Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Jul 1913, p. 6

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'Pendant cern- am arn vinfl ta teawà1 eSOç-sgna 0 s0 lg y~5 ~avj MT n-01 ry-o w bt e wold ho, eut off =Iny ilw DO" lES w~a.te a b.pu.Bgunn YO~Bapanh eiee<?--' th 'Prri iaduonus. Gtho, Iis 22*0 ing draw the Afreedees on.L'The ruse sC wèro uradt eusgsr.a - Z~ t fectie.- -As-'hQ Redct tt$ bi1~i-tleto~f Bna~mIteall~1e lls Ive ulfrnt poInts -mre 'sent oedi' t -th, rd!5et twu OIert o intsi ht ur e r lee lteadili retired-; keepint .behiii4eover the vr cuawood..products cn e ëf6! ur .egis, fi4d 0ne-lf--oupflin î .XoiyQ paIr. t dia tht thre lere iemuoh js possible., teo enemi' followed sgr n raeu à'iie- u treuibes, EIiIctt$. 'vith thlem up WIth yelle ;ot exultation, sprnfg- traced through the saw-nills and sgr n ra rnln mxd t ou.ý gun -and the Sowart ,jvet to.'thai îng rom rock t.o rock, *'Wa'!ligtheW Je.large pnoi !sot nijlese-plpm firtber ravine.- whie 1,i4ithe n'%utr sansinluthe airsudhevliui 11k, a '0 h dwn-_ oth -induatoiîè, othesbaaa.- nc-tis'ti - hurried i the othiýrl but"W-1fl4 dit "0 ofdejuona. With hbeir 'blacksuoti. ih ow t thfreiôkn i. tfl ete de nd à .kb ae fas lrn a n lu th mocklig faces, itheir feero. -asatures. andid - Y, on , 1 - - Zd'ln-s-stfl etn W-ie -a cukb bilmen. and thougi' wS wèr zretedý by tei tumeig garmeuts. lhey would, hve U~ 1-Di1p~&ittueS ni t~eyboie.c " sputter of jeeail b ~etjq, va verent f ir d e aûfr any painter Who -wished -lb 'le now cemmercially possible unane - nih.-Tatelcsl able to captur a ) f ho -e aeaul. -Woe to portray Milto's ,coception 'of the te re4iioe the ffyt ît eeti batîdetemA-iftbe ai no yhadtarmy'o! the damuned-. Prom every a d i~ eexypreu.e tl lra,-dj iikly 'ùhot, er( I woud Cire thern as lshort a eit s they presse« Üin until seeint sg, -uth1ýy w&at fcinitly Ieft in the wvod. by ealted water and iay on ia platter. Sm eve lgland cateregl t rama flIe> th*ughtnth. 'btwenthman i- t1he luinhbere 6*o .-> t gow JIdge. "lthese çontinnêd alaruti 1IiwY tory, thoy lofth sehelte of thte-'rocks and 7STa h oatwt'ùtr-t.ýýà thin' ~~~~ rshng othtjaetueion.hO.- atd -epr en~t. a>Uo more 'tian of hetatwthbttrte nean -nog ior IIity mrbO aliindica<j carnm ubn ouatnlnuou' ent racmm.în~ pour-over:it seeich milli and- 1 tion.tht. ii.~ilnen are &ssembitng 'an houav d the green banner of lte three 'well-developdecemrc"llu place in a hot « v'n.. Garnish with-; in have momie plan lu vlov. Prophet lu their van. No*r was Our dsres aey ae-ýý Wi hse bad ne news ftrom- the -front chance, and glorlously vo utlliied It 9d1t Bnmey ppr-ilcn é ues' ic riep baveorrand parse5y. l fcr sone time, but to-day a cOuv cf Prom,,every cranuy sud eit of the. -W8Zi' W Redditilia1ýSaiy(in-'s. modaf- Wounded came throUgh 1 vth -lhe j*el.oua oýme s blase oft ire7eerf4O or -and *the -Bi -Vrhan Sal.