ere, 4 ;' er,40. 'tire REPORTS Fi UI TRADU mohs a Mid auAbv" BULL- AND lKISPEOPLL Ocurrça'ce i l -Te en Reignâ 8rupieme Ila thre Cei. merilal World. 90610 n er car In: Dondon there 'nere 2,144, birtrs- rsnte~d?'u 0 7e fr poraud.,006 'deathLa il tweek. 115-e. 2~ ~~ ~ he ttalarea uner fr-uit - ini ut«; 37o te 8036 ton me ThI.ticaeaun Ã"ate..N. ~- - To ,' E&ud ~nd dWalc's in 1912 s&Moun-t- ed te- 294,026 acreS. Pots ; .W., ?~3 1.o, Ë. Iti '-opoe-extend Biring- 0. a-r"e-t riean Ne.-270ow. 64 1.;No. ham Mursicipal Teoirnical Sciool at 60.t 62c13icnominal. aos f$2,w licW 9e ar ots olalo, The pahsh ohurcir of Rlowley RIe- '-l~o Z 6e a 5e.noinl, g-te, uearDudlcy, lh" been -totall-y cDuritin- arey o ade Thre money spent yearl-y iu shav- '-P_1er bag et 90 peunde, 8215; ing by people intire United King- *4.5, 'irolsal, Widso ~ oi estimatedat $10,500,000. - ,utoba bran, *19.00, in bagm. Fire las aimost entirely destroy- ine miot,*100 zlneed lire lanery o!Meers..Joseph .j 1 ab sorts, *3.00;m.. _ _ , vents of eleotieity by an arrangement cf ýireste ayoid -tihemeter. Dange4rorts panes iwthe Rock-y Mointsns~arebeing ueed .to uzinug- gie Ohhre. from Coluia.into ' the: Stà tu, of-, Wà ,hiugton, -Idaho and' Montana., aeoording te A. T. Lun- mey connected with the U. S.,- lm- migration Depa.rtment. Great- Britain. Winston Churohili said -no addi- tion wouid b. made to the naval Sir Rutus leae is to Suooeed Lord Alverztone as Lord.Chief Jus- tice. The London znorning papýers are interested ini the possibility-of the. U. S. beiug obliged to intervene in Xviation je neither &asport nor a Pastiiube, and canot be prohibited iryicrwuiou' 3'où a4sig&t le oene hundred dodli;rs ~ls Th-eme ange~~~ wthsindbyfie nienà ber>. the young mian need'ed ni;ney, bu- the telegraphý office a.sud- hin ità tbey hd liad , :esag r peatéd acvifeL-Whereuposi , """EU, 592W 0 31o $-». ---__e laylon & Sens, Ltd., at Chester- on b1.uClay, acoording te -legal ali- < Mtaniticha Pleur-ýpir,tauts. *5.50 lunfeldhon-tic., in Hu-ilEgadwlra Jute ibata; -troeg bakeïs.. *4.80 in -jute. -adwer b1)8,8 uIncotton baga feu conte more -per A edkCat the Star Xnufacturing ts aeweaae Ourrle Iu-inehaîfer 0 0C., Cubitt Towu, Best no, Tire pardon o! Mmr_. Emuaeline cent atente, 84.10 te *4.5 ea or, 0Verdid dama-g. to the. amount o! $100,- Pankrnathle leader e! thre mili- - - 00.tant suffragettes, w'ni luserviug a Ceutr PrdugAt Caerleoo, Monmouthshire, a hiree-year -sentence in Ifollow&yý CounNs-itry Plic te. cwrei,20- 'eii-preserved RomÀnSton, efu Jail, is requested in a petition sent 210; seconds saphite, 16o te 18o. oenta'Ining bouee, as been diecov- t i ig iue y44tahr Che«e-eTwus, ns'n 141l-2c te 16o, sud ered.-- and Êladuates of tire Lo-don- Uni- -- larg euw st 14 1-2o le 14 34c; od eeut cisty twine.-150 te 15 lac; large, 150. Eight lives were lot iiinlohk- eaiy %remry .reme, pritsl. 26o, te 27e;ing collienv accident atRPotirerirai,. %ad slisMeto 2à 1.2o j dalry prins.wh heCa.rr House. Colliery Uitd taes Mo 'e 24c airera', 15o te Son. i w-heu tiretes, - Hes-Buckwheal, la a Vound lu lins, ifleoded, An inspecter o! tire United States aud Oe in barrais. straîneit lover ireuey, Tire'deathir s suxounced cf Mme. Marine'Department -ias been ou 121i-Se a Pound lu 60'pound tina; 12-4e i 10-peund tibua. -13e lu S-pouud tins; oub Mary Bacon, widow o! theii. o1v. tire St. Lawrence River the lait few -beuey, No. 1. -*2L60 par dosen. ext.ra. $3 John Bacon o! Birrghclere, ini irer day-S, sud heu steamers iravebe per. doen; lie. %, *2.