Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Jul 1913, p. 8

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Mnr- Normait Colwlll .411-baveis - te r ai parleir opeani-u JulY 12, Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Eliloîl and Mn.- Citas. Elliott spent Suitday lu Col'. imbus. Misses Nelile aid Jaunie Hayenatl have beci visiting friandsAlu Roches- ter ,N. Y. - Mr.. John Mediid anid Mn. Rugi Hawdcn; Wa 4 an Wdîesdîy for a- hrlpr to thie Nantt Wst. - Wililie peteon wbo plched Up iuitd. eaw i front o! bhe. creîmary, please - raturnita Mn. Wî. Kerr aid ,neceive reward. Ornistan & Sois shipped a- fine car o! cattle te Motreil'an Friday. -W. 'uuders-hd th. catlle reîhized thom îaarly $2,000.- M..-B.F. Campbell le! t an Wedies- day fan bic Wst. H. will visilis 'son la Brandon, aid bis daugiler n Prince Albert, Sask. M.' aid Mns. John Seldon, o! Whii- iy, visitad inuth. village on Tusday, while on thein way tb visil hemr son fiGraaiwaad.' Dr. aid Mus. - S. W. S. 'rans aid son,, o! Nyaek, N.Y.. have been visîl- lng thein aunh and cousin, Mus. Agie Spencer apd daugilar. U. aid Mrs. Fred C.- Woodward, liree- soni,- aid daugiter, May, o! Toronto, spenl a few -diys' lasét week wihiMn. aid Mrs. Jas. Woodward. Dr. aid Mns. Genrow- are movhng - rom Bupokli lae Slouffvi!le, 'whor -- they will nenin for a limeè. Dr. Gar- now wili net pnactlce unhil bils ialth hIproves. Mn. Luke w111 accupy lie house. juet 'vacîlèd -by Dr. Gerrow. Mn. A. C. ElliottI-bas- entildis store, fonîerly occupiediy Mn. or- .mlslan, ta Mn. Luire from Oshîws-,. wiO wiil open anu p-la-data bulcier àhQp7 _Ti islesamathhng liai lie- resideibe o!f.Brooklin will appneclate, as they have been wlitoul a batci.n since Mu. Onmiston closed up. . Mies Hueon, who hus beai leacite in thie Public Sehoal hena for a ium- ber-o! years, bas reslgied. M-les Huae- son wae an excellent leacir, iiviig for caverai years int-succession neyer had a fa-lune ln ian Enîrnce Chies. ConsequenbiY ian place will ha iard The deahi Ocurred in Braokhin an Wadnedy, June 25, 1913, a! Eliza- beth Au PFranci, îgad -75 yeas,gl moi mpieumonia, a! ter an illnese -'o! lese liai'a wcek's dunation. Mise Francis was a dîugitten o!thie laIe Henry Franche, aid iad lved in Brooklin practically al ian il!.. Sic wîs a manier o! lie Anglican ciînch, aid -a fine Christian woan. ,et plaisant? aid khnd manier won f6 h amny friands. 'rie fuserai was Prîvie, andhoak place an Friday, JOIi 27th. Rev. Mn. Muliaad, racler o! ýSt. 'momie, churci, afllclalcd. FAý fine liai migit have pnavedvery mrlous occînnad ast waak on thie' tan O! Mr. Oea. 'riompson, wia ivés norti-wasI o! lujs village. Ris lîttie daugiten wîe playing wthi soie matches, and set fine ho a lange ulnaw stick in lic barn yard. 