Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jun 1913, p. 4

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ElditÃ"r Farmer, ô!t te Port- Peirry- Star,' -fl publishing from week to, - . week Instalments o! lis history. ofthe. . distrlct *under, thé Ut-le, "On the R ' Sjxhoes -f Scugog." 'This histôrty lis - *written - n very readâble form, and - =mst prove cffninel jnterest tere-ad- 1 7 cers of the Star-and prove g valuable uiuagay I~~ *adflltioi1 te the - hstory or Ontario ~ rm o* O Ax pretty girl likhtly holding lthe -latest t.hing, in Wbster's dictionaries -the lIndia paper edition- aboe fe, icber,worth perliaps:tes l llio n dollars B134Y 0 .XN~ ;uM[R1 ordinary frMini sewell knx>wn toever' C~adIaiis.are outtiqgý off fhIetiu 49e ono graphically llustrateis in, the 1pub- bratt0 rt ! IêbDrd lSv-Pureez--f'Qit- cifeëc--$i ishers' advertisem4ixt elp0heré' n ,acre, or-ciglit billion- board- leet- a mërer o I- ilI b. tbis issue cf the Chroniele sP-d.Ga - 10,legé' elleville,- - lJ iy ý i4t zette the sdvaàcemen.t m*de by T é. i fire legs -g -estimated te b. 950 Thie follo.Wing.,leaders for tAie,* WeÉ&P * Mierrlams ln their n6w Interntitlonah iboard feet per acre per aivnm. Work have been .'eueIlu Bible -The cs t cf prcducltilbok asfW ar wngg rm11y t wo Stiidy-Rev. R. Bamiorl, -Ibeen enormeus-over $400,000. lVt is'hundred millfin dollars worýtliO! thus Misslon .study-Reiv. G. W-. parling, ln- many, wayrs a wondçr!ul -Mev- tiinber te burn hùp.,ývery, yesr. 13-A., Rey. IV.G. .Clarkèe,, B.A., ev'4 nment cf the art preservative of- ait. .,Wrse 'than tL, we are biarning- -r F. -Chapmaw, B. A., and- Geo. F. -arts,-priatlug-as -well as beiÙÈ prac- oggrewth, foret -itter and 8011 Stewart., Esq., B. A.~ -$ Teàchei * tlcally an encyelopedia. A comptent f rtIllity c hundrede o! thousande of Trainfng-~Rev. F.L. Farewell' B.A. asuthorîty prenounices it tobp l te acres. That means -otube ntheie ld- Secrettiry -of Epworth Leagues =most remarkable bingle volum7e ever future for. our chIk1dien ad chîldreni's and Sunday- Schools ,. and im add1tioft tpblee4 hfldren. Forest ires çfflitlad ma4, ta the teoching st.ýaf asabove, ad- ~ t * deserts. *dese o methode,et..yRe.. Toen weaithY Presbyteria nmen, of Wth the trees and. on r .,son,-., on * To;onto, have subscribed a total of go ' h t s d oung gvr-,- wtb ý< O6rni Re A., D-B.D., Repr John $100,000 to psy thce epenses o! -dele..rosai otcvew t artie,7t: Rv. rnel -imB yieb eprs-. gates te thie Presbyterlan Congress ~rudut4lpwl thli~tyave W. meiiewsiary Socle- water and SOU together. Ploids Coôme tad esa ..Seat . held la Toronto frein Saturday last fendsrcswieete-re avead-Y. E. O'lynn,-K. C. tHI Mollday. The names o!fl t heen iemoved.- ae:BorfowekFve o- phianthropists have net- been reveal-lie:ÉgsrfQ O ÃŽ'a- cd. Here is s case c f- net letting the Fl! ty per ekt. of-Canada '18 c aps-,isrton Oe olr * le! t hand know what the right band alJogrwn ret cropsand neili- is aciag.