*-pom desen. Beas-plm~ lusirel, *1.75 toi *2, irsd. io3rd year. ordered te increase tire membership picirs U 21 te *2.40. His. Majesty liras sent $10 te AL- of their crewn. Poultry-PrefihkWed fevi, 18e b 19pVrbr atrJodn ,Dvrmr pcundrliva tovi, 140 te 15n; .irensri otWle odu&Drr gr f.J G uriKP ciieene24oe te iSo; lbye, 18o te iL; ucie, _eporere'nesr-w! eLic" t%;du4ce poterehoe -w18egae b2th . P.etalee4-;trie pla teos2. 7e'erba triplets gae ete Ùefl1au Poaterenaroeoatetl7oyerba-Tire.are reports of an rmed. tireAssin ' ep& despatcled lis ýfAr, 6e ov- BrunswIcks, 90o per Tire mutilation o! soîne 300 valu- inu iviug beifouud hid1~g in anewer ýr pou m'e for wiat- bat. out et to6r*-e, 0c'u-ar lots; ¶'lrgiÉio, able volumes in tire library e! St. -tire gardaens'ir r'uPic vryued ne,8.5 prbra.gptisu nrns-per eseir, 82.5 to *2.50. Joir' College, Cambridg, t laf -of Norway plaYs, It 'nas seme dayas lat-er before au- j nbtdt ufaets The French Ciratber of Deputies 011cr Western member brouglit hlm -jProvisions. Lewisiram berouir counucil h1ave ha. decided tiat conipul-sery mili- thre explanation. Two yeung meni - moiet a il dry saited meats-Roll- agreed te coutnibute $50,000 t e .tary service muaIt begin at 20, in- bad got into an argument in, Regina OMiked, 161- ; haine, mediumn, 21c; haavy, Lr Il9e 2e:biakss bcoo-c I ord -ayo's ecieme fer tire pur- itead of 21, as at pr-osent. cueun i ieaiyadecl bacon, toue i114 cases 15 3-4 te 16e, baeka -chase o! thie Çrystal Palace. Prince Erneat o! Cumberland, tire leneciof Ieir respective fatiers-mn- llpiip), 2W;,bacira (peam,çal), *creu 'icir effeèýtuaily keep fog Kaiser'&s '-nlwwanas eayl',ouaLirsmmbr!he Green -Mes,a-uî t fpiekie, lnlees. Ian ereon-in-lawealmeabr f h - uoki. ~eutfrein enteiring buildings iry meaus killed bya train whien- iris horse bo- Federal House, lthe other a Ceuser- p0~~~~ir$28perbarr;oso! electnic veuîiiatiug fane have came frigirtened. vtv ebre ieBiilCl La.L-ierTsea, 14c. luira, 14 i-4ci pails, been perfected in Eugiand. A peari neclilace o! 61 stones, val- umbia Uýgisfature- Tire decided te, 141-2a. One t tire niva notable British ued ah $625,000, and posted frein test -thi.Case by eseli sending hele- - Dald Haysud Saaw. Crimean veteraiv,% Sergeant-Major Paris te Lýondo>n, - 'nan tiu rs asking tor tire immediate adt- - - Wioluse ealrear pyig, u rair ianéon, iras ju8t died ah HRounakQw transit, some lumps o! n;ugar.being vance e! $100. Wlen Mr. Turriff's1 'Tarent. Baled iray, No. 1. $1350 to $14 50;a lreage !8 easB ubstitutedith le package. A e- respousel was received. il 'asE No. 2. 012.00 te $13.00; No. 3, $7.00 te $8.00; Cocbsa-at 12Y2 cents per lb. i. te 'nard o! 850,000 i. offered for its prmaptly »ut tire rival -Baled -atav. 8700 to $7.50. - be substitutedt by the East Preston recovcmy. -sni-awwsntlog bln t Winnipeg Crain. Guardians for gruel -as a cireap sud ,ReH producect a- yellow paper 'niti Winnipeg, .Tly 122.-Ceael graiu--Wheat ouslainiug liquidfer nmezlà . thle message:. "Cerlainly, tiraîi. 