Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jun 1913, p. 4

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sakon, A. XLgwler, ,Cý s* IaT. 'CussiOn. Soyeral n1epbers kôf the delegtltcmspoke; as 41( a1so Yr eral meinbers of Coulleci n 1avGr oO the,'Sho,w.- The deputation askéI for. à grant. A grant of 8100 was*,ia On Thursday Mr. R.H. Walks, P. 'S.I.,,addressed h wil~tt x plalned mattersnieuLioned-ia his TO- oese,4»Ày 1 p o . .1âît,-7 A. commnflivatlop *as reoo'ived f rom 8ba J.R. MeNellie, Clerk of théCut enc<~dd#u y iîg.sio -n of Victoria, encIosiig -tbe £COpy of! ewil pbsb4 p~ port -o! the, Committee o! that (.oun- Ciainqaý cil re Mud 'Lake Brig klô oyo àylw a o sme, and- éther docu Xyr H e«- preeiddfibn. W. J, ,nents relating, to sald bridgd from tr i . a . *llrll ffd~ -which lt appeared. that it~ was, pro- ____ ~ H~an r-..RwUrepTe posed to increase the watçrway by SUSPETARETD atd hé gslÙr.Tepecs 1w rsellt tetyye cd.were of a verY, WgI oder, and were - elgtydfrcusion- ousued upon --ire destroyed the stone hou se and mc n r .*Te~QC5or 'a a. thià communicationin taWMiclr the War- barnl occuped by Ce-. cotrc e m c1vaiite o! The xpIafi4ù-was -8Oo den, Chairman o!. Ronds. and Bridges SteWart's,,Menon 11thei d oBcss guýesadta f Uic eté.1ie laana i hë-ù Com it4e, r. oor ; Mr Wisozj 01 Te84r ftgrno0n. A Freniicman ro ésd habri e y ,Reeve of Cannin&tm, and the Couatly 1whejiad bceew discharged ab,,na nd33QU8AGur yçf'be Haimr oôamets.- Clerk took part. -It 'appeared from haît lbit-cmp is under suspicion of llIt h ~rpsioný the correspendence thia anumber ci beînig the Ineendi.ry, and was arresf whxlchIV*Itl trntrmte ropto's ,fu '-owJîers of -lands- bordering on Mud cd Iatei, b ~Chie! ý.Mac(Qrotty, i Wit er4ron ilt' inorm Thlho ety andàJ cLake had si'ce the meeti andtie b. the jont commttees in pril lut 1 The scene of the fire-isthe ol "tj1iy. NSPg woe shown ilustrati made complaints that the prbpoee& Tweedîe estate at'Ly>nde's Crek, n teba ne ob uae li as, waterway in the ne* bri4ge WoUlc lai, about two, miles frorntho e Slll O1 o the mout interesting« cause their.- lands to be Iicoded In théi'O! the town. Au Q19N utoýiiouae.c 0< hi o te velilng.ý spring, -andi that interpretation, put occupied by soine'ot the workmn TiIOThe S tdftUghters do te va the agreement entoeedinto by the, and- about tiarty feeto e prss ere honored by,.- lty îitcommittees of the, County cf'ee.ta temporary ,bWnkoufte àaay b b", n gven a tour cf Victoria waâ -the opposite as to the erected. Behind the hcrnse wSa&v LI1nc-he C4- In-a1 Bered aé1t h amcars. fieedlng of the lands te t-he opinon o! large barn, witlthe1Lnh, e.î< tl , 'Y olfClbas Ser wIa1the-returnto the representatives ào!this -county About three o'cIocic moke waàs seen. cîty. jalt e by waye cf n -to who cdaim te have previded in tetebeisungt e ' _',r w , * ymbe Rve odfH thPrk agreement that the Ceunty-o!