Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jun 1913, p. 6

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produis At 1ui~ bakerm. luir ul i '$4.6d. -Ontario wut,-tic.. Û*R$ti sud. ,è-'d Oats-Ontaio.catit, 44 tb iMe,0 1 siatit at el14 te âû, un trauck, xrorona,. Wye-n <Janaaa-04.w, 40à sor 1. 2, and at â3i140 fer 1ii. cBay vori» rOmei1 1%a-aJe ~T~t4la purlY Inomial. Co-4 3Azerluan con,.64~11Zoan. t"an suai 591-Zo1 li< g$tkw eat --No. iZ &t 62 to 6ô,oukl> llrau-Mainitoba bran, $1? to 411.50, tu baga, Toronto zreigut. biior;u, $19 %0 Country Produoe. uteDrfyprinta, chiolce, g3> 4ç, Il*ro , 7tuo 19e; ereasncry, -16 toi2gofor roia.ai 125 to 27o lor mo;.ds. .Kggo-<ae lote. 20 10 lpiere, a"d, alb Chesese-il 1.4 to 13 10,1or tc,,,.jnâ lu 140 for -large, oldo heaae.. 14 6.0 1414ce.' Beana1±a&xd-pie=d, 010ver buahol;ý prime", $2 te $2.10, ins a Iobbint . way..# 'lloney-Extraoîed, lin tins, 12",410 1,30 per lIb. for No. 1. wholeaaes oba $5 o 3per doma for NO. 1. a $8240 for bu,. 2. Poratry-WeU-fatted, ceudypee aook--Chiikens, 19 to ZOo per lb.; towlý, 16 tu 17.; turkeya, 20 to 'Sic. Live piol try, about Se lower 1h55 thi .a>o, Potatrae-Ontarlo stock, 66a o peb;,%Iï» "u truek. and Delai aree aIoOc»er bag, <èu truck. Prévisions. Bacon, lont clear, 151-2 le 15 6-4o pe lb., in case lots. York-Sho6rt eut,. $28; do., mess, $22. Hama-Medlum to lîghîz, 19 toe266; 8savy, 17, le 180e-, oila, 16 tu 161.4c; breakfast bacon., 20e; backa, 23 to Lard-i, market lu lirmas. Tierces, 14 1-2c; tuba. 14 34q; palle, 15e. Muild Hay and. Straw. J Balê hayNo. at012 te 012.50, on track, Toronto. No-. 2,.M*11. M ha laquoted at $10. - hy Baled. Straw-Good stock'ait lu to *8.60, -ons traek, Toronto. -Winnipeg ma kat. Winnipeg, .une 3.-CaS -Wheat-No. I Xortheitn, 94c; No, 2 Northern, 911-Se; No.i .1 NOrthern, 8ie; No. 4, 83 1-2e; No. 5, 175e; i No.0 , I 72c; feed, 58c; No. 1 rejeted, seeda. 'i se12e; No. 2. do.. 85e;- No. -3, do., 80 3-4ci; NO. & t.oig 82c) No. I red Winter,- 95c, NO. 2 rod Wintei', 921.2c, No. 3 red Win- e ter,,89e; -NO. 4 red Winter, 84c. Oata- NNo-W, 3MO; NO. 3 C0W .I321.4c. extra N .No. 1 feed, 34 78c4 No. 2 feed, 31 1.2e. ]Barley- . 3 471-4c; No. 4, 461-2e; reWet. -4d, 421-4oe; foed, 42 14-;FIax-No. 1 i.. - W.0l, $1.14; NO. 2 C.W., 81-12; No. 3'.W., al aug iaa t Montréal. lo yellq w, 66 1- 612c. Oat-Canadian West. p erra, NO, 2, 41 to 41 1.2e;- Canadian Weat- P era, iNo.e3, 38 1-2 to 390.' Oate-Exxi No. -J ! 