1'Q 971-2c, No. 2, 941-te; No. Tii. Eppiug urban oouncil iras NEATNESS 111ALTS AGE. a"inckoegmt ai 891.2c; Ne. 4, 8il1-2é; No. 6. 75e; No. 6 passedt a regulation iraI a-s fowls - -asy, nakowegeto! hi..1 10c; teet, 6ic; No. i rejected seede, 891.2Ze; sm -r--oe eqetfo h ac No. 2,- 561I-le; No. 3, 81 1-k-;-No. 1 tôugir, are subject te diplitheria andI tuber- Doctor Tells of Benefleli.Payehie snlnywtddmqetfrlac 89e, No, 2. 88e; No. 3, 83 3-4c; No. 4, 75e; vuloïs lhey shall not be kept near Influes.. or "Sprucing Up.", ceptance o!fa4 iglt--dra!t. lIo. 6, 6.1-k-; teed, tougi, 54c. - A'bet for thse arnount o! tire pros-c Oas-Nqo. 2 <0. W.. 331-4ec.No, 3, 32c; lbeuses.- Neetnees, bahhing sud massage pective draft emains unde-cided. -- extra Ne. 1 test, 43c; -No, i. 32e. No. 2, A lighte-d match tiro'n rn-aae cme1< e e atnd liBarey-No. 3, 483.4e; No. 4. 4714c; me- noter omnibus in Oxford Street feu die age who weuld avoid mg.nife&ta- UIEAT3ITT SAE leted, 43c; 'tend, 4k., on a hrorse, whiich bolted and knock- tiens o! deFUTinE. Dr. I. L. NasoAPEer Pla-No IN. , 1.2; 2e.2 J. .,ed do'nn andI eeriousi-y injured a writes iu tle Medical Journal: cycliet. "Thre improvent n,gnri Two Prisoners at Ottawa Try to Es- T United States Markets. Tire firset section o! a ailway apeaacelisa roin te psychc cape Frôm- Police Station, Mnneapolis, July 2.-Wirest - Juli', 'hich lia beiug coushructed in Nortir influenneelyietytrug AdeptlfrnOtaw ey: Èe1-44 No. hrt, 1-c; DcmeNo. -8 o, o n.ydretythog Adsathfo-Oý Act1-2e No.p1ebr,91S; NDe.1ember914Noingamshi in tire hearL o! the ttire sim ulalion oe, Liesense -o! prid-e T'o prisoupr, James Bald-win aud i 9 -Oct 0 1-le;- No. S de., 57 1-Zocto 8s -Be. eiBldeiainn enoeed 1 Corn-No.1 3 yellow, 67 l'octO 68C. Oasa - A smiaîî . pparnc, ut îeîecl Ewi tcuci 'Istte ta No. 3 white, 36 1-4o te 363.4a. Uye-No. Zpituesue sumer Ibrougi tire fiuttering come- sent.shey ca-me irean New York te gel c 5oat55. .Flour unchauget. Branun- buse -calied '"The Nest" a been whicî il arouses, Tis îiperant oeo ieylw atem u DuluIh, July 22-Wirest--Nc. I rad rSlen lre side o tire ake 8measure is generally neglected b' who 'neme sbçut-Io b. ciarged 'nitirl 911-4e; No. 1 nerthrmu.9014e; No. S do.. SandringirainGardeasfrtr n e, e h bnfca lmfamigi ieplc o ri 673-4 te 8814c; July, 893-4o nominal; Sep"o ue e 'iefotebnnca lmflmigi h oie or.a bemper. 903-4e saked, December, 92&-8!0 ue Aexdr.- - nr psyciric în'uueuce, for aesthetic per- jumped eut o! an upp-or windo'n o! te Mme.oSarairnAunhAkelurman ehould en- tire oity pç>liCe station te tire lao ju-et died ai Uosebridge, in irer deavOr te nià ke limmnel! ajrpear as ground, a di*tance o!fwetyfet LiveStee Masket. lOud yar, ns. bb a dochor at attractive a spossible. TIis do-es on Wednesday, sudnma-de a boltI -- Mentreal, July 2.Pin beevea, 6 7-8 te tire age o! tirrl-fivo tirats-r - --- 71-4; medium, 43-4 te 6,14;eommon, 3 te on. lenet mesLan thaire sirould esort bo dash for libertyI Sver 41-. Csa,*30te 65 aei: Oiva, te"'nitî ne li. lng.the artificial devicee that middle men sud delectives da-sied- afler hi 6;-,aireep, 4, tn A41-2; Iambe. *4.25 te $6.00 Tire eld si Èlls, wiha otageit aud elderly 'nomen empioy tb thein, sud tbey 'were recaptureit el Troreutn, Juiy 22.