-Cu0up w.- a gn, onc at Nott had lak en Khitlee. I which teid amcng lhe cos~ci< ô ê~i) ,i~>feu'-> anas in t hin'lîces (iuet bef ore need- ' ep eo b warmied up any of-the baci lras- !piroor tîbe sere r1ned-Overn uke. rab, 'reêin cils. PiraeticaUy i1 thet valu- ed>, combine wi e'1 ' quuntities ou cala that tel lutQ lisi hnd.- Neo.word biteansd. 1h. nrtt eeled *for- a mnto5 able-sbl ltet rs ttsU t- of -Curranüte 'which have been strip--R ef Pollock. Aun elopbuut.battery came uad thon, viii item chiefs at tbhèr'-bead' from the Puutaub,,looking -t ~g am u gl ua aticu uh, top$, brancifes and defectiveeen edfenher tm.See condition.,'Thers vmers maeverai couvalee Itvasuselsas, hovever,fr nicpiewih 0udomr W cent. with it -goin pt oi orMau tei attémpi ta f ace ,uich a iuold i h ud&ir~'è > et t>ôtleaves cf'lettuce with amayoÏnnaîsei rtena~ ne noe f hm 1001 ho ~ leedera vere bowled gv r cCrs, &etn onvertd4eig .u ane wt.afwl ItosyetY fthte Huesarsansd young Blakes- sdhi tos te etali o e t seu emdtt..crat uti îm > ley, vue wau my fatg ai Charterbho'uae, moments, turiod ud xmade fore rocks. Thtrrairitàen oumithe' àe itaiin. and n hov 1 n aîbae nver seejlildue'.. PUn9h vêIt Wg urturun c o la aume teoffeu nheu 8ton iflwse n oiI oup.-Bl-ce liai! adozen bu and cigare sitresoco up ti eloyaun o'lock. ave. Th~e guna were: nllmbered,---and béing madeincreasingly posiblbY cuos- udsauta ini -utter until Wa -etes t-dy fon- leiaàACo. abctaiaopo nto iohem. uhils our itethe developung markets for e<icl 51brown 4w<1o equart' of'rich stockTh lhbeir littie bih -forvanded cli f rom Dolhi- naur fre vancedatit the double,- f Thouglit aam ëaigu ioa tow havemshootluu sud aîabblug all viiozuthe vr hn e'tsnlme uta fawith Salt @04d pepouprt oft e P a lisse anucyncea Wile Baye -lu hie noie took. Nover have I kpOvithtli lidOfe -few aa&Orted -eizes. Men# saw-nilis bread creïqutene; ýand- g-coule fa itiinel.vnte pcalPbaebattie té"turnu s raly snd t eo s teciaîepoucèi htalsoiflac ar been iflS v, he muat téau--upou e l& y. The. ml&nein eat became af -làU ter aveprdc~li u alepoius !prean- ees i portion. Iiec1 i pn l oand higt 'a pauic-stnlckeu roui,'un- manufaèture lit luths,- mouldings' th uee~ Strin-the sop-over asguredly bs tbe boldeet sudimoati- por- a hou asnotitiug lofsote tri bea 'avnll e sio~.Ale-from u,1S4utta unen eto wa saalered- raliied nabbie pieket&, roller-blunde and pÉavung- the 'bnead and serve at 0-120à; Dsleyand,"ainth,tie'from 'r otoueian yî ng vuiUy'ta tueir natire fastnes ,for bleokélc.- - Tht -manù'%actuie of wood- Aprgs-jof-cu p cold as- l - tforaI t5tOi~.shelt'r lsud prqýoo. ptie> frenw uo jwaragus -té m4»o ufî.T une hwlýlanglaa ol 1 wvasby neài - zlne toleit' ~ptbe' 3-Gerou nye fon iteos haiz ht 1dîe l nnow beinted te thie burner le aise »o -~~ fhteemad-ep. ,f - i2*.tody.urla.cf-li M~ra oer 4~ trs- edtemledtap 1cmmrc-l.posability. Even sat, Oiïign juice, e "labesp nful ý -a4 gIloped titrougi viti diseapchtes. tai hmsuobaitalemon that lte-igit swde isisue,-u ucu-bteeB eateýn egandontcuo Pollock ntered Cabul trlumphauty on ' tsanelge scarlet nulforun. vculdinlu. u -diÈbst uendnco -bteroebae gganceu tie;1 h-clat mentit, sud,btes ture be -a pàapot-i.n itsit..