Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jun 1913, p. 8

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Mrs., W. J. Haycra.*t bas e0n iâ itUng la Oshawa. '. patronizoi! thils seaàn. * Msses Elale and 31eru.Vipoààd àt« té -itie« In, Shirley this weelc Mrs. Bowles bas been- va14 - fe. Miss, Isabel Walker i W TuÂb15 ay oru Io eëW&~ vfriands la Myrtle. 4. 1&6 j -Mr_ Gardon 41a11, of Brantford, -- lu- Iý1tiieý ,i1OtO0,fL '-, 4 spent the week ehd with bis -parente. V-I Dl ô Mr$.-D. Hollid4, rtumneý:tb4 in. f rem a visilW tirelativw a inUiS,0 rt B fVn~t States. Ht *1>a»4 - Mr. ibe-rt Chinn andfamiiy, of To. h ozi-1 rtosp Sunday wllh, Mn. Chinu E agae of-Our lVihA liere. -* 014People th oul.béha'PPY, adie Dr. Jas. Moore vas lu Toronto IiU b. f ObubelaiV last wcek attending the medical con. take' o fl<>S tehen ie itioij ua ventiop. 4 keep -th1e irowelg régiij. Ilm3e, bah. There wil- le no service u lelathe are mld .and gentle iË Uifr o., Méthodist church boere, owlng l.the on'-and espec4lly -uitable for p e(- Conférince ln Witby. - gt PlO Of rmddle ae au! 'bIdePon nirae The Indepéndent Telephene Co. haveý by al dealer.-.ô2. bêen-installing ma'y new phones l and around Brooklin. . M ITE- FOR ALEUri. Percy Kenir visite! vitia friands A quantity of cemelit. Apply. to in MamhesIeIst wft. e S*m. Manning, Brooklil. Mr. admus. N. Wilson sÏpent u. Miss Olver an! Miss Go!ortb, voee ~l 'h1~ delegates t teW. missidnYIflObill issB-aendl lstn-a e held In Toronto thýs veek. home boue. Mr.W.A.- Hollîidiy an! faily, ând Ms eleTrio ssvl lins. T.J. Holiiday weenl the vil- MisNll avs f'Ohwl lage on Sunda, , pý . Ydide*i w itliber -Parents.-, It fsto b hope theýT'o"nMiss"ÏBalsdons- o! Whlf, :speut SU'- I0ùtake osh h'pe to eTo W""pvii-dAY vlhfriende lare. intae tevrepain 50111 te lb. i. Chas.Bdy asuOhaao uidewalks l h illage.. la ýseveral Saturday mt places it la really danegrous.- M.F.rlasonlltdla Pr Th eua etnÉ "f the W«P Perry I*st. week. m S. of the Methodigt chunoh vwiilie M..onBuisetth wk !i4 pV the home of Mrs. A.O.-bcl. on! la Whlthealoweïk al 9,89 da gf1IOii J1II «, Ms.Todi!tgIs living her bouse The- marriage took, place lu tle pie,oe. fe uh o t Yeebytçrtall citurch, Edmionton. Q-o s bigmn qddagher o Wedpeday1 .lune t Poflorepoe Stuatiord, are vlsitlng the formoýi u' Me uhter of Mr. and: Mrs. Mal. brotber, Mr. KG. Smilli. coum MeCrimmon, to Dr. R.S. Broad *J- Messrs,, C.A. . oo4feIiOW ahd -Wm. of Edmonton, con o! Mr. Jarnegt Mav, of Whtby, vere lb 1h'village Dr. 1W.'J.-(Jerrow, V, S.,' who -la onFrlday. ,sufferîlng"from rather a pain-fui iI}ne~s Severul from bohre- attende! the cal1e- the res uit Of an injury received, wli4 bratim n l Port Perry orrTuesday lie uflable to.attend to his veterIuary Iast. practîce (Or eùnie days. There vii li e no *service_ la tbe Word- has' been received trom r.Mtolstcjcbhoou Sda --Chas._ Bowies, express auditor for thO next, owlng to the Conforence. bving Casadian Nortlhern llailway, vitb held In Whitby.