'rie stick was sunroundad by buildings On thrae sides and lia fine hnd gainadý great iadway, sueci as hoehireaten - W. have- juet necei car of -Binder Ti aid * etc., on whici oui - We handie Piows O! '11 niakas for ave Footliht Si PrOst &WOod Mowers, Side De livery1 Leaders, etc., ini stock fo Stconc-Hand Buggiesi Dlisney & Puckrin, lindependeuit and THF- BROO KLIN HA EVERYTHINQ IN MAR~ THEQ0I %CORN CULi 1I have naw in stock tie fan formrnaly mmd. in lti. Indiana, U. ,"nt a m achine litait will worki how hard or stony» *Tue' cultivi cOrn field, It will cultivaI. yoîr potatoo as welI. Il works your everything., Any boy cmi eperat opringe do the lifting aI the aids on-the seat guides it in the rows. KlING -OF AIL C - before purchasinI Ail kinds 'of MeOormiek Pari Order your repairs early and. B eatt Eis Fora, lings, eto EONE. mile away, aùi4 ïhese gaé li. ai.xmd t - - by eh 1oa. y~yuirily a-coêL 1EFeýlo-t~SASit 7oti aI uilfgb uàor 'agathere d d a -d ay Tei4our edcarriee.-301 d'rh7uMo.Cures- Rheintisn of »O s tre,~h he oiI984écOs9 n t ieIisir Guardsj -- b uc é i a d we a e a ee.m yTb e, d n 't d e e a i r , g e a - boMe s wgiami- POe01 sPledid No matter, how -iong stàndliin"-o-ur -,ý buildingsl remembeaked selthtina'ero;i-clRm o e odfui -1- tii. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -ien-b the hy~~vdtri n tjaLaa4 f. li BrMcPiia ihtàfro ads th ont slbta qi. daton ha pain têg dama goe. r.The n hasId nlir,4x rldeeoost;dute yM e d Cndrh.'R u o:-a. . the rna rept1no et heoir r be.ls e o f orgt a nt. Uxbr-deocutesta;- Misos isgand; s,. ai, o e,,ns tifWiesa dveysoaRhu bore~ te hin o i.f e i~ isM ackey and Spears,. and otiher l o aM floatng h in ,-isa muscles aid baes are rid -of soreness Portunately thre day waa perfect.lypresent. Refresirmet:,booth on' -thr ergatHuit, 15, stil wUltie Band., patient le a.ible. ta .have lie sanie cou., Had there'been a wind blo i grounde. ,Corne along wt hnyuI ee~br"ayeSweet..ý nt i vtlt !yuth: .. ing it nilght have been more - dfficult ,friend$'and heîp- te -maire t1 sctarA ie wo4e oun ry wa o builds 'blaqd so -ri1ch ndtitk or Imposéible 10 prevent lhe lire Irom [ I c - - Admisoaut 2e;cud wisetur aaiehumun Can-nyt,$1 or a lagexi spreadlng. -- ren, '15c. . - jBUy il îaw. Chamberlainie UM Otu Cfosta J. E. is, ordirct Il yau area housewite you ouunot BOaeaad irlo Reunèdy i. i.al dareprepaid; front B.V. Mar-. reasonably hope to.ibe heathy - or B-AUTSOUS W.XR roo e tain hob.needed before tie- Ion Co., Bridgeburg, -ont. beautlftil .hy waehUsigdieu, -* - -- .umMer je over., Buy il now amd b. and doing ious.work ail- dsy, Sud sa b for iii "' nemergency. -For C saleng bbeyd.d'trealI igadealers.-5 USO OiEIROO cralin ino bd',ded"tiedaitju-b.Thre excursion ta Peterboro, under Yeu muet gel 1o ut i theopen air Simd- thL le auspices or thi. Sons -of EBgand sunlight. - _If yo otn eeysa ownazup CoumcjJ. anlie Workmen, was held yesterday aid keep your stomacir and bowelaYlu (Wednedayy-Thre speiatrnpne good order by -taking Ohanmberlaln's Caunclimet on Mondîy, June 30th.ed tir .oughWiitby ai 8.45 a.m.. Ilý ITablets whezl needed you siiouX ho. Reeve in. lie chair. 'Minutes af last.brougit a numnber of excursionâe corne botli healthy and beautiful. For ineéting rad andd nfrmedfroni pointe aloîg tire'main lne, and 4 sale by ail dealers.