I Bo low to -o, 8 '1,P- .12A8en , Iw&-ë5, yOli t. easy to ay. W,ýer , bl , - , -n a ,ev0,- l er of ýhe tro)picsin -went on. '.'nd, although hiy not, the sens.1ble neyer be pà saible for you 1 to do.si *"W'here,-V" cred Butterfly t-1ýying to fiuid out "Go out ite tithe world.an inyit ije *I cur 'and keep a 'sharp w8tchï verj garcien,[toô," Golden,1 lat a, Gernan sc plied.'«And no,' good day.' f d tat wearing a Toward -evènig they jnet âppetite for-food. suddenIyý,in' a' big, cool-, la- q 4or a light repast air lane< up aoie.If' WeIl, are you happy yet V Wt u P a'ol-è - Golden Bée, oheerily. - éuc~nugb-tO de-, "Ye, I am happy,"-said]1 bmac, steak give an -fly Blue. ~" have worked lo oc th~e fourth , ole daY. When you leIt me this. ing, -I fle'w up and down and out, lockiig 'for work'.-A sbut' the foodch~id her4 in the garden sa a icr1Probably the i. lt iL hae.me.throij masse - niight- re-, Ehunger, by-ta'k-: Powder i, water.. a _asthe roast Imutton chopa, ,es cl! a groaning nat Vwell, andi even- wate-O outhé in- to e b.moneç suè-ý t- on the outaid6. eyee. te watch me, ansi ,,eà î. I. le!t there a t, ansitravelled un- til -I came-"ýto a lame "b-oy in lxis cher. I ras a .littie aefaisi, tut lii face looke4 pitiful, ansi t lt on i kuce. I oened -siùht my wiugs. Ho wdîdsi ü t tucii e;,,buÃœt cniesi 'Oh,,besutiful l' an laug-ihesialousi- I have noV been isl. since yen sas- ,me, Golden Be.. I ama very-'4l1ap-;, "O! coigrse yen are,?' remarkec Golden Bece,. as& 4e began te th:u mi ~st o~Ârp SJeep as to a Large GAB~GINEO ND -% frAbit y. AutherIteiý Grvely Concerned t0 f~V~ ve4s ieet~ u~is hat ASýp Betting EviL. .éêUvgr learn'W ethiuk. Thousaude Mii. spré-ad ,o! gambIng amnong - * leki a- goosi -esi-ctien, the Engish people, beth men aesi r44i.a .y -> & itOW'- .ypr cieus women, le cauoing - sericus andi bnrîs- becanuse they noer leara te gr'owing conceru. No ixeasures yet iik £Sitematic tiiinking is the.have beendeviesit-o top the ha-~ W. poà u*hlé "diacipline;-. -Ëa~ppy ii bit, which rapidly le beconming More Oe 30uth, uà t has Iormed tbIi. flxe4 andi more o! a menace.! On aI-I big R bt .e -01 vmettiaC israces practically everybody, f res Wsy et7n~ te make ýhimsel.f a t-h. newsboy- en tic street te tii. -ýe better preparesi for'- hie o per i-n ie motor, bas something )tunity - enit Dornes. Tell me on his, favorite jierse, and, even on. v a -oung an usa hi lte i.everyday rac ean immense ýggededges o! t-bn. a!ter hisdayPs amount in the a9greSgate ie wager- mkis doue,. ansi what iie is -ne- ed-. t Latbterly it bas. been dieclosesi lvYing in biis nmiat every oppor- that wome-n vrkixg.in offics ansi mh ran's i tueil-ye a 9ga en.th îte. '- 1. i1 1menÀndboys. NowAd-y both ;0ansive of 'persona -ha-e, Mu. mn ad iomen,->daziti;the after- eir spare nipomeutn,,threugli5'5trnosar ysree. ra mtccourses 'o! 'reading andi*7thir '~x.Y o h id uib e somyo're*ut. cf the ne4ee, andi employons idy ~ ~ ~ ýI fnih b mlin ivain. londis i orÈe$pon-lence 'échoolsý Tii. Ho - -of CommIon,w.a "ijuesi a betté ýesiucation than t nui hat-1iavegene- thr l e urbing tisincre.ow-inth½e -eetýog e tngh-bt, pa*sed- à -aw p rÈIbï, !h'rube'ith y-oung people is rom ~., gçij- et1t thbe- do net p0ses505 oùcc d e y endeçIb tii- 'aÉ,it a4jtîS, but that in mogt o! t-hem ' ' -1- . y s n a. 'crthe it yta ~4~tsteare: latent, inactive. -etthg once a week st-sr- ervà is. ôot ansi then a mail that tom werke te-day &Dny.boy with oa W. thbecôuuhlv- arp,oued,.- W-sde- sili.îf e'h in -'ml"OLk q... , A butter juestion. 