- ýheadqarter5 at. Winnipeg. He lias Thero ise1no real nea! of anyoue Just returned from Athabasca Land- being troubi-ed.. with constipation. lng, the most northernly railway Chamberlalni's Tablets wilI cause au- point; This parto! the country lgea-e. atmn ofhebwl arnge ne ravl ,bfins-bue ithout any unpleasaut offeci. 0-1v. aesendlng representatirvs ; aUl de- tliem a triaIt For sale by ail deaiers noma-laions are sending their mis- sionaries some of whom are mÉoving -52, on to Herschel Island. While the - luroads o! civlization lbave-t.bir PICKERING. atamp upon the, inliabtahnts,- Vhs In- Pickering football team won thoir dians e ment t, and very muny ýare first longue ganiao! the'season aet pnoparIng for thoir long trip Vo the Bowmanville on May 24th. Tbe score Anctie Circie. was 4 to, 0. Wheu youn clii!li as whooplug Mns. J. H. Bundy is necovering sat- ougli' be' careful tb keep theccougl Ilsfactonily a! 1er ber meent operatilon *-loOSa6 and orpectoratlen easy.by- giv- lu Toro>nto Goneral Hospital. lng Chamberlaiý's Cougli namedy as Wm. SpînIr, sn., dia! ou Fri'day, ma&y be. requifred. -This remady-willi May 23, lu Toron7tô,- at the age - o - ajso liculfy tbe bougli Inucous and!'"2 yegrs. He was for a utmber of 1uake lb casier -toexpetorate. Il bas- years a resident o! this townships anld --SEE.OUR LARGE STOCK 0F- -Cockshutt, Fleur', Wilikinson and John Deere PIows, Corn Cultivators and Scufflers.- r Frost& Wood Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay Loaders, Etc., Etc. A-large stock on hand. of Carnpages and Harne ss -ur pricos on WIRE FENGE are rght- Disney,.Puckrin, -Whitby, Ont. Aiependent and Bell Phonos. -'emm THE -BROOKLIN HARDWARE STORE iirchiie Y-our' Wire for-this 5eason liag gy-at quasntÎies of vine fonce, and eau give qality eSqual toa nythingon the market. Wby a. home for goodà vheu, yon eau purchase the ,Our dqor? - No nioney dovn until you get your goods.9 vostigate for youirself._ 5 Btr FencO, 27 Cenuts per ROo I Sar Fenoe, 29 -Cém>U spop Rod. suc,o eaya l6Oklhaparpt, 35 llot. Gates ai: th. Iowosî ýpuloo. -- - sereing' ' te- lav 1! E-' lie free to-'doclde )n. ive evideuce or noi bmuTe. Fr - a r ail - MYRTLE STATION. lin. Leonard- Rosa, 0f'Torou .to, vas home oer Suniday.- Mr,n.d:!Mns. Geo. Beacock netuu-f e! home on Frlday last. Mn.DM. Johnson vas in our bidet u eyak. 1fr a! Ms.T. Wilson an! Iamllyý speut the veek ou! lu Croenjt. MisOlive -VanNent is vlitlng fnIentisIlu Oshava. SMn.- R.: Brfttoun Hvelok va homeover Sundy. iThere la, 101ako! a nov.ilveny to1, 'atart soon lu Soutliytie. Mir Mu. Mur-7 Terv'ls visite! lu Car2ý mont las vak. MLss .Isabelle, Waiker, cfrooklil, lolli!ay. -- M.Roy , n er loftion -MSnday 'gait b atarI <espatcblng inu Have-1 M4ss Clar,,, ChlshoIn,-, o! Toronto, Is spoudîng lier hn1ldys ai beér home hère.