-S. Communications were rad from th the Whirbi -cn#~ngent made a- large, Solicitor of C. N. R., , e gravel pit addition. Otiers haarded the train . MYRTLE.also frani C.P. Ry.,-re closing and. at pois norti, aid a splendid oI- MYTL.cgnveying road allowanoes on Picker- mtg wase ejoyed ai Peterboro. Miss Ivy Tarvis le iolldaying with ing town lUne, and between lots 34 erparente. ad3 con. 3. MisBella Todd, a! Toronto, la- Mr. Tiios. Porter asked for an ap- TO R StOre holiayin wit ýhe moter.prapriation te gravaI raad on con. 7, T Mr. aid Mrs. Wm. Maw, o! Whitby, 'i.1.M 1 spent Sunday witi Xrinds here. Iwsmoved 'thal an appropria- G o A number lrom here altended Pros- tien of,$ta b graîted ta rad div. 'u frt t oi acr Peot and 'Columbus anniversaries on -e 4 eh ezpended'on the lih Te is thing t oi ocr Sunday. concession, opposite lot 30, in grav- reet the miner aillmentS caused C Mies Darean Bright epent te: earl- eiling, and tint thre Reeve and'loua- by defective or irregular action ie atofteweki oumutecillor Hall be cammissloners ta ex- oftor nsodiein d - ge t o! ie eeRichrsnClmbs Clean and free from. daidruif aid pend lie sanie. Carried.oft orasfdieinfd guest o! Miss Riiciardsose LaI week the. ladies of the Meth- poeeesslnig ail lie radiance A! perfect jIl was maved liaItich treasurar be eiiain fe hs r adisî church held aiea!f the mosî su-,. hair. Tis 15 just what . Lageine and le iereby iutiarlzad ta grant bis gans have been put in good ces! ul antartainnients of recenit years. means to thase who suifer with itci- cheque for the. sum o! $50 in f.îor of working order byý timely use of A splendid program wîe given undar lng scalp, . dandruif, coarse, dry or, Geraird Ruai, Esq., chie! sol itor C.1 lhe leadership o! Mrs. Tordie s'and common looking hair. Sageine la new , N. Ry., being PaYmenî in full for 3 Mrs. Dickson. Praceeds over $30. 111e ta fîdad, unatîractive hair. Sage- acres af gravai, situated on I.it 20, B E H AS Ti analgrdspat O iafeade lie hair root- witi lie con. 4, WIlitby Township. B E ," Presbyteriai. churci -wlll be held on necassîry -food for ptomoting i 1 Tire !ollawing accounts were passed: the avaning a! Tiureçlay, July 17, on heal' hy growth. Sareine i. the 1Geoý. Frankisi, work on roads amd the pacous nd eauifuilaw ofdaintleet toie yau cauid wisi for. Il grader, $43.50 r Wm. Kerr, 'priiing Mfr. F* BÉiggs, oîe-half zmil~e est of le nat a dye nd is not stlcky or gravel pIt, $1 -John Coiwiiî, apening (m otuss Mis mwebo Myrtia. Splendid pragram.. Tea goeasy. A large slin.Ier-top uuttle1 gravai pit $1-;' Jas. Stevenes, 215 yds. botter digesiai'resiults, and tien servad froni 5 o'clock. Adxùlsslon, Castea oiy 50--ceils. -aid Yr. L'. E. gravel from creek, $26.87 ; William the food- renlly nourishes aid adulte 35c.; cildren 20c. Wiitby or- Wills gives is personal guaraîteeate Prousa, bonus 17 rads wire fenca con. strengtiens tie bcdy. The flret .cestra lu attendaice. refund lha money if Yeu are n-)z an- 6, $4.25 ; Gea. Pringie, bonus 24 rode dose givea relief and saunder eleep, Mr. John Bromel l ia week last - trely satisfiad. Be sure to go tO J. fnce, grîvel rad con. 8, $6 ; John quieter nerves, and improived action Ihree cows tirougi ke being struck by E. -Wllis' -drug store, as uth ur clAs Beamisi, 8 rods taence, gravel road, of ail the bodily organe are cauEïid te flyer. The eows iad wandéred a- cannot supply you. colt. 8, $2 ; Jas. Couibis, bonus ' 28 by on occasional use of Beecham'a bou hal a mil don te tack-Mrode, con. 7, and 51 rode batween lots Pille. Tiey give universel satiafac- whei-tie train camne aiong. The *bis- OSHAWA. 