Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Jul 1913, p. 4

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pszla T'neA T<.WJA jImLa. naz 5 heautv ait 'Itls fi, hàsuie 1t -The 1 fo I-r wat-a chânrce,-ta -show you that y*u can do beti expense, of tbis côntest through a -greater percer -weexpect tire increase 10 more than repay u%~ Yaur money, than we have in the, pait. Ws of - ur goads and Lower Prices. WM ýARB READY TO PROVB -IT. ~ rî' Materials, SovesGrani tewarejinware, ny uicrihorle itesL, -we will issUe a COUoupon the Piano. ýe candidatûs, and at the. sametiu We carry Jonly tue- -Latest Women', Grs'1 oy'and i wear, in.tire'finest leathers, Pat, Colt, Tan, Valour and- Gun M4 finest of Vici Kid. WaterProof Men's, Boys' an d Youths'- Bol grains;ips ,and BkLeathers. specîalty. A cal solicited. -- ---miles anitiau off 'd;-ll b te hl enride, teUiWcr r Town Conil i llI b.aniply ui .> .ff spl, , 1ey . . We wilI issue trade*-,certifleatesWwi~ h ey pvci 'W adoptliùg ad carrying out the lin-,' rýYrossteoecadts>Trad11eBrigo Rmte V TE:fér each ONI- CENT,,of purcliaui,'_ and the 'Per provemenis proposed by -the Property approacbes are alrgost as 11gb as the wreck, of the afraIip, and a ýdouble NJM ER 0F V TS ttremï fcnts iil recel 'CoMlttee,.ô,O!couacil., Piower bed,j bridge j"ei. Thle car bapipened. te be bill.o!ftreworkts ad"-YOU have te ad-Eco r grsskpIeu.~e tiniti >adwlei ys e'8 lUed, and It tulnbled ibit6î, l eqkeng. weli a1ead of'the .. The çertificaes -are transferablel and if'you are t~ssca. lacê l siad s ot. vaiie owr on !t, pÉoablprbovprocsit n Iath11e nailnatio -amuse AB$OLT .LYO étanderct -hoe fet o! a drop. ?be cook, a man nain- 'mente. tiy.a' park alrea dy hxndsome ýand at- .4 Dwik, of! mipleliford, an~d Geo. Out object is to interest you 'i our store. We tractive.. We trust 111e citizens will Miner, bis-assstat, were in tlb.-car.. roa to. than eëlse*hëre. dontepc to the ioalyS1pI~1l. efot ta il., Dunk was :instantly kilied; alid ZMîa- 1-e in vMolu.meuOfltexec eof ev be aie spte tbe-rove 1h ak 3 rvr eiosytw. ~ .poibut trough ýthe -difference i oueo uies next~r'er hoesoweaeth runi 5 l?ou 111njuedbp. 0 Hér Rb.too 'iwiofiuewesaeedaor1'gi yuEVEN MORE for nehors e smoe-dautefutharn tbeyl oimd.andh utained.a aasty scalp vlsitiiigin town. We soIici yurptonage so0ely h uhtemel shbùd b moe beutiul hantheywoud.--Inad dition, lits bands were'Ms Amy kean is visitlng. witb rèi- N-AVoMNYAU ~~. ~buraed -by bis beng tbrown, !orwirdaie uTrnt bswe.W A ABYUMNYA! upo-ithe hot stové. Dr. Warren'aI- 0 Otende& t1 geiajured mh, -auid had hi Mr. Arthur Lynde, ýo! Toronto, vis-. Citizens may indlvidually and pdi- ±akea b thÏe Oshawa Hospital. ji is -fte'* parents bere, Ibis week. __________ vately belp ln Uic campalga of publi- expected 1e may rÉover. JBotb h MrdJhnPery of Torozto, basu_________ city begun'by the Town Council by mawr aothe5 yeao!4e ce. oidyatbiome here hf& isGa Fortunately l in erllgo!the Goldie Jennings là spending 'a fe&D erHevyH daralis sending to their f riends everywhere coôàýkisgca, 11e enin was net de-ý weeks wttb er cousins lu Toronto. copies o! tbe qazette and- Chronicle raieëd,-or'a greater loss o! 111e would Miss Margaret SIwro ootW I cotaintIng 111e'article about te woii- undouýbtdy-avëo occurred. Thiss la ,pent. t1e wçek en witlr ber ýparents. derultrnsoratont nownet ! heliaI!aaltyonIbs ewO. R MssMaguritMardgueriteo -___________________________of'_____T___-_ Wbitby, with Illustrative map accom- a erWib.rne e11 us fMs Pauline panylag it, also copies of te