çertain - peui enstructxi4n -amf used in writii that 'ToitsùË hewevor, hard] this. hope. En 'a true world seeins te have posai ofot eor guages' sinpiy- tengue-Erigitsl piify its granin in general wak£ elleb.e, This ie -vent a:, new v.,ôcabulà ry,- but it , in are in April,.whoný they are peer7 ~ ih., ng eut at'- the ends qf the tFees 1 vîesprJUl- The thtead '*aè AdIy hatâhade ed nations, who, gren'l ncl1Ãn d <> ef 'grén. ýShe'* atê,hý.d' ?ather heIp the sprea' e other toflgueB. 0pariôw '.fly -tevw&d hig haiýf- - "" ' ished neat. Perlia a1ii'as fright-'ý EBperanto and' its chie! modern ened at Lucie, or perhaps ho did rivai were fairiy succegsfül iîala- .otheid, the 'string ery firmly in,. ing ,this dort co! prejitdice by bein his nurouth,, for the ,gréen- thread truiy international,,yet neither 1 e en'u auh ntesev o! 'Lueies sweat-êr. : theni bas made' mucli real progress. "It's bovely 1" eried Luc'ie. <Itp' BJuiiders ef new ýtonguesa are Ihope-' juat as if a fairy had answered"myI fui mn The Tower- of Babel has 'wish 1'" andý she ran joyeusly into, acIeepfendaion ad i isillîte!the lieuse te sehow i4 te lier mother. >After lier mether.-Abat heard, the '>ery euduriug stuif. There ià pro- stor-y, héi. aaid, "Butilm juat a cious littfè likelihoot! that1 it, will ittie bit sorry for Mr. "gparrow." tumbfedcown in- our 4ay," désp4o' "0 Mther, " sait!- Lucie,'. fia the fact that à t is an, undeniaâble tientiy, "aüy celer- will 4o for nuisance, 'an ebstacle te- business sparrews. 'Scophie's rope i'.longerý 1ý than 'mine; 'besides, this la sucli ant!'a stumbling block in: the road a b>eautiful- grèen. ROw de _Yen te better internati4ia1 jnderstand-. kneow that -oparrews kniw ,one 'col- er from anether-V" G -"0t, course,"' admitted mother,' "4the sparrew neyer toit! me; buüt The World Peace Foun4atîoml has suppse Mn. Spsrew waa expect- 'pubiished a revised list ef arbitra- ing it, and! they saw you -pick it Up.' tien treaties froni 1899 te* 1912 in- Wouidn't it be fun te put it eut célusive, which is indicative e!- 1h. and see if they weuld coensd igiwing disposition te settie inter- get it again 1" natona cetroerses ~y reori "I don't want te," said Lucie. natona cotroerses- a isot"I don't want te one bit. Must tq, arbitralie n. The total numberl for thite peniti dAmounîs te- more than'150, andt ie-record shtows liat since 1900 there have been about i5o-arbitratienis, meat -01 whicit have 'been heit! under lte provisions of À~reaties0. 'There le, il . appears, à etog edency net -'onlyIwrt arbitration but tovard express_ ar- rangemnents Iby treaty. anti' Il is zsid practice- tas temontralet! 'itaI-it,'ie bittèr ,for'a state te make many -ireaties ou defuite subjecte thian a, few" atlempting to cover al pointslunteir foreigu relations. "brre' la niuch suecrng ut the movement, but lb. progreas that 'bas been made! ince the begiuuing o! the. preseul century ie an effec- tive -an-swer te thoso wito speak as if thone. huadbeen n ubstantial gaina whatever. Pence advocates 'whô are nidicuiet! as mere titeoriats may appesi te accomplislhed fades o! great - iguificance- for support, anti good! mèiterial la being tievel- opet! couslautly for their use. The burdeus o! a so-calleti à efeuce figinsl th. wars-o! lte imag ination are a hesvy Ilostin lual cases, a powerfuj argument' for at!optiug ai- IbilratiOrI 'us lte best possible means o! defence, ANCIENT CUSTOU~S KEPT UP. Thcy Go le a Lot et Trouble te Look Up Tower of London. Fewv people are aware ci! an an- cient custom wtich is still kept up aI lite T<>*er ci Leondon. Juet be- nr nomit!uight -a' beef ester andtihie obeioJyeomian porter secures lte keys Indin the geveruor's house te' -t'Wok UV."lHaviug .receive th ie '4y, théy- pnooeed tete guard- "Buosort for lte keys " cails eut the poiter, and as sergeaut anti six- Pr'ivaites tum eut. 