prQbably flot comc Buccess of the-reun horse show of the the succesi' of the the jubilee of the byr ah Old Boys' r ho»r-e show of 1.91,ý The. reunlon could' atrd the- atteè >)Ys and gidl ade a suc-' 'start. -jIt Iwas th:e ilntentioni of the ',rowD, to-tâke the neoesary steps te seclire says HarLrick-!s atteiùlance at the i eXt~ RIhea ag of -hie, ae >1, DX; McGÙliray,, -who -wag caUled t epre ,thjýHartrick home-, was the ouly wit,- bits -ness exaniued., îe related -that'HaIt- eseiit- trick bad come> for him just betOre * midnit on Frtday, and that lhe te-A sericad- ,t thé * aUL. îHé found TirS. rhlais . Hartrick - ..bed - a sut! oon b1ecame' :f af- aware that e.liadreoently beco al Town and, If heold boys' 're-union Par ~~'~~Y' ~~ plans laid, so that Sn tonei will bletutrid to put a stop fto thiamôde of*~f~.Lot~m i.Ilrrc çddkçlgta s ou~eS~UiII~..LS i'the rnia1kiugsuccessful this d nOd jubilée 'ieoe. Sr dw1dG ey,~ifii.oreign Sec- chu!i~a -ORwieaewsl ,te' 4osn. Eu e re . gtasatit is up tu- Somebody t W 'g, ei td sytg'ho,4tec e-astkeI .-Ont.f ztn h ld y A-tp~f1e ît 1- 'St,ügeless; th&'à - set t e'à mtSt 4 geb "6ety dD nnI~9é. ..Wbtby OU sciatioit $houIýd be dstinctý and separatefoa h e êlwd'o fight out their,.différences until they MGlirt eott u it n DETAolrtri4uteare -exhausVed. SirEdward-Ãsa st'atesman of Veat 1Whteuaâked i j!ch thought'the DETt So socain bcuthelate s uie -de, t tECrwuAione.child 16u udm ig eoghfr n oranzt.ntocn-o. 1 wisdom, but if the Bulga as, before they become - was born ahive, Dr. MGhirysl S4w-ould seem to, us as if the .Mayo w t1he proper, 1 exhausted, are to continue slatightering- thousands there was -not the -slightesït indication ~ ~w..îm.peson t o cali a public meeting -torganize, an'Old upon> thousands o the innocent dnes,.it would seem, that. t hadbe tlbrn Bo'ýý Asècitio.ýWe-hpc Worhi wlldoitthat'-it w*ere- better to be foolish iii this case, and paric<r.1 axou hé should Boys Asociaion.. e hop Ris orshipwill o it l al f ther.that Hrre a sJfO488. at an early date.- that the 'powers, should place en iron' hand of pre- sec- whctherfie babe's body sbowed H pvention p! the blood-thirsty. soldiery auy Marks of violence, and repeatedly, AS ESI Psaidt! t the dot6-"! hopié you wo't 7 w*6,AaU~-e.-Suus -The installationof eê - wllremijve theopen - -There is another aspect of this question, which mk rul for--me," or words to Fg$.un or lguasu sore" of crtain -drains; and creksintïo-which zess' cornes nearer home to s tpeettemnyta fet plyjglt G. V,,bbî-.redaie. h ubi-h thiéndangr- situation -is said to be tight. Even John Pier-I After hearing the evidence furthez pi W rpools,-aeda e. he hichat is r 'j ~ ~ ~ ~ d -candmnyepedd ealiiate tigb onMgass so, and he'ought to-know, if any beartng was adjourned for a week. WW AWmake tolerable what should not h,-t-h be .olerat'ed- h body does. Business has been feeling the resuit, of u.ýguç4NH R - fltshing -of clos ets intoý open drains. The Board ofi this dépression -for some time, and it may continue. The - Ikk IsiIweste. .,rL . Health- has "resoluted," b as sent oui h a-Vnegetcueofti tigny is said to be the - - 4O i à 6a pptllY, lhad diayi~etrt orc vl opandobtBalkan- War. In view of this fact, we should have According to statute an luquiry, b. mimd. 'or - inigS pogres, aoprsectl onemust >e het!jue thecauseo!ut Ã"gçm.entg 1 though 'abated for a time the nuisance is not. re-î a double in terest i t .porsaproa.oems c editte as fa oS mmale ioved, and -will only be remnoved when sewers are las well as a Lhumanitarian. It is peculiar that -a fatalities ou railroad, eonstructiof îâ ýaëdi« Pnm -- poviedio arr awy te swag. larthoi±sands of miles away should have an cffect work. Thie t!eath:o! Duuk on the C W Iaiam pONT.povde crr aa theswaewa ease or difficulty with which we can gath- P.R. at Lynt!e' Creek brieLW er TB *Itgther as l fte i a entesbto -W*IÃŽTBYOT. - * ergee a suply of theneedful, but it is true. ,g!Sks go, abeuhesbeto thepth nquiry. Coroner Dr. McGi1llvraY cmi- ~ut Balde adtotratOr ! Th;re are three coroner's inquests on theway in' Jmediately tipon the outbreakof hostilitÇes, finan- pnelt heflown uryi the of the infant