Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jun 1913, p. 8

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Mr. 'and Xis: Jbtissi>rillé frieuds in iikdSày 4el Mrs. Tllýoi4Saai ~ L~~~~ _wero lntwvd g-onTe4 Mr. Reith a e spetSurU4a' with - TI K W' >l)ent the Week -,ndi N - Mrs Jas. Pirle, i W on -frkefld, ln the vllag4 on,Se~ Mrs. MacDonald and' Mli Zi ~h~~llO MacDonald visited in -Totonto 4as week. - - -l Jl 4 - Mrs. Tosil fia euas A~~ io nuci - Torffnto- and i s living ieré for t11, ý lth .su'mer. - ~ ~ ~ i0 i dlgg Mr. and r.John Xapt4; - t1ri spenit Sunday wfIth Mr. and Mrs: .Bufr M ie .1 Toront rougha. _sfýet Siiidy ýwltw:fr i r aegts,' Mts. - ulholland -and chirdiof Tu- 'anxid M.'tG Atirinsoxi, Fort,'VWI* ronto, are vislting aI 14fr. 3),bIll ly: day's. Miss- Bl4flhReynýIds' and-- r B Mrs. Wil. Ma ynard anid chlienar"n~&Aniild, t'f-.Toroïsto, re turnedj tô -t spessding a , week 'wlth' her' parents, ditY sfter their 181 - ) w.,HRe Ur. and Mca. Wnx. Reeson. -- ioda Mr. Dundaé, onoet nof ronf's able 1-rs.T. .Atkinson je haýing-a vjis -polioemen, visited frienils -in' the vipl-- It frow» ler aiter, frora_-Èaaltobàg loge last week. Se8a s eo l Int iac re -furth Rev.Wesey likt, .f Wlllgto er advanced t an -ier'-provl=e Rev Wele Elk-t,.of .WellgtO,'Mr. ILavl4, butcher _ t lUeAyli snide a flying visf1twfth 1Mr' and- MrS sng e< o , ~n~n c a-sl ý 0.4E uot n ua.- Campbell, jr., bas beeni 1ged tà M!dr. Wyndatt has -about- corplt-dtengàiiedce Mfr. PaItterson'à new bar, and will we Pl mrePrisoep.rv return to bis bren ambig.Iatwesnku 2'u r utiv Mr. Jos. 'Hodson -bas just compi hrm.Weairù la-tecaz -ed a, fine new row boai whch i1 _ 250 ep rle now -wbo -are te aret -and strongly bujit. farrn.- *Rev. W., M. Hilg, Mi1ss flulg and Thýr6;la no zeal-need of anyohe Miss Olver, attended tbe.-,preê ---ten- 9 1'gtro6ub*ed, wnh osipto fan. ,Congreas ifs Toronto -lat .,week. Charnberiata'a Tablets. wIlI cause-an Mc. and Ms-Geo. JoluutoÉ, Of )e"novemeUt Of the bowels Clareniont, have beeau vlsiting wlth =îtout .ny-unpieusant affect. Give ïrtdbin.A. jhns:On. ria,. -or sit, by ail dealers liev. Chas. Adam~s,. ofCedar 'Nal i - loy, formnerly pastor of thse Methodist churcli, vislted -filehds bore lait week -MywMELR STA :TIOIr. while attending 'COUfçrence lu Whtéy. TÊe, Ladies' jAhd helëd avo suc- Mi. Frank Scott, of Battie &e,!Or cO-sifulmeeting on Wedueaday oft -lait *Mlch., and Miss Bessie-Scojýto! osh- Woek. .Tise attondanco vwan larger awa, spent ýthe week end i wlth tbor titan usual, and a î6ood Pcogram as parents. roudeced.* Recelpts, pl1.50. Building operations are goiisg on at Mr . iE. HarrisO l -ad the mis. the C.N. RY. station. This« promises fortune te fal! 