- W. ftolioved t4ies where more. intensive util iza- of craciker crumnba. Add-the aspar-d Lg 1.' hetas been reoauodc brBhakes- 'bard upou tite traek cf the. fugitives and -to eaccâD1d pea>r, andi brouuht «are Into t e itiit .nter.é lte Trs&* eflle .at i rveYt npreal tl en ucsflY &gus and -place in -a -well-butte'red it' canp oeienwi h thx oRgo bes avingetcdChazbertaiu s ud msufcre ea vaietY oet'Pro- bakung diah. Bak-e one-hal.fheur. th ,*,Ta Dlî~au4amlta " This aouid eI4FendEiovtts onayo uter aide. te thé vhole,-vret'ite& buulnees-tismasd tii. proteot =y vin"a, i puuhed ou. vti Mr. Méa lnt aebe erebtwt sprgssue saàk -of tbe cit. I uope Pollock woui sopona sud s handful et o artiieryzuei, eiettd in2 tiis ceuntry for 110-min-u. - Celery. Croquettes.-MUx togetiher ar beýsqueapllab, or îruckie taélte iysterloal givini thon no limete à iy or- te re- ufa'ctune into ethyl (or grain) alo> -ene cuptill hot- maehed potatos, 'saety at-hcrne. Thestowu siouid hbeliId g emeos-W. erse o ha»d- I she -su le ild svuvii 5 .capped,*itowver, by -Ouri itf uropeai l , g ar aud briquets-for fuel. oe cuptul minèed ceiery, two tea- *i aoves adtheii. esso sudte Pat.n41- bol sue Aboe al. he esienc an th Paac uniformeansd by> cur vaut of practice-in- ' Tht bulletin now being imsued by spoonfuis butter, two tablespoan- , munlt 'cerme dovu. »Se shall Burna, MO; aîîmbîng, that -vo shouid bave -bon n h orsr rnbOtwonfi lope us ndsi n Nangitien, sudmuny, anotiior gallunt tel- al vraesne i.ionînn OrtY ýr4h,0tas n ua*copdnua nsl n lwkuow liat hie couniryrnen nol had h no ee fr ortutate accident. The Weod1-Usiiig Industrie6 et On- pepper. -Add sufficieut milkto biud, arézeng&il tiey'could not sure hlm 1 Titore ila ea naler ravine wbicj ienl- tretrw osdeal ih hpel rqtesdpluetn -it i bard v*ben et-hors are'galiig glorY- to lie main Patio, sud lu thoîir hnrr- sud o-s--n rqu s sude~plece e b aucklu us ulsr-contusion ~smrneof the 'fugitivea rueiied, the utilization of wood-'waste. Sasitegadbeacub n paeii' :b,4vfly have been eut cf it cern- dovu tis. - I Saw slxty or seventy et ýand door f actories Beli or use their à aug a otanu 'alte pill. bar'a 1ev peity-akîrmishes. Hov-tem tmm devu, but I abouldi have passetid adtnmniafo.htmtb utterpa u.thenoen . B -ak te ever. vo inay- lse.omre service net. -A 1thent by.