raii. mon, Her- ddie. iouls CAL HALL . Wlmtbye TO SONSS- Dr. W. Wlson Po 'ter OIIRC>PJRAOTQ11 The. Cause of 1)Ineame Remoyed by, the Çà uIts*a Pree. 2o Sinicor St. 9., Onawiw Phase 344, 0mb.'.. Barrlas Couaty CrowîiAttorncy and County Soliditr. - OfflO.south wIgCoux 'tHo10uso, Whitby. Aes.Sdutr Nousv Public. Btr. Offite, Brock St., Opp. Stadard Banik. Money to Loaâ. dAMES RtJTLIEDGO BaffustorEtc., mloney to Loan on easy terins., Office immcdiitcly gouth Roy91 Hotel,ý Whitby, Ont; G.~ING -$MITII, L.LSU Bu-ristal Été. MoneytôrLoan," Isuer ~fMarrage, Licenses Ofice - 'mith'ar BI1ock-Whtby, Ont.l W. ÂAK5huiai.05., Duada Utwsi,~sIduasNo. 4, ib.1% OM&, B.«« St., WhUiby. Phono No., 12L. JAS. EISHO]P - toeL. ll*fr4u. Foar loewsme datmsapply 10 seH or G. Bobb. WVii- 'L!GRNSED -AICTIONEER ~'ANO 'VALUATOR. A AU-ktbidaot sales promptly atmded 10. Arangmenh à c1nb@ mad e fr salua aithe. Geette offie. Balland IndMpedmmi phonos. WtBTBY, ONT. CONTRACTORS J. eWLLJAMES Carpenter, Bùilder and Contractor. *Plans drawn and estimates furnished. Repair, Alteratioflo and jobbing.j Agenitfor 1Brantiord Roting pox 467 WIIITIISY Phone 149 A. H. ALLIN »suer of Marriage U.enuea * Corner drug store. Whitby 4 No Wiîuessem required. h. ~ tclude, SinrScul For courses in ail Business sub. jects leading to -positions as Book- keepers 0r Stenographers, and for CIYIL Service and -Commercial -Specialisti' exaininations will be --conducted,.in Shaw's.Schools, To- ronto, (Thé Central Business Col- lege with foiqrcity Branch Schools) *011 j uly 3!d to Aagust i 6ti tuis- 8tudents may entier auY tinie for gen. oral ceurses. No vacations. Wr1tat W. >H.- Obaw, President, gor ca&105*Ue,59 MONUMENS *tilIDbiitiiSJI4 I&te1JKPt là Sto~ ]E Win par ur 0 uilttou en ~ od A Gais SoIcjt.d.-ý IIporteci to lie recovenng.., andt will soon, De altai xÈesume lis jcurney- ta-the Pacific Coast. - At. the xequest ofthe President an~d, Secretary of the;,, -lay of Quinte Coaferenice we -are. pub-q ii1shi this Iw eek the.complete-lilt, of stations WIth thepastors'ihereof. T -beiletfiat t-his may- prove of tmûuh interest to thie metnbers-of the de-- nomin ation who 'may--wish »to -,preserve 'thÃŽe list. Tlhe King'-s' Printer has- made an'-inçrease of 25ý per cent.in-the prices al fe o piters, for work' .done outside the government pr inting bureau. This ie simply fthe,, government's officiai .,recognition of the - fact-that the cost'of ,product.ion, i- l-the,-printing I usnes a icrasd ogreatiy in the past fewý years.--Os-haIwa Reformer. That the efforts -of the pronioters of the Wib eHorse. Show toý arouse int-erest 'In and secure sup- port. for; thé first horse show in Whityhemt with encouraging succese,ý and îbat the show is, an assure& façt for July 15 and 16, le cause for coni- -R ratulatioV The comfmittee in charge -have work- -ed, and arc'worlcing, hard, and the citizens generai- ly iIild -give them ail the enouragement possibile, d ifnt',he hope that, thisfirst show wiil prove so sue- cessful that the show will be made an annual af- *fair. - Recent visitors to Whitby have been deighted with the beauty of the: - town lin its summer* drêssJ and t-bey hWave not been. sloW f0 express their ad miiration. - Truly Witbyispbeautifùl town In suin. mer. tirne. If it wer&fo-undi4,practicible 1o have tcsildes- or boulevardsý- the principal streete ýsiohdoff so that',tie grass could ho easily cuit, 'tbeauty p th-t-n-. be muci enhanced. Byr slow'degrees1the l4tien sand Côuncil are co-op- erat-ng _ ,lu .,a be autî.fyingcampaign. May tic good We desire to extend hearty cogratulatioins to our\ feilow scribe, W. J. Watson,* of the Vindicator, uponi is honorable disciargc in tic County Court laet week. It -leg eueraily believed that -tie charge aeainst- him was inspired by personai enmity and iatred, and was a-li utterly uncalled -for and- disrep.. utable procceding. No one beiieved Mr. Watson guilty -of inteutionally vioiating tic law, and -tie collapse of tic case against iim ie hailed wit-i sat- isfâction and pleasure by tic entire, public ez'cept- ing a few friends of the 'prosecutors, wio may bet- ter be -turned persecutors. tOur town bas been very muci alive duriug 'tic past two wecks. First came -the Bay côf Quinte Coufereuce meeting icre ; also tic first week of flic June Session of County Council. Last week tie Confereuce closed on Monday nigit, and tic june. Session of tic County Court opencd on Tuesday, lasting for tirce days. Tbis week tic County Coun- cil resumes and concludes its June Sittings, tic Commencement Exercices of tic Ontario Ladies! College ave brougit fo a close, and -tie students fiy -away to theïr homes. In anoticr t-he wceks tic *Missionary'Summer Scbool will be ield, and a week later comes the Witby Horse Show. Who says we. have not a- livcly town ? ýext week we hope to publisi a special issue of Gazette and Chronicle. The 'special" will in- a four-page extra, prinftd on calendered pa- ît wiii contain an illustrated write-up of the n of Whlitby, an illustrated sketch of the ucw îital for Insane at Wiitby, and an illustrated eh of tic improvements -rccently made 'to -tic Jing and plant of -tic Gazette and Chronicie, toý. er -with an important. business aunouncemeut ,h will be of interee't -to ail our readers. A tedition of tuis issue' wili be printed, and es- wili be on- sale at tus office and fie book -s at 5c. per - copy. ,This issue will be a good fo send away to friends, and sbould prove an Ll1ent adveiisemeut for -tic towin.- A recent visit ýhe editor ma de to tic site of .tic SNew Hospital for tic -Insane led hlm f0 remark 4to km Asst. ProvinciaL 'Secretary :Armstrong fiat it was littie' wondrtliat tic laite John Smith did not Swsi to',sei se beautiful t. farm. Mr. Armstrong Sagreed, and saidaà friend of hi- iad remarked thaï jW if ho iaed owncd the am - he wouid. have taken a sht-gun 9t anypne.. trylng to dposese l o t This' just emphasizces thce tatent we want to11 mak,_ here, that flic Govýerament -secùred - very v a1uahýe property lu acui the. ticete fie>' cidi. l- deed', te faine of fthe 4-propoeed H ospit adl for &ée-wý pane .-et Whtby has lbevQ mc ha icAnriç'i lUe are ,iot b0080flT IIeUQ Ã9. - i~U4iiIiat WS 15~lrs A thtirie tUeMo moW'r èi~i~*1 dge,ôt 'tJw urrs is th eri t n U os r o Vt lu ors. money has been iid4uge4i& Maw r. ,it 1In~o Mawat, i oha< béE stui to learn from the ýÈei t 1Z, kjwtb 1 latter on the Saýurday niI Ilg'as -poker .pîay¶ng i, saymo ngproou t- -lat No.furth~erlebt, kas ;hedi-u no one canllbe f ouiîd -Who evêrEcbýËor bad on -the circumatances by-ý e ovidenu seeu p1ayeýd'suâ-.a garne. Prç itl a thing',Mr.Wato dfotee.Mwt unknown b 'ocur peoe.Ew bsad cal- tier ud3erfigt7.0aib no0 knowledge -as to wb&her hà uminous.stpE,s;lgetiilto nt jvery cur- loua~ee -neei.Itma h tat - Suuiday tili Wedbêésday' ao pnelaye-iith ticbe hat pïà nt g m m He hà d not seen'any jewelry, to magnedecasd o" his occasion,, but ,Ih !