'Th ris mOcsioDnthon marches -off, and lte aeùtn:ieo iiey paasa issue lte u<1éh'iiegeof "Wio gees rtllerel2»tÃ",Whiuh lte anser le  4g-at thi' entranie b the %wr <runds, thie Lon's igate, tte 1- ockg 4he g4les, ant!dte ý*X«Vds o- 1h. guard-ron, 4V~.the ..sane - andwr. - n 'xiarivaitliegar- v .,t-he eentry -etalionet! X -- -~~pÉ ilsfoot, - ut-t'h.eanme ti1ý l ïwà i- the nuai challenge. ýý 'r repies t-ha porter. %" s entry asice. bu"No. You eau de as yeu plete, bu litalewhat I shouLtde." Lucie sat.-tiown on-tii. porcb an.d began te kuinite new celer imb lier nope. Il lo6oket! very pretti nexl b lte cark.,net!, adit;e 'w'as se ?busy"lhat >it was suppen-time b.- !ore"s'he,-kne'w il. .Fatiter came ouIte e all horn l. "Well, itew's lte rope te-day-il sureby dqos grow." - 1-Lucie- teid il up for him te see, andi ler forehead puckered a 11111e as ciete ld' hum about te aille titreati. "Whew t" te vitleti. ý'That's lte lime yengel uý heat! o! Old Man Sparrew, poon chap." "Wh-y, fullien, do you thiinle spar- rows 'cure about celons? I know litIle girls do.. Andti iis is't a bit like uny o! Sophie's. I t!on't believe il makes auy differeuce te birds." "'Oh, I coul kuow," unswered ýfatier; "but yen muet admit, litIle duugtter, liaI heho ac tilfinal. Corne iu te supper. " Titat nigitl il took Lucie n long lime to get te sleep. Site lossed, and luruet! len piilow sevemal limes.N Veny early the. next . noming Lucie 'was wakeued by the spar- news clieeping juet oulside honr wiu- dow. St. rememberet! what ste tati deieldt t do just before site went te sleep; se ste -gel out o! -bd -anti !ound hon knittin-g-spool. 8h. raveled tie dark net!, then lie new green, andti 11cr'ste dreaaed anti hurried clown te lte porcli; ste twistcd lte green ttnead ounlte blackberry-.busit iglit beside the diuiug-room wint!ow. Ste dit! net1 lic it very tigitt, sand wieu ste rau -j eut again, il was gene.1 "O niotite," site cried, "if Ii were ouly a lle girl i4 n st-ry, '4 meaiy voulti give me suollien green stnin'g! I wae hopiug tei wouldn't ta-k. it-but> I gave hlm1 a f air chance."- i ."Weli, I'm net n fairy,"I sait! hon moîher, "<but I'm goiug te ttc store - tiis afteruboou."--Youîi's Ceuipan-1 ion. Two Philanthroplsts. Professer John Stuant Blackie, tho roteti Scottist acholar aud mau e-f lettons, ba th ie rare gift of be- 4 iug able te, enjoy lhoroughiy a joke o! which te vus te£,viclim. The following Paneo¶iote te panlicuianly relistet!: 1Clat inl a shephent-Ii ,plaid, vitit n brcad-'bnimmet! hat 'or'hie tend, and! hsetain fulliug in ringlets« aboiut hie atouitiers, ttc quaint oit!1 profeasor wais accualomedt! t take long wallce ttrough Ie Edinbungt streets. On eue o!fltes. walkslie vus ac coalet! by a 'dirty 11111. bool- blaçk.. "Piliçunr boots, sir 2" ask'et! te: boy, "I , ,'twant miy boots pobishet!, My V ' dJ rfeuion ?Biackiey "bu i. yu'i~wai , .,ur face l'il ýire -yoâ a aixpçnoe.I - "A' nigiai',"iepli'd!