-Cýattle-Ciroied e xpert, adjoinis th. ParîiehCluroli, Willeâ-. enianco Iteir ciarms. It doe enwtm iemnts ly-nr-n-t4 $7, choie butcbrr; * 6.50 te *6.85, goeui ten, sud whici -'na tle Iradiitioual that th e oltIma-n o edstinlantem nfed fora-uweks.aTIhe poiere ý_ caneram,, *2 -t *2.50; cuItera .70 teO*$5- hult of hîglwayraen 300 yea-rs ago, i tire surfacenedfo wek adthb o annes. 2;t $250. hesuracecirculation by meanuso! 'nul look up tiroir records. rat eowm, *5.25 te *5OU.-; ommon cows, $3.50 8 ti e ho lc-osed by enter o!fI-ie dis- bmurs and msagretearn t'ô0425. Calves-Goot veal, *5 te *7; trict cours rmsagyreoe rn ehieie,*$8 1o*$S.60; cominmo$ 3 te *3.50 -i.kles-sand folds bY 1Junction 'nithi FELL WITII AERODRJOM]E. p - - tocireme nut feeders-'steers, 700 te 800 Ed-gar Mardi, agea -six, fellinto animal,-fats, hry ho itimlatpleu poîxde.,*4.60,te $5.50; extra.'chi3ebleav tire River Waf bWtehgot tmlt h ; bue o' Whsmfe a-tu Weth16'y5,grew-îh f hair on Vire bead andr- ao Hwtone teBits iligrt, *$2.60 t& *3.0.Sbiepsaid iambs- Yorkshire, 'ien Mme. Selina Law- rruovMajoi, frein a-boorthal-srtui- Liil. ewei ,$ 4.25 Ite- .6heravy, $3 to nce lu !uiî£ro- - Ema siua nied i, I.dressed, Am a ild *3. , 3 e 3 0~spîn Imb. andtI iens as8 tireears, use 0 a. cane axud Tai to $.60. 4rwr le»,te;,'md0. escir d- im.Wer- cnc-ndT ta*.e~-- s-*o eic $0 Watee *.75mec.L i.'e brace,. 10 overcome lire ten A deepateh! freirn Slabrn- l - _ 1e-den Council bave estabisir ec t to, mîyiamee land, say.: Major W. Hewem- - ~ ~ 7 the-. -a-rish -a "a<itb comotimcasres bna..l son of te Royal l rt yC of STRING Cwiere tire babiei'are lookeci aflrer o! ne al n lyig orp. ns iietIofÛf - A SE. - sudt e s us u t iv nt.l e I sead e! decryig su d a course- at t- e mny aerodrom e irO -on b as vani-ty iL sirould be encouraged Tuea ytr a-ling fr-ou . lanitqbaIby, 0 Years Old, May BB A werid'a record'ns ma-de at as a laudable effo rt te intin higrt o! 100 foto ri ojaee Chm4rgcd Wlth Ilurder., Aldersirot by I. Battery, II.H.A., Youtbful spirit." a Tireacident ýWam caused by pire i Adespatoir rom Winnipegsys: flring heu rounds<of &hrrvpnel i inetkn un te - iar-Pe i One-f th.miotextraordiuaa,y cases Iwenty setondn aM 3,500 yards.- They aùd everba'la'cig- u tnking.tie whieh as etcçôme-,before tire Pro- struck tire 12-foot te.rgel 'ith every 'Au îucendia-ry is blaied for the grounid the, lOtor - eXied an - viugyjaI - Policé -' as -thée one eon so.- urnnng ol tire C.N..R. elevater at bumuned thè s or.epln te amish - n Tiruraday 'wbloi ma esult in a -______ -Bra-ndon. - -- - -- cbarge--Q1 murder bedingprïeîerred, PELL six HUNDXEPE -- errazcnf1 élpWW - t -----kHekrg h~! ~udoedAt4,Luy,--ed - -laaWind Squal. -'-loswl-okqêb,~, e elae n' sh eag > - tIal 021 Xuly Mi -;yaIsr > r d 8 1 0 1 3 1 z i~r s I r b i l e s t l o n w b l ô b £ A 5 T h. L i * t i i l U O ( t i t il o o k w J ayy U i / U M J i i W e W b W e MW n e T fflg i e theaubicsir- ti ne' I -nd ft it -ontday niglit Mkb Wyzk-ukeagd ýe : i3e]r nt' Ad, sM< iOTe sâad !* uld - rspribad t. -rD. 'ed i 4te ad .h& ide thé Wituem- forf -waa ny 'Wasi batheha iredi Thifomnyer.