- Vic- of the lieuse, and it Wa~ i,.HubeoRveereqi Prk tôria was te, assume ail liabiiity as that the whole intefiir upstairi vas1TE XCRIN -to Ilooding o! lands i- the County o!f i liames. A couple o!tic000W W1Yhe a ltere ysach nvti to Ontario, that is, above the bridge, at work in thekitehen but they <d iatiionw ne a oeng t goneiteresting section oi the COUn- while the wording o the agreemnent Rnot notice tic lIre untîl warnc>d._Tbey -try. On, thtà ccso teojetv made the County Co! Victoria only lia- bad time merely. to save their. ovE-o- n v s iC nin tampojeci- bi frth f edig o lane idte emet, and some o! the ýdtchen eqLt1p' baU mad Porcupine, and- the -largest Couxty o! Victoria beo* te»re-etwtiap art of tlbe supply qi of Canada's playgrounds, Algonqçuin1 and towards the outiet o! the lake. 'food.- --1 Park.-1 P)r. Meore reporttd for a commnittee A bigli wind vas bloWi19g, and the1j-The paÈty, we ette Uin .~npôîtedVo n~ae rpare 0 a, fîne wee anned up quickly. Station .on WednesdaY even'ing num-; abutmefl.t'o! the t4rcenwood. bridge. Lynde's creek ig eaituated about - flilt-y beredl64,of vbom about sixty were The report was adopted. yards away, but the olily mearîs 0 - ladies. Mr. Stacey, Rerve, of!'Oshawa, iu- carrying vater- to the l ire- was by1 Six Grand Trunk Pullmans carriedt yited the Council te visit t-he Oshawa pails, wbIcb -were useless for- flgbting the party, -and t-he trip was 1oee -Uospitai, andi it was decided te dodese sudi a tire. An alarm vas sent in to wbich will linger long as a pleusant-e -on- Friday aftelnoofl. Whitby, and althoughi tie camp is inerniry. -The -Council adjourued eariy in or- cintside the corporation, the brigade ý-,At 7 a.m.. Thursday thbe partyb decr te visit t-heFHeuse o! Refuge. was calied, and' the engue and. a reel dined, at- t-be bot-el Ronuoco, at- Ti- t The Roads aund Bridges Committee o! hbie were sent out. Meanwhfle t-be magami. A thfee heurs' saul on-Lakec were instructed to talcejute censid- mn eu t thbe samp secured woL blauk- Timagami followed, and luncheona *eration and - repor' at t-ho prosent ets ani coerond thbe sides aud roco! v as partaken of at thbe saine splendidP meeting e! this Council the acivisabil- t-he bunlc bouse, towards *which t-he host-elryý. t of exp0Idi the sum o0! $300 oufanswrebii lvub h id Cobalt vas reached in t-be - eanlyb 'the StWi"v11leroad hetween the tovu,1 The barn bebiud t-be hefise quickly a!t-erDlnon, and then hegan a few -1 .0! Ubri"d*e- 1. Ggodwood; aise te Cauit frÏ andinla afew ýiinutes t-eheur trn e xertien, ascending t _£6port, ount-be coniditiQu e! thbe bridge; two l1uibUlp were enwrapped inl 'and deecending t-he rocks, inspect-iuga .ut-he beundary line het-woen th-b irne. 13y-t-he t-me the Whit-by bri- thê extensive preperties of t-be Nipis-1 -jo0wush!ps - e! East- Wbi'thy andi Dur- gade reachýd - the spot ail" hope o! siug mine and their huge miin, viere-1 - ig-n pposite 7th cou., East Whit- savlug tit-her building was vain., andi in thbe muet modern methods. of Mii- 4ington 0 1Uic effort-s e! the fireinien 'ere direct- ing are in operation. Mry. Grw euddh r c- ed, first-, toward prevont-ing -t-be1 The visitors 'vere greatly