-Many people wlll th'lnk that. in&eIse, W8it is an luttance ô! a prodigal Only a fractiogi o!f i absolute for-' onotY.u tm c waste cf money ; that- if ths 00,06est ares is grcwing trees as1-t jmibt -W. psy flot, this- tr.tu..u fi w Lad been crpended In direct 'mission- The rest is comparat-ively unprýoduct 11510P'OhPl '11eIdgs ary work in the fore'ign or home field ie :05adDsoea moegodmgt aebenacop.JWe canilot liv. withSot -wood. EV.. ý ~sa Talts remedy- Ilshed. But is that the case ? Should eryt-hing frein leteuses we live o ~ po*p rtie oCepsin thec ccugrois resuit ln the awakening t h ok .rn smd ftc n iiuSand tiL neu -my-car- 'of severai tliousànd delegates te theprcduct o! *the fereet. Wv muet hâve uininativee that hsP natumete , l omotac f missionary work, many i. *.- athegatriq juice seinis. times- one hundred thousand dollars To keep us in tmfpuip, an eju - tin5ldspI They lud the * inght be contrbuted te msions aý a able water supply, fIsh amiï game, we ntmc t .eod and to quîcidy result~~ But that the Cogess wxa must have trces.covti. toihrebodad .T materBut necessary for overooming b ave tuls résult le extrernely doubt- On the .. pr.airile, shelter: bel-t and - ~ b~~wso * fi. he pirt c mcsinar gl-in Ioodlots, are protecting crope, stock Ca se. tRas-aDs Es sualy thng ! sow rewh, and hôuses from the extremes cf cli- popsia Tabieto cinycta* vet pocket, land ule netth r et 8o0*a mowetryMate, and are previding the farmers or keep thexn in your rmcm. Take and 'e netheo! snt ient o eoticr. ith fence, peste and str-ingers. oesa< eeah eavy meal and prove 1 oe~,alîemoereisae d- The Domieton Governinent lias sup- ger stion tint bthey ilf kep ndi -naive an wil bvetile Iflunce - plied twenty-flve million scedlings te We.know what Reitail Dyspepsia - and * hve- sIfluettce.s.Tablets are and what s>h wil . We garatethemnt rejeve jnd. Aninenel lteesln ad igly Millione are beig -cent eut annual- gestion and &dyspepsma, or te refund t imprtit~cntrbuia t t-e itr-ly by nursery coxipanles. rmoey, if they fail te do; se. 'Imprtat -ontibuionte he îte- Thre s ademnd fo milios DeWtit stand te reason tint wc ature of ceusum ton, et asit is call- tr t ead frmlin wouidn't assume titis mâouey risk were ed b thedocors,--tbèrelosi- l Tabetswill satisfy ycu? Threee, - îe- tes- c us-reovey JhJL~ -The expérience cf treplaxnters ad T~ct50ensan L .-- -Lothrop- wtiiee la this weelt's Col- - à' aa --__ ___ You eu buy ftexall Dyspepsin, Tablets llerte,' whlch by the way lias beau mielionilmore. eDnifrtu c ntil emnty onirat Our store: * *---popularized in prive by reduction tb millinstmore es nth oetA. H.,ALL.I N. lve centM a .copy. six nmonths ago W ms hv tes a he&ret*wî 1.o ntasto bemorîh-ages were of daily occurrence o te rireo end ane, ln '~~a eBoxitStore in nearly t aa. dat safd le l ti~fBC.townc an-d cities. and at -iahsUnited States, = = n ai* * Ho h ra t h ga n theii favce It takes ycnrs te grow irees- not Bian.Tesis aoenR~ fruaunclcl ac -hodd oVi~~ heurs or days. e hfor~ the paz'tcuiU - - ~w t tret th dred mandy n~If we want' our trees pratectecî we WO ,i Moriii ecmede !inely found- a friend la one who toîd must care for thein now. Tc-'day is fi!- TbROI SafaoAud' Outi hlm- the, way te get wvell again, -or.