'and ePrain lier ankie.1 to ho a place Of importance,.. A park Hec many frieuds hopeshmape- has been maile, and som p ae ly recovor. bouhtlos and are- bulding housos. T ePecnc odg15bonu unider the leadership ofMrs. D-,BIacc K- union' meeting o! the W.-P. M.Worthy Patrlarch.Diak Sociotios cf tho Presbyterman churces IMIss B. Lulce ylslted ber bohr e!l â BrokifusadColumbus, viii e Mc. Chas.. Luke, recently. hld os.. TfucbsaJuo1, i The Sous 'of Ternisorance intend hbav- Thse , Cc>i. ums. lug a piculc ut Oiawa-ou-the-lake In Thme regulrsunsermeeting Of the thse near -future.; 1_, .1 Wome'm.IsÎiute -w111 taka the focm Whe= youc child' bau -wbooplng, cf a plCnlc, und W111 be held at thb, cougb be caceful te kep t&,se CeUg'h borne e!, MrS. F.A. Luke, June 18th1i OOSè and expectoration easy'by giv- at 8 P.M. An nddressu vill be giveui ing Cisamberlain's Cougb ýemedy as by Mae. J. Phuillips, o! Toronto';, subi..Inayb eurd Pi eey wl ie-t, "Co-operation- as a means to - ise l"qis!fy tie.Thuis rmcou an duetiehigl cosi O!f iin.'Ail nake it easier to expectocate. i bas -SEE OUR-LARGE STOCK'0F- Cockshutt, Fleiiry, Wilkin son- and-John, Déere, Plows, -Corn Cultivators and Sceuffiers. Frost & Wood Binders, Mowers, Rakes, lElay Loaders,--Etc., Etc. A A lage stock on hand. of Crae -ur prions on WIRE FENCE aFe rlght- Disne'y & Puckrin, -Whitby, Independent and Bell Phones. THE BROOKLIN HARDWAR STORE rMr. 1 ,dunlin 3.botle RTit 1 PeRRe.~, Scalpeau duts eut!1 s 0an ---.....~.. - ~aap usesso. - - K LveY, U'nunsuolôr' Brown and Cor' Jboots, foc Torontýo_.Lcacund vs d (k Wdmesday, May 28, ma l . ld- -PARISI1AN e ut -nly -orevettu mnissioner, Ë b leronbo a conmmit-, éèlM-points. - est daughter o! Mr. aud Ms.. . bu. it -4t is aoertain~ cure fo anrf tee tè.-bave said worle complelet!. j- e Vikeywa uie umrag- t é, itching .,tthe scalp istnt,' I was moved tisai Offleillors Guth-J 0 Dr.- Ernest Baker, of Haliburton. ceyy0 watssited lu*marri go te tfisck ' d'lu i - -nlo and Rowe be cesm tisâfoned te se Mr. H. MQKetzt o but a borse usai 'zrind. xiis"espetîally in, m~î~j hu b -...hav' tbefr crossalu week, valuet! at $2.000. - - Jdebecauso -ft .-makes ,thie hair cmbtt eodn etesadn 1 -for cupti about thse-beginnlngrcf 4lshe'drnggstsll-t mder a-pstv o Th e-ps fiewl'b e4 ,s.t " lf .' li- h gemn entored into viiit! ibis Septemli~~r, 5uaZ81tSO toe. 40al.i hat la claimed ouc. -or - fer, or luoney back. -50 cnt. - ubro!acuiere, pase 1- 0,é IN- ScOolReprt 1fo- -ynet.*-ssdThe Farmners' and Womfe Ù'o Institute> cf The, appropriations vero - cato owr's ling bidges t. uhi lIr!sn n excuirsionte: I - - -' -,- lisroughout.t110 tr îili. naj acuw~C>w MAY REPORT OIF> D WlERtI ST. "Ho<lsonisidecoad, 'liS con.-, Zbridges )tt-oAildur-c l -1 RBLI SCHOL. '}$; Fisher 1-ridge, .8th cou. s$o0 GuelPh, 'by Canadia North- - enor xviivoiL-- %ttion~CUlvEi35, 6tb 5tonl. -$100; Lit!