-oce eenhimwearimg adiamond f, tiat suci a Vile gaine -as poker - couinten- 1 wliile ba-tnig a oa anced by a Whitby m zan l-un able. It -was The retoe f the Pro iei ana even- hinted. thitthe gaine was ,t-hoaey- pn h eaiI4Y ff pershth tougt! Ifti c~et~s inuet, ts1o1 owat's stomiaçh was reai pershthethugtl fiheýc I inue, wfflotstated thtio posons ha ,whici at firet was- thoughit to b ~cessà y- ,as~ ,o.fud done noting else than to showt et.egam f T.jry pciyaredn t poker has not ye-t made its 'debutý-$n iIWtby, -the 'ýve*IFt as above, and were-,dischari five sittlings -fthe jury may not ebçunvn ed The raiepayers of Whitby, wit ïllleXCeption of wr 5ssoi o C7u six, were quite wifilng to lot the- ô*.hu feiow sceé about-nominatiug canididates for a nIhe Boardl.. !Cuclo od of Edacation-rt lacthe nn ~tt~% aà lrefs~to gther,. Tho-y. doubties expect -t 'o~± ~e~owu 4on.. e .mnes w adinistered wlth wisdomand bu »C sico yet hywntIf hir i ier fl'oél treet nor4ili iwo bloc of0 trust and responsiblity-tic a -WitbeZ Street), watere serve~~ -i ouuiy sfar as t 4aÃnio di'ed: thé visit the \nomuation.proceedings 'ek z etoýersg-to --Psed eforâe to eredtey were-contetta n ,.u, Ctcit -Mid ohjected .to --th ii cls ter -lf-he shold be ever so unfi4 M Ii teetýts à ed for by -the C.I migit. be èeleed- to - thie oee . -A- " ar. tim thre e ecdof:he'--The~ t~ tender o! J.H. Downey for ti f rtue.schoofstainj xd ??8~cren:1 extremeiy importaiit. Thrfoethe nminatin tove- or eg........ 0 and election of members of the Board of Education M.Boalsopt edr was~~~ ~ ~ on tso*asonseen oreimpotanathtethn-. ... ,.9 was n tis ccaioneve mèr imortnt fia' te tprice on stove andi egg being - fi ordinary municipal conteet. Let us hope 1hat tie.sazne as ahove, that on nut beingl f nwBoard of Education may enter into the work Cents *higiieT per'ton. ne jMr. 'Coliil was given permnissi( before theixi with a realization of its presenit im- te be absehkt for soverai mieetings. portance and its relation to * tic future, and tiaï a Messrs. StePhenson and.- Colwi permanent school policy may be evolved and car- mOvel that the last assessient ro be published lu. the local paper,U ried out to the credit of tic town and communi ty. 1cost net toe eceed $40, as per agreq ~ * . * * ent with Mt. Goodfellow. Carried Chief MacGrotty w-as instructed1 That a man could be lost in Whitby- for tireej rigidlY enforce tie by-law agaîfr days few would have thought. Yet it seems as if Lrldinglgicycles on the sldewalk. suci had been tic case of the late William Joseph Mr. SleeP WAS heard with regard1 Mowat, wiose deati on April 23rd bas been 1 rpairs te sideroad. th sbjctofa coroner' s inquest. Ieceased was Jh STREETS REPORT. tic.o suect of e ispeaedtllMndy JonMacCarl, work ... 30.00 sce o Sndy igi, he dsapeaedtil onay R. Plaskett, work......... 24.00 afteruoon about 3 qY'clock,>and agjain disappS<red till Jas. Sawdon, Veaming*...15.0( Wèduesday morning, when he appeared, but to die Jos. Heard & Sons,... .....48.00 immdiaelythcreafter. W-here the young mani W.. Bal........ ...... ... 2..-( spmm eite ntm hsbe arflyi-Jas. MoCloud, work ..... .. 4.O( spn tcineveig ieba ee arfil9u B. Walker, work ............ 12.oo quir.ed into, but no amounit of questioning bas ,J. Mcntre,......... ......1.0 brought forth a satisfactory answer. Tieref ore, C.A. G-oodellow ............4.50 tic man must have been lost iii tic wilds of Sick Çhildrens iHospital., tr ~ing Forrester chiid ... 074.00 Whitby. 0f course it is just possible' that some per- Siek ýJhildren's Hospital son may not have toki "'the wbole truti" in givtng- tre ting Johnst-on chid..- 40.00 evidence, but so fà r astie 'évidence goes, Mowat A. M Cachen ..............5.9c vauished from mortal ken for nincteen hours at one Your committee would recomme timeand or hirt-seen hursat aothr. U tothat certain sidewalks be advertis tim e and for thi ty- eve ho rs t a oth r. p - and laid, tenders te be closed j, that time he iad not been considcred a wizard, 21. List to be published later.