Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Jul 1913, p. 4

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Id ck. of w1 IMIw svMau w De M n ujsi Way out of a (IMMt lisituatin The', Duudas stréesi chool. .building le the utoest - looking ftc.,buildig lu the toýnr. Us 1oa"iin v.ld suit te Itigli School as vell aýnyothor., 'Tus eonéoldaton o! - he<ýpublle sehools ln. onê building would -bilg ail - the- forme uider the -direct superilhlcn7'o!tsPrncipal, and fItlà jusi possble that IuÈtead of six teachers belng re- quired1 us ai preseut, ftvs mlght serve Ute purpose. At al *Ydts tue ,up-keep cf the thlid building would b. avcided. Thze Henry Street Sçhocl mlght then be sold and the prooses pphldl epllgoie o! the others. - That'this-suggestlcu-.-,lgi4i ho coîsldered aid possibly others, was one reaten, and. a, veny good. oe why 'the Board should have delaed àaocepting 'a tender feue ntenet- lng - Éenry esi1reet bùilding. 'The whols s-ituation sahould - ave-bes tonsidered, looking fàrward , te ,tue neede -e! tie -nexi decade, -and some permanent plan o! sehoot manage- - meunt decided upon that would _gîve the cîtîzens thelgreât- Iobsoolue iiecy - p6sslble, short o! building à uew Every ratepayen Who beleves ihat tue Board ehouli ai*% proceed lu a hap-hazard manier, but ,lshould plan - -wiy, aid, wlth- a vlew to the future,, should, make a polith ofo! impresoing that vev upon members e! thi'13ard whlare lnclined to leap ln the-dark.-, 1' 1 * , - Vir Iapectr1;Report. - The, Inspecter for the Canadian Fine Unde'riters' As- sociation lias made hie report ou the Reinspection .0! mu- nicipal, Fine PÎevezitative. Appllances in the Town o! Whit- by, Whieh tçok place on May lS5th. The report shows that Si minutes a! ter the alarm - bell vas rung oielUe ef boss 250 teest. as laid and the water thnown on. Aften the utandpiper valve had been closed the pressure, rose te 120, poundi per square Inchi. The'hlghcst -pressure vas ai Brook aid ,Front -streeis, which was no~rmal 150, running -A test' was made aitue pump house te aseert ain the lengih, gfurne necsssary te gsi the stearn idpu Inl open-. atien froas a state o! eeat .te a pnessureif 70 lbs. (dlo- mestiopressure). The Urne taken was 4j minutes.. Chemical firs extlngulshers. Oie when iested -gave ne resuli, aid the. top b! the second vas leaking se- badly that-it vas o! ne practical valus. Surniary of Appliaices in Use. *Waterworic8 owned by munlcipallty s, direct prnessure la coînectiin wiih a siaidpIpce! 156,80 Imperial- gal-1 lons capacity;, steam nid electric -power,-" The 'latter in general use ; iwo pumps, ivo . boliers. Steani prWsiÙreof. Do-nt less thai 40 lbs. gaid te be coistaitly maintain.ed. 47 Rtelief valve. -'Oie should_-beplaced -on -the iiseam pump,ý te avold the danger -of bursting the- mmu1u6, due te suddeiý. closlag e a. hydrant whien direct pressùre lu belng used.- Supply main. Cocsiso La.alngle lice of î0-lnch pipw- about two milefl nuegtii.- Itshould bho lid iladuplcatei,- more eepeolally ,linvlew o!fte large 1'drafts wh1Ich W.111làl f uture be taken,- by meantieoan - nlôh main for tlwe nov Provincial Asyluai. Street mains'. Thei» ystem centaine a large numberof, 4ead'iPds wbh shQuld be pluced in-circuit, aid I would eseial uggoei ibeWlaylg e! a l6-lch mii ton Reynolds street., fro - D uidas OÙstreeto eGilbert street,' for .the Protection Of the Ladies' Co}egeç,, whichi builting Iou îo.w dnd4eul OU ahgeIeo bê-,0.fe !