-sud udntînued inupurtsulu of the short endan rmig-frth eldbuer.nteov . Bk leuludan etei'i fbrtli uI-aà'hîllirnn t0e àmain body baid noti one of inn scoute corne manufacturle of boxes, baskets,unutil the 'croquettes begin'- te crack da,. vT asla i.tie r as uixgu ufr e thdahosrnhii'bi#ter-nmcu1d&, ins'ulaiber 'sud are a delicAtt)'brown- --inpl tie Trd aine, tenilies téte sravin, vae-a- cnkde.ac, sud lii ite bbbns sorti t 1 -as, sud intend _'att«aking te Afreedosos b ad gone up 1t bad no pins, nevéleies, kewers, spu.ndiee, Coooa Puiuing-Put eue cup cf t nexi 00 'voy W ci ei o ifrmopove 'aine mans of gttlug ont agalu x- toois.stakes sud woodcu-ware. fine breadorumbe ini a quart et milk of tiffa i.tbut there ma' p _veto ho e pi ,by cuîiug tieir van tirongix Our monetrti l 1 rooed to shoot our nt.Hrevsa pruitnfatl- They bale their commoix eawdust and place an the steve. When tbick informant,, BO aï, te Prevent hi lm ayillE lng -terrer .intc tis tribea. terigÇ anad B41il it for fli-c"vt6n, fr the udl-smooth stir iit'wo tabiespôoans the double traitor . m>ni rspôrtilng our pro- berlalu sud Elliotit toc ontinue ýtue pur- 1 oern.,r a o«pdin Es.-lleoti dernurmod. if yon are suit of tue main eyI wheeIed -M uf-tr !cmpsto tv1 butter, e scant cuptul si;gar àudf a lngvr yen mieuid thrcv nochance Seponi luto tue narrov paois - sud. Pro- tiéýs, o laig~cem hy-w alsonf oo. Tke f( a*a. hie sI-ad-toaifesures thoedo -théovîn do u uendsd ardcln ; ersl ufahavinigg-etor 'ddting, pàcking, freinthe fine :Andbeat two minutes, - -Q1ildren fo! bnCi -sem t av, eCili ore ring itevClegrni fei cfta --d'*^'wt-ad.Hl'oyte d n o 'osiy peope wh<Ç 'ver- carri4- ur '10 Ii lh. Not aactkai conid htaee paed',us ud tfor drying wt'ad ilor hnadeetespoanful vanilla oàwia 'ocuiu-IeCoel l It e- unee n. Tho rebola vore caugiht ikèrt ùt ihieoràdtebatnylscifu g l and-muade a amp&o t oai st bl wvii n ~a»- rata. , t- .hndeo1dut','7idfo-a d tebae ak tfu gs lte Mau le- te be 'deîàiued asi ~iéOuon The deffle lu vbilh vofouil Ourielves. smoking m neýats. un' tact, ja a the Fold in the- beaten 'vitites, pour in and ekecuted if tis information prorea 10 vas ite imcei gioerynysd majesticthat pnk paekers boa-st o! uslng ail, a a buttered baking dish, place ini a be t aise. 1 oniy hope vo get a tain chance i bayve rosen. on etuher êaide usk"' etfitowhutg uhat we ean do. No doubi precîpicea rose eerup ftýr..a tuioand. pig btthe "ýaquesi," se wood man- Pan cfwater an4.bake thtree-quar.-a ;lheze fellovi ait the front wîlI- have <0. teet. or more, aonveruing npcn uesci' oôther ufacturens 'viii seen be able te, boa-st ters et au heur: Serve hot with à -e,". sud knigltitods aitowierlug upen uhexu taas te leare a rnro arcw asut ,o! dan- )d- -.e rem t % ïIk ad f ast,,, vils ve poar deilia, ligiti aboa us, whici vas f artiter ne- eti-ueing al the wood but the bak- hard sauce, or c'cd'hpedce_.- w-- hiae tad malt c! lie .reapoueibîhltn dneed by lthe fesath.or,-frmnte of palm trees sud even that, l the case of seme Cose 9Crss..See~ihh and auSxiey.