- 'lteélad. ý HeL ' !ent- ovèrte a. jeigt'boîiIngI founlin 'amtmatie hi ab~lutiôns.,. -We-,'sali lte Pro rsr, 'yo.u1 have -:oar,d;yo>uir9s--i4érnce. Here _ it i." 4-"1 -dinua- wanttit,'> Sat! idte be <Yoù keep it sdgtyoun hair e. '.?. J people,"of tha4 t tte do net w;is! etp paS 4ny lawa-' 'that will defleet. EnUropean capital or Jaber, from-the ,Estate. -ASoidingfy the Âstenîbly ha-pased 'a bill (flot retr-oactive) prohibîtmg ' alalens, who a r e net eligîble' te itizeriship, frein' here-. afleèr a.cquring 1.]and" by'd -1 lease This lits 'the 'Chines and Jâpamése in a tendter s8<pot; ,as -the subjects c! botbh these ýnizo.ns p',are ideniet!' itizenship' in lteé Uniteli States. Jaanreets, the inïfpliet! tdis- crim1nation against ilts .à ople as an -insult te nntfiezi"ai pnide; and thé Chinese 'are, - equally inceýnà ed but are mnu-di l'es pownuiha the Japaneset-c, bac -Upth'ir But it la diffit'to undeËstant! "why the cJapa'1 have sin-gied 'euütthe calîfdrnia Case as Vite ba,aiiof Pro- test against Waial 4iscrimination whie'n it, î-a' wil khnown 'that 7bot Au£.Imaliýa tCa naahaebar»red Japanese under conditifons mucl more- strict and! galiing tha.n tiose, preeentet!'ini the Ca.lifdnnia -nti-ý alien land! law. The. "Dilliiigham Cammission" s lWeport," the mozt <'<'trptent stut!y o! immigration ever rilade lu, bis- tory, ha& thîs te sa-y of the. figlit in Austraia ji-ginst7 the yetlow perWI: "During t-le lat 5,0 yeara theý most vital phase of the Australia-n inimigration, situation has been the- exclusin'o! A'sia-ties.- Ever sinCe thèt!iscevery o! goît!'in the VicIer- ian -frekis c!Australia lu 1851' Asialles have tried te' flow 'mbùt -Austnalia The slogan ef!'A Whbite Australia' waa raised niauny years ugo, anthlie pnesent ia;w lalte re- suit. This law, -which is kuo-wunas thlcmn >wealth IM'migratioii 01 II~io< ci cf1901, provides an educationai test, f-or--ail applicants. This test' consistas o! writing iu A Europe-anu language at the dictation o! an Australian immigration offi- cer, a total of 50 w-ord<-. Bétweeu the years 1902 aud 1907 nineteen Japanese triet! the tost and! ail were exciut!ed and deportet!." The burririg o! the'Japanese from Canada createt! a great commotion ut the lime, yet,' sîrauge te say, il la seldem referred te unow in lte cou- sideration o!flthe California case. Japan, it- wiii be recaliet!, made ne very- stroug protest te Great -Bni- tain, cither in tbe 'Australia or Canada cases,.,l - l Their exclusioi, I rom Cauada-wras under cent!itionT I~iving national pride, and! raci r.crdhgeination as poignant and! à asperating as the California 'case presenla. Iu 1901 but six JapaPeýe came, te Canada. The next year moue came, bu-t in 1905 there laude4in uBritishi Column- bia 354 Japauldue. These wrote home glowiug 1, accounta, etc., se taI in the ueit twelve menths, or 1906 Japs to It4e number o! 1,922 ianded in -that 1preovinca. In 1907 lthe number mncxieas-d te 2,042, aud -i 1908 it rose tb 7,601 for te first nine menths. Tke» lte-,tormibroke ,i ail its fury. . Britisht Ceblumbia, occupyung a position wiîh reference te Canada fis a wbole very sfîmilar te thlaI ccupied by Califomnia wlfh reference to-the 'ilÃet! Slutes, bore the brunt of ýitê- figbt. The pro- vincial Goverument f roin-titue te- -time enuctet! ducationaltests' airai- bar le those of-f Australia, but these were disailo.wet! by Earl Minto, Goveruýor-General of Canada. Then the people took lte malter into tem ow lianda. The stait! aud pitlegmatic oit! "Briton"o went down, te te Japane'se quartera ast Vanco6uver-anut tie t le.wipe il eut over night, A royal commissio'n vas à soon appoiutet! at Ottawa sud a royal conusonei, _was sent le fin! ~out wbst was wrong. ln' bis report made, at OtLAýwa in 1909 lte Wou W; 1.dMckezie King, C.M. "A s nlg, io ee t e ,0 la-to e. the remit. - Let 1t'O m0,. ela ye corne it, M ust. this .o<uitry 15 Peot f< bir a coriageà te érepon quite -ready yet,'te' aurrender .ic 'michaiué'.skirts.' riglit of! éciding ,whi.