1 food, 41 10 41 1-2c. BarlOY-Man. feed, ti 49 to 6ke malig 61 to 64c. Buekwbeat-- lt.,5 060e. i-a>. Sprint wheat 'e atenta. firata, $5.40; seconde, 49;srn ba5. ' 04.70; Winter patente, ooco 06.6; traiglit roliera, $4.71 o 648 stralgbîroiera, baga, $2.15 W10$2.30.Rolle<if oats-Barrêea, $4.3b; baga, 90 lbs., $2.05. Bran,_ *17; shorts, *19; middlinge. *22; the moulle. $26 to s32. ilay-No. 2 per- on *bar iota, 814 tu $14.50. (leeae-iiebtîb3 Westerne, 1218 10 1214e; flnea( caisterne, h i1112 t 1 34C. Butter-Cho Insî rea . ry26-2 to 27c; seconde, z5 1.2 Wa 26c" 0gg-Presh, 22e a elected, 25c; No. 1 stocB 23c- POtatue-P'er bag.t car lots. 60 W 73cj. United-States Marketa. fo LlvèStock Mairkets. otrera], May 28.--Cattle"-Receiptea 500; end sprinsera. 8o.,erahveB, 1.500; ehecp la-br, 6W*, hisoo, O(i.eee, 71l-4ô -Aci med!ium, 5 1-4 ta 0aven 7- onsn L ilé o s 3 omn 6-1-2e.-,Ssee' * 0 70 eacis.Cle, , hepabout 6e. SPrnng Iambe, ,86 eraci. Hog, about us 34C *na June -Cattle.-Choîce exp tp iS7.2 __ chnied% -go edium-o,! $051cammon tedea-Oleetro, -25; yearîng, i beaty feedenh ,ru an,! aprlas k- as,! Iambe- heavyy, 64.01< o xigW-, ;,buôeS WEJ5,L-ROI o11 utchers, $8.60 -ta-O 1,6 tao 86M*-,comma .50 to 86.uîo,*s ca- 0.0 uttene. 03.25 to I , 5 to 7;oisoçte, 700 to 1M oelu., 04.50 tiI *2.10 ta 03.50; extra 1 a900 lbo, 0-8 os 0.2. s rers-Proni $4& *6.75. b -Liglol Oles, -5.50 ta ha S5, liambe. FOaninge, 8 4-60 ta -85; apnlng an 0eracis. Hoga-09.iî. hiE .50 to 09.60. !.o.b., and! Nf P'E BROIKE. Co - -fiSi ktý'rOwùed lào Four oný rom Oslt -ga-ys - - tu--aia ni4e! -, W puai a aedroêra flite MyMTý I, E V. we.glves cr-4' foç<> à h,611 -. - * ~~~~~~a ù t o f' P u b lie ' ort à k fl rIi . sa a -i s e m b e r 'o f e1h 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B I G ._ __-s i h ÃŽ1v ion, 1t çre M 1s 1 4 w k- a e. - - - Ilso. aK. ihre*a a 514nlgt or b~<o D! Or dr ýinlustrial tlnrestTakes -the Form of -a -Umitid for - Gréai Britalu. - h1i deeass onfomppr ROITgARNG BO D Lor d -A véb ry, tii. notedE ng ieh on-temper a-nceor -.otien asn.P ltcal sub- M ini u m a g e b y nsk lle W o k er b ~ er, scie ti sit and a uithor, la laeats. as 3b hs i dgh te l . a n oI-fI N M L L D E N O m P A I - - aste, as tle-s1 gseatauthority.'on a ed.- literan an oîmca quebtions, waa ,by A£1, ooqooo, suit -was commenced Vru-o~heofedaae,» ewlgal uns A dapt<h rom London says iof dl , 0are '<fia-dr ountry"in Londo gi: drcos fteý grz file' wsolge ewesli ,cnénn After a period of com'aa e amworkrers. EgihM.on opn, - n:f117 oial,-Ifawt . -nwfor fiveteti inheEgIshtheraîwoilaThhcrer'ctikrters'ortKig Goreai. -Que Mr pflgnlî0fevrtpooat5nonwie *dCoian wili' led te aevral exctingconliçs»w-ë gv'r --bg oati n odo lwas possible rfor test contend."e seria -f ete èd eicitng.oppoacs xreeaivhiaghvatonreyonm"iiid. The nmina1 interest ha hoenou-t in.,the Midlanda., The ovmnti -lie "Blaok Coton- Thurada. .r ate rarethse youasg acisoolm a te r, a elwt h i ut Th nreu ae ti tm eneX- try" 'is.,assur.doflarger propoir- Mar.co ni ,wirels a ppar3,tu.i was busines, a P»t s 'Pr itn oftse Stratis aJlgr ofa eidfrmnmm tions. as