- ilI b. pasmsed ovr O aud 'alees -vlëih hung everosItp «l u in hmlcl e o-Copulrn M al 4 otsi-Ae upfiîi-h ---pletely E loti ha.s avbltlav. -Tue lait the cbasn. 'Thee ouf. sipre -not, bdscmorelci o o-cpu cr eýoecuflbi-9 conyvoy -leitt ùua a large, »acket Of sauces, liait a copie of-ýhundred ya;rds, al:ani ai siderable value. ung 'vater,. two sud eue-hait ti but -as tien forgot'ta ieave aitYthiüté10the outince, but- as ve - dvia'ued liten pofl etdybti,-eehl estt wltb titent, e have tanded liem grev neaner 'sud nernunti- s hulfon- tepenfl sat. - Add cry meshl Orrtô te sovaa. ite drink them ont pauy' lu dosde rdWcoulàd arrdiy 'm rch esofusat, dcr*m l et ter aniis s flie' es lqoe.aroa. -sit ! vL( tir-ud ugradually 10 boililg 'vater and 'vienc 'w. beom tiat anotter large canvynmual tis - tr;ange ralen anC è uiCdne "Mr- Dog Tows Cripple Honte. smohdd-utradai.ped be :oîpectedfront 'tusPlaina in-ltecourse tain hîgit maade lte great bas ', rectasnohad'utradsaLSra -e -àf day or Ivo. Teai uitie ta tour on lOin ,u» vague sud faniatie,- G.vie Oue c et tic etlitesè-evny'x bteedivetdpn l0patra fer uhe-,Cilcutta Oap. ne pati, sud lteé gmeuud vas mcmi un- q- - -P 'alitito t eveyeghhsichbnttdiveted pan Ctbr4.-l ehuî e reu>'=eau eren. tuùt I pusboëd->ou nîmrikin, entîoniug taies cf the 'treests0et arin e1 eoeegt ml utkee s bùsiness tua ltime, 1I hhnk. 'vo bave > timn felovo te, have ltoe tufgena en titeir M~e the cul-de-jattet legies lcnippie ing a long, broad-biadced kite.m tire of our aopies came in- thiamomnîng -trlgers.for 'ýcouldiC oe ltai vo were lunltePalace de la Madeleine leave ]3ake iu a moderAteoaven until well. -i ~'itthé saine accaunât about 1he gatt- -nearing th 1. point vitere the Ive ciiff s .,elng l inteoTerada quarter. That i d. vouid fort naueleangle vîit ssci hie peut at 8 'clýck iuntte evening. browued. Chut lutwo sud ont-haift baye Te-mme -W -Reguiarty rat that timet a largeeog luch- squares, remove frein pan andt ecnendêd ibm Gorenot0 &ti'lait vo came-4 hugti et e place-.buevr -andsvetoc. - ~aptUn vli~ e aoi»nturixfer A great -plie et bouiders vere heaped up contesa-long th tt)ity tTire. iii b. ne Zozusun at tuever>' eudoet uspas. andC among runs up te thecripple àaggng hie - 11k ll-o if, 1 eau -but han -mytell our lugt svr iulis nle-tail. Tht maimed mWn'a -body" restea, awSugstos n'bim.étn W -e- xpect lte- cony demorahised appamentin, sud inca»- AFwSgetos rro morninrvn>uft-sd eed antlipais abl traiac.Te .uelesaasili . ttle Iowplattominmounted-on fAilt <not- ifor glOm', toe ut tem g, e ier-ré as ae iécioe but -- hecld-atte then t-rs Kle e lu<47ue-hudb ft~igibfo 1 u. or tie6f0 ,nîonns- îd 'asc o he'umion'vtels'eli pâlishtd and buried,-lu a 'box thcwau. 10 d tlrem' JU@tfivé, ien ibave te poliht ttOzcfr. 