-&-inch. ,Aùtozüaie steam Pressure recording - gauge. hi' vie o! te ue c oletnl peer-uupplied oi a- single -transmis-. sien lins for. the çU pump lugeicral use, aid tii. necessityof. keeplng up a conbtàntssueam Pressure et net lmesthan, 4Oj.ýbs., oneof these should - be placed -in the pump bcuse- Standpipe. Thi.s, hculd ho 2ustd wlth an- automatICI valve capable o! belnç operAted from the ýpump house, for secuing irec presureimdiately following all alarme'i o! ire. teok 71 -minutes tb cloue tbe valve ut- this Inspeoticu, but ai the previeus - inspsctloihook 84 min-' iîtes t e git the valve properly closed for the test. - Ruuulg pressures, Those obtilned ai the test appear te glve 'a- hgh hydrant pregsure, bu t oit was owlng te the' use o! dmal uozzles. Ffad standard nôzzles been used the hydraut îpressurDe WOuld'- havebeen -consîderably decrease&, iThé 'aPProdÙniate dlacharge froas the thrèe test stream à was 17 per cent. short -of tbe amoulrqiefo hc standard sireams. , .euie frtle lNozzlet.' The langegt nozzles ln service appear te b. 1 1-16 inch, which là toc sasal ç there should be ai least three cf1 iInch; 'Hock and laddsr truck is an old aid eut-cf-date ap- paratus, and should be replaced by a moder n tuck with a u -i-aate quipinent, încluaîng a iadder of - sufficieni leigth toe nable the. fiemen to e gsi imedlately aid-easily on top o! the roofs o! the% higliesi mercantile buildings, and the 'truck should respoud te aIl al armu e! fine froxii the business section. Brigade. There sbouid b. ai leasi enne mai per iheus- aid o! population,- !ully paid, without other dutles, and in constant attendance la the fine hall, andd h would be advlsable te have oiie on tweotCher men sleeping thee ai niglit. -I .Alara s ysteas. :The only menas e! alaras, is by fine hall bell, and ihers lis ne direct communcation' betweeî the. fine hall and punp lieuse. A 15-iinch or 18-inch gong shoul&_be instalIed in tlie punip liuse, ln cennection witli tue genenal alarm bell, and a- telephone sliould be. placed la -tlienehall. t -NOR] u mu& u x e L, U slow. W. oMATflEWSVIOEPREUI5T C. A. EOOERT,.Gernerai I5snsge. Dongt R.Isk, Losing Your Money by osrr7ng Il vlth yop, or bking tt :1 home. Pire or robbery mayvp.ouheusIng.~ £Itu ia fesmoments. If doposhed vithlb.Dmno usIf aavolded.- * WHITBY BRANCH: A. A. ATKINSON, Manager. - OSHAWA ' A. H. BLACK, - we end eavr fot to be, and that we Can n succeed1 stock of ýATJOKER Ail the neWgst things in, Papers, Pens and Inks, B oks -and Magazines,. Rubbers and everything ,ese that goes to mfiake the,,moôst Icoinplete stock of stationery',in town.- W. . H Rihardson eduiiookseIer and Stafitionerý It as uffatd ýby r. 1Auxes hi théssownaidh .t 3jre.