- as ty yenrs '¶age" from thIe year 1993-»igSOI le .putc it-"'Back -te býile"- makes and tin e nt very far away. an abscrb'ingly interesting article. Ail Canada's modern developinent, TO- BEE OR NOT TO BEE ? frcsh air and cane living are the se--Gcntcderation, the great railways, An exciting incident eccurred in crets, >bt eget hn st ind the growth cf ile West, most great Whitby on Thursday evening lmet, - eut but te gFat VIeinf s etinfasmachines-have coen lueVle mt fi!ty jwituessed sud enjoyed by a lag gained ' n entrance into Vhe systein. year. o hc a re wd of people- who gat-hered. Peo- The discussion of the question cf how -Thc seedlilge !tht dy r-pie wîo eaw the crewd eou-the rond t he disease is contracted us worthy et scarceiy more than île timber now. hurrîed tethspt;asigvice most careful considcrntion. 1V is one Fif ty yeare is a vcry' sort time in sop îltoewspthpassngvehifus of civic interest in every c'ommunitY' tîle 1eof a fcrest. Most o e! îl hee un sfoppthe be olun- and fuit * * g her being cut la British Columbia te o-tor thewasfr tiiepanoes. ioug : -- The town of Whithy lias reason te day le more ta two hundred vears1 Tecîein th-tr-o'ýoeyasS ledgra-ifed t te rsul cfViere-ci-sec f it is over- eigh-t huî,dred tesoyFrsn er 1,eel st-tifed t th reslt f th re-Olda coleny cf tane becs have made theur a -cent test cf the tvaterworkc cystein. Yeare old< -hoie iu île, cornice or gable cf the - The Oshawa- Vindicator o! mest week, Thbre le a cribis comng when the hbuse an Dundas Street east lately W noting thc fact that Whithy's test1 forests whieh for a century Mcan have vacated by- Mr. Geo. Dryden and pur-- wns se, satisfactory, made Vils comn- thought "liaexhaustibIe" are geing te chaeed by Mr. Laidflaw. The latter, ment :-"IV is tVobcle opcd Whitby bc gieatiy depieted..1 haviing corne improvernents made td m"ade a h-ter-shwing-tA! did Oe- Wemut rear17fr0hs cnVa-îlebose9dsiedo4avutc4ee lcadtan; Forestry Association will lec'Per cent Per acre per annum n temurd u tebeswr otdie hlid la Winnipeg eou July 7, 8 sud -9, fQrest lands under management. away neec r d to bes erantdilres Tfwe set the fire ross agaînsi the mained a menace spd nuisance' otec F'romiý bullJetin recently sent eut timber producit, Canada's fore-biai. r desi e fthîe boüse and te île - W Mr, ame Lawler, Secretary cf suce sheet shows an enormous defiit.wrenoîlrpas Jiho til A îe;a l.!otwlgprsonIo naCndin so lels etcy will bc got rtd of le yet an un- grplis e 41eain-c . arreet the waete ? selved problcm: Vas'steret, area le about 800,- There le but one answer. j0üq-- hgunds- Public opinion, Public interesi, pub,. Sittocf Ohio, Cilty of Toledo, sine mlx le-colhcience are thc-.only frctit raklsottathl Snr- tartotomeatile Ira- willl ever malte for prog "lrPrese - uO.rnet« aeCtt lhatObe -e o. o -fl=ýordlto e ress.rtnerof the fiijý. j. C and sta&; P., PREblouNT. ,,W. o MATTHOEWII, Vlcs-PAbsNT« DOCIXTi Ooerul Mansfor.- - tu*ifpi- ttm*OOO. iotal Assois S7,.ObS Keep Money At Home ic savingsofo!à l!fetimne-or yotframylace tient ed Ia the DoiWntBantktheywtl îbe eartig MOH : A. A. ATKINSON, Manager. e - A~. .AO1Ç U Thec Cout 5eicînali.'it -- 'eau' Dýated nbticc--th whe sald tonso tc, havîan -regard -onIy- ' uo tlw e nfi O wiliîch tley SWh.Jlirbave notice,'. ad.