~ Mr. au! Mus. Norman Hughson, ai OakvIllo, apont a fov !ays vibli Mn.i an! lira. John Hughson lmut vek. 1 Mr. and lins. AlbertI Plekard, o! Bowtmauvillé, motored oMi. J. E.1 tBeacock's on Thunsday evenling last.i For'flair Iiealth - Uf Rexali "s93" flair Tonic do«r mot Improve -tb. health otyow "cal a -!hair, we vil paytoï o!a , ynuse durlng thiMtis -We coaldnoet 80 airo'ngi endprse -- euai '93 "Hair Tom sit <lconinue to MeR ilt t the anme people if it did not do all we dlaim. Shaul! it flot prove etirelyaaIdfcoyarcl tomons would =slo aith lin ureus.we Would loue their patronage, and! aur business wvould suifer. If your bain hs faling out o o suifer any scalp trouble, vebeee Reza l "93" fHait Tonie vill do more to eradicte dhe dandnuif, giva liealth ta the scalp, stimulate new hanr growth an! prevent premature bal!-- nesa than any other huxuan agency. We vant ta Make us prove- tliu. W. ajc to riait no mone vliatevan. Buy nbottiaolRe l "92" "flair Torde, use it accordieig ta, directions for thinty days; tIen if ýYou are net enbirely satisfieti, corne un! tell us an! va vil promptjy band -back the money you paid us for it. 1 We woa't aak you lg t anny- thing. non aven to bring thé botule back. We won't obligate you -in un>' va>. Wa viii talc. your mare won!. Could anything be more fuir? Could we do anylbing more ta. prove oun beli.!in Reai " 93 " fair Taule, anti Our lioeaty oi purpose un reeoi. mending it to, you? pae l" 93" flair Tonie is a p p1as. ant ta use nssupring water and has -but'a feint, pleasing odor. It cornes in two sizas of botties, 50o and $1.00. You eam buy PRaxal! "93"f'lair'Tonie ia tlim comnnunitiv offlv ak -"- store: A. H. AL1UN. WMitby 1MW JM9iW m Ontario There eBazil UStore in neaulbr ow &W cSiCty int1 United StatesC= '& Gra r T hoý I n a Sdifférent Rexa Rearndy for nei o rdinary hunian 1M1-- euab suy Z= for tha partiedu rut OMSg Stores LINDSAY. A emooth customer, paasing as a farm baud, bas been vonldng qulta a game around Lindsay during the pnet fev veeka, an! sevonal farmens turaaten te maire lb iutereçting for LIm sbould tbey run acrona bis tracks. Thbe .stranger maires ht knovn tht bho is anxlous to sacure vork oni the fan and, o! course, bas no trouble lra striklug a hangain, owlug bt he pra. ruiling ucarclty of Inria banda. Ha aks hgs employer Vo mccompany hilm oý th. station or freight shed ln or- der Vo soctire lis clothing.- Aften con- -ideaalle lime lu vaste! in the searcu for lis apparel, 'île fanon lu ls nform- ed by tle amootlli ndividual tht bis- cloîhes are ai the express office mad could not. lie lacune! until certain charges are pal!. Being. short ot cah, thxefarmerla pan liaille! for a uan, and the "fanm han!" depart, wever Vo return. Inqiies mmde af l. express o7ffike reveal bbc tact bliat le game lias heen vorke! on more than one occasion. p i s c ni ti ti Good A&l Rouffd aidtb odhathad&b slrigbComormd cheerful.e ness'whichdepend on thecondi.. - lion of helth-are th'e.faoug, thn-teted sfe and, speedy BEECH4EIM1 PILLS &W d.oeywhswlb.. asisb --No-Coal to aqua -xcranton for r ,-ujzaianfs cLr- Canùl fr -ire-lim aidgates :snnioel r& lacse an .