- r.IV.-Aiberî -GO"* 3. eg- £ utrent. th con., 8100;'Wellsern Railway, on uer V Sose . îý y ,J id _tb aAbridge, litb con., $100;ç Pipe W. Gat . tnA. KcLeed. P.>berrWls Pbnd, .th-cOf.r 150 ;WaT urd y;J ne 1 - e r o .'C ulvertt rd cm u. - $250 ; gra1 9 , Jr. IV.;-M-. H-a.wley,- T. Southwell' ilg I>n R eat set,' #50;- Bridgeý Sr. 11.-H. Pindar, B. 50~rjg-St con., repaîrs ; Broôkliu !tnt - flo- IP. Stirtevant, W. Smith, A. Soui: walks $200-; Brock rond, grav. cOfl. 5, -Tan eseFr vol. $100,;- G ravel o d, g ra . con. - B a w aTStati n leaveu. .. $ .5 jr. 111. -.ilaway, R. Goldrlng $100; Gravel coud, -grun. 7th con., Oshawa Statin $.9am.$15 B. -Ma gner, J. Grant, M. MLeot, E' $100 Gravel red, grav. th con.,Ohw ok wn W Msl,. Gotts. $100; Gravel Ronad, grav. 4-il con., atDo..3 5,5 St.7.R. Reynolds, A. Lowe. $009.--Xo - W, 4. H eu er on Te c 1r. Cbuncil d îourned t e m e t n M o rn R s d l 9.0 50 J i ~ nv sl n.- , June 3 th, uai eue ocloek. T ro nfto 9 40 de - Jr.fl-~ - ~ ~.~ - --________Chidren under 2, hafifatre. Ail' - T. Ailuway . A. * tiçkets good -ta return up te June 20. ~~ WBiew, D Lovei, COURrt0F REVISION TOWNSHIP Trains:tp~cot ôso asn - . cuItdJ. ouioE. B0F WHITBY. rs gers ta stop 'ovec. Excursion train 1srBôk~..~Bw~ge, E. ucdge, Meu~rsCourt o!fhievision- ýt Wbtt- la uepsut53 pm - . M.Allawày, L PCX, J. BIoA-. by Tp. took eoath sud seath nnd ollasou - -ph Wan Pîigv n bumnrd dla 'n oLch. SuhehA tacr, F. motion John J. Moore vas appoint- go)d t e n m is, won Sa or cli ut i siati C ne ol r ng E . R c d Cha rm an for tie yea c 19 13. ee iOstt!b aene hm r.Pimr-.GocligE.h Th ue follow* ' appeals-weréicdc:F U E D R ionc o y are nxiu t av ve rdison,. A. Grant, W. Coi, E. Lv, M Lwesdalece9usemeî iss:F uR IÉ -I) eue ~ 6 tc aenfor we kùow it 's A. Wîîîis. -0 M .cLutos sdalMiss Hiso etdis-ý tise greatesi hair tonic that lias ever jr- rmrM.Suc . So ,mcInsse ansMi. been discove ed. S g i o r O S .~ . P rM o, . SLove , V . or n, J (HOis>~ pa t lo t 2, co . ordtoiG o l. tlvelY cure en itchy scalp, -briug li-fe SouthlsJ LweN.î1 Ing mi ul uddbi nt t uhe Cee ,S ic, C. Reynold!sT.14, be dismlssed. - "Yo Ughloghen4y Steam Qoal."i t e uts le g il - S ae le.is ùow - J A ppe l of N . S. D unlop ce1se s- --Bu1Gas an C G a. " - inuale1nWhlband le sold undor * -F odosTaie. meut 0f C.L.O. & W. Ry. be dismiss-Ca el a.p îtDpeÈ-PUBLIC SCÉOQL REPORT, FOR et!."Goe ekSmtigOa' aguanantes e pe. A large ot_'MYdGereCekS g-9 tle ot--Sugele coste but fifty cnsMY Appeai of J.E. Facewel ce proper- No Coul ta ea,âua thes. Be suce te go te J.E. Willis' tlrug Sr. IV.-M. Lukre, G. Robertson, C. ty of Mrs. Catherin ' Hoodi, be al- store, for other stores don't have Sa- JakOl lowed, andi the namn !LmnG! caîufrru bu !uu fryansa s oerfuilsa-t geie.Jr I.