li h preadin.g to other the aneans co, prev.enting a -big Mar~- roy *A e," after as Part owaser -of thse Interest elleqes m ,1d oinvestors wca -wge y nsfled workerî lu idsre.cth 1 eades e l hiarof i. n- eafrIl 'xp.. or" -daI11ulb -e "r y e e lc <s h e s rk e b e gI n assert er i te i ti o n of .0 kitth e hAeee H ] . o Iriourca E is h a n n m e f -P ni a a e t - - x e d m lo a e u i i . C r h m î n t -is ee r a ~e thet 0,00 peo s e s f olceliiv ben set>e ii y ar, nn un.s-e e il muat H ua. o ay: Fe. oseerseniJle iMTE are oz at ik o lo k e e t, w ~ ere t ci zîb ed di t io.- Mo fP a n h u et - ,n d - thue , j <, j na sont- I 01 4 isPub l mc os: < 4ad-* cf t r, l n wihtt-iepetute m e Ï.isImâus.ning - i;g te rncam e e,- ntIoÉ:ftèu' i ilen ~tin fr CO FE E AT ON L FE BL S, 0R1d-O in i~~nglY ppovetn l#,om e otisriptiono hieda - It à ëUMtýp tatisaÃ"peperan-ivise plicanve eeasetp-eope 7aer tise or wtý.4aiký rlcèu'ot-îvee idùld'itrict. jloed t H, -' - dq I sadcllc. F !er ne ide - T e eee t Meion of the No a n irtd SIr . l ' a il e o s t,d riaadre o f-,- e s, ow ri P an"pd ave if i e ta' rwnI woruld. o ieAa efra eo rmeeo MARITIME PR VINCES1 it conveaseci ue malter ofset moat o tliqhiewh fax n.- n t- f h rg s c vi l ta g he t u ls. filnal 0fand e ds oe n d mm lgraesno ! b ut A ades n ato eestg io o heNoato f ie-sl -o no S ats iarce !tse»aIia Scotia liegialaatingm litwuonago!Taboutasforty-akeeXminutesB lias being Preseaste,!. Tlieytheeretii cf ay, wa. thrte n eek la tii St L uis Socety cf e< iea ad avîenI 1 on etise Paije al wo d-akcfr te- ie artfomance- orpemias aof BTS OF INtEWeS FROm PTHE dsessin as the aïthreeth rl is a- Reseah, that hehai aseum te at tept.l miues, rot-ënj t reseslan.*t hi La p d b' W v s c h e n. t , Sinc o ned - on , th rteeof curescacer. a i g h t u t la s X t' fsp e fr o notlm asAï@ my habt he D e o a cle n cntruoftdhn tise Atiant id. têu is ti thhre ged ye oncfthes t mro. pL. M. n.thycle banna or a e d E,! 'f;a tromeng---athe - c in . aI ie-d1, WM en h terame, te Pa ta oCN. ueet o -~~~~cl St Jhns, Xfd, ia *2,0 Jw es at c ntur . re sona le p rioc pre edin a nd ai s p Mi ee en tembl a s if alwame,! te b st ha rt,f-se p a t ti enand ad ý. Items of nterest rom Pla"ssessionWas the hÃŽttmyiatresumitloeselashthdt ssehrd a-tisa, tisabutthee realiseI,! tebratrsaes stuatle,,gskl j eAtl -- 'hi% ment sincê"odingdwratstarted tenthuranim-ual.con- H oe Tomirntesy-atenion hbitn thpie po- oa e au Il Wras. Te ploythé zP R5N psv a t a e u s a n i n :v a t o f t e CWa v e sao f cth ec e s e f os r a e ! b y e-re s t e R Ã" s e , a o t i d'a"in s . s s is a t i th<to il,! a so p s s b lb anel te !d fo r -J 6 t un da .berss teeit, ei bills -ewereperatisa orda A:anyveredecomany.rWvtiaetthroa date rc-lSsa-W n 81,25 fr ti. ki derg rt~n