int-erest- tyre., mô-ved t-but a delegatiOn he ap- spread o! t-be lire t-et-he buukhouse or ed in ebserving the operation o!' fa pointeci te ait ou the County Coun- et-len places, aud thon te subduing powerful streaiof wat-tr, with wbich ~il ! th Couty o No berUlàn!id the flines. The barn vas totaily de- -the rock' vere being cerdo at - nd Drban fr tbepuroseo! ayilgstroyeci, anti al that is lft Of t-beand gravel. The pressure of vat-er1 be!ore t-be said (Counci lu question bouse i3 the valls. About au heur', vas 125 1b.tt -etch n -enz Of gi'.ing a grant t-0 complete the novw work 'vit-h the buse was sufficient tÇ, zie used vas apparently four te six2 rond around Ham's RuI l -eTv-ctnus -e-lms agi e nhes. "The nesult was that,- solid ship oe- Scugog, and t-ut- the said cause meet of t-be inflammable mat-- eart-i vas scatter--i like dust, large comxùttee consist of t-be ial had been consumied. boulders t-bat would require 'a strong Wardea, Pr. Mýoorr, and Mr. G erov, About fi! t-y yards norti of the bhum mu t- lif t- vere t-hrown about lilce aud t-bt the mutter bc reporteti on ut is an oid building in which dynamite 'pebbles, , st-urnpr, vere tomn out and the> next sitt-ing o! the Co)uncil a!t-er is storeci, but the 'vint he'ing frei t-hrewu aside vit-b case. The purpose thbe 7t-b day o!- JuRe. Céarried. ihat direct-ion there was lit-Lie dan- - o! thus clearing thbe rock ie that any .Dr. Moore brouibt- iu a report f rom ger. Most of t-he men lodged In the 'ore veIne showing on thne surfuée mayt the deiegates appoint-ad by t-hie Coun- st-oie bouse lest ail tbeir ciot-bos and be exposeti. clt-é attend tht annual meeting o! dfcte, and ail they b ad le! t was1 The- visitors. were divided up into ýthei.ProvinêlaI Goud -Ruade Associa- wbat t-bey vore ut t-be timeofe! the parties, -eacb part-y wearng a badge tien nTedyoeo mn - o! distinct-ive celer, andinlacharge of!r Dr.. Moore, seconded by Mr. Bian- At noono usa neo -eRe an officiai guide, visitec t-be mines, chard, that- Mr. Elmer 4.iek be hourd 6empiuyed ut-t-be camp wus discbarged oach part-y t-aking one mine. Dinnerc ,before t-be Counicil as te t-h Horticul- andi he leit fon Wbittby sbert-ly ato-h -eonr !tb ie iid *turai Exhibition at- Toronto. Caried. yards._ Subpicton f ellon hlm, andi he 'bashprovîded fort-be manies groue Mm. Lick nLsked for a grant- froin t-be was urrebt-ed in town lat-er in t-he The aft-ernoon's exponionces were a ne. .Coan-yt- cvetf xpns o apo-afterueu. n, a is e-bting held pending - elation o! t-be g rLeat- prnogrees -,wbiich_ rods o!fonce on west boundary lune Atrgrcpingvn b h Ë;oili4io! Toronto Eastern Ruillvy. The 5t-b annuai meeting e! t-bh~ Bar Tae o iikmn, t-b. .1 nadian Press -Association wa kld in visitLons passed ou te t-he o ged -ieltisb The, FinanÇe Committ-ocini their Toronto - on TedyndWs5OU~ o! Porcupine. A shbort- stop wuu mnade * ~ ~ ~ o lirus reoetkec mcudd t-e !alov Wednosday in t-he early niornlng at Southb Porcu- IUg grantOBaetn, o atve twih t-be edit-or 0o!o CavieieL sr, Baero 15.t-bis papen vas