~ s, poic Hoiesnoie on thaiWay. Bz-j> wsbaied On the bell.t" tir amusemment.s The- * :g,-.of b - -.1v hu.Iir oh 3zis MmIn . eý second readiiir o41Ier ý GeIiciasihad ejecfl 1-" 4 1sports hareO ten ainuVand Af iot thei-Iris ROR le inll 'fi'no-,oJ.thé ançu. ave B t; siful tiienOo1fl W3.. rivoloita Parlusmut- by- a ci.orLty.of-l,2n1r U'»r ciraracter sud iiglit have- a dé.. second oft tire thre..e fesiy- ju z>kir ors ofle a~thr Lt baalng' affect,, 10 wiich the . pubishers ofthtie messure tirrougth the Huoe eof- Gm- outgide an tre ~aba-i there uoîoswilhing ewo m ubJpct Mons, bas made s- goodrnany people for *e-dtato.,- thoir readers,-1h. firet lime - really --bey. é thtHome, a-ai l'ffoe-Pred-le, Ëïà î -Tht, arsuthre apirit o! thé. kouastery aud' Rule fa sctuslly oui. -Thre maiorlty le ed Wytrzkuez, whereton"*Bolô Se. ' mde business establihment., above thé proment norMMl nJority- fet. ktreatr btypaed .wftr Out of! toûcir-thiold Goveérunt ldcgfotmersylai tue th, sat e veratnl - ù, Wiua a h tire wowld in whioir it ef dissension but engxuîaà .n the heéad -with a club. The-ii'i led;' It-wam fot -tirI.tire Witneea -bt Anotirer eia-ftcan-tthli im aïpeued *enb o * o -uiilustual csh ,ln -the advertle-Prei Asquithr accepted an invitation te onofscears.- -monte it refusod au t t ilfiIeie t d d& -iti.wà th -John -Bedmondan hmo-cfwlul uri'a.enies c'et l l .- b e r r 7 -o f t i e - fr i s h , P a r l i à â m en t a r y - --P. . . a t B e zoë i k i - e n p Who Ar Thu urohaoea? Bci a iringha, nver -kaWneed: lu "trh4hoi o Telong and- acrJmoajous, exitenca of arheet - ieDougalla wâuId fot, seU tie naine. IrihParty In We.tmiuater. -The lué ~ _______ the1 treest oet1he. Property lhes been wZ- rvI o~ u tt neo frssferedto e -eraw aerepre. 10 haivebeen -a love- toast * 'UEST lIN CHINA. sleited lu tire managmnt-by 1Mr. '0. Uer . .1-wa ss lufen trIo ie11 - oumti. wiro-for i&ny ,years .was asso. - ly -lu Ontario tirea were few. if auy, oisted Witi tire'- Dougails se .Msnsging ri eferences te tre--H l Editor, sud: who iras abaorbod tirir ideà ali.-Irelsa. -o-eIne ss uThere In Fighting, Along the Tien. - Mm Goroumuiti t air.pleasant a geutie. I!eauwirie. Sir Edward Carson lo tour-. m-uowIiwy mnwasteue ouwep sir te eotsn rul ng Englkud sudSecotland wcrking up ou. - kuo l. ewpspr aie.-tirueiamiafortre cýause et Violer. ,It meema A deipateh f rom Shýlanghasi ays: - Tire zureliase-e! tire Horald by Mr. D-. to e.,*dmxtted tiraI wirn HomeRnis goasTaaln ir argte Lon cGbo n t iesgrmlive 1tb efeet -an il no* seeme likely te do Tièrevoit ao os»~alms iroirMotrs!irs roduced usaI. -yesr. tirera -wlUb. lu inelfant a..cer- ]Kiug is eopreadin-g and- thete- fai lu theie st déýeu Yeas, made it tmieut4gl,,tainaent-trlig utis1efgtigingii for Liberala to gel a moutirpiece sud no I honmugicntbe-orriresse. 'u ti -. [fiiý liteTien-TsinPübâw ,doub. iaslened thre Purcirase et thre Wlt. tunirsuce may -corne tram tire f armer. or railway. ]Proclamation. aar-7big us@s.Wiio tirat. omeone je remaIua a tire surrouudinur countiea. Il tirey make up Circulà ted hèe î etting fortih -liAt mrsterY. Od.e urmime iseIir.t E. A. ilobert, Oheir Mmidi torebei thiere will ho rebellion. a- local,-oapiîalit 1 Iuterestéd in -tire Street But uep t. -, ,1re seunti hre.bias reanly punitive expeditiorilas .>.