b3r - -'A N w Yor jur awaded 12,. son iso ook ariybitenat l woi t sad I lict tiing isaIisas ver eenputsosible.et, -waleh.157bi e Atlantt. thi is th thirt enth y arof thé, t m. of ulýlihi.ng.the b lins frya tiseedarguments paue..,iolook a - Whtday. *ienah tfins a e penforman o sa an,!ntwconcO The ealiig atea er nik iha FlIht. ' -<If- Kna lp , Ont ha e r ui t for dý1tenddMYor tie souemb I oe r s 'lcsî eh- tl g th e n auth'o niî - t heCENl.ce de. l st, c' h ar e ci h e c a g ô a S. J h $ 9 2, ô z g a n j ~ ~ i W te,00 0m or t an ca ce f d dAbjo c , th hra . ra t h ènt, - tr s isel - h or a ires -~ ls t ess , S N ýD din wa sartd t t e nh-alcon lrtou me. T Prvlir an t e nio s n eIr tacO-,g negra i e, as.TIew1k- tspa aContabe oia, f-$,- on', Fenl aito hrryncr vieifor n jurites ahi~ceioes oa fr'isatd notheliste,2ega me ver- atéa. Debors.haslay. mdnT pise y e t esa[-"eP& suîgdqm ' td., 'Joh -rua oveBy,4 d e a ta r c r adss n e . ac e a-beh r m fa l d w a l v frsha t ' r ffl n t uJI t ie om y maido te so'd e b ti soybeul no alea tsetlg-.r ndnr wyec.pddatTn N RI nc rTurnHO aME t haî . m.Yaolf lisz, hô e fothesfa fon s nilicprapnce o tis Wie try PIA WpI Augu25efo rth ier, a e n eaAkew rko h ita c f a u 6 0 nlsBn i-G onts-hotook sisig? nt'd W~~i gC xegya n s otheedd u jurywharfed- 12St. JohnrstN-.B.,t 1rop- ronstanhng ahhabaf heursee outWoednes.ter -a - fo "Ytan -ta f in to eeam wi .l arlmal tej fr er. oh n d eCu oras, mail- edaý ci wlebatiwQr. Frech PiarMonesa red frein Tun An0uto isIa N fierl., nuse, r<>f W b ityte rgmete s ta tIing fhor te a irs otte o!Vigilace. t 'Tl s o fl nc.ta es ti e a ti n hi is r ea ulte ,! a d tise9 at fivesteamroErik -dis- la the oaiadtr a n rn-set s n e i. or 1h. phaformanje 'R ails..1-oyrts- o faon- aciuppesal a o Deorais. heviglitd--- Stocks cfiercdfa h é at St. John . s vei a Ra e a 1.3, h v g f wth psi, ae co bt ud ha seia rdoneý'ubêë , ! me neaseg , g-is te fir t esrf r cei eýrm ollo t M.,it ein vaue at$8,46. A dsptà romRom sas Tle mllinfO t ea l t I, ould d fac y e tise is o lraid a chg ek al ah i tie. erfa -, t ii. pr en tu a e ig- te m cle on y a c to ra P sa for th T i r m e riýaor 'w ll tt o he r o eoownimo nirii ou qer o s lca tise, ù,ca p as-o !-iz pn d cing a ira. - Ca n st a ye T o b ei , h a p atoe n p u poF rfe npc hs h n g h i a upin ni e n v O a g f ei H i n u r t V in de us o n c a r rye or n thés. m o al pl y. 3f . obterb d u o fb r -ert, . J coheno'sth raurs 1t p e rNewforkinurcas i 11. e r tha ne- a e ta adýny au,!enee I , e ver a,!i. bor MasianrPae Teni eton a nutmben o! ài n a e n o n , u t ap e a t Pl i a a n d b e e n e n g a g e c i . t h a - t i s e m a g i s trnl eyr e nddr cioan So a7vbct ? I E D ICco u Monoon, w N BXun ave b een motoPlotars et Sir Jhn A.a-ion aasd tise com any