-&-1iai1beme a The- 'piailler- 'the eut- thli- umarter its -citizens '16 mîy forieigu 10e'- h otm'Ti tho-jtum 'tate' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y cc~ I h"'ap"wù o"euntry'daytime dressY - "'crp" they have ol' efine thé --,Covert 'vloth- in "any shaà e,frein grat gun, wieneýupon ýthe "Y!eik>w-tan t' olie is a.great-' favorite ju-at peril" il 'be "îrwed ýenithe ms.p now' fb rxîin "wan. of he word ii a sort'a imo~8 inalround hats, 'with black panwssubd "_d af- -as for ý__iu ne- oed gpoegrain cocekade, are eemfertable.ý fren te Wste -rld. things t 'ear mooi.D'îgý9. - CH-AS. M. BICE. isedof straw',-..brim sati - .faced. -many, eofthe faahionab1e halas haà ve, satin brilù"'straW facet!.ý EvenY weran ineeds '-mart, sïim- pile waîsts te wear wit' eparà ti duck élcrts or siniple country suit . 112iere' î-à as mucl- psoain- -- ly awernan weana ler*fo 3 as in the wayse essho AÀ sember coloeet evenin.gogwn z~ oltn omplteI~iradby a'bunch 'bnîlit, hiiet! fewers at --the .Afternëon gewna t!displaya mlng- lig ei shee'r mtril hich 'ol ejgo. -l ' New- turnover coblans 'for shirt 'waists7 have extreniely long points aud are worn ever stocka of black Itaffeta'. ILinen 1chemisettes,fasteneà with crystal 'buttons, iMay be-'had to slip edver lte waiat inside *h taoned Pefetby simîple. Frenchi blouses have .neot even hemItitching for triti'n-g and!are made Of- hand- herch.î!£linen. Attorncy:-Generl'ý for Grent tain, who-se rêsi-guatioun-ta-s1 refuseti by Premier Asquliit. Bri been SUFFERINOS' OF EXPLOBERS. Tmavellens W[thout Food, Light or - Drink lui Frozen WilcIs. A de-script-ion of t-te suffenings ii te Germar'archec ex-pedti-b unden Lieùt. Schroet!er-Slranz, whiçb met disaster ai Seiîz'bergen, i. given lu bite diany o! Artist Herr Rave, one o! ticsq neactet!. Ho tas tel.- graphed' extracts te Berlin, Gcr- many, freinAtivenÃt Bay, giviug de- buila o!fte movemeuls o!f te expe- dibion uften il à aiutonetilt-s veasel, lte Herzog Eruet,BSe-pt. 21, 1912. Ttc despabeli reaids: "Ttc proposal teabnontte stip came f rein CapI. Ilitwhlel at lte beginr'ing cf September. Thte veusel thon ted Provisions for four mentit.,' besicles s large aupply c! ent!eua&ed- footis, sud ~-wa-s ctier- Wise well equi'ppeti. ,The party startoti for Ativent IBay sud reuched as iut ou Wij-e Bay Octo>ber 4. 11r. Rudinger, lte oceanograpten, was auf!ening lte» !rom a ha-I ffrozen foot, t-we of tus teea being lu bat! condition. I of- feredt! teremain vitit hlm thene un- 1tite ettore couid brng bacitclp. The hiuit containet! a mnnh's pro- visions. "Dr. Rudinger sud I wene with- out tols, sleeping biaga, .er lighta. I inel-betisome- fa-t sut!maceleigitîs, anti fas-hioneti se-me sleeping. bage f rom sa-i-ed as whviicli I feufinl lte hut. Provisions na-n out, anti we -le! t lte lut Novembier -'23, to-p- i-g tb regain lte stip. ) "W. sufferet! sevepely,.lia-vin-g notbing te- drink, -but- jve