'Wavtpgjmn- Word, I a..string and leathr'ha-rmeseut o!of swùtutleurdtnue voj ,pIüèk,ý vieo lter gatstamute. vasidngme ni ruvin W è a ahie pocket- and passes it over -th a-vodevileci asuexcelliout plan, suit itheal utruKo e amrt ,itd << eep a lump ef amplior lu tite E1ttn -ieariy aupport., BY Jorel. vbivt -ji-are aeeu oîeie on tiîceon t.e dogeoahead, flayard, 4t v o n vmizantage it. -iu !l bhoîleboards of, Drüunlianei but nover ilu mesi lie- cries, and tht 7dcg - tews h die r lstwen ivri ti ~oi k te i.et iiv- r -In theide of te lifekef;, l amteia adlupr- dqovn the yaley to ineet ltaecanvyne! téosea here the disit ttpu hmeaon 'héce'dé buxearL euig amiei '10uf xeblck ei iq2optli -f a Vaaefront their lait stand. there vas a, cave.viticitf - asih.fao i 'o.l w~hw~ mq~s-toeoxpect ap atist ekdmr .lt. laî or m inevld Bealg-tGetly. -ilked, - ln a Freùch ýdressing, "try ~i'~:We iall mate-a nigit mincibaai âan. a- mmmz habItation Ont of!J stepiug oulon or garlic in te vine- tq.n,hb1asd reici lieu camp. Once tiisdark-sraitvay-tere ,stdden enter- Mad-"hisDs o uea houses areoemxrgtedesi. t hae :aalcozusei -jMY vo bundZod j ged'-au -Cinu-mai 4or7 vomn ICllî.s stretlai sud' il# he bw agons and -irarel np-'wltb-ntnAu ltat alit. th euervoters vteninih tee thers are. a- e;w -cold baked t~ <,~ver apl,O- tnrie»Éds lb.,eyhve>e oo-a-ics, uDirdta ail1 t.he p.lvr" beulf mahhesew'it -hsiu hanu- ia- v lteded- hahaî aûtbisé om ~bth~a M st»r-1hat eupide1 I1-te, Maid--'-'Yesj ma'an,- buat Idid t wa't to.fnighten You.'> mint leaves peouring ou a quarter cf a cuptul <9 surgar sd'a-liit a cuip- k CflFNESE g t0- taste. -- -- curtain loope used ft ,k 'the -white ourlaij tôth ubg and then waLiS. i ls ay the loops may be ru1bed-vigor-, usly, with soap an~d wate r 7 it1hoût lju ry. Rinse them,.iïïthé, bag. Tliey ay be huùg up to dry in the bag. Oftentimes lb le inconv enlenk to %under the curtains in the spripg. n talcing them from -the- wiùdow 81 ut at any ,-rat-e. thî!3y ,shUld be rashe,& and; p ut awey .rp>ugh dry, .e, dust: and ~it nuethe abrie if, thYe rtan are packè,d, -A tasty fruit dieu for -breabfast.or LnéheOnis sevj u ne inr ,rnge pulp ý mixed, ih i~ enàon juice -and a 1ittlip ohopeW-' resh mint.-Sre- r~eIt~ 4ng each baàketwt osrg~f The .,q1ecting of.- a suitable *ed- lng present à quite ayif you, go i.e riglht wý,tr aboat lt. As a rule ie things that are useful -are the nost accepttble..Frisaca brti-stic-iamp and Iampshadealwiiys. nake ar'gift that îs, appreciate.dî and 'iii erveaa sting remùinder of opur good wýishee. A TRLOPIO SEA. Vhkre the: Water Was Seeral De. /grùes 1Hotter'Than. tht Air. Iaavm for Brougham et 10 ff lwards, proprietor. U c T heurs 'a c i de ab e orio Cin tht e! abeen21,1909, ed 'te h a -e e -th> sn, sdtitQe lndein bidelo fileoth th edp lita-Ifen thrai and - aonsud eand.ori Tht firat plunge prevoked a-nex- clamalion. cf amazemeil, for the watcr 'vas seureral degrees licIter titan the air, sud Il wse thlietteal heur-tires o'clock lun'tht aller- nccn--ot s very hot