-t ati't<iesaid ejCu- will hotibe lhable for_ -le éad< o r any part tIere! te Ray Mf or perseus oet whose -ýclaim shall net -ten have r'iedro eed $ 2 90u 5c andiG - ihevery Welj ROLI'Eug IATES GEO. H. 'LOTTf &LBERT- 'LOTT, Oshtawa, ,,,cutoms ibhis 22ad day o! May, 1913. Notice to iCteditoirs. - In the matier o! tic ceinte of ~urc Bond, late o! île Twu!Whiby in the County 'o! Oata-rfo, tnr, -deceased. - - - Notice le heby given that aIlïpýï- sens having any laims ir deu:.aiàs agaisitithe naid, laie Cba:i,,s ýBond, who died on or about the 2-ithdey c,! December, 1912, ai the- Town eo! Wbit- by, in the Ceunty of OnLarie, are ze-.. qucsted te ecnd -by post, prepaidi or -deliver te AnnE. Bond, of ilie said Tow- o! -Wiitby, thc Administratrix, o! sald etnte, -ticir nanes a-ilo ad- dresses, and te full partic'ilars in writing of titeir cdaims sud, fiTate mente o! their accounts, and the na- ýturc o! île securittes, if amny, bld by And furiher take noVice êFhat suter thc I0th»day of June, 1913, tfie said Administratrlx wii proceed to dis- ameng the persone entitled the11reto, baving-regard only te thc :laims 'of whldh:site siali tien have-lad notice, and tînt île said Administratrix will net be liable for the said asseis or any part -tlpr- *tcanay pèrsen,,, of *Poe Cclaima eeshall net thea bave received notice. Dated ai Whitbyr tii 21st.-day o! MIay, 1913. -49 ANN E. BOND, Administratrix, by JAS RUTLE-DGE, lier Solicitor., COUNTRY LOOKING -FINE. Tic writer enjoed a day lu the country lasi, week, and came home -nthusiastic over île-bcnuty o! South- Ontario during May and June, WiVl orehards sweetly abioi, the suit lhining brigh-tly, the air baimy with inmost sunner lent, île fields ýgreen wilh grass or -giowiag grain. aumi thc -pavements, per paàir r. 90& stock. o#bie - afiwprits .l7cup C1~TLk~? ARE AVERY SUITA îE -~ WEDDING GIFTI. JMCINTR THE HARD)WARE J NEX r THE POSI ,FC innumerable trees heavy -withi fôllàee, time. We saw here seleral fine Shet- M~ M~i a Iohr the conditions -were- idéal for adn@In oteoeo c ad berives, ld«. hae, aito-bb.a tlirough thé country. ln ois n fwihhdbe eu0& 'jt-û-eëU The sho îng for I r it ndi ate a~ Purchased a -few days -p rviously in . and t>ro w v 1 6 a h3a y.e nu. uxiesa the rec nit fr stafrom - M r. John N eill. T his. W eigh ing 18 Of¶> have done damage, and tis IVas ot pQPy, with aniother, a handeome gray,,. We- Iejred wilsu knowni at tue ime._ had been sold to a Winnipeg newspar. you.g wson t.-mr'x. zv i M n fne r ps o fal h eat per,, to be given away -as, prizes in,lyrtle., w hoàad been daut ensDiom contest -now being held by thaît for sojue moeths;- :-a seen, also fields of rye', 1c were paper. The Winnipe aprlisPu- ii>-y udld h ay heeanou t e finer.124 Qik 172 chased sorne filteen ponies for slgp- ,lkçd to,' îfè vfllage., see o te armcfMr ~olii it ~ment6 west, tw& « them being from, mai lias 'hadl a lard trt ford, north of Aghbur..Mr. Wilkin, -and' f1ve froux Mr. JohxL Sosie moaths, anirga Wc oud nt few aierslathiMlIer. The -prié~epald was. undei-' aȈ stremgth wIl ~be greatl fields, preparing the groumid for- corn stood toe 810'ah or roots. Ail the land was