fiuaýlly react a but- ut Messe! Ba-y, witene we founti some bard and m<>ùldy breati. "We reinained there thtne daye during &S tonrm, 'ant! t-hon s.tnted ugain for the à lip, guitiig oun- selves- by te stars. We annive'aI, t-ho stip Decemitr 1. "Dr. Rudiugen iu t-hoemeauiwhile huad suffereel grea-îiy, -bye >more, e! hi-a tees ani four fin-géëps'_tav'g beer' frozen, vitile -bis footb-écae £0< hua it lad 'l-tJi e u *-uIaec, <Ttc guides'a am, s ailr !te Potiltion -retur4û>xpcjy'Lo té sip DeCà iiber 2, 'rerpôrk>it 1088 o! Eberhtardt. - Vre%, 411 news of Dr. Detteners --t'- ser, lte -betanlst.' e- afî- 't45ehel'hudgneciTaln vent BaY, -- n ý Ncreln nl f Ùfto, -omn-' inantietihy Capb.~x~4'~pçr -The. ,oecition à tai'ted last-suni- mé u d- - t epatrnïÉë. ýof t-ha THE, SIIOAY SCHOOQSJOD INTERNATIONAL LEgSSON, JUNE Ã5. Lesson XI.-.Jaeob belon. Pharaoli. Gen. 469- 28 10 47; 12e 28-31. Goldenl Text, Rom. S. 28. Thte passage intervening belveen Ibis anti our aset lesson recordathie evenîs incident le lite relu-ru o! Joaepli's br'ethnen tetheir falten' in, Canaan sud tht. migration o! Jacosb ant i h sentire tonsehitolti Egypt. Il also coutains a- list o! ttc maie offsprnrg o!cadi of lte twelve sons of! Jacob, giving , tbe total numben cf the combineti touseholda asthreacone andt! eu" moule. Havir'g instructeti hie breh- ren bow le conu-et bliemacves in thc preseuceocf Phanueit sut! vat te reply te .auy questions te miglit asi c deceruiug them -occupation, Josepht procceda te arrange fer a formal pre'aentation o! bis fa-lien and a rejpneaeutative companiy o! bis brellera te the king. 1 Verse 1. The landi o! Gos1en- Probably - te Egyplian RKesein, about*,forty- miles- norheat e! Caine. (Cornpare The Lesson Text Studios for June 8.) - .Five men-Doubîlese in'cut!ing Reubèn, Jutiait, anti Benjamin, ttâdugbi lte -naurnes o e ssleeteti are 'net given. Presented, thein, untoe'Phae*oh- Intr-ôdwèà ced lm te Pitarset- 3; Wlià t., la -your .eccupat-io>? Apparnnly a.customany, ',questio put te ail strangens presentet! &t dount, -thougt a qnestion e! -impi-- lunce aise ns aflecting .,'tho diiposi bien t be. inade of!.cse large.. a- çomn- pany- o! imciigïrâni., ed lU frcim-aosoclaîioii'with'ha bigiter, classes of! merditants, 'soit- "ea~ ndi.P#eot4. -,aîti-dtermIIi4d 0;,o th eîon4tle .by Setlle. FoP nately;fo-Ir -hen l n! .ansin.:pai't"toe -shaire,#dtinesa oirable; buQýrratiotity is nt7e-soimnd> à 1 sirable, It à always ihurts Ohristien-- and 'wliojzoe'ie O ity. Thé simple- entL!usià it hurts teoit. 'what he 'would -h-"-P.:,-There is-no sigi hrsinity la ase gre at a-bilai- -disèriiitiv'pr nuess,.raught with iÛch ïimmertai -,gespè1 systen, -end interegts,* that. is methocis should ma~s e nnal 'becarfuly ~udid ad gardd;menta, when he cc Extravagance lane 4.dom. J!uat as theprodigal soi v1aiinit w411 gev dlientagu Exéesz d<ene.-Bishop Wili .dicions' and!ba wishes -ion his n9. Pew-Few compuret! witl those ci! Isas, ,who-,livc1 editbe. eue hundet!an4eigty Gen. 35. 28); end! Abrahai, who live t t be one, hundiecl-anid seven-f (Gn25 1); sftil- féwyenwhen co mpaned with < he ages o 1h. beýpatriarchs mention- et! -in Çen. 1il; and! very fewr indeed as <omparedti those o! the suIe- dlbuiaus in chapler - 5, one o! whem, Methuselait, la repoxtkd'to have reacliet nine hundred à nd sixly-nine. Evil-The word r'eclls ha eaily exile, hie'- stri e vih Laban,- ait! him subsequeut successive. expeni- ences o! aornow. ii1. -Placet! hie. fatiter andi hie, -brttre-'Gavethem a à dwellilg place, The. land of Ilajneses-So cal]et! ouby iu laler timt6s afler '1Rýamneses Il1, the Piar-solio! the'0pgression, huad builtit cies anti himsel! dWseit in -the easlern part o e! b->delêta. The- prieslly, writer, towever, liv-, ing muet 'Juter stili, is free 'bo refer to, lh. district by- either ils- eaniier or ifs ister namne. 