préent. Meetings vere pinle. It vas ast-enishing to see the gr 84th, 4cgiumtu4l Baud $50. - belid in tbe King Etivurd H-ot-el, and sie!ftbis tovu, -uilt vitilin the TI wer patitilrl prfit-voyears gsuce t-he disastrous fireo!' whdtby Voluu'teen Fire Co., $50. ere ofparîdeelyproftable, as mut-111 fT É -ubjlec Library, Zephyr, usuai grant-. tos eydeplt-ereet t-o t-be 191.a TW iductloal ommtte mprt-mémibers as publisbers and pinters Goiug on t-o Timmins ,breakfast vas .4ed osî on the application etofvere discuesed. -sonet byPartaken theme, anti uuder guides t-le --ratpayers,ô,>o 7 Pickering, anditb î- hTretoi pca gain t-be extent etft-ho buîldings ad --pl Utoet fxbni Tp.,askiNo ationup-on t-is occasion. A t-vo boums' sailPlant vas a surprise, as was thp ex- a -M po tcfarbnintheratrN -ion ouLuke Ont-aie on . t-be fleet- Of t- he istof t-be openutions~ cannied On. b: w4l e 1<1 li asane . t-re utt-ema-ten.R.C.Y.C. ra. ery enjoyabie pé Ti mine tun u bout- $10,00 )o!f~ Th~ L~ttle granitSo oquip- lude teamgiicu-bnue tM-gel-d Per week. -c We had t-ho pniviiege, eeveyrae lY grànt-ed ut- t-bis gold raine, o!fe seeutilg t-o sec t-le underground Wôtk- t luge. Evry part- o! t-hoper&,-a cluding t-be miii, t-be stntluing plant, t-I N ION BAN Kt-ho maebine, siops, c-tc., vas ebo wu' R. ?i PX, PRÉSISNT. W, D. MATtHEWS. VIO-PRgsrnbr.th itosardlÎ a-edddnýni -- C.'A BOGÊRT, Generai Manaer. f er wus served lu t-be diai>g noin ,v cou wd or $&M,00A. RMsoee l"n.IO00M. Totda lis .. Teta sPOt on t-hie cemàpuny's proç,or Baxking BY M~ail, t-y vbeme. t-ho ret d1scevery cf gold a u m~naeýaà vihrn I«faci, ny Ibanking * as made -was iotm, and' t-l.. vis!iýt- ir#usat vii tII.~ promines.and ors alloved t-o carry aa, bt ! .4 by mail ~t-hoquart-z rock -c- onand A r ~.. ~ #.dd tls erniitiuy fraýenùf or gold"- _ WHI B RANCI.I:A-.-À. ATKINSON, Manager. Iitb !eloUt-he oe i À.-k W ~ H.- 1 ACÇ,- vs iO, aid a elghtly 4~rn 4 - -t-ptcces of- OPerâtiug.vas w{oê - llt-oe, 18;a ganiUcplant,and Ab a lorer almoaget ma'lP$ Catarmh Cure il tkem n ui, .Il v suùiarts dlrectly on the bloodauddmwjus - u* aeâ, -he uy tem. 5énd for "teati.aIliee - Sold b3y al!îggU%.w ~--I- -. Take l'IlS Irainyil, afor Constipation - - N eto C édîté&s.' luthé -nattér of t-he est-at. o! Wl-ý lnLott-, la-te oif Whit-by, jieoas- Notýie lemeby gircu punsuant .to-o I t*ergé-' V., -Chap. 26ý4, Sec. 55,-ad alnendlig Acte, t-bat alpersons---av- kng 'daimzs against -tbe,.egt-ate o! ÈW- lun litt, l.ite e! the< Tâwû ai. Whul b, lain m Couuty 'e On taô-ao, s ed; Who dieti at Whlt-hy U70rabut t-be lith day o! May, 1913,- are 4e-. quimied t-o celiven or'senti by. pu4 t f0 t-ho underilZned, a etatement and.fuli: particulars lu wriling e! thlzir éaims agaluet t-be saiti est-ut-e, anid t-be nu- EARDWILIS.tbemn on or before i t-betth -day cf - EAD-ILIS Juiy 1013. .