'nove- a train an ener#- of, the. c~O' elcctricity te prop Wgh tolihave treat, 'et the. snrune ,-on E the. ' w San ~am. o)., A 5. Draw xmt'.nigh hi4her-.-.:Moes p a, j ~ isrenlinied 0-1 the natural. un~t J~~4~me trin 'iess of.-man to a'ide. heime fth.p« etad ï 4yas< "diate "presence c -f Jelovah. 'Th"zg ~ FeeoI ai1n eà truth Ood patiently sought to teaeh ;notes Wa~ *vl b ie people by, sauch. comnmande -Ae t he- ode $iven to Moses iatel initp~ ~ 'bot,'.Tlc h~ëd to you elWesy -that y. go not up into the nicunt, or touch 'the border*c t <xd 19. 12).. Ti.untutred inindja 'heart easily, falia1 intïioan-tit o f irre'vore. *Thy shoea_-Sandale. The place .. .is holy gêround, -Sacred--hallo ed by the muni feat, - preseùce o! ýôfGod.- Compare- 1the similar .6&mmand given. ýto .Joshua: oPxftoftshoe from-off thy foct, for-'thý, 'L wlieeen toustand-. Tii. -God cf, 'Abiahà âm Iéaac, and .. Jacb- h had revealed himisell specially td these 'chosen men. Jesus) in an argument -with the Pharisees con- cerning immortality, quotes this verse (compare Matt. 22.,32). Hid hie 'face-An in'stinctive ac- 3Mr« Art fl eîih tion indicating - reverence. -Sc Eli- jali on-ilie same.site (1 Kings 19. Sohicitor Generai foïr ad. 7. 1 have suroly sOOxi . . . other bande inevit6blY prffW dry, heard . . . know-An accumu- -laboricus speech le, i tIi.hands o! lation of anthropomorphic expies-. Arthur Meighen, a quie-fired, Per-, sionas, which furnish the only meana sistent, koenly-aimed, and- preëcisely tof, stating in words intélligible to quoted aTgument, deiivered with moin the attribut-es cf God, espe- spirit and ,wi'th life.- And his argu- cially hie love and tenderne,,S. meniteare ntspitcl ogb Taskmastere-suborinate Over- it th e tes nd 7uaco -.hem -ih seere 'or, bosse.great êfeC lu b, i$ pasmgeswith 8. A -goed 'and a large,... the-wily Dr. Pugeley a.nd other vêt- flowing. with milk a»d honc'v,-The erans," cf'- debate, At i r'Meigiien soil of -Paletre in many places-is didn't o-oneoff 'seco>nd bet. The. -exceedingly rich and productive. young lawyer ha. a briliantway cfl Its mnountain aides and numerous going ,indig"antd_È at the apoclous, oiher traïcte, especîally'eaBtward'of argument7'and boring - a.bl the l'ordan, were in former timos through it witjh the .féreffiuger 'lcf well -woded. Its valleys. a boù"ndeCd eue 'handj the othei keepi.ng the in luxuriant herbage; Grains sud place -in i -hook -cf -reerence t-he ir uits were çultivated in .abun4- meanwhile.,,His Voice le 1a, htti .e -ance, -andi -countleîo. locks -anid harsh andi argmnetative -'in tone - lirds nliay stiflY b.' seên m)vlig rathier than minus ;l' r caà tCrical, u.olybhither andi thither over its but fûr"legiCa1 1uses o! l-eýl"ari Éognglce ide. Palestine n1ent acros.s thefloor 'cf!à the Huýe: broer was výery emall compà -ed it-io 'à 'very sùitabl-e sud effe<tîv w ith states --and' counties wiJOsrgani, theii. &r'h&viaig oearnaus which we are familiar. I ts moaet despife their f rti loan' d 2poprudays the Inited Kin'- the voice te .caji por dom embraced an'ares cef from flfty 'very êatisfactory t6 h~ ist toezxty .thouéand square 'miles,,o'r tiiigat a disitance, wle 'lè the,- approximatély the size 'io! England lese'te héa.r. imd Wales. .'7 Arthur Meigiien was boQr1x in, 1876 Canaanite,,.ittite, Amonité, Pe in Poxth Ooiinty,, .7c-;o'. "" -isi,- ite," and Jeblisite-The gredluate I from -Toronto JUùiverîfty1 infiabi'taixte cf Pale'tin_. iuly,~n..l896. Ho marrieci-in-190,§( n a6 -in Gen.