30 aid 31, con. 7, $15.55 ; J.W. Stev- lion anddin safety,. sureness and tlewàsblon, ut he nimis,ýn-ensan, bonus 80 rode, lot 32, cton. 6, quicineesof action Beeciam's Pilla liewasblonbutti1 aimas, n- J. -G. Naît bas bean appointed San- $12 ; Be'i Manning 64 days operiting stead of turniîg off thc tracir, began itary Inspecter. grader, $16.25r John Miller, work on taru aa bîwenli ril.TireI The. Oshawa Y.M.C.A. camp opens Dagmar bridge, 12;Go FreH ve Nio angie, o!cousestrck em, aijiiScugog on Juiy 18. work on Dagmar bridge, $17.50; ýWm. the tire. were llterilly ground te The report o! lia Fira Inspector' On Heron, wark on Dagmîr bridge, U6; &q U places. The animale were vaIued iltirhe recent fire test le not îny taa) R. Richardson, _work on Dagmar fuliy $100 eaci. Mr. Bromeli recalved 'favorable,. bridge,. $2 ; W. -Lpie ok n Dgzl ~ihW shan offe ! 20 o r w a em It hie been decided not ta ioid an mar bridge, 112; Thos. Griffitis, Mmi Vry5' u. shrtlmeag.Old Boys' Reunlon bhie fui The work uni Dagmar bridge, $23 ;W. H. W During the summaer moitis moîhers- Board o! Trade hie daemed il advis- Bell, 2-3 sworn value two limbe kili- w o!, Young childran siould watcî for aile te wait uit-il lia ne w raiiwaYs, ed hy doge, 18 r, w. G. Hili, on acct. P any unnaturailolasaness of the, bow, now under construction1 into Oshawa, 1contrict, 5th con., $30; Ban. Mai- ( 1 1<!) Bi ais. Whien given prompt attention il are çompleted.nngtapybrdfrslaima tuetiis robl mî b a- Atli Tetie Fctryaid horse food wiile grading rad div. R voided. ChirnjltrIai' Colle aid Mies Ethel Huret, twenty years O! 4, $5 ; Tias. Lynde, on accl. cantricî Rè plrend eed un. Fr sl by il de-r.sh î oeî-ig it i esi îm rdigrnd adspedn DlariaiReed ca îwîe e e-age, had ber iair caugit ini a machine 1912, 5ti con, rad, 820 ; Alfred Han- 6< REJf()nt. Bi] Pende upon Forsalé y al dealrs. he wa opeating wit the esul nam radExcrollandtprBusinescellCollegees C Departmeart tnt Ou _________________________ li er scalp wis literiily tari front gravai Di'v. 7, $14 ; Inis Grant, tint- Exclient High School Department n lir ea btreasisanecouid ranci ber for Flsier's bridge con7. 8 5; EzcU.lent Ca lege or Arts Departinent ivdar- her and lie machine be stopped. She J. H. Guiliver, .rep.- culvert, Picker- Ne Bldss*Grt îth au ydc equpm n te now slowIy recoveriîg. ing Iownliie, $1.50;ý Arthur Jackson, FIar. th For sorenees o! the muscles, wietî- rap. culvart Pickering townllne, $1.50j Finui Oas Board-CoufotaIle sîplag Rome. ci ar induced by violant exerclse or in . R-G. Oka, 4,068 feat 3-inch. pie for «ET pai.flerun r aiv c jury, tirera e i ng alerl aMrsi bridge 1130.17 ; Alex. Wilker, " *,, i'ulatom *darua:Br otig etr h .L L ZINGEILC.M.,IL,.8 Ciamberlnin'e Liniment. Thise nirtemiig 67 ydà. gravai dlv. 4, $10-05,-- \loi;swm les, ment aise relieves rieumaîlo pains. J.A. McKay, statute liber 1912, acet 1.M For sale hy ail deair.