- St- JOin's C]itLch,- Port - Whltiby, Anti tal;v noli'e-I-e -ait-aýert-h-e saldý was ýtho sCene cio a very pro-tty wed. luet mentjoneti datc tr- exeu -rs o din on-Waincday Jue 4-h, ut.bull the estate'o! t-he sai William L ot-t, past five, wien Mise Enuily Mur-h ctrceused, viii pmoceed to distribute W-lui-s, sjecond daugbter o! Mm.. anmi 'ie estate among t-bd parties entitld Mme. James M. Willis, -vas unitcd. ii)- theneto, having regard oniy - to t-e m'arriage _ t-o Mrl. Darid Erne,;t daims e!fWlîiclitbey ebali thlen 'bave Heard- son o! Mm. and Mme. Josephi bad notice, and t-bat t-le said exocu- Hourd. The bride, ývbho vas- unut- toms wili net- ho hable for tbe said tendeci, vas giron avay by ber fat--ssets or any part thereoft to any on, and 'vas -prett-ilv govned ini white pemeon or pensons of vhosQ& daimi embroidenoti ruile, WiJtlisbatievlace t-bey shal net -e bv«eeie e and sutlu trimming, bier tulle v'>e i e _ being cuugbt vitb a spray o! o îe. GEO.- H. LOTT,' blossonis. She cammied a houia>et of London, Ont.,, cream roses and lily -of tho raliey, A.LBER*T LOTT, - nd vene a neckiace o! pearis ami _49 Oshava, Executors peridote,-t-ho gi! t o! the grooim. Aftez Dated-t-bis 22ud *dav o! May,'1913. t-be cerminny, whic was performc ________________ by t-be Rer. E.A. McIatyre, ot St. Ee __ -Aidan's chuncli, Bajmy Beach, Tonon- uosN tie o Cnd t-o, a vediing «biîakLgt *as senveciIor. - ut tiche omene of-tho-bmide's parentsI- t-ho decorationsr being 'iyi-te hlacs and.- In t-lie atter 'e! t-be estate'o! - Jobn lil o t-o nîiy.Allinigbam -Watseon, laie'-of 'tie -The bride and -groom icit by auto.- ouo btyii -eCutye mobile fer Myntle, te take t-be ÇçP.- Ontamie, Wamohouseinan, deceased. R.: train t-o Smitb's Falls andi'Môn-' Notice is bemehy givea pursuant to trêni, t-ho bride travelling lu a uury section 55, chapter 26, eftht-e statuiis blue -suit vitb Iloven bat t-omatch.! O!ftOntario 1 George V., tliat aiu The churci vas beut-ifuîîy decorat-e 'creditors and tit-ers h*aving dlaiaj vItb vhite andi mauve iluace, antiMr.mi againet t-ho estate o! John AMuigbam Robin E. Nicholson, urganiet o! W. atsun, aeo h ono ht Antimev's churcb, lurnishet t-ho yod- intbe Ceunty et Oneýario, w&rekouse- ding music.1 man, deceaseci, wbo îdied ou-,tir about INGHAM-POWELL. tbe l3tb. day e!f May, 1913.: are ré- quiredtito senti by post, prepaid, or lu tbe presence o! a company o01cieliver t-o A. E. Christian, Whlt-by, tiiends t-bat f116! to ovomfluw.ing tbe ont.,seliciter for Margaret' Ann Met-hotiiet cburch ut Sun Furnando, Watson, Albert Wilson Jackson anti Culilornia, Mary, Irene, daugliter -01 Donald Grant Camc'-on, t-lic execu-_ Mr. anti Mme. F.A. Powell, became tors et the viii o! t-ht deceaseci, t-hein t-be bride o! Etiwin Ambler Ingliai, Ichrifstian names aid sumuames, ud- on Wednesday, May 21st, Rer. Dr. 1drosses anti descriptions, viti fui] ceo. F. Boavard, Presîdento! t-be Uni- partlculars et their dlaims and t-ho vrsity o! Sout-bern Ca-lifomnia, as-' nature o! tlic ocuniiry -(t! arty) helt sisted by Rer. Dm' .«ceo. R. Gruif, by t-hem, tiuly centifieti. pueter, o! t-be cl4unc, porformedti hej And furtber take notice, t-bat alter cermiony. Tic 'bride's.