-n!ate. eorgaCreek for al l indi of -suith- rk .,Fresb mimd. Weleadinu quality and quantity. -RBow, ConsIdere! to, haVe bthe;,Most luxur-- lant anti beautiful hair -in New Yonk. -- ,Mina8 Rector ,says,* "I n!acran -W IB M RK S- pleasuroýin nacommending, Sakgeine, as .ITB M R E S I knov Sageine 4Vobha-a real henefit - to vemen. I lia! a very liard lime trYiag Vo dress my hair aice hefore ,AIR*, dorer, per b«a..811-00 tcs 12.90ý I 'use!_- Sageine.-- If:d-dn't - matter - Whitî, U (LOO. ....0.0 0.85 what style the hair was being worn W'.se whi ...... ...... 0.80 bo 0.85 my hair was always too dry anrd ite W baaétosa....0 .5 . lacs to dress properly. I suffered WhVlat, _.pulng ...4....... 0.801.I085 with dandruif more or- less,- andi my Whsat, faO... ... .....o0.65,b$0.9 lair feu out unlil it -was tIbm andi ....()M....0,51 00 ragged. My mother urgeti mna b use Bra... ... .......1.08, b 10>Ai Sageine ns a number ol persons lad ..... .. . )7 o07 reconirnended it to ber. I used il fin- R-........ ...... ..... 0.85 10 0.7 aIIy, andi was only sorry tînt I lad BudkwhOB .........0 t'>0.5 111 leanne! of it long before..Sageine OmIs......... ...... ).30881.0.88 hlas made mnv lair just as -nice andtiWRt Clovar..........0b90 aoftad mxi hclias you cee it. I lavej been commente! verv mudli on ius-un- PLOUR- AND> ?EED. usual beautv.-" Sageine isùiow sol! fniii Whithy, anti c6sts -50 cents a largo I 1101W, P& CVI.. . lie.-t.711. &0- bottie. Be sure ta go Vo .J.E. WihNiby' MML.5.t5 e... . . UO..1 ta0 .1 drug abore-other stores don't -have Bron, par tn ..ý.. ..8mu1081.90 Sagelne. Shrt*per ton... ... ..- ..27.00 Io 28.00 TO HELP SMALL BREEDERS. NATPOLR AN PO»3 . H Tl.4 Beof et a ot......10.00 b 110 Cattle, liv, welght. 5.50 té 6.50 I*o, oé ... ... ... ... .00 t. SZM r.gs, seleet ..#- .......* o o8»18té 5.u C>slckensp pe lb .. . . .16 té 5.18 Duéu, ppu lb ............ .18 <oes -re ;i;;rlb..4.18 b 0.18 Turkeo, dressai!, per lb. O0.18 b#'je Butter, par lb.....1.... .28 to 0.8 Npg,P: p&Wd~., now laid '0.22 to0.025 Lard, pa lb.. ......... 0.1S81té.90 Potato.., per bag .....1.00 te b APPles, per barrd. 1...10o8.00 OrnIOns, per bag, .1.0010o 1.25 Haj, -Mr ton..... 00to 15.00 RIDES.. Wool, Mwasb.d.... . ..0.11 té 0.18 Conf sllka, a l w .. ..0.18 1. 0.1» Lamolsiatssué ..76 té 1.25 Ridge, per .. ... ...8.00t .0 Sbaapoklau... ... .......78, te 1.15 Dascom ......... ...... 