wanot ifite,! thei& r let in g h eir h a n s ru a- at l r g e. r a i sè dT u nim e n d 9 r c o ckuB ig u n wal ntostt ele a e ffIra tise o urse lo!th l& ef o t aren ý Sm G e oge they'a snc o th e p e t t s l y i e n ! C E C ,c r e YeI C R , w . h litp as ro b d ist nctefab55,000 anciin , il-ït war strenth oree y .ble 1an oit d-m y orti e ias tie a ya. g gy a A t u A u t e m o n r i er ,a ti e s u se n io n A C ( ;e00 0 e 3 4 , 0 0 tPla t r n o ins on o ! C a a d a. 0 f a al6 e ,Sy o i e t l 0 h x e t , i a s e u t N I E f f ç n i Dng wh rf- t.t. oh , N B. dr6p tee a d a hal h ur on W e nes ho gve gsta f ui son * ie t ureOS aevi r nt o wmill e f uR v nth adertr.,! a 2 Itu icige St Jh n, Nt o.B. - v. ceok-n'h ci n erae bi g a d-efrtend A terp, eis nethe,!vI tstfàý a is ul s godiu o A en an ets as te rct tags-Frcàa Tise ity ahoolso! S: Joh, N. eman able est c 7, 1 and 80 Lige an i~amnur. -. thughYth prpect ineigt'mb their lace, c ctioas menic. Butil iili pobinS sshe oponIa ra Weî ideax ake fr hoay a ilt 'ro rand e pron' asd Ot'w le t te entti e ae lghe otis e r ai to! ise coattu ac -ahe'd a areredte a sare urne,! l thown. Tise hn stean er nealdodn, i ie pouc o se sor oft iseseorh Whe ife Artr uNI.t n ler Rueo h W. H. Cleorp oinn t Otoatheha '.ce t T st cf Re len 1 m o a b ut t à'tell ing uni ersm'-in te cb py o f rono cmay a nI ni av ilisanie at t Jh's Nl., t o e r-cl c ham ing cow o! Ca in- yaefidé H amty. owaind Cusone horvati e aja niî oulr e - awis lay.M r.influn in a is otiry ears.of perol. jL th retun tri lie ew Yok on uneýl. Forthe r- bmn!cerfeeîly audne. S 1Jhn looe,! at cibes ore acstae bnsn ubr irsim rater s d ibtfuhî, asdthemapn x i dcin. flyartiiz ia r-T 35in iceergst wit-h 42a- radiu s f tda RPeer Cano clate ofthe tÀ desrp ai frni Whavpeg a-ay ad ayu i bir s twnhp n Wet 1 6 ta a c onallegatfo -!the ancafbu e mlls an ise G and anki.with .'A. C. Dany 5-hool dci ise tst- A nia ohryn k, a alicran w- Midless aan au mry tak titheonefeopl tisI - Ie refrmer are hanis. - Monfcainfigureslas con ninedin- anci etpedults, s n ds, ma-a, d ed Piahaia ieao lae u is tule cvi i hn A wiîî be pos il t rae'ën mred a-yovi . )r letting ther lFousmayn-maklarge.yreshuf-TeuFou ataloacid isyBtioeumlacaî.inButse the ul,! notompany wa notîj5eM thâ C r e an T fi ne a o t s new a e y, C 1 60 p u c u t r,1ean -l u ' da f e ne f hu e -s I b e our seo it. ! w rî yo Sir o rge 1y at me n lis a t e ae y. Th neno h R ' a shoR .w Lai, ts eld u ld r es- a nc ,> u as 8 6 o n s trç gt b-tis Xmyc f rom 40, 00 ba o e n o n e o itat ite ri ly a f wfo e hr t semeof"p r eni . Soeui f C na y - . e r 5 5 0 W a s th a r t e r h r m o n sr afPu le r mb is l d ef i rat r s a n c e in t n e p a isyaei e.r d ct o s a e i u n- h n P . I i i + o 80,00 an ten sua c n800. h