- attendante t-hoSth day o! July, 1913, tbe said were Mme. Geo. I. Cochrane, as mut-1 execut-ors 'viii pror-ed to distnibute roi o! hDor-; Miss Etina Powell, sis- t-be acctoth -e suiti ýeceaseti nmOng t-or o! t-be bride, muid o! bonor ; Mis- t-be persens entt-led theneto, having ses Mary Ingbam ariid Erolyn Da- regard only t-o t-ho daims o! which mun, bniclesmaIids. Mm. Lyma Waitç't-bey shah't-heu bave rýot-ice, and t-b, was beet man. Messrs. Kiciden, Bak- said t2xecutors 'viii not-b li able for_ e! nd Albee vere t-ho usions. Pro-1t-be saiti ussets, or any part thereof ~ctiiug t-he coming of t-be britie, Mis se distributedtito any 'persen or per, Rluth Sidney, of Los Angeles,* sang, suns o! w-buse -clain.t-y- shah net 'Stvcetbeart-," andi "Hew I du love t-heu bave bail notice. tbee'4 lu a cbunminig manner.7 Mies Margaret Ann Wat-son, M4. Fletcher playeti tb eyd-ding Allient Wilson Jackson anti marcli, as tbe bridaI piarty entemeti Donald Grant Camenon, the chur'ch. Little Nancy McCluug1 Execuitors. by scat-tereti ruso-petals in the vuy o! Arthum E. Christian, -ho bride, whe, esÛorteti by ber fat-' thein Solicitor. er, looketi beautiful in a becoing Dated lOtb o! June. 1913.- gevn of whitecharmeuse vitb ail orer lace anti peuml trimminge, and -- t-oarng an elubemute rose point lace -eil. The muid o!, houer, Mise Edna ______________ Powell, vote a- larenden gevum, t-nim- mec! vitb gold lace. The bridosmuide - 'eme lu b-lue andi iaventier charmneuse HO M E$F2 [mmnediateiy f!loiig t-be CerOmonY, a reception vas -heid -iu the 1'rst Nu--fiX OR 8 0 tional Bank auditorium, which vas _______ euutil-iy deconuted vit-i flowerri. - )f Mn. and Mme. F.A. Powell, and 8SkUtW N grand-daughter o! Mme. J.B. Povell, Ra* f1 nom IOeêéoe*I4 bdmt. rbe- early part o! ber lite slie lired it flt Ipgsd Ret - 'ho Mapies, Witby. She le a- grud- Edmoatn md-t d ute af!.Sun Fernado High Srb,1, ut infleIhe ho course at the Unirer-,'. i-t-y of Sauthemn Cali-lornia. On t-he ed24Mim~ nomningoa!tho' edding day t-be stu lets stoie Up te thbe Powell hiome mai - Mdi serehaû'ed t-be bride-to-be Îlth t-be ridai chorus. The vedding vas thoe_ cest to taIre place iu t-be MethOdiet luzcl, àïitdw*js o!, pecial significaffce - * »14 ,$ etbe bride, for-tlie-reason t-bat sie- lad.! - nsisted -bu lay-ing tbe corner -toüe o"-hat -edifice -some t-vo years - The <oatof a il e . -0?8,o. shortban, o. Mn-. Iugbam le a graduate -Ot Edec&troýn utise. -Y f i' ucted au-di wir .wie -Evey, Pull, hok ndeye, at Beargaienrces. ]nd. 64. The fNrdwarÏ.nxJ the Pest Owee~ GRAND TRIJ)NI( Syffl3EMt NEW- SERVICE TOUONTO-SARNIA-MAULT STE. J*UE"M Of STEA~BOATSPECIAL-? ILx. Toreèito>G .8a .-paWed., Sat Bamilton,..................... 3a ~ -. " Sari~Wha'f No. av. Go ..........4.15Pa.-. ~.S. .Marie, ont., Nor. Na. Co .. . i-'hr. un -.0p.m. Tues,,. A?. Port Arthur, Nor. Nav. Co ........... 7.30 ap-MnFrn. Fort Willam, Nor~. Nav. Go........... 9.00 ai]m,'Mon., Fri.-2.SO..Wd Winnipeg. G T.P. Kailway ... ....... 