day. No tier- inometer 'vwu aý haud te negisten tht -actuai tmperature c.t f tht w-- ;er, but -subeequent te sta ýt 'tht, same spet under, simîlar cndtin 'preved that. the surfece e tratuin- O! abouit ont foot 'vas at -*10& 'de«rets Fahrnetit, froin four -degros,,te six degrees botter than' 'tht air. Beie'v that,bté 'temperature ol tic' vater see mdodnaysdcens peuded 'viti that e'O' tht -, :ra hundred, yards eut f rom bte short. Ou anoîher day, Jaiuary 1,90 bet'veeu 'noo sund'ttre o,ck ini the aftcmnoën, jtlïe uta, scieutiflcaiiy. lested, -waa heated to, ulcty -de-. grecs. With the bnlb 'bu-niec.inu thc sandsix.test frein tlie."ater'u êdge tie mercury -rose te 112 -degreff veny quitkly, and reînain-ed station-, rwer. to MBltipli t 0't IL.- -th&t tht China- ýy 'Mn. Clarençe, H-aIf -tht Wénld, wayg ias-a-ýflsvon e oft thé-ir special s put- 'in. aslven "dllar, yen. mghtl get eut Âl'Suixrýd slvrdelèàrs.i ,nher.0e- os- et secin ti bv'b -afly 'regulanîty about thle-j3r'!s miii, tiplyung po1vér. Sôràtiiusit' m-hgt mu1teplyrby -t'vê; dýàin, ilý zmjlht multiply hby a hundrtd.-- Atawnyraite, thie oiier ofiheiuli- 'Éic-JeJr 'vs gettluÏg rlch f-a4, wben a-gredyjtg some 6w goit w £kf tite strange affair. - Aocordingir, ho: brueuýügi-t se ekind 'offàlïe éharge aa.st the mInÇ - ad umàdè iint-etl the jar uInito4;-ceunrt. Thengi fht judge pretended ' tIlt lie -cdùld botý decide tlie caseanld wudkece îâeho;jar. oSe ~toitt& his owû 1ieihe~ sud bégan- te prcfl y 1< heù tiihiapgue,'t4 t trie o! - e Wtemsreated Man hé-« inurmur., Failîng 16 get auny sa féte nn tem-ltie, ,appealed toteemagl'sýÏtrt's e.Yen ma.yb fyor'se-venty s old iù MChina, but f ou a- P 1 lvng, yen ae ms su-uctsb- t ,to hie ordens as Il yeu aie only thiszth case jut as longas nu bth live. - ln -.tâh fatlier spoke about the emplaettsc htpole, 'tht magÉis- traie ied a b e I- jar, -but not in a ayte deceivé the <>1<1félow. le deekklid' te inveetÏiga n d 'vent biund'eriu-g- round aàclark roo'rcmlu etrhothtic jar. -'. Bét oie le eaw whàt ho was d4ihg, ha 'came upon it, and feü làintI. Wheneupon he cried~ ~ t teh.snt Ul1'him out.- Tht ,son -didi cee, but 'vhen ie- pulled -eut oee fater, ,-,bchýld- tee as.anoîthe lll'te jar,- sud tie'n a.&notiher'asud anoýtheýýýRe, puiled oui 0' efather a-tkr 'anether. 1111 the 'viole- room 'vas t ul Oft ta bliers, aend thie .Êjfleà'-Up tic yard 'vith: fathtrs, and)haâd six on leikt ;t aidiuir- lita thiean. an the every z25-inuei sth8 ens e",eau, nIa- cd, or -nhi&àng.: Tht -sigm' cpeirený tage of maies in the United Kp- dom would be about 920,000; in.he United, States it cudmen e 2,000,000. Spea.king c f -Eganie.a reekieesvalor and- incauticus expo>- .sure0 cf er battalions, lie-cites the fe of cftwo SefLa infantry reg- Ilegimente Disappear. "These -two unit& bad comprise&, during t4i.