eer bthens'squsioneÀ by any peu80in00 t eo n ,00 t he of atocri0 o iir on is phca a g a cif , an,!of tis. for is pur ae o! ec hng gera mraslt The~~~~~~~~n new ulp nui cf tis H ongca aw ed apt euDmini n. a-nh - m oh - The -.Do mi er Thve r l b ier toa-a d A ucî sg a o n t n e elwing o!th e appm o t menî. humo bam an or t prcas e m o it sA caspatch.r O t it y n, N B, are beiSgr edt:J h ,N e ma k be T s f 7m1 n 0 L atc dlthng&- aduir..a ira doat, nd eiiely o! hu mpleîiyn an will e lu peraton GOL LINK DAMAO D. Zos~-ynk, wholutalo la tsetlis-eeaaclt iorsighitg mn. Pesonaly b. T LEPRO JU inSc. a-ked b tut. oyalincleo elomcramerac OntatSirhnlise goal tbl f - rada te prehibit th nian - fil pctosesforethes from burns suppos- e Conevatsi ive lea er Os o. ocsontsy car es2 yAc 1 remeraefuly tnied eRsa-ve h wif., sesion rand Witisout ise fDéborah o!fa ,n'ne7.Taea at ha-t a-nN nteWrPt.- - i nramun aN N.B R E- <Ti o f mur- yuthfuh mem tebirquoing iise nelis ide.A tep aemd torvelt ilth cf aris hen the.163 'un A dspaIc frm Ca-uttah- aige hpo net i nsiidlsx ak wîfrîii dy Ha itenVi nn a nd Ot-or Potllus phipweu A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W s ak Ov r f u fe t l n T H C he- paig f Gtis em -t a-at -a f- m nt'cb a anni ci n gOth - & <tli nd ar r por ed ichveety'ù ddwn. T Th tae eea Groro a' ise crendtov esonof te iot rauitla o-vn<ietdo r00csfm inls.tlpohecn-m ag -'u ~1oe fra get~ he ro d s e r f tav e t e n a a f ai i. t sa t se w e a r ac t 'Tio r an t cfir Boha boac t i t,tlgp a g b h n e h - P retuby Tm a 1 e e nal mn pt re l t e a--b n f a-if x T , yg -ol l ck ha-t m ,i se pow o puCa - f n t s fha idl ty , Inmepdete p er e ty s r . i o n1ies. - wte e a e l Vl eaJý n a a i s- pro. ,w a3 baiceberg te h a r a deius fro Ian sa. it ueîC rno uc an s, er charges macle aga W n p e g sb y s:er Anhi d ou lmLe a nd isut. dtancs bu.7 ies' T etra~~f lem le n h G ad a k. Yu a Ptthetwnhp- n We hI av ben o nouiislain tha t1r- al salt-ais nfc mevasa wiic wascari n- amgCi.o ai r Sd-y, adi cah dst' s Abni. - Sise la a-ic i ta have Midlese an d yo it bi u a be tsetdone ppei tattbereorer reph50 esâca fore-a m ngene it iand thefra eut licrdoe e r li, mni îub inte pt b lg ea-eion extrct O r ou 'raotiier' portion yo-Reaa nhpc iticl dBtitaat frcm wh ]M'ttIS dt~'~i We a ce thfra il orthJ Symes ey, founi2 tisra. th tse uofhainbhauhn n- ci.as e ec t ha'o it t dl oeemproot. 