5 m.TusThar., St Parlor-Cafe, Parlor Cars and First.class coaches bqtIweesi Torouto and Sarias Whaf. i. Standard Sleepiing C'ars (electrie lights in lower and iupper berths) GoIonist Sleepipg. <Ja. (lierths free), Dining Car and Coacheti between Fort *411am and Winnipeg. Commenclng Jue lth athrough electrir llgted :tandard Sleeping Car wull he. opertej betweeu Fort William, Winnipeg, Saskatoon and l<dmipaton. This 18 the inauguration of Grand Truuk Lakg apelSbgil Route Service between-Baerýand> WesternCanada. -A s * 1a train will inn the reverse way-froun s.rpla Whari to Torouto, cruniijno Stb, a=deah Tuesday, Friday and Sunday thçrwe. Pull particulars, Reservations on-Steamerox,rpnn, ray be obtained on! ,apljilou. ta, Grand Trunk Agents, or write <.E ONN ,O * ~~~Union Station,TOQ aO.F SpiM Footwe&î We carry only the Latest Styles -'in -Men's, Women's, Girls', Boys' and Uittle-,Tots' Foot- wear, in the finest Jeathers, Patent -Kid, -Patent Colt Tan, Valour and Gun Metal'CaIf, also the fincit of Vici Kid.' Water-'Pro-of Bocots - Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots Wi heavýy oiled grains, Kips and EJk Leathers. Schibol Boots - specialty. .A cal] solicited. - kock stibe 'South, W1Vitbyo Qats. v - tt "y IN -PEEL I -- -' - s, we'éndeavor not tc - -cati-bedemonstrai - tock of,- cuba "ection of-our ýns and Inks, o&d everythingr -,,,plete sock' IsOn - , itionor. WiflT ~1, MARBI4E C ~BEAUTIFîjî MeALS an Golti Mouateî o! other amautt aWe invLt-e yei -IL ianeotrou[ goods. BA A MU 9ý-OF -YGI *ith us iun rega Thons yul ne lime than the-. simple.defecé n plic-atoti. by a more of your e; t-er o! youri oye! t-hem. Our op je complote inE our pnices areai Let us be yc BAS' JEWELER ar WI vrille- ou'Tuesday an nodsuy atteiging t-lie -Whit-by ant i Lndsay Baptiet chur'Ibesf HýOUSE TC -ApplY t-e-F. -llowar Easieat sbôes on e vemen. Dr. Reed's MiY Price, six tiollari -dollars. Tho -cas4 es uins'. The officiais of thle tond sinctere thanke - -- osteses of!ur sistic --weehi-as t-buse of- uer c erous1- anti kindly en nembers of Confer,-a The Women's m-l- Igardea part-y on -Fr June 13, on M-ýrs. J.H -Tea serveti frona 5 o'( - Gooti programato. ta-aiBanti in attenta 25c. Precectis-in aid c iaimfôr C'ciusunm-l We bave paiÈntadsix wth Shervin-W!iàum t-bis saoandti -ey iug aci er nente -for t-he paint. uIt by G-e Ou -Fiday ,iast Il Johih Gibsou,Tieitefl Ontamie, célèbrat-ed semi-centesnial, by gir Govommeut Heuse, numben o! blis fellow g - Rte UJnirersity vere -- Honen je a-- member- ô! 1863. Mm.-Jas7Rutledj 4E. Farevel . !Whitb 4oeinvit-etit-o bho p. gentlemen are ciassina ThIe.gueste ut "-Thte *'Conférence veok 'vwere =--mn, President of t-he' eucel; Rer. Dr. Gmï Wermian, Rer. Dr. W. Joilie, Rev. W.1l R.G.- Peover, Revw Rer. J.O. Totten, Ri -Rev. aud -Mis. Barn!c Sanderson, Rer. J-i -W.B. Honey, 'liev. ý5 ,J., J. Mubior, Mts. -,orgapzer, and. other Prepare 't-e take ln Peterboio ou Weclnes der t-be eemhiued--auç cf 9ngland- anti the !rom-Wbit-hy, $1.0~ -good ion t-vo tnys. - SWelihave t-he-lrg 'to-dàte steak'bu Whi ov t.Large cash - j -t t- 67, F_ ý JOI

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