dry andb X5~ah workable, not as" la many seasons when the low-lying land would be, even at this season, scarcely fit to go upon. Some complaints were- herd as to S rn _ o t e the backwardness of tiie grain -crops by reason o! the cold weather, but for the Most, Part à spirit -o! optimism prevalled as to, the outlook. An enjoyable hour was spent at the We carry only the -Laei Sye iJ4e lovely home'o! Mr. Jas. Wilkin, near Women's,- Girls'" Boys' and Lilttie Tots' _Fa Ashburn. No Ianky editor is allowed y0 to, depart hungr from the Wlkin's e)t1ie - rywearinithe finest leathers, Patent Kid- Pat home, esPeclalfy if lie caîls near meal- Cot Tan,. Valour and Gun M etailE also1 _____________________ finest of Vici Kid. Men's, Boys' and.Yoi grains, KiGps and Elk L speciaty. A cal sOli< we encicavojr -not- te "Liftthe Lath Y Tthelatikhoo pr tweepione door and, at once jgreet your friend or bui;ess assciate~ ve h.emay be. *et Bo ipe au. easy'it bU And-Yet how e-ffective. andbsnssH By tleon.You'm=y save osbyaln and tfresome tnp. you aysae helàboam expenseif travellin., Y1ou ray avei u'ume"esar ~îysave P practiall1alof.-the-, vuab&e IIÈîaê tat c migi h'iebeem a-wastèdbu , for theteehî. lVçgvryou wanfto -vedianyone, aaw.e aDY -time, why mot ue1h ucks id u Jua Lit Te, -fc-th ï& èt--dýun= ,iths' Boots- .deathers.- :ited. - an succèed .ion of oi iionfor SThe Gift h _ýbe a goodspaý man to be abli thmng exceptkà ~,You capi -,-v A beauiful flli JS plate. À useful csr :-A handsome bi (À set -of Pearl- '-knives. A-z erhanfdle W -A clock ofrich .wý Â pr. creain àan A fern pot. wA beautifully 1 4plate. WSterlsng silverE S.Sterling silver m , 'Derby-. wSterling silver i ,',': and china wa w Depos art ware- w etd. Ã" UR STORE w OIP toth ,kn. SLVE_ Sitenwsi-do- as cie-came eut 'cf le a ydouil who wasb evea" with lier -hecaus fused te dance witlhi before. "lHe bad - been dri hoiùbstly" do yo)u suppc S bei' weuld- deiiberately ('--'ithout ani- further-pr t pla- mentioned, in brou fore île eves (>?hcber sci you? Ldon't. - -At hic triaI the lawyt Ilm lv the court -teckL of defense possible and. prave insanity. TIei-P fanily records and prc f athe't lad hbeen arresteî mwss tweo hundrc d ires. fotirteen.. eart.- - Eren tat 4fence did freux a Ilic eutn B fa-ther Nwas broufflite t sent te Patton-as an le fatherarni son are bell- But the tw-cntv-six1 ruined the,-m-ahii mci -brethers of -fthe urne floirrish and -countliue maL-ing sot-s1 and crim1in Férris,,in allilornia Vr LclHappE Automobile- for lire Son'e7 garage. Plone 10~ A nunber ôf -tic memI al Sons oc! England, loi Oshawa ou Sund:ay 2&1 attendiug -uc annua. c! tic lodge l nta Prepare icriake iluth] Feterboro-on Wednèsdaj der tle cembinod ausE o! Engjlau'd sud the ' 4romWhithy, 4.5 Zood for twe days. 'We, hive,,île lagest to-date stock lan Whitlt doweui. Large _cash d Off for cash- ai M.W. 7 tre Excursiou te Model 'June 19, -by C.N. Ry. -The studonts of tle partment- o! the ua S lege -will -prosent"1 --College- Concert - Hall of Tbureday J'ttlce 12! -AdralssonI 35c. Seats JinWs drug store. - - nsiest, chocs o 1 i .. 1 Vul 0.

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