'lie 5 possun iblti o *'hastablsmore h17a'rýt'en. c a um r ewerycf Firile,4.B.,wa-spro-necece wuld ren t t fu l ige ad Miraka tien beiasg bis homaer.4ithe aeopl showt a t thf I T ise acf E hyL1 in, lien 'of w - R U D1do. 1-60,00 and te insurnce $18,000.hâveteeey burneciuaf-rom ayher aboy ew ourhs atrhi w aWeas, an istave~ nce pa- lia tee producionsgar buton _I cul-t gos a iiswifePotios f Tei Boie Pikd p ohength pocentsrrfived. flir Jeoh's I d b 2iforai r the Inurptnie o t in rVtin.na', "oW W o r l a s i a c k a - B e l s I a c i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i s a . i m e - o W i ' e - s a a i t a n d w t h - ae Th'emy hPua Mi- for thRé<r-ipnodned i;the D minio.,'0 l le'on tiior of f e . ~ > a -a Iod, Lbeusoeran0,faileC avep-ver 100 Yatierandy. - ochi- 'Ia IdO u ot Ieling or di-c-l. ott A. -Tii sPatdstehd i . ,--q t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a c th r i nn ie paa o t. A ce p tl r n o t ~ d e u to b Fr L Dlot ig. 10 îakRe s pe ,a a iration ýfSir John' 4' ato rs r..,are mpei ta hir rac65 nedpltio cfdyn- -tis e in.bdt, o n d cralafly Of he The ts .ni-ord h)Mp e utio a do i l c n o n watork it G O La-F ractor jj, t utîlce DAi o e is M a t r h n R s e e ea ' ny i în I 'ss g t ay w î y n e R g ir q 1eý7 , tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Zornk SotsrsSoel.alwy othTnsd-,-ulc fvema asFIe i lji m te diienssua. 1' fo pckngme.OW ro nalli e s--as E LEploed 1C USC f t a Hi a a r e t e s w n t a t i i l r atmany o hI.T i . - A d s p a e i _g f r m o - d n , u p O t . . e l 'd o me c mef net at d ét8 e t hePî n o a t i _T s . - . w 1 e . .n a Cspeh boti eaeO n onefI roph heynes., _ ______ t t kThehd wo ftillam-ceatig ta ot dtwhveasnsstihaahnli eti te obya-igSi eOgeIýh C rie y-_f ___r _Beln al nd inpra_ - TU 1ý our« 'Se f rce 'Cents an hour twenty milcu. Tisemekiedwr toni. men n.» a-eclfor eighî b l<>w by lam s, nd dsoicn-- -4 4b": io an t hi C arpetars' ivages, in Hai- their bdîs " e e p è- up o ve n i GatPlea ant wilf iew vraane if noM» ?5 ta 45 100 yardà "out ' PithekMediterrn Gat. Iý. zahur. aa, - t 'tIwe n fbutth " r- e Newundilind fisihig s choêi= - Il- - Iu~wl,-bT isear-EdîN. Hrd arSv. atSydney, LUXBUISETRDAi te Thuse ie -8N aving on board two hlaf- BRISET] ]Ai abthièhus lattisa tarveci Frenchi sÀlIons, Wh, ha-ciDIed l4te;Sdbr, i.y.'hc a n beau adri-tin h an open, boa-t for four a- uenI':x ubr -ed-h ro. A a-s< They wane separated froni- Yn u4lny' - .a h brkn thoir ship ir a kg. - AdsaeiferNrl a a~ a bPt ket A new. ca-bic boa-t, te Cost 8250,-.-JOhn Hifenry: Creery, -ýlUmb'e-an .kep ~e1 ci-Oe lu baing built la France tt ake<Spgctone elwoifraryo romè,n had been the place cf tue <>1<8Contre Admiiral-I es-ent, of4hi6d - the Quesrot, and sh titpalien Ca-net on doingrepais- work on tise Sudbury, :-,ere.Icldely -onThr' ii* ase .1 had wo- ta-salanho <ables owaeci by day. A pa-per, whic iad eontalaned the- French Ca-hie CoMniy. The strychninLe, '"a.founc inLais. roont. wh sa-% fivi the B-, bel co fo u B . s 'tg ve eau, 77is cipate pings. 