Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jun 1913, p. 1

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"&&à Removed' 20 glimcoe lI. 8. Oali W, ly,WM4Oixediy, Prlday, '.tbAg.30 a-. rCrownA&ttorneyan y Sciicitor. an i1IIlI$TIAN W, Natar, Poblié. Bts ObPp. Standard Bank' i X PLA CE 0)F' bVEETIN". X 'X At the requat ofai te meiWm X X"berso, a'ýi- Qanrenee who were- - uests cf the.O.L.C., -a coni- X X jfttee-.waf; apoalt'to taýkç X-ý.luta o, n&ideratiOn the passibi-,,4 . 9 1, 'X e rn ia h n tly i ni W h t by iin t eé -x XOntarlo Ladies, coiege. 'Thé - XComm ittee ' it I-'s understood, X X fnterviewe;d Dç.- Hacé, and the X F X. matter Is under, advlie'ment:.' clan, XXXx X-XxXXXL XXXtXXXXXyXX The Generaj' Session of the Bay. o! itby., Quinte Canference apened on,Thurs-,' day- znorning ïmet. The ini.isters lhad tjir tur»o Wednesday tteMn .r s isterial - ýësuj 1- andwhen VE ri -was cIe nThursday AbOut - ý200 < inisteis,and -,,Iaynen were presei 'r'hô lest business -was 3thé- compIe- )rter rorg ftr, whlh the lby the e4. Rev. Wm. Limfbeit, a 0kwad S "a ag a. 'E,, Bar'ilte>r, EtC. lth- Rosyra.p yont. ney ta loasi. Isuer ,eLicenscu. S, "lltIài, Offie, Duada. LdSc No.- 4, fi6e Terrac, Whltby. Phon No. 122. rairbitha.,,Pà tm nusad to a or o>G. Rob, Wlt- 4$EDP AUCTIONEER ND, VALUATORk. c4 *a1uu prousptly jaitad OuMM. n. sab.ma&e for 7 omette o*0s. -~WHtIMy, ON4T. CONTRêCOR8 J. B0WELL JAMES Carpentýr, Builder and Contractor. Plans drawn and «dînâtes furnished. ýeepÈh;.;-Ateratiouu and Jobbing. 'aïtut for, Erastiord Rootlng ox 467 WUIrtisY PhoneI49 lKarvie. Licenseis, Aum. .JJ vetOr anly tender thl~erer-V khuh- -he 1< fçli-pîtipit Vated ta ýS'tati repoÉt, o!.f-i pr itdb-y'-] M. -.W decretary et Conference - lace NE botthe'ttme the meeting wus tO 'have Cammenced, 'alae Ctowd Was.irt atténdance. A delaV ..O liai! -an haut was made, ho wevet, i.11 order to>-allo1(w Vhe people t) ccOnjê in a ter he ea vy part of 1 1 e-6 Izr m' Iad',passed. 11ev. Dean Wallace deiivcectht-e 1Sec.- o nd 'et b is sr es 'o f th r e a d dc r ess s ai thie memnlng ne4sçion ; subje t,,Th<t I Ptewcher." General Coufrecéofip- Cors werc ,mceived also -turing.- - tWi morniù ng, d an-large amouat oru-- -tin è business ds o o i ' -In the atternon m4ny o e el*. 7gates. attended the reèeption ;tvcn,-à~ -"Tbe. -Grange",.by Mî. and M11f'.13 l.- -Laliaw-- At 5.3 cimpliimiay- 1 tea was giveni by the Onfarie-Laies' C-Iollege toi-t: le imbers aifli Co-' I frene-- 'u'the- College iawn. TIiis. - - - - - '-' --- Jw a s fo l iîi we d b y . a c o n ce rt l a th e ' l.ý 4E~~>.IMBERT -. loge- aselyk Hall. - -PreieýL o Conferte -TheIFAcu1ty Mcdi pupils -,'i c wa h~erP'esident; ahRler. -A.M. 1 her lste, and' gaineés -and a Irwin,-aofCannington, ,Secretar-.Alpoedne omd ata Ucpo a _mes was delivered, by -Rev.-VI 1l4kIriine, President c!ic.b Hamnilton At 8.15 the annual meeting of 'twE CnrnCe, and hc 'ws# flloed -Y 'Theological Union was held luafthe" Rerv H.T. Ctospiçy, ti noted crvan- Collège. Rer. Prof. Cunreliy, MA., ~ geliàl,~-who sang 'a'Solo la- addition was fo' have -been'present to give a r temàin aStrong ddes. ' lecture an "The Tombs et Egypt," er ja -the atternoon thec Mayor aud but was unable -to attend. 11ev. Dm.' - nimeuefts e e Town- COuncil attendý- Camnian -kindly filhéd the gap, and C( o thfli Coixictence Imeeting li n abody' 1gave a bnifaddress.- $ and verbally extcnded, fa othe ,del The jeport -ofithe Cnlnmitte -on « gaies a' beatty wblcome ta the 'tawu. Teinpemance and Moral Refonni, Pre e Rev.- Wm. R. Em sley, of, Picton, re- s'enfect in'the afternoan, wns very i-tu pibe onehai ai ic Cnfernce. t-b terest-ing. The report occasioned .a remainde-r o! the eitemnoon -was accuL- 1 good dca!alo i ethusnsinî and cansid- piediargiy 'itb comcit3te u eet aebue debate.