-. avn. Sit v- oru1 aduurt4LU ffl+,ý ý gos, orsaau f Mcuyne amIM JaMes -.(equal). tenant eft-property, lot 31, con. 4. SCUGOr. III.-Harold Richardson, F. Airs. Hoodt! ovur. - - lag C- U GbroG.h p0l h Augustus, N. ]Ross., Appeul o! T. G. Watson c see A lrg nube o!tie pepe o tse Jr. 111.-M. Becket; G. Bateman, mon-t C.L.O. & W. Ry le isissd.e cugogà Mehd -tcuci oQu s . Jeunings. Appeaj of T.G. Watson, n sea 1irse uevoz.iWg reentlyand m 1SCre. .-. Cormack, 15. Luvecy, D. ment C.N.O. Ry. be aliowed, ant! ,Y- Alet!er. J. Wtim ttsen int!a-,cnir.suit!assessment be reducet! $100. ~'. Atier soe urnecspe1 lulInt. II.- K. Wigstcn, N. Goodfel- Appeal of P.11. Aunes, ce property cLjoymeut Mas. E. fIance and Mrs. 1evw, R. Toms.a!MsMutAnelt2,cu o ,a *preseulted anuadidressa.un Jr. 1.-p. MeIxvtyce,. ,MeMillabj loe! n!asamu erdct ilic tley spoke in kindesi terms 01 M. Therpson. a $100 mut! vd, a lund $10 on b uiid- ce r. Totten's msinistenlal sud pastoral Sr. I. <H-.S.)-H-. *Jackson, F. Webib, ilgs. Carniet. I 'rth, aud preseutet! iira ith aà W. Newman.ApelcC..Snerce-tr sut&ful set o! silver mountet! bac- ASr POrimer-G.cer, Br-Pete es a tSret a peiain o . Mayuer. - B e an, J. Bryck, Stover be allowet, sa t! P. Stover , as toen t'aprecatin OfL. ayn. yadded te o rolus teuuut Part lot 26,- 3 four yeacs' service. Frors veil- Int. Primer-W. Cormack, T. Gum- con. 4, ussessmnt$20E.Top led baskets, excellent refreshnsents mon,-.$Cla0.. Esou, witer ece supplied, and ail eujoyed a vocy Jr. Primer-Q. Grahams,-G. Craw-' Appe4-1 a! Jas. Stamp be allowet!, ppy evenlng. Pouce, 'harmouy amiý ford, V. Toms. dbsnmeeetodourIla [d. vAise. epeal vrV INewntCa.G.RgrR. Isaac, owner part l1t.27, cou.,-- 4, for beven a~st!.A. ilvion.acres, value $500. - K n U W .Appeul ef Henry e. Wliis be aiiov- et!, and- his name enteced on: rail as Y ou -K fow -U avoer part lot 26, con. 4, seven acces W. are In business rlght her. wherà you lve. You a n Appeai of Wm. 1Butier ho allovet! acqualntance,nelghbor or-a frlend etoutre. This monçy.bagk, aud his namo be enteret! on roil ns fuuotsatlsfled oSier should prove 8tàD duslcrity of our cla* . Ovuer part lot 26,0 cou. 4, seveus -acres, tSbesi laatve adback pour r : POIL -consteatient -- E, mch1 taeen î th u quaifciprom- They tend to eliminato the causs be msouoedby21aces, losud cn-va4e - 150te etuu wthoî uestion or of sick hIsache, bilieumness, bad bTheupofcceslt2,cu fonality tise mono>. paid1 us for it, breatit, uedvauun2sosud ather is>$1.700.e if it do. net prove etirdy ea atier t unel nac Oti erbovolu.-hvsmve!