4 .25 te 0."5 Houm es ..d.. 82-U b 8.9 Talio. u8 w .4.. .8100.0 Canadian, National Exhibition Making « Special efforts Vo Encourage 1 le Smnll Exhibitor. The prize lisi o! île Canadjàn Na- tional ~Exhibition, Toronlo, Auguat 2Srd to Sept. 811, la boing-distrih- ut.!, and it hshvthai the manage- Ment bave'given 1h)ecial attention Vo bbc agnicultural department genally andti Vothé'encouragemient ofbte umnallOn exhibitor in particulan'. Iu cattle, more monaey la gi-von bo libi the boa!, and dairy classes, an! the lat bas beau extende! so that lu SOM6i classes, ns many as eigit prlzes are given. Thus the amail breadan wibb a 900d animal- is particularly etiro of racouplug at leasi a part of bhe ex ne o! shipping Vo ToronVo. More mbney la also given to Honti- -culture, Flonlâulture an! Poultry. TPh. aubine iai botals 355,000, andi as no Prizes are -givén for manufactures, eveny dollar o! ibis goos to the - pro. ducta of tb. homo, the sohool, bbc fanm, an! the gardon. The special attractions bhls year ara feaVure! by tîrce higl-clasa bande -rtbc Irish Guards, an! one othen from Englanai, and Convays -baud froni Chicago, vhile or the spectacle, "The BurnIng o! Rome," il la enougli Vo amy that t iliil be stage! hy John Heuderson, of Englanti, vho has put on militheobMg spectacles Dl necent years lnBnitain.4 Heart Trouble. When Unic Acd! le dissolve! fa tle hlood lbthiokens bhe hlooti almost to' a jelly ; tibis laht causes the heani to flutter andi seeni Vo stop l>cauase i- is veakenle! hy île airain urilaici! puts ou lb. AnVi.-Uric Kl<h4cy Pilla drive oui ail unlo acid poisons tropi bbc system. They are ch-c an! sate, and guaranteeti by J.E. ilis. Sec tht lbe name lî., V. Marion las on tle package.- WITNESSES GIVEN A LESSON IN LAW. On Fnlday Police Magistrat. Clirk vent fa Coldvaler t ait.on Ilic Illqor casa from Ëihirsîde. John Fian- igan an! Hemn O'Conor vene charge! - lVb beiug drunir ln a Local Option localfty.on Monday, May 12, ruhey were bail fous! gullty'su! flue! M2 an! cobé e'acb.-- The chie! lutereet lu lb.ecases, con- lar aub con o! the vbess 3IIè ai tIboni decl ine ' gfyiveldence O&-bbe groun! ttaI licbad! ii@b r00elr ed vitucas fées. nHo îs ,:giron tbun- Iensiand. tuat thé ýfret IIiBI no feul has beau ,pald'?ie'no différence ai to his, !uby, ai! as be persiste!,- lhé *88s-sent the b.lockup tota lk-- 1 or. .:o: ýï eur, th was- t c t4 01 et di bi tc ti ICOIN& D'UT '0F»-j BUSINMESS!m Yes, wc ard putting cnippies every class out of business. COUNTY op O1NTÂRO, 1. wUIB-is-.L adisl Clr;Whitb- Jai. 13;o. July, Spt.8, et.21 Nov. 7t Oe.ý 4. Jau. Jie7 7,, 4-4., !LSHAWA- M i . ri aito.l Woo,elrk-a. 4Jn,. ,mar.6, map. Oct. * 7N v., &DN. i, JA , 914 3. BFOGR IMY-_J. Gliss=,168Ms PoodPé, Clrk- - J.17, r ,Ma'f Ra6, uly 7 8, Sept. ,Nv.j, JNov. S, D19, 914 Por aryd.,Clr-.Jn17Mu.7 MaY 71, July 9, NSept"a. 6, ov.1 1914. 5- CA1NNGTON... Thos. H. Faste, Canhiugton, clark -Jan. P, M". là; MKa>'14, JuIy 16, Sept. 10, Nov. 820, Jan. 15 114 6Bp£VlERMJ2o Jas. M. Gordon, Beeton# Clerk-Jan. 8, Muar. 12,- May '15, July'17, Sept. 11, Nov.