-5. div. 3, $37.60 ; Oea. Waiker, 31 bis. B aemant Ashiburn sidewalks, 1552.70 ; Co PIKRIG Elma Shortr, iauiing gravai dlv. 4, Ui PICKE -G.$9.50 e Wm. Bradley, 24 yds. gravai, H ir prices Pickering footbal tam aire ciii- 1.q. ;Tlios. m oroigael the ditci. Tire auto lurned lurtIa, ill's catarrh Curlea l take intsoer o ot erCltt'k-Jana. 17, Mar. 7. tirawig ail the occupants ouI. (On, dlrectly Cur te loodan nconall, MaJIIY 7, JuJy 8, Sept. 6, Nor. 12. Of th Youg laies rceivd a ra(>the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 o.17e94 o! 1. yuiglades aceveda fac-cents per botle. Sold by all drugglats. Iurad anm besldes mîny culs- aid Taire Hall& Pamlly P IU for coîtptîn. 4 AArZ-.R.J. Mtoore, thxbrdg 461 r(> R 5 bruse ad possibly internalIinjurias, at- in.10, Match 14, May 18& riT A O Whci couid uaL ha isccrtied il lite Body of Infant Found in JUl:y 15, sept. 9, Nov. 21, Jana. 16. R S tm.Teohryoung lady aiea re- - 94 'Gi ceivad fractumas lasoie o!f the ma - Watet Closet. 15. CÂNNING¶TN....Tios. ]f. 1poster, baies o! tie ankle, basides ieiigse Canningbon, CjIerk -Jana. 9, Mer. 13, vanly sakeu p. whei le car over- LaI Friday ght the body o! a Ilay 14. July 16 Sp. , No. P, UaUS Oliver Cai Cullivator, Iurned site was pinned ta lheeainti newiy bora mile citild was tairai fnoî Jasa. 1&, 1914. '0aNv.20 -s iSiA, cari bell for mai who w'tli te sidea0o!thiecar rastlng on a water dosatin heliareina!f he resi- S. BnEV'ETN....Js M aro, c an iano an o at eck r rtieean'her iaad just dence of Arthur Hantrick, an Rail- Beaverton, Clerk-.jan.8, a.19 anykîd o lidne aler ieiw ieear. Ticmainecaped rad streel,- Wihiy. My1,Jl 17, Sept 11,mNov. 19, bautt lator ie without a rival in- th. Without any serious hnjury. î It r.C.. cGiivay scaietbJa.145,114. -. turrnps, ~~iraculaus escape froin deatit, for attend Mrs. Harînicir. Ha sOOn dis- 7. UPT£anoyE-DnJ1Lonr, i manolebeae 1id wilci hey have rason ho îe grai.- covened liaI sic had given birth te Atherley, Clerk- Jasa. 7, man. il, ho. crep, dige deep aid culse ful. Tic auto, wiicî was compîeteîy a ciftd, but as no satlsfactonyifor- 1May1,Juy1,Sp.vN.18- e i, s l ' 5 h ruied, was foruxtately a ligilt -ord, malion wis fortheg h edocleJBJI.18 19#. JUziiRE2,mNv 1 E. ad by swayîg your body those underneati. 'ie oensfaid ntc wateot. n B- rer I - Ibis ivetidresses waeetarinî.rge and cover- Mrs. Hantrick deilied knowledge a!of s aiWh Sb, o 'the 181, __ Cii ad nvstgae d wfti iiood. Theic iured pansons lhe presenice o!flte infant wh___ wene canvaycd ta Dr. Towie'sý surgery wi5 foiiid. ULTIVATORS wîenc their wauîds werea uttnded to Ait inqueltwa orderad îy Crown Filr posSp, andwlire-eai were aile la leave on tie Attorney Fa.neWcll, aid at 4 . o g lswer.eveîingtri -for hrhoeiT-Saudy Coroner Dr. Hoig,of(h. routa. iwa, apaned thie inquasl in lia Coun- LQ ln Implements on haid. Dysanîery ie îiways seniaus aida- cil Ciamier. Dr. Mca-iilvray, bang avoid delays. Ici a dangerous discasa, but il cnea olanpot ait aW-oroesr.it ae cu.Ciîmberlain's Colle, Choiera Tceaurdyot cIas co wrer.e .lown-Torot., Ont. - ;c. all nd ee u . an cu red. T.ia juh s cry cîii- à G oded ow e re a ! il w i g: Sticly F irst.C ass inail D part.. - aven wheî malignizit and eplderlc. Jain Seldon, Jin îo NmEnjos ete nsive, _______For sale hy ail dauIers.