-originel mobili.zaff>n,ý. almoet the entire literati cof the capital. .. Thèe vry aa'cliteet reepon- sibi-e for the moat/moderh'ý&'th4- býiildings hàd maerthed 1a.wàywitli a rifle on hi.s ehouider. Judgeà, mag- - istat'e,]swycsacders, shop- ,tg het rruel faàte: itrength. The beinn !'--i he : 1 -' aèum, sùi' dtht apprentices frein 'ue werks 'vert hàstIeimca year befbre tuheir time it the b&rràck'squaro,I 'vert drafted lothi frýôht. a.!R:3 ru1fate lày in aflré* fý>-thé TÉhe lie6na f roinbehip IJhIdi erep out ùnder eeveciiftgli ngt' nuisIsà, sud -fo r a Ewbeo d 'itic h Aned>tenial lu tht EveninoeSt& - dard (odn centaine 'the atart- i-ug,-itatemeut .that 'va-ste cf lite li' - _tht Bulgar linos made the niortality, o! th, 'van, cen8idcnugils ta-dura- +iioii, nprecedenfed lun'tht 'onId -annule, aid V!e read-: "its nttaurpriing te ýlearu thaut te é Buians have let30,000 mon lkiled, lu the'var,- It 'vWas obvions frein the first that.their reckiese '-gallantry woufld resuiin lu heayy basses. The Turks 'tourglt like lions' beikwre Adnia-no6pie, and, eheckiigly led as they,'-were at Kirk- - ICilisseh -ou O'ctobef-23, a- seek laier ait Lule Burýga,-they' stili- n'iauagcd te muflet' heavy basses on their daunïtîessfocs, 'vie advaneed ,in eerrie rank-s-agàlust- the, fime of srpueil. The attackiig side al- w»ayssuffere utost sever-ely,- as lie Japnesé 'foùnd te their cs,-n t* lie 16,000 men put hors de e'iico "',, .1bat lu. tht final ai-uit on Adnian- opie muet- be- added - . the terrible 'trut~ th"e icpeebeinn ot:that Sao oin h? oaaki-limes I will i ~be 0>6 ty- a-meng iid 'th e Serv la-n tàki'ng of Prie- i1 l arge.' T ile et tht Mà,n- sezmrely lest Why scnMi i -cut to gay, -m - s aers. Even the b othbe wo.rl e -Oriee, anid here sone, which we ha weIlknown, people George Gir'lves writee - Myfirà -mn waV" when,,ea% 4Ined hasinett~e, brother -of mine,. ir! Resuit, -wa.e about six a.t -Hrr de 'Win gme o amois brance: "I wae born a <beizig Only haif da e -ithe jQueen "Wieiivead naet by. Mny nurse evcr about withotel 1867). "UOne .moruing littieý boy joined, when we go-i woon' iscevered thing làutitùid nate iv a-Ëpeeeli a -nost of My Frdaii< ~ruhthatI1-begg» - asrdeïier staiidi tem an, with 81 iorc. W *celebrated PMUa. ,t1he -City Temvlr- Iee of e vents wii fore-hé eOuld -wa ££My earliesit n ing.brought fron l anId te paLy a vis Enland when I cll -Owin g to ]mïyea1r1Y yeaxm 1 the oountry witfi 'oxi the Occasi ferred, to, lean d ýwàat the, lusle I c annot recaI th4 arrIvai there.. - Iremernber v -. mernmg snd cr backard-a rece the, kitehen,wh bread and buttez -a1 on-the top, a, been allowed- bef< cugit net to ha, "oee abou me a sniall11W~h *had'forýnàed the _h À <& ~ AVegetal "Apparently I -but I'c'an remenCR ~< bouse, 'whcre I âmaI1 woo!en h4 "F,-~ and hair heaIt] '~thetreatmexîtc and other -itd« fantile erupti S- 'with Cuticr

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