-1», -Jasa. 140 1914 7. MTERGROVa .--DanWIeLonard, ÂlbAter4e, >Clak- jan 7, Mlar. il, May 16, July 18, Seqt. 12, Nov. ,18, Br Ordar, J.- IL FABWM14 - ci" of the-_ uas. Ilali a etWhtbpNv. I. 1918,lU Spmk Milis 1 FLOUR.- WHITE-SATI?# C99AU-BUNS BREAD AND CAKE MAKERS TRU£- FEED:.-- SPECIAL P)RICE ON CORN QATS fEED WHEAT Feed Wholesaie ini Ton Lots. CI h*ing Ev.ry Day/ S -rciaJ: OALWELL'8 MOUS&MEAL J, L. SPINK LIMI-TE!> lot 110W 18 IT -BEIIGDO1-1' ' By wearing our Orthopedic' Boots, and you licar neakick We receive lattera anti cgrds simi- lar to the folo i*ng: - Dean Sir,- - Your work la giving perfec> satjufaci ion.> Naue oftTeèguest -rWhitby's Oaly.Repail;'Sbop Broclc St. South « Tbe Coab of 9-Buoinesse r orhn Educatloan ntheharlan EAI F~ELURE, 0 159 ougs St.. TOx .,Cartage andéTT Bs S i cS , p w r c h a im g . i e b u s i n s fk q u 5f[r. Wiffim liauport, vo ehavt bom fa v o red v itll a 1ve ' la g e p a t e o n s and we an u ar feé 'gthe ýp buw f Aiôrdars forean$ng-furniture e oving , cartag é of fr eagl, Évam s l ~leaurs riis, ec., iiireoeive Our yery bout iattention ru - oa m s liv oy in ï, o . ?bhono No4-9 JOS. HEAD- _SONS HOMESI T Maitpba,SasI Alita Each Tuesday untiI Octd mýsVes Via Cicago or Edinoui..ama vru PPropo* tlw o ratés ti Return limit to ruonth. Threugb Pullman -Tou Caýrs '0'" oporaeai te Wli out c-hange,:vlà-Cbkago lcavloeg, Tboroùt,1.0 Tickets are , also' on sa and Northern Navigation( Full partiçuL-arsani! rese Graýnd Trunk Agents,. oi Horiiing, D. P. A,1Union onto,-Ont, anid especially- ]E. STMPHI n Tova Agent for Èzpreu, eegphOffce, -oppoi Bak htby, Ont. - R aE tm p frm uots, Wl LavenderI ZENI is a. rehiabl>e di. odoruzer for ces GCABOLE( COH- are usefuil fe Drugqisî a MEDICA -The Cause of.Die - Adjurment OOsultation Fret.- At Whi tby oney .lNO. E. FAR -- Barnister, County Olo - County -south wing B arraer. liGtr Ofiçe, Brock St., O 4 money fJAMES RUTLEflI jMoney- to. Loani kce immnediately - Whitu, --G. VOUNG- Beiter, Etc.. ýMo JAS.- 5 elaa, Liensad-A aor ter- L. Pibnr date&-apply bsl WM. AND VALi -Ukntsof saes ~ Tar ins eonable: Bail ant ilndependu WlIITBYS, O O N T ' A J.HOWELI CarÈentçer, -Buildr S Plans drawa and -estî epal.Alteratitn Agent for 1Branti Box-467 WHITÉS Marriage lasuer of >arna Corner tio-vîtnesasregnire!. -For courses in al J jacta Ieadlng tàp>sii keopens orStenogra CÇivil Service au!d Specialists',examina conductad in Slaàves ronto, (The.CentrK loge witldfoui-city Bn fronz july 3rd to Ati year. Students mayentar au oral cotirses. Naeactil 4- &U lDe 1És and 1Mt il Wii psy you in1@ M!i spetiéT or Don't be mii.! b4 aot anqiloy 1Mem s amd!do a- &H me- le par eesaI, vwieh y 4619 by pudasing h A CalSSoa - VH(12 Aidw tgl...- -4 - J jGoInzaaut1m~i J111% SYSTEM à Ci fùnf. FI 1 1 Il ir ,. il,

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