>n -un- Rsilwar. ias amsoiate& hlmsé1t with. Lib- be o-bousoutcu iue u etknfrti u~ceo-r~ ral p litcians lu tire venture. -A otar u ir s rf u utlc ooe. -ig r n er a e or t e ýp rp G _0 fuethe tiran'irHUghOrairain, poretr-Ing Preeide'nt Yuan Shi Kai te jus'- etie-etreat Star, le ne-w behindth tire fo h mrerýù SU-g icones lun tire Telegrapir offce, butIbis - WO ULD EXILE CAININALS iefrti.uudrofGnYui M yre i sem a & ,ire d it a b le , aitiro u gir ti re.i o J n , _ h o r û r , i i e Are- exampieu lu Englaud e aîalta --tefrerMiitro Owulng suldmsnatîng neapapers oo . on Thfrd Coisvietien- British Judge Education, iWho, wmas killed ' at pomite aides B-poUle.- i Montrsal Star -Sanghai lamit March, endviolaiting lm~a been soexiug mfun page advertis.W ould Dep rt Them . tre co ns uin. e -Y n t s mot a e ir eerih rusauve Tii. question ef exiliwg habitui Xiangtwsaegin vrt h wioc my rae nauted tire ruror,.gtw- r oigoe à -h but it would seam flat- this tact -j e Ão r professiohal erirninals je being propond souïtiern confederaec, mOre uigulflcsutt ien'tirat tire Starisle Y uv'ingte se- tire Telegrapiran ls a ta:ted iu Englaud. Tire Prison 'and it is stated thaik Yuan Shi lKai Dlace a tire Libersi mouthirpece. partlcu. Coin±-isnsione-rs in treïrlates. re- iras ordered & general adva] ce oet nt.,y -ILlolg e i iurem tire Starm port etate ths;b the proportion -of hie troopa against tuhein.- - old, rivaitie-ReraId,,wicir uew tireat - eus- torivai tire Star -lu Imperilismaun persns iraving prevotaUs convictions te b. s more active eomÃpetit<r-tliau e- a s in. luthre ln e errsn Tire 9 oald iras'even gene -tire lenghr e f$em78-ts87 e ce tht ise AMIRRICA.N Aà BSADR bu-vinga Weekly.piaper. Tire Iirrer, o rl7.te lircet Il 91,. , gel out lu competition te 8fr 1ugir Gra. latent year for whi lie i.figures ir iram's Standard. aalbl,-oly1- frte8 e Banquet lan on or - ofWIteî -Û. Danw iIy Mae bildieng. eapons seutenced by tirecourte te) pe- -PI:iLno'T Meauhll. n-w uiling. uw pesses. - al .servitude lad not beenpe- Adeptcifm Lodf a: uew equlpinent are beiug rapldly aneém'.- rv- A epthfm odns bled for tire moruiug Dsily Mail. WithI L, ously convic-ted, and tire- grea.ter Tire Anglo-Saxo.n Club, &t its ba-n- publication, tire Gazette wnU, for lh ie t number -of the oid offendere *lad quet on Tirrdaynightý had -a& its time, have oouipetitioii. Iu the active man.- agement o! tire Daily Mail. wiIl b. B. A. f rom si~x to tweutyý convictions. guest of hhonor,,the Ameriëaun-Amn- MeNaib. for mauy yeams Mansgiug Editor against, the'm. bsaoWie .Pg,~-a et tie M o treal S tar, sud s sp h in x liIc T h r a e n o , it i e t s n t d- n t * e y o r m er G o v er or-H.' e r & r J geutlemnuof porteutoua mien. Aise tee Te8aenw ti siae-b ry omr-oenrGnrfo wil b. M. B. Nicirelsa, wlhors iraitmueIr W. S. Lfly, ousidemably more than Canada,. piesided, nl mug-h xp re c n Toronto, sd later onu ire 20 00 r viofional am ong th Wip t Tl rmiHe 5s ahait! brot e 2,0jhabituai r poesoa uetwr b r Wîuipg ergr'n Nayor-wreth Lrdand, ef H1on. W. T. W'hite sud le regarded a.crîminais in Londo(n-men aud 'ne- lhe Sheriffs o! London, Lieut.-Gen- Ons o! tire 1meat Pzomisinq meu lu Can- mtn Whoe are prepared at ail times erai Bir Robert.-Baden-ýPowll' n ;adian ioumualiém With tIvenobmuei-an meu lie Daily Mail will net ire under- for recliesaeor cunning violence. Moreton Fenn e -..