-tsi--oassos factory to you, we believe vwe e.au- datUD dnt t owh tsted t e y ur confidence.cIl -u s am en edt yh . C ou a s 8rt - w- - Our busine»s ucems ;Jcs rM k sPov hs volsaemenby uimea theICas. - - - depend upon your c pretege Ain us.rveTh W. knowIlo muat secure sut! hoid Wo vant you te ourcntedece in seasme-uot 'ccli foc. year 1913Of-Op. e! Iou loniec uoro ertand! sut! et a package of =roOer- Whitby. Carniet!. Sep our Patronage. Thei.jCe we- lues.'Use slow or use up-iho eutire ---- woulcl not dan e ak <>tlàjoff box. Thon. if YOU lare not entirely ,were flot Pjaitiely ertan th la we 1fedo camýe buok sud telu sd lmP-::àIHAmSN eau prove aur daimfor -wo Will011, ntireuu iemoue. e ry pOW iy-Ijuî q let - vd You 'Promise nOuing - youwas sèlern1zed bythe Rév.. ;E., - notlsig -you olgt are1l O15Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bigt OXeuene tt, hoa ud ou-mrowod.on of p!w sneditnrltiveýs_, ~ ISOOt! thesu prove ni Do way wisatoever. , outee ikewels ie~rs offe bc k* --air'dÏOu,.Wedhesday, June-ts tisou w rout îeadg anyoffe bisr. ~iW vsn ieir - ld t -dàugbier,.Aei t . a d . , . Lrn. v suuhou,,e.4 n 4 pi su e R M nei OntT WC hau 910( rw~ iaa<d Your Wire for thilsi&asor, lrat quantities of wire feuce, and eau givo y- equal te anythiug on the mnarket.. Why' e forgoopds when, you' eau purchiso the mnydown until yen -get.your _goodi.," tie for yoreILf Fence, ý27 Conetsper od. - teS< e n oté,*rRo Bta.s ISj Jnchesapart, 35--Cents. osé at the Icwest 'Priéces. -- 01, =une gripù teuâ physie or laxatÈ «it.Y n ubuy Rexail Yrou "ma u iRezaxiQu Whitby - ' iry-Ifeni at ýOiw RIsk ~~dRail Mud for deiae:;pie pRexa i OMrelW 'cme, ienI- mekt- nboxes 12 ta6l ots,.; abete, 23e; 80 ishlts e., aI, the no~ t ad y:aâMildi uruft aiy iu:be: tces, The best-clean-, bÏ ight-àud-dry. ,Cauner foc lire places aîid gratos. Yaouglsiogheny foc steara. Noue auy 4 )etter. , ê George Creek for aill kinds of suiith- Lg vork. Fcesh mined.4 We lead lu quaiity aud quautity.- t BLOW, - Whilbp Bell Tel. 9. Home Tel. 14- 'I~. B 1E~ FLOUR:s- WRITZ-SATIN TEA-BUNS 'BREAD AND C AKERS ?RER FEED:-.- - SPEIALPRICE CORN 0N _ SiS purchauing -iii à&r. 1willisms Newport- lavcred wvth a.very, ari we feél we are gi Ailordrefor ton= mnýoving, cartage oet lu plesu. parties,. etc., -en toiattention. p Ic't You lseatneo .noPROIOUR>C[ ;W. receive letters. lar thie followine I3 Der Sir, Your wo0t'k is satlsfeîioa Indu8 Street iWood from motbs Lavonder is1 a reliable odorizer for ci Je.'-0 Druggist MEDI Brock SI- DrWi T C HI TeCueof r Adjustr consultation Freei. At Whitby- phol JNO.' E.- < Barristerx Co -Co Officie south -B riter. S 15 Office, Brock S- 4 JAMES RUT Meyto- Office immedi - t G. VOIJ - Barrister,-Etc. of M Office -smi Byronst., Wl m"w., idem datatapIY te LICENSI AND M i i f Term esr Bell and md OON Carpenter,- year oral Courses. Il.shaw, Pre Teus eetM ,' -, uL,) A IUNI Phase 3 ARCHIVES 0F ON-TARIOI *1 ts -34. and )rth end, 1 SI

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