à e in .pôpular -fori, and oeil! thete Cit-çt. igessus1o!the town; ià5iead cf -outuide trielu na, towi ivizere there was- c1uttrently -r -orted te bu upwýards of a milieu dollaàrs1tu savl1igÏ depouits in tbi. tîwo abalC, there -ougli tobçb an opportun lty for Ë,diÉposint, of mu- icipal debenturos4' Considerable, d1Ssti n followed1tbe aneuncemeut by -M>r. Bateman .7ýiai teCouuiy -Qounci i' hV Trutéd $50ô: ;or the' improvement o! -tueKige ton Road, provided-. that. the'*.thre mhilcipalit4es ad oiin ih road be tween Whitby and, 1 Oshawu each co n-- tribut. one-týird ,that amount. AIY the, râembers: seeined f*,ioiab1e,,to' ob- talnlg assistance laiirepadg- -the rcad o n the esut cf te town excepi mr. Aines. - H strenuously. opposed au expenditure now,., The Législature a i us nexi sesoion lu te report on the National Highway .scheme, aid the Kllgston Road issure to be selected as part o! that.«highway. !ls u rged- holding off untit, -h lukîown what form the.goverimelt..pr'oposa1 will 1take. The objection was overruled, however, and tieoffer cf the Couniy ýwas accepted. The nexi zneetl»g will be 4n the first wemek I fl ugui,; vless buàiness re- quires a specal scuhlion before that trne. THE MOST POPULAR AND ONIY -DIRECT. LINE REACHING ALL SUMMER RESORTS IN THE IIGHLANIýS 0F' ONTARIO. Including Mu skoha Lakes, Lake of Bays, Algonquin, Park, Maganetawan and Prenc> River, Georglian Bay, Timagami aid- KawarthA Laimes. Ex- cellent train service via Grand Trunk RailwaY to snd from above mosrts. Tourist' tickets at reduoed rate, good to retura ÛutlNov. àS'Oth , are now .on sale te above rmorts. Write for . llUtraïed ïolders and trne tables telling you how te -gel there, aid containlng lust o! hotels, rates, etc., to C.E. Horning, D.P.A.,j G. T. Ry., Union Station, Toronto, ont. Persona] Mention. MAN R. WILSON, M. ut. C.E., Mn. Albert Sturgess, of Tononto, lu Inspecter C. Fi U.A.holidaying 'in town.- _____ MissB. Meeker, o! Bunketon Jci., -- - -il home for tlie vacation. Cousil P sse By-aws.. M. aid Mns.îftj.H. James speni Concl rasesDY"LWS.Sunday visitiig lan Burford, Ont. FOR, R1ÈGULATING GASOLENE visi'lng lier sisten,' Mrs. R.N. Bassett. TANXS AND FOR LAYING Mn. Russelli Wararn, o! Toronto, CEMENT SIDEWALKS. spn the week sud vîth fniends la - - tovu. TownCoufcil n M,,de eveing Mns. Warlag, of, Oshava, lias been - Toi Cuncl o MedayOV5higvisitiag fniendu lu teva for a foin passedl a bylav te license aid regulate y. gasoline tanks enected on the, stresis àda. al.ysadhrsnM.Wl o! the tewn. - -The by-lav prevides lace Bailey, of! Toronto, vers la tevi that the plan o!. the tank must b. ibis week. 10ubriited te the Clerk and-tie- Chair- MnaiMs.W A.Hldy ad mai on Sineets. If this lu appnoved Mso n dugls h.A.Hla an the enection rnay be proceeded vih,, nV.ogas Sâ been visiiing in a license fese!of 110 pe'r annum behng Mn cbarged. The Chairman' on S-r.tsMUt Chas. Smith, o! Toronto, spent shah have tlie auihoniiy te isue 1n- . week sud with his parents ai structions astoloatinet; -,ont Whitby. may ausethetank tei ho reune-ved -,WMn Aimer-Wonfolk aid Mies Bertha by gvin. on 4Wthlsnotce- o!elk, oe! Toronto, visitýsd ih their>prushr ii ek eviers o! the tanks guarant6e .ýiiem Mss,..fre enien is een o. dy îity for aiy clamages oen expensesIWï l .fMlrenzn a be hHa curred hy tepreseice,,t f hétank on 149g viih trieuds la Kingsiten, Gansa- the ieet. Net mors than 5, barrele qeadTouadIlne o! aslie ay bs end l -ny Mr. aid Mrs. Bsrt. Walters aid place vithin the towv i ils t auy MssA.-aters, 'f o rnoe, visited blase. - rs. Hanry Waliers this week. A by-lav vas aIso; pgsssd'for u .Ern- Dryden and daugliter, -o! issu e!debentureste ove ih . Toronto, visitedvih Mr. aid Mrs. O! %<Ying cernent sidevalku, notice ofj T.S.