-fer msnned. Tire la aime a mystery as te A distinguished British judge, Sir Nortirenat Jerk. ;Iu reply t~o, he -nie tire proprietors eft tufs papor are, A!rer~~l tirugr l t gueai~ cete tRaI - , eys of Ilium: f"No toast- of .narî .±ey,-Anà .maaBaGdor erttogers sud aseocîstes are iutemesled puni&.hment wifl ever aller tiren, Page dwelt, upon tiregreab reroga- Sir Rugir Grabarn'a ame la aiseo un tloued lu thi, conuection. Tire Star aud anfd tire moment tirey are releas.d- tive «of*tire Anglo-Saxon -raoe-le-ad- tire Gazette, tireugir outire same aide et tireY begin- te practise crime again. ersirip. - H. eaid-trat, eveyPe- politica, bave neyer gel ou with oee any- raiv hc-eisscas." dnt e .'au. à ste otirer sanytee neil, sud îILihan troquent mhyar e all oees as1 eU tire STT'4,1 i..i t beeu rumored tirat Sir Rugir Grahram pro. "The o'uiy 'nay of deal-ing 'nilirdomiuanlly o! English--or- Scottisr Poat te tscrtire Gazette's, euopolytiieeiaila rmnas"boofewéhigIa the merning paper field. ths aiulciias ays Mr. bloW-hile teýà ewlmg-a Nerth Croy's Surpris.. Liliy, "i8 te expel theni f rom tre jomity of Mea,- mem-beis of!-Cons- Tire Tesult efthtie by-à lection lu Nortir conununity against which they wage gressa sud presidente of educational Grey came as a surpriae tb lie politlcias. xuocegaùt 'nar. A hhird cou-viction institutions in Ame6ricà ibore nà m IL 'nae generally recognized tiraI threma jerlîy given Hon. A. G. 1XscKay inuth sholi cause the prisoners te be de- of- English, lIrishr or-Scotch desceïit. proviens election iraît beau abnormal, sud porled te o rne island sud reduced tirere 'nere to-w ou elher aide wiro expecti- te a state o!fnutilsrdm, ~ * ~ - * ed a msjerity èitirer n'ay et more than wicntdyc ustruhhýer livmin 100 or 10 hc hyou er herlvn. CALGARY liS AMBIT1OUS~-. Tire comment eft t rty papers ou hre o ol iema mulnpoe-- remîlt is typical eo*llgeueral comiment. o ol h ls adi rfs F'or exampie. the Mail sud Empire sud sor of tire sickiy eentimentaiism, NLay Purchase 60) Acres ot-.Laudfor, thre World accept tire verdict s an en. w-hicl is an e-special curse. o! these Meat-Packing ludustry. cieraement efthtie Govemument's liceuse peticy, s ontrasted wt sud opoi-days, compiain that Ibis doom A des.patlrhfroinCalgary, Aiber- tiena Banisir-tire Bar piatfor nd as@ a would be tee, hard." ta, êays: In an, effort 1ti encourage reftatieu efthtie chargea made agaluetth-pcingid tre!he-es Ron. W. J. Hanua- Tire Globe, ou lie te pcig idial'-ýlt4-f4t otirer irsud, says that tire Governumeut irad A FAMOUS tecuriz trebseso. to wiu tire seat su d séte procure tire adt e -<z h buie f neaus et dotug it. Aumiveriug a question ,-Cal.g&ry, - the mu. nicip-aitye- -"- wrll- !uuniug tirrougi mauy minds, tire Globe ' ill Be At thre Canadian National probâbly purcha,.e ixty ,cre»-o alafrme tiratirhe oveut will euiy maire Liii. r erai 'neriers more determi&red te wîn at Exhibition. land adjoining tire-,Citylitesd ire Generai Election sud.-net a pîsuk i i The Band o! tire Irisir Guards exploit a co'mprelenive. eciremeo ba drepped out et their platferm, tire abol.- tien ofthtie bar aboyealal." Who feature tire music at tire Cana- looxing te tire developmùent-o! -thre Duke e1 Connsught Rotures.