Torirn- Wuh te ri of Tuesda o!as ee tdti Ii (e¶ &i8 Mr. W. O'Connor, of Toront:),,vis World lIémtimeisa ntw1ed relativea ln town fora few days Ea iM - o! Whitby. Th1e latter paper devoted Suclrr1ualm nseu w o îealya pgete bi PUp<G. I-forme : Acute and chrenic. ln acute miss Pearl flradshaw, of Oshawa, t muscular rbeumatis Ibere is. tiret n a month'e visit -with friends ln. ready 1the enqiiiries recelved as A te- :neticed7' a dul Pain in thé. musoies, ~( jZ '~ ý.Ult o! this initial effort aI .Jvei lis wbicb gradually increases. h an Mr. and Mrs. Evans, of Toronto, - IAg WVhtby'e advantages vwe encmtr- otten rhUts- îrom oue muscle b ,an-lepent Sunday with Col. and Mms. O'- 1 aglng. One cent postage wil carry alteér, and te, working O! 'these mue- 'ooa. Sih fTmne ýi1me vac n iaei h D V O clos, makes -te pain' very severe. Miss Gladys Sih fTrno eu e yac n iaei h .a ù-ýc l elîhr pperh awraper wiit iteMucular' rheumatism las a bloodl dis- visited witb Miss'Fletcher for a few i1fll\7-tQ1<> nîI Ol article marked, pr the.'article m.ay be ease and siteuld.net be uegleeted. A daiys Ibis week. Ofly-e .th.)'Usand (1,000v otsJ ap l o cul out and enclosed int a - ettq, with- proper tratment--should beglan with Mme. Cleas. Stephenson, o! Toronto, T i a »tl -O e o a)at h eut iucreasing the two centspostage. 'the firai syniptoms. Rheumo is re- ie visiting wiit Mrs. Bandel, aI the UDso dpo e o ot -Mayer Willis itas klndly agreed te commended_ by tb. foremoat people ~titby uouse. u iii n ew. subseri bers.- ditrbue veywemebecause il drives ail- umtcu M ditiuecopies e! boti thIese Issues. acsd * remb~t n - Mrs. Hyland, of Toronto, .-as thq They mny 1e had free on applicationn riches if. se that thée systeut become- guest o! Mrs.. G-. M. RICO for te ________________________ aIauy im ltstreisopn.mehalit ad re fomlie er~cIC~Herse Show.,Trnt ý T .CoiDvlh.11ettrned titis Building Contract Tenders. article l inte Toronto Worid centaiemI1IIafLGta bolîl 0f Rthumo M eGbs f W s E .lin on, 0 rk to i s extended ivieil te____ valabe rfeei~e e 11ete to-dayl "éid r l yourseif o!fmieuma- i iegeto r.E oba o the Canadiai Wet. Tenders wiil be received by the un- a vluale éfeeffc t th t"vn tism. Sold ' - Whitby oniy'at J. E. a few. weeks. laleet enlemprise, te Wiitby Summer Willis' dmug store. Mr. Harold Stephenson, of Fl4amil. - d s igned for nadtetheerkandmaer-f Her~se Show. Be sure -you -get as ton, vlsited itis sister, Mrs. A. Ban- 'Tite Baptist Sunday 'Pe ed l aisRefore anadition e 1e mlieueen mayo! tiese papers -as you eau CIRCUS AND HIPPODROME .del, over Sunday. annual pics-le b Heydenebere ParkoR.efug e fity b opeedo maeefcieueo ntu ii-Miss Daisy Jones and f riend, o! To- last Fiday atternochi. The echolasoberetefmtdy!Nvme, mak .efetiv us e, I the ist tSplendid Bil11 Prepared for 1the Cana- rente, are itolidaying witi thle for- had. an enjoyable afternoeuÙ iu games 11.' -buling te distantl. friende' and acquain- diUn National Exhibition;1thiis year. mer's parents here. anwae.Tègonusp ayet a or , parytue a owr t nge h l a restd athW h e - Canadi andtonlhibdrie aTothe Miss Beatrice M. Wellington, oI To-- game o! bail. A splendid supper wsduapy1 good hnstaar coming toWi-Cnda ainlEhbtoT-rente e iste guest o!f îrs. lýiiin ur- servedl te t11e children i-n 11e evening, DR. LAVERY, o by. rente-,-titis year will be-more varied son for a Ie'w days. and everyone came bomne declaring Superintendent o -~ nd utresingtian verbeore Atitey bad a splendid lime. 