6 a ys . C U ba. B ak e r , O ! id o u t an d ho taa yÉ,"ne -ua F ,a » &Ea~ yj Bri ck S tr e t u, a . w e l k n o w a au r- ao d b sisaëvro r . -è s s e on ýLhrsda-7 'mornhng -byihbrk ingfhi ptcoli. outtaide hi -bed- The1 r c tQ m w i n d q o W , a k r w h en e ,a r o - T h e . 5 2 5 0 1 a a a t o * t % d i * fihd w th um oke 'and'h t- 'is -lice"e __t,ýït eu dughter'-t-i gan-diaugltereanda ¶"~a-,: ,partial a-uü cftoi&on. Athoug . hm-, h ,tee_ 1 . f'aioey uffected, ke»mnaged PIraya ccn»te Torn-oi il a only art to,cPen the. citors a-d ' ldew e in. h*lg_.-ap 4 fed lue * a o ie o tÏino. The. emoke issued 'fro m a- arr i ta la onte lt;ls i dIItraw to ve -Vha t 'id lsoen lig it-e ci an d be an, sxbbi ôn ,_6 pr di ktose d&ipaid before retiring. '- M . Iïo.t- 1llë,b ou,at .Baker-atoc isi famhly are givi-rîng lin- tia-t wisicb h ie i llmted credit to their canne res- Ioat tlolonte, . in- teoa-,ofD o u ï r . thiw e er,1. t a t I 9 rati w - d l# e s- 'Neverîiess, t ~ -uaf for this vîew - IekEihis, wîle of o---4sdpher ranci ierîsc -t her ulest saut nied -People, he -- theineseles andi-- eu nd'ipse lu Ofilia n '.Yes, 4lue' saw ca-ch_ Coli wieoct-as; a-nd meet- wltht cfcaul~equain buhi;nlg aven wý,lti tal.h'cnts and eV enit of tlieir cc_, Tise resuit is e is - n-ût-o-îru q case p'erhaps.- Thi M9 ugptrnons and -wr - ne-orons- Lard t, "O-uffr f,mnerv-es sedi rmpetty i is c-ertamn tisat- t. _tii tt hV la S wreckc Mr ing-miages "i WW11M have sa veti, aântiM rs. MlyW ize - t,-mchac organized:Lfor 11ie o! keeping tise1m Englanî'i 1 taras Ïa tia gossip reac er-a and iihekt devt villagýes. khome-i ail tise tongues w inse-ed cstise _£çlbo-i "meûn t tsloada l-o.E~ n-gland peace a-rad Wulet- scanmda-ions g6seip- rach'tertÃŽsen would1 M . G. 0. 23, Th 1' -lzat-antly o-then lur enajoýineci W-. G. village goSïi4it ai thle burning ifsu - ospas a t-iisthe -s cran_ be coneabout spnsible etc. -Apparently neouon sa-y lidefence of t] yet it loudu' h ouf t oVme sort- o!cl b imeans conr anit àwauVt de- ta l ,ter sQuls cia,' tliat. ' týowns are moee mali e-ur;Ois tisan. otier- iheîltiboswt -tisan ut-h the -viii aostcpraparties lt stens tisa-t-- plvii'ical neason -b whr w onien should apart from the ver%' judcice which 4cxist-Ili v"Srîîckinig, srays 1 .4a London phiysicius- - the saie effet t)1 '0 sitNv'b Monsct SPaJ th 'pSion-'alterc eitatLtii cf tisa ,sal who'se secretious. So gepîi«C,1. tht- si1ik, Moteaxer, il isas -bei it - atrrlî-Les thsesali-Va ira reail; -ben'eficial il puiut Vf the pckssible- -tise focts tiseniselves. '-Bjt_ with womean pe-iME,euthamtisl esv i t-yco hile ti htei syhose salivary st u i,uaed andcisteril n;'a ery- large, fù -ii weeieu1 -on 'flic 0 -u'ery nv l vnl hav;e been u abituai vearr. th. action a! t f4ound t1 'lie- Iess -nia êlutest. negll Dr'.- Qtht, ioinion thatj .." vMU 7 %o TnROnTfl

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