- dian Natioral IExhiibition at-Toron- mneat;-packing induatry. - Thc;,.cit~y The uewa lirat tire Duke et connaugvitetue isYear, need ne introduction hean. N en an option ou land a has aeceptadi au extensien et eue year et to CanaJiau m'usic lovers.Te- $360, O.Tire idea, origixiated -nt bia terux et office as Gevernor-Generai Ofete Canada lias been received ith~t satistac. were, br<)ught.<>ver t the 4an4dan President- NégJIhis o! tire, IJ'Irited ion. Periraps lie moit satisfactory tes- National Exhibiei in .1905 -ndseFanmer. of A-erta,,-a.nd las been Lure ef tire circumnstauce la tiratI it t up'anen-t lbes s reutaîon efthtie idestiat H s etlu-sisticaiiy 'nere tiey received aken p witl enhusiasm by- t-ie Royal Hligiruesetouud lite lu Canada par. liraI il .waà decided to tour them City Council aud lIre offlcià ia o! tre rklnr et tire nature ef au exile. fro lsAtiui ePaii ireriras uigit C-- Tie Duie et-,Couaught's original ap. rmteAln-t he -pcl. t - - i1cds ýnin te al- etoremlu tir e lo%ng irlaory li re- Bm A- Tlm ý -ltr_"L_ 1 tJ, r - - Er TI. . - year)'patie neIcn foî mauy he lIn. îeasn in -thée London h apfa-n R e îI-paVe >Lor t#q. gecrc j,,,~ ~ ~~~r -etr fltra-ture oOdMdUniveruity.. -' Ilishhan?-Witi- avery -iic 'ili th e ~ o! a .fr - a ê e a yW" "i T~ ~ ~ Eurglishen; wr b'- 'Xiear~4teçrck jkes81 he B to ka I &to heritanoa. -were souu and rnediein-0did no in the way of *relief. . "My b rsin waa c1Z -and 1 wae .ufforing 0on6tipaLîOU that odi "The -ROud te WOI ptovideiitla#Âw&y, banda, &Zan ma-y lileze§ing fali4inth Inapired t.), writ*' k.- tih6 phyeidal culture I.&ving ma. .pa*t cuit rl~Iai eolyolear and 1 m, eta oof lhealslî wltiC his croat-urus-- shu proper &Leiit4Utü Naie gvenby Ce -Iloaed thé, tpliM apeas r asà *on.1 s on v ruin so t h êfa n d ,* -4 isa.sure5 ;u-uv--% iLiel- i v - 1Ve the nece--s. the fi rst fýee1In~ 'aase s tiine goes 1ae Mrs. Angeli of ~ U !these ata ýGà 9mgn says: I arn 'age, and- up- t;o af 8l'waiys enjpyedte ýI!hen 1I began to feel wk tlout Pat« tion. My appetitë' mn Derves seemêd and the -a4tnoige nakmeirritable Le becam an-at UIold no longer 'hIoneehdd duties. crubed and Ordered ing that 1 &ne Aried te becç>me iUnte I -hingi but failed an was really deplorabi i n tiscondieia for graduly going do .zIdoctor wa. flothel eaeiy persuaded by Dr. -Wilia-ms' P* ".COnId sels n iMipr ~, g la d l y Oc o flj 2 fl u d u s couple o!monDjths, w -heaith fuUiy reztore tThaii thankful forî iamu' Pink Pis la and I gladly rezom ate' weak, e fly malking ÃŽili Wiliizams' Pink Pille anMr. - (3-agâon'ýS. t.heY cure fnerVOUfi lh aliindigestionrLr Vitus'dance, andti veine tO grTgwing g' of mature years-,I unwel1l tart tO-day what they_ haved they wil1 surely doe -or. by mail, post p abox, Or s-h box addressing The Dr. eine Ce., Brc1vl «L e-W Seoee The lfollowiiug.goc in the London -fat eugsisg tihe domestîî a a mutual friend.ý one, 1'Jamie Thom tiMe-wita wf Can ye expeet ' Wbornfuliy, - hepi "een Vear. Mpn, chance to Iren the a'. hort timén, Whez amused listener te th Ventured to ask if 1 ship had erisured c whereupon the old -turned., "I tell-ye twenty vear. and lu it =what wQxuman. vas aý marry.", Corne Down * Twci Irishrn egineý -one r4Lorfliflg saw a tree. -Pat,weént U-ntc -'W-le Mike rem&x>b him when lie feil J cessfýxl, but Milie-an were seon in a ro scrap below. B -at cýi