-5. - George Rab, Donon.Ed gnad xtesvel ---- Jas. Gray, Ptoae;n-gdaè rai1 [VI t ~Withitira Irish, Guinde Band aid Fred Rogers, -gat goodpositions. Oýpan' eutire Pal. Conway's Band atheicCînîdian .Arthur Ellils. y'ar. Entey naw. Catalog fiieei ahi BEL O~ECI N aioyalr Exihiiion, l looks like Ir- -Jas. Stephenson, - coL ,Yoege and W. J'*salie, -- --'s erlu music. Patrickr Ryîn.-.es rueny OÛr circulari explain -fully aur methode. GÃ"-One,-'rad 'moka for oui store., 'More business-on a stilicdose-mrg, ,j Get-our - d prices o, not miss this op- portunity but icorne and trade -with us and,,see hQw easy it is to secure Free 0f Cha0ge: W."M. zLAWREiNCE BROC BROOKLIN. The, Wîlîng- Warkers a! SI. 'nom- L5' churci wti hold a social on lie iturc lawi an :'iînsday, Jul3F 24. Purthen particulars later. MÂCURI- 5EN bétu~g-" .1 I-h.I Mlasle ga' A admeeies MAX :)KLIN. Our -Bifocal _Lenses realy lwo lenmesweldcdil oneusolid lens. SpeT - ron, , .S ilig roue St..; TORONTeê hoard'é Bu8 ýLinoe Cartage and Teamiag. Ut. ýWilliam Nswport, w..- haveI il ùç favored mlihe. 'uVlurgepauuo midwe Led we are givlng ithe paile gond. servie.. ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ ordeés for eemln, fu urluz - - - moving, oriage of freighl, vaas for plampar"isc.,, Win recuive oùe WIiITBY MARKETS verybutatimetion 153ke alover, pur bt.$111.00 < oilu812l.00ncte uit, a!...-...... 0.90 t.o Pbojse No.-89 gieat geue. .. . ... mto 490 iiesl, utiln& .. . .... 080 o 0:85JOS. [IBARD C SOg-3 NS laey......... ... ... 0.50 ta. 0.55 ________________ tye ...... ...... .......... 0.650.65 4b 0 00 "-0 .0 0 *** ..... - . .....08e" >u c k v im e- " .. 0 .5 0 t . 0 ,5 0m O me ..... 0.38to 08 c lmCý_I0U O d Claver........8.o ta 9.00 [Our,pe 2-.....78 te ;1.90 ' fpedled, Cvi.... 1.50 to1. 8 Yes, va arc puuing. unapples o!f .3rr........ ..... .00 te 3.50 every chiessout of l>usmess. Irana, per ton ...... ....200b2.0 borts per toni. ... . 2700 Io 28.00 H!I l KI OE [EAT, POULTRY AND P'ROD JOB. By wearing aur Onthopedic Boots, ëef, par cwl. dresead ...11-25 to 11.50 and you heirne kicir tIllIe, hive welgi ..50la amis, eaih... .......... ..00 FR01I OUR CUSTOIRS lgs, dressed .........12.00 ho, 12 go, seec .M..... .91 We raceiva latters aid carde simi-. hlikens, -pet lb>...-.... 0,10 t. 9.18 lar ta tire faliowing: ucie, par lb .......... ...0.15 t. 0.18 Dear Sir,- MRse, ireessip«r lb.... @.16ole 0.18. .Your work le .giving perfect arkeyu, drasa, pet lb. 0. 18 te 0.2ô satisfactli. liter, par h ......... ... 0.22 la 0.25 Name on request :gs, pen doz. new laid ... 0.20 la 0.22 ' irprlb ............ 0.18 le 0.20 R N.QJ TO - pt u, r bat . 1.00 tbLw1.90TO 'pis, per barrel.....1.50 to, 8.00. htys-n ýpi,É ý- ions, l pe ba......1.00 le 1.2W51ysOlyRpirSo ay, pair ton.._. 1400ta 1.00 Brock Si. South »14 umwasne... ... Lf Mon.s pu lb...-.. .... si .s...... ...p .... ....... ..... fdU k bl .......... .. i1v. rosi.. -slb.. 61Soranten CORI.,, Y'oughlogheny Steam Coal."1 "glue Grass Cannol Goal."" Is>ýrge Creek Smlthlng Coal."1 0.11 te 0.13 0.13 le 0.1. 