- The camnittee tecqg- l inge. Mm. -PFE, O'Fiynn, ] B.A. was! nlzed that the present gorernment, bla' othe program. to give an addre8i, donc marc for the caus e by a more- on the Depnttment o!f inance, but 'vigorous - enforcemna !th 11e ~ ~ ~ 'I "a nvial eaud d than any former governaient -by hav- e couid nat lic present 13111 tbe font ing givenl certain amnendmeà~s ta the r momning. iaw whicb are greatly prized, but if Ia the evenlng a misaienary anniver- is tecognized that "the crisis is upon th( sary was heid, -the preeidiùg .efficet ms.", The calai the coinm-i'tec was being the President o! the L.aymen s8 for fthe adoption e!f tho-aboliis-the- W Association. Sanie most inferesting b-ar poiicy of Mn. N.W. Rawell, K.C., addrcsses were heard on missions. i because if cames nearer provincial thE -Pu lot lenD Gec J.1 splr and ofa I wcî lot belm dral Yi Li nB Ce E Tl IV BI and: BlD Ob" àl a-ail Buolin#*s sub. ta positions as, Book- tenogiiaphors,, snd for an -u Commercial amilistions wiII bei -sIaw's Schools, To-' Centrat-Buine.s Col-, rcity B ranch'Schools) d to A4agcst. a6îth' thii WHITBY TA FRI»AY. on flday -.T4 Sowý- IMÉT ,the plleyo thé. ç0mm-tt ia - élzu r rhip oi 4g, eng an icease a! 317 cvr the lous year. - The mlssionarv contribution, îo u n te il t 't $ 5 0 , 0~ 5 a n in c rca s i 1,870 fr tahefic ear.The W.,~ 'porfect rceiPts '01 $19,M5, an ease of $ ,3 . T he' Educatic id Tempenance and Mora- o axmittes eported ncreases 549 and $504respeaicî An officialI repart' -was madc by. .W. Aikens, Field Sert Ty a emance and Moral.lieform i in wl enoted fthe veny rapid expansion hIS tnost- himpOrtant deparm ýbch relates very closely the'Chr, in church fo the- social lite of Yrs. .. Lewis hrought greet. :Confer-ence froni the W.M.S., ponted the substantial progres ,e branch. A nienorial service was held ie mnisters Who dled- during ca-Rer. G.S. Whit', G. Kenny, i--if lock, W.h3. - Seccombe- andiJ( .Camus. Tlie Conference adourned- for tort time at four o'clock to ait llaying o! the corner stan,. of! ubîte Librarir, and theh hurry Lk ta the church, rusbed fhioug tao routine business- belote Ltfliflom fea. The crcning Session wns the te rance annlvénsary, wiîen fwa ec ut nddresses werc given by fl Co. R. Clame, of Newcastle anld 1ýx 1W. Mikons. The latter gave an,. tring -acdmess an' the Christianizi fthe social order by the convrti d sânctifying o! the Indirictual a saclety. 'ho elosing twa hauts et Couler.: eremarket by putting through bo! business, chiot in Imporai] [g the fluai drafta!stationsf 38-14. TheCchanges frxmthfli l 'f13 are as follows aàrker-W.D.P. Wilson. Iiflret ville...Reb.t »Stocker. shBawa. <MIssoGn--W. H. Truske Cub~.B. Frederick. )air . D. CampbçlI. net j oa-J. Latimer:- ind ay ~ j~e n t.> J.S. M cM un ete-E Raistone. '.lambrayimB. H. Ro-we. Penelon Falls-John fBediard. rO.kOOOd-...niJaUneton. tbllng-A. J. Tirel.- !akvorh-F -I1 Howa rd, S.T.L . ,en6c-A. K. Edmison" B.A. rweed-Chas. ILI Coon. 7 VUMoe-Jolia R. BicIc, B.A. 'rIdgew.ater-..... E. Prair. 3t. Oin-P. Wooclger, Me 1Oowlnýg District C11amni a,àcrswere appalnted: limn; -A.R. Sand&SliFl. su k Cok,~.S Set IS Oâborn n& R.Sec.' î aunee Dlstrict .-.î EOI ,S Txxcker, Fln.Se '~W-D. -lrf.. s- M1 nyidiel-ýàd Ae dlegtesdeparted il;ers of to thelrhowies on -Tiday. Corn é St- t aid-of New ýLrEPINCI a bauls ccunt for e l y < t em T h e c o r n e r - s tfl n e a io t h e n w a - F A A D The az4ie 'Librarw~as 1 ,wehàad tuy -Lyp,.tud imîttee*, laid" -an iManday -aftemrnaan of-a! iei qI show- "ek, with the - usual împasinMg cote 68 maïnies.