12. Nourishet! ha fater, and! his 'brethren-'-Providèd. food for theni duriglteé remaining years o! fam- ine. AccordiÉg tetheir familles--Or, according te 'te number o! thein- littie eues. -The remaining verses o! hie as'- aign&.l lesson (28-31), Ihougli net pnintet!, ahouid be studiet! in con- -'nectien with the priuted passage. I They summarize the cosing events of Jaceb's ife.in Egypt. OPIU FRO POPIE' Lange Quantities IVill Be CoUlèeted la PerisI. Lange' quantiticu o! opium wii ll î te- expectet!, b9 colle ledir'BSoti- on Persîs next mentitfor -ainug - ghung mbt China. Titis, tiespîbe t-te faet taI bot- thte Brittsh anti Cli nese Geýveruments are t!oing thetr ut-Most to ste-p lie sale o! opyium.' Iutcrestîng details about opium cultyati«i. ver. given te The Lený don- Daiy Mimeor -by a corospon -aenI wîth a-n intimate- kno6wbetge o! t-b. -industry. ,-fOium -po'ppies, - le sait! -stand very higi or' tal 'straîgit- stenis."'- Il t -o le'arie lesity po>ppy-head iwhich vcont-ais "INext" u.rtit, :-whe-n lte ,flowe -rs baéfdt, ý po~Iy' tendâs Wii r.ad te bé ed-A kni!. witlh a-- thîck ' haudie antid. oal short. 0biaties auset!. '~ oahy tbîk-e c-i !tiç. hoads, on îJho -ide -hcia4ards thle se t-' t-mg s8un. ýDuringi tbthe nîgh4t7 te e opium *no -.r.,O-uti ii pds'-ike.-: 'drops, * -ati hs- is-ooiiected--i 'Iw. saeVed kmives; - - Eseli "plant ,yields ti9ô.or fout r- !s-pxtDim-~ Dis anfeetiosi -of- the Rot AfÉer eveny. case 01 Ir- Edisease, i i laweli te t!isi v ick-rooin thiorougtly. ..-It s- bsoiutely nbclessary te de ttg. infective agent- o!-moi lieus or contagionsl diseag 1,net live long outaide etoft if ye-ouar.telrooai-tii ielttes, 'to&weIs, andi~s foi' expose uatli-tiigs las c boiledti tethe '-brigit tmBE two or titre. .tays in -sac yout will genlerally guard ' & -ky against funthen infection'. theleas, iii labett;er to disin re-oin,. especially if thé beenà one 'o! chrnqnic, diseas as certaumtic ï, Titere are mauy waya oG feeti ng a; rooi; ltheI simpli cheapeat anti-lthe mest ef as !ollows: -- First, aprinkîn al 1th er can b. wasted--.,bet!ulothing elotbi-ng,- ýhandkercliiefs, andi seofor+h--ý2witt a' tenIpi solutioýn o! carbolic. aud carry tem-tetthel aundry a te.fran heur. MIen -c didtem thonoughli4' h t' yen ea4 bue sure. liia't tley na in:feêtio.n. - - Nex1 ilay beoksa cruge-- tains â' piclures L-on -table chan(irtýhe -bookça.',with lthe opreà d '"open' -s mru . Chas ' p unti the'- ruggi- and - c{rlalni mut foît! et' crease),'a1nd 111< ah the windôwâ 'and deanà . ordinarýy-te akettie on, à tabÃŽ hall,, juet'outèlde the'do r. reoin; -bi lin it a 4yà ntity imaliu (s. !rty-per-c .ent. sol attac.hetibo te use: 'is -In,_ounc teom.' f rtn 't d - a w a y , I a v e ' fany 'i-,ma )y mëà nÀ of: a ioro. - i~main" eau'" )viîit: oea'.. te descend to mere are 1he atrangeat p "8 ?tsmthat ever~ '1ýpoiUthie Coast," I rernarké~ 1,Wi le mightilY interested -1je lI'nd 1d Itldnk the leu: "4 ihthem the botter J >$bamate. "if I do _comm VIl-remise you that 1 ~"Velato of