child;of Arthur ýHartrick, into the wr ihrgr oth anri hc hyh Albert Rtiehardsou (foreman), F. T". pý, ttî Bulestncimates furse. a ar v threar one t he nw iwh detrientty i orobfe. ohrll r.death of Cooper, who fell froma Grand Trunkcavs hi oe.Wokw wtdtrnntt Ré TMýom,< ý1É4AJttiçr atInsd Jôbbing- and into the death of Dunk,, killed on C.P.R. con- trade and commerce may resuitfrom the war? The Cire, Wm. Halil, Albert MackeY, - ltio ParAntford, ol e struction. How speeyinùdifferent ve ecmeto wtdrw of- eof the largJcffrey,ô Frank iauckcy, nsm f otl, upelley 4lrgfsppy f apTal herdAifls. vee ý-WIMITi$Y POU@1ý49 the stifferings of those ab~out us 1!*How cheap bu- frmeteboannesoofici-a'jhebi m'an life seems!1 A child -is brotiglt into-the world fo h h eso icltocomn 1w.ththe he jury. iew d the body o!f th e c nd' . - actual lessening of the worl's trade and!omerce, en!of an!th e 'uetio! the Cl iS urOtI ntoËo aloweItof Il ntoâa -ou the eveniug o teaccie torth A~ N ALLU 14 *~ cloet de tothewar, bas a result in, a financial depres- îouiugda, osorne-o! theev- 115roMarrlge ~ ~ ~ ~ thoga h1an 1 Sion, conimonly called. thé tightncs of, money. The,.deueçon ee Swlnnart, tefrr Coreraor. btof- track layiug for the Dominion Ccn- mssra>IrO. !aguorç WIIbY asbabl tebethownawy reervd 1nlan War assumes-- largyer dimensions in Our eyes stuto 0C. st d re! ti!ls _________________the option or caprice of- another, -huýmasi (or inhU'- we hs tig ie csod. 'May we soonTusdyveig 1man)ti> bé4 Accidents will occur, 'and appear un- hl tedaofpae. gi M.SinttnwsPt t 'IittIKIOF- avoidabîe at Urnes, t hougb m ;any accidaenl' couldj thé boit and! put through a -long ex- - h. preven'ted by the - e.ercise of due, care. 'To maike,-: * *ainination. raiwaypeolemor caefl i th -bj-ctýo!'th 1-thouht ou totd me -you were paying for an -apert fcmthe -ý#ideuO8 -that Trailong train1oa eeavlly-Ithe n carslwas oB~an4 irl. iit~r Crwn 1n ,odinga rigorous inquiry into the fatalà uo'1+ en aht!csei ro uiyt ~f~*tff jas nw ~uft itie on railWà ys. Human lif nlust be pretected. -"eI a' Wlb.The cDoIlg, c4rw1 h fo * . *- -- " on't sec any auto." sedgart! fonLy!esr5C -ye u~af iShouit!à e ino-Of' ' ThtVib -ugn -needs a sewerage. stm 'You -haven t looked in -th e right place. - G bigetoi-trcibd hr i tics ~ insres . *Od suSr7.. thtWhtby IrgenlY . look in my grocer's garage!,"-Huston POSt. at7aiswr bo Ãt p,ý the ttrdC te aismore a mo re app~arent each darailtssh aèr~e 'TUS ~'e'must be installe.soofUre--he. erain . 41y al tb, i ectrthtUc mnr -iloor o! thc car sepaatet!!rem th 8-t- Electuio cernereistrcertain -h.-o e -The p 'i'.,- clear thaptépsèer qka.trueke, mit-iltet! over,the' forward -$uraet n aiui~i~Iitlita'on--part or ber o!Uccrepaet en ouYfte en'r vlae t um ieta l amwahrtehueelift, to - w h. oor anut! vent clown tbe m- WwU MrmT -ei er h .h ,-Wf i eS o reduce bankment. Dunk,'w'ho a tâdin St't~ nogtn4-~t ~ ti to a minimum the heat-geerate!d in cooking. iThe I tibhe opeado !Uccr S ta m yasp aï"f P - -g s tove lias won iits Way in to favo r e à ù it cr sei ontted- i o th ie aI S BUI - sto i towh la&haon>cà pUagou ' aru -f *isrq uieat.- -The flarne "ctn o çe ,tls. isz aku» wafrac iê Y ouble ~y order of th.-~osrd. 4a40 kyloi August, 191J GEzO; P. I , pisas&nt flaVoredteà i8 acceptable to mostme'nafld W?ýGfl c*ýup 'of such tea with a- mug of cream, and tw Oor lUireo, lii-,-UMPBs of sugar is what evry abtin h0 ekeeaihns te To- meet these wants we have placed in stock some, of the flà - Saâlada, Liptan's, Gold M4edal.9 Red Rose Try a poçnd or two and discard the pedlara' goods. W. B.PRINLE &00. WHTiBY TRI I MIlAN (Il E~LW. SE E Our prices this year are as Yollows: -%iant Sugar Mangel, 1ilb. pkge.,e38c Y'ellow Leviatb6n" .38c. Perfection Red - 38. Giant Yellow intermediate bulk, 35e.ý g"m o Sugar -Beet lb-. pkge., 38. 12eviathon "" WHITrBY,ONT.' Phones; Bell, Noý/47'i; independent, No. M7 2 Burner, $7.5o3 Burner,-$xo5.-- Ddot vapo 1 B3urns eithèt O011:or Gaml 3 BurnÇr,Io,1.o 3in Gi~a8sr. t kttorney and r. - .1 esc, Wblby. idard B:ink. rieuwrEtC. y terms. vi RIvw ýet toail Isil 'par-~ e t. Any IONS 1unae. 03. 3oe tri- a m Our prices this year are -as lollows