'the Hause of Refuge, or R. C. GARDEN PARTY. epecialty bas been smade of traiued iToeota. akrfe and dauitter--Co------r-a- Oeoth ags rwstaee.animale, and elepitants, lions, bors Trote, areonas a vieil wiSolitheto-,-v --- . CE*FA CIrWELLd On o 11 lrge cows iaIevrdoge, sheep and swine w-îîî act as ibroohere Thornas Taskem atlended- a, garden parly lu Whi tity iey' id human inteligence. Titen _Mr. Wm. Hislep, o! Bowmanville, Ntc oCeios oiitr hty 0 hegus o M._n____JonofSct Tenders wîll 11e received up te 1h. -wa prset_&_t e________lab_____re______ofcrbate C oopaser for lte Horse Show. Iu the matter Mo! ce ,2nd day o! August, 19131 aud muet Mm .Rwe iean hlre, o it ilgeo hrrywood, in b. nccampanled byn marked check li .Riewf n eid , te County ýo! Oulaýio, Contmact- for $150. __3 -~~~~~ ~~have returned borne 11ter visiting ors, Inseivent. _________________ THE flf M I I'I fl *~friende in Port Hope. Notice le bereby given-tbat te a- U~1UU UU1I~U u5~*~'~Mme. Kelly aid sau, and Miss MO- bave uamed have stade an asslgnifentWA tT D WU mUN . SSR P, RSIDE . W.OATTHEW8, voE.pwEs<r1 Gowan, of Tomante, are visillng witb te me o! ail tbe&r estate and effecte C. A. DOGPRRT, Gsceral Mnsger. Mm. and Mme. J.H. Downey. for the generai benefit o! their_ cred- ~ i~..i 4 *QGO ..1 m.t PA.es.Mr. $and Mme. Herb. Jeuningei and items.- If You K.eep M~oney At Home tw thdeo!Tmnts e A meeting 0! éreditors wiiiý be beld B tifsUS>' ura U uttwo chgiO!drelfetof-ororuontoloi.theisat my office, 64 Wellington streeti GOOD LOCAL AGENT-At once b>' ro ybry. f potedhe s oin f ait t heryuy l be tmweek end with bis parents hbr. woToel on Wednesday, tbe to represent the 01<1 and Rellable ines d eawayS Daale in r. Harvey S. Cierke was the guest j61b day o! July, 1913, at 3.30 P.is., FonthM iNur'serles.Spedd1, of b.-.o is sister, Mme. E. Mowbray, fer a -for t11e odertng of- tbe estate gener-, Of fruit and ornamental stock. for Fali OWBYA NC:A.,,AATKINSON, Manager. dmy, oobi wOh awalealy at atonce and secure- exclus ive_ OSHAWA M A. -,M,,BLAQ0K, Mîer.Alex. Sleigbtholmo sbW, A dutollc le hb g te th .eleruîanSigdivy194 eoyegacouplê of weeks' h(Ic.i- ber tbirty days frein bis date, lb da eyspr e bm Ibs obe. ase~wlll 1e disrlbuted among lb. terrî:ory. We supi>badoefc ________parties entitled tÉerelo, bhaviug Me-1outfit snd psy bigbest commissions.- - me AbmIMcuney ndbldgadnytebeais!WhC - Write for full particuas - Sren, e! Saskatoon, Saab, are vigit iS hasl bave ben givei. b o- wltb Mr. and Ms..Jas7. Smith,i:rt aeiaTmnobs911dy ! ward.-Juy193 STATONA Y . . bs pren:, rau1or, - NORMAN L. MARTIN, ' SONE &WELWTG bas been halidaylngaIb.hm o!-.s5ne TORONTO, NTR: f olk.________________ -we endeavor not to be, and that we can succeed 11ev. Citas, ,ad Cere -EX R S., N * cn e dmostate b inl>cton f ur Cincinnati. 0111e, weme thb. uests Oti Tv WINE ~9Cl 1. 1O ti. -I.- BYE pinch'in Glass15-Mei it and ' Modems ic work te C you in ev M eIus-Pro A special- will 11e beld- Harper, on O'dock.- AI queelied tae11e r- s for* arfaui -'~ of 111e Deac lrAt.- On June SI -bus; Ohie, dm in àt asaloon of rnaking for The bevema~ ually do&,' tended le WC Undem 1the i beaV itis mol board-and cm, bead wilb a The polie locked Ott.o A7 Wz uge S1nt hi - -- - think Ihp Tite saloion -~seUing the - &':"- euding otba -:~ wlth their c peace o! nei Theme wa 3tien, a por th blooil-st baxpayers. -And theat the xneney i rolled te wards and oepie frein ev -The -New to keE Try -- The Whifi - ance sud lodge.. - hardwarp- --- At the Mirs.Lai [ARFCHiVES 0F--ONTARIO -Jo e- LIME JUIC' . JK Qk

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