that sort on re We are il abo A"eIor, triD5Ied. à o we muet- 'The. waggouetto had,, mat lg up when we arrived, ilaeea, OU eftheèr Bide of ti -eaur reserved for 184 iwo *whÃ" 13eedlly sprang tato OhOrLà e'o! obeers 1the.good. f 5*w4y dow the road, wbule ~Sther, and, I-etood Upon1 î'rved our bande 10 tliem ,Dppeared bebindi tiee, cloo ' rouWê for --the Wigtown rai ' ark'-and crew lad bothy *om inOUr little world. thé-- 'ither being tii. eapa of de beach, which were te beti -arval 01 an ýagent from At liluner that. evening 1 =y flà tler teeisode *of 1 dhuat Prieste, and found, a pected. that lie was very mu in m account of tbhem. 8'ingh had epoken of inlXiguhed poslitîon wbi'h il him amoug --j W, a 60 excited tha, it W., B d 1 pravent hlm fromse a dtbere to makebisa ernd I were-relieveil an SatlaIeneeella ~te and maueuveriu l zoom.,'for. the.exciting even twenty-ýfo= bure bflad en hie weak frame and delicate was -sitting ah the open gloaming,,turning over- in unlexPected -evente wluiehl apdLUY-tbe gale, the wrek ad Ile etrauge character ways-wben . my elater 'laine tome and Put lier band in flen't- you thinkWrJack,"- herflow sweet rofce, '."-that_ w1 tg Our frieude over Basu't.al Ibis -excitement fsars ,and tleir danger ont o! euÃœt o! oui'-beads, but nev~ heart," e aid Il laughing.-" a T ight litt-e;lortouu 'Fainly been dlstracted fr halwalk *uvin lte xuornn Ican see anythiug of thent, to-Morrow ïs. the fateful 5t one moe, day*and all ji - r- ill.-"- aidmy bigler,s Wlii, wlata litle. croa - to bat sure!" I cried. "what la comning over yoU.ý, 'l feel neil'one and lolw-s au-swered; dlra.wing cioser to ahivering. 'T.féal agif--omi weréïhaiaging over the heiLT love. Wby sbould tlieetra t-ý.8ty uon hecoastr' 'Wha6 1the Budtlhistsar' I Oh,1,-'tisé Zeflows have co, dnays and relgios rites or a havesomevérFgood reae You may b. sunre" 'Don'!, youthink," said 12 awe-atruck whisper "'thatý aneIit tese -priest& here aifîlhe way from Ind Preseni, moment? Have -you foui all Yolrhave heard 1 eral's- fearsm -aiW in-,:some Wa A with India and thie Indians~ 7The remaek made me tlou now tIat ycu,. mentioli lté' -l'have soins vau imeresg mystery,ig oonnected lwith e which ,curred luinliat, cou surehowever tatyuf litb if '"-u saw Ram. Sîngh.' very -personifflration o! wisdo elpee. He waa eliocked a -our killing a ebheep, or'even a be't-'-h é iewou]d rathe e a hanil in taking th. XI, is very fooliel of me ta vous," eaid my sieter, braveiy mnuet promise me oee hiug. wfll go ni> to CGoomber ilu il atid if yeun e eany of thei tien tliem of tliese strauge n ours. Tey are better- able to- weare whether their preseni sgificé-nce or flot."' " LAl *right littiseue" I ai »~ went indoors. "You lhave exicited, brulltheue'wf-Id dm need a sauud ulgbt's rest toi cd M-do what you suggest, ho Srfrlende shall judge for -whetler these poor devits ehoi about their business or net"- I inade the-promise tei allay apprelenelons;. but lu the begý oft-morning it appeared lutIl abeurd te imagine- that oi . ......t a r t a n c a , t a w a y e c o u l d l a v e a iatentions. -or that their. ad1 S bavýe any effeet -upon t'hea 1L--oini - - I -as an1-ou wlh -.generalou th.ea ha aurprised me with bu.. foand, tiait te twd ooeral t-eftinlusuciramai#uer blat dl ôttwo nIÇes or Me] bosadapart of the Jaw of it:- an& thougli I coulds m! lMe outoide or -atany'erti settladdw lt I nUh dliuil1 ARCHIVES 0F ONTARUC Liýfili