- Unc4er- the auspices of! -tbue TOIRONTOM Qld 1Girls'. Association, whýfoAhave ~ . b c h g a ain es .aof the 1 mtove- , . T B ' ' mýent for the rcto ff theibrary Wùdé-,IC T B Y B R - a nH l>uidng "te emony ja ttenId-- by a wealth ôo.:decaratian, which, adt- e. AhfClIsag e .mi Brooklj <C-A. MC1ela, T4 nr Nwcuo., ed atériaîly -ota -- interest. of the'~ot e~ -Red, white abnd blue gtreames were t fuc n.evidendB,, and brandie of 4irees were -Üsed, -ta' add ta the, biar- ~-nn the- sc,_____- Alarge* crowd asscnibleil at four ____ oy, tho for thnt- 1e - By he4. rdue of Quinte ( çnfcence, in session hre hemDo inion ý ov enGt avmn ecn& V O y a î rt a u - , a d o un_ , n d V i e t he d t o R a W - S u g a , a r v il e ge i s o pe n ed t o 4e a l e s t -crawd surroùndtig -the building was gasaduty onper t thus mudli .augumentd. Sflk kpjy heir CsorIsa oýwer priées, We availed oursel- and Priuoe Albert- cents abau.d W utoesa Mayor 'WilIis. presided, and de. ves of thls priv Leand are-o slln , oc tôt the plattornài with hlmi Rev. -Dr. ~ tir,-Rv. Wni. Linhbert, ReV. M- R .ýSexSv1iDr.,Bayle, Rev.,Mr 18. o pat b:E ta Sa d r ranu. G190,ý--ev.G.5A. -MeLean, - W.E N, Sinclair, k.P È 4%udèeSmith, :Jas Bfl l ,80 1e. .Rre led in pra'y'er. he nbd,- which liàd ebliging.. Jnei the, m nith to plant 'Geranium's anid-Témato:- pre 1 turne4 aout to celebrate thie event, a- played "Praise Godt tram whirn alil - a S.June is hère and we -havîe the Geran.iums., e of BlCssi11g, ' Flow," in the siugig of S Which1 the audience joined. I :rThe Cbairma f the Lilrar-v Board, N _ L E & _0 anal MrAH. Alp;Mton lace& a lhon' W W !aorm beàîýath the stone, containîag Copies WI TB N RI Of aete paper-,a capy -etli- M r bu s d e n m i n a t i o n s , t h e n a m e s o f t h e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rem members of fthc Tawn Cauncil, Li- n ojl Mr. Jamnes Rutledge,, Clairnian ofY ~ nr, the Bcgard of Educa3o, and for many 1 ri t pne ars à m e m er of"thé' L lrary Board I I 'U " W~S- O hlO u an-t~ ay the stane. -j lA ~ Ali. Rutledge re!errM ta this as a _______________________________ ings proud moment in the history af the and tOwn. ,The new lubrary building, of would 1111 an, iniportant aneed in "the! community. There was no other anc> for thing comparable ta lit. He hoped the the institution wauld ble much used. He S119 j. was praud o! the Old Girls' Aesocla-ý ohu tien whicli had dane so mueh Lowards making Possible the erection of t'hiý asplendid building. 'IThe Whitby LI- Orpie hsya r sflos ýi-nd beary was ance o the best scietcted Oufii-siisyarar1s alas the hiaries in t-he, ProVince, rhe ituno jFlig was hen swung into position, and .2iant Sugar Mangel, 1 lb. pkge., 38c. ;h a droppect into place, Mn. Rutiedgc tnp ad. lied if with a cliver trawcl, and de- YJo eito 3 claned it welI and truly laid. Perfection Red " 38c. em Rev. M.E. Sexsith waq cenle- iip- :cel- an ta bless the laying af Lhe stone. Giant YeJlow, Intermediate bulk, 35c. le. 11ev. Wni. Limbert, President aif1the 1l.pMe,3c ?V. Conference, was tl4n called ui*-in ta jumbo Sugar Beet il.pge,3c In- speak. He spoke Ini his official Ca- j âng congratulations tram thfe members of ~- 1<tthe C nference. Short sPeecheé wcere dellvered,,-by .2e 11ev. G.A. McLean, Rev. Dr. Boyle, MIr. Glaver _.EN;Sinclair, M.P.P., -A %. T L Aa .c i jc Mdjudge Snù_lthJ far The addresses Were ail of-a con-igatý- HIB ,O T Irt uiatory charactfr. W IB ,O T The band braught the proocedlnges Phones: Bel], No. 47; Independent, No; 47 toa a0close Wvth the National Ant hemi. Thc weather -beng extremnely chuMY ____________________________ ,e. ýnade it rather ,uncamàfriabl ettad- mg"about duning the proecedinga, and the cereraonles .were nat unduly pro- ionged. - len- ATr1 D1K P rI 'S HARDWARE % v G e t our prices for, ~,yi 1'~ tans - >Out- bour in

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