0.7010 1.Lu 8.0e00 0.78 ils I.3» f.0.70 Lié,~ Lo .0 LEAD E 'I ho dibesIdexces u, srt LEADESj Sh sudWlIUTBY En W. EVANS Pump Manfacture icràitai for ranges, heaters and fin s.The best-claan, bnigit aid dry aunai for fire places and g!atas. loughiogheny for steîm. Noie an: ter. xeonga Crack for ail kinds o! emiti wor. Fresi mmced. -W. lead in qualityu nd -quantity,' R.gow- cle Tel. -9. Ires doows muet .1 Uhlhby B*imas. Wlal Ou smdto mutswod.om attM4 t. au kinde of Mu Agumt i fo t.he taloWInd XilI, i miNagnel rum ýSeparatoe. Phoui N.. nrà» des M6, UiN_ M899 I Ei piegf~ ta raliable energetic mai for tie sale e, Oit products, Wa give al lite advant ages, tint a rahhibie, wall advartisad.- estiblisied firni can offer. If l'au wish 1to represent us WRITE NOW, bafore h I s toe, lite for furtier information. OVZR 6M0ACRES under cultivallov and ana o! tie most - copeeNinsary plants -iu Cands,. - Estiblishad 35 years. Frac catalogue' o! stock on-application.- PCLHAM NURSCRY ce.7 Torontd rO c«rDIFtb C4 ros. .2 - - T 1Whisby Home 'rcl.'14, Dis ney Bos unelIkes tirio e C 99e' a'Brait agent.1 ~PureEnglis TH1E BEST. THE> TRONGE SSURE DEA-T TO B UG-S. t.& H, FIy ha ,Keeps thé Flies oý th e - C ow s.. ] ruJîst and Opti MEDICAL HALL r~ock st. a Wbi LProfessioiial1ci MEICAL blh W.Wilson Pu CIÉIROPRAcTroI 1..The Cause of Ijsase Rem6ved Adjustment of the Spine onsultation Free. 2o Simco&e-SL S~ j At Wbitby *onday, WtdnesdayrîF a .ma x . to 11.30 a . m î 1 hone344, Oshawa. J NO. E FAREWELL,. K. 1 f Barrister, County Crown Attor County Solicitor. Office south wing Court House, l A.E. CHRISTIArji garrietef. Solicitor. Notai'v Public, Office, Brock St., Opp. Standarit Money to Loan- JAN"S RIJTLEDGE, Barriste Money to 4f an on easy terr Ofcim diateiy south Royal * . 2 Whitoy, t G.VOINÃ" SMITH, _LLI ,Barriste, Etc. Moncy to- Loan.' of Marriage Liceusesl. Office - Smith's Block-Whitl £1et .iduee Mo. 4, 'the ByrSa. 8t., WMitby. Phase Noý AUGM!ONEERS9 JAS. 1EISHOP uhawa, Lkenad Auctione er. ooeb . airans.For toeu ý 4.1. apply tcself or-G. Bobb, - -LICIENSIED AUCTIONE AND VALUATOR. Mlkmde 'of msle promptlY at b Arrangements cm b. a - u.ai tthe Gazette office.- {Terme asonable Bell ad Independeelp>ons WIIITBY, O0 OONT&A.OTORS J. OWLLJAMI - Ç,arenlAerj Builder and.Con~ '~ jlansr~vnand estimates fUrni ýX&epairs, Alterations and Jobbii Aâént fer Brantford Roof %x o467 WIIITt$Y Pho. S limuer of marriage L eM s '~aueLcorner drugstore, W _IHE RIITu- IND -0F- ro orBoys aid Girls le up I oientioi just 110w. Seud copy of ou curriculum. 1"m possent . some faeLs yoîî sitoî ciow. A Term in' oue of £ ciools ihaures a good -salai inter-any limie. .SHAW' S SOHOOLS, TORONTI Ëea office«, Central iuue.sColt Yonge 4-Geruard Sto., Toronto- - W. H. SHAW, Principal. - MONLJME-NTI udDelglsailatonial KOptik inepeet fr atof w t Le Mi"liiagim W t m., -WhLqà von ii eu èby pwàeas itrm us.- A Cui Selcltcd, OS= ce sudWorks- MoWl Standad Bak, 'Witby ýP io n s - W H IT BSY . O l 'I 0F ONTARIO ;mi, k ý-tely ýOUR

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