*Brait oven tse vek sud., these sldevalks having been publised Fo-Mâheeset id mosi usetul or- necently. name Lal lveddng gîfts sel ect silven Messrs- R. Richiardson aid Geo.- .,meunted china, oui -glaÉs orsilver ai lint, uitifiid ,tseCouncil. .ihat teyBassti. vtshed, te vlthdrav freas Ut. pesi- Mn EC. Pugli,, o!Toronto Univer- tie0a o! school . truste b inhicli they City, speni thie lasi week i towu, a had been eiected. -îcorIgy . est ai uhs home, o! Mr. E.W. aid Wilson gave notice hatacerdn is'Laura ,Evans. meeting o! the Councii e- veud iti Fred Wilseon7 niad Miss Derothy troduce a by-law, te appeli atrs.,jWàlo~îps i ic !Me-W s.e la place e! Mr. Allan. The Ma-: Si , ,are-bers on an,"extended, visit was-uthoize fg ssu 'a ýtfor fnem lMahchestèer, Englad. nominations for the position o! sohool. -Mn. aid Mrs. Ed. Nicholson ,aid trusteselu ihe SoutWard. child,9 and Miss'-.slee'. a Rbin'àone! f Albert E. Bell, o! -Midland, «ap- Celdwaterf bave been Visitiîg -with plls fo a euevl o th blllard Mn.- -and Mns. Jas:' Nicholson. roorn liceuse, .aid .i i ransfer, te ihirn n.GA MLi~delîdrefi rns-' from n. lier, ts resaiboder' turned te tovil a ?'r4asday altér a Ttc applcaloiwa~granted, aid Mn 1visit, o 1 several -e -cswit reative4f TeIwl rpayrt o! seée 61$70. for 'and irisudu in We tiOntario- Fi e F'in r- - tr, - Mýrs. p ro~a~ 1lLake jr'1 calledf1Y 'oîk 1?amiFr rdei -iven special atention. 'Ail work guaranted., Parcels caidfr aind deliverçd. Charl1 es War - Whitby; nt. WANTEBU. - 000 LOCAL, AGENT-At once, to represent the -OIdd ' B eJiable Fonthill Nurserles. -Splendid 1list of fruit and ornamnental stock .for Fail deliverYj 1913, and Sp ring delivey,' 94 Start at, once and-secure exclusivr terr itory. We SUPPly.,handsoine, fre outfit an4-pay highestcomisson» Write for fullpniulrs TORONO, - NTARIC. TRA'IIXI SCHEDULE. WHITBY 1JUNdTJON .7.5 .M. J .... .30p.m Sipidy trin vlaefrToronio 4.5I a.m. aid 7.56 p.m. From, -Tor- ontoi-traina stop ai Whitby Junction ýat ý.15 and 9.55 a.m., and 9.30 p.m. .UP-TQWN STATION. Oolng North ... 8.3o a.m. Golng Sauth...i,.î8a.m STAGES. laaves Whitby for Oshawa nt 10 amr. a&M 4 p.ma. Jo.. Holden, pro- prietor. L"pves for Brougham ai. 10 &r. Kr. Fdwru, propristor. The advantages guaranteed to its policyholders,- mau for man, throughout us5 entire business by The Equity Life Assurance Company are much greater for the premiunis paid than they are in any, other Company doing business in Canada. This is stated as a fact which çannot be successfully disputed. EXAMPLE-At age of tweunty-three next birthday The -Equity 4fe charges $43.2o for $2,000.o0 insurance on 'the Twenty Payment Life Plan with- every- thing definitcly guaranteed. Most other Canadian Companies charge exactly the same amount and similar terms for-a Twenty-five Payment Life Policy.- At the end of twenty years the Equity policy. is fully paid for and has a- Cash va!ue cf *898.00> whule the usual cash value for the other policy ut the same time is.