote.-Freeli veget- ables, ll(ns. Sait porky , 920 lb. Pleur, 45 tons. Biscuit«, 1 ton. Preserved meut,- 33-4 tons; Tinned 1,-almorn,-3-4 ton; Tiuned rabbit, 1,418 lb. 'PicklýÃs,'1-4tens. Suet, M4 lb.- Split peaus, 1-4 ton; -Dnied beans ëand peau, 1-1-2 tons.; Celery -tons. Sugar, 20 tou's. Tea, 13-14, fana: CýûOffee, i2ton. Drinking chocolate, -91 tons. Jam, - 4l1-2 tosRaisins, 1-4 to. - ie, 12 lway -prcperly-coneult 5in #-ousersr~ lO-se cotînues, ýdouble thé dÀe KEEP CHIL DREN WELL SJURING HOT WBÂ15TIBR Every mothr kuow*s à 6 fatal- the hot SuMmer aontha are'toýi sh'tl chiîdren. hlr nanui ir niioa, dys entry a ud 9tomcl trou-i b leu are , - ue t tis tim e anüd j ft euj a precious- litte. e -i8'.let ster only a fvwhurs' ilIness. 'TJ mther, >hokepa Bby'ë O wn Tb - ocasionÃause of the 'Fableta> pre-, vent. sitemacl' and. bowel troublee, o r~~~ i f t o b e c o r ne s së u d d u l - asi g e n e r a l y e e - h e T a"' t 7 w" ri g the b aby iafe thioug b. Thy are' solM by ýmediine deà lers or by mail at 25 eents a box frem The Dr.'Wiiams" Mediine Co., Brockville, Ont. "'Are yoi fli same man that ate1 -my sheplerd's-pie lat wek Il'"NO, mnum. -111 eer be the same man again 1" Minard LUniment ures carat in CeWe H9appines onistinetlvity. Such i a-the oùietitution f our na- ture; la le aa running treai, and n<> a.sta na t p ol.- Mnads ini en Ce s . .ihhr j Not Se Bad -as liý. un'e 1"Wcimeu are eertêinlytying - lÉard to.bece1sue1ma'0 , l" Q "ÃŽOh, 1i thainkyouwrong u.AlLsb the womn I know eeemi, ackition fd n,'rd.» - If -you bave- ked, Weak, Watery Eyës or Granul1atéd,,Eyellds.' Doesn'lt S8 rtt, Soothes, Eye Pin. Drug*gists SeulJ~J Murisue Eye Savlveu n.Aseptîc -Tubes, YI 25c; 50c. --Eye Bo'oks- Free by Mlail. As y IoS. for AU Lys. tht Nsd C"r..bo binimne> Zys E.uKmsdy Ce ., Chicage og. Mr) Wybrn-Eýer since'I mar-,~j ried'you I'veé drunk the cup of bit-. terneste the dregp. Mrs9. WybdIrn -Ycs-bimagine you leaving a drÎânUI o! anytha inimnt ny cpp hru for Sale WILL MAK lNE met .dfo! w aiting ne us ehould invesgtigate thie taký sold t.a.scrifie Tihis haà bien usd a shrt ti depat à entso,, ately' dlee<4iiiiuued: »0a wb LYJ.t.ocrat 1 eien to furtber'On .. mfd rne *-andi twî i5weet