ý- 15,, ton '-pe0plee, or' na- has twc> boys. Mils. Meigiien-is onie tions, -ar enuÈmerated, ô yhjjh 0f theprettiest wive& ôf thelyoun 0111y,_ fV &Ehre gienThé ,Hi- 'ler ealiintery -set at Otawa. v~ts're1ixt-innti*u '-~ie he:we on1-t an ,.,'.0".. neas been severe, the tmembranes - will be tender ' for some, time, and S ECRETS :OP CHEJIISTRY. ,an the patient must lie careful. 7- j a lsepcie conùditiôo 'f ny part of lOpportnnities, for Aehieving Parie, ijd the head ie, ýof cýourse, a dangeroug or Fortne r B; lent, thing, for -it is ui-ways possible tia.t o Bth Ãjfit a spréad tê adjacent parts- _ I wa.s announvced a. few weeks rto Mothe ey, pezhasor even t~tel th mýa adeniehod chest LL-braîn.. Do ntthink cf home tireaýt- h'w - Q01 h~ca~ d~lof the ment. CalL s physician at <cne Yoecow had solvýd'thel problern of est fo li on~cn tli ow CO mak gax.tifici&l rubber, a.nd that f o r h e o n l e n t l l h Q w * é r i u s t h e h eo c o u d 'is ll t h e n e -w p r o d u ct ' e .t n'matter is,; and when the -mom'ent on~t ha on ~ E~ tn aue *~ bout la. '4d. a:>ôund-, za,ys London 4M relieving the, situaton.-YoUth'sa Ti~te -ye, W s piteôf o!le ~i.y da 'hen OfiDfif. - miteuieeo oé flroad gil satin are _ gowne. There j Health liatof r errexiaing pretsy mucIh the "White satin sip t th sane The reaEson may h. touid by heels are chic. ýrh Tii. izuiy o! amokers from.] examiningithe Pat4nt office .r.cordâ. 'Linen opongeni~lai agig many infectious diseases has long [-'During th-.,last ten' oir twelvazyeadrs bail buttons cef pearý' - ~ enknown te medical. merni Andi nean'ly 30 0 patendtà bLr ri ia b Tebsque of, chifo.n. à ppears on sa moke o! minany knda has been ueed ber havýe beeau taken euýt. -manyatern'o-' goins.- succensfùlyi htetèt- - - ull. i' t. te#tent cf "Sbattuts hve eex' mltefrorn H eavy crocheted bixftons are eeen. troubles, o! the throat and chiest.- petroleumn, f rom coal tar. wipen- on-t1 e'neW linen, skirts.- I&~Ult-s<méng children ùitekah cl, -'and 'by aig se~-ihê'i'emub " seë ý r ý nsi the habit shiu'ld-'be chc- :hyalin. --' i.lwct1o~e swr~b ýed frcrn th~e- flbe-et', iiid4éstion --'Thiie'tterninvntiem' ~ide " O«Iti-riînièin thp datime.- wi1r]ut ri "otig te4ood, aideia esnains cn-ae~5 Ti etwaist le' andi gay sash '*üd wiin once t-le se eda f ibis'niis- -1906; yet, judging by tlme-constanitly se, v-n'onl4higsie - e'abe ilmntare *,sown -there jwu-aingdmadfr 'the nathural-'Breo i.-e'ntdessbv -' Csv'rceîy evor a complete cure. - pode, tlas hâd l. fotUif à a ir c lat~ lucs Peçrson's -wio are subjeet te isore 'the real niibber Éarket-.Ti.tioeint4fa,.a;or ! lireat .Bjhe'uld, in warm 'weatlier Thece ,wrkn-is iela-oive'tinted cloth is 1 mant. beinti.prcîc -!sponging th oaoy a aeay usac Lansiseape ,chîffoýie" are used throat" and'Cl cest, Cr the. entire an4d amilze it-that le, br"ak'it up fr h ma t-in vnn -bdin'cols water every mà rujng C rigîa tey ras' ot andi continue the praçtice througii- tl-yo wa hy .e;ad o - eut thé year, thereby increasîng tl. hchô eei lenï6teiit»the s -in1 êoanse le itarmaep 0 f t e' sance n qustionirangeoscdof. s, eveii grass green. resisting powqr o! this part e ' sacei uetoWl o -sde! h-a roo *im rntmr -TLIG'But. when, it coxiesto bu ilding up olaiiorate asthie seaonadvauces. tii oigial~ubtace uto! Somne long, -close ttngsleçveeý - primo c~ons-tituen-ts, thero .h. is at hv ht iemci unu ~ THE FLY. se&. -By dint o! long-ansi-patient -Bclsas utn r cuy oxperiments, Cr peniiaps, by ýpure n A aualist' M ade Two flue chance, he nma.y succeed iun repror il ii tetinc temds Bot"e Save Ries $10. ducimg.somè few natural produets, world. Net! embroideredsi slrts, flounced "There ià : nothings0 abominable bu 't that is asfar as he can go. wt ae r mn hïi