$72o. The =au wbo cindien bis'own Iutegrmts wMI pilroulte The Equity Lite Assurance Company win n he vanta Lt!. Insurance. L. W. DUDLEY. If. SIJTHERLAT4Dï,' Agent, - resident &,,;eneral Manaùr Wbftby, Ont. Toronto. EYEE SHOULI WITHO stay on. Ou Glass MOUDu fié ai -neai Moder% id'ea fÉort. -We>aî -workte o t - o Â- :-yn-nevery *GIasses, the -We are sure i yen ýwill be -p -Let us-prove BAS -JEWELERU WB w. N0 WONDE SAL lié eisan eni ;xailway systemýs - en- o! physical- eye aid a comples -OMMioeor !actory. road $150,000-tc *ingIl be said. - * dak oé -and 1( turne ih can ses the onme. -Because oa -part -of members o ; a bad wreck whicé ty, aid eaused a i, .150,000. -The ac -eyes te the dang, have flot tastedad "Yes, h have goi ing the saloon -busi bnight, sweet qhili' -out at th<e Clildr niy wif e has gone- t o! drink. -Booze an have nuiîed r-ny _hg - and àâs lrnjg as Qed I 1 -arn going te figh ' Issue. 'tadiesi sample Jb Seulrvalue $1.35 Automobile for Sou s8garage. Pb Men's bine a-tripe alls ; negular pie 97c. ai W.G. Walte Arsenate Lead go Mr. Fr ed-Jones* Iid street is n a-n lànlshed-it viii be residence.- Ilemember -i-he -dA Garden Party, Thu Tan aid Fnwn, ne go Waters. Ispecor o! to a &tàte of 0ffeny. Tt must be qUU.A-PrDpIeX& Io ,U remerberd, iowever-, tai h eot;h 18 m ade i the orm of a- com parleon e s l s J ' y b u i s p o s~~ w lh au Ideal ystem. -Any suggest- a11 thai -cotld-be de6iire;" lonfias to 4etIluls r,-turir, The iVhitby Fire J3rigadéSv-- made- fror iis viewpont. Taken as great deal of c- daù 1~ a w lole- W h tby s equipm ent lu fiI?t- * w n m a hon , u t t s class,' and we question ïf any other ju fr at a av ccie tôwu of ibis sîze,, betwýeen Toronto It 18£a great credi ai 1e and Moutreal, aùd-many conslderably deeP sense of!« satisfaction -t " t wý larger, eau b oa o# b te.iens, to kiow th t the brigae 4e o that can b. depended upon te prOve It w ll be ýn o ted l In h e re" p o rt -th a t its l f lg l e fi i ntw-i u s t m o the capacity o! t.he Pump4n plaut is5cornes. Aithougli the members recelve--- given a8s 5001Imerlal galIo0n-er min_, SmalLremùnýeration for theia selvea UW,te l fie l , 00 alo s p r 24' they do noýt hesitate to do- their best heurs. S uci e .-t he,,st andard -lu 15 00 00 j aQa l im s gllons' per 24 hurs thé plant is ré- prted 'as being beýlow. Mayor, Wills Dont forget the Horse Show ga- pol te e t to the G a ett'a d en Pa ty a i M r. -L a dlaw 's on T ues- . pontdou aýte ajldy, July 15. -- Cçhroalle that. tbi lua. mistake. The Sr. Jack Channing, of Bena min capatY of -the PUMP*- is, he saldt, 800- raKizborotgh, -attendéd -the fu- gallons.-peu te, or ,120O- nraf is 9unt lastweek. onsWr,24. bx>rs,-ýwMch, of corse Places -,te'cpacly fuly Up to the. R standard. T1â l- a 1tac 1t ortli notng - an -o e ÀW îh 'sheld' be brOught- to or 1 . m . q t j r the~ att nti n ! *te P nderw reters' U LrL L w u vz si ah Asociati où, In or der to obtan for t anv 19 A reedminenida'tion lusalso xmade4 1 that the main from hlaeu-w the lke U-iow We carry only the Latest Women's, Girls', Boys' and weair, in the finest Jeathers,P Colt, Tan, Vaiour and -GunJ finest of Vi id~. v Wat&Prool Mens Boys',,and Youths' B grains, ýKips ean4iEik Léathei speiaiy.A caJi soiicited. jOHN Irock -St.. s à wfl. I y. ORAI ONLY LINZ EEA( SUMNER RM RI.GHLANDS Oe Muakoka 1skes Osorgim sy - TF Algosq.ýIb Park * - Fult Sum2ier Service ui cf above rmorts. -Writ tictlare and tllfflitateA 'WINE îoc package. and you to keep the if. Ttyit- - TERI NOONS. I [OUSE I t Deli'very.J 1 ,r2t'PÉI ht? can he dpmnnati

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