- but had seemed very buman, and like oti- men. Ai at -once ic developed tie power of disappcariug and re-appeariug at will. Tien tic end carie- h j could not stand the pace, This casec will go on re- cord as- one of tic mysteriesý of "the community-per- haps.; In 1911 Canada cxpQrted 847,339 corde of pulp- wood ; in 1912 980,868 corde were' sent oui of the country, nearly ail of -whici went to tic United States. Inspite- of tuis total increase, tic propor- tion of pulpwood exported le -decrcasiug. In 1911 a littie over 44 per cent. of t-be puipwood cut in Canada was manufactured lnu tus country ; lu 1912 this perceutage iad increased to aimost 47 per cent -These are the figures collectcd by tic Dominion For- eetry Brauci, Ottawa. Tic loss to Canada tirough thus scuding pulpwood, ouf of thbe country in an unmnanufactured state la sf111 a iremendous one. Tie value of «the puipwood expQrted was a- bout $6,700,000. If manufacturd- into pulp ihs wouid have brougit $13,20,000, almosit double U'le former arnount. Tic difference An price represents pament- for labor and profit for the. puIp manufac- timer, alt of. wiich would, have becu retaied iu. Ca- :n&ad dt-he pulpwood been- manufacitured. here. The -teýdency seems to be Io eniarge mille, or,- at any rate, to increase- tic production per-mili. The. average qùadity of: pulpwood uaed per miii ln Ca- L,,nada lun1i1 ws 18,042 cordeà , wiereà s iu - 1911 ift <iras-only 12,45O od;-0Il 90bt1,3 ;cor<ls. Th~e &VaRveefor -Quebe was larges1,, héku Contract Let for'Water mains Extension@ Tios. Cunninghamn, of Whitbly, was th nytenderer for UIc work o! dig- gi~tetrenches for and laying the water mains cf the extensions cast- ward and westward, called for l>y the commîsjoners. Ris tender was 55c. Per foot, and carricd with it a1 gu-ar- antee f0 hand over to the commission in six-weeks, tested ready for-use, thec western extension t - -Wellington street and northward to the McLaren property. At a meeting ol the commission lield en Saturday night Mr. Cunaing- bain was- givon the contract . The ptioe is tiought to be a fait oner, as last year, when the Commission put down the base flue extension by day labor, the Icost was 32t cents_-per foot exclusive of any turne put on the job by the Superintendent, and not colint- ing certain tools wh-îch bhad to b. pro- cured, Wages are sllghtly higher Vils year, benoe fihe Cominission thought ît expodient - o accept - thc tender, es- Pecoally as tic - work is to bo complet- cds 50 'ucklIY. Wituhin two montbh5 fli commission- should be- ilinrècc-ept of a revenue. frein fhe service thus given the west, cati reeldenté. --BOA,»D(0p EbUCATION. -Wedues davntOfh- ! It:weok was WHITB-Y BR. C. A. Mcl3efln% Nmuai C H. The Dominion -Governm.ent, havixg receutly reduced theý duty on- Raw Sugars, a. privileége is opeoed to déeers ta aupplyr iheir ,cuËtomeérs at lower ricsWe -availed8r- v-es oftis prvilege and are now seling ~~2: Ib ept' xtra Sà ai ran- Jlune je the nionth t6 plant -Geraniums and Tomato Plants. June is here and we have the Geraniums. - Wu B.- PRINGLE& -00, WHITBY ONTARIO ol1 ItM NG3L S1313D Our prices this year are as fovows: 'iant Sugar Mange]- 1 Jb. pkge., 38r. YeJt-ow Leviathon" 38c*. Perfection Red de de 38c.'- I Giant YeIIow Intermediate bulk>e 35C. Jumbo Sugar Beet 1ilb. pkge., 38C. Leviathon" -de"66 Au Tu LA WLER WHITBY9 ONT.- Phones: Bell, No. 47; Independent, No. 47 AT PRINGLE'S HiARDWAREý SEE THE- New Perfection Ble lame 01 Stove 2 Burner,$7.5o. 3 Burner, $101,5.' 4 Burner, $1 Detroit Vapor 011 and Gasolinet St'Ove Burn-s either Ou or; Gasolin'e. N. 3 Burner, l0W,$12.00. 3 Burner, higli, $1 Glss ront Oves $in 71e Ovens, $2.25. Double. Ovens, s: Gzef our prices for ,Screenii Doors -and Witido * ýS' before ,you buy. - i ARCHIVES -C trbet ~or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bd a LIn