asa lu btte y" aii ntu- Indigo dye teck many yeans , wtilaetreaog h any nent aliet, "yet oven blue botties lnay nempAs dith armi bridaI beôbe is madle b. -utilizesi Iutihizd apair 'es-oua cliscovery was .nade-tiia, j.f oioy rpede , I~o!fsoftest terda, The savsi me$10. blendesi with the, natural produfctqaiy "A rat, en ee, ie i-ld oe-maefrei thie indigo plant, the Que o! the nent net 'owns shows hreunder y ett-room fleor. colon proclucesi was both more dur- net gatheresi fron the busCt lin. te Tiie steucii or a -day or two hasi able and brighter than tiit madse the. hips., been abomninable. I 'callesi in a car- 1 b eltier :dyeé alone. Se antificial Soeaof tii . long sleeves have a peuten, andi he said tue wholl floor indigo bas not yet ruinesi the indigo double fr111 cf lace falling'ever tii. must corne upo. Ris nos. wagnytplnr.hd. - keen enough-te locate the. rêin f At -Dehhi, tue "wn capital o! lu- Tii. uew extended skirt .yoke ie its exact position.' - dia, stands an aucient, mon mnonu- seen on the front cf ,'a foular:,d'dres 'Belore this expense o! taking- ment whicii, though-exposesi to ail thal d6therwise hints o!, tii.Japan- yp my floor I put 'mùy,.wits te work, weathers, noever nuesaCr decys ese. ansi thmey guggested a seheme te Yet it has ne pr6tective covening. Really attractive ..nsi graceful me, asiieme that worked. I caught Here is a Eecret wiiich weould b. are soin fth e iglo< ait a pair of! blue betles, ansi I set siffply invaluable te the werld, ceats in "white .coorded silk With wide them, buzzzng about a minute or Wlich has been discovered by-some, revers and oollars. l tw,W,1and thon iiehy settlesi, aide Indian artificer df ocd timer ansi< Thelie'at" ôf"'ýhangëà 1e' lko 'b ie-upon -a certain,. corner moet unfontunately becu leati- satin veilesi with tuille,.uiq tnimîned- Plân. Wetook *Up that plank. Tii. At a recent meeting of theii mn' with fioners 'la- the latei t*.ffenxng uo- rat lAy dîreotly- beueas-h it. - and! St-eel Institut. Mr. cushmau the ulieywol. "Ti. fle lmd avei e $10, -'ansi saisi -tha-t we couIc! face the future The. black satin'bathîng, suit holcis IWî 'W ell . Pleased. To -'newand co>mplacentîy if we coulsi rediscover its place in. fashion's fa;vorË. It can them -1 gave- thein th,,in freedoin- tii.secret. -,,To ishipownena alon6.i-t b. erzy pai, i h nnp - ýansi' tle..-rat-. They are eýnýjo yn el enaysly saiug of mil- adiio -f dot-ted foulard eoilars bath isixmnslyt the. bottoi'lions. Rust is.t-ie 4ee~o adcis cf m y garden at this moment." - t-ho seel sip, anctstii h.has-scon'- - -Dame Faslion-is w4à rkig'A. - stantly te go jute dýock-'to-havee ber fer draperies upon g .'h .1- ' e thê eacning"' Fa t n hii yu-ml coated wih anti-corrsive D- gowns. . Tii-]maer aliae actually- lution. ýtýWistes! a4iidtrtu-res -in-îtq plà ce. lbt takes Pro to make a quarrel., .' - arting in the ein t 0t the 'ansi thn271 uuanens'shelp te 'Pointosi Paragraplas. - shoide r, - they -ymývithe - andi wriglà tepi u .' ' ,- - ;alto points..'- - gehrcea" d'h hdosansi-de-- gra49ngcul-tm f king '-ie Even -the open-inceâ man shoulsi Primro-ses 'For Fit airs --- s-h-ut up occa i1al. 'he- Pi m o els 1 - -V -r ma a e.- Te pantbroker won't'advançe a with a medicinal-as,,YGlI ý ýr - s a pcce d-Es à -jlcent O our selfe--cr.stit-lous' value.1 eno nsop' 'erf Specen ~Notu;u-g rattiles a co)ntrà ry inanicountry parýtis--ýa-decôetiou oif' ReretSecr'after -writng ÃŽ,0r0 t-han t ae ý gee ihros-e'lcavei a s4psdt etj ýfc-yas - - - 000 